
Cultural Diversity

Created by : Mohamed S Baslaib, Hamdan M Ali , Hamdan M Ahmed and Saeed Ahmed


Hello everyone . We are glad to present this power point about Isms . What is isms and how many they are and what causes isms and what is the examples in our real life and how we can fix it and give our recommendations .

And I am glad to present my partners in this group for this

power point . My name is Mohamed Saleh and with me Hamdan Mohamed Ali , Hamdan Mohamed Ahmed and Saeed Ahmed

And we hope to like this power point and to get more ideas and knowledge about Isms.


Our first example of isms is Ableism .Ableism is prejudice of people who has physical disabilities and that’s what we called “special needs”. The example of Ableism is when people took the special needs parking.


The reason of Ableism is when people start to think that they are don’t have problems like special needs so they are perfect and better than them.

Recommendations : integration the special needs with normal people.


Ageism is when people show other people no respect for their opinions or their orientation because of there age . And the example for Ageism is when parents ignore the teenagers opinions


The reason of Ageism is because old people think

that they are right in every think they do and other are not because they didn’t faces problems like them.

Our recommendations is to give teenagers and others the space to tell there opinions more freely.


Classism is the financial differences between people in the community and that causes a lot of problems. The example of classism is when owners of expensive cars can enter and stop anywhere, But owners of normal cars cant.

Classism The reason of classism is the unequal distribution of wealth

in some countries.

Our recommendations is to equitable distribution of wealth and everyone gets their portion from the wealth.


The famous isms that we all know and it became universally is racism. Racism as we know is the belief that some people has special things because of they color or what they are coming from. One of the examples of racism is when some people think that all women that has a blonde hair are stupid.


The reason of racism is the differences between every nation and culture and also the nescience of some people.

Our recommendations is to be more flexibility with other people and try to understand them.

Religious Bigotry

Religious bigotry is differentiation between people based on their religious and their beliefs. One of the example of religious bigotry is what happened in Nigeria before two years between Muslims and Christians.

Religious Bigotry

The reason of religious bigotry is lack of knowledge of some people in religions and the mass media.

Our recommendations is to stay away from religions because its something an allergen and causes a lot of problems. Or start to learn and get information about other religions.


Sexism is the differences between people based on the sex. The example of sexism is when men think that they are better than women in driving and women thinks they are better in cooking.


The reason of sexism is the differences in the bodies and psychological differences between males and females.

Our recommendations is to understand each group the others.


Finally , the world has a lot of problems that we can fix it and find a solution and live our life without anything that will causes problems.