

TRANSPORTATIONRoute 146 Over the Mohawk River

Design-Build ProjectPIN 1085.42, Contract No. D900026

Town of Niskayuna, Schenectady CountyTown of Clifton Park, Saratoga County

RFP Informational Meeting

December 30, 2014

Route 146 Over the Mohawk RiverDesign-Build Project (PIN 1085.42)Agenda

Project Overview Department’s Goals and Project Requirements Scope of Work Status of ROW and Utilities General Contract Information Alternative Technical Concepts Procurement Schedule One On One Meetings RFP Content Quality Control & Quality Assurance Evaluation and Selection Additional Information and Submission Guidelines Questions and Answers


Peter RussellAttn: SR 146 Over the Mohawk River

Design-Build ProjectOffice of Contract Management

New York State Department of Transportation50 Wolf Road, 6th Floor

Albany, New York 12232, [email protected]

Route 146 Over the Mohawk RiverDesign-Build Project (PIN 1085.42) Rules of Contact


Route 146 Over the Mohawk RiverDesign-Build Project (PIN 1085.42) General Location

Route 146:

RM146-1603-3038 to RM 146-1504-1005BIN: 4-03836-0

Aqueduct Road to Riverview Road Town of Niskayuna, Schenectady County

Town of Clifton Park, Saratoga County0.7 Mi. Length

Route 146 Over the Mohawk RiverDesign-Build Project (PIN 1085.42) Goals

Ensure a long-service life for all Project elements to satisfy long term preservation goals

Ensure the safety of the travelling public Maximize the benefit of the public investment

in the Project by: Providing cost-effective solutions that maximize value over

the lifespan of the bridge and approach roadway Sequencing construction to minimize effects on vehicular

traffic operations Reducing future maintenance requirements Minimizing impacts on the environment


Route 146 Over the Mohawk RiverDesign-Build Project (PIN 1085.42) Goals (Continued)

Deliver the Project safely, on schedule and within budget

Ensure coordination with utility owners, third parties, Project stakeholders and any adjacent construction projects

Provide Best Value to the Department


Route 146 Over the Mohawk RiverDesign-Build Project (PIN 1085.42) General Scope of Work

Design and construct the replacement bridge over the Mohawk River

Design and construct the intersections of Route 146 with Aqueduct Road and Riverview Road

Design and construct/rehabilitate Route 146 between the intersections with four through travel lanes

Design and construct a multi-use path between Riverview Road and the Mohawk-Hudson Bike-Hike Trail

Maintain vehicular and pedestrian traffic on site throughout construction Canal/river navigation traffic must also be maintained


Route 146 Over the Mohawk RiverDesign-Build Project (PIN 1085.42) General Scope of Work (Continued)

Demolish existing structure and foundations Relocate and/or preserve existing utilities Perform public outreach and coordination with local

agencies (in coordination with NYSDOT) Coordinate with NYS Canal Corporation and NYS Office

of Parks Recreation and Historic Preservation Comply with existing environmental constraints:

Threatened and endangered species Historic Properties Wetlands

Acquire necessary permits (in coordination with NYSDOT)


Route 146 Over the Mohawk RiverDesign-Build Project (PIN 1085.42) Indicative Plans

Indicative Plans represent the nature and type of work to be designed and constructed as part of the Project. They reflect items for which the Department has no particular view on specific configuration or Material used in the final product.

For this project, they include the following: Typical Sections Plan Sheets Profile Sheets


Route 146 Over the Mohawk RiverDesign-Build Project (PIN 1085.42) Indicative Plans (Typical Sections)


Route 146 Over the Mohawk RiverDesign-Build Project (PIN 1085.42) Indicative Plans (Typical Sections)


Route 146 Over the Mohawk RiverDesign-Build Project (PIN 1085.42) Indicative Plans (Plan View)


Route 146 Over the Mohawk RiverDesign-Build Project (PIN 1085.42) Indicative Plans (Plan View)


Route 146 Over the Mohawk RiverDesign-Build Project (PIN 1085.42) Indicative Plans (Plan View)


Route 146 Over the Mohawk RiverDesign-Build Project (PIN 1085.42) Indicative Plans (Plan View)


Route 146 Over the Mohawk RiverDesign-Build Project (PIN 1085.42) Indicative Plans (Plan View)


Route 146 Over the Mohawk RiverDesign-Build Project (PIN 1085.42) Indicative Plans (Plan View)


Route 146 Over the Mohawk RiverDesign-Build Project (PIN 1085.42) Indicative Plans (Plan View)


Route 146 Over the Mohawk RiverDesign-Build Project (PIN 1085.42) Indicative Plans (Profile)


Route 146 Over the Mohawk RiverDesign-Build Project (PIN 1085.42) Indicative Plans (Profile)


Route 146 Over the Mohawk RiverDesign-Build Project (PIN 1085.42) Indicative Plans (Profile)


Route 146 Over the Mohawk RiverDesign-Build Project (PIN 1085.42) Indicative Plans (Profile)


Route 146 Over the Mohawk RiverDesign-Build Project (PIN 1085.42) Indicative Plans (Profile)


Route 146 Over the Mohawk RiverDesign-Build Project (PIN 1085.42) Indicative Plans (Profile)


Route 146 Over the Mohawk RiverDesign-Build Project (PIN 1085.42) Environmental Considerations

Issue Comments Wetlands Wetlands adjacent to Route 146 - Impacts

requiring mitigation are not expected. Surface Waters Mohawk River & Unnamed Perennial

Streams - All Designated Class A Streams; No In- stream Seasonal Work Restrictions; USACE

and Individual 401 WQC Stormwater Management SPDES permit > 1 acre disturbance

requires a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan

Ecology/Wildlife No Effect – Federal Endangered Species (FHWA Concurrence)

Cultural Resources NYSDOT has entered into a Programmatic Agreement (PA) with FHWA and SHPO. PA has detailed stipulations.

Asbestos/Hazardous Materials Testing Completed in Nov 2014. Bridge sheet packing material tested positive for ACM’s.


Route 146 Over the Mohawk RiverDesign-Build Project (PIN 1085.42) Environmental Considerations (Continued)

Anticipated Permits/Authorizations Needed:USCG Bridge PermitUSACE Section 404/Section 10NYSDEC Section 401 Water Quality CertificationNYSDEC SPDES General Permit GP-0-10-001

No NYSDOT InvolvementNYSOPRHP Construction Use PermitCanal Corporation Use and Occupancy PermitFHWA EO 11990 Individual Wetland Finding


Route 146 Over the Mohawk RiverDesign-Build Project (PIN 1085.42) Right of Way

All additional Right of Way required for the construction of the project has been acquired. ROW Maps will be included in Part 7 of the

Final RFP.


Route 146 Over the Mohawk RiverDesign-Build Project (PIN 1085.42) Utility Coordination

In accordance with Part 4 – Utility Requirements, Design-Builder is responsible for: Verifying utility locations Indentifying and resolving any conflicts not yet

documented Coordinating with utility owners for utility

relocations Providing stakeout and final layout of utility

relocations Protecting existing utilities Repairing damages to utilities caused by the



Route 146 Over the Mohawk RiverDesign-Build Project (PIN 1085.42) Utility Coordination (Continued)

Informing the Department of all meetings and correspondence with utility owners

Known utilities located in the Project area: National Grid (Electric) Verizon Communications Time Warner Cable Town of Niskayuna Water Department Clifton Park Water Authority Fibertech


Route 146 Over the Mohawk RiverDesign-Build Project (PIN 1085.42) Utility Coordination (Continued)

Impact on the utilities is dependent on the approach taken by the Design-Builder.

A meeting will be scheduled in the next two weeks between the utilities and the shortlisted firms. The Department will invite the shortlisted firms and the utilities within the project limits to this meeting.


Route 146 Over the Mohawk RiverDesign-Build Project (PIN 1085.42) Contract Information

Lump Sum Design-Build Contract Best Value Selection Process (50% Price, 50%

Quality) Project Completion Date shall be the earlier of:

December 31, 2017 or The number of days past NTP proposed by the successful

Proposer on Form SCD in ITP Appendix E

Stipend to unsuccessful proposers – 50% of qualified costs up to $90K max. (Must satisfy criteria in ITP General Instructions)

Payment Schedule included in the RFP


Route 146 Over the Mohawk RiverDesign-Build Project (PIN 1085.42) Contract Information (Continued)


(1) Percent of Lump Sum Price to be completed by Proposer. Total percent for all Work Items shall equal 100%

(2) Intersections and roadways shall, for purposes of payment, be considered complete when built to binder course pavement. Final top course pavement and final striping shall be paid for under Construct Final Top Course Pavement, Signage and Striping.

(3) Aqueduct Road intersection drainage shall, for purposes of payment, be considered complete when drainage structures and associated piping are installed. Payment for setting inlet frames and grates to finish grade shall be paid for under Construct Final Top Course Pavement, Signage and Striping.

Route 146 Over the Mohawk RiverDesign-Build Project (PIN 1085.42) Contract Information (Continued)

DBE Participation Goal – 12% Special Provision 6 –

Liquidated Damages will be imposed for not meeting the Project completion date and for days in excess of the number of calendar days indicated to complete the milestones shown on Form SCD.

Escrow Submission of Bid Documents for Successful Proposer

Buy America Clause Iran Divestment Act Clause


Route 146 Over the Mohawk RiverDesign-Build Project (PIN 1085.42) ATCs

Alternate Technical Concepts (ATCs) are proposals from the Proposer to design and construct the Project in a manner that is different than the Contract Requirements and which: are submitted to the Department for review,

consideration and approval prior to Proposal submittal have significant savings in time, and/or reduction of

traffic impacts, and/or community disruption, and/or project costs, and/or environmental impacts, and/or other beneficial impacts to Project parameters

are , in the Department’s judgment, equal to or better than the Work product described in the Contract Documents.


Route 146 Over the Mohawk RiverDesign-Build Project (PIN 1085.42) ATCs (Continued)

Proposers may submit, on a confidential basis, up to three (3) ATCs, using Form ATC, for the Department’s pre-approval.

The proposed end product of each alternative must, in the Department’s judgment, be equal to or better than the Work product described in the Contract Documents.

Department may provide ‘Conditional Approval’ of an ATC. Proposers must respond to Conditional Approvals by the established date.

The Design-Builder is solely responsible for obtaining approvals from any local municipality, public agency or permit-issuing agency for ATC concepts which would affect their facilities, operations or issued permit.


Route 146 Over the Mohawk RiverDesign-Build Project (PIN 1085.42) Procurement Schedule (*These dates will be reflected in the Final RFP)

Activity Due Date *Final RFP to Shortlisted Firms January 22, 2015

Date Proposers may start submitting ATCs for review January 23, 2015

Proposal period One-on-One Meetings with all ProposersFebruary 17, 2015 –

March 11, 2015

Final date for Proposers to submit ATCs for review March 18, 2015

Final date for requests for changes to Proposers’ organization and personnel March 20, 2015

Final date for Department’s responses to ATCs submitted for review March 27, 2015

Final date for receipt of Proposers’ questions March 31, 2015

Final date for Proposers to respond to conditional approval of ATCs April 6, 2015

Issue date for Final Addendum and/or answers to Proposers’ questions April 7, 2015

Proposals due April 21, 2015

Post Proposal Meetings (if required) TBD

Selection of Best Value proposal May 2015

Limited negotiations (if required) TBD

Contract Award June 2015

Notice to Proceed July 2015


Route 146 Over the Mohawk RiverDesign-Build Project (PIN 1085.42) One-On-One Meetings

If One-On-One Meetings are held, at least one meeting will be held with each Proposer.

One-on-One Meetings will be recorded. The Department reserves the right to disclose to all

Proposers any issues raised during the meetings that may materially affect the Project.

The Department will not disclose information pertaining to an individual Proposer’s technical concepts, proposal or ATCs.

Additional One-on-One Meetings may be held if required to review ATCs or if the Department believes they are warranted.


Route 146 Over the Mohawk RiverDesign-Build Project (PIN 1085.42) Request for Proposals (RFP) Documents

RFP Documents: Instructions to Proposers

General Instructions Appendix A – Project Information Appendix B – Administrative Submittal

Requirements Appendix C – Technical Submittal Requirements Appendix D – Price Proposal Submittal

Requirements Appendix E – Forms Appendix F – Conflict of Interest Policy Appendix G – Abbreviations and Definitions


Route 146 Over the Mohawk RiverDesign-Build Project (PIN 1085.42) Request for Proposals (RFP) Documents (Continued)

Part 1: D-B Agreement Part 2: General Provisions, Sect. DB 100 &

Appendices Part 3: Project Requirements (Scope of Work) Part 4: Utility Requirements Part 5: Special Provisions Part 6: RFP Plans Part 7: Engineering Data Part 8: Special Specifications (Including New

DB Specifications)


Route 146 Over the Mohawk RiverDesign-Build Project (PIN 1085.42) Request for Proposals (RFP) Documents (Continued)

Part 9: Design-Builder’s Proposal Part 10: RFP Addenda (If Any)

Reference Documents on Department’s website (not part of the Contract Documents)


Route 146 Over the Mohawk RiverDesign-Build Project (PIN 1085.42) Quality Control (QC)

QC is the Design-Builder’s Responsibility. The Design-Builder shall appoint a QC Manager responsible for the

QC Plans for both design and construction. Design QC may be by the Designer in accordance with the QC

Plan. Construction Inspection shall be performed by an Independent

Engineering Firm hired by the Design-Builder. Materials Testing shall be performed by an Independent Materials

Testing Firm or Laboratory hired by the Design-Builder. The Materials Testing Firm shall report to the Construction

Inspection Firm. Offsite Plant Quality Control shall be performed by the



Route 146 Over the Mohawk RiverDesign-Build Project (PIN 1085.42) Quality Assurance (QA)

Design & Construction QA is the Department’s responsibility.

The Department may perform QA on any of the Design-Builder’s design and construction activities.

The Department will utilize an independent Consultant to perform QA of the Design-Builder’s designs.

Department Staff will perform Construction QA. Offsite Plant Quality Assurance will be performed by the



Route 146 Over the Mohawk RiverDesign-Build Project (PIN 1085.42) RFP Evaluation and Selection

Pass/Fail Evaluation Factors Legal – Financial – Administrative – DBE Compliance - Price Proposal


Quality Evaluation Factors (50%) Key Personnel (10 points) Management Approach (30 points)

Overall Design-Build Team Organization (8 points) Design Management Plan (7 points) Construction Management Plan (7 points) Quality Control Plan (8 points)

Technical Solutions (35 points) Design Approach (13 points) Construction Approach (15 points) Schedule (7 points)

Project Support (5 points) Proposal Format(5 points)

Price (50%)

Design-Builder must obtain a minimum score of 60 points on Quality Evaluation factors in

order to be considered for Best Value determination.


Route 146 Over the Mohawk RiverDesign-Build Project (PIN 1085.42) Additional Information – Submission Guidelines

All proposals must be self-contained. Proposals should not have links to external

websites. Proposals should contain all information

needed for evaluation. Do not assume that the Department

“knows” your firm and its experience/qualifications.


Route 146 Over the Mohawk RiverDesign-Build Project (PIN 1085.42) Additional Information – Submission Guidelines (Continued)

Submit ALL Forms required. Do not alter any form unless indicated on the

form. Do not add any appendices or attachments to the

forms. Do not include photographs or illustrations unless

specifically indicated. Do not submit:

Form SA (Stipend Agreement) Form BDEA (Bid Document Escrow Agreement) PAB (Payment Bond (Labor and Material Bond)) PEB (Performance Bond (Faithful Performance Bond))


Route 146 Over the Mohawk RiverDesign-Build Project (PIN 1085.42) Additional Information

Responses to Proposer Questions will be posted on the Department’s Project Web Site.

Reference Information which has been posted on the Project Web Site ( Design Report/Environmental Assessment Existing ROW and/or Acquisition Maps Survey Data Record Plans of roadways and structures within the Project limits Bridge Inspection Reports Geotechnical Investigations and Design Information Preliminary Design Microstation files Traffic data and analysis Environmental Guidance and Information

Preliminary USCG Permit Application


Peter RussellAttn: SR 146 Over the Mohawk River

Design-Build ProjectOffice of Contract Management

New York State Department of Transportation50 Wolf Road, 6th Floor

Albany, New York [email protected]

Route 146 Over the Mohawk RiverDesign-Build Project (PIN 1085.42) Project Contact


Route 146 Over the Mohawk RiverDesign-Build Project (PIN 1085.42)

Questions ?

