
GamificationTanaz Mashayekhi

Game On

What is Game?



feedback system

Voluntary participation

Level 1



Use of game elements and game design technics in none game context

Gamification takes thecharacteristics we likeabout games and addsthem to everyday actionsin order to make themmore interesting.

Gamification encouragesbehavior with instant, positive feed back.

Gamification is the process of using game thinking and game mechanics to solve problems and engage users

Level 2

Why Can’t Business Be Fun?

Everything in the future online is going to look like a multiplayer game.

Google chairman Eric Schmidt

• Internal Gamication

•External Gamication

•Behavior-Change Gamication

How Gamication Solves Business Problems

Level 3

Game elements

• Point • Badge • LeaderBoard

soldier will fight long and hard for a bit of colored ribbon.

Napoleon Bonaparte