Page 1: NLB SQA Journey Ms Ngian Lek Choh Deputy Chief Executive SQA Project Deputy Sponsor National Library Board

NLB SQA Journey

Ms Ngian Lek ChohDeputy Chief ExecutiveSQA Project Deputy SponsorNational Library Board

Page 2: NLB SQA Journey Ms Ngian Lek Choh Deputy Chief Executive SQA Project Deputy Sponsor National Library Board

Session Objective

Sharing of best practices asidentified by SQA assessors in NLB’s SQA Feedback Report

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A Quick Overview

How it all started….

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Building a World-Class Library & Organisation

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Regional Libraries 3

Community Libraries 19

Community Children’s Libraries 18

National Library 1 School / Academic Libraries 12

Govt / Special Libraries 21

Total : 74

The Library : Quick Facts

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Best Practices1.1 Senior Executive Leadership

“Outstanding leadership that radically transformed the library and inculcate a culture of customer service, passion for learning, innovation and excellence.”

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Centre Line: ISR Singapore Public Sector National Norm [N=29,805]

Percent Favorable

























-20 -10 0 10 20

Working Together



Customer Service



Job Satisfaction

Career Development

Reward and Recognition

Work Involvement

Vision, Goal and Direction

Stress, Balance and Workload

NLB versus the S’pore Public Sector Norm

Staff Survey 2004

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Comparison of NLB Leadership with Public Sector Norm

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Culture: Comparison between 2002 & 2004 Surveys

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Best Practices2.1 Strategy Development & Deployment

“Data-driven planning process which measured key initiatives using the BSC and systematically cascaded the goals to all levels of the organisation.”

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Linkages Between L2000.House Model.Group Level GoalsGlobal


A Networkof Borderless




Qlty ServiceThrough MktOrientation

SymbioticLinkages with

Biz &Community

An AdaptivePublic Library


L2000Strategic Thrusts


Group Level Goals / Group KPIs


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NLB’s Long-term Goals


L2000 (10 to 20-yr plan) L21 (10 to 15-yr plan)





2010 2015

DPC Phase 1

Development Plan



extended to 2007


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Improvements made to the Corporate Planning & Review (CPR) Process

Before After

Mandays 10,642 mandays 3,300 mandays

(improved by 69%)

Participation Rate

Est. 35 participants –

Deputy Directors & above

Est. 10 participants –

Top management and key process owners

Review Process Twice a year review –

Mid Year Review and End of Year Review

Quarterly reviews –

“Plan, Do, Review, Learn” cycle, more responsive to

changes in the environment

Accountability Diffused accountability Accountability concentrated at Group Head Level with the

dropping of initiatives and initiative leaders

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Best Practices3.1 Management of Information

“Effective use of IT to provide real-time on-line information to all NLB staff who needs to make the day-to-day tracking, review and decision making”

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NLB Information Framework

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Corporate Performance Measurement

Strategic Plans, Corporate Plans

Improvements are achieved through:• Performance reviews at CPR sessions• Post-CPR sessions closeout review• BPR2 Study• Adopting & adapting new planning tools

Provide information & data that can be used by NLB for

decision making.

Facilitate the development of corporate plans and strategies

Roles of Strategic Initiatives & Research (SIR) in Planning & Improvement Process

Provide information on issues, trends and best practices

Environmental Scanning

Strategic & Corporate Planning

ES info as inputs to SCP

CPM info as inputs to SCP

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Using MetLS of IFLA (formerly Intamel) to benchmark our performance

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Best Practices4. People

“Focus on employees’ competency, career & development and health & safety resulting in high employee satisfaction which is higher than public sector norms.”

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Linking HR Strategies to Corporate Strategies

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Culture: Comparison between 2002 & 2004 Surveys

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Workplace Satisfaction:Comparison of 2002 and 2004 Staff Survey Results

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Action PlanningStress, Balance and Workload

Focal Action Areas • Work to identify the sources of load & stress• Re-look at manning levels, manpower deployment,

part-timers budget and outsourcing• Flexi-working schemes for more functions

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Best Practices5.1 Innovation Process

“The process to acquire, evaluate and implement creative ideas from all sources resulting in the establishment of an innovation culture and getting the inaugural Innovation Award.”

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BPR1 for Exponential Efficiency Improvements

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BPR2.ObjectivesDoing More for Less through IntrapreneurshipStrategy Inc (SI)Planning to implementation processesCustomer Inc (CI)Customer management processesEnabler Inc (EI)Content and collection management processesPeople Inc (PI)People development processes

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Best Practices6. Customers

“Enhance customer relationship through friendly customer service and easy access to information resulting in a complete transformation of customer satisfaction from a compliment complaint ratio of 1:4 to 20:1 – a 80x improvement!”

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Maintaining Satisfaction with Service Standards

Creating a Service Standard Habitregular ISO and Service Standards auditsCategorisation for Ease of UnderstandingMaintenance of Collection (7)Housekeeping - maintenance of building (23)Programmes - preparation & publicity (6)Staffing & administration (11)Maintaining Easy Access to All StaffThrough the Teamroom

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Determining Customers’ Future Requirements

ChannelsRecurring surveys.Customer Satisfaction Survey. Focus Groups.New National Library.Jurong Regional Library. Library 21Feedback Channels.Forms.Online.SIU (Service Improvemet Unit) reportEnvironmental ScanningReports in Teamroom.Analysis for New Services

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Integrating Customers’ Future Requirements

CategoriesCollection.Key Services.Programmes.Staff.Ambience

Integration into NLB’s Customer Segments0-6 7-12 13-19 20-59 >60 years old

StrategiesDeveloped for each segment

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Performance of NLB- Overall CSI

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Key ResultsNLB - World-Class Library

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NLB.A World Leader in Library Usage

NLB Toronto HK New York Los Angelesfigures are for 2002

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NLB.A World Leader in Library Usage

NLB Toronto HKNew York Los Angelesfigures are for 2002

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NLB.A World Leader in Cost Efficiency

NLB TorontoHK New YorkLos Angelesfigures are for 2002

in S$

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NLB's strong innovation excellence

TODAY (16 Apr 05, p 6) reported on the results of the first-ever innovation survey conducted by IPS and Monitor Group. It highlighted NLB’s success in achieving strong innovation excellence with hassle-free systems like its computerised 24-hour book drop and quick check-out services. The survey covered 52 companies. “The NLB must be doing something right to make people remember their brand name….they have used technology for the convenience of its customers,” said Dr Hitendra Patel from the Monitor Group .

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NLB SQA Journey

Questions & Answers

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NLB SQA Journey

Thank You!