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QInunt!! Q I i r ~ u l n r VOL 121'-

Slavery InMorris County

by V<:c' ld Mit" " ,

TIt.: Heril6g<i! Commission hill; initiateda Block ! !,stOfY proje<;t whkh f0CUS<'s on the

,n.t;lunOIl of s l ~ w r y "" ,t w . . p'octb,d t il

\10,n> County during the elqhleenth ~ r x l n i n N c ~ n t h (""lUrie,

ThP proj<><:t i n ~ ' compiling. Iran-

""iblng ~ n d edit,ngdoc" ,,,,,,,I, p"rt3iniog to

slave",.. with the ~ K I of a oompuln. T h ~ " , include "dW birth certificate. ",-hkh " . . e

regis,,,,ed \>I.' the offi<" of the Morris Count.,.CIerI< a. f"<l'Ji,ed b!.' t h ~ Emancip'''io/1 Ll w

of 1804 They Me a val""b/e ""'fOe of

,nforffiiltlon t J < ? c ~ u S < ' th"Y giw us i < k ~ "Iwho II", ,"",." Dwr1<l" v.<"" ~ n d", they

""' ' ' ' Irom Th"" al", pnn.iJe u. with then a m ~ , 01 the 40w ,hMren alQng Wlth thename. 01 th .. r mother!' - mlormotiC<1 that

will b<! lI5eflll to B " " e ~ t o g ; s ! , SomeTime>Tlw, oe< iQfl "I the owner is ~ I " , m " n t ~ e d I, I, " ' ' ' <urpri,ing to l"ill11 Ihal m.:my 01 the

:;I""" o ... ,.,.,rS controlled i,..,., mills. b'geIrdcts oJ land. or I U m p compan,,, .

Ho",.e""r, no! aU .t.""o"'..-,,,,,s were ....",,/thy,Son", of them w(>,e farmers of 3""3ge

m e ~ n s 11><> atlw, documents used in thi!; proj

ect ar e bt.:ltes In .....morles 11><>", ,ecords

.....(>'" ongi""lly liled "ith thc Orphan', Ccurt

(nov.' knov.'fl "S Ihe Surrogate COUll) b<!.t":een the ,"'3rsol I 756aoo 1841 TII<!Y t"nus not only ..."' o ownro slaws, they also gi''''uS an i > C C u r ~ l e i d e ~ of how many .!aves livedin particular ho'-""hok! and what their

"',,"".s ........'"In order to "",ke thi' Inlonna-lion avall

ab!elO h " t o r i a n s ~ n d '<l'S<'3'ci1<lrs. The Hen-

t"!!" Cornm,,;,,ion b planning to publi'hth"", record, in a book which .... lI be ""Ued51 ... ,,ry In Mo rr is County - A Docu ment",.". Hislo,.".: 1756 to 1841. 11><>

Commission expects tha t the book will beaV<lllable OOIOl"e the ~ n d of the 11"'"

Morris County Heritage Commission

• • •

A tws[ ~ n d - h ~ r p y " " S q u i - l > K ~ n t ~ " ! l i < l l " to Morris County's ! { ~ n o w r Morri< . P ~ q u < l n n o c k ~ n d RoxburyTown..<hip" All four ["",\Shlp> halle

act;'" celehral>Oll .d1<lduk-. pl.mncd for

"'" t all began in Morri'town on M3'ch

25. 1740. 0"" Ii"'" after Morris County

•;;PfIn'< 1990

Happy 250th

Tour Morristown and RoxburyblJ 0.""" Si.9MrOl-rrch

11><> Morn, County Hcn!"!!,, Com

mlS..<ion ha5 ;»ued ""'" b.ochu."" Ie,,'turI"9 the Histo ric Highlight. of Mor

,i't""", and Roxbury Townsh;p. The

t"" publi<:ations. port 01 a c o n h n u m ~ series cO\fenng signikant h ,1orkal 5 t ~ , throughout the COIJ!lty, in ,h le d 'hort

,",coon! 01 m., Origin, ~ n d dewloprnem

01 each community. photos of prom,

"""I historic build ;ngs '"I;th aecomponyIng ,ketcoo ksc ribing tJ)('ic sign;ficance.

m ~ p ,-,hm,ng the Ior:"ti{m of the f ~ a tUM! histork,,1 building •. "nd br ..f\);biiogr aptly for more in lonna tkm ~ b o " t In.:, c n r n ' ! H m ; t i e . ~

-n"". , brochures are de$;gned to

proVide a viSltor or County r . , i d ~ n t ,,;tha con"""ient "' ' ' 'ey of Moms Coomly •

,Jeh ~ n t d g e _ said Shdron [)o,emw;Comm;".ion Cha; ...."man ' W ~ h<Jpeth.tlth"Y help ~ t i m u ! . : l 1 e de£(J<'r Inte,e. t in our [<.>«l history

tnlldd ilion to tf,.. ' ...... M",,;,tov.nand Koxbt,ry Town.nip p-ubl""'tlOf1',

the ""ies indude, brochures on

!(>V,;n of Boomo" ",ld MeOOh.:.m Bor

ough.Th e H,,,,,,,, I IIghl;gl' I, dre d v ~ ; 1

db", hom the Mom. Covnty Ilcnt"!!"

Commis;ion"l 300 Mendham R""d

n,., mailing d < i d r ~ ' " ;, Coo,1 House

Momstol'.'ll, 07%0. (20112S5 1952

'n". broeh,,,e, haw O O ~ n I",,,1<:d by theComm ission, m., Morrl,Collnll,' 00'''[01 Cho5en F r e e h o l d e r ~ and the F M

K;rl." l'''l",d.!tiOH

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Doolittle ExhibitCourt House Lobby

A Hentag<' Comm'5$1Qn ditp!oy f e ~ t u I i n g m e m o r ~ b d ~ OOr'lOnng J , m m Doolittle·s first Instrumen t takeoff arodlaooing In 1929 um be .een In the lobby of l h ~ Cou rt HOIJSoI!',

This hi1lork event. whlch look place in Boonton Tov.'!lshlp.,evolutlonlNd aviation history and ~ i d (be fO<l!"ldalion for themodo!m indur.try

General James H Doohnle. now 91 and living in ClIhfor·TWo. w.uan ao. ...t!on ~ o n d S C i m l I S i ...... ..!soll WorldWar D hero. a Brigadi<>r in com"",nd of the 12th Ai r

Force. and.ll M<!daI of Honor ""nnerPnor 10 1928 and Ihudvent of Instrument 1I!o.'ing. 8trplann

had bftn uMble to fly In clouds. darl<.nes<. or fog. There hodb<len b t l ~ l'Xp<'rimentation in airplane radio tkveIopmen t -the key to Ins trunu'n l fiyillg - until Aircraft Radio CorpOration,II div15lon 01 Radio FrellU€t>CY Laborillorles. In "'' ' ' ' ' ' '" to manyrruhta<y '£CIUI!01S decided 10 focus re5('arch on a 1 ~ > l projll<;t

A teSIS;le for this projol<: t large (olnclude IIl'\l11Way.hangar. and W l a b o r a : ~ W d ' purcMsed m Rocklnwy Valley.war the company lwadQo '¥leTS. FlfSI ' .vrKl the instaIalioo 01

a tadio I;!Qcon and f<Kll,1ie5 lor night Flying . Then intet'lSl\'e

rcsean;h beg.ln on beacons, the 01 alt'plllnerecen'lllg and [,ansmilling eqw.pmenl. as well lIS on eiecuicaland radio mSlrumem. lor lIids to n a V \ g ~ t t O r l

In 1929 Doohnle ,by then holder ol 11 doctor"l . In ""rO<'IIIU·(I<: 5<:ience from MIT and" Iil'UteMnt in lhe Arm.; Atr Corpi.came to Boonlon to tond...:! e xtensive ",ceptanc a 1 ,,1 of theAIrcraft Radio Corporation T ~ p e B BililoCon R < I C ~ r ~ n d theT ~ ' P ' ! C CxX T " ' m s m i n ~ r In that ~ o e a r Ihe hlotorlc: flight lookp ~ . In ...t>ich h thI! pl,m' ...... It.ckedow. he tookoff, I\ew and i.mdoo lti$ a.rcralt by Instruments """'"

Tlw erlUbit i5by courtesy of Jan Ricker a.">CI tho! BoontonTo....TlWp H,5lOrioc.>1 Society

Art of Hanna And Michas

At Hall of Records

The p" tn tingsof ~ r t i s t Anne tte Mnan Han"" are currenllyon di,pL.y in tm. filth floor lobbyol the H"U of Records, H ~ n " "

studio is in Convent. i. v....,11 known portrait artl.t.According toone art critic. 'Wecan ",eMily '<!cogniu the skilland d'rdrna '" H.:onM s work ,The qssen,iaI .. <!mentsof port,,,1tllr . - the handling 01 hair, skin. "Y"'. and cloth - areIn t .rpreted in 11 pIoinL<'rly '* They ar. . . . . .Ji:ltlC ....,1"""1becoming hard O'dged, and hMoe a texrurdl. btmhyq....,1 ty m.,1Is refr<!Shing and rela.'Ied ' The H;mna -. exhibit v.. .. continueu n t ~ tho! "nd 01

In early JIIDI! tho! work of MendMm printlTlllker T,eldaMtcha. w i ~ he exhiblK!d in the fifth floor lobby 01 the H..u 01Re<:o rtls, Mieha, is known ~ I I over tho! US fot her c o l o r f ~

~ r e - I i r e < : l ! il k screen p ri nts l . i g . h s , S e T 1 g ' a p h ~ a print,ng process of J"pIollCS<! ong'" In v.hich .emHlquid lI1k

i. th rOllgh a hoo mObh scr. .,n to form the anlslloos>gn~ p o n any do.>s<red Wl'f"'e by rne<lM of a SlenciJ. A diU ......... t ,ilkstenc-il ;. used for each color Serigraphy. un!ik m.1ISS prod...:lion pnnun!l_ Is a palnswklflg. tirno:-.comummg p r o c ~ ' U Ifmany rolorsan> used il tnIIYtakeasLongas IWoo. tTlOI'I< month.before" ......,,-k (an /lCluoJIy be primal.

Though K h a s "'M born in Living,ton. NJshe spent a part01 her I-"'Jth In Holland. Slife lived for a period of itnlfe ,nH ~ " " ' i ....t"'.e she studied with .. maSlers

Meha.$' flou'e, prlms wilh I""it brill",n, ContrM llng color$are SInking , In the works of one ' ''tic. -l1Hly are sure 10 t ~ k o < your b r e ~ t h ~ .... ay

The T '?I<Iio Michas o:nlblt will be on displ.>y ..." t ~ the 1 U I r 1 ~

In October tho! Hen t . Cnrnmi"'ion ,n conjunCtiOn ",ththe NI!WJerseyCommlttH For The HUlllilm!..., .....dI ""'",..,, anel<hibit on the Bill 01 R.ghts


Opening on Svptember 23,1990 al ~ " u l l o c h Hall Hisloric.aI "Survey F,om the

Collection" ,,1U fe<>tUJe N , , ~ t ' searIiest work in thetr coIIo!clion Indded in theexhibltoon ""a p e n c ~ W>tch 01 his mother and fatherIMt execut<!d v..tlen he wasItfloon years old


s...ptember 27. 1990 In!I'ks thcl SOth anniversary of Thomas '.birth. The Heril"9"CommisiIonandMaccuBoch H..Il will C<Hpon$OI" "ncxhIbt1 of orlgiMl NMt posterson theAfth floor of !he Moms County Hallof Records The Thomas NlI9l Soci·ety ..... ll commem,,,,,te this oec.,ion

by planning ""rlous <!»Cia[ ,xhlbi·l ion, In Mo rri stown.

Th<! high"ghl of the exh,bilwill be lhe ,tnveillngof The Grand

C a r i u t u T ~ 1 n ! I panel.'$ ingRound the Circle, "one of thi rtyth,<!e panels f,om th " historicalpageant which Nast prlmro in

1867 T h e s e o w n l z e p a n e ! s ~ by """""' / _ <lllth) toured me..lers in NN.' YorkCity....d Bo.ron10 !he accompan'menl of of pe.nod rro.tSic and a r'IIIrTalnll! by an

A abour the GraooCaricaruramlt will a[$O be stw....71,

6/12/'90 CounIj.CimIlar\

.- .... . - , ... . ....-

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Happy 250th  - How They Are Celebrating 

FTidoy. June 8 

Sotunby, J"... 9 

frl doy .b ... 15

Soturda<,o. June  ]6  

SuI. .t .y.J"", 17  

n......  Sop!  21 

Otiw,  0<,", ,11 * 


5o\urdao,i, Sept 8 

Sun!o y . Oclabo, 7 


Sa! June 9 

Wod  My4 


Morris Township SocIety oIlho RoocIer, ....  7.]0 P m.

p  .  orman ce  M om s MllSO'l>m 

AbO '.  «lr o«l1  "1ennon Areno

& bridg<. tou r"""" '" ! [;MI<, 9  m. Otlldren. ",tivuia . 9.&_m 

11m. caPlUe 

c.lebnltIO n oil5Oth B U th dayo/ Thomas NMI  at  Hal,  MO<rI$IOWrl

Morrn Tov .m h ,p  boo!<  t;.,J Cam  C"""''' '' '! lh  M<:.m. T""mhlp   II !/lucile IiobI>;e 

Roxbury Township Ro>o.tuv o..v Hone SI>o<- laM 

Dao,.- Mom 51" ""  

0..,. M .l n  5!,e<1.

Old T ytTI t' T".,.. , '4ft1irog &..I cI ng O!het acIM_- Ro>.bwy hl1lOty toough1  ., iId>ooIs 

Hanover Township 

Pequannock Township 

CngirwCo  _I, 7Stn Ami ............ Pa<.xIe

Fourth 01 Ju ly   &.hibouon.  P i(n. 

T",,11II 'up T not ha Io n

H"., .O"" .'I l, Park  FI1 ·S un   Ocr .  !:ncito-npmtnt ?aradoo an d Mock g""Jo, 


1832-Mom  51'''''1.  Rox/>ury. 

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GRANTS . . . . . . . . .• . . . . •.. . . . . . . . . . . .The lotrTll'llOI'1 of I o c a I I ' f ~ t l " "

grooP""on the upsumg In Motrtsu....tyand gtams ""n ohen "",k<- the d;He,enc:ein _ , , ;n9 thlll I",,(oric ,,,xl Pl'eseNdliQn

P'ojI'Ct. get '*'"" CU",,,,(iy (ho:r£ ~ ' " fiw!I'M'(S In p , o g ' e u ~ ' lhe auspices of

tit<! Heritage Comml">On and Count\' 01

Morn. cOVIlling a va,,..,ty 01 plOi<!egU!u1q d New J,·t"'Y Hi,lnrita/ CmTUmo;

"on rn,><"k G r ~ n I noted h''ilo""n and

~ U l h o r ,Jonn Cunningham. <ponsorro b!.'The \o1,>rI\S COW'lI\' HtSToricai Soc",!!. Is

wrilinga stturt ' Hi>loryol Moms.Counl).Fur u"" in till! IChoois. whik til<' H,,!. , r i < - ~ I SocIetv vI t 'v Rock3 ..."<l\I$ ~ " h ~ l r e d Dr1.1.'"""", Bodle 10 rC'SE'arm a polP<>' onJ..oob f.ot'llCtl ""d the ISln C ... urj.'I n M I I l W S I ~ " " ~ 1 , ) f ! " i l l e . . . . . J l.I.' .... ng'(lI"l

T,,'''',ilups ..... planng b u l l d I D g ~ on u...,"ollonal Reqts!", ,mh grant monev Fromtfw OFfice 01 1\"", J,,!';('\J Herit"S"

MOOldle, With d """,,,Itl, o! ""'''-' Oult'h

Pubtio.uon O f l ~ ' Mm.;, CountyBoard of Cho. . . f , . ho]d. . .

~ . . . . . - ~

.' ... U.. .

'i t. . " M!)or, _ 0"""""F".l'Ic ... D P" V. · ·0 omM.vgorfl { \ .,. .;;",,,.,4<\."

WIIMm 0-""'" T .. " ...A, . . . O"mJ>M\lN • a K,,,,.,I'

o.n"" " " " '"~ ' o f f · Mary Chait""'t O f H < ~ AdmtnL<!,olO,o..VIII MH"". A«hjo.,,,Sor.d ... M Fu",-, Gr"" . [)e.."lopmrnl

. . ,, . hotac<. "t>CIfn1f\iIlmg "p 10 1401

(iwm lot the l"al""",,1 Hegl9.n WaslungIon TCl""Tlship ls nomlnllting th.. N.,;gh-bar Houw - ,an ... u l y G r ~ d ' hou....,11 w. ,( M,U R,...d. ~ n d 10 itdd,lion n....o b l ~ " w c l a gran, ' ' ' ' it . ov.", 10 'esl5lertl><',Schoole-is Mountllln HiW,ric l),;Uict

With a Ili stori<:al Comm ission BlockGrant. 1:..>-.1 ~ , , , , , , o ! , To",nsh ip pJ..n. to

rcgioto, Ihu \1oom PI"">IInl A'"n".H"'"r", [);,ITit' ,n an amhmous projecIImnlYing SlldEnl ,_archer. . f,om thehistory ho;rno" Pfogr.un It,. local high

"""'"t"".,,"'ng \lorris County s histO:'"

, , " , n l ~ Q I ! "our IegKy 10 ou t children andthe g f I " - " I ' 3 l i o ~ ' 1 1(> tomo1 Tlw H ~ r i l d ! < Comnlluicn . .~ I t u o , ... i n f . J I ~ From ....] ' ) tumtrunlun 10 M,>frlo; CO',mljip r e w ! V ~ I " " " COl'" ,-, • grams ..,,.,

ind,,-.:IuaI projecf'l.0<00"'0 Fulda

{]])L' <CLlItiltU<Cirrub rM,,,,,, (" .x"'I,' H..-r""",., Cornm,,,,,)! ,

M",m C,-",nT;l Cour1I"""",Mo",'·''''' '. N J 07%3-0900

IlOli 21<'>-1'1,,2

li,1;!I"JO C ~ O ; , • I

T " ' ~ h b o r l k > u o o 1'.'".,Mt!II/t><Jd, W""hmj/'''''

To .. "h,p_ ", Iw """"",,,ed

'0 ,,,,. ,,",,,,,,,,,; R'"'!l"'''' .. ,rhq " , ~ " /.am O.-';-JH o"d~ I o " , . C<'IOMI-. boo-d 0/0> • f,""I>t;>I. . . . .


EventsThom•• N ... 150th An nk" ,...... .,.. by II. . Nu l $o<;lcly

5o!]Jt, -ml"I ' 2 7 \1," ","" ' ' ' 1 -''""I,L>bt"", "1l\,' d" ... " i ' I " oJe ~ r i < a t u ' . n \ l p..\",,1 "'lKQUnd th.' eire.... pM"'" lJ ~ \ " •• , ~ , "0 -

__ "rio ~ ' " , " . , (- .

• ", ,1 "'"

The NJ I U"orical C"",mi< ......

Mor,i. C .. . n ' ~ ' w r i ' ~ ! I " Co m",Isslon Joint Gran. Wo,I<

"'0,0.. ~ , J ~ n, IC_

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13 No.1

New Jersey

And The

C ivil War

(1861-1865)By 8iI1 Clwmerkg

Hislgry ~ r l " " , n r , MCJdison H.S.T h ~ Civil War wal a lour·year


he Conlede:ral8 S t ~ t l ' l of America., war. w<>gee! initially by Presi<k:m

• ,oln 10 ~ p r e s e r v e IIw U n i o n , ~ "".

in """r 600,000 < k ~ t h s and biI-

of doIiIIrI in prOpl!rty

ddirlOnaI intangible "" ' I I . fUCh as

disIoc:ations, racialrel'lSlORS and

iller m e ~ , can never be IvJIy

Srill, .l.very and seces-

came to an end.The War b.t",,"n rhe S t ~ t e s , as it is

l s o c a 1 ~ . made famous ouch p/acUl lS

~ n a s s a l , Antietam. Gettysburg and

p p o m a l l o ~ . And Individuals like

Lee. Jackson. Custer. McCIeI.

~ n d Beauregard, among

became household namell borhorth and toUrh 0/ lhe Mason·Dixon


the war thaI tp"wned theatlOn'l highar decoralion for soldierseombar the Congressional Medal 0/

Honor. n.._rWltnesaedrheeffortsof

in the baule/ield hospitals and

homes, effort. tNrt would eul

inat. in 'M Americ.!rn Red Cross by

, early 1880'1. And lour million

mYel rast.o 'M Ii"r bitter"""""IrHdom'. cup.

C o n t " , ~ e d QI1 Pose J


Q I o u u t ~ Q I i r ~ u l a r Morri5 County Heritace CommlliSion

Cha rlu Hopkin'

Morris County And The Civil War

By SMrotI Doremus

Civil War bulfswill lind IocaIltislmv hrkedWllhCivilWar art in the corninguhibil. '·Morris County and the Civil War. H Spomored by 1M Morris County

Heritage CommislJlOrl the uhibit of period battle scmu, poIiticlrl prints and

field artifactl wil run from July 2'}·October 25 in lhe Atnum Galkry of the

Morris County CourthouM.

Exhibil highligh15 will be photographs and memorabilia belonging 10

Corporal Charles HOpkins, and General Jowph R ~ r e , lWO Union soldierl

from Morris County whose and Civil W ~ r B ~ p e r i e n c 8 1 _ re ~ t r i k i n g l y d i f l . r ~ n t . 0...... a small town harness maker, met with highest military ncoor; lheotheT, a former U.S. naval officer &nd ....orld wicLr! a d v e n t u r ~ r , suffered military

disgrace.Hopkins. a Boonton rESidenr, achi£wd natlOflai acclaim when he was

awar<kd lhe Congressional Medal 01 Honor for hi t courageous <e$C1.lI! of a

comrade ar lhe Baltle of Gaines MilI5 in 1862.Raised in an active IIobolilior risI family. he helped IIava pI55 through tIw

Underground Rail road from Boonton ro Charlollesburg. lobitar arms forthe Union Cause , .... e n l i s t e d ~ l _ 17in lhe lSI Newhrsey Brigac!,e as a """,,Ie

in lUI. In 1$64, allhough seriously wounded, he surviwd a ten month

internrMnl in both inlamous Andersonville, and ~ I e r Florence prison e ~ m p s . Released in Febroary, 1865, Hopkins later served as mayor 01 Boonton. a

Morril CounlV Freeholder , and New Jersey S t ~ t e AI-Kmblyman. He died in1934 at age 91.

C o n r i n ~ e d on Pose 2

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Th" Su . a nd". of l ~ " an d Hi. Army to l i ~ u l . Monis Coun .y ..nd C,vij War ( C O I 1 I ~ )

JoMph WaNen Revere, ft grandson of R""'OIutionllry patriot, Paw Revere,

.. . tled in In 1854 ail e. a colorful N ......Ica ," , and .. "tretch,n 1m.Muiclln Army. He b u ~ t "The W ~ I o w s " a laodlNlrk Vbctorian hoo .. lat'"

,,,named · F " " " , , ~ " MId ""'" part o! lhoe Morns Counly Pa.,k system.

In July. 1861,'>1 age 49..... enlisled as .. Colont!l in Company K of I ... 7th

Reginvnl New.le"""Y VoIunt .... rs. and reputed!yW<l$ t ... firsl New hrMyan tovolume ..r fo, the Union forces. his comlNlnd, thoe highly disciplined

reg"" ..nt became th .. pride 01 II\,. Slele. Censure and dishonor ruined ru.

disbnguished mili ta ry ca,eer when he W<I$ UllJustlv courl·ma,tialed ktr leading

Ius blIue,ed in ,etreal al the blIllle of Clwncelonville 01'1 3. 1863...."hoot orders Imm hos superio< o/fic;2I', Ge....,.,.aI Da"",,1 Sickles

Prntdem lincofn. recOgnizing Revere', abibly and brl"'''ry. revoked his..".,,,,e ",ntenu in September. 1864. Only p a r t i a l l y e ~ o . , . . . r M e d , his command

W M not ,Uto,ed. He w;w honorably ""ha,ged as a Brewl MaJor Ge .....aI.

Dfif)lte yean of p.-ofessional expo<rim::e, he could no longer _ the Unionc..usoo. His opints b r . n , and his health declirung, he \1,Imed to writing and

trawl. He died in 1880Civil War lICenes from Harper's Weekly drawn by poli tical cartoonist

Thomas NasT will also be on exhibit. Thae CaflOOl'l$. promoting patriolism andsupport for ,he North. m n ~ n c e d public opinion 00 IUCCft'fuIIy ,Nit Ptwdent

lincoln called !he cartOOfl l$l his!:>esl sergeant

Thomas NasI WlI. a Morristown raido:m for rNllll/ yean. ON of hisMacculloch Avenue neighborsw .. the highly controvetlial Ge""'ral FitzJohn

Porter. whoM lIOn. Robert. rNlrrK>d N&$t'. dilughter. $Brah E< Porter hadcommanded the 5th Army Corps under Ge....,.,...! George Me Clelilln. and was

110",. court-lIIIInt.aled for r ~ U $ i n g tocarry out orden" the$eCOnCl Ballico!BuD


He Il'IO\Ied to 1 Farragut Place, Morristown in 1865. and fought h,. di.·missal wJ\ich had becorN! a bitter political kssue !-W wu hired by the State of

NewJe.rsey, and M s u p e , i n t ~ . budt the A$yIum for the In$lI""- jGreystone),

for a COllt of $2.000,000. In 1884 Praodent Arthur revoked his M 1 1 t ~ n c e , an d

reinstated his rank. fuenng the debllte lhat the war woo.dd hav.. ended toOn'"d Porte, ha d commartded the Anny of the POtomac. instead of beIng court·

marlialed.Ofaddlhon..! 10eld Inltre$t are photogl'ilphs of the CM! War Monument on

the Momstown Grelln. ErecTed in 1871 m """""'Yo! the ooIdiers and uiIors

who feD dunng the conflict, 1\ was dedicated at one of the most II'JIpre5$ive

c",emon.u ever held in Northern New .leney. Out-.of·town visitors, arriving oneight special trl'U'I$.jamrN!d the town, 1000 marcher! paraded, and all attending

CM! lOla. IIOIdien. sailors. widows and orphans enjoyed ref.eshmen" afterwards al lhe Courthouse. Today The monument conllnues 10 overlook the

Green, a guardian of tlw Counly's C1Yi1 War manDnes.

Publication Date

Set For Slave

Records Book

Publkalion of Sfo\le Records 01Moms County. NI!WJersey: 1756-1841

issiatedforlhemdofJu ... The book iJ

8 compilalion of archival . feods r ~ l a t ing to lhe po-achce o! IIlavery in Morris

Countll in The 18th and earIv 19thc""tuT)!. Oa<n<l M"rOll, Hentage Com·

mIssion arch"'lSt, i. the ~ e r and

edItor o I l h i ~ book. Gil,.. Wright. dirK'

Tor of Ihe Afro-Amorric.,., histoT)! pro

!P"1 01 the NewJeroey Hiltoricaf Com·

mis$iQn, ha6 wnnen the introduction.

and Francu Pingeon, CMlrrnan of the

Morris County He"tago! project director

Advance order . may b", placed

through tlw Heritage Commission. In

addition, copIes will be donaTed to

schoof. and libra,ies. The book ha5

han parttally funded by a 9><I"t from

the """oey Comnu"ee !or t ' "

Humanities. Morris Counly Board of

Chosen FreeMlders. and lhe F. MKirby Foundation Inc.

African Video

Project In Morris

0,. Rlla Helle, and Dean Gwendolyn

Dungy of the County e g e of Morris

ha"" received a grant 'rom the NewJerwy Hislorical Com......,.., 10 tnler

view and film older Afl"ia.n·Americanlin Counly. These families ha w

emer ged &$ founding nwmOOrs 0/ thelocal NAACP, The C ~ l v ~ r y Bapnst

Chu,ch, lhoe Masons and Daughters o!

lhe EMtem Star. Among the group, n t ~ are graduates of Drew.Tuskegee, Howard, an d Monlclai,

State. Today they ,eprewnt a vanetyol

profeulOnl, R.N's, c a ! e r ~ r s . teachers.

principals. and police offlCett.Dr . CI,,,,,,,nt A Price. hi",ory pro

fessor at Rutgers·Newark, is serving 111

projecl consultant.

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School Exhibits


T""'9 museumS you will want to visit'he Tunis,EIlicks Ho .." , In N ....

and IN brand new Red Brick

MuseuminOoatlwnTown-Fairmount Avenue Southern


TUIti$ E11i<;1u, 1M 111th century hou""

and O p e r a t ~ by tho! Ho.dingownst.ip HlStori<:a1 Society, 1$ fea_

a specialcxhib;, Country L ....n·

Education /n HClrdJng Township

" C h j l d r ~ n in 'hif B.ea

lind two room schools1928." uplained H>"o.;c,,1

P,esdoent, Jane MacDougall.exhibit focuses On edUClihon in

""hooIhoutea. <tnd includn photo..... mapa. books, and mtmorabifi.o,

in theeommunity," A hiitOl'yofe Harding Schools, "Reoding,

'Rahmoti<:: Ihe &hooJ Ex""ri·Ho...:lit19 Township, /89(1./926"

be pubished rhis faD.

Chatham Townstup Historical S0ci

y is klcu"ng on ftlucahon, too, at I t ~ Red Blick Schoolhouse m......urn.

Welk Thn)ug" Charham Township

poeIU. . .

and ",,'ifact. from its19th century school dill.icl.:

Mount Vernon, Noe. Gret'n ViI·

~ O O Loanlah "Whal a joy". ex·Museum Curator Charlone de

~ t h a l _ 'w linally ....a I i ~ OI1r

of a m\lHl,UYl" FOI' 68 y.rars '10 1928 . II .. lwo room

knownas lheMI, Vernon

Di$1ri<:1 .78, """""d children 01

e a.e . In 19$9 II", building bK.a.""""""",hip of Chatham Borough

aOO in ]988the lop floor wu!tven

lhe Hisloncal Soc;.,.llor a mu5eUme Morris Counly Herilage Comrnis

has pla.ced a Counly hisloriclol

thio sue

Tu ni, Ellicks Hau te

N.J. and Ih ' Civil War (Con/rrlued)

When lhe war began in ]86], New

Jeowy - . n e d 10 fall in lint with the

Olhe. Union .Iall!l. N"", Jersey, h0w-ever. "-"'S the only Northem Iiale which

f a ~ e d to 5Upporl Lir>eoln eleclOl'aUy inlhe 1860 aOO 1864 PTesidenlial elec·

lions. The cihzef\$ of Morril County

picked up tht patriolic cadence """"' ..

new liberty pole tOrl$lflICledon the

Morristown Green on May 22. 1861.ThMka 10 pUbicdonaboos (1TOOpI J1'II>rCh.

ing from Newton to T.",non pasM<f

Ih.augf, the day b e f O T e ~ ..nd theWClmal01 Morristown lormed a SoId"M!'" AidSociety in an efforl to help p. o..,;de

additional .. . ides of lood and clothing

lor lhe 6ghtJng men of MornIt County.

On April 16, 1861. four ciaII' aftu

rebf:l forces /i.ed on F\ SumlU inChuleoton harbor, Gov. Chules

Olden. New Jeraey'$ chiel Uecutlve,

called the ' ,, '1 I.oops lor Mrvice:

Company "A·. NatJOnalGUbI'dsoiT ren-lon, Olden', proclamalion <Htached

the militia from lhe .Iate 10 serve lhe

nation for three monlhs.

According TO Adjutafll WiI·liam S. Slrykt:,. 1876 report. I'll"",

lurruhtd37 mlantfl/ r ~ t s , three r"9"ne1l11 of

c ~ " " l r y and one

'€91men l of "rtillery 10 Ih! Uruon army.

Nurly 3.000 Black mm from N"",Jen,eyako served in US. rrulitaty unitsHe pointed 0111 IhaT 218 offic, . and

6,082 mlisled ",,"n were kiQedor died inS<lrvN;e, Noted Stryker: "Ihe <Rptltation

of New Jersey trOOpS fully Sus

TaIned during lhe mli re War,

"presented On an principal b ~ t t l e · liekk."

Art At The Atrium

Theoil painllf\95of Irish ·bom PatrickR. Lane fin tM Herilage CommissIOnlpa<;e allhe Hall of R""ords thil month:

landac..pes, .IIK liles, and seascapes. aD

do"" in 001 OT acryl;c. A desc"ndenl 01

Sor Hugh La"", In connoisseur lor the

(nih govern""",l, and youngest In ap r o m ; ~ n l family of pU,slerers wllos4!

ancestrallr;>de dales back 500 yeaa.

.. I h.M been an Integral pari of Thean;'!". life

., was educated at Clmsl",n B<others

College in Irelaod· .... dMr, Lane. "andal!ended the Co.k Arl ImhlUle ",he .. J'Iudoed drawing and sculptur . underMarshal Hudson, a noIed SCuiplor andpro/('$$Of. Aftera seven year apprentICe·,hIp In the p\!l5\ering Irade.1 worked on

churches, ochoolo, hospitalo, and 9D"<!r".ment builcbngs aD oYer Ireland doing a

variety 0/ ornamental piaslcnng and

.IUCCO work."

In 1956. M,. Lane Immigrated 10 lhe

United States and worked for s",ndoz

P'Iwormac'Utlcal Comj>llt1Y for 30 yearsbefore <Rtmng in 1986. In 1M U.S, he

"" " s1udied i*nting wilh A lh Ale,,·of Hachtt5tDWTl and The late

Andy Brewer of Chester, and is a

"""m .... of lhe Chester ~ n d SomerHl

Art AssociatiON. He will be paInting inIus nalIve homeland lhis summer

Chile. sum",,"r Alrium ""hibt1' lea

lU'e a posthumussf>owing of the works

of Conslanzo GianMnlonio of Net ,congo the w"lereolo . of Caroline

Schwartz of Hackeu$tDWTl and DonnaKr"UI of Newton, pholography by Jack

Weingarten of Boonton, prints by

Alrium Art DirecTor, William Siurm.

and lhe 1991 Juried Seruor Cirizen


A'lill!; IIIlerested in h l b i t l n g in theHerilage ConlmlHlOTl e ~ h i b i l spa<;e In

the 5t h floor elevator lobby please Con

UIC1 Cot. t ' '. " NancyKnapp tI-onx.9>

the Herilll9' CommiSiion olfice,


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Red Brick Schoolhouse

Grants . . .

there ar e four g r ~ n t s in

uoder the al,l$pices of the

CommissIOn and County 01

The Harding T ownsrup HOstorSociety and Boonton HIstorical

hav" u(h received Blo<:k

from the New Jersey Historical

HardIng Townsrup will

Reading. Writing,. 'RlthmatK;; the

£xpenenCf in HardiMS Town·

/8O().1926. Boonton pia.. a ""If·

tour 01 the Boonlon IronworksRerord$ of Morris Counly, NJ

will b.o P\lblished wilh .. granl

tn.. New Jerley Com""tlu for the

and the F. M KIrby F<>Ur'IIii>

. A Historical CommISSlC)n MiniwiD parlially luncl the June 6

Nation Symposium.

Publi"",," or ,he MOrTi. Coun'y80ard o l C _ . F, . >old."

Pingeon, ChairmonJ, Cuahing, VICe-Chairman

Knapp, Secn-tOT)l

psey. T ....Ju...Doremus

Qwnn. UQ.


Challanl, Office Administ'aror

Mit . . . . ArchitJ;,u

Fulda, Pn:Igr-am

Historic Preservation Symposium

by D. J, SigllOJ'oUlch

A Sympollum on the role oIlustoric: preservatlOl1 in community planning

will be held June 6 at the Morris County Cultural Center 6-9 p.m. Entitled"Planning Fo r Tomorrow; Preservalion in Morris County. New Jersey." the

program is designed for M0rri5 County residents and pubtic officials as an

oppomlnity to .Iw,e inlormation, to ~ a m about new cleYeiopmenl6 In

preM'1Vaho .. p\annifl9 "n d to discuss COmmon probkoms. . ,

"Morris County is lacing an urgent need to baiaoce Its continued growth

an d ~ i o p m e n t with il l rich history." Fraoces Plngeon. Morris County

Hmtage Commission ChallWOr't"oan. &aid, "W e hopI: that tm. SympOO,um

,Iled new light on the difficult c:halk!nge 0/ meellng both of these demi>ncIs.

Featured apeakers at th e Svrnpo$ium will include Robert Guter. president01 ACfOterion, who wiD dISCUSS 10e use of historic sile su.-...-eys, Kitty Shuler,

beeutive Director, Preserwtion New Jersey, and II panel that wiD review

preservation planning in Ihree County communiliu. Speake . will be Margarlt

Nordmom. Wa,rungton Township Commin"e. MlIrg;uet Cushing, Roxbury

Towrl$hip Adviaofy Commin...,. Bruc, Keller and David Phraner. Montville

Township Hi"oric Prevention Committee an d Shem Hllber·Day, WashJTlg10n

Township Historic: PreservallOfl Commission.

The Moms County Cultural C""ler 1$ al300M"ndham Road (Route 24).3,5 miles west of the Morristown Grun. The C"'t of lhe program is $10.00,

including a box supper,

TheSympowrnis SporoiOfedby lh e Morris CountyHer i t . CornrniuiorCo'fDOII5OfI include lhe Morris CountY Historical Society, Morna C o u n t ~ PlanningBoard. Morris County Trust Fo r H.s!orical Preservation an d Preser'

vation New J.rwy, with additional funding by lhe New JIl1WY HislorlCai


[he ([oullhl ([irrulllr

Man. County Hmt<>ge Commission

Morris CountY Courthouse

Morristown, N.J. 07963·0900

(201) 829·8117

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VOL. 13 No.2

The Civil War

A Book ReviewBy WiUiam J Quinn

An ongoins exhibit in MorristoWll

salute. Civil W ~ r $Okiiers atKl displaysC i v ~ War artifact. ~ n d memorabilia.Held 3t the Alrium in lhe County HaUofRecOIds under the auspic"" of theMorriS County HeritagE Comrnis.s;on,rt Ms aU"", too largeaudiences and demonstrMed that publ;';' interest in the Civil' ·'' 'r ,,,,,,,,ins active. In view of that

.eresl n seems timely 10 ",view the

autnontattve thre« volume work entitled kThe Civil War. A N a r r a t i w ! ~ written by Shelby FOOle and publishedon 1974 by VintagE Books. a division of

R..ndom Ho"SO!.Foot ..·s book was a prlm .. sou,ce for

the PBS le!.::vision series on the CivilWar broadcasl In 1990and repealed in1991. Mr. Foote provided

commMI to Ihe te!.::vision S O ! r i e ~ in his

c ~ m e o appeannces. The work, cam·prismg mare Ihan 3,000""9"$. include.bibliographies, extensive indices, and

"",ny excellent " " ' ~ . In these wlumes it was the author's

endeavor to 'e.!Ore a biolance lacking innearly all the histOries composed wilhin

Ihe hundred years since the a"",,,,1t on

10,1 Sumter. This he has ,"rtainly do""

m recounting all the battles fought,

sreat and smaU, in the Eastern and

Weste,n theaters ofwar and at SO!a, also

in his delineations of the military com·

anders 01 the armies and navies of

'h C O m o . . l ~ n l s .

COttlinued on Page q


QIountll QIir.culnrMorris County Heritage Commission

_.-Marking The Morris Canal

By Arfine F. DempseyC,mol M " , k ~ r s Choirm<ln

Fal l 1991

The Morris County Henlage Commission, with the assistance 01 the C ~ " " , Socie!yol New Jersey,and the M",ris County PlannIng Board will be m'lTking 55

Morris Canal Sites wit"'n Motris County boundaries. F'<lrticipatmg in Ihe ""'rki"9

are the municipalities of Uncoln P ~ r k , Montville. Town of Boonton. Boonlon

Township, Denville. DovCf. R o c k a w ~ y , Rockaway Township, Roxbury. Mt. Olive ,

and Whartl)l1.The Morris Canal waS born On \824 and laste<! almost a <emury. To Grorge

P. Maccull<xh goes the credit for this lantastic f e ~ t of engineenng, for no othee

c ~ r \ a l had ew, litre<! boats losuch g-reat heights. This was accomplished by lhe USO!

of 23iocks and 23 " , d i n ~ d planes. The c a n ~ 1 rose from ,."alev,,1 al Jersey City to

914 I ~ t M Lake Hopatcong, and then d,oPl"'d to 76Q r ~ e t at Phillipsburg on the

Delaware R;v.,r.Though its memory i. kept aHve too..y mainly th'oush lhe media, the,e are still

many visible $ of the caMi. On May 13. 1989- the t""",,"eth anniverSary 01 tooCanal Society of N.J. · society members and their friends carlOold the remainIng

wate,ed strelches o/the Moni! Ca",,1 from kesey City to R<xkport. A video ofthi! trip '·1 The,e When They CarlOold the Mmris Canal"· is available. and"

"",n wo'lh SIIeing. Continued On Page 2

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-Freeholder Carol Murphv. and Dr. (lr></ MI$. AlISOn who "",'e contributors 10

r«'ml "Morns Countv and 1M Ci;nI War" uhobir at the Alnurn Gulkry.

Marking the Canal (Cotlfmuedjrom Page IJ

StMlIng at Je .... ! CIty we paddkld Old Morris Ca",,1 on 1m. uUle BaSIn; this

seC1ion of Ine caoal emplted into /1\(. River juSt north of Big B.,sin aL

iJberty State P ~ r I , - N e ~ t . we lram;porl .d OUf C"!lOU to C ~ f t o n . which has been

rnlore<;! ~ n d marked with II plaClu" COnlHl9 ne.1 10 Morris Countywe siopp('d al

s . . " ~ r t o w n , now koown a. Unc;oln He", at I'L!.IW _'0 ..... canoed. Hopp"'!!back into OUr cars we r.lopped al Mont.,;lIe, where we t r a " " r ~ the """" 42 footW111ered """'{>Or! ' Ih" 'lntore 5«10011 has been restored.

In Boonton we stopped on North Mal" Str«t and canoed , ... section of thenm.J that waf .ntored In 1978 when the Boonton KlWo'Inio; Club dedicated II

plaque, He,e we couldwalk parI of lhe Tow path and IJl<':W the RockaWlly Rtver on

the OPPO'"" At Whaflon we v.ewed the Sae of the old Lock and ag,aiJ'II.,,"IIlk<!don the Tow path. Ho.... abo 15 tt.. DRIll Town Park of Wharton.

ContinUIng the I.ip, W<' c ~ n o e r s ~ o v e r Lake M u s c o n e t c o n g ~ n d finally

feac""d t h e ~ h e r . i d e ~ 1 Lock _I W"t, " " l U c h " " " b H n p . , , ~ , IYreW<'found

lovely d!spI;.y 01 pict",". The Lui ' top in Mom. County i$ Lock "2 West ofStanhope, ""here remn.ulls o I t ~ lock can bt seo:>n, On to Sta.-pon ...,...

Watmoo. and thm to S a ~ ' 0 0 Falls, m ' ~ r tlw Stale Park. f . . . . . , 1 5 t o p ~ n d " O O 01journey w""' The State Gam<' Fatm ,n RockporT Foo- lhose who took 'he"",llfe nip

!Tom Jnwy Ci.y to I - b c k e u ~ . o w n , Ioi>c:bng and Ilnio.>dtng .hou canoes, our

JOUrney .ook twelve t.ou,.. on tlw road

Ma.;culloch Hail Musn.m ,n MorrlS'own 15 fe".urmg u... Mor-n$ CaRIII m an

exhibIt TIllIS through Now-mbtr 17, The mU$oi:Um .. Op<m from 1-4 p.m.Thuroday, s"lllrday, and Sunday,

The LlKieo menllor>ro obout> " nvol/nb/e by A . ~ n e thnwsh lite Hertloge CommoUOOll.

Time Travel

In Morris County

With John Cunningham

HistOrian JOOn Cunrungham', books

are al"""l/11 a delight 'o"ad, ~ n d Morrireiernentarystud.nlScanconsider them·Hives lucky that .heir next hiotOry

'v<tboo!u; wi! be wnl.en by.his famouslocal ~ u , h o r n ..... Trouorlon Mot ..County. by John Cuntungham, is apt(ljecl 01 the MoIrl5 County H'istorio;aISociety. and i$ a history oItlw County

"""II"" lor grades lour throU!#laox '0 bepubltolwd this 'pnns

"l11e IZS page ......nuscnp. ha$ eJg/I.

C M p l e r $ ~ , rep(ms Histoncal Society

DiroctOl' okan"" Wa1""", ",.,1Il each

chapter is onto ahoot articlesapprop""'" to tlw mn e perIOd and

mentioning local people and his.Oficsites"

Among tlw lively lilies in Ch!lpter rare "The Sha»(t We're In County

Boundariu", " B e f o r ~ T h e r ~ Was a

Morris County", "Molten L a v ~ " . '"rer

.ible U,ards", and "Ice on the Land"Revolutionary and Civil WM h,story

t O P I ~ S d. . ~ u . s "The ROMe of Fu<....e" " .. "GrOWIng Up Colonllli S t y l ~ " " S m a l l p o ~ W,nter. 1771". "Under.ground &lllrOild", and "The TerribleWar"

Biago.,p tiesincble "Teocher·Pmocher"Rev Jacob Gr"n. "A,y Pen"

n.o.n... Nai;t. and "Lady M..nne No

I" Ruth Str""ter """""transpor,iI!1OI'I

is /lddreswd under "Tolls. T ~ t l . .Tracks", "We on a B.>rge". and "TheTrolley Song" Th . hos,Ory concluo:ks

WIth "To d o . ~ · s look a, Yesterday". ~ n d "Enjoy Mom" County"

Mi>nuscnp' ~ n t WIIS madepossIbt.. by a New Jerwy H ..toro

Comnussoon block grant adm ....1er«l

by .he Morris County H ~ m a g o e Com

missoon. dnd by a Ii>6torical Com."",sion mini·grant A p u b l i c ~ t o o n g r ~ n , isOOng SOUght,

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Ci",! War· A Book R e v i ~ w (Continu",d)

In C h ~ p t c c I. "1'1-0109,,", . the Oppo.Part I. Secess,on", he contrasts

Jeffefoon O ~ " ' ; s and A b r ~uncoln ,n a fa" and balanced

O ~ v i 5 . with formal educa

a p p o i n l ~ n t t o West Point. armyin the Northwest, decoration

91Illantrv in til<! Mexican W ~ r , el",.

to the House 01 Representat;""s

States Se""te, and serviceas S e c r ~

of War, seem. highly qualified to

the Conle<leracy 10 independent

While Lincoln, poor]yedu·e"llo'nence<l as a country IaW).'l!r

OnlHerm Congressman, and WIth

exp/)Su " t 0 military " f f a i ~ limited toBlack Hawk War" where he saw

seem. markedly less quahlM n Oa...,. lor lhe <'\len lI<!avier

li ty thaI he was to carry as

of Ihe United Siales_

Ba lance i. equally present in lhe

strong feeling for the men,generals 10 privales, who did th r

on both sides 01 the struggle.

who wants to f e l ~ the Civilr will find reading this narrat ive in an

many pages a p\<:asureand alearnms

Publieal!On of th . Morr;" CountyBoard ofCh" . . F. . .nold.,..

Pingeon, Choirman

J. CushUlg, Vice-Chairmon

S e c r ~ f a r y F. Dempsey, Treasurer




Chalfanl, OffICe AdmjniSIFafor

Mitr"". Ardtitlisf

Program Dew!opmem

Holly Walk - Touring Morristown's House Museums

VISitors to MOI'Tislown's Sth annual Holly Walk will lind a lesson in hiStor;well as an enliwning holiday tour when sewn local house-museums op"n WI,,,

sp"cial exhibilS on Thursday, Decembo.r 5 through Suoo..y. Decembo.r a.Wi ck H o u ~ " , in Jor;key Hollow, new 10 this year's tour, fealures Ine w e n . t o - L

Wick family smingdow" lodinner in the 1770's. tn.: huge fireplacewill be blazing as

c05tumed Park Range.s and volunteers bake bread and cook spit-roasted fowl.Abigail's Herb Soup, Poor Man's Porrige and other 1Blh century delighls.

"Winter G,,,,,n -A Coiontal House in December'exhibits lopiary, herbs, ~ n d l o r c ~ d blooms at the 1760's Schuyle . . Hamilton Ho use. The Morris Choral

Society will sing on Saturday at 12:30 p,m .

To ,he soldiers alIne Ford Man,;on, December 25. 1779 was jus' arl<)[herworking <k.y. Mili lary Ide 'I f Ih" Commander-in·Chtefs headquarlers dunng thehard winter 01 the Jockey I-foUow Encamp"",nt ",-ill be d e p i C l ~ d _

Macc ulloc h Hall, the lovely early 19th cenlury horn<' of G<!Orge M ~ c u l l o c h . ptans a "Teddy Bear Tea" featuring antique be..", on loan from pri""te colleclors.local mU$icalgfOupo: "On the Green Bell Ringers''. "Drew University M.ldrigal

Singe",", and "Morristown Beard Jazz B " n d ~ 10 provide a harmonious b<lck


At Hi s tori c ~ d w e l l il is Chri.tmas in Ihe 1860'• . and Stephen Vail',granddaughters are home On vacation from Moravian Seminary for Young L>dies

in PenrlSylvania. continUIng lhe annual """aI,,,,, of lhe historic Vail, family.Refreshmenls wiU be senred here

The Y"M i . 1888,and Th e Willo,,"'. the bo'auli/ully resto red horn<' of Civil War

General JOS\'ph Warren Rew,e is now owned by Ihe FOSler family. A CI",stmas

celebratIOn is planned as ,I was when Carolme Foster """S ten years old,At Acorn Hall , an opulent Viclon.n mans,on. the Iheme .. "Christrr

S e l l e s ~ . A laVIsh wedding di$play features the el"borate gown wmn by

Morristown bride in the 1890's, and the dining room IBbl<' is se l for Ihe ~ d , n g repast.

TICkets may be purchased at ~ n y museum the day of In.: tour.

Morris County Herilage Commission

Morris County Courlhouse

Morristown, N.J , 07%3-0900

(201) 8.2S8111

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VOL. 14, No. 1

Second AnnualPreservationSymposium

Plal'ls are underw.y fo r th el l c r i ~ g e Comnossiol'l's secondannual (Ounty-wide sympo·

stum. " P I.nn;ng fo r Tomorrow:

I ' r ~ 5 e r v . l l o n In Your M a $ t ~ t Plan:

$Chcdulcd for Jul'\(' 4 at the HaggertyEducation Cl'nlcr. 53 Ea5t H.novN

Avcnuo:. Moms Township. opposite theCounty LIbrary. from 5:3010 900 p_m

Anton $ of A Neles,""nA ~ t C ' S , of l'nnn'1on "',11a multi ·...; ......... :>I ,d " p ........Liluon on

· Vi s io" r l a l ' l l ' l l n g . ~ Mr. NeleS,""n

holds an advar\red d..-g.ce '" plan·

ning from H.rvard and currently

I'CrVl'S o n the facul ty of Rutgers

Unlver s lty' s Gr.duale School 01

Urban 1'la"nl1'18. HI ' will nplorcw.ys of intl'g"Jt<ng histOrical PfCS('l"

vohon r o ~ r M with municipal pl"nnlns for the future and will pT()Vidc

practical examples of how these

idNs have been translatro m ""istm!;communlti('! . Mr. Nolesscn'S plan.

ning r o n c ~ p " ha\'t! N.'<:\'iv<,<d acda,m

throughout th " Uni ted States andEurope. lie is presently wntlng

Vi/illSi' .ntll/Qmltt /lQndl>ook,

funded by iI Sral'lt from the ViclOriaFound.uon.

To insult' tMt a communitys his·torio:al aSpeclS ~ r e col'Isidcrt<d in theplanning proton, Ray Zabihach,

DiTI'CIor of tIM! Moms Counly I'Llnn·ing Board, wilt discuss Ihe need toInclude a ~ U C I ' l dt'Scr1phOn 01 eachmllniciplllilyS hl,lorical and commu·nity character.


Q I o u u t ~ QIir.cularMorris Couat,. Herltal_ COIIIDlI


Spring 1992

D . ~ j J Mitro" (o"'I ' i ln-."d ~ i I " •. F •"" " "'''$t''''' C , ) I . , , " ; . , ; < t ~ Or . u". . . orl(.1 cII1rs_II" nl, ud Gik, "'rigl", . " I ~ o , of IIu- i ~ I " " ' ..dio•. TIrt- ",-oj«1dirtdo, "->., , " " ~ ; f o " " , ; " ' . 01 llu- 11,';1",.. C O " , , , , i f f l

Slave Records of Morris Countyby Franc", D. PcngtoM

In 1917, the compilers of (he

Somcr$Ct Cuul'lly s l a ~ e r ~ c o r d s listed the nalnCS 01 sLln'QwOC'rs,

the lown, where lhey Ii\'ro and the

birlh dates of the children 01 t h ~ i r sLIvn. Although tIM! rnrords includ·

f'd ",OSI of the ""mC'S of the bl.,d,

thik!rI'I\, their sLove mothers. and in

1 0m ( ' thelr fathe-n, 1i1esc names.acoord'ng 10 the compilers, .,,1.'fe not

mnsidl'fl.'d important enough 10 print"

51.ur ~ c ( l r l " 01 Man'" Co"n'y,Nrw Jr,. . 1756-1841 rdl«:ts therevolu tion in the writing 01 hislo' yover tIK- p i I ~ 1 Ihirty ycal'!!. While ear·ly generallons of histurians focusedon the rich and the powerful, 11K- p....

$Cnt-day SOCIa l hislory examines thelives of poor and forgotten mcmbcTs01 society JS w('11 By publishing all~ " l i I J b l e i n f o r m ~ H o n relating to

slaves Jnd thel. children. 51.v.RU(I.tI. (I f Mo.ri . Co . throw,

hghl on Hit' e<1rly h i ~ t o r y 04 Africa ...A..-.:ricans In th', alt'a, a past which.unhll'lOw, has brenalrnosl unknown.

The book includC'S slaves lisle<! In

the inventories 01 wills. the birth

rewrd5 of the children of slovC'l born

~ I r c r lhe pa55;lgt' ollhe Nt<w Jersey'sGradual Abolition Act paloS<)(! in 181)1,

and INmage records of .lan'!! foundin the County Oetk's ulf;ce and elSE'wlJ(,,,,,.

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Paog .. 2

Slave Records of Morris County( C / ) ~ " "IUd frc'" I"'Il" I i

n.e borth C \ ' 1 1 l r l C ~ t { ' S , copied ment,ulou51y by ~ r t h l v i 5 t . llivid Mitro$.

re,-c.ol t .... tugtc a5op<.'(ts 01 blMk hfe

in 18th and c . rty 19th «'TItury Morns

County_ Thcsc ttftlhut{'S w/-'rr- I ....

by-product 01 t .... Abollhon

Act which r"'luir/-'d th" .11 slav/-"Ow ........ l'l'glStcr the bo.ths of thl- chtldren of thet. !;Ia,-e W I)mM \ with thl

rotInty <:I....k .. . thool lhey rotIld claIm

fTredom at 21, If fM>ale, 25, If INle

slavl'Owncrs who dId comply

w,th the l.w usually Intiudro the

names of the child and Its mother.

I .... birth d a t ~ , ""me of OW""" w h ~ ' the child was born and, in SOITlC us·es, yaluable information .clatinl; to

sbyeTY that went beyond Ihe rl-'

quirementS of the law

The mOM striking information

found in lhese dOClllTlCnts w ~ s Ihe al

most univer§al us c of Ihe p h r ~ s l - ' "bom In my hou,;o:,." In Mo.ns coun

ty, slavoowners and Ihei r chl1-

d",n did 1101 havl-' the pri"acy of "'-1>"

arale slave q u ~ r t e as in the 5Outll.

but liVl'd under the w ~ t c h f u l l ' Y C 5 ofthcl ' OwnCrS at all timc). Thn{'

crowded hYIng conditions placed theslaye family in serious tl 'orMdy.

Se"cral slaytowners StatC thaI Iheyhad ...,Id or gIven away young cM

dlT1l wi'll", lhey w ......... burdcn to the

ho"schold Fo r example, John r.Lo ..y of Jefferson townshIp notl-d

thoot hi s slave, Hannah, hMl K"'cn

bltlh 10 a child, Muy, "'hlCh child,

he wrotc. '1 gavc to Bc"y Wood. '

Trans.>ctoons hke thEse """" ('OfI\mr>n

in a society wherc sla , -ehold1llI;S

wc'" """,II and spate h m " ~ ' < ! . Somc

slH-r infan" wl're ai led pauperswhich lhal.. ilCrordlng to New

J"""')"s Abohl>On Law, thl')' could be

~ b a n d o n c d al age one to t .... Over-scc.of the I'oor who wO<lld h'", tN.-m OUI

as ioocnlu'c..;!se."antS 10 the highcost


Slavcownen nevCr mCt'ltioncd thc

namcS OT acknowll'dged the e .s·tence of the fatN.'" of these chlld",1'1

This is eSp"cially sad as We' kno ..from thc IT\i11Tiage l'l'COrdS that sumc

of the mothe", in the blrtll c e r t ! i c ~ t l ' S

had bo:<:n 10"""lIy mIIrned to ot .....slave Or free blacks even 'f thl')' usu

ally hVl'd in d , f f ~ r c n l households. On

Januuy 13, 1818, Adam Johnson, ..shive, ma.ned Margaret, a slave of

Moses Holloway. T...o years laic•.(Margaret or J>cg) So',-e birillro.

male black child cal1e<! Adam.

S"",ly Ad.m Johnson, huwnd ofMargaret (I'eg) was th e falhe. of

"dllm bl,ll he"" as in.1I borlh emlfi·

catl'S, the f.ther ,....,.,.,ns invisible.

E,-en .f t ... the ....-&e 01 the Cr..d ....1Abohl"'" Law, MOrris Counly slave--

owncrs Sll,lbbornly continued to

!denlify wi th slavery. Unh ke those

who n.wrd,'<! the 1'1t'Sbytcn.l1'l chu.cllrc<:ords where 51 .. "", ...ere rderrl'd

la.s SCNanl., s l ~ V C U W T I C ' " c.lled the

fcmale black wamcn in their house-hold$ "my ne);'" wom.n slave, my

slav . fo . life. or my prop<'rly", OnlyWilham Nictlcr of Washington T()wn

Sohlp celcbratro thl-' Aboh1lon Law by~ S l ~ n n ) ; hIS IwO black cllildrcn as

loann "nd Fanny F"-"t'.The i n v e n t o . i ~ s of ... ills li s tin g

Slaves indiC'atc thaI well after 1804

whenIhe Cudual

AbolitionI..awwas paS$ro, ""mc slaves retained

IIII'", high doll• • value. In 1819.FJilnk, aged 22, a !';cgro man in the

estate of Go''''1 [)emou. was v.llIl'd

al SJOO, the top price fur you,,); black

male$. In all tl'll- i"VCf1tories. It isSIble thaI III., "rP.a,,,,,1 WitS based un

the expec,a1lon of ""Ic in thc drtp'i(>\lth

ThIs vohllnl' of sloye r"""rds, in·valuabk to th e historian an d 'hscarche.,;s still Incomplete. Unfo.·

l\Inatc1y, IhI: m;mumisslon recordswhICh documcnt I .... frcelnguf slaVC5

. '" mISSIng. Only by ptl"dng 10g<'lMT

these Iwo sets of .ecords Can Ihe

.00b of t .... Af.o.:an-A"", . .on sociely

in Morris County be reconstruct""

HIstorians and gencalagi.t . . .ould

be mast g<aleful to anyone ... ho can

locale the missing records and ma ke

Ihem b h : 10 th e He Ti l' lIcCommission or t ile Mo rr is Counly

Clcrk'sOffice. +

Canal Markers Up

Fifty.sevcn signs m ~ . \ : i n S IheMoni. CJnJI 's hilly course

across M()ms County ... '' ' n<>w

Ix..n Install"", with the project dill-'to 1><' romplet"" wilhln tM next few

monlhs. 1n. sigllS - I ~ r g c rcctangll'Sin bmw" and beige all' pUrp<.lS<'ly

lhe same as tlJ,as(, I n s t ~ l k ' < ! l n W ~ r r c n COUl'l1y S<' y ~ , r s ago, iI(lll-wt tho.

rourse of the canal Can be followed

ron1ln"ously across the S t ~ t e projl"ct may ",,"nd IntC1l:.lIng

arod l'asy in thl: bo.>gtnnlng.· repo.ts

Canal M.rkc. C h ~ i . m a n , Arhne F.

Dempsey, "but for this projc!ct to socC<'Cd i l l o o ~ lhe cooperation of INny

prople.nd twocounty &O".". ...."' . .

'FlfSt, all of thc towns thl: ca!'lll,a n Ihrough, f,om L1IIcoln rarle to

Wh.Jrtun. had to ..........t Ordl!'llno:e orresolutiOns. Then li>c Canal Societyof ' \cw Jersey .....5 eontaCled.

I'n· .dent B,n Moss and Bob Borth

Wl'nt to l""'ry SltC. took picWrt"5, and

wrotl' up th e lext for lhe m ~ r k " ' r $ When qUOS1lons wI'''' askro by the

towns, Bill and Bob We"e rNdy wHh

,,"5w<'''. SUtc approyai also was

needed for a couple of 1 .... signs.-ManY probkms in making Ihc

m.rke . s were ove.comc by Frank

!'into of the MorTis Caunly ManningBoaTd an d Bill Willi. o f th e Road

O<·pa.tmcnt. Since Warren County

had already inslall"" its markers. atrip waS made to gct advice from

Richard Miller of tM Warren County

(""'II"""''' ' "",. 4)

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•• • •, .

• •

• •

• ••"

'. ... .. .. .. .. ..

• •.. - ,

.. • ..Great Swamp" ' ' ' - ~ .. ' ' •

• •l.. .. ... ..

,.' .• • ••• •

• •

• • •• • •• • • ••• •

• •• •

Historic Roads of the Great Swampa Disappearing Legacy

by AbiS"il r."Chatham Township Hislorkal Sodety

The past two years h." ,e ""'" ar ~ g i n l \ d c UVN growlh

.nd I h ~ publIC land" and !\d t

ural r ~ s o " r c e s of Ihe Creal Sw,'mp

walero.nt'<l Also al s l ~ k c is thc net

work of TOAds which bin d together

an Important parI of Murris County's

l81h and 19th ct'ntury h,slory_

Even w"n an of today's develop

ment, the inlegrity of MorrisCounty's roots remainS largelyIntacl vIa hIstoric nossroad, and

two-lane roads Ind bridges around

the Crt'at Swamp region_ These his-.tonc I'OIIdl art' described in "road ,..,..

t u r n s ~ ston.od in the Mums County

Court house. for eumplc, a 1799road rc1um n. ..ds,

A road laid frnm thl! mouth

of Ihe hne near Ste phen

Lindsley's to Hill OVl'C the

Crca t 8rook .. through land

of John Oh vl'r, north to the

lmdge, cTosslng ~ l d brook

and lhen«' through the lands

of lcn..OOd Miller and Davld

Pierson ..

Cmlnty "'Id municipal eng;"""ring

procti«,s and Siandards Ihrea ten 10

obhlerJ]e these byways and bridges.Forst, bridges art' widcf>l'd a<:rording

to sund;ords t'>I.>bIls1>ed by lIOme d<s-.tant iSO(K:ty of n)&d eng;""""'- "Then,

n roads H e .c-surbced and TC'

pain:d, Ih ..y arc Widened 10 malch

thc wide r brIdges. Picturesque

cur"" art' fLottl'lloCd to promote .-Ifi cient Ci t movrmenl. l ost are the

O<XT1ic Y i S t ~ ' ; gone ~ r e lhe me<lnde.

illg byways that uSOld to remind us of

times long go ..... by!"" .ny of theso.- rwds were origi nal

ly the ear ly foo tpa thS for Len; Len. piIndl8ns who hunted, lisho..,j trJd·

/",. Ii"""/ "" p"g d )


Art at the Atrium

The ~ \ e f O ) 1 o r $ and oils 01 Rita

Ke iper fill the Heritage Com

ml,sion spac<> al the Atrium

from April I..., July. ~ A l t h o u g h I haw

.pent much IIIne doing non-represcnl.tional p.>lnt,ng..· says the t r i . ~ ~ i t i, painling land$C'pes, particular·Iy in water<;Olo." that Ilov.,.

"1 wa, fortunate to have scwra! in

spi TIng II'achers Joachim lO/!her,

who spa rked my inl("Tt'S1 in contem

poriry art. Also Halt head of the

a rt dcp;1T1m1'nl al DTt'w Uni'"C.'TSity,

wh o u5C.'d 10 ;nvlIC loul atlists 10

sh;ort' in il'ctu1C!l and criliqU('s by wellknown artists t waS so ,mp.essed

that I followed l('(' Hall's example

when I was ptagrJm c,,",irman l i the

Summit Art Cent .. r, and invited

many welt·known artist, to kc ture

oil Ihdr work.«

A "-",,ipien t of many awards , Ms.

Keipe r ha s h i b i l c d with the NJ

WalerCOlor S o c i ~ t y , at Lever Hou,",in Ne w York City, in one·woman

shows at Ullion County Trust Co.,

Glilcty 9111CNlham. and lhe C o I ~ of St_ Ehubrth, and in lWO-perllOn

e ~ h i b l l ' al the- NJ Center for Visual

Arts, Dre ... UnIV('fSlty,and an inviU·tio".,l show "t lhc Morris Museum.

Other art'$U II tIK: Atrium ill April

.rt 'The Print Making Council of NewJl'I"5e)', AnlOlllo Co,"""" S\",.., full.".,

Cary R O I I , ~ n , 0,/1 Siurm, and the

Senior Citi7.('1I' of MOrris County . .

ArtiSIS i " t ~ t s t t d I'" txhibiting m Ihe

IIml11gt Commtjslon ."..c. i" the 5th

1'M. dn·. lor lobby pleue con/QctComm;"io" ... Nancy KT1lJ.pp tlr:rUligh

Htritlgt CommlSS;o" OffICe. 201-829·8117

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...Historic Roads of the Great Swamp

a Disappearing LegacySecond Annual

PreservationSymposiuma>ftl"uw/ fr... ".SC J)

i Ifound the GrNt Swamp. The

footp. ths g ~ v e w ~ y to dirt ro .ds

i!tI'Ving the Ntl) ' ""-tiers who loc"trohili, a round GrNl Swamp, !arm

ing and logging e rNt Swomp.

Later, these eady 5ClIlcrs developed

r and grist mIll busi"'-"'S

" in th.., hny cros .oa d vill,g<'s of

New Ver non .. nd

Long Hi ll. The " " " " " of lhe: ro;ods re·fi.:.:1 their histonn - Gl't 'en Vilbge

Road, Pleasantville, I;I lue Mill,

Did<50n', Mill. Long Hill. All a rt· still

largely two-lane roiIds wHII the chor·

ar.d rootsof

their 181h ct'nluryhiS/Dry.

n.,. C",., Swamp's ICmIC by"".Y"

en.y res.ea.chcrs past sil'" on theNational HIstoric R.::g,stcr, ,.n"" li kethe 191h century DoiSilllb,n M.lIliion

On T r w d w l ~ 1 Avenue or lhe Gibbons

barn on loantaka Way, both In

Chalham Township loantaka Way

becomes Blue M,l1 lIo.d a, it '•• ....5poS! thl- waterfalls on C ~ I IIrooIc In

Hullln); TownshIp. E\"IdI'n<X' of the

old mIll can be S ~ n on Dickson's

MIll Rnad 3S il I r a , ' ~ 1 s along G r ~ d l Brook below Silver L a k ~ , The r<>ads

carry you through New V.......",'. his.


Publication of t h ~ Morris County

Boud of Ch",.n ' r o r h o l d ~ . .

. 1.0.

r.:•." ..'='

Franres Pingron, CI"m",,, ..Margaret J- Cu,;!,ing. Via-CIso,,,,,",,NulCf Knapp, S«rd"ry

Arline F. / )( 'mpscy, TrtJ1:;u",

Sharon 00""""5W,11i,m Qu,nn, E ~ , DennIS S;gnoro",lch

Mary Chalfant, Office Adm",isl/lliorDiIlvid MllroS, A",frw;i

S.ndra Fuld., Progntm Lkwi""""",

n.... thn ... of bridge ....placcmenls

an d road widening is immediate.

ThNe is httle time for historic and

civic associa lions 10 flghl for the his.

IOric c....racter of thd r Greal Swamp

crowO<Ids enVI rons. " a rt lcularly vul

ne rable a rc Ihe hi storic roads and

bridges through New Vcrnon an d

Cn:ftIVillagt".n- rC).,is a ... key 10

retffohon of I .... area's sm.>lI-sc . e vil_

lage ~ t l l e m e n charnctl'l". Thl"Sl' vil

lage (T{)';I;roads «In easily be obl it"'-

a t ~ > d by kup-to-datc" r<>ad engineer

ing pra.c ticcs.


lhe 11mi' 10SiI\"e

the hlstoncchara(lt"rof thc G""t Swamp region.

Unbridled growth WIll dC!llroy not

onty the natural r e s o u ~ of the reginn, bu t It . historic roots .. s well.

Th .. f"51 unI"'tkcd ' t ~ Are ol""dyunder way, Permits fl" ....pla.clng sev

eral brIdge,. In the region afl' I"'nd·

Ing approval. As t i ~ marches nn,

the 1'Oo1<U 1'1,11 be wldcnc<l, ,ntl'l"5CC'

lion, WIll become intNChangl"S; all

hlSlnric character WIll be lost If pe0-

ple speak up before I. is too l.te, the

"'glon'. future Can lake a dlffcrQntpath

{ct""u.-I ",,"',-go lJ

RandOl ph Township plann er,Richard Gulic k will spe,k on hi s

township's cxpcrien<X' I n (1" .. . ling a

town center based on Mr. NelCSS('Tl's

p rinciplc:o. A i s c u . ~ o n period will

follow the fOmMll pr('5('nta l ion:o.

n.... symposium ISco-sponsorwl by

the Morris County Planning Board,

the Morris County HI.torial Soci<.'ty,nd the Mo rr is County T ru st for

Hifloric Prc.crv.tion. CO..c .... irmcn

a rC Margaret Cu shing and Wntiam

Quinn of lhe Heritage CommiS5ion.

A .... JnIIQlio" form i . i .. c 1 u d ~ d i .. tlrisi.... of 1M " " ' ~ r .

Canal Markers Up

I""" '" "<>1/"'''' f " . ~ 2)

rlannil'g Board and Chules Horn_

be<:kcr of the Road Deparlment

IVa",,'n County actually made th c

rNrkl'rs us;ng rNtCfll1 supplied by


A brochure about the ~ a n a t m.lrk,

cr s Is bein)'; publiShed. n.e aUlhor isArline F. Dempsey of the Hcritage

Commlssinn, w; lh the help of )ame'l

L.'l', author of many boob on Ihe

M o r n s c > " " I .

tfiOUlttll tfiirculnrMOrTis County H u i t a g ~ Commission

Mom. Counly C o " r t h o u ~ MOrristown, NJ 0196J..0900


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Q I O U l t t ~ QIircularMorrll County Heritage Commission

VOL 14, No.2

/ _. .J


Panippany Pre.serrmion Coml))issioll

by L i n J ~ Smirh

Ali rv:cxampk: of a 191h ('('mu,),

plannl.'d r<osidentiai clwelup.

menl lS found in Mount

Tabor, a community tha i ''''inCl'S thepast through il s tigh t ly d u s t ~ r ~ d housing. ,'ccentric slr""l ptan, and

designated open spaces. Mount

Tabor was ~ s t a b l i s h l , . j in 1869 a<;"Summer camp meeting ground un -

der sponsorship of the Methodist

Church. Its boundaries, ....senlially

;c t in 1872, cndOS«! 132 aCT<'5 along

the mad from Morristown to Denvill e

and ddincd a summer rNrNI lo r

those inclinro loward whole:;(l1"l"'oC liv-

ing an d holy pU'JX>scs.

The new camp ground Wd S nam&J

Mount Tab", il l I" '"n, of.n old .mdchcrishl'd mount.;n which was W11-

ness to One of the must powerful of

the Ne w Te'tamNl! i d ( I ~ , . 19thcentury Biblkdl hlStorJd'" bdiC\'cd

Ihal lhe sill' of Ih" Iransfigur"tion of

jl'SUS, as rt'<:oun t,od in Mallhew 17; I

S, took pia . . on Moullt Tabor locak'd

in what is l' nonlle", Israel.

In 1869 Ihe firSI r n ~ p of Morr,s

County's MOUn! Tabor show."j thr""

public spac<'S named 'f tcr the thn'l'

di""'pks who witnessed the Iran,figurdlion, St, PNcr's R,,,,d, St. j,Im<'S'

Park, an d SI john' . A,'enue. Th e

eommullity b o , ~ t s thr.-e "tobern.,·

(.o"i,"u"j 0" po1g< l J




by In.'lnglkmkr

On Apnl 21. 11J'I2, Motl HollowII "toric DIStrlet was 1I0m;

"'lIed to be Ii,ted on the New

jer,ey dl1d Ndli'>ndl R",;i,lcrS 01

Hi,!oric l'ldC<'S . It ha s Ix",n 16 years

"nee Ih e Rdndolph Landmark.

Committl'l' firsl ' ' 'ged this arlion

Thcs(o 16 Y""" dramati/_<' how ,'a ,i ly

Iht, vain,.,; .md hcmagc of (lur com-

munily ~ a n be 1",1

In the "'051 r<'<'ent an d c , . , f u l 1'1... "-,, Jan ..t I"'R1', Ch" irprr;on pi the

Raooolph Landmarks C('rnrmU,,,-', in

viled GrlSlmill Road r c > i d ~ n t s to amc,-'I;,,!; al Ihe Old RJndolph MuS<'Um

on Il ru ndog(' 1'.1rk where we heard

1""'1 fOSI,.,. of Acrot<'non, Mom,town.

discuss the Slgnificallce of c>tablis/l·

in g MOlt Hollow as an hIStoric do<-

triel. It would be a 'p"cial ",cogni .

ti(m lonking uS to our historic pas!.

A brisk Spring da y was the ~ I h n g for Our commun"1 w a l ~ the length of

Gristmill, w,lh the <o n;;uitanl. 10 sct

b < l u l l d " i "nd m a r ~ nOlable fca

ture•. r u t u t ~ aSSignments includeddigs"'g at Ihe Morns County H., I! of

R",, 'rds, Morrostown Library, NJ

Histone Society. and sundry private

source• . A S N i ~ s 01 met'tings were

held _,I ne'ghborhood horn<:S for pre> '

jC<:t p"'grcss and plonning. M,"garC!

Stcnnick, a history professor and

Molt fa""ly d""4"nd"nt, ,'isitlxl from

Mich'g"n_ Ht'r presentation was

ov",whel"';"g o f ~ 3 r 1 y Randolph/

MOlt Hollow h,>jory.

Th" w",' a pmje.'("1 of d isco"ery for

l . o.I,.U<"J"" f"'g<1)

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&ttl,,,,rnl uf Mollllol/uw i ~ d u a , d JTill mill, fuWng mill, I,.".a ail ",il/, carding~ , i l t lanyard 4nd c a o p " a g ~ .


I" '"H - i"'8" I)

ele,", one cailed the Tabcrnacle,

wh,ch WaS built fOr 111<.' fir& t 5'''''11''11.''s e ~ S O n in 1869. The ",h"r Iw" ' ... rC

prayer t<mts which "w,' rcpbn'Cl ,n

1813 w,lh more permanent otugnn.>!povihoM c ~ l l c d thl"" "S.'IN.'I" and lhe"Ebenezer" Th e th.-cc labernac1C5wt're I o c ~ t e d around a c i r c u l ~ r open

area called Trin"y I' . rk, which

formed lhe social and religious (('n·I ~ r of the carly communily.

Tod.1Y T"nily Park is $Iill a bu.y

and central focu& of Mount Tab",

The Ebcnele< pavilion, which Wa$

c n c l ~ in 1901, now 5£'rv ('5 as the

Mount Tabor branch of the Pusipponylibrary. l100e Bcthcl pa<11ilm ... ~ n '

in 1889 and is used as a rom·

munhy m ~ N i n g hall. The o " S t n ~ 1 Tabernacle Still stands, but ,n 1884 nw u moved from Tn[lily Park 50 thata new. larger Tabernacl e cou ld be

built t h ~ following yeo, Th,' upper

level 01 the new T;ot>..,rnacle was designcd as ,I I,usc m,,,,"ns hall and

SI,1l serves that purpose lo(by.Through the 187U's and l!!8O's pri·

,'ale ro tlaJ;'''' we ... bUIlt at an .... .,r in·

cmlSJ"S rate, but nuny ~ u m m c r f\.'!;i·dents also st..Iycd In t<'IlIS, primarilythose who "'f i l l ' only for the 1><0"" wl'Ch

of the camp ml'I1 lonS and tho,., ... hohad p",ehascd lots ~ n d h.od nol yt'lbuilt sum"",r homC5. aul spiritualinlcrest wanl'd an d life styles

chJnJ;cd, much of Ihe rl"ligious fN·

,'or at M()\lnl Tabor wu d,ssipatedBy th .. tum of the rentu,), o,..,r WO

COildgcs had t>o.-o..., ('n.'CIOO and many

r e S , d C n l ~ ~ p c n t all of Ihe ~ l I m m e r months. and even p.1" of the spnng

an d fall, al Mount Tabor. A camp

mectmg ""M held c"cry August unul

.bout 1912, btu for the rest of the sea

son M"unt T.,b\" was ""' ... a lively



HOLLOW1<""11"","" from I"'.V 1)

mt'. A ",.1 seme of commun,ty histG-ry t'fO('rgro. til<> Nrly 1 8 O O ' ~ /( lrhe r r ~ S < ' n l , c o n t r ~ s t s an d ronne.:·

rio.lfb Th,s w ~ s ~ b o u r l iS)'Nrs ~ S o ; lhe 5p.ln of only IWO hfctunes.

JOShuJ MOil .....s d"' .. n 10 'he a"'J

by the ~ ' C O n o n u c promise, Jnd 11 ... fo><:t

I h ~ t , a ~ . , Quaker. lhere ,Iready wasan c 5 t ~ b l i s h c d Qu, kcr comn",nily_The MOl! .'iOns, Willi.m and J'>$hua.Jr .• j""\Cd Ih,·" f, the, in ~ e q u l . l n g I.nd and e ~ p . l n d ; n 8 ;1'1<> olher bus;·neS$CS along Ihe Mill Brook The

Quaker Church. Ihen a d O m ' n ~ n l f u r c ~ in 11\(0 communily. IS now an

historic she_

C n ~ l m i l l Road (Millbrook Or MoltHo ttow) was. bustling i " d u 5 I r i ~ 1 viI_

1,, &<,. Along the brook wen: allriSlmill.a fullonS mill, an hnSC<.>d Oil mill, •

summt... r(.'SOrt than ....hgoou, rcireat.The 20th «'Iltury broughl eva\ InOI""e

ch.J'W-'"S- During the whenmany fam,lieS could no longer affOrdto mainla;n Iwo homl'$, and follow·Ins World War 11 when Ihe counlrye x p < ' r ; ~ n ~ e d a tremendou, h(",singshortage. on e by on e the cOltJt:CSw = tumed into yrnr-round dwoShngs.Wnh thl'SC conversions rllerc came

ai1cra1ions 10 many of the houses.

Much of Ihe disllnctive Victo".n

qUOlloly of Moonl Tabor hu been

croded Owr lhe but lholt whichremains ' land s as a p u ~ ' h " c ~ I a l ~ ~ me,,1 nbo"l the community's pastand II, rich social "n d arrhile<luralI\(orilagc,

Mount T ~ b o r t o d ~ y has a 191h «' I "

lury Icg.>cy bTCd from ils origins I"m'ddle Cr,56 utop,anism and JlcrSOn·ihed by GOlh;c Re\·;ul. Second

EmpI re and Stick Slyle ·couages"

wl/h 01"'" porc ..... and e.ub!..... nl ar

c h i t ~ l u r a l dl'tail, by "" .ow streelsand unpreten tIOuS charm, and by an( . · ' o d " r i n ~ >en.., nl place. <}

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t3nyard. a carding mill. 3 S3wrnill. a

blacksmith, a shocma"e., a coope"

age. residences, and a school, proplc

livoo where thry mad,· their Ii"n;;NatIonal events were reflectN here.

The infant nation. StTuggling f , , ~ · from

English economie dependency. was

experiencing thl- growing pain, ()f ••obus.t industrial and ~ g r k u l t l l r a l de~ d n p m c n l . 1 " h I . > period kadin;; to Ih,-

1807 embargo ag"inst English goods

and the WH of 1812 sp","ed M<>U

Hollow's asamdency as an ",dustri,1

villoge_ The p n x l u c ~ v e PO"'" of MotlHollow's Mill Brook Riw, drew peopic 10 h\"c therc_

Twenly Olle y"ars ago. Hur.icane

Doria• • 100 yc.r slorm, broughl J

nash flood which did incredible d,1m'

agc along Ihi' Millbrook basi". This

was fotlowl·d by m""-m,,dc problems. Upslream, lhe County l ' ' g ~




by M.,k 1(, McCulloch (Doily 1I<ro.<i)


h" Mom. County l-h,lu ,i cOl]

SOCtdy l'4,s t>eg"n rnn,lruclionof ;ts n",," hlstury <'enle. ,lnd

~ ' p r < l s 10 romplete it by tho c'lld vi 19'J3

Th,· center. whoeh will be hous<'<lin lhe ,."nag" hous<' 01 hislone Acorn

H ~ t f ot 68 Morris Avc" Mornst"wn.WIll pro"ide a <'-'nlral ,;(lm", ul infor_

ffiiliion abO<lt I k hlslory and C U l t U f ~ of MorriS Connly. s.,id Robcrt JFredericks. co-dOd;rm.'n 1>1 110,· pr,,·j<..:I .. . t wilt .,CI ,IS .,n oulreach f.1Cthty

whl-.c we can 'h"", ""-'pt.. Ihe hislory of the county Ihrough ,,,jurati,,,,,,1

P"'I;rams. Jispl.,yS, .",d ·th<' rl'SCarch

IIbrMy.H Fredericks ,.,id.Acorn Hall and the buold.,,!)s and

grounds arc ti:;I<'<l in Ih,·,' ""d

natlona] registers of hbtort,' pbCl'S_Arom Hall WaS bUIlt III 1853 and II,,,

bee" Ihe heJdquart"" fm the Morri,

County Hi,!oric.1 l 5<>0,1), .in",· 1971 ,

Exterior Stay"

"fhl' S!",iaI thm!; 3b<)lI1 hi, prO",1

is w" will not h· <.li' tmbin): Ih,·

I'Jllslom1('d <l(:r('S " f w""dbn,1 " ' toblack Op, causing flash floods down

Slre.,m. From lime 10 lime Ihe pres

Sure 01 commercial Or r('Sidenti,'1 d , ~ vclopn"'''1 arouS('S local "",ide"ls 10

."tion at Ihe Pl.nning Ik"rd,

The MOll Hollow Disl"cI I'rojc<1

has illumi""ted the wond,'r/ul CI> of hIStoric P'OCt"sS('S, T h ~ ",ork

01 early i<'a{1"rs 01 ! h ~ ";",d ol p h

Landmarks CommIttee, RichMd

Irwin ,1"d olhers. w,,, built on and

broughl to , ncr" . ul ("(Inch","n If,

Y"'''' I.,tcr by L",da P,,,,·chck. JanclLorey. and "thcrs_ The Motts mad,·Ihcir mar k in the 1800's, and the

D ~ V ~ I I p O r I S in Ih,· 1<100',_ W,·, In

1992. 'pprt'Cialc Jnd are thankful lot

Wh.1t d"rives and ""v ives from

lho"" days_ W,· valu,' what w,· h.l ....

a" d arec,w m",dful of our respo"SIbilily to p,cS('rvp I h ~ Ira;;ik past,

e<[crioT of thl- budding at all nlls!S

so .....e can p"'S£'ryc "'1(' of the' Ie .... "._

m.,in in!; ""'lllpleS 01 Ih., VieIO".,,,c a r r i a g ~ loWS(' archil,'(\",,·: Fredericks

said , H,' SJld 111,' lafldsc . ptng. whiehinc1",ks J 22S-ye,,,-old oa",w[)uld

J IS<' ,,·r'\.l in ""I\"'ch<-.:I,When rompll'll'd.thc M"m, C"wty

H"tory Cenl,'r WIll pro"lde "PI",,, i

n \ . l I ~ l y 3.500 5(1",,,e f""t of 'I""" on

th",<, fk"",

PI.n , c"lI io r I J ' g ~ exhibIt "e , . ,

I ' a ~ e J

"Sh.1p<...1 with our p " " " n ~ ' · . Sr I IhJt

"'il] , 'a" , t k ""f"-'('I .1n,1 gr.'IOI"""I h ~ ' " 1m"", gencr.H,on., .:.

"gol"g ''Ny ",cl'iy, ' f-,,'\!('ncks "",j"'\\',. h"ve ""'"<,I1','<i " grNt de,,1 of

,upport from ""'1"'Tat""".IS ",('\1."

",any promInent Morris Counly ,,'

di" i(iu"ls. I vN y conlid"nt wcwill reach "ur gnal." hI' "'id_

Th,' ccnler wtll "lfC'r J , " urS" I I I,""unly hi,lury In c l > l l J b o r ~ l i " n ""til

t l l ~ C<>ul1ty Coil,,);,, "i Morn,

Frc'(h'nch """d tl", ("/,u"",· " 'ill b.·.1un"]"e opportunOl}' t" ,tudy .,,.j ],,,m

J I ~ ' u l \-10"" CI>" nto'·.. h"lo')" -:-

1<'Clure SP.1CC, "ff" ..· P;'C('. ~ n d . 1 eon· 1--- - - - - - - - - - - -f,·r(·nc., rOOlll,

Thc "'fi t,,, wi]1 1,,,1,, . ,· J Vict"""n

rcs(\1rch l,bf ..y that ""II be lhe "" Iv(lnl' p/ its l.ind in Ih<' sl,lIe -

'"This p l . , ~ c wilt be ri;;ht up tu 'l.iIl{1.,,<1s ." r" ..1ericl.s said

"n,,·,,· .,.., >I"'''' 40 hi sll>ricJI 5(""N,,'S In 11\,' ,."."O[y that ,1<",'1 II.. ." II

hcod'l"",ter, ThIS ,,·tli p r o l ~ . 1 sp .l( " \ \ ' l " , r ~ th"y C,ln n",,·t. ",hib'l

SOn", of tl"''' <<,It ,,,'10<,,,, .• nd h ~ H ' .\pl"Cl' th,·y ",1" CJIl th"I ' hom<',"FrodNicksSJld,

1'hc (iTSI phd'" o( resWr,llOon ". 'x

peeled to t,.k" si . "",nth,,- This witti t l d " , ! ~ reSluring ~ n d w.'I<'rproof",!:

Ihc f.dd'totle 1"""d.ti0n and ,,'IIllore in ): lll.lIlY of th,· 19th cenlury

'1,,!c'tu, •1 ,'k'Ill('1Its. FundrJI, .n): "



/'V [t1'iV" frJ;."JI


l"cpr"li "C "1;115 ~ t l t i ! l < ' l l '" ,\ !'<.'II

Clltdl'd \Val,,,,1' T""r I>f the

B < ~ " ' I ( > n lum \Vo,l, ' h.,,,,,

b < ~ ' n ,""I"U,,1 in Ih,· I""'n I"'" ,llo"g I h ~ b.w" "I til,' 1I.,,,...."'.lI' l{" .. . ,11 tr...·

SlIe "t the hIStoriC ,,'m, . nh pt' th,·

I"", \ \""h_1b c &""nlo" Hosloncal ~ , e t " has

1"",,, " ' ' ' 'king ""th a grant irom ,I",N,'''' J,'r,,'y HlSlone.,1 Comn" . . ,,,,

ddm".i,I"rl'lllw Ir...' C " u " t ~ ' H"nt");,,Com",,,,i,,,, II> ,'re'('l '" "g" , that

f"",,·t\! b"l'/ hi,t, TV 1>1 th" ind",t"

/n'",,"",J .'" I"'" 41

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UtltogNlph oj t ~ d /lallllY I.ucillr /lo/llli._ Mead I/all i, Q Gl'fr. R("IJi,'al " , ~ " . i ~ " buill by William Gibb"ns '" 1836,


Alocal artist, Lucille HobblC,

lx""" h" , h t ~ " , , , r a p h , "Im",t

40 yeMs "1;0, "lor the P"'"r c 3 ~ m of my Irwe of MM,i. CO U ll ' ) '" .

Ht'r 3rtwo,k can be ><-'m d"nng themonths of Noveml"-'!', D.:.ocemb"" and

Ja"'ldry at ,I><' Hen,age Commis>lons p ~ c e u, the Adm inisl •• tion ~ n d R ~ , « > r d , BUI lding,1ll<' rno" important aspect of Ms,

Hobbie's artwork is that "prople seem

to enjoy my wurk", 51 ... h,s n'C\.·iv ,'<I

many II",,""'t,ng letters from prople

who h.lw "\ugsed" her ...I(on, .'n1und

the wmld Ms_ Hobbi,' state'S "", ' 11

" ....., ..., know th'-""-' patrons, bil l I c.,r ,

tamly app=i;>l<.' th,"' 'espJn><-,-;"

The exhibit hthographs 01,h e hIstoric m.ln"on, th_, st·",c d,c c n t e ' p i < ' « ~ or Morris County's Iwo

u n i \ ' ~ r s , t i , ' S , The lithoW'ph$ ~ n ' the

51st and 5200 Tn n", "Hi"nric MorrisCounty" sl'rie, by I.\lcill<' Hobbi,,_

fNlu,ro an' "floth.lm", Ihc fcmnN

I lamlhnn McKeon Twombly 1 l l ' : 1 1 " ~ ' " tha t groce, Fdirkigh Dickin,on' ,

MadiS()n campu, and "Meil(! Iiall", a

Wilh"m GIbbons orch"""Io",,1 moSier·

p ; ' ' ' ~ Ihal ado'ns O r ~ w U " , v " " i l y ' ~ campus, also in Madison.

Ms. Hobbie is on the Board of

Dir('('to.,; of lhe ASS<>ciate'<l Artists of

N ~ w jersey; ,>;lSI I-'rcsidcnt of the New

j,''X'y Wotcrcolo. 5o<i"ty; In\.·",lx', il lthl: "e'w jo.:r,,-'y rr",lmaklng Council,.n,1 an Fh-I,'(! ~ 1 ( > " ' h < ' r A WS

PetmallCnt <o\ k<: t""" of Ms Hobb,e',

~ r t w o r . (an b.: ",'('<1 Ihroughout New

j"""'y ;"d uding Mont;),,, Arl

Mu",um, "cw jersey &11. AT&T, II><'

Nt'w,rkl . i b . - ~ r y

l'linl Collooion,Sdu'ri"II,P\IIu/;il, Prud"1II1al Lii, .

Jersey Centr.ll Powc'r & ught.

'\'ob;<;(o, .",d m,my pnv.,le coil""

IIon,_ In M"rr;' C"unty II",,,, i';1

pcrln'n"nt <o1I""t"ln of Ms Hobb,,,,'

colk"I"'" "I .Ht, O<:<lu",'<1 hy Ih<'

Mo,,", Cou nty lleritase

Comm' ...""n, Iha, moy be "x'n m 11x'

l'r<Xl Kn<>, eemfer"""" Room In the,\dm ,nbtr.,. ,on Ihllldmg_

I" 19S7 she' r""",i,,<Xl t' ' ' ' New je",""yArti>! of Ihl' Y",r "w.rd, Othc.·r .w, rdsinclude the Silver Medal 01 Iionorfrom th .. \lcw jersc'y W , l t e r c o \ ~ r S,"'Il'ly (1<1 ' H· 1%3); tlx' Nc'w jco",,'YATI .. t m ~ AW.1fd ( l ~ 7 1 ) ) ; an d I h ~ Somc-""" Arl A,>ociJle Print Aw,lTd( I ~ J ; I ) Ms, Hohbie has had n1Jny e,h,b"

ti<;>n, ">cluding' eight o .....·m.ln show,

al th,· M"rIO" G,lle·,y. ,n N{'w York

City; , i . one·man shows at th" 8thSt reel Ga llery III N ~ w York Cily.



('M,,"",J {'"'" I"i?' 3)

thai ,,,,ned tlx'l'<' in 1831. Vsing lOa '

ter f"-''''('f from the Mom. Co",,!, "o n

Ofc'from rH",rby

m i r u . ~ . charcoal fromsurrnulldmg f o , . . , ~ ; t > and eventu,lly

afllhr.,cite co,1 1 from rel1n<Y!\'aniJ,

Ih,' Wor . , g" 'w and ,'xpandcd

through the yeJts to a p<'a k in 1860when 320 lu lU <Jf iTun w c ' ~ produc<'<I< ' ~ c h w'-"'\. .,long wilh 4.0()() kegs of

eut nalb, A widc>prcdd firc in 1873

e.",,,,,1 h"",y p"'p.:r1 y damag< . pm ·

dllction ""tbach and fmandalloss.

By Ilj76 Ih .. lIoonlon Iron Works

, ~ , ..",! "1",r.III"'''I'ar l of lhe origlllal acreage was ac ·

'lu ,red by the Town "n d dedlC,"cd a,1''''. in 1949, th", ~ " u r i n g th,'

1",-'o;(''''JlI0'' 0/ the ruins,h>eh ; n d i , ' i d u ~ 1 sign mOlllltc'<i on"

1"-'<1<..,1.11. und"r I'lexig\Jss, prMldcs

,ksnir t iw Ic· , t olung with lin.,1

photoG'' 'phs depictIng tw o large

b l ~ s l (umoCl"S. " , m n ~ l l l ' <,I which .1,,'

,t ,1I \'iSlbk, Rallrex,d beth shOwn in a

photograph ran lx· lraClod hy "1"\'01'

cd, d r ~ s > e J slone bcds. a b u l m e n l ~and e l ~ i m n g w ~ 1 I 5 a( the ~ i l e ,

' Ihc T"wn of Il"onlon Def'i'rlnoc·nt

of Puhlic Worh Installed Ihe :;;gns,which weft' m.,de by Imp"cI Sign

Comp<lIly 01 \lofl'lstown . In "ddiliun

to the' !> 'MII ftom thr ~ l n r i ,Com",,,,,,,,,, th . proj(-<:t was JSSISt,'<I

by th,' Morti, Cuunty H,'rila);,·

Cummi» i n" "nd the Mnrris Counl,·

Ihltd of 0"",'1\ r"",-,holders. -

11", p.<r. Cd " I ~ ' .. . ,,-,J by /" 11 ",,,·

'ng (he Hbl,,'ic , \ r"" ,igns I""d, ngfrom lhe 1.1.111' and Plane Slrc'Ct .,11",·

s""Ii"ns in Bounl''''_ ':.

N<1t;un.I I AC.u te-my In"ilat i"n,,1

W"I"" , ,"" ShC\w . National AT h

CI"b. C1lh,'ril'" Wolff Club, R,versld,'

M U ~ " " r n , Huntc,d"n Art Cl'nl,",

S o m c r s ~ 1 Art A>SOClJI'i)['. B , i ~ k Must'um, M ~ I n e ; T r ~ n l ( ) n C I l ~ MU"''\]III, N.m""Wor ld H,-ad'lu", I,·",;

Monrnoulh Must' um . Audubon

A , t i s t ~ , Alli c'(! Art"IS, etc.

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Page 5



ornst"w,, ' ! 6t h "n n ual

Holly Walk w,1I lOur six of

Morristown'S House M u s e u m ~ whose lime periods range from

1760 through 1900. The mus."" mSwill be derorated for the holtd.ys

M,d open for speciol s t m ~ s tours. Thc da tes are ~ m ! x - r 3rd

and 4th from 12 Noon umil PM.

December 5th and 6th from 10 AMun til 4 I'M . tickct p r i ~ o J S are $8.00

and can only oc purrhaSl'd at thedoor. Acorn Hall will f,'ature roo

mantic Victorian wedding complete

with holiday wedding mohf. Thisholkhy c'xhibit phOlogr,'phcdfor th e wi"ter issue of Vic torian

Home', m a g ~ z i n e , including the

elaborate satin gow" worn by a 10'

cal bride. lA'Cemocr 25, 1779 wns

juSt anmhe r wOTking day at th,

Jockey Hollow Encampment. TheFord Mansion will depict this mili·

t. ') ' life with the soldil'''; prep"'ing

for their evening meaL other

MllseHms illClude: The Willows at

Fosterfidds, Kahde"a R""d; Hi,lOne

Sp<.'<'<lwell, 333 Sp<.'<'<lwdl A ·.",uc;M o c ~ u l l o c h Hall, 45 Macculloch

Avenue; ao d Schuyler-Hamilton

House, 5 OlypM"\ Place. Por fur·

ther informaHon you Indy call the

muSeumS d irectly or c" li (201)

53&-6704 alt('r D«".'mber ISt. -:-


The Morris Museum, localed a l

Six Normandy Heights RNd in

MorriSlown, is presenting "Ncw

Jcrsey Quilts 1m to 1950, Con tri·bUlion to an American Tr"dilion"

f",m December 19, 1992 Ihn"'gh

F , ' b r u ~ ' ) ' 14, 1993.

The exhibilion ronl" ins a rolk'C·

tion of qltilts presenting" historyof New j<:r;;{'y quilt"",ki ng, lx-gin.

ning with the , , ; m p l ~ indigo wool

of.n lSOO Cra qui lt. the distlnctivc

signed friendship quilts of lhe 1S4Q'$,

on to f.mcier wor' of the 1890'"and finally to W''''' 20lh century

floral m.lStcrpiI.'Cc"A fu lly-illuSlrat<'d, color cata

logue ""II " c c o m p ~ n y the exhibit,on. T h ~ { ' " I a l " g l l ~ ,s mtroduC('tlby CariN IlOII<k, wNI-known qu,1t

author, "n d John C un ningham.

nol(oJ New J"''' 'y hisIOrt.n .

For mOT<' in lorm"t,on. p l ~ , ' , ; " cont,lCl lhe \.\uSCu m d i r ~ ' c t l y ;,t(201) S38-{).154 . -:-


T he MOTTl' Muscum hdS al.".nnuuncc'd Ihal il will hosl

"The Etru'<C,m" Legacy 01 " LostCivilization " exhibil beginn ing

March C 1993 throllgh Jlttle 30 ,

1993. n.e l'xhibil, un loon fmm I""

V3tican Museums, i"dudes 178

objc.'Cls r ~ c O " e r e d from Elru"".n

tombs in Ihe mid · I800·s. For fur ·

lher inlorm'hun, you may contactthe 1.1 uS('um al (201) 538 -8O(i9. .:.



T"" Hard ing T"wn,hip Hislon ·cal Society Fall schedule is as

lo llows:Friday. No,-. 131h from (, - 9 rM

will ha,'c it, 15th celebration and

p"-"'icw f'\rty for ~ n t i q " e / c r J It st.u",.s"tmd:,y and Su nday . No,'.

and IS the 91h 31mua l antique/craft

'how and .a le. s"turnay from 10AM until 5 PM and Sunday from

Noo n unhl 5 I'M.

r'{)r furtl ..r iruormatiM, c ~ 1 1 (2()1 )

292.{)161 .:.



T he H c r i t a g ~ Commiss ion's

newest "Historic H'ghlights"

brochur'· h.s jllSI been publislu.,<;l

oUllini"g t h ~ hi>!orie treasures ofMont,·ilt". Th" sitcs highlighled

within the brochure repr"",nl the

I'Mtch h , ' r i l ~ ) ; e of Ihis diverS<' town·shi p . To get" ropy of lhi' brochureyu u may contacl thc' Monl"i lk

Histortea l Sociely , you r local It

bTaTY. the' Morris c,""'ly Ubr",)"or t h ~ Ilcn la g<' Comn"ssion .


O n Friday. Nowmb<. . :W. \W2

al 7:10 PM ,n the Juettlorium

of AlIied ,Si);"a!. Inc . CO lu mbia

Road and rark Avenue, Morris'I'",.",,),il'. I),e NO"cmber ''''-'''ting

of lhe' Co",t 50cidy ",i ll ",I.(' ptaceTh is wilt be a ~ I i d c prcsenta tion

~ n t i t h : l Tl", Rail""ds of N o T 1 h ~ r n N ~ w )<'rsey gin' n by MII,h Dakcl"'-'n

Mr Da kclma" wil l also brieny

outltne thc hlslory 01 Ihe major

r" it"",ds ,'nd T,: \" i<' "'-"'''"' ini('H'St·ing ~ t , aboul Ihem.

For furlher i nformallon , you canrc'.ch t h ~ C3n,,\ Soctety at (908)

722 -95:.6. -:-


CrJflsman Farms is tn opcn amajor c'xh ibi t uCHSl,w

Slickley - His Craftu. The cxl"b,1

will run from November 15 to

J.nuary 17. 1993 at Cr.ft,man Fanm

RI. 10 Wc>;t, ['a""pf'\ny, NJ . Custav

SI,ckl"y ~ n t hIS life in Ih" fumi

ture bu,I,,<!S. and beea" .. a prominent ~ d v o c a t e ,, ( Arts & Crafts

fum itun' design. Hisb u ~ i r \ ( . ' S 5

enterprises included furnilure, t e ~ · ltlcs, mNal work, and home de' ign. and ptans. Through hi. mag·

"ZIt .. The C r ~ r b m a n , he supporloo

and l'nrlOTSI.'tl otheT cr"fts associat ·ed with th e Art , & Crafts

MO"""",ntl l tc cxh,b,1 ,""urS are ThurSdays

12:00 - 3:(x), s"turd"y' and Sundays

f " ."," "'" "" F"'S' 6)

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VOL. 15, No.1



D"'f= N(}7lh Pl!lmcn. Dt;»,tm,.,,1.1-af Ens/ish, Cownty CoIl,ge of Morn.,

speaks with C ~ " D ~ n g y regarding lheDia ry ofGroce Dalrymple

The story of th e prese rvation of

Gra"" Dalrymplc', diary (1910-12) isInWr<:shng as the diary itself. Gt;1CC

(1893·1955) was "n" 01 eight children

01 Ch.aTles and J ~ ' t \ n y Dalrymple wh(>

gre", up in the famIly homestead,

Da lrymple Pond, This is Ihe Sitl' of

the cu.",ni Dalrymple House buill inthe \92\1'5_The diary wa s discovcred

by 3 little gi rl playing in an aban

dOlledbuilding nc.r


. Shepreserved it in hcr auic for a lmo.t

thirty years until as a ,lOdenl at CCM,

she lelt that it was time to return the

diHy 10 the land on whic h it was

wriUe". Pro/csso. Peterson acccplro

i t On behalf o f the college and it is

now houoc>d in the Archives Room of

IheShennan Masten Ubrary.

As r e ~ d the p ,nciled pag'" writ·ten by this !<'enage'd girl growing up

in turn of the century Morris County,

Professor Peterson reafized that there

was much mal ..rial h of historicalas well as sociological import.nce.

He feft compelled to produC'C an 3n

nolated version which would ma ke it

ac.:cssible to anyone with an interest.The young Siste r, Florence, who

was still a and living in DHiomia,

P'lciously and generously cOrre)'>• .'lnded with Profcssor Petcrson

about life on Dalrymple Pond . She

filled in many details which broughtthe Diary to life. H<'T wonderful ror·

« " " I i ~ w t d "" POll< JJ


Q O U l t t ~ QIir.cularMorrla County Herltale Comml•• on

Sp ring 1993



PyrdmiJ Mounta,n with its sur·

rounding 1,000 acres 01 natural

IOn'Sts. bogs. glens. w.terfalls.and cliffs, Is located with in th e

Boruugh uf Kinnel un and Muntville

Township.The enlire pa rk includes several

mountain peaks ~ r i o u s l y koown as

l'yramid. Stony Brook, Turkey. RockPear. and Ka kC<Jut The Stony Brook

section is one of scveral pla.ccs

ited by various Na tive American cul

tures from the l'alrolithic to

the Woodland period. For t<'ll thou

sand years they g at hered, hunted ,fished, anJ sough t shdler h• ..-.,. The

las! of these were the Lena pe. or

M s < ~ speaking Indians.

In the ear ly li'OQ's, lhe Dutch Cam('

to Ihis region. Here, Ihey farmed,

mined and manufactu red charcoal.

They senl iron ore and limestone to

o..-cker in nearby Boonton ond

sh ipped serpentine \0 China wherc

jewelers used it as a .ubslitule forjaJ e_ Dutch fol klo", abounds in tales

about the su rround ing mounla ins in -

cluding stories about bandits who

hid there.

11>cre are se,'era l points 01 interestalong tht> trails within Ihe p reserve.

The ovcrloo k p ~ r t of the Mennen

Trail has a m agnificent vie ... of the

New York skyli ne _Along this trail

visi tors can,..,., a unique glacial errat

ic, deposited by til<' Wisconsi n glaci·e r over 18.0(() yea rs ago. Known .s

( " " ' t i ~ " , d "" POS' 21

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HOUSEby s"r.h E. H",rl<h


ilen conSidered One of

Morris County's OCst keptsecrets. HIstoric Speedwell

In Morristown, NJ is OUI 10 make

itself known, Th e 7.5 'H e site.

renowned as "I"" birthpl."", of the

electr(>-magnelic tel<'graph" was the

country e.lale of iron master

Stephen VaiL The museum consists

of fiV<." original Vail family structuresaN:! three fine e x a m p l ~ of 19th cen

tury architecture relocated from

Ml' rriSlown . They include Ih .

L'Hommcdieu House, a key rompo

nenl of the museum's long range

plan for 1993-1995, The renovatiun ofth,. 1820". structure will provide nee

~ S I I r y space for classrooms. chang

ing exhibits, archives. a library. and

office. for the contmually growing

NallOnal Historic Landmark Sile,The Iloard and stall af/icially em

barked upl'n rehabilitating Ih .

L'Hommedieu Hause in 1989. The

project will address many needs of

the program al Sp<'<.'dwcll. The m:ationof two changing exhibit galleries on

the first noor of the I louse will l'ff,>,

til(, staff an opportunity to producesev,,,,,1 cxhibllions relating to the Vail

family and 19th cenlury American

history. In addition. lhe education fa-

cilily on the lower level will pnwidc

intT..-ased spaC<' for lhe workshop se-ries presently held in Ihe faclory or

SLllf office .re"s, In Ihe r e c c n ~ y completed op<'n-hrorlh kitchen, rookIng

demonstr.tions will be given 10

"'hool children and the g{'rlc", l public . Exterior 11'novahons includf' a rl'

stare<! ",ar poreh, which o v ~ r 1 o o h apicturesque pond, providing an arcaof qUlel resplle for VIsitors.

Histaric Speedwell ('IlCQuragcs t h ~ general public 10 visil Ihe museum

during 1993 aN:! vic .... ou r ne ....csl exhibl l. The Speedwelllmnworks: A

Hislory of Workers an d Work, Th,·John H. Culbertson Memorl.1

Exhibition. This exhibit is • preview

l'f future eochibits in Ihe L'Hornmedi""House. The museum opens for it s

1993 ",.son on May I, 1993. *



NATURAL HISTORIC AREA(<e""""'. ftc'" f"g< 1

Tripod Rock, this mu lti-Ion ooulder.

delicately ba lancro on Ihree smallerboulders, is bcliewel 10 have been of

spiritual significance 10 Ihe LenapeIndians . In Ihe valley belo ..... al th .

base ( ) f . form.,r gl . cial pond. ijes 'n-

olher huge bouldN known as Bear

Rock. It may be the largesl c r r ~ l ; c of

g l ~ c ; . 1 origin wuhin I"" state,"The park ;s also noled for it diver·

sHy 01 nalive species 0/ wildfiu ...."'s

and olher pl.nts. Q,'er 400 s p ~ ' C ; e'1\ ' calaklgued . Ch,..,tnll[. o"k, moun

tain laurel, oc'CCh and h<'mJock gr.C<'

th e foresl can[)py while cardinal

/lo ....e.s. genlians, and wild orchidsadd beauty to upcnings olong the

Irails . Important I[) hislanan., as well

as n a t u r ~ l o ' · ~ r s . is lhe fact that a Slg-

nllicanl number of these planlS were

used by Nat lve Americans, Plants

served as a ,;.ource of medicine for

tl1csc prople who shared lheir superior healing know ]cdSe wilh ""rly

sctllcrn.1l>ese native plants Nve INd,'

a Significant romribution to pi1S1 and

p ~ n l pharmacopoeias. Importanl

10 biologists and srientists, they may

provide Ihe key 10 cures for diseasesPyramid Mountain is an area

where this wonderful legacy left u.

by ilS Native American inhabilantscan be sludied in Ill(, context of lhelr

history, cuhu, .. n·ligion. and phil05-

ophy, According 10 New Jersey hi5 -

torians, many pre-historic siles have

bl-en d ~ s l r 0 Y ' > d or compromised sothaI Ihe few rwnainin/: siles """luire

urgent consideratil 'n". Pyramid

M(mntain offers a unique opporluni

Iy to analyze and corrdat<.· mig",lion

and habitalion siles of pre-historic

mom with natural hiSloriC changt'S acknowledged PyramidMountain as an arca of "significanl

n"lural diversity" . Archaeologisls

listed Ihe are,) a. being "very impor

tanl 10 our understanding of Indian

life in North,'ast New" The

"""<i 10 preser..-c New Jersey's LcnapeIndian herilage and Ihe wildlife 01

Ihis .wa ho.s provided the impelus It '

designate P y r ~ m i d Mountain and i",

surrouN:!ings as public I.nd. *

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The Morri. County Board of

Chosen F T t ~ e h o l d e r s has ap

pointed three new members

to the Heritage Commission: Wilham

McChesney. Jr., David R. Stivers. andGwendolyn Dungy. rh.D.

Bill McChesney. a Senior Vice

rresident for the Plinccton Bank and

Trust Company since 1990, rcceivro

hi s MBA in Marketing/Finance at

Columbia Graduate School of Businessand his BA in HiStory from Princcton

Uni."",ity. He is currently r r c , i d ~ n t of Historic Speedwell. Treasurer of

the Harding Trust, and a m<>m

ber of Morris 2CXXJ.

Dave Stive.s, Nabisco Archivist,

.e"'arch.,,; and maintain. important

records. ~ r t w o r k . and early product

memorabilia. He has written a book

entitled Cream of Wlre"/ Adwrlising

Ar t as w<>il as many articles, and is

currently considering writmg anoth

er book. The COTporat{" art rotkction


The Heritage Commission

will("xhibit the art of Glgi Burboc-ck

in the fifth nOQr lobby of the

Hall of Records between Aptll 25

and July 25. 1993. Ms. Burboeck. aMendham ,e.ident, is a m<>mlx'r ofthe New Jersey Center for Vi.ual Arts.

the Morris County Art A:>w<;iation.and the Greenwich Art Society,

Greenwich. Ct. Her paintings have

oc-en described as a "kaleidoscope of

color", and a "variely of visual im·

agery". Her "simple 10 complex

fonns and c o m p o s i t i o n s ~ range from"aWr""t 10 illusions of realism".

Selected awards rE'Ceived by Ms.Burboeck include: C o l o n i ~ l Inc.A ....~ r d . First rlace. Watercolors. Best

in Show A ....ard, Pierce-Archer Ltd .Award. Edgar A. Whitney Award

md numerous second place a ....ards

' .....atercolor.•Ar/isls ",·ho would U k ~ t h ~ H ~ r i l " 8 e

Commissi(ln /0 txhibit Ihdr WG_ts

should conl"'l Noncy K""pp by colljng1MCommission offiU"1 (201) 829 ·81 17.

with Dave Stivcrs as spokMman, ap

peared in 38 states during national

tours wilh television and print media


A retired Anny Lt. Col., [la,,, StiV<'rScurrently chairs the North jersey

Planning Ofndals. and the rarsippany

Zoning Board. In addilion he S<'rvl"las Trustee of MOlTis 2000, Dire<:tor

of Morris YMCA. and Vice rresideot

of the Crafls"",n Fonns F o u n d ~ h o nHe is also a n>em"", of the AmericanSociety of Archivist!

In 1988 Dr. Gwendolyn Dungy

moved to New JNSCY 10 assume

sponsibilities as Division Dean for

Hum.niHe. and Arts at Counly

COllege of Morris. Dr. Dungy servesOn Ihe Board of the Morris Area Girl

Diary of

GRACE DALRYMPLE(<<n',"",.d fr,m p<'g< 41

r("5poooencc is also preservC<l in theCollege library.

IVhen askC<l about the most inter·

esting ,spi'Cls of Ihe Diary. l'roll'SWr

r<,tcrson mentions the lifestyle on

Dalrymple Pond. which in 1910

seemed oddly unchangro from the

America of the mid·nineteenth century.

11 is as if this pockel 01 Northwestern

New jersey had been by·passed by

time. Maple Sugar parties. Victorian gome • evenings around the

piano in the p<>rtor, and Old Home

Week celebrations in Dover were

part of Iheir lifl"llyle. In fact, the only

lime G'aee Dalrymple menlions theouler world is recorded on

November 6. 1912. when she e ~ p r l " l Ses diSil.ppoinl""'nt In the cle<:tion of

Wilson because. h ~

"wanted Teddyto win". The family was in the icc

cu tting business and Ihey li t their

house with kerosene lamps. They

had a car which was usu-..lly towed

by Silly the hors.e . The brand n<'w

telephoflC often did not work.

Professor ret""",,n suggests that thediary can also be rcad as personal

document. WhIle il provides details

of current events between 1910 and

1912, il 0100 gIves a S4'nse of the time-1l"lS qualities of growing up.

Page J

Srout Council. Boord of DirE'Clors ofIhe Morri s Museum. Board of the

Morris Shelter, and Treasurer of llIe

New jersey College and University

Coalition on Women's Education.

Sh .. is also active in the Nalional

Association for Women in Education.

Gwen Dungy is also active beyond

he, work and community boards.She is working with Dr. Rita Heller.

historian and assistan t professor alCounty College of Morris, on a film

about African-Am<>ricans in Morris

County. Gw ..n statcs lhat serving on

lhe Board of the Heritagt' Commission

"is a new and exciting experieneeH

She fl-cls this posilion will Nincrease

her inl<'tCSI in th,' history of all of

MorrisCounty". -:-

Other aspecls of the Diary that

f'rofessor Peit-rson pi'rtirularly I'fljo)'<-"<l

were Ihe discoveries that I.'{"naged

stang has not changed very much ineighty years ( G r a c ~ constantly refers

to "bumming around") and that "",ny

01 the .tr("('t ""m<"S in lhe arca of the

college rcpre,;/.'nt the ""mes of indio

vidual. who rome to li/ .. in Grace's


The diory 1\,15 been "'produced in api'perback version and is available at

the Sherman Masten library at County

Coli"!:,, of Morris. '"



The Morris County HNilage

Commission c x p r l " l ~ its a;:>

pt{'Ciation for the out,landing

work of Sharon M. Doremu • 17 year

board member and chaltT""n of Ihe

comm ission for 12 years. She is re ·sponsible for Morris County's histor

icol marker program and is the . " .

thor of th e Cuide 10 Morris Counly1li5lorirAl M.".I:crs. Sharon iscurrently

serving 00 the Board of the "Friends

of Florham". a group which is work

ing to reslore and preserve the hi.toricTwombly garden. and mansion, a

part of the Florham·Madison campus

01 Fairleigh Dickinsoo Uoiversity. The

members of the Commission wish her

success in all her future endeavors. '"

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LUCILLE HOBBIE'S "Historic Morris County"

The Herit3ge Commission haspurchased Lucille Hobbie's

most recen t lithographs, The

51st an d 52nd in tN> "Historic Morris

County" series f""tures '1'lorlulm" theformer Hamilton McKron Twombly

"",nsion now uS<'d for administration

oifi<:(>S and dass1'OO<l\S at the Fairleigh

Dickinson's Madison campus; and,

kMead Hall", a William Gibbons ar -

chitl'Ctural "",stcrpiece which is now

the administration building of PrewUniv<'T'Sity's Madison campus. These

lithograph. can be .ce" on the 5th1100r 01 the Ad ministration ond Records

Building in Morristown. 9

· f I ~ r h a " , · . 1/,. to""" HQ",if/01O M r K t o ~ Twombly m a " . i o ~ tha t g.Q<t. r ~ i r l t i g h D i c k i ~ . o " ' . M Q d ; . o ~ CQ",pus. GRANT RECEIVED

COUNTY COLLEGE OF MORRIS PRESEl\'TS The Henta&, Commission h".

receIVed a Crant of $3,0.:0 from

the r.M. Kirby Foundation, Inc.

to produce a 56 page Guide 10 the

MOTris C"nal in M&rris C6unly. The

booklet will contain a map fonowingthe route of th " C6nal and the loca -

tion of the Morris County HeritageCommission markers that have re -

cently been plan-d along its courS('.The last s.ectio" will i"dude short

tok'S an d ane<:dOtes about Iile along

lhe cana\. 9

" C h a nC em a n " Community:

Th e Twen lieth Century

Morri . County Afnclln

American Past" is the title 0/ an all

day conferen(e to be held at th e

County con"!;e of Morns on FridJy,Apnl 23rd. Dr. Rita Heller. roordi",, -

tor of the l o c ~ 1 hiS!ory p r o g r ~ m and

a S S 1 ~ t ~ n t professor 01 history al tht'cnIIegeand Dr. Gwen Dungy, DiviSion

Dean of HumJnities Jn d Arts. will

"hair til<." conference.Highl ights will indude talks by

noted African American scholars. Pr.Clement Price of Rutgers, Newark,

an d Dr. Bettye Collier-Thomas of

Temple University. Of particular "'

te,,-OSI is an exhibil 01 photographs onloan from the Morristown -Morris

TownShip Library. These depict

AfriCJn American life In Morrislown

dUring the early Iwentieth ""ntury.

1llc conf('rt.'nce will also featul"\' B t f o ' ~ You Can Say /ackit RobinsoM. a 60

minute video produCtXI and directedby n.o""" C Cuy. Jr. wl,h executive

production by Dr. Lau",nce D. Hogan,

Union County College.Ulvid Mitros, Archivist 01 the M()I"T1s

County Heritage Commission. will

participate in a workshop designed

to help high school tN"her> uSC t h ~ Commission's r«ent publication,

Slaw Rtcord, of M ~ r r i s C o ~ n l y , New

1"""1 J756·1841 , in the classroom.

The conference will be open to tN>public WIthout cha rge. For more in ·

formation or to registe r, ,.111 Dr.

Gwen Dungy or Dr. Rita Heller at


This conference ha s be£n mode

p<!ssible by a grant from the New

/ersey Committee for tr e Humonitil.'S.• state program of the National

Endowm('nt fo r th e Humanitles,

with additional assistance from the

Morris County Historical Society. 9


The Morri. COIlllty Herito!,;,"! CommiSSIon is <'<Impiling a

CIVIl War i v c - s DaVId Mltros. archivist, is research·

ing newspapers from the period to find "tieles aboutMorrisCollnty's involvement in the war.

1be Commission is ab o Interested in acquiring documents

or COpIes of documents from outside sources. We would begrateful to any individuals Or institutions willing to contribute

wrilten m:>tcrial pertaining the Civil War.Please contact the Herilage Comm;S5ion at (201) 829-11117

should you have any qU<'5tions.

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.... '

NEWS&NoTESFAIRLEIGH DICKINSON Historic District i , juSl ~ b o u l rom- LAKE HOPATCONG


~ ; r l < ' i g h D i c k j n ~ n Un ivcrli l ly WASHINGTON "Jewel of the Mountains: Th .I n n o u ~ lis 101h Anniyt'Tsary TOWNSHIP Greal Holel Era OIl Lake

Sc;tllOn of Opera AI Florham . On The Office of New JerseyHGp.:ucong" .... hibi! opl'ns In April

Friday and Saturday. May 28th at the Lake HOp"trong lhStoric.1

an d 291h. 1993 8 r.M . t Dreyfuss Hen'.&" I'CCl'fltly INml-d thilt Museum. The " ,h ibil d c p i c ~ Lake

T h , , ~ t e r . ~ I l Troyato ....· , Verdi's the a pplicatio n for th" ·Stone H o p t ~ r o n g ' $ " '" and r.1I u ......

powtrful opc:" by a HOlul'S and Out- b uildings o f .or! A !('iIt . model of , ...... IllOSl 0 '-

score p.ilc4>d with someolthe mosc Wuhm&'on TownshIp Properly ""'11.' of the hot ...s.. DSlIc Edward,

cc!cb . ,e d music in I II op<'flI. 1lIeN o m l t o n ~ was accepted and is ae.:uralC down to the slightest

C ~ b ; l r c t Seri"" p ~ n l ·Oper. ' . cntcrod into the Naho ... 1 RcgislC1 detaU. TIle l o t e I 8 n ' S ~ n .....hlch ...., .

Many-Splcndoml Romanric So:encs" of H i ~ t o r i c T'la<'l'!i on May 1, 1992. the L ~ k c ' s larg"st and g r ~ n d ~ s t on April 24, 1993. 8 r M .; and Opcr.>

RANDOLPH TOWNSHIPhotd ~ n d lhe fll':5l building on the

florham Guild', 1!J!J3V " , , ~ I

LANDMARKSLake With ~ k d r i d l y , is liso I",,·

Comp"litlon, unffll H.lI in th<' turt '(! For mo", informa!>()n pi<'.1'"

M,nsion on Friday ,n d $.olurday. COMMITI"EE CillI aou )18.-2616. Adml!o5>on is f_ .

Apnl 16.nd 17. 1993. For furthcr T here wi!! be Spring Op"nMORRIS MUSE UMinformalion or 10 order !1eket' call lIou", al the MUilfum of Old

{201 J .59),&,20 . Randolph on Sunday, April 18th T he Mom . Mu",um 1$ pr('5('nt·

BOONTONfrom 1-4 P.M. It will {<,,,un: an "" - Iy ho s ting "The Etruscans:

hlbi t On 19th century industr;"" Legacy of a lost C,vihzauon" ~ • .HISTORICAL SOCIETY Ind home ond ",hool life; ,Iso 3 hibit through lu"" 30. t9!J3. The

B oon ton Historical SMiety ha s displJly on the n:5011 industry. exM>u includes 178 obpxIs n'CtW -

rerently published a pictOrial On Suurday, 1. 1993 th e <'It'd from Etrucan IOIT\bj in t h ~ mid-booldetof Boonton mtillcd "'Boonton 14th Annual Histone SlIe Bus TOlIr 18)Ys. Fo r f u l 1 ~ infonnatlon, ron-

-Then and No ...• to commemorate 01 Randolph will depaM lrom III<' tact the MU5l'um at (2011.5Ja..8069.

lhe town'S I 25th annivers.>ry of in- Mu SC'um of Old Randolph at I I WHlrl'ANYcorporation. The J2 p.>ge booklet A M. ~ n d 1:30 P.M. II will visit

depicts lamiliar sites reproducro landmarks from pre·Colonl al RAILWAY MUSEUM

from vin ta ge photos ~ l o n g s i d l : ' I n d l ~ n wHIcmen" th the 20th "T he E. ster Bunny Ex"","·.("Urn:R1 phot05 of the same ...'e ...

Cl!ntury For ITKX1' informallOn .bout S, turdays , April 3r d an d

Booklets ",II for $HIO plus SI50 either e\1m.t, plea", c;lI198!J..709S. IOth,.nd Sunday, April 4, 1993 at

J X l S t ~ g e ~ n d h ~ n d l ! n s . a,1I (201)ROXBURY TOWNSHIP

lhe Whlpp.>ny Railway MUlK'um.

334·5978 for mon- informatIon Easter Tn,ns depart from th e

On June 14th, the Great S , , " ~ m p HISTORICAL SOCIETY MOrTI s to .... n and Erie Whippany

folk)....., Project ....ill sponso r an in- T he Ihird In a 51."''''' 01 volumesSt.tion, at I PM.2 PM , 3 I'M and 4

l o r f f i i l t i v ~ hike alon g t l1.e historic on the history of Roxbury I'M Enjoy a ride with the aster

HIGH MOUNTAIN t""l. The tour TowniiJup. OLD HOMESOF ReX- Bunny from ",. llppony to MotristowrL

will beg in" 2 P M Mars BURY TQWN·SHU'. Is now avail-Ih:-servahonS ~ e c < , p t e d through

Cou rt on Boonton Avrnlle. For able. It fedturt:'S 125 hulT"ll"S, ,ncor- March 1!J . 1993. For more info"""'-

more informahon, please call 120l) porat{'S 175 pictul"l'S, Ind contains tton call (201) 887-S177.

335-5998. anl'<:'dolal nlalerial shtoddmg lightBILL OF RIGHTS

RALSTON HISTORICALon the hIstory of tile tow nship,

REMEMBEREDfounde<!;n 1740. The book can beASSOCIATION used I S a tour guide and the nlISt D ue to the /a,·or.ble response

O n Sept<'mw 15th Of \.oSI year. per copy IS SIS .OO plu, $2.90 to in th e past. The H e r i t ~ g e the WaShington V.Uey .rea cover the cost of prIor i ty mail. Comml56ion has ....".noted t h ~ ed-

ofMendham Township was desig- Send y<:Iur ch.e<:k to the Roxbury ucational booklet. ·The Bill of

nated as an Histone Dist rict . The Township Historical So<:iety, P.O. Rights." OnginaUy pnntoo in 1989.

tecilnical work on t h ~ Ralston Bo" 18, Succasunna. NJ 07876. ,,,,,,,,,;"...J ... "'$'6)

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Page I)

(CO"""""" fr"'" I"'g< S)

the stoey of the lirst ten amend

ments was design<'d by Arline F.

Dempsey, board membee ollheHeritage Commission. Copies 01

the booklet are being distributed

to 4th grade dasses throughout

the County. 1/ you h,,,"C ~ n y ques.

tions or have not received copiesplease contact Arli"" F. Dempsey,

(201) &2?-io205.




he largest and mIlst compre

hensive display of NJ Ind,anartifaclS is now on exhibition . t

IhcScton Han Uni,...:-r.;ity Museum.

Nineteen exhibition cases show

auth{"ntic I n d i ~ n ~ r t i f a c t s dating

from t h ~ P a i c o - I n d i ~ n period. ( ~ . 10.000 y ~ ~ r s S.C to th e t ' m ~ of

European Contact with thc '-"napeI n d i ~ n 5 , ca. A.D. 1600-1758.

Thc Scto n Hall Un iversity

Museum (South O r a n g ~ A,·enue.

Soulh Orange) is localed on th<'

I;rnt noor or FJhy Hall. Hour.; Me

9 A.M. 10 9 P.M. Monday thrOughFnday, and Saturday u n ~ 1 5 P.M.

Admission is fn'€' .

Publication 01 th t Morris County

Boud of Chostn Fretholdtrs

=-'F e ~ " " , - " " D. P",s<-"(m, Cham"""Margaret J. Cushing. Viu-Clu!inn"n

Nancy KlNlpP, S ~ ' ' ' ' ' r y ArlinI' F. Demps<')', T ttlSw"rGwendolyn Dungy, Ph.D.

Wilham MtChC'5ncy. Jr.Marie Moo.e

William Quinn. Esq.David R. StivC'ts

Mary Challant. Office Admin;,)",!.r

David Mitros, ArdtivisfSusan Lorenzo, Program Drotlopmetll


Jerseyana: The Undersidt of

Ntw JHsey Histor y by Marc

Mappen. Rutgers University Press,hardcover S38; paperback $14.95.

A transVl"Stite governor who /.kt:"S

his ow n to avoid prosecu

tion for a kickback scheme? An

a " " r c h i ~ L 'ilk wCav<'r who travelsto Italy and kills the King? TheS('

arc LrLIe tal", from New / e=y history. Collected from University

Cc:>l1ege Dca" Marc Mappen' .

rolumn. for the Sunday N ~ " , YorkT i m ~ ' . these s t r ~ n g e episodcs inthe slate's history range from the

well.known tt> the little-known.

Building by Ihe Book: Pattern

Book Archilecture in New

Jersey. by Robert P. GUtN and

JJnel W. Foster. P h O t o g r ~ p h s by

Jim DeIGiud<re. Rutgers Un,vcrs'ty

P,C'5S $34.95. A fascinating book

for lov{"rs of old houses

Emergency Pr epnedneu

and Response: Federal Aid for

Cultural Institutions during an

Emergency is a 16 page brochurewhich oui llnes lypes of flxleeal as

SlstJnce ,v",labk to mUse"ms, Ii·

br.rics. and archin'S, historic Or

ganiutions, historical societies,

and conservation organizations

during emergeoci",. A free copy is.vailablc by sending a S2-«>nt sel/

addressed, stamped envelope to

Emergency Prcparc<l""ss, NIC, 3299K 51. N.W .. Suite 41)3. Washington,DC 2r1XYl, (202) 625-1495.

Th . Commission's latest publo.

cation, Jacob Gre . n, Morris

County Abolition;st During

Ihe Revolution will soon be

available. Jacob G e c ~ n , p.1sl0r (}!

the Hanove. Presbyterian Church

Ix>tween 1746 and 1790 was al50 apatriot, e'""yist and ,,"l;n aulhor

of N ~ w J e ~ y ' s /irst «",stitution

He pr{"ached against the institu

tion of sbvery 3 time when suchviews w{"rc unpopulJr. In foCi, he

was the only Presbyterian m i n i ~ M r throughout the coloni", who suc

cessfu lly o r g a n ; z ~ \ 1 his church intoan anh_slavery body. This book

ronfirms the link bc!wecn abolition

isn' and t h ~ American R ~ v o l u l i o nFunding for this project was m ~ d e pOSSible by the Morris CounlyFreeholders "n d the P.M. Kirby

Fo"ndahon, loc. ->

Q I O u t l l ~ QIircu[urMorri, County HorHagt Commission

MOTris County Courthouse

Morris!t>wn, N.J . 0?%3.Q900


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VOL. IS, No.2



Mark your calendJr for the

Heritage Commission', ann u ~ 1 symposIum to be held

On Thursday, S e p t e m ~ ' 30, 1 ~ 9 3 . from 5:30 to 9:00 I'M. This yNr"

symposium, entitled UDigging into

the Past: Archaeology and Historic

Preservahon/' wi!! be held at the

Haggerty Educa tion Center of the

Frelmghuysen Arboretum, A bo x

supper , which has proven popular,

will precede tn c p r c s c n t ~ t i o nRegistration is $10,00 and includes

the boxsupper

.A p<>ncl af 'pcah'fS will discu,", theirnporbnce 01 ~ r c h a e o l " ! ; i c a J docWIl<'n-lation In L ~ e prese' ...ation P'oc('$<. They

indude Ms. Bierce Riley, Mar keting

Researdl n s u l t a ~ t and Mr. Ed len:k.President of Shcffjcld ArchaeologicalConsultants. An imroducllon by RayZabihach. Din-cto, of Morris County

PlannIng Boare!, wi ll focus On areh.t'olog)' and plannIng.

)".fs,. Rlley is President of the RoeblmgChapter, Socicty for Industrial

Arch.eology: CommiSSioner of theMorri$town Histor; ' Preservation

Commission; Co-Di recto r of th e

C a n ~ l Museum at Waterloo; and

1"C$C.V3110nist of ,he Timothy MillsHouse In Morristown.

Her prt'scntMion, cntitled "Waterpo we .ed Indust.ies of ~ \ e n d h a m Township," wi ll include slides of twowatercourSC$ th " d"pict industrial

sites wi,hln MendhJm TownShIp .The slide -lectu re will focus On the

(coxl",,,,,, p<gt 2)


Q I O U t t t ~ QIir.cularMorris County Heritage Comm ission

Summer 1993


The Heritage Commi,sion isprodUC Ing a narrated ,!ide

show on the hIStory of Farms

an d Barns in Mar . . Countv . Th e

p.o;:':! witl be TcseJrthed by the his

toric p r ~ r v a t i o n firm of AO'oterionThis preseJ'.lalion will hop<'fully, raise

public J",arene" of Morri, County's

fas t d isappearing JgricultuTal her·

itage, thereby enoouraging tJw preservation of remammg rural SIll'S.

To da te. AcrOlemm has identifil'{!thirteen municipa li ties ,,"Ith Su rvIving form buildIDgs and/or lanCseJpN.These SItes (an potentIally ),eld sig.nifi cant Information on the history offJrming in Morris County They 1Il-

dude; Boonton Towmhip, Chatham

Town.hlp, Ch""cr Tow"'hip; Den ville

Harding. Mendham To"."ship, Moms

Township, Mount O live, Parsippany.Troy Hills, PasS.iIlC, Randolph, Rock-

away, and Washington.A glimpse into Morr i s; County',

.ich agricultural p a ~ t may do mo.ethan awaken nostalgia for "the goodold days". At a time wJwn the idea ofpreserving has become increa singly popular, it IS hoped that

the Commission's show will promoteknowledge and background on

Morris County farms among schoolch ildrt'n and 'he gCnI'ral public_ ';'

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Tile followIng lNIW wa. ""rinen10 the \ 1 o m ~ County Hent.lgeCommlss>on. We hope the rn-

thus..,sm oi ' he w s,uden,s wIll en

cou rage o U ' ~ l d e In,,, ru , for 'hi ,""orth",hil" project. Should , "011 "ISh

'0 con,a(1 'h e JerseYmen, "OU m'"

"-rI,e 10 h e m ~ ' ."'Ioun' Oll,'c.' l llghSchool. C o r e ~ ' Road. F l a n d . , r ~ ,

''"'"Dear Hnnage Commiil5ion

The le rsevmen are a group of

:>\oun, OlJve H'gh School SlUdents,under " d " i ~ , of MI'$. Ri,ko,who aTe 1m ,he l I o n of 'h e one room schoolhouse on

FLonde,", OrakO'S,own Rood 10 \Ioun'





of Florham dMica'M theMWMorrisCounly

Commission marhr .1.1 thtMadison Avenue e n ~ to theF1orham-Madi i<O n Campll5 of

Fairleigh Dickinson Uruverslty.At t l i l i ; ""en" the Friends abopresenled the LudUe Hobb iti;lhog",.ph of th e man sionF 1 o r h a m 10 ' he Mayors 01

Madison and J'\ Park.The Her;tage Commiss ion

awards histori<::al 10 encourage ~ t i o n of impor-

tant historic places in MorrisCounty. "Florham. the country

estate of Hamilton and f\orenco:oVanderl:>ilt Twombly, is no ... theMadison campu.!l administt;olion

building of Fairleigh OiclciruonU";,,er'Sity .

The purpose 01 Friends of

Florkam is 10 p ~ r v e "nd ,..,..

Oh,· .., ' ew Jer<;e" \\ e have ex isted

since 'he ]96.0's and "'e "'err

tached to the New s t Q r i ~ a l Sueiet)' until they lost funding. Our

long t ~ r m gO<lI IS to r e s t o r , h ~ schoolhouse and make it a local his-

tory mU5O:Um.

Mount Oll .. e was a mIn Ing commun.l\· dunng i's ioundrng One of,he chiel mine", felt 'he dti]dnm of

,he ,",'orbrs nH<Ied 10 be MucatM.

SO in 1768, James t o n o n ~ ' e d one acre 01 land '0 be used for s-chool

purposos. "'rueh "''' ' 're the school·house Is no»' u ~ ' r o The original""hoolhouse WaS a log cabin. bu, itwas replacM In 1820 b,· a bu,ld ing

similar 10 the One there loday, The

Moms Unurty Ikrilllgt C""""i$sio". . . . ,u , . " I IMM..J isoI IA_

In"""," 10 1M f l , , " , " " h \ f ~ d i s o l l c"nrptUof F"irlrighu . . w c r s ; ~ . (}'Ioooobr Oooid loIitrw.l

s tore the grounds (designed by

Frederick Law Olmstead and son)

and buildings (designed by McKim.Mead, and White) as they were origi-nalIy desigMd, +

wails 01 ,he ~ ' " bu,lding o o l l ~ p s c d , and ,n 1S37 it ",a, asaln r ~ b l l i l t und er the name ol th t Mt Oh,-e

Ac.demy _Tht loChoolhouse tunc·

tiont d as a one room <.Choal from1768 to 1926. Th" .. ,,·as.n a"fTageof

t,,'en!)-s r u d e n l ~ In


"'hOiSt'ages ranged froPt fOllr to lourte<en"Ut s_ Th,,!, "-ere taught reading,

,, 'r;rtng. h m ~ " ( . English gram·

m;". g e o g r ~ p h " . and morals. Peer tutanng "'as also "ctl\'c.'l" uiON! dllnng

the ""hool da ,- SO tht "ounger studenb could l ~ a ' n from tht older

0 .... . The dass colOl'$ "'ert red and

"'hile, and the moUo "'as -Greater

deed!; awan u s ~ On Sund,,)'S, mu<ierecilat. ....ere held TJus ~ h ( ) O l h o u ' l e

• major source of <!ducatlng the

youth unhI1926_From 1926 '0 194'<, school

house n ~ d "acant unt!! t heSo lmon F.l milv A.sociatol'S purchas.edit fo r 0"" dollar ' Q u>e as a l a c ~ fo rfam ily rcunions. Th\' ~ l p t Chu rch,now i()cJt i:d ne, ' door to the "" u>ed It for Sundoy ""hool ond'-aca t ion Bible schoot. In 1981. th f

lcrs/!;ome" too l.. <lwr the ""hoolhouscby an adop" ••buildi ng pr o!;ram,Ever S''''''' then ha,'c bt .n slc"d,

,,·o.l.lOg toward Ollr go.d. In 1%3 we

,,-ere abl., to pu, a ne'" rool on t(J

protect ,he ITuid., rrom 111.0 "'eather

We are currt'ntk ",,,.I..lng On restor,ng the inn.:'!' (('Ihng and w ~ l l s tn bo!-

gin ...... oranon at ho,,' 11 "'a. In 1837\\'., .... , " ~ n ' l n l ~ fund'ng >0 even

< t ~ p is • long. slow p rO(l'du.e \ \ - ~ N''' ' bem ~ t z e d bv till" TowruJupof \1ounl Ohe dn h,stoncJlsll<'.

and we hoI"" 'N t th(o ""om!< Counl\

Heri,ag<" Comml»!on ",,11 rerog.nIuus u h,,;toricil ; i I ! ~ tn \1or .5

County. HOl""lull,· wtth )'Ou' help," . , " i l l m('l'\ our KOoll of t h ~ schoolhou .. b.!coming an h,slo . a l sl'e In

Morm Coun'"

" ~ r " h .Heather Vat.". ~ n d C h a r l ~ Ka ltd,iol'"

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,,,,,,,,,,""'fmn I"J" 51

e r ~ l CNKo;Il h e ~ r t h s ill '" a bloorneryforge in dose p r o ~ l m i t y t() mine_

,\noU'er signifICant ~ " e Conn ..!

s"wtnlll, ,,+ud\ p r o v i d ~ an interestin g example of adaptive reuse

T o t ~ l I y ",bui ll after a fire d ~ t r ( ) y e d NTheT mi ll , the bUlldong is nnw a

house. While the interior has been

r e n o " ~ l e d , remnants 01 its eOTlier"",,are clear. A grindstone used fo.sharpening tools has been inco'l>O'rated ;n\O the d o o r ~ c p . The pu thato ra housed II turbine still exists. as

does the Slone-hned latlrace that ", .

turned W ~ t c r 10 Harmony Brook.

FQrtunalely, thl!'$(' anifac" of the

ur ly tndustnlll p a ~ t remain undlSlurbed. Ml.'I\dham Township's le r

rain has bcenl stgnificant fiOctor in

Ihe preservallon of these sUes, ItsS l ~ p hills and fast runnins streams

provide U nltura l deterrent to mod·

em ",truslon, The township ' s early

ad()ption of zoning in 1937 has alsohelped. Of grelltest importance is thedeoep-seated respttt for the p " s lw ro i

by Inhabitants of Mendham Township.T<I IN'" mOrt ~ b o u l ""t 191h ur.IU'Y

M t l l d h ~ m TOfDlIshtp'$ history Q' dt·

$C,iMl by Btt..:t Riley, regisur for lhe

Morris CQI/Illy H t n l ~ Ccm"HSSio>!'SsympllJ,um 011 5qn. J(}lh, litt frOttI

" a ~ o f l h . C c u n l y C i " l I b r .}

Publicllion of the Morris County

Bo..,.d 01 C h o s Freeholder.

~ ~ , , : ;

........F.ances D. Plngl.'On,. Chm"",,"Marg..rel! Cushing. V ~ , " " " ~ Nancy ~ p p , Stutt.a'YArllnf F. Demp5Cy, T'(R5u""Cwendolyn Dungy, Ph.D_

.....ilham McChc$ney, Jr.M ~ t i e M o o r e

Civil War Archives

Hemage Col1UYll5l)lon arch"'lsl

DaYld Mums, " ~ t h the help

of CommiSSion sLlff per-sonSu5an Lorenzo, has finished compi!ing and ( r ~ n S C T i b i n g a . ellIsal rerords

rela(ing to MOrTiS County'. involvemem in the Civil War. They includedocu=n(s that Wete lent to the Cornmission by local historical organizations, But the two most important

SOUrct'5 in this oompH.tion . ' " microfilmed newspapers stored in Morris

County's archi1'l'S - Tht J ~ ~ and

the Trw D t m o o - ~ I i r & ~ " " ' . These documents ,e, 'cal much

;tbout people's alluudcs toward war

TN> follo,,'mg 'CCClun, of p<O-"'.' ( ' n .thuSlllsm In Boonton was recorded In

the May 25, lUI. J ~ ' " 1M fi,eofhtroism burn bnzn!ly <1/ &o"'on

C / i i p j ~ l " of tnt mili:«ry """'p"ny lit"e

ha•••owud -Old P e q ~ . l I o c , · and /tw hwnd,eJ of ~ . 1 I d y , stalwar:meM U eve. dashed i ~ l o Q bayonelehorgt, 'wc,t! raistJ :n • <Jim's ti",o,

Thf)l." hngon'"g ad Ihi"'inii -f l" /0 m«f O ~ r a , i s j l l ( ' r ~ h ' foe;. Sf",!!

Ihty ..01 1"",( jl/>J' Titt ulI'fcrmeJ """'

"any is 4 splrndiJ ".....nJ ",hal. miMaf I.lle gold jn lite .p in/s .d m:=l.


~ n d n l l t d 4:h/tles of

lhott.,ll4gc.:\'ot C"eryone lhan:d this patriotIC

zell - especlilly d te r Congress

passed II federa! cons.c.iplion law in1863. The T,ue ~ o c n i l i c &onn,.,. in

itS June 2. 1864. iS$ue, reponed -mu.

sked;tddling .. from th e min..,; an<!

i,on W(IT"" of Rocl"" ...y Township·by draft e,-aders who could no l

f"td to hire substitute soldie,s t

5( ' ... e in the,r place, (Many weal!hielmembers of §Ocie!y induding the

young John D. Rockdellcr purchasedoutright excmpti()n for S3OO.)

Leucrs and d l ~ r i ' " of soldiers who

lought and died for the Union cause~ r e ~ l : ! ( ) included in this collection. Alelte. trom !'nvate William Van Flretof r ~ B i p p . l l l y to hts wife Annie ron·

dud . s on 11 ~ r l l t u l ; t r l y poignan

note, I wl/ld Ilke 10S« JII'" al/ h i 11-""

is Imposslb'lt """-,, I hop< 1h,,1 11r.:;ys"areJ III I t t you ,11 . g ~ m b-. ec.r. ,,,,IIw Oli<!- I d(ll1'1 f($l, <WIlh If I slu:>uld nolsa y o ~ Q g ~ i n on .a,lh I p""y tho' "-'

""'y mttl '" I m I t I t ~ Q!>otlt .. L . o t - ~ 10 oio ~ d . kiss for my/lllit g"I . DMr A n n l ~ .Don'l forgtl YO"' d:lly 10 bring I...." lipfor Ch,,'!!. Shortly after writi ng t h i ~kIter, V ~ n F l ~ t "'as fatally woutKIed

at Fredericksbu.g _ h i ~ first and 0 ...

b.ln le. (Van Fll ...t'S leUer was lenl :..

the C o m m l ~ s l o n by the Pa'sip?,,"y

Troy-HIlls HISIOTlo.l and Prese..-a

lion Soc1ety.)Anyone Interested In USlng th"

,'aluable collectlOO of rn= 'Y sourcessh"uld cont.ct the MO.rls County

Heritage COllUTliss.oon at 829-811; Or819·8114.

illOUlltu illircular,Morr is County H ~ r i Commis.ion

Morris County Courthouse

Morristown, N_J.1J796.3-{J9OO

(:!OU 829·8117
