Page 1: Newsletter - · I like the fidget cube. Brandon I like cooking. Jayden ongratulations to Lee and Dean Parker on the arrival of ooper James. orn May 18, weighing


Wangaratta District Specialist School

Date 2/06/’17 Ph. 5721 7424

[email protected]. Fax. 5721 8601

Dates to Remember



Chris Harvison


O.T. - Paula - Monday to Thursday Speech - Shannon - Monday to Friday

Rotary Book Fair - 10th &11th June Queen’s Birthday Holiday - 12th June

School Council Meeting - 13th June @ 5.00pm

Week 5

Shaneevah Jacob for being a Learner by making a delicious Pavlova with her class mates

Aiden Fallon for being a Learner by helping to make a Pavlova without hurting himself

Noah Van Gelder for being Respectful and settling into a new school and making new


Rotary Book Fair is nearly here!!!

Next weekend is the Queens Birthday weekend which means the Rotary Club of Wangaratta Book Fair is upon us.

The venue for the Book Fair will be the CWA Hall on Templeton St, Wangaratta. The Book Fair will run from

8am – 4pm on Saturday 10th June and 9am – 3pm on Sunday 11th June. There will be a cake stall and sausage siz-

zle available on the day and we are hopeful that there will be over 10,000 books to choose from, ranging in price

from $1 to $7. Half of the proceeds from this event will go to our school so I would encourage all of you to sup-

port this event by stopping by on either day and telling your friends to do the same.

I am still looking for volunteers to help out on the day. Shifts will be from 8am-12pm & 12pm-4pm on Saturday

10th and 9am – 12pm & 12pm – 3pm on Sunday 11th. Please contact me at school if you are interested in helping


Winter Illnesses

As the weather cools off dramatically we tend to see an increase in common illnesses amongst our students and

ourselves – most commonly a head cold. If your child is unwell for any reason with coughs and splutters, a runny

green nose or the like I would ask that you do not send them to school until they are well. We currently have a

number of students who are highly susceptible to illness and exposure to sick children can have terrible conse-

quences for their already frail health.

Dental Visits

Dental visits will commence in the coming weeks with dental nurses from North East Health Wangaratta under-

taking educational sessions and treatment here at school, free of charge. You should have all received a consent

form to complete if you wish your child to attend these treatment sessions. If you have not already, I would en-

courage you to complete this form and return to the office as soon as possible.

Page 2: Newsletter - · I like the fidget cube. Brandon I like cooking. Jayden ongratulations to Lee and Dean Parker on the arrival of ooper James. orn May 18, weighing

Together We Will: Be Learners. Be Safe. Be Respectful.

Cobbler - Sarah and Alicia

We have been doing lots over the last fortnight.

I liked cooking because I got to try tacos. Logan

I liked drumming because it was fun. Aidain

I liked drumming. Matthew B

I like the fidget cube. Brandon

I like cooking. Jayden

Congratulations to Lee and Dean Parker on the

arrival of Cooper James. Born May 18, weighing


Page 3: Newsletter - · I like the fidget cube. Brandon I like cooking. Jayden ongratulations to Lee and Dean Parker on the arrival of ooper James. orn May 18, weighing

Together We Will: Be Learners. Be Safe. Be Respectful.

Stirling - Jacinta and Emily

Buller - Kellie, Mab and Sheydin

What a busy week in the Buller room!

We have been working hard on our maths activities, focusing on telling time. Tamara and Montana have worked extremely well together, practising both on quarter past and quarter to times.

Welcome back to Kaitlyn Cook, we

missed you while you were away.

Chloe Smith enjoyed a

visit from Shaba last

week, where we partici-

pated in the African


Tamara and Montana

have been enjoying our

new egg chair!

This week we have been very busy. We have been cooking some pasta dishes, pasta bake and bolognaise- both were very yummy. We have been working hard on our counting, we went to African drumming, learning how to play well with others, and even celebrated a birthday- Happy 7th Birthday Noah.

Page 4: Newsletter - · I like the fidget cube. Brandon I like cooking. Jayden ongratulations to Lee and Dean Parker on the arrival of ooper James. orn May 18, weighing

Together We Will: Be Learners. Be Safe. Be Respectful.

Kosciusko - Richard, and Luke

Buffalo - Phillipa, Lisa C and Andrea

As mid-term term treat, Kossie students went bushwalking in the nearby

Warby Ranges on Friday last. It was good exercise to walk amongst the trees

and up and down the hills.

Our cooking (and shopping) program is one of favourite activities. This term

we have cooked chicken “parmas”, with three steamed vegetables, fried rice,

and corn fritters with three vegetables.

In maths we worked on interesting chance and data activity, rolling two dice a

total of FIFTY times to see which outcomes resulted. Students compared re-

sults and the difference was very noticeable.

We have had a busy few weeks in the classroom, the boys are still making the most of all the sunshine that we

have and getting out and enjoying their playtime, especially if we have some sport out in the senior yard. And

working hard inside too on our art where we made our faces into puzzles, have a look on our window if you

get a chance.

Page 5: Newsletter - · I like the fidget cube. Brandon I like cooking. Jayden ongratulations to Lee and Dean Parker on the arrival of ooper James. orn May 18, weighing

Together We Will: Be Learners. Be Safe. Be Respectful.

Mt. Beauty - Kate M, Tina and Sarah

Mt. Emu - Frazer and Jack

Mt. Beauty students loved African drumming with Shabba this week.

Playing drums, dancing and learning about African culture was very ex-

citing. Here are some of our thoughts;

Chris “I like dancing, jumping and shaking my body around I loved it.”

Paddy “I liked the drums and balancing a basket on my head!”

It was a great experience and we really enjoyed watching Shabba on the drums too, he was awesome!

Mt. Emu

Last Monday, we were very lucky to drive all the way out

to Greta and experience the 15 Mile Creek Camp for the

day! We were involved in three activities including ar-

chery, hut building and the flying fox.

To go along with our extra-curricular activities, the

middle years have been undergoing our ‘electives’ eve-

ry Tuesday afternoon. Students have the choice of Ta-

ble Tennis, Dancing, Outdoor Games or Computer An-

imations. An excellent way to spend a session outside

of the classroom!

Page 6: Newsletter - · I like the fidget cube. Brandon I like cooking. Jayden ongratulations to Lee and Dean Parker on the arrival of ooper James. orn May 18, weighing

Together We Will: Be Learners. Be Safe. Be Respectful.

Stanley - Renee and Simon

Coffee and NDIS Chat (and anything

else disability related)

Benalla Support Group for Children with

Special Needs

158-160 Bridge St Benalla

With the NDIS due to roll out in this region in Octo-

ber 2017, it is important that families with a person

with a disability begins to understand what this

may mean for them. Now is the time to begin to

understand the expectations and plan the road to a

successful transition. Come along and receive up

to date info.

These sessions will be ongoing monthly so you have

the opportunity to ask questions and together we

can work out the answers.

These sessions are not only about the NDIS, but an

opportunity for families to meet other families in

Where? Children's Services


1 Hanly St



26th April

17th May

14th June

9th Aug

6th Sept

11th Oct

“NO-one knows it better than another parent”

Page 7: Newsletter - · I like the fidget cube. Brandon I like cooking. Jayden ongratulations to Lee and Dean Parker on the arrival of ooper James. orn May 18, weighing

Together We Will: Be Learners. Be Safe. Be Respectful.

Feathertop - Kate E and Fiona

Morgan - Ryan, Stella and Jill

It has been an exciting few weeks for Morgan. We were treated to some traditional African drumming, where Morgan’s own Amy Cooke took to the stage to assist our drum instructor with her impressive beat keeping skills. A great day

enjoyed by all. We have also been very busy in our electives, creating stop motion animation movies using power point. It has been an impressive display of computer knowledge and skills. We would also like to extend a warm welcome to a

new addition to our class, in the return of Brandon McDonnell. Brandon joins us once again at WDSS and has been a great addition to the Morgan room. Welcome back Brandon!!

We went a played the drums at

school. It was fun! My hands

were sore afterwards. –Scott

Some students are practising dollar and cent recog-nition using the cash register, and real money.

We ate Spaghetti Bolognaise on Wednesday. It had chillies in it

and was hot, but I liked it. – Sirus

We cooked Spaghetti Bolognaise. –Aaron

Mt Typo - Brittany and Ranni

Mt Typo boys have spent the last two weeks with Sue and Molly. During this time the boys were able to engage

in some new learning experiences. The boys loved Kahootz and charades the most. The Boys were even treated

to a fish and chip lunch. Mt Typo would like to thank Sue and Molly for all the fun they had for the last two


Page 8: Newsletter - · I like the fidget cube. Brandon I like cooking. Jayden ongratulations to Lee and Dean Parker on the arrival of ooper James. orn May 18, weighing

Together We Will: Be Learners. Be Safe. Be Respectful.

The Just for Kicks AAA soccer league kicks off this Saturday June 3rd. at South Wangaratta Reserve. 11.30 registration, games will kick off 12.15 pm.

Round 1 Saturday June 3rd.

Round 2 Saturday 17th June.

Round 3 Sunday 25th June Gala Day Parade collage.

Round 4 Saturday 22nd July

Round 5 Saturday 5th August.

Round 6 Saturday 19th August.

Round 7 Saturday 2nd September.

Round 8 Saturday 16th September.

All games will kick off at 12 noon. Players to be at South Wangaratta Reserve thirty minutes prior to kick

off for team training session and team selection.

Games will be 2 X 20 minute halves with a five minute half time break.

No games during the school holidays.

Games may be postponed due to bad weather, all players will be notified via Facebook Page.

Round 1. Teams will commence the first round of the 2017 Just For Kicks All Abilities Football League

Page 9: Newsletter - · I like the fidget cube. Brandon I like cooking. Jayden ongratulations to Lee and Dean Parker on the arrival of ooper James. orn May 18, weighing

Together We Will: Be Learners. Be Safe. Be Respectful.

The Community Dental Clinic at North East Health

will be visiting Wangaratta District Specialist School

in the near future.

We have our own treatment room at the school

which will be used for check-ups, cleans and any

other treatment required.

We teach the children how to take care of their

teeth, how to keep their teeth clean and also which

foods are so important for great healthy teeth.

We would like to offer a check up of your child’s

teeth at the school, and we would then let you

know if there was treatment needed and make an-

other time for their teeth to be fixed either at school

or at our clinic here in Wangaratta.

If you would like your child to have a dental check-

up, please sign and complete the Application Form,

which will be sent home with each student.

Page 10: Newsletter - · I like the fidget cube. Brandon I like cooking. Jayden ongratulations to Lee and Dean Parker on the arrival of ooper James. orn May 18, weighing

We are continuing our exploration of different Artists, and have had a lot of fun creating our own inspired “Pablo Picasso “ pieces. Inspired by Picasso’s fascination with guitars, and his famous “Still life Guitar” sculpture which is made out of Card-board, you can see our guitars are very decorative and some students have taken the “Abstract” concept further with the creation of their own 3D guitars.

ART with Jodi

Page 11: Newsletter - · I like the fidget cube. Brandon I like cooking. Jayden ongratulations to Lee and Dean Parker on the arrival of ooper James. orn May 18, weighing

Together We Will: Be Learners. Be Safe. Be Respectful.

Hotham - David, Lea and Chris

Brandon has settled back into our class extremely well after

his operation. It has been wonderful to watch his recovery

and him steadily regain his strength.

It is a tribute to his determination and courage in overcoming

such a hurdle. Through it all he has maintained his sense of

humour and has never complained.

The only downside is he barracks for the Bulldogs and is very cheeky on a Monday when they have had a win.

Warby - Judd and Liz

Last week, Warby went to 15 mile creek camp for the day! We had a class vote on which activities we would

like to do and everyone voted for archery, woodwork and the flying fox.

“I really liked the flying fox and archery. In archery we had had to try and pop the balloon. It was easy for me, I

popped it ! It was a fun day”- Simone Hodgetts.

“At 15 mile creek camp, I liked archery the best. I was shooting the bow and the string hit my arm, the next day

it was bruised. But I didn't care because it was an awesome day!!”- Jess Elkan.

“I liked the flying fox the best. I was scared and excited at the same time. I went down with Breanna, Simone

and Jess. It was fun!” - Sonia McGrath.

Page 12: Newsletter - · I like the fidget cube. Brandon I like cooking. Jayden ongratulations to Lee and Dean Parker on the arrival of ooper James. orn May 18, weighing

Together We Will: Be Learners. Be Safe. Be Respectful.

Mt Pilot – Jacqui, Treena, Sharon and Molly

Taminick - Lisa, Liz and John

The past few weeks have been so busy

and fun, with lots of learning. The Afri-

can Drumming was so enjoyable for

Taminick students. In cooking, the

youngest members of our class have real-

ly enjoyed assembling, toasting and

wrapping cheese sandwiches, which have

been enjoyed by all. Finally, we are

learning more about how to relax and

keep calm, by using our new egg chairs,

the foot spas and the swing in our court-

yard. These things are so good!

This term the Mt. Pilot students have been cooking up a storm. We have been following recipes that the children can take home and cook with their families. This week we made Savoury muffins to have with our Chicken and Corn soup. There was a lot of grating, cracking eggs and mixing involved. We also made Chocolate Chip cup-cakes as a sweet treat at the end of our meal. The girls skills are improving each week which is great to see.

Page 13: Newsletter - · I like the fidget cube. Brandon I like cooking. Jayden ongratulations to Lee and Dean Parker on the arrival of ooper James. orn May 18, weighing

Together We Will: Be Learners. Be Safe. Be Respectful.

VCAL 1 and 2 - Jodie,Rosie, Adrian, Ashley and Chris

VCAL 1&2 have had a very busy few weeks! As part of our Goldie Trading program, students chose a target to

reach and a reward (Laser Tag!). We finally reached the target and headed off to Shepparton’s Fun City. What

an awesome experience!! Thanks to Ash, Adrian, Meg and Chris for taking us. We also participated in the Afri-

can drumming with Shamba, have been looking at explanations in literacy and completing some science exper-


Stanley - Renee and Simon

Hard at work




Page 14: Newsletter - · I like the fidget cube. Brandon I like cooking. Jayden ongratulations to Lee and Dean Parker on the arrival of ooper James. orn May 18, weighing
