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By: Robert HoefferleNew York, New York

.....the Bronx is up and theBattery is down! For its101st Annual Charity Ball,the 2014-15 Master's Asso-ciation of the Ninth Manhat-tan District returned to theBronx on Saturday, May 2,2015. This marquee socialevent of the District cameback to VILLA BARONECATERING for the secondtime in the last three yearsand, once again, we werenot disappointed.

Brothers and ladies of theDistrict began arriving priorto the start of the luxurycocktail hour so as not tomiss any of their favoritespecialties. The cocktailhour ended much too soon

and the guests then filedinto the beautifully-decorat-ed main ballroom.

W� Robert Hoefferle,Vice-President of the Mas-ter's Association, acted asMaster of Ceremonies forthe evening. He proceededto announce the Masters ofthe District along with theirladies as they entered theballroom to loud applause.After the DDGM R�W� Jer-ry Messina and Staff OfficerR�W� Celestino Carlos andtheir ladies were an-nounced, the Past GrandTreasurer R�W� Kurt Ott,the Grand Representatives,Assistant Grand Lecturersand Wardens also were an-nounced.

The evening commenced

with an invocation given bythe District Deputy R�W�Jerry Messina. Once dinnerorders were taken, theguests assembled to take agroup photograph whichproceeded without mishap.Dancing followed to thesounds of the Pat FarrellBand, which has played thisevent several times. In fact,they have become so famil-iar with our District that oneof the band members is sub-mitting a petition for initia-tion and advancement.

During one of the breaksin the music, R�W� JerryMessina presented the Wolf-gang Schlichter TravelingGavel Award to LessingLodge #608 for holding theTraveling Gavel for the

longest time since the lastCharity Ball. He also an-nounced that the Gavel cur-rently resides in City Islandwith Uhland Lodge.

W� Jonathan Berrios, thePresident of the Master'sAssociation, spoke abouthow proud he was to havethe help of the hard-work-ing Masters and that hissuccessful term was due tothem. He then called uponW� Peter Unfried as Presi-dent of the German Mason-ic Charitable Foundation(GMCF) to say a few words.Bro. Peter thanked Bro.Jonathan and congratulat-ed the Master's Associationon the obvious success ofthe Charity Ball and Jour-nal. He gratefully acknowl-

edged and thanked R�W�Larry Wund who has beenin charge of the Journal de-sign and layout for the last7 years. Bro Peter an-nounced that the CharityBall and Journal raisedover a considerable amountfor the GMCF to continuetheir legacy of caring.

The evening’s last speakerwas DDGM R�W� JerryMessina who lauded theDistrict and the brothers ofthe Noble Ninth and urgedthem to proudly continueand further extend our Ger-man Masonic Heritage.

Lovely ladies of the Dis-trict were presented withbouquets and dancing con-tinued until midnight; a fineevening to remember.

101st Annual Charity Ball

Summer Issue 2015 9th Masonic Manhattan News Volume 48, Number 4

Masonic NewsNinth Manhattan DistrictDevoted to the interests of Freemasonry, its District Lodges, their members and their families

Photo courtesy of Rafael Ulloa, C.P.P.

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By: Bambi R. SchimmelThe annual Von Mensch Schlachtfest was cele-

brated at the Kismet Temple in Hicksville underthe watchful eye of Master Mark Rampanelli withOmar Zignaigo tending to our needs for the bub-blies. Sister Patti Otati made certain that everytable had their floral arrangements and Sister RoseSieb tried her hand at repairing my shoes. All thatdelicious food, with desserts to top it, and the ex-ercise you derive while dancing to the tunes ofJohn Weber and Richie (which does not really re-duce the calorie intake). Lots of singing, dancingand chatting with old friends, it’s certainly a greatyearly get together. However, if you ever think offollowing a diet, forget it! You have to leave town,follow strict supervision and don’t even thinkabout all that good stuff which is a definite no-no.Teach your mind to draw a complete blank andsuffer, just suffer!!. But still we keep on coming

back and enjoying it, nonetheless.This year we encountered a double-date affair; it

was our annual Widow’s luncheon that was held atthe Plattduetsche Park Restaurant in FranklinSquare. Von Mensch Past Master Paul Otati and allladies, together with gentlemen (for the dancingpleasure) had arranged the Blue Room for us. Themusic was again performed by our own John Weberfor everyone’s enjoyment. It was a great afternoonwhere, at the end, every lady was presented with abeautiful bouquet of flowers. Same day, sameplace, starting a few hours later was the next affairwhich was held in the “Grand Ballroom” celebratingthe 100th anniversary of the Ladies Society where

our Sister Erna Puckhaber acted as the Chairladyfor this exquisite event. Everything was executed toperfection. Dancing to the tunes of ever-so-popu-lar Bud and Linda Grama, who are now performingat most of our events. The attire was, for the mostpart, floor-length evening wear; which was quite asight to behold. Everything commenced under thewatchful eye of President of the Ladies Society,Wendy Westerfeld. This was yet another successstory for the paper.

He’s young, he’s handsome, and much to the de-light of Mom Paula Schlichter, son Robert has tak-en the first step into the right direction by an-nouncing his engagement to love Karen Wyszinski

Page 2 9th Masonic Manhattan News Summer Issue 2015

92 years young and beautiful Schiller Sister Ruth Oehme with family

Ninth Manhattan

Masonic NewsPublished February, April, June, September, November and December

by German Masonic Charitable Foundation, Inc.

c/o GMCF Publishing Committee

14939 11th Ave., Whitestone, NY 11357

Phone (718) 360-1538

Published under the auspices of theNinth Manhattan Publishing Committee

Chairman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Gottfried Schuebler

Co-Chairman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Stanley Pratnicki

Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Kevin Koeberl

Email: [email protected]

Editor Emeritus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Joesph Goldbloom

Editor Emeritus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Marvin Goldsmith

Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Robert Schimmel

Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Marge Morgo

Contributing Correspondent . . . . . . . . John Kuhlmann,Walter Fingerle

Contributing Correspondent . . .Stanley Lewin, Anna-Maria Schuebler

Society Columnist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Bambi R. Schimmel

Kruisin’ With Kathy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Kathy Stein

Holiday Issue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Theodore & Marge Morgo

Memorials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .email: [email protected] - Robert Stein

Commercial Ads Subscription/Advertising . . . . . . . .Robert Schimmel

Production . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Lee Publications

Coordinator . . . . . . Larry Price

Production Coordinator . . . . . . Jessica Mackay

518-673-0106 / email: [email protected]

New Jersey/So. PA Bureau . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Werner Graba

Per capita Lodge assessment subscription $3.50 per year

The deadlines for announcement and

article submission to our 2015

Ninth Manhattan

Masonic NewsJanuary 8th - Winter Issue / March 5th - Spring Issue

May 7th - Summer Issue / July 23rd - Roster IssueOctober 1st - Thanksgiving Issue

October 30th - GREETINGS and Holiday Issue Our heroic little warrier CADEN

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on Easter Sunday. If it wereup to Mom Paula, the nextstep would be “grandchil-dren.” Let’s give Robert somespace here to take it one dayat a time. Congratulationsfrom all of us Robert andKaren.

Continuing within the partycircuit - - the upcoming Char-ity Ball celebrated at fashion-able Villa Barone in the Bronxwhere, again, a parade ofladies and gents were “strut-ting their stuff”. Oh, oh, la la,first on the scene was ourInge Unfried in her stunningdesigner gown (let’s not forgethubby Peter in tux and tails)with Michelle Koeberl andSarah Dauterman that werecatching everyone’s eye.Starting out with a feast thatwas a definite no, no for thediet-conscious - short kept in-troductions; a great speechfrom our DDGM Jerry Messi-na on the history of Masonrywith instructions to take toheart and to be upheld for allyoung and new Brothers. Thegreat music for everyone’sdancing pleasure was provid-ed by ever-so-popular “Pat thePiano Man” and his band.Great entertainment and lotsof picture taking.

Next on the agenda was ourGrand Master William J.Thomas and his FashionistaQueen Susan’s Dinner held atthe fabulous Russo`s at-the-Bay at Howard Beach. Visit-ing Past Grand Master fromAustria, Nikolaus Schwaer-zler and First Lady Rosemariewere the invited guests. Sis-ter Helga Lins and W. Adihosted the visitors from Bre-genz (Adi’s hometown) attheir beautiful Long IslandHome until their return toEurope. So sorry Robert andI missed it - let’s not admit

exhaustion here.A big thank you from all the

Sisters for the generous ges-ture of our PMSC PresidentIrmgard and Harry Barth forgifting all ladies with a beau-tiful flower/plant before theydeparted for Germany to cele-brate the birthday of Irm-gard’s brother Rudi and Sis-ter Gertrud in the Black For-est and then continuing theirjourney to Goslar-im-Harz forthe 50th wedding anniversaryof Harry’s cousins Gerd andIlse.

Allemania Sister EllenQuaglio reported a greatsuccess on her Denim & Di-amonds party at our White-stone Masonic Hall withmany fun-loving partici-pants and a promise to hostanother event next year.Thank you Ellen for initiat-ing something so uniquewhich I’m sure will attractmany followers.

On the entertainment cir-cuit we lost some dearfriends. It was reported inmany newspapers and viewedon various TV channels, the“Schlierachtaler Stamm” thatoriginated many years ago,has lost the founders Marieand Jerry Hugel and their vis-iting friend, Walter vonThaden, The horrendoustragedy occurred while an un-noticed carbon monoxideleakage took the life of all per-sons in their home. WhenNYC Police Sergeant, sonRobert Hugel, entered thehome of his parents he dis-covered that all four lives hadsuccumbed due to the admis-sion of poisonous gas. Thenews has reached variousstates and the outpouringwas unbelievable; from Ger-many, Austria, Florida andthe surrounding New York

cities, it was a tragedy of in-surmountable sadness. Hun-dreds of fans were forminglines to say their last good-byes. Son Robert, wife Juttawith children and grandchil-dren as well as son Bill withfamily and daughters, - therewas not a dry eye in the fu-neral parlor. “The show mustgo on” said Robert, it’s a fam-ily tradition; Mom and Dadwould have wanted it thisway, so he took on the reignsmaking sure that all the en-gagements would be upheld.From all of us who enjoyedMom and Dad’s performancesin their unique Bavarian Tra-cht; we send our heartfeltcondolences to the families.

We have lost yet anotherMasonic Brother. OskarRiemenschneider (Coperni-cus) who has entered theheavenly sphere. To brotherFritz, Eileen and their fami-lies; may you feel comfort inthe thought that friendsshare in your sorrow.

Congratulations to Coper-nicus Brother Rudi Maier andhis love Trudy on their 50thwedding anniversary. Now inGermany for some scenerychanges and then headingback home again to enjoysome time with friends andfamily in the Carolinas. Astop-over in New York wouldbe grand you two - maybenext time, we would love tosee you.

Floridian Schiller Sisterand friend Janet Grimm anddaughter Tina are headingfor New York to celebratetheir nieces upcoming nup-tial’s while escaping their hotclimate in New Port Richie.Their party scene down thereis called a Spring Fling in thebig Clubhouse. The dresscode for that party calls for

shorts and flip-flops andbring your own spritzers, allelse will be supplied. On hervisit here Janet will report onthe upcoming events withMason friends in sunnyFlorida. Can’t wait for ourget-together.

Our beautiful 92 yearyoung Schiller Sister andfriend, Ruth Oehme, cele-brated her birthday at theTrump Pavilion with daugh-ters Angelika, hubby Frank,Astrid with hubby Bob andgrand children Tracy andN.Y.P.D. Detective CharlesSchnetzer, Sister Circlefriends, doctors and nurses.We wish you all the very bestdear Mrs. Oehmele and mayyou be with us for a very longtime to come.

We are extending our get-well wishes for a speedy re-covery to RW Brother LeoHelmprecht (Allemania) andSister Mariechen Buck.(Allemania)

On an inspiring and beau-tiful note I have receivedmany thanks from Hilda andFrancis Gabriel (Harmony),the great aunt and uncle of

our heroic little warrier “CA-DEN” regarding his “JOUR-NEY”. “CADEN” has left thehospital and is being caredfor at home by Mom, Dad,his siblings Ethan and Emilyand a supportive group offriends including the Mason-ic community. “CADEN” whois unable to walk or speak iscommunicating his aware-ness by showing his efferves-cent smile. To All of You whotook “CADEN’S emotionalJOURNEY” with him, blessyou and thank you; theretruly seems to be some pow-er and strength in believingin miracles.

After some tragedy, somesadness and some joy, I’ll sayso long for now until we chatagain. B.

P.S. Apropos Anna Maria’ssuggestion to me “how aboutanother 25 years of ChitChat?! Only a dear buddy canget away with suggestingsomething like that to me;however, should the pharma-ceutical industry be able todevelop a brain enhancerstrong enough, we may talkabout it, okay?.

Page 3 9th Masonic Manhattan News Summer Issue 2015

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Marie and Jerry Hugel Schlierachtaler Stamm

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If you felt that the accolades in ourspring issue for our beloved BambiSchimmel were not enough, pleaseread the very eloquent letter of con-gratulations sent to Bambi by our Ed-itor Emeritus, R�W� Joe Goldbloom.

Dear Bambi,I just want to congratulate you on

your 25 years of superb work withthe Ninth Manhattan’s Newspaper.Your column is a vital link unitingactive and inactive Brethren andtheir families and you have provideda unique gift to the District in pro-viding an important personal touchto the activities of the Ninth Man-hattan. This is what Masonry is sup-

posed to be and if we bemoan theloss of members we should look toyour column to see how we can keepour Lodges relevant and viable.

It was our past brother Johannvon Goethe who said: “Who is thehappiest of persons. It is one whovalues the merits of others and intheir pleasure takes joy, even as

though it were his or her own.” Youhave made our District very “hap-py”. If our paper is the “heart andsoul” of the Ninth, then you are the“heart and soul” of our paper.

Again, congratulations and myvery best wishes to Robert.

Sincerely,Joseph S. Goldbloom

Our dear Brother Zoltan Szollosy laiddown his working tools on May 17th, 2015.Bro. Zoltan was raised in Solon Lodge (Less-ing Lodge #608) on November 20th, 1973.He was an active Brother in Lessing Lodgeas well as an officer in Post 22, Masonic WarVeterans. Much of his free time was spent

volunteering with the Boy Scouts of Ameri-ca, NYPD Auxiliary, and in service to ourmilitary veterans. He often told thosearound him that as a First Sergeant hewould “kick butt and take names”, but as hewas growing older, he would just takenames. The number of Brothers who partic-ipated in Brother Zoltan’s Masonic Servicewas testament to his character and the livesthat he touched.

The Brothers and Sisters of the 9th Man-hattan District extend our sincere condo-lences to his lady, Regina, and their family.First Sergeant - Brother Zoltan will be in-terred at Arlington National Cemetery.

Well done, good and faithful servant, maythe Great Architect of the Universe welcomeyou into that house, not built by hands,eternal in the heavens.

Summer Issue 2015 9th Masonic Manhattan News Page 4

In Memoriam

In MemoriamBro. Karl Fred Flickinger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Herder Lodge #698

Bro. Gregory C. Colan . . . . . . .King Solomon Beethoven #232

Bro. Zoltan Szollosy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Lessing Lodge #608

Please send all Memorial notices toBob Stein at [email protected]

By: Kevin KoeberlThe corporation tasked to manage and maintain

the properties in Tappan, NY, the Noble NinthInc., held its annual meeting on Sunday, May17th at the Whitestone Masonic Temple. The Cor-poration’s President, Kurt Ott, opened the pro-ceedings by asking the District Deputy, R�W�Gerard Messina for the Invocation.

In attendance was the entire complement of 7corporate trustees along with delegates from 12 ofthe 13 member lodges representing Trinity,Knickerbocker, Harmony, King Solomon –Beethoven, Schiller, Copernicus, Lessing,Wieland, Herder, Uhland, Allemania, and VonMensch Lodges. The District Deputy, R�W� Ger-ard Messina as well as the Grand Director of Cer-emonies, R�W� Celestino Carlos, along with oth-er interested Brothers of the Ninth ManhattanDistrict were also present.

Materials were distributed and an overview re-garding yearly operations was given by Kurt Ott.The President further indicated that there was afull calendar of summer functions booked at the

Park. The Vice- President, Heinz Jacobs, reportedon his administrative responsibilities includingthe insurance requirements of the corporation.After having served both the Noble Ninth Inc. andthe German Masonic Home Corporation for overfour decades and learning that new Brothers wereseeking positions in the Corporation, Heinz Ja-cobs announced that he would not be seeking re-election. Trustee James Woerner, who had servedthe corporation for 21 years, also announced hewould be stepping down from his chair due to hisfamilial obligations. The assemblage acknowl-edged the diligent and dedicated service of thesefine Brothers with rousing applause.

Corporate Secretary, Joseph Kemmet distributedcorporate minutes to the delegates while the corpo-rate Treasurer, Robert Schimmel provided copies offinancial information. Frank Chrissotimos gave asynopsis of the portfolio and its positions.

A groundswell of interest was exhibited by manyin attendance regarding the feasibility of restoringthe stately building in Tappan. A consensusseemed to indicate that a comprehensive engi-

neering review would be in order as a prerequisiteto any further considerations regarding the struc-ture and associated property on the north side ofWestern Highway.

As two vacancies were created with the terms ofHeinz Jacobs and James Woerner having expiredand neither seeking re-election; Brothers RobertQuaglio and Steven Schwartz, who had submittedpetitions for trustee chairs, were elected by aunanimous ballot of lodge delegates. A subse-quent trustee election resulted in the followingcorporate officers for the ensuing year: President –Kurt Ott; Vice President – John Farina; Secretary– Robert Quaglio; Treasurer – Steven Schwartz;Trustee – Joseph Kemmet; Trustee – Glenn Op-perman; Trustee – Robert Schimmel. The elec-tions were conducted by R�W� Gottfried Schue-bler PDDGM,

At the meeting’s close, the R�W� Gerard Messi-na, offered the Benediction and invoked the bless-ings of the Great Architect upon all those whowork diligently on behalf of our Noble 9th Districtand Freemasonry.

Meeting of the Noble Ninth Inc.

Joe Goldbloom Editor Emeritus sent in the letters below

As featured in our Spring Issue, the Ninth Manhattan Dis-trict demonstrated our appreciation for R�W� Joe Gold-bloom, Editor of the Masonic News for many years, by bestow-ing Joe with the Editor Emeritus award. Joe sent the followingletter to the Chairman of the Masonic News:

Dear Friends,I want to thank you and the other members of the Publish-

ing Committee for the wonderful award I received as well asthe title of “Editor-Emeritus”. Both were surprises but somuch appreciated.

I had told you before how much I enjoyed being a member ofthe Publishing Committee: the camaraderie and the privilegeof writing for such a paper – a rarity in this impersonal era ofwebsites, twitters and so-called social media. I noticed recent-ly a question posed by the Sovereign Grand Commander ofScottish Rite as to the craft: “Are we a ritual society on theverge of collapse or a fraternity in which members really careabout each other”. The Ninth Manhattan Paper thanks to yourleadership and others has helped to make our district one“where members are bound to each other by a unique obliga-tion and their sacred honor” – where they really care abouteach other!

Thank you for giving me the opportunity of participating inproducing this unique paper and thus help our District andour Fraternity. It was a wonderful experience and now I havea “title” to remind me of all the happy times.

Wishing you and your family the best, I remain,Sincerely,Joe Goldbloom

Joe you will be heartily missed and your eloquence and ar-ticulacy is without comparison. We are all looking forward toseeing you around the District.

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By: Kevin KoeberlEducation has always been at the heart of this

discipline that we call Freemasonry. The brillianceof the ritual oftentimes reveals its deep andpoignant meanings though the work of distinct and

unique individuals who bring their special brand tothe Brethren. Most recently, our Grand Lodge,through the Ritual Renaissance Program, hasbrought further knowledge and insight through itsclarification, discussion and exemplification of ourMasonic Degrees.

In keeping with this educational spirit and philos-ophy, the Past Master’s Association of our District,has again organized an exemplification of the Hi-ramic Drama, orchestrated by RW Lawrence Wund.

On the evening of April 29th, the Whitestone Ma-sonic Temple teemed with Brethren; both visitorsand those from the Noble 9th, as the DistrictDeputy, RW Gerard Messina, opened the Lodge ofInstruction. Along with the District Deputy, theGrand Director of Ceremonies, RW Celestino Car-los, and the President of the Masters Association,RW Anthony Cancemi, populated the distinguishedEast, with RW Kevin Koeberl as Chaplain, while theAssistant Grand Lecturer, RW Mike Moriarity, nar-rated the performance.

As the thespians took their stations and places,the many new faces as well as the new costume re-galia was immediately apparent. Brothers FredJente and Don Gorham donned the regal robes ofKing Solomon and King Hiram of Tyre respectively.Each sported entirely new crowns hand crafted by

Brother Don. Worshipful Dan Delouise portrayedthe first craftsman in fine fashion while the cries ofthe guilty ruffians played by Jack Rohan, CathalO’Toole and John Farina , could be heard well be-yond the walls of the Whitestone Temple. The pro-duction included Worshipful Brother Robert Hoef-ferle as the sea-faring man with Worshipful KevinOlivencia portraying our original Grand Master.The craftsmen were rounded out with a significantcontingent of Herder Brothers.

Spellbound gazes of the assembled confirmed thequality of the work which was later validated by ourDistrict Deputy, RW Gerard Messina. The DistrictDeputy encouraged the Brethren to build upon theenthusiasm and attention to detail shown, and ap-ply it to the work of the Drama in their own lodges.The power of a well-executed Hiramic Drama, forMaster Masons new and old, is that deep seated re-minder that integrity is much more than simply aword; it is a way of life.

RW Gerard Messina closed by universally prais-ing all those involved, thanking the Past MastersAssociation for their continued sponsorship of thisLodge of Instruction; RW Lawrence Wund for or-ganizing the production as well as the German Ma-sonic Charitable Foundation for making the White-stone Masonic Temple available.

Page 5 9th Masonic Manhattan News Summer Issue 2015

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By: Glenn OppermanThe 2015 Grand Lecturer’s

Convention took place onMonday, March 30th, at theWhitestone Masonic Temple,sponsored by the WardensAssociation, with over ninetyfive Brothers in attendance.The atmosphere was one ofwelcome and attentivenesswith the Brethren engaged inreceiving light in the Mason-ic ritual.

Prior to the Convention, of-ficers of 2014-2015 Warden’sAssociation under their Pres-ident, Glenn Opperman,hosted a dinner at Villaggio’sResaurant, in honor of theGrand Lecturer, R�W�

Richard Kessler. Also at thedinner were R�W� CelestinoCarlos, Grand Director ofCeremonies; R�W� GerardMessina, District DeputyGrand Master; R�W� KurtOtt, Past Grand Treasurer;W� Jon Berrios, President ofthe Masters Association; inaddition to our AGL’s,R�W� Mike Moriarty andV�W� Richard Witthohn.Pleasant fellowship was en-joyed in addition to thedrinks and savory food.

The Convention com-menced immediately follow-ing dinner, with members ofthe Wardens Association per-forming the work for the

evening. The Grand Lectur-er explained how certain rit-ual is performed with greatclarity and insight. The pre-siding officers were able tocomplete the entire openingthe lodge with a scares num-ber of corrections; a suresign that the work was verywell performed.

Congratulations were ex-tended to Trinity #12, Less-ing #608 and Uhland #735for qualifying for the PottsAward this year. They did acommendable job having allofficers in attendance.

The entire Wardens Associ-ation received accoladesfrom the Grand Lecturer,

District Deputy and GrandDirector of Ceremonies for allof their hard work preparingand practicing for this year’sConvention. The dividendsfor their hard work shonebrightly on a educationalevening.

We would like to thank,R�W� Richard Kessler foran extraordinary job thisyear. It was extremely pro-ductive and we can onlyhope that this learning expe-rience will only better eachand every one of us as wework to make the lodges inour beloved Noble NinthManhattan District continu-ally better.

By: Anthony S. CancemiThe term widow has al-

ways been associated withsadness, loss and even lone-liness. The calling home ofa Brother to that undiscov-ered country begins a diffi-cult journey for those whowere closest to him and es-pecially his wife.

The Past Masters associa-tion, for decades, has con-tinued a tradition of honor-ing the widows of our de-parted brothers, with theannual Widows Luncheon.An event where all connota-tions of sadness are re-placed with a celebration offriendships – old and new,where reminiscences of thepast and excitement for thefuture are shared with thelove, support and embraceof our Masonic Family.

Plattduetsche ParkRestaurant, on April 19th,2015 was the venue for thisyear’s celebration. Drinksand a fine lunch were en-joyed by all while John We-

ber entertained the guestswith his musical selections.Ladies and Brothers fromTrinity, Schiller, Coperni-cus, Lessing, Allemania,Wieland and Von MenschLodges were in attendanceto revel in each other’s com-pany.

We remember that theseladies and their departedspouses each played uniqueroles in sculpting the land-scape of our Noble 9th.Each lodge has a solemnobligation to insure that theladies of our Eternal EastBrethren remain a sacredpart of our Masonic Family.

Summer Issue 2015 9th Masonic Manhattan News Page 6


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By: R�W� Jerry MessinaOn Monday, May 4 and Tuesday May 5 2015,

R�W� Celestino Carlos, Grand Director of Cere-monies and R�W� Jerry Messina, District DeputyGrand Master, attended the 234th Annual Com-munication. We were joined by 8 delegates fromthe lodges of our district on Monday as well as 7delegates on Tuesday.

The second year of our Grand Lodge Communi-cation is much different than the first, the GrandLine Officers are elected and installed with nochanges, to complete their second year in office.

The first day of the Annual Communication be-gins with the Most Worshipful William J. Thomas,Grand Master of Masons in the State of New Yorkreceiving the many guests from various jurisdic-tions in attendance.

Many awards are presented to the Brethren rec-ognizing their work and accomplishments to fur-ther Freemasonry during the two days of GrandLodge Session.

During my years as a delegate from my Lodge, Inever witnessed the installation of the Grand LineOfficers. This year however, it was decided to hold

the installation ceremony earlier on Tuesday thanin previous years. The installation of the GrandLine is an inspirational ceremony at the AnnualCommunication and I hope it continues to takeplace before the midday break on Tuesday.

Space in the 9th Manhattan News does not per-mit me to mention all notable proceedings whichoccurred during the two days of Grand Lodge Ses-sions. I have included the link at which you mayview the “Be It Known Summary” 2015 AnnualCommunication of Grand Lodge.

Should you have any questions or need clarifica-tion of any part of the proceedings. Please call me@ 718.909.1700 or email @ [email protected].

Page 7 9th Masonic Manhattan News Summer Issue 2015

1132 Hempstead Turnpike, Franklin Square, NY 11010Tel: 516-354-3131 Fax: 516-354-4990

E-Mail: [email protected]

Meeting Rooms Available Wed. Through Sun.Catering Facilities for 15 to 600 Persons

Compliments of Plattduetsche Park Restaurant


attduetsche Park Restaurant

234th Annual Communication of Grand Lodge

Compliments of Lessing Lodge #608

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By Bob SteinThe Brothers of the District contin-

ue to support both the Noble Ninthand the Grand Lodge of the State ofNew York by their active participa-tion in the many events sponsoredby both the District and the state.The Brothers show this support bytheir continued involvement in Dis-trict and State activities whichdemonstrates their commitment anddevotion to the brotherhood and thetenets of true Masonry.

The Masonic year is quickly com-ing to an end. The calendar is filledwith obligations while the year windsdown as summer approaches. Theattendance of the Brothers at Lodgeand district functions continues tobe impressive. Under the leadershipof the DDGM, Gerry Messina and theGrand Director of Ceremonies, Ce-lestinos Carlos have been attendingLodge and Grand Lodge functions ingreat numbers.

March was a very busy month foractivities involving many of theBrothers of the Ninth ManhattanDistrict. Under the leadership of theBlood Bank Chairman, R�W� AdiLins, we once again had a very suc-cessful blood drive. Forty-three pintsof blood and platelets were donatedby brother Masons together with thelocal community. It is great to seethe community come to the Templeto help this great cause. The GrandLecturers Convention took place onMarch 30th. This year’s conventionwas well attended and there werenumerous newly raised Brotherswho attended the event. Threelodges were the proud recipients ofthe Potts award at this year’s con-vention. Congratulations to LessingLodge, Trinity Lodge and UhlandLodge. Also in March, a number ofmembers of the Noble Ninth boardeda bus at the Grand Lodge on 23rdStreet and headed to Delaware.

The Grand Lodges of New York, NewJersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, TallCedars of Lebanon and others gath-ered at the Nur Shrine Temple inDelaware to celebrate FriendshipNight. This was a great evening ofMasonic camaraderie as the variousGrand Lines and delegations werepresented.

Von Mensch Lodge held their an-nual Schlachtfest at Kismet Shrinein Hicksville this year. They had abig crowd which enjoyed the tradi-tional delicious German delicacies.There was plenty of food and a greattime was had by all who were in at-tendance. Congratulations to W�Paul Otatti and his wife Patti as theirdaughter graduates from high schooland begins a new chapter in her lifeat Stonehill University in Massachu-setts. It was great to see Klaus Vogelat the Schlachtfest and I want him toknow that I am keeping him in mythoughts.

The annual meeting of the NobleNinth took place recently. R�W�Heinz Jacobs stepped down after 40years of service. We would like tothank both R�W� Heinz Jacobs andR�W� Jimmy Woerner for theirmany years of service to the district.We would also like to welcome W�Steve Schwartz and the W� BobQuaglio as they assume the vacantpositions as trustees of the NobleNinth. Good luck as they take ontheir new responsibilities.

The Widows Luncheon was heldat the Plattduetsche Restaurant.They were treated to a deliciouslunch and great music. Each ladywas given a bouquet of beautifulflowers to take home. It had beensuggested that some of the widowsobject to the name of the luncheonand a number of new names weresuggested. The DDGM R�W� Ger-ard Messina spoke to each lady atthe luncheon to get their input and

ideas. I believe that the new namewill be the Forget-me-not luncheon.

The Lodge of Instruction for theDrama of the Hiramic Legend wasvery well done this year. Many of theold familiar faces took part but therewere also some new entrants as well.Many of the new members of the var-ious lodges also attended which isthe way it should be. I encourage alllodges to bring their new members tothis instruction which is presentedonce a year. It is very educationaland should be witnessed by all atleast once.

The Grand Masters Ball was heldat Russo on the Bay. R�W� AdiLins and his wife Helga hosted theGrand Master of Austria, NikolausSchwarzler, and his wife at theirhome following the close of the con-vention. The Ball was well attendedand the Ninth Manhattan was wellrepresented as well.

The Brothers of Trinity Lodge#12 have been keeping themselvesbusy. They had a great showing atthe Grand Lecturer’s convention and

News from the Noble Ninth

Bob and Kathy Stein, Adi and Helga Lins with the GrandMaster and First Lady of the Grand Lodge of Austria at theGrand Masters Ball at Russo on the Bay.

Freddie Stein (Trinity Lodge), Freddy Jente (Herder) run theTough Mudder in Nashville in support of the Shriner’s Chil-dren’s Hospitals and the Wounded Warrior Project. Noble Ninth 9

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were able to once again receive the Potts award.R�W� Rudy Faye will be receiving his 50 yearrecognition and Bro. Walter Bloomberg will be re-ceiving his 40 year recognition. R�W� WernerKress will be honored with his 35 year recogni-tion. Bro. Fred Stein and Bro. Rich Stein, Trini-ty Lodge #12, together with Freddy Jente ofHerder Lodge, headed to Tennessee on Friday totake part in another Tough Mudder event to ben-efit the Wounded Warrior Project and ShrinersChildren Hospitals. There were twelve memberson their team, five of which were Free Masons.This is just another example of Masons doinggood works for others. Trinity Lodge will hold itsannual picnic under the pavilion at Belmont LakeState Park. The picnic continues to grow biggereach year. This is a great park for a picnic withso much for the kids to do as well as the adults.Play horseshoes, badminton or rent a rowboat orpaddleboat. If you are free be sure to drop by andspend the afternoon. Congratulations to Caro-line Dunne, a member of the Trinity Lodge Sis-ter Circle, daughter of Past Master Chris Dunneand my Granddaughter, for placing in the GrandLodge Scholarship competition. Caroline has de-cided to attend the State University at Albany andpursue her desire to work in the field of pediatricaudiology.

The Grand Lodge was represented at the Nas-

sau Coliseum at the Islander game. This year thetickets sold out quickly. The President of theMetropolitan District Deputies Association,R�W� Walter Wasnieski, had 100 tickets andwas unable to get more. Unfortunately, the Is-landers lost this game but money was raised forthe Grand Lodge charity.

Copernicus Lodge will be hosting their annualbarbeque at Roy and Lorraine Puckhaber’s homeon July 18th. At their last meeting they present-ed a 50 year certificate and a 60 year certificate.Copernicus also surprised over 25 brothers withthe Lewis Jewel which is given to a father and sonwho are both members of the lodge. Uhland Lodge#735 recently raised five new brothers. GabbyGarcia, the wife of Bro. Yairton Garcia, UhlandLodge, recently finished her chemo treatments.This feisty lady is an inspiration with her positiveattitude and beautiful smile. Gabby is a fighterand we continue to pray for her. We give a shoutout to Jonathon Weinrich who has not been feel-ing his best and hope he is feeling better soon.

The sisters of Allemania Lodge recently held

a Denim and Diamond evening. Thanks to thegenerosity of Lou Sieb, the ladies were able to givea nice donation to the Shriners Hospital inPhiladelphia.

Bro. Andrew Kuo from Harmony Lodge #199,is a Governor on the Board of PhiladelphiaShriners Hospital and he takes great pride in theirgood works. I encourage any Lodge or Sister Cir-cle who is looking for worthy organizations or in-stitutions to be the recipient of any charity moniesto consider donating to the very worthy Shrinerschildren’s hospital of Philadelphia and supportBrother Kuo.

Schiller Lodge #304 will hold its annual picnicin Tappan on August 8th. They recently honoredRobert Verderber with a 50 year award. Socrates

Page 9 9th Masonic Manhattan News Summer Issue 2015

Table pictures of the Charity Ball

Ladies of the Officers and Dignitaries

Masters of the 9th Manhattan District

R�W� Jerry and his Lady Barbara

Noble Ninth from 8

Noble Ninth 11Grand Lecturers Convention 2015

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Summer Issue 2015 9th Masonic Manhattan News Page 10

I’m sitting on the deck letting the warmth of thesun drain the frosty chill of the very long winterfrom my body. As I embrace the change in weather,the memory of temperatures that never rose, thesnowy mess that never melted fades quickly frommy thoughts. The daffodils are gone and the tulipblooms are starting to fade, replaced by springblooms of vibrant hues. Our hope for a better to-morrow has been realized and I welcome spring withopen arms. Our feathered friends are arriving dai-ly from their journey north and the sound of theirchirping greets the rising of the sun. Familiar facesof our snowbirds are brightening our today as they

too are arriving with tales of a golden winter.The March meeting of the MYC was held at the

Landmark Restaurant in Roslyn and those in atten-dance enjoyed a pleasant evening of business andpleasure. The MYC continues to grow and we nowhave 180 members on the roster. We are alwayslooking for new members and we encourage anyonewho might be interested in joining to come to one ofour meetings. This is the only Masonic group thatincludes woman as First Mates and are present atthe meetings. Their input is not only encouragedbut greatly appreciated. It is an evening out withyour lady in a very relaxed atmosphere.

Our land cruise to Atlantic City was held in April.This was a very successful trip. The trip down wasa fun time filled with lots of food, drink and Mason-ic camaraderie. The weather cooperated, the sunwas shining and the Boardwalk was inviting to takea stroll. The familiar smell of the ocean and thesparkle of the sun striking the sand, made most ofus yurn for summer. The effects of the closing of thecasinos were evident as there was very little trafficon the streets for a Saturday afternoon. There wereplenty available tables and machines and no linesfor the restaurants. Many of those on the MYC bus,chose to eat together which was extremely pleasantand a lot of fun. Everyone made in back to the buson time and we had many winners. Many of theguests felt that the casinos were paying out to en-courage people to return to Atlantic City. Othersdidn’t care why there were so many winner’s, theywere just basking in their payouts.

Our new Commodore, Jeff Arist and the PastCommodores welcome all suggestions for new activ-ities or how to improve existing ones. Everyone’s in-put is not only welcomed but strongly encouraged.This is your club and we encourage participation byall its members. Our Commodore and the Bridgewill consider all suggestions and looks forward tohearing from you.

Past Commodore, Anthony Cancemi, would like towish the new Bridge smooth sailing as they embarkupon calm waters. He would also like to thank allthe members of the MYC and the First Mates fortheir continued support while he was commodore.He was proud to be a member of the MYC and helooks forward to working under the leadership ofCommodore Jeff Arist and the new Bridge.

Plans are under way for the annual sailing regat-ta at Camp Turk. The 2015 trophies have been or-dered and the camp is being spruced up for the ar-rival of the boys and girls. Those of you that havechildren between the ages of eight and sixteenshould consider sending your children to Camp

Turk. There are so many activities to take part in.Check their web site and see what is available thatwill make your little campers smile. Many of ourMasonic brothers and sisters do not realize what agem we have with Camp Turk as our very own Ma-sonic Camp for children. If you have an opportuni-ty to be in that section of the state stop in and askfor a tour. I promise that you will like what you see.

Masonic Day at the Islanders Game was a hugesuccess. It was a fun day but would have been bet-ter if the Islanders had won. The MYC supportsmany of the Districts activities as well as the GrandLodge functions. The Grand Lodge’s Secretary’s golfouting is quickly approaching. The MYC has been agreat supporter of this event. Once again, we will besponsoring two foursomes. We will also sponsor twoholes for this worthwhile cause. This has provento be a great day of golf followed by an evening ofgood food, Masonic camaraderie, raffles andawards. It is a wonderful time for Masons of the dif-ferent districts to get to know each other. Pleaseconsider supporting this event and you will have agreat time as well.

Many of the MYC members will once again sup-port the Shriner’s Organization by volunteering tocell raffle tickets and CD’s at the upcoming “Who”concert. The fundraising efforts will go to supportthe Shriners Hospitals for children. Their effortslast year at the Eagle’s concert raised quite a bit forthis great cause.

The official opening Day of the MYC will be June7, 2015. We will have a public installation ceremo-ny to officially recognize the following officers whichwere presented by nomination committee chairmenEd Middendorf. Ed announced that the followingBrothers, members in good standing, had acceptedthe following nominations for office in the MasonicYacht Club for the term of office beginning in 2015- Jeffery Arist Commodore, Edward Forman ViceCommodore, Paul Withjack Rear Commodore, DavidGardner Fleet Captain, Dan Rosenfeld Port Captainand Special Events Co-ordinator, Oscar Garcia FleetSurgeon, Robert Stein Secretary, Albert Li Treasur-er, and Rick Witthohn Chaplain. The Brothers willbe sworn in and presented with the burgee of theiroffice. Each burgee will be hoisted up the flagpoleto fly majestically in the breeze. It is very impres-sive to see the officers in their crisp white uniformsstanding at attention on the beautiful, huge deck atCaptain Bill’s. Congratulations to the new BridgeOfficers and best wishes for a successful tenure.Following the installation of Officers and the layingof the wreath, there will be a brunch buffet withcountless choices of both breakfast foods and din-

ner choices. Music for your listening pleasure will beprovided. This is a great event so make plans to joinus for an awesome afternoon. We invite any mem-ber of the Noble Ninth or any other district to join usif you would like to know more about the MasonicYacht Club. Even if you have no desire to become amember, join us for a most enjoyable afternoon towelcome the coming of summer. Call Bob Stein tomake a reservation and be prepared to share a love-ly afternoon.

Please continue to keep Brother Uwe Enke in yourthoughts. He has been very happy to hear frombrother Masons and I’m sure he would love to hearfrom you. If you have an opportunity, give him acall with your well wishes. Congratulations to Rickand Barbara Witthohn as they celebrate the firstbirthday of their Grandson Jason Emanuel. Thefestivities included a lively party with plenty of food,entertainment, games and lots of prizes for those inattendance. The baby’s parents spared no expensein marking this very special occasion. Congratula-tions to Dan Rosenfeld as he has decided to retireand enjoy life.

Congratulations to Brother Jerry Hauser of Stat-en Island, New York, who recently received his 60year Masonic Pin. Congratulations to CarolineDunne , daughter of Past Commodore Chris Dunneand First Mate Luann Dunne, and Granddaughterof Past Commodore Bob Stein and First Mate Kathyas she graduates from high school and begins a newchapter in her life at the University of Albany. Con-gratulations also to Patrick Clarkson, grandson ofBob and Kathy Stein, as he graduates from Pratt In-stitute and begins a graduate program at Ohio Uni-versity.

The Masonic Yacht Club is registered with Yacht-ing Club of America and is listed in their Reciproci-ty Guide. The MYC is also listed on the YCA’s Web-site. As a member of the Masonic Yacht Club, you

Masonic Yacht

"A Family Club of International Distinction"

Masonic Yacht Club

“A Family Club of Distinction”(for boaters & non-boaters alike)

WWW.MASONICYACHTCLUB.COMRegistered with Yachting Club of America

Member of National League of Masonic ClubsCompliments of Masonic Yacht Club

Frank P.ChrissotimosVice President — Investments

Wells Fargo, Advisors, LLC

1211 Avenue of the Americas27th FloorNew York, NY 10036

Tel. 212-205-2890

Fax 212-205-2816


[email protected]



Kruisin 11

Compliments of

Frank P. Chrissotimos

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Lodge #595 will be celebrating their 150th An-niversary on November 8th 2015 at thePlattdeutsche Restaurant in Franklin Square.They are planning a very upscale event to markthis very important milestone. This is a great an-niversary and all should plan to attend this cele-bration. They ask for everyone to support thisevent by attending. They are hoping to fill the ball-room at the Plattduetsche Restaurant. They willalso be soliciting ads for their Anniversary journaland hope that everyone will consider purchasingan ad.

Herder Lodge recently honored Karl Hank withhis 50 year recognition. Heinz Jacobs received his50 year recognition as well. Tom Brauner receivedrecognition for 40 years of service.

Lessing Lodge held their annual dinner danceat The Inn at New Hyde Park. The dance was verywell attended and everyone had a great time. Thebrothers of Lessing will hold their annual picnic at

the pavilion at the home in Plattduetsche on May30th. Lessing Brother Richard Marsh was recent-ly awarded a DSA.

The Masters Association produced a very suc-cessful Charity Ball Journal. They raised a sub-stantial amount of money and should be com-mended for hosting this year’s Charity Ball at Vil-la Barrone. The ball was well attended, the foodwas delicious, and the entertainment was great.

The Masonic Yacht Club will host their openingday festivities on June 7th at Captain Bill’s. Thenew Bridge officers will be sworn in with a very

nice ceremony on the deck. The famous CaptainBill’s brunch will follow the installation of the offi-cers. Music and dancing will also be provided. Itis a great afternoon and if you are available, comeand join us for a very pleasant afternoon.

As the nicer weather is just around the corner,I encourage everyone to become active and attendLodge, District and Grand Lodge event. This isyour district and your attendance and participa-tion is necessary to keep our district moving for-ward and remain productive.

automatically become a member of YCA, the oldestexisting Yacht Club organization in America. A Rec-iprocal Courtesy Card will be mailed to you withyour membership which entitles you to the use ofthe facilities of all member clubs. One of the perksof being a member of the MYC is the ReciprocityCard. Some of the members reported that they haveused it recently and received great discounts. They

reported that it can be used in numerous places andthey not only were able to purchase dinner at manyYacht Clubs but they also received large discountsfor their boats. This included the first night free forovernight stays, and reduced prices for boat dock-age. I have enjoyed wonderful evenings and greatfood at a variety of clubs on Long Island. It is apleasure to be able to utilize the reciprocity benefitfor a special evening out at a beautiful location thatis not a public venue.

The Masonic Yacht Club and its First Mates Clubis for nautically minded individuals who enjoy anevening out with friends. You do not have to be aboat owner to enjoy and benefit from membership inthis organization. Please attend one of our meetingsto experience what we are about. For those out therethat are interested in learning more about us, cometo our next meeting. For more information or direc-tions, call Bob Stein at 631-422-6559. New ship-mates are always encouraged to attend. Boatersand non-boaters alike, we Welcome You Aboard!

Page 11 9th Masonic Manhattan News Summer Issue 2015

Gemelli Jewelers66-10 Fresh Pond Road

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Kruisin from 10

Compliments ofGemelli Jewelers

Compliments of Stone Ridge Natural Medicine

Noble Ninth from 9

Group photo at the Blood Bank, Chairman Adi Lins and some helpers.

Serving the Legal Needsof the

Ninth Manhattan District

for over 60 Years


301 North Main Street, Suite 4New City, NY 10956

228 East 45th Street - 17th FloorNew York, NY 10017

(Phone) 212-935-5522 • (Fax) 845-638-6725Email: [email protected] of Richard A. Katz, P.C.

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149-39 11th Aven ue,

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