  • 1. New Paths to Performance Emerging Trends inLearning and DevelopmentTom Gram Senior Director, Learning ServicesGlobal Knowledge

2. Agenda New business drivers impacting learning New paths to performance Questions and discussion1/23/2013 Page 2 3. New Business Drivers Influencing Learning New Business Drivers Engagement New LearningQualityDemographicsFast On demandQuantityFlexibleCost Culture/Behaviour Motivating Learner drivenServiceUser -generatedSpeed Social WorkplaceCost effectiveTechnology1/23/2013 Page 3 4. Informal Learning Social and Mobile LearningNew Paths toPerformanceVirtual Learning Gaming and Simulation Performance Support 1/23/2013 Page 4 5. Informal LearningTExpertTT Doing Asking questions Receiving feedback Discussing Observing CollaboratingT Researching Refining skills Coaching othersNovice TTimeT Formal training event 1/23/2013 Page 5 6. 70/20/10 Learning1/23/2013 Page 6 7. Informal Learning and Management Development 1/23/2013 Page 7 8. Formal, Informal and Social content1/23/2013 Page 8 9. Informal Learning Social and Mobile LearningNew Paths toPerformanceVirtual Learning Gaming and Simulation Performance Support 1/23/2013 Page 9 10. Social LearningWhat is it? Leveraging social media tools forlearning and performance supportTools Blogs and micro blogs Social networks Wikis Media Sharing DiscussionWhy its important Speed Information dissemination Knowledge creation User generated content Everyone a teacher/everyone alearner 1/23/2013 Page 10 11. 1/23/2013 Page 11 12. 1/23/2013 Page 12 13. Attending the Senior Leadership Forum this week1/23/2013 Page 13 14. 1/23/2013 Page 14 15. 4 Ways to use Social Media for Learning Supporting CollaborativeCommunities ofIntegrated in theFormal Learning Learning Practice (CoP)Workflow T TSocial Media toolsCollaborative learningStructured communities Social business toolsmade available in activities are an integralused to discuss, share used in theconjunction with formal part of a formal learning and learn topics ofaccomplishment oflearning programs program common interestwork tasks Formal LearningInformal Learning 1/23/2013 Page 15 16. Mobile LearningWhat is it? Leveraging mobile devices andmedia to enable remote learningand performance supportTools Smart phones Tablets LaptopsWhy its important Reach On demand/just in time/just enough Speed Flexible Social Learning accessIssue Apps or web1/23/2013 Page 16 17. 1/23/2013 Page 17 18. Mobile LearningDigital Learning and ReferenceContent 1/23/2013 Page 18 19. Informal Learning Social and Mobile LearningNew Paths toPerformanceVirtual Learning Gaming and Simulation Performance Support 1/23/2013 Page 19 20. Virtual Learning What is it? Instructor-led live on-line learning Types: Webinars Virtual reality/Immersive Connected Classroom Why its important Reach Information dissemination Engagement Low cost Flexible 1/23/2013 Page 20 21. GK C+V Learning Everyone connected through the Internet. Remote student participate in a live classroom session All students access labs virtually.1/23/2013 Page 22 22. Informal Learning Social and Mobile LearningNew Paths toPerformanceVirtual Learning Gaming and Simulation Performance Support 1/23/2013 Page 23 23. Learning GamificationWhat is it? Applying game thinking andmechanics to achieve learninggoalsTypes Independent vs social games Gaming in the learning Gaming to motivate learningWhy its Platforms:important Badgeville Engagement Bunchball Demographics Big Door Motivation Mindtickle Effectiveness1/23/2013 Page 24 24. 1/23/2013 Page 25 25. Social Game Structure Challenge Levels Point and Rewards Learning ChallengesSocial CompetitionLearning Content (Leader board) 1/23/2013 Page 26 26. Learning Game Design Constraints Relationships Narrative Emotions Progression ChallengesCompetition Win statesCooperation LevelsFeedback Rewards Transactions PointsAchievements BadgesTeams Leader boards Notifications1/23/2013 Page 27 27. SimulationsWhat is it? Immersing learners in tasks,scenarios and problems based onreal work processesTypes: System/process Behavioural Decision makingWhy its important Real world practice Rich feedback Engagement Applied1/23/2013 Page 28 28. 1/23/2013 Page 29 29. 1/23/2013 Page 30 30. 1/23/2013 Page 31 31. TELUS OfficeTELUS Store TELUS Home Welcome to TELUSCity. My name is Rita.Ill be your guide.Which location would you like to visit? 1/23/2013 Page 32 32. Informal Learning Social and Mobile LearningNew Paths toPerformanceVirtual Learning Gaming and Simulation Performance Support 1/23/2013 Page 33 33. Performance SupportWhat is it? Real time guidance and supportof work tasks Driven by job roles and businessprocessesExamples: Electronic job aids Process guides Ask the expert Electronic Reference Coaches and advisors Decision aids Learning assetsBenefits: Embedded in the workflow Just enough/Just-in-time Reduce and possibly replacetraining 1/23/2013 Page 34 34. 1/23/2013 Page 35 35. 1/23/2013 Page 36 36. Questions/DiscussionInformal Learning Social and Mobile Learning Virtual Learning Gaming and SimulationPerformance Support1/23/2013 Page 37 37. Thank You! [email protected] @tomgram1 Page 38
