Page 1: New South Wales Fish Community Status 2015€¦ · New South Wales Fish Community Status 2015 Very Good Good Fair Poor 0 100 200 300 400 Very Poor Kilometres ± © State of New South

New So uth W ales Fish Co mmun ity Status 2015

Very Go o dGo o dFairPo o rVery Po o r0 100 200 300 400

Kilo metres


© State o f New So uth W ales th ro ug h th e Departmen t o f In dustry, Skills an d Reg io n al Develo pmen t 2015. Yo u may co py, distribute an d o th erwise freely deal with th is publicatio n fo r an y purpo se, pro vided th at yo u attribute th e NSW Departmen t o f Primary In dustries as th e o wn er. Disclaimer: Th e in fo rmatio n co n tain ed in th is publicatio n is based o n th e best available kn o wledg e an d un derstan din g at th e time o f pro ductio n (2015). Ho wever, because o f advan ces in kn o wledg e, users are remin ded o f th e n eed to en sure that in fo rmatio n upo n wh ich th ey rely is up to date an d to ch eck curren cy o f th e in fo rmatio n with th e appro priate o fficer o f th e Departmen t o f Primary In dustries o r th e user’s in depen den t adviser. Reco g n isin g that so me o f th e in fo rmatio n in th is do cumen t is pro vided by th ird parties, th e State o f New So uth W ales, th e auth o r an d th e publish er take n o respo n sibility fo r th e accuracy, curren cy, reliability o r co rrectn ess o f an y in fo rmatio n in cluded in th e do cumen t pro vided by th ird parties.

Fish Co mmun ity value derived fro m SRA/MER metrics usin g Nativen ess, Expectedn ess & Recruitmen t. Mo delled usin g th e Australian Hydro lo g ical Geo spatial Fabric (Geo fabric) Stream Netwo rk with daily flo ws o f mo re than five megalitres an d applied to Strah ler Stream Lin e.
