
There is a new ‘community alert’ service offering information about crimes and crime prevention. For more information, and to sign up visit the website

The Council has been concerned to hear of incidents of anti-social behaviour on the playing field. It is important that we work together to keep the facilities safe and usable. It is worth remembering that CCTV operates on the field. If you have any concerns about anti-social behaviour (but the circumstances are not an emergency situation) or to report a crime that has already happened, you should use the non-emergency number 101. Remember the Police & Crime Commissioner elections on the 5th May.

Community update

The next Council meeting (with AGM) will be 11th May, 2016 Open Forum at 7:15pm

All parishioners are welcome to attend and take part

The Defibrillator

There is a Defibrillator available at the Village Hall.

The machine is fully automatic with a simple two-step process that gives the first person to respond to a cardiac arrest the confidence they need to help save a life. A responder only needs to turn on the device and apply the electrode pads to the victim. The fully automatic nature of the machine is designed to deliver a shock only if it determines that a heart needs it. No one even needs to press a ‘shock’ button.

The defibrillator is located in the Village Hall porch, on the right hand side, in a bright yellow container. It is available for use by any member of the community. It can only be accessed and used after obtaining a code from EMAS when dialling 999.

Council News

S ince the last newsletter was circulated in October, the Council has been busy,

Owing to changes in employment regulations, Councillors have convened a ‘Human Relations’ sub-committee, which has met twice. Minutes are available on the website.

L engthsman. The Council participates in the shared Lengthsman Scheme, enabling it to commission a handyman to undertake small maintenance jobs around the Parish - for the

benefit of the whole community. This season the Lengthsman will be concentrating on pavements and roadside weeds and on the playing field, as well as minor repairs.

Please contact the Clerk if you identify work which could be carried out.

D ropped Kerb. The Council is still negotiating to ensure that a ‘dropped kerb’ is installed on Moor Road to improve access to the pavement on the east side of the road for residents and

visitors who have limited mobility. This has been proposed to the County Council, and we are awaiting news about funding toward carrying out this work

P ublic Rights of Way. Following complaints from parishioners at recent meetings, the Council has been exploring how to tackle the problems on the public footpaths in the parish

caused by dog litter and anti-social cyclists. A new dog-bin is to be installed on Moor Road, near the entrance to the footpath, Of course, it is an offence to allow a dog to litter a publicly accessible space (this includes within farmland !). Even more anti-social are the owners who clean up after the dog and leave the bag lying around. All the rights of way in the parish has no power to enforce the restrictions. If dog-owners, cyclists and other pedestrians are going to peacefully co-exist, each needs to be considerate towards the others.

K eeping up to date. Finally, the Council has agreed that there will be regular email bulletins to those who wish to receive them. This will be in addition to the thrice-yearly paper

newsletters. It will help local residents to keep up-to-date with issues like road closures, crime patterns, or important events that often crop up at short notice. It will also allow the Clerk to pass on information forwarded to the Council from (for example) Gedling Borough Council, the County Council and Police. The Council undertakes that any contact information that you give will only be used by the Council, and will not be shared. Please contact [email protected] to be put on the circulation list.


Papplewick playing field The Council has been exploring the alternatives for the future development and management of the playing field. One suggestion is that we develop a safe informal play area in the section between the grassed area and Moor Pond Wood. A working party are to meet to discuss alternatives and report back. The playing field will be a major item for discussion at the next Council meetings.

At the meeting in March, the Council resolved to start work on producing a Neighbourhood Plan for the community. Since that time, Councillors have attended briefings to find out more about the potential value and likely costs of creating a Plan.

We can apply for Grant Aid to offset the costs. It is intended that the Plan will not be restricted to the civil Parish of Papplewick, but might address the hopes and concerns of all residents whether they live in Gedling or Ashfield.

A Neighbourhood Plan does not replace or challenge the Local Plan produced by Gedling or Ashfield Councils, but adds local views about how they should be interpreted. The process will begin with a survey to find out what residents think about a range of local issues.

The work has to follow strict guidelines. It will be managed by a joint committee of Councillors and residents. Once proposals have been produced, a local referendum is required before the plan can be adopted.

We have formally applied to Gedling and Ashfield to ask them to recognise the authority of the Parish Council to negotiate the plan. There will be a public consultation about the boundaries of the proposed area to be covered by the plan.

The Parish Council has assumed that the residents of Ashfield living closest to the village would wish to be included in the proposed Neighbourhood Plan. This is based on feedback over several years which has welcomed the delivery of the Parish Newsletter to those homes.

However, including the east side of Moor Road in the plan may not be legally possible. It would help the Council to argue the case if as many parishioners as possible respond to the consultation and express their view. You can respond to Gedling BC even if you live in Ashfield. If not enough people support the idea, the proposed area will be altered to include only the civil parish of Papplewick.

Linby Parish Council is developing their own plan. The Parish Councils have agreed to work closely, but the two plans will be separate — reflecting the fact that although the two communities have much in common, they face slightly different issues and may have different aspirations.

Developing our Neighbourhood Plan

Finding out more information The Council has added extra pages to the Parish website to provide information about the proposals and details about the consultation, as they emerge. These will develop gradually over the coming weeks, and will be updated at each stage. There will be public meetings at the Village Hall — provisionally booked on the afternoons of 22nd and 31st May. Please put the dates in your diary and watch out for more information. The URL of the Parish Neighbourhood Plan pages is Help us to keep you informed by signing up for email alerts.

Getting involved The plan will be most effective if as many people contribute as possible. Please make sure that you let us have your ideas and opinions. Can you contribute in any other way ? For example — organising, delivering material, planning, displays, refreshments at events, joining working groups …… we’d love to hear from you.

R oad closures: We have been informed of two forthcoming road closures which will affect residents.

Roadworks on the A60. Work will be carried out on Mansfield road between 29th April and 12th June. There will be road closure and diversions at some times. See the Parish ‘What’s on’ page for full details of times and places. Roadworks on Station Road, Hucknall. Access from Papplewick Lane into Hucknall will be disrupted when the bridge is renewed at the Railway/Tram stations. There will be some preparatory work during April and May and then the road will be closed from 4th June until October. See the Parish ‘What’s on’ page for full details of times and places.

R eminder: Please contact [email protected] to be put on the circulation list for email updates.


In celebraon of Her Majesty the Queen’s 90th birthday,

a BARN DANCE is being held at Hall Farm, Linby

on Saturday 14th May 2016 at 7pm

With Caller: Ian Whitehead

Live Band: Cat’s Whiskers

BBQ – Meat & Vegetarian opons available

Bar Facilies

Great Raffle prizes

By cket only: £15 per person

Available from Copperfields, Watnall Road, Hucknall,

Claire Hardstaff – 9638512 / 07977557743,

Richard Hull - 9681968

In aid of Village Churches, Macmillan Cancer Support and

Linby Millennium Fund

What else is happening around the Parish ?

B est kept village competition. Way back in 2002, Papplewick was the winner of the annual CPRE best-kept village competition. At their last meeting, the Councillors agreed to

enter the village again this year.

The judges will tour the village over the next few weeks and make their decision about whether the village will ‘progress’ into the next round, based on the appearance and upkeep of the area, the activities that take place and maintenance of the facilities. It would be really nice if people could make a special effort to clean up and tidy the area around the roadside of their property. This especially applies to the village centre, but also to the outlying roads as well. The lengthsman has been asked to clear weeds from the pavements and clean the road signs, which will also improve the appearance.

R oads. The Council has received a letter from the County Council giving their policy about road repairs. Briefly stated, their policy is to spend as little as possible ! Having said

that, the County Council will respond to reports of problems. Anyone can report any suggestions for work directly to the County Council at https://www. However, there are some roadworks and road closures due to take place in the coming months—please see the separate notice

V illage Hall update. The Village Hall management committee has discussed and agreed a plan for a a series of upgrades and repairs to the building. Work has already been carried

out to replace some carpet and flooring, improve toilets and improve the kitchen. More is in hand. We are very grateful to our County Councillor and District Councillors who have, between them, donated a cheque for £1000 from their community fund. This will be a great boost to the continued momentum of the project.

C ricket. On July 3rd the (now) annual Cricket competition will take place between ‘The Horse and Groom XI’ and the ‘Griffin’s Head XI’. This will take place at the Papplewick and

Linby Cricket Ground , with the game starting at 2pm. The bar will be open for the benefit of thirsty players and supporters alike. 2:00pm all welcome. It is a good opportunity to sample the excellent facilities that are available.

R evamped website. The Parish website was beginning to look a bit stale. Over the last few weeks a number of changes have been carried out to make it more accessible and easier

to use. The ‘home’ page can still be found at there are more links to different sections of the site from there. Of particular interest will be a new page linked from the ‘home page’ called ‘what’s new’, which is for updates and alerts. We hope to refresh it weekly, or more frequently if important information becomes available. Events in the parish are already listed in the events page, and this will be continued.

If anyone wishes to have parish events or parish services placed on the site, please contact the web-manager. Email to [email protected]

Queen’s 90th birthday celebrations There will be a barn dance at Linby to celebrate the Queen’s birthday. More detail elsewhere in this newsletter. It is intended that a Beacon will be lit at around 8:30 on 21st April, at Stanker Hill farm.

Application by Papplewick Parish Council to produce a Neighbourhood Plan

Papplewick Parish Council has informed Gedling Borough Council that it wishes to produce a neighbourhood plan for the entire Civil Parish of Papplewick. Neighbourhood plans are developed by the community and set out planning policies concerning the development and use of land in the neighbourhood area. Neighbourhood Plans are about supporting growth and must be consistent with national planning policy and the policies in the local planning authority’s Local Plan. Gedling Borough Council is required to publicise this application to produce a Neighbourhood Plan. As such, any comments may be made through the online Inovem system

or to Planning Policy, Gedling Borough Council, Civic Centre, Arnot Hill Park, Arnold, Nottingham NG5 6LU [email protected] by 5pm on 3rd June 2016.

The application can be viewed on the Planning Policy pages of the Council’s website and a hard copy can also be viewed at the Civic Centre in Arnold; Linby and Papplewick Village Hall; The John Godber Centre, Hucknall during their normal opening hours. For further information on the consultation, please contact Planning Policy by telephone on 0115 901 3757 or [email protected] For further information on the neighbourhood plan itself, please contact Papplewick Parish Council on 07971700434 or [email protected] It is proposed that the plan area will include the whole of the Civil Parish of Papplewick and the area of Ashfield District outline in the plan [Left]

The official notification about the consultation ...

Leisure Enterprise Group

T he Group works to support improvement of social and leisure facilities in both Linby and Papplewick. Over the last few years they have donated money for playground equipment,

towards the jubilee party and to support local organisations, The Chairman is Paul Holmes and Richard Hull is the Secretary.

Forthcoming events for your calendar

Papplewick Play Day (27th July). The Play Day planning is well underway and funding had been provided by both the Parish Council & Enterprise Group to pay for the drumming workshop and the Play Forum. There will be FREE entry. Refreshments and cakes will be available. Parking will be on the Griffin’s Head field (NO PARKING AT THE VILLAGE HALL). To avoid problems that have occurred in previous years - Please park responsibly, Beware of other patrons. Only park on the field and make sure all litter is put in bins. If this advice is ignored, we may lose the privilege next year.

Papplewick and Linby Village Hall The Village Hall is TWENTY years old. On Sunday 10th July, starting at 2pm there will be an afternoon of social activities. This is planned to include — Local real ale, crafts, musicians, food, cake and refreshments with more to be unveiled nearer the date. .

News from Groups

Please contact Kathryn Holmes on 07817 649 643 pandlvillagehall@hotmail. co. uk for bookings or to share your ideas.

Friday 13th May –Trivia Quiz Papplewick Village Hall from 7.30. Entries welcome from teams of 4 Cost per team - £15 Friday 24th June – Fashion Show Papplewick Village Hall, Doors open at 7 pm Tickets £3 in advance - £4 on the door High Street brands at reduced prices Sunday 3rd July - Serenaded Strawberry Tea West View Court, Main Street, Papplewick Enjoy afternoon tea – sandwiches, scones, strawberries, serenaded by a string quartet 3pm – 5pm. Tickets £5 For tickets or further information on any of the above Contact Carol Spencer 0115 9635455 or contact [email protected]

Papplewick Village Ladies Moor Pond Woods Project

News from Groups

Some work has been carried out in Papplewick Dam wood to stabilise the river banks, and create habitat for cray fish and water vole, which are both endangered species. This work is likely to last for several weeks.

The project to conserve and open up the sluice in Grange Cottages Wood is also progressing well. A new path has been constructed, with work on an access ramp and safety fencing likely to take place in the next few weeks. We have also been working with an artist to design new information panels.

This project is being funded by a grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund.

Forthcoming events for your calendar / diary

Wednesday 27th April. Talk by Les Warren: ‘The waterside care project' Village Hall at 19:30 . All welcome.

Wednesday 25th May. Evening visit to Papplewick Pumping Station. Meet at the Village Hall at 19:00. Must be booked in advance

Would you like to help with the project ?

For information about the group and its activities

contact mpw@papplewick. org

Or visit the group website

http://moorpond . Papplewick . org

Friends of Moor Pond Woods


For more information contact Maureen Barker

[email protected]

Papplewick Village Hall 7:00pm for 7:30 start. Friday 29th April 2016

Invite you to their

• Dance the night away. • Tuition for the first hour • Pie and Pea Supper (veggie option phone 0115-963-2057

• Licensed bar and raffle.

with tuition

Tickets £10.00