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Page 1: Nexus Opens Detox

Nexus Opens Detox

Nexus achieved a final goal from the 2005 strategic

plan with the opening of detox services December


Since then, Nexus has treated 50 clients and plans

to limit the daily detox population to between six

and ten due to their intensive needs. “People in need

were reaching out, and when the need was detox, we

had to send them elsewhere” explains Stacey Burns,

Director of Clinical Services. “The need was only

growing, with increased use of opiates and benzo-

diazepines which require a medical detoxification


This specialized service requires a physical exam within 24 hours of client arrival, program

approval by an on-site medical director, and nursing coverage, as well as psychiatric

evaluations and medication monitoring. The medical team includes Dr. C. Eliot deGravelles,

LVN Allison Long, several part-time nursing staff, and Nexus’ new nurse practitioner, Kay

Harrison, most recently with Dallas Metrocare Services. The service is a component of

Nexus’ adult women programming.

Nancy entered detox in February seeking treatment for opiate addiction and already dealing

with withdrawal symptoms including diarrhea, vomiting, chills, and muscle cramping.

Within a few days, she began the residential program. Had she had to transfer facilities,

Nancy thinks she might have gone back to using. The continuity is important, she empha-

sized. “I feel the love and support and that all began in detox.”

One of Nexus’ first detox clients, Nancy wants to write a book about her recovery.

Detox service completes spectrum of recovery services

The continuum of care offered at Nexus:

Detox Residential Housing Outpatient Aftercare

Our missiON

The mission of Nexus

Recovery Center is to

serve as a link to so-

briety, independence

and dignity for low-

income women and

their families affected

by addiction. We in-

spire hope, offer re-

spect, and honor the

unique differences of

female addicts.

iNsiDe this issue

Detox Opens ............1

A&E Films at Nexus ...2

DHA Award ..............2

Grandma Retires ......3

To Our Friends .........3

Tip of the Hat ...........4

Capital Campaign......4

2011 spriNg eDitiON

Page 2: Nexus Opens Detox

2 The Nexus Journey

transitions housing program Opens more Doors

The Dallas Housing Authority awarded Nexus Recovery

Center fifteen unit housing vouchers at Garden House

Apartments in Mesquite, expanding the supportive housing

stock available to clients preparing for discharge. These

fifteen units are added to the $423,519 federal stimulus

money received for housing at Aspen Chase Apartments.

Residents of both locations are connected with a Nex-

us case manager, Misty Harris, for individual and group


The vouchers are attached to the units at Garden House

Apartments, whose management partnered with Nexus

on the proposal. Upon reaching one year of residency and

achievement of treatment goals, residents would be re-

warded with a Section 8 voucher to use at a property of

their choice. The fifteen vouchers remain with the units

and are guaranteed for a minimum of five years. Renewal

is dependent upon federal funding.

An estimated 40% of Nexus clients will be homeless

following discharge; that number jumps to 60% when in-

cluding clients whose homes are incompatible with recovery.

Apartment partnership yields real benefits for clients

A&e’s Intervention In-DepthFilms at Nexus

Lorena couldn’t believe what she was about to do. Reporting herself to CPS…was

she crazy? No, but she was eight months pregnant with her third child, and after

a decade of using methamphetamine and ice, she knew she had to get it together

for this baby.

That brave decision led her to Nexus. She had thought it was too late for her

and now worried that it was too late for her baby. Her biggest fear was that her

baby would suffer from birth defects as a result of her addiction. The pain she had

suffered in the past was not an excuse for her drug use; what it had been was a

crutch. In an effort to reach women in similar situations and reassure them that

help is available, Lorena agreed to allow the A&E television show Intervention In-

Depth to film her recovery journey at Nexus. The crew interviewed and filmed sev-

eral Nexus clients and staff for an episode on pregnant addicts. After researching

facilities across the country, producers found Nexus’ work with late-term pregnant

addicts rare. The program aired April 4.

After several false alarms, the big day arrived for Lorena and her baby. On February

22nd, with cameras in the delivery room, Lorena gave birth to a healthy baby girl.

She named her Genesis, which means beginning.

Lorena hopes story helps others

A new place to call home.

Lorena and her new beginning

A&E crew

Page 3: Nexus Opens Detox

The Nexus Journey is published by Nexus Recovery Center, Inc. For comments, suggestions, or more information, please call (214) 321-0156 x2102.

3The Nexus Journey

grandma retires!

After 20 years as a volunteer in the Children’s Development

Center, Dina Vayner, affectionately known as “Grandma” to

staff and clients alike, is retiring. Nexus held a celebration

in her honor March 9th.

She came to Nexus in 1991 through the Foster Grandparent

Program sponsored by The Senior Source. Eight women

have volunteered their time as grandparents at Nexus, but

Dina is the longest serving volunteer. Working several days

a week, she provided an extra level of care and support

to the children. “I love it here. The staff here is warm and

patient, and I love children,” Dina said.

The feeling is mutual. “When Grandma walked into the room,

the kids just lit up and smiled,” said Natalie Ridley Baer-

waldt, Director of Children’s Services. “The extra love she

provided is priceless.” Tia Burnett, Childcare Coordinator,

adds, “She always referred to the daycare staff as ‘her girls’,

and would bring us cheesecake for special occasions. We

will miss her.”

Thank you, Dina, for 20 years of loving service to the

women and children of Nexus!

tO Our FrieNDsStaff bids farewell to agency legend

Recently, a foundation trustee

asked me about changes at

Nexus over the last two years.

As I recounted the addition

of detoxification and housing

services, the new Clinical Trials

Network research building, and

capital campaign for the new

adolescent girls dormitory, I was struck with the accom-

plishments of the Nexus community in that short time.

I am heartened by the generosity that is exhibited toward

the agency, clients and even employees. Just this spring

the Women’s Auxiliary put on a lavish appreciation feast

for staff, who in turn are grateful for the operating board,

Auxiliary, volunteers like “Grandma” Dina, generous

donors and friends that make our achievements possible.

We will need all the goodwill possible to preserve

state funding. During the current legislative session,

preliminary indications point to sizable cuts in criminal

justice, NorthSTAR managed care, and State Depart-

ment of Health Services budgets. Until the legislature

adjourns, the scope will be unclear. We will keep you

posted on the impact of this year’s session and Nexus’

adaptation to this shrinking funding pool.

For now, let’s take a rare moment to appreciate all that

has been accomplished for the women and children we

serve. Nexus marks its 40th anniversary this year, and

countless lives have been saved. We couldn’t have done

it without you.

A. Rebecca Crowell Executive Director

Grandma and her girls

(left to right) Becca Crowell, Dina Vayner, & Children Services Director Natalie Ridley Baerwaldt

Page 4: Nexus Opens Detox

Nexus recovery Center8733 La prada DriveDallas, texas 75228phone: 214.321.0156Fax:

tip of the hatNON-PROFIT




PERMIT #336$100,000+

Crystal Charity

The Houston J. & Florence Doswell Foundation


Dallas Women’s Foundation

Mrs. Faye Briggs

Mrs. Jere Thompson

Mrs. Rick Waghorne

Mrs. Robert Madigan

Mr. Steven Saxon

Preston Center Rotary

ROCO Agape Charitable Foundation

The Dallas Foundation


Eugene Straus Charitable Trust

Harry S. Moss Foundation

Mrs. Rosemary Briggs

The J. Stephen & Susan G. Simon Family Charitable Fund


Aetna Foundation

Bank of America

Mr. & Mrs. Don Weempe

Mrs. Ed Howard

Ms. Elizabeth Anderson

ExxonMobil Foundation

Garland D. Rhoads Foundation

Mr. Greg Glosser

Mrs. Jane Geisse

Mr. Jay Joyce

Mr. & Mrs. John Hammack

MCR Oil Tools LLC

Ms. Medora Monigold

Ms. Myron Martin

Mrs. Nancy Bush

Mrs. Patrice Graves

Mr. & Mrs. Peter Weeks

Mr. Ray Durham

Dr. & Mrs. Richard Voet

Mrs. Robert Payne

Mr. & Mrs. Rod Sanders

Ms. Roxanne Phillips

Mr. Steven Andrews

Mrs. Susan Simon

The Geisse Foundation

The George A. & Nancy P. Shutt Foundation

The Robert B. & Virginia Webb Payne Foundation

Nexus received the following major gifts between 10.1.10 and 3.1.11:

Should you note any errors or omissions please contact 214.321.0156 x2102.

Crystal Charity’s recent

$337,297 award pro-

vides momentum as we

move closer to ground-

breaking of the adoles-

cent dormitory, antici-

pated for this summer!

Fundraising continues

at all levels, and nam-

ing opportunities are


For more information,

contact Amy Gill at

214.321.0156 x2104.



“I am eternally grateful to my counselors and several other women who cared enough about me to tell me the truth. I whole-heartedly believe that Nexus and these women saved my life and the life of my son.”
