
Photo Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

“The soul has no secret that the behavior

does not reveal”.

-Lao Tzu

Photo Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

“New beginnings are often disguised

as painful endings”.

-Lao Tzu

Photo Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

“The heart that gives, gathers”.

-Tao Te Ching

Photo Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

“My true self is free. It cannot be contained”.

-Marcus Aurelius

Photo Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

“Can you polish the

mirror of your deepest

reflections until you are

without flaws”?

-Lao Tzu

Photo Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

“Feelings are just visitors.

Let them come and go”.

Photo Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

“Just be. Act without effort. Accept what


Photo Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

“Staying constantly

sharpened can wear out the


-Lao Tzu

Photo Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

“The journey is the reward”.

-Tao Te Ching

Photo Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

“Genius is the ability to

receive from the Universe”.

-I Ching

Photo Anne-Maria Yritys Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

“Trouble is caused by a strong sense of self. Without

a sense of self, what can trouble you”?

Photo Anne-Maria Yritys Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

“You are never given a wish without being given the

power to make it come true”.

Photo Anne-Maria Yritys Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

“A good teacher is like a candle, consuming itself to light the way for others”.

-Mustafa Kemal Ataturk

Photo Anne-Maria Yritys Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

“Chaos is another name for opportunity”.

-I Ching

Photo Anne-Maria Yritys Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

“Perseverance alone does not assure success. No amount

of stalking will lead to game in a field that has none”.

-I Ching

Photo Anne-Maria Yritys Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

“The superior person cultivates virtue by

bringing about revolution within himself”.

-I Ching

Photo Anne-Maria Yritys Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

“Clay is shaped into a bowl, but it is the empty

space that makes it useful”.

-Lao Tzu

Photo Anne-Maria Yritys Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

“When necessity and opportunity are combined, it is a rarified time where your

power to make positive change is at its most


- I Ching

Photo Anne-Maria Yritys Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

“When your inner world comes into order, your

outer world will come into order”.

- I Ching

Photo Anne-Maria Yritys Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

“The best fighter is never angry”.

- Lao Tzu

Photo Anne-Maria Yritys Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

“Empty your mind of all thoughts. Let your heart

be at peace”.

-Lao Tzu

Photo Anne-Maria Yritys Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

“When you show up authentic, you create the space for others to do the

same. Walk in your truth”.

Photo Anne-Maria Yritys Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

“Work on yourself first. Take responsibility for

your own progress”.

- I Ching

Photo Anne-Maria Yritys Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

“To see things in the seed, that is genius”.

- Lao Tzu

Photo Anne-Maria Yritys Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

“To slow time down, practice enjoying the present moment. It is

where we spend our entire lives”.

- I Ching

Photo Anne-Maria Yritys Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

“At the center of your being you have the answer.

You know who you are and you know what you


- Lao Tzu

Photo Anne-Maria Yritys Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

“When you let go of what you are, you become what you may be. When you let go of what you have, you receive what you need”.

-Tao Te Ching

Photo Anne-Maria Yritys Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

“Every positive change in your life begins with a

clear, unequivocal decision that you are going to either do something or stop doing


Photo Anne-Maria Yritys Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

“The ocean is everything I want to be. Beautiful,

mysterious, wild and free”.

Photo Anne-Maria Yritys Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

“Whoever can see through all fear will

always be safe”.

- Tao Te Ching

Photo Anne-Maria Yritys Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

“There are many paths to enlightenment. Make sure to take the one with a heart”.

- Lao Tzu

Photo Anne-Maria Yritys Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

“The Tao has no rules. When you run your life by

rules, you have left the Tao”.

- Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

Photo Anne-Maria Yritys Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

“Don´t look for me in a human shape. I am inside your looking”.

- Rumi

Photo Anne-Maria Yritys Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

“We are all just stories in the end. Make your

story a good one”.

Photo Anne-Maria Yritys Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

“Love heals all wounds. Forgiveness heals all karma. Compassion creates miracles”.

Photo Anne-Maria Yritys Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

“Confront the difficult while it is still easy. Accomplish the great

task by a series of small acts”.

-Tao Te Ching

Photo Anne-Maria Yritys Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

“If you cannot find a good companion to walk with, walk alone, like an

elephant roaming in the jungle. It is better to be alone than to be with those

who will hinder your progress”.

- Buddha

Photo Anne-Maria Yritys Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

“Do not let evil conquer you but conquer evil by doing


Photo Anne-Maria Yritys Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

“If a person seems wicked, do not cast him away. Awaken him with your

words, elevate him with your deeds, repay his injury with your kindness. Do not cast him away; cast away his


- Lao Tzu

Photo Anne-Maria Yritys Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

“Whatever is flexible and flowing will tend to grow,

whatever is rigid and blocked will wither and die”.

-Tao Te Ching

Photo Anne-Maria Yritys Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

“Success is achieved by developing your strengths, not

by eliminating your weaknesses”.

Photo Anne-Maria Yritys Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

“The further one travels, the less one knows”.

- Tao Te Ching

Photo Anne-Maria Yritys Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

“If you cannot be thankful for what you have, be thankful for what you

have escaped”.

- John Wayne

Photo Anne-Maria Yritys Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

“Care about what other people think and you will always be their prisoner”.

- Lao Tzu

Photo Anne-Maria Yritys Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

“Get into my head and learn my language. Get into my heart and speak


Photo Anne-Maria Yritys Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

“Do you have the patience to wait until your mud settles and the water is clear? Can

you remain unmoving until the right action arises by itself”?

- Lao Tzu

Photo Anne-Maria Yritys Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

“A secret to happiness is letting every situation be

what it is, instead of what you think it should be”.

Photo Anne-Maria Yritys Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

“If you do not express your own original ideas, if you do not listen to your own being,

you will have betrayed yourself”.

- Rollo May

Photo Anne-Maria Yritys Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

“Fill your house with gold and jade, and it can no

longer be guarded”.

- Tao Te Ching

Photo Anne-Maria Yritys Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

“Before healing others, heal yourself”.

- Lao Tzu

Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://‘Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

“A good traveler has no fixed plans, and is not intent on arriving”.

- Lao Tzu

Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://‘Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

“Appreciate good people. They are hard to come by”.

Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://‘Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

“The best thinking has been done in solitude. The worst has been done in

turmoil”. -Thomas Edison

Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://‘Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

“Before you can speak, you must listen, and you must listen a lot,

without resisting”.

Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://‘Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

“You cannot save time. You can only spend it. But you can spend it wisely or foolishly”. -Benjamin Hoff

Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://‘Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

“Be open to the echoes of wisdom. Its truth will reveal itself in time”.

Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://‘Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

“In gathering your breath to become soft, can you be like an infant child”? - Tao Te Ching

Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://‘Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

“If people were superior to animals, they´d take better care of the planet”.

-Winnie The Pooh

Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://‘Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

“You cannot make others happy, but you can help them to understand why they suffer”. - The Antic

Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://‘Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

“The only way to have peace is to live peacefully”.

Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://‘Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

“Tao loves and nourishes all things, but does not dominate it over them”.

- Lao Tzu

Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://‘Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

“If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading”.

- Lao Tzu

Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://‘Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

“Be still like a mountain, and flow like a great river”. - Lao Tse Tung

Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://‘Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

“The root of compassion is compassion for oneself”.

- Pema Chodron

Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://‘Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

“Stay at the centre of the circle and let all things take their course”.

- Tao Te Ching

Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://‘Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

“Peace is the happy natural state of man. War is corruption and disgrace”. - James Thomson

Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://‘Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

“A moment of patience in a moment of anger saves you a hundred

moments of regret”.

Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://‘Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

“The idea is to die young… as late as possible”.

Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://‘Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

“The words of truth is always paradoxical”. - Lao Tzu

Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://‘Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

“There are, strictly speaking, no enlightened people; there is only

enlightened activity”. -Shunryu Suzuki

Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://‘Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

“With appreciation and gratitude, we open our heart and let the blessings in life touch us”. -James Baraz

Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://‘Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

“The sound of rain needs no translation”. - Zen Proverb

Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://‘Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

“The Dharma is the truth that all natures are pure”. - Bodhidharma

Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://‘Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

“When your belief in you and your dream is greater than the opinions of others you will have mastered your life”.

Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://‘Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

“The 1st step towards changing our mind is to identify which states of mind produce happiness & which produce suffering”.

Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://‘Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

“Dharma practice calls on us to see what is really true, and to step out of delusion”. -Anushka Fernandopulle

Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://‘Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

“Forgiveness is a reflection of loving yourself enough to move on”. - Dr. Steve Maraboli

Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://‘Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

“A mind committed to compassion is like an overflowing reservoir - a constant source of energy, determination & kindness”. -Dalai Lama XIV

Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://‘Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

“With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts”.

Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://‘Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

“You have to go to the very edge again and again. That is how you eventually go beyond & stretch”.

Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

‘Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

“In the garden of my heart, flowers of peace bloom beautifully”. - Thich Nhat Hanh

Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

‘Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

“Your happiness is your responsibility”.

Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

‘Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

“Everything is perfect and nothing is permanent”.

Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

‘Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

“Ours is a non-violent war; it is dharma yuddha”. - Sardar Patel

Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

‘Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

“To meditate does not mean to fight with a problem. To meditate means

to observe”. - Thich Nhat Hanh

Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

‘Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

“Yogis love to be alone”. - Dharma Mittra

Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

‘Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

“No man should go through life without once experiencing healthy, even bored solitude in the wilderness”. - Jack Kerouac

Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

‘Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

“My love is unconditional. Your action is irrelevant”.

Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

‘Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

“No one is sent by accident to anyone”.

Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

‘Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

“Our ability to adapt is amazing. Our ability to change is not quite as

spectacular”. - Lisa Lutz

Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

‘Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

“All human unhappiness comes from not facing reality

squarely, exactly as it is”. - Buddha

Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

‘Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

“Your nature is the Buddha”.

- Bodhidharma

Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

‘Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

“Live in dharma, not in drama”.

Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

‘Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

“Find your purpose and follow your bliss”.

Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

‘Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

“One day, in retrospect, the years of struggle will strike you

as the most beautiful”. - Sigmund Freud

Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

‘Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

“We cannot change anything until we accept it.

Condemnation does not liberate, it oppresses”. -


Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

‘Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

“People will do anything, no matter how absurd, to avoid

facing their own souls”. - C.G. Jung

Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

‘Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

“Do not hold on to someone who is leaving, otherwise you

won´t meet the one who is coming”. - C.G.Jung

Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

‘Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

“The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you really are”.

- C.G. Jung

Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

‘Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys Https://

“Knowing your own darkness is the best way of dealing with

the darkness of others”. -C.G.Jung