



FALL 2017

Greetings to all!

Let me first begin by saying what an honor and privilege it is to be elected as your National Ladies Auxiliary National President. I thank you all for your support throughout the past years as I held various offices. I ask for your continued support this year and look forward to visiting with the many Departments who have invited me to their wonderful states. I would love to visit every Department and there is still room on my calendar to do so. If your Department is considering an invitation please send it to National Headquarters.

My theme for the year is “Never Forget”. This theme is meaningful to me as it serves as a reminder that we should “Never Forget” our Veterans, our currently serving military men and women, or our Gold Star families. We should “Never Forget” that as American citizens we must do our part to avoid apathy and become involved in serving our communities. We must “Never Forget” that the future of our country is dependent upon educating our children regarding the principles of equality, freedom and democracy.

I have chosen Freedoms Foundation as my project. Together, with the Americanism Chairman, we will be working to raise monies for “Lighting the Way to Freedom” by replacing the antiquated outdoor lighting on the campus. Freedoms Foundation provides education to youth through the various programs held on campus including the AMVETS Spirit of America Youth Leadership Conference held each November. Some statistics from youth attending the program show that: 88% of participants claimed to be more politically aware following the conference; 95% register to vote at the first opportunity they get which is well above the average. National research actually shows that there has been a continued decline in voting among younger people (ages 18-24). 88% of participants volunteer regularly (the national average is 55%) So you see Freedoms Foundation has a tremendous impact on shaping our youth in becoming responsible citizens.

Freedoms Foundation also reaches out to educators to help them be better prepared to teach youth about civic mindedness and the Medal of Honor legacy. 99% of the teachers attending conferences attending the educators programs felt that their teaching improved and 96% felt that their students benefitted from the teachers participation in Freedoms Foundation programs. Last year Freedoms Foundation offered over 40,000 hours of instruction to students and nearly 15,000 hours to teachers.

Congratulations to all the newly elected Local, District, Department and National Officers! You are tasked to lead, motivate, support, and encourage our members to reach new heights in

“NEVER FORGET” Marvell Ruppel

National President N33 W7120 Buchanan St.

Cedarburg, WI 53012 262-305-1330

[email protected]

service to our Veterans, our communities and our children. Membership will be extremely important; both retaining and recruiting new members. There is much to be done in the year ahead. I’m challenging all of you to make this a year we will “Never Forget!”

God Bless you and God Bless America!

Congratulations to all the newly elected and appointed officers for the year 2017-2018. You have something to be very proud of. You are a part of a great organization, AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary. As we start on this new journey together setting our goals for the coming year, let’s keep in mind the reason we’re here. We are all about helping our veterans and those in need in the communities. Reading our Preamble, Aims and Purposes and Code of Ethics is one way to get off to a great start. It’s very important to know just what our organization stands for. Each of us have a very special job to do, but it takes everyone working together to reach the goals that we set. Working together, sharing ideas, lending support to each other is all a part of being a TEAM. And as we all know, there is no I in team. It is also very imperative to our success this year that we reach our Membership goals. It means new volunteers that relate to new ideas, more roads to reaching out to more new members. Keep in mind that new members may have a sister, stepsister, daughter, or granddaughter that will also join. There is no end to just how many one new member has in their family that could be eligible to join. In your everyday life, it’s key to talk about all the many things our organization has to offer. Promote that great project you’re doing or that has been done to help veterans or those in your communities when you have the opportunity. Sometimes just talking about something gets others around you wanting to know all about this organization known as AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary. Be proud and talk about what we do. To each Membership chairman, remember it’s essential to get your membership sent in, don’t hold it back. Before sending, check that you have names spelled correctly and eligible to read. You have forms on the National web site such as name changes, address changes, transfers, transmittals and many more that are there to help you as Membership Chairman. Make sure the correct dues amount is sent to your Department and National. Auxiliaries that are in chartered states make sure you send all paper work to your Department first. Auxiliaries in unchartered states need to send all your paperwork directly to National Headquarters.


Barbara Valley National 1st Vice President 25681 Orange Hill Rd. Danville. Ohio 43014 740-485-2873 [email protected]

As your newly elected 1st Vice President/Membership Chair I’d like to take this opportunity to thank you for the honor you have given me to serve in this position. My theme for the year is “Move Up In Membership”. It is only with your help that we can all work in doing just that! Have a question or idea e-mail me at [email protected]. God Bless Each of You and God Bless America.

To all Departments – large or small!! Here’s a great incentive to win up to $100.00!!

For a chance to win this you must have the highest percentage of annual (new/renewal) membership by November 30,2017 vs. May 30, 2017 membership.

I encourage all Department 1st Vice Presidents to take the time to contact each of your Local Auxiliary 1st Vice Presidents and reach out to members and get those renewals in early. Make a phone call, send an email - it just takes a few minutes of your time.

We also have so many ladies out there that are eligible to join our organization, they just need to be asked.

Be the first Department to take advantage of this opportunity for a great award.

Any questions call or e-mail me.

Barbara Valley National 1st Vice President Cell - 740-485-2873 E-mail [email protected]


National Second Vice President Dee Baggett 13238 Rose Hollow Way Astatula, FL 34705 352-742-8215 [email protected]

I would like to thank everyone for the opportunity to serve as your National Second Vice President. It is an honor and a privilege that I represent AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary in this position and I will do so to the best of my abilities. My theme this year is “Pay It Forward” as I believe everytime we help a child, they will “Pay It Forward” in good deeds later on. Keep in mind that we are teaching our children by example, they are our future!

JTC is our National Program and I encourage each local auxiliary to hold at least one benefit function. My National visit to JTC will take place prior to the holidays and I am looking forward to sharing that with you. All Department NECs and Department Second Vice Presidents should have received a packet from me. In this packet, is helpful information to make your year a success. I have also included some fundraising information. If you hold either of these offices and have not received your packet, please contact me ASAP. I will put another one in the mail to you. Anyone who would like to receive that information by email is welcome to send me an email and I will make sure you receive that information. As we approach the holidays, please reach out and touch a child’s life. Christmas is a great time to reach out and help our local children. A lot of children would not receive anything for Christmas if it wasn’t for volunteers like you! Most schools are always looking for an “angel” and will supply all needed information for your gift shopping. (Most schools collect needed items year round also!) As always remember that a project is not done until that report is filed!! I look forward to receiving your reports. So… “Pay It Forward” and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Thank-you for the opportunity to serve as your National Third Vice President. I am honored and look forward to working with each and every one of you. My theme this year is “Open Doors & Reach out in your Community”. There are many projects in community service such as, food banks, blood drives, volunteering at senior centers, Ronald McDonald House and animal shelters. These are just a few of the suggestions your members can participate in. The National Program is “PAWS with a Cause®”. Please take this opportunity to “Open Doors” to raise funds to train a service dog. I have some wall hang ups of a Paws print in your mailing that you will receive shortly that can be used to raise funds. Remember the money we donate to PAWS has priorities of first being used to place an Assistance Dog with a Veteran, and or a Veteran’s family member. PAWS presents certificates for every Department or Auxiliary that donates throughout the year at the National Convention. March is PAWS with a Cause® month. I’m looking forward to working you! Please contact me if you have any questions concerning Community Service. Thank you for all you do!

Madam National President Ruppel, PNP’s, National Officers and members - Thank you just does not seem like enough. But I thank each of you for taking the journey with me this past year while serving as your AMVETS National Ladies Auxiliary President. It has been a great honor and privilege to serve as your National President this past year and to represent the great state of Florida. Continue to have the courage to care for each other and our veterans. I never would have made it without you. You all are my “Super Hero’s” and you ROCK! You have given me a lifetime of encouragement, memories, support and love. Thank each of you for holding true to my theme this year “Together We’ll Rock the Nation” and we have done just that. I love you all and I look forward to seeing you at NEC.

IPNP Evelyn McElvin 4332 Princehall Boulevard Orlando FL 32811 Cell: 407-758-3392 [email protected]


Joan Sirek, National Third Vice President AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary

928 Elm Road N Stevens Point, WI 54481

H-715-341-3818 C-715-892-3856

[email protected]

Our Constitution, Bylaws and Manual may not be as easy to read as the Town Bylaws but I encourage each of you to read and try to find the answer before contacting your State or National Parliamentarian. If you search for your answer you will remember what you have found. If someone tells you the answer to your question you will not remember where to look for it the next time you need it.

Bylaws renewals will be for the following Departments in 2018:

Arizona California Indiana Iowa Kentucky

Maryland Michigan Missouri North Carolina

Ohio Pennsylvania Tennessee Texas Virginia

Washington West Virginia Wisconsin


PNP Betty S. Lawson, Parliamentarian 3595 Tally Road Morristown TN 37813 Home: 423-581-0074 Cell: 423-258-5257 [email protected]

Thank you so much for re-electing me as your National Scholarship Officer. I look forward to another year working with everyone to make this a successful program with everyone’s help. In keeping with my theme from last year – My theme is CHANGE a life with a scholarship.

After seeing the applications that were received it hit home how many really bright students are out there that just need a little help with expenses while going to school. So many were from single parent homes or poverty level families. While our scholarship amounts are modest – they may be just the help needed to get that student through another semester closer to their goal. We had way too many applications disqualified for easily preventable errors. Here are the most common reasons for disqualification and how to avoid it:

All 3 applications have specific requirements that must be followed. Many graduating High School students applied for all 3 scholarships when they were only eligible for the College Support Scholarship.

Blank spaces or whole sections. There must be something entered, or use N/A.

All 3 letters of recommendation MUST be signed and dated.

Transcript must be an authorized copy received in a sealed envelope.

Proof of membership card copy – MUST be a current Auxiliary membership card. We received AMVET cards and receipts. The relationship to the Auxiliary member must be filled out with their name/relationship and Auxiliary number and state.

Applications received late – must be postmarked no later than July 1. Please verify the date stamp is visible on the envelope PRIOR to mailing.

Official application was altered to a Departments information as well as due date. This was mailed to National Headquarters late and was also disqualified for not being on an official form.

Neatness counts! White outs, scribbled out entries, poor penmanship and sloppy appearance can reduce the score.

My goal this year is to have more viable applications to judge. There are three types of scholarships that are awarded – The Auxiliary Scholarship is for someone in their second year of undergraduate study at an accredited college; the Career Start Scholarship for Ladies Auxiliary members who are re-entering the workforce with at least one semester/quarter at an accredited technical college, business college or a college/university; and the College Support Scholarship for graduating seniors who have been accepted to an accredited college or university. Applications are on the website – Photocopies are acceptable but original forms are preferred. All applications must be postmarked no later than July 1 and

Karin Simmons National Scholarship Officer 3240 Penland Parkway #242 Anchorage, AK 99508 (907) 272-2733 [email protected]

sent to AMVETS National Ladies Auxiliary Headquarters - attention: National Scholarship Officer. Please make sure the applicant is submitting the correct Scholarship. The applications will be updated on the website as of September 2017. Ladies, let’s have fun with this and see how many lives we can CHANGE!

I am humbled that once again I have been given the honor to serve as your National Chaplain.

There are two things I would like to discuss with you. First, the Chaplain’s duties are not just to deal with death. The Chaplain serves you with the full circle of life, that is from the cradle to the grave. This is from births, birthdays, weddings, in time of sickness and in

times of sorrow. I would deem it my pleasure to be considered a member of your local or Department as far as being notified of all the events in your Circle of Life.

There are many ways to reach me. You may call, e-mail, Facebook Private Message, or mail a letter. I will respond quickly to any type of notification.

Now for the second thing to discuss, The Deceased Member Notifications. PLEASE send them to me just as soon as you can. DO NOT HOLD them until you get 4 or 5 to send at one time. I have only two (2) months from the date of death to send out sympathy cards. I send cards to the next of kin, so when that is left blank I cannot send out cards. I am therefore asking that you try to find this information so the family can know that we do indeed appreciate the Ladies that are members of our organization.

Again, let me say how honored I am and so looking forward to serving all you of as your AMVETS National Ladies Auxiliary Chaplain for the year 2017-2018.

Marie Rorrio National VAVS Representative

16 Till St, Enfield, CT 06082 (860) 836-3468

[email protected] The numbers of our VA Hospital Volunteers are dwindling fast! VA Central Office reports that the greatest percentage of VA Volunteers, from all Voluntary Service Organizations (VSO’s) are over 65 years of age. We need to actively recruit new and younger Volunteers. I realize that many of our younger members are still part of the work force, but may be available on

Peggy Liss National Chaplain 3724 N. Van Dyke Road Filion, MI 48432 (989) 550-2123 [email protected]

Hear my prayer, O God, give ear

to the words of my mouth.

Psalms 54:2

nights or weekends to assist you. Invite them to a Holiday party (Halloween, Christmas, Veterans Day) or a Bingo. Ask them when they would be available to help and schedule on that day. Many people just need to be asked, and once they see how much the Veterans appreciate their visit, will return to volunteer again. Check your local High Schools, ROTC, DECA and Key Clubs are just a few where students are encouraged to volunteer and is sometimes a requirement to graduate. Once a youth has volunteered for 100 hours in a given fiscal year they would qualify for a James Parke Scholarship. ANNUAL JOINT REVIEWS All Annual Joint Reviews (AJR) are supposed to be completed in the month of September. If you complete the AJR and do not receive a confirmation letter from me, please send me a copy or have the VA email it to me. It is not too late to schedule an appointment with Voluntary Services to complete your AJR. You can also request the VA to send it or email, and after reviewing, and signing, just mail it back for the VA’s signature. “Temperature’s A Risin’ for Hospital” Amy M Stopyra National Hospital Officer 52 N 2nd Street, Apt. 1 Chambersburg, PA 17201 Home- 717-262-1028 [email protected] I would like to take a moment and this opportunity to thank you all for electing me as your National Hospital Officer for the upcoming year. I hope you all have enjoyed your Convention and I am looking forward to talking with all of you in the future. Congratulations to all newly elected officers on the National, State, District and Local levels and also to all those who were appointed. The National program is St Jude Children’s Research Hospital and my theme this year will be “Temperature’s A Risin’ for Hospital”. You may ask, how are we going to get the “Temperature a Risin’ for Hospital”? Well by holding different fundraising events such as Yard Sales, Bakes Sales, Pin up’s (during the month of November), hoagie or sub sales are a few ideas to hold at your Local Posts and in your communities to raise funds and awareness as to the What St Jude is all about, the Why we want to raise funds is because we want to help fight childhood cancer and awareness and the How people can learn more about St Jude. At the same time, we want to bring more awareness to the fact that our Local Hospitals and VA Homes need Volunteers as well. I am asking each of you to help spread the word across your Departments and Local Auxiliaries to help in raising more knowledge about St Jude and how each of you can come up with creative ideas and ways to raise more funds and awareness at the same time. Don’t forget to utilize the webpage as well for creative ideas and to share those ideas. Remember November is St Jude Children’s Research Hospital month. With us all working together we can continue to help St Jude fight childhood cancer!

I encourage each of you to remember to take the time to stop and visit with our Veterans in the VA Hospitals. Volunteer your time at a local hospital or nursing home facility because your time and smile is worth more than one can realize. Volunteering helps boost your immune system because of your generosity, compassion, expression of love, being amongst people, helping others even if for a brief time is its own immune boosting vitamin. The best part about that is it is healthy for you and for those around you! Remember anytime you are giving of yourself in volunteer time it is also a stress releaser since you are loving others. Throughout the year information will be provided either by mail or on the National AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary webpage related to St Jude and other hospital information relayed to me so I encourage you to share your creative ideas. Again, I thank you for your support and for allowing me the opportunity to serve as your National Hospital Officer for the coming year. I am looking forward to working with each Hospital Officer as we get the “Temperature A Risin’ For Hospital”! If there is anything I can help you with please don’t hesitate to contact me.

“Let Patriotism Live”

Maureen Jackson

National Americanism Officer

30103 Pineview Circle

Chesterfield, MI 48051

Home: 586-598-8285

Cell: 586-876-1827

[email protected]

Thank you for electing me your National Americanism Officer. Serving you as a National Officer is a privilege and an honor and I promise to do my best to fulfill the responsibilities of this position to the best of my ability. Congratulations to all National, Department and Local Officers who have been elected or appointed for this year. Thank you for taking on the responsibility of your office. I look forward to working with all of you throughout this year. My theme this year is: "Let Patriotism Live!" Today more than ever we need to spread patriotism throughout our community. Flying our Flag every day, participating in parades and commemorations for Veterans Day, Pearl Harbor Day, Memorial Day and other patriotic occasions are just a few examples of how we show our patriotism. Get out and vote and encourage others to vote is another. Our forefathers gave their lives for us to have this right and people all over the world are still fighting for this right that we sometimes take for granted. Please remember our Service men and women throughout the year. We seem to think of them at Christmas but they need our support all year long. Many service members have no one to send them a card or letter. Please support them and keep them in your thoughts and prayers. My project in conjunction with Madam President Marvell Ruppel is "Lighting the Way to Freedom". This project is to help replace the antiquated lighting around the pathways at Freedoms Foundation to make it safer for everyone who attends conferences and workshops there. In addition to replacing the 48 lampposts throughout the campus, lighting will be added

in locations such as Independence Rose Garden, the entrance to the dormitories and the Medal of Honor Grove. I encourage each local Auxiliary and Department to have at least one project for Freedoms Foundation during this year. Freedoms Foundation is our National Program located in Valley Forge, PA. and I encourage every member to participate in our AMVETS National Ladies Auxiliary Americanism Program by financially supporting Freedoms Foundation. This year we will have special Freedom Foundation Lantern Pins to purchase and sell for $5.00 each to help reach our goal. This year's theme for our Americanism Poster and Essay Contest is: "Why is the Constitution Important to Me?" Remember that the contest is open to all students. The Kindergarten and First Grade have the Flag Coloring Contest. The Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Grade students draw a poster to the Theme and the Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh and Twelfth Grade write an Essay to the theme. All children are allowed to enter. You can introduce the contest through school, but you can also encourage, Scout troops, children you know in the neighborhood, home schooled students etc. All rules and instructions will be available on the Auxiliary Website. Please try to sponsor the contest at your auxiliary. You do not have to sponsor all grade levels. Perhaps you could start with two or three grades whatever you can afford. You will find it a very rewarding experience for you as well as the children. You can download the brochure at, click on programs, then on Americanism, then on Contest Packet. This should be a joint program and the winners are due to National AMVETS headquarters by 7/31. The winner from each Department in the 9th grade level is sent to the "Spirit of America" Youth Conference at Freedoms Foundation which starts the first Thursday in November. Departments may also sponsor additional youth to attend - please contact AMVETS headquarters for prices and arrangements. This year we will be having an Americanism Vest Contest at National Convention in Orlando Florida. Vests should be patriotic, reflecting ways in which we demonstrate Patriotism and Love of Country. The vests can be made of any material, knitted, crocheted or patchwork. They must be able to be worn and will be displayed on the convention floor. An entry form and rules will be provided in the National Lines and Convention Digest. A collection box must accompany the Vest entry. Donations received will be given to Freedoms Foundation in the name of AMVETS National Ladies Auxiliary. There are many ways that we can promote Patriotism in our communities. In the counterpart mailings going out at this time, I will be offering various activities which your auxiliary may want to try. I am available to answer any questions you may have. If you have any questions or ideas that you would like to share please feel free to contact me. God Bless America!

Thank you for electing me to the office of National Sergeant-At-Arms. I am honored to serve in this position and proud to represent the AMVETS National Ladies Auxiliary. I will do my best to fulfill the duties of my position. I would like to congratulate our newly elected National President, National Officers, Department, District and Local Officers. As we head into fall there are several opportunities to carry our flag in parades and ceremonies throughout your communities. Therefore, proper flag etiquette will prove to be a valuable tool in ensuring proper etiquette is being followed. There are two important holidays coming up soon: Veterans Day, November 11th and Pearl Harbor Day, December 7th. Please fly your Flags proudly. On Pearl Harbor Day your Flag should be flown at half-staff to show respect for our fallen heroes and special ceremonies will be held in your cities and around the country on both days, please give of your time and participate and wear your uniform and represent our Auxiliary proudly. There are so many ways you can reach out in your community; parades, visiting veterans in care facilities, go to the schools and teach Flag etiquette and give the children flags after. Tell the children in school how to show respect for our Flag by standing and placing our hand over the heart when it passes in a parade or when singing the National Anthem. I would like to go over a few pointers that we should know regarding our office:

It is our job to make sure our members wear the official Uniform a) White blazer, Auxiliary patch on the left breast b) Forest green pants, A-line forest green skirt (no more than 2 inches below the knee

or A-line forest green dress c) White or gold jewel neckline blouse d) Black shoes with closed heels and toes; white shoes and handbag may be used

from Easter until Labor Day e) Hat; Local green with gold braiding, District white crown with green cuff gold braid

and gold letters, Department white with green braid and green letters, National White with gold braid and gold letters.

You can wear your hat without your uniform but you should wear your hat with your official uniform and only earned pins are to be placed on your hat.

A Sergeant-at-Arms passes out written information or reports to the members and escorts guests to the dais after notifying the President of their arrival and her approval.

Salute the Flag and lead the Pledge of Allegiance and close the meetings with the proper hand salute.

Cindy Rice National Sergeant-at-Arms 778 Regina Drive Vermilion OH 44089 Home: 440-967-9466 Cell: 440-320-7128 [email protected]

Hold the American Flag higher than any other and point the eagle forward like it is flying but outward when placed in its stand.

Please share this information with your Department and Locals as it will assist us in building a bigger and better organization.

The National Convention in Norfolk was great. All the Juniors had a wonderful meeting and a fun time celebrating their 50th Anniversary as well as going to their outing by going on board the USS Wisconsin. Thanks to all that contributed monies for our Juniors. We even went to the mall. All Juniors attended the banquet. Our Juniors President’s Testimonial along with the 50th Anniversary annual award luncheon was a great success. The luncheon meal price was $20.00 for an Italian meal. In this issue there is the contact list of the new National Junior AMVETS officers and National Coordinators for the year 2017-2018 as well as the award winners from Convention. It’s time to continue your service to your Community, State and Nation and send in those reports. Please remember if you have nothing to report you must still send in a service report form for that service program and write across it (Nothing to Report at this time). Reports are to be Post Marked by December 31st and June 15th

The December 31st report or the Mid-Year Report includes the months of June 1 through November 30 and are due to the National Junior Vice President post marked by December 31, (by certified mail, return receipt requested is recommended), copies of these reports are also to be sent to the National Junior AMVETS President and the National AMVETS Auxiliary Coordinator, your State Coordinators and one for your files. The Final Report includes the months of June 1st through May 31st and is to be post marked by June 15th. The Final Report includes the entire year; not just the last six months. Please send these copies the same way you send your Mid-Year reports and send to the same individuals as stated above. Please remember to give a brief explanation of each project and a member is only counted once per service report program, but their hours and any donations made continue on. September 1st starts the Membership processing for 2018, please send your membership dues postmarked by December 31, remember after December 31st your membership card is void and you will have to reestablish eligibility again for membership in the Junior AMVETS.

Fran McGurk National Junior AMVETS Coordinator

108 Valley Circle Brandon, FL 33510 Cell: 813-310-3223

[email protected]

Please send your Dues and Remittance along with your check for membership to my attention at the address above. Please send copies of Service Reports to the National Junior Vice President, National Junior President and National AMVETS Auxiliary Coordinator. Joey Stopyra, Junior Vice President Courtney Cummings, Junior President 52 N. 2nd Ave. Apt 1 1148 Rachel St Chambersburg, PA 17201 Waterloo, IA. 50701 Congratulations to all the Junior AMVETS Service report, Junior AMVETS Post and individual winners at the National Convention. Looking forward to another great year with our Junior AMVETS

ATTENTION All correspondence will be mailed to your State Auxiliary Coordinator, if there is not a

Junior AMVETS State Dept. then the mail will be sent directly to the Local Auxiliary Coordinators

Are you thinking of submitting a History or Scrapbook? Think of it as preserving history for either your Department or Local Auxiliary. Create books that show the different projects that your local has done to benefit our Military, Veterans, communities, hospitals and children. Preserve ideas for future Auxiliary members by letting them see what you have done and help get their imaginations working. I have attached the History and Scrapbook criteria. Please note MANDATORY ORDER. If this is not followed EXACTLY your book will be disqualified. Please make sure your By-Laws are current, signed and dated and your Preamble is the CURRENT version for the year 2017. Have a new set of eyes look at the Mandatory Order to double check everything. Remember to label your pictures with the names of the people and don’t forget your Index and page numbers. Would you like to be on the History and Scrapbook Committee? Will you be at National Convention? If so, please e-mail me and I will be happy to add you. We meet to judge the books on the Monday prior to Convention. If you feel you can’t be on the Committee because your Department or Local is submitting a book – we do not have you judge them. As a bonus, you get to see what the Departments and Locals have been doing and get re-inspired and gain some great ideas for projects and fundraising.

Cathy Tratz History and Scrapbook Chairman

1140 Laager Lane Oshkosh, WI 54902

Telephone: 920-233-3870 E-mail: [email protected]

I look forward to our next Convention to see all the great books you have put together. It is not too early to start compiling your books. This is a big job and if your start early it will not be overwhelming. I wish Commander Marion, Madam President Marvell and all their officers a successful, safe and enjoyable year.


Honor and Fun Organization of AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary

GREETINGS FROM SACKETTES!! I hope everyone has gotten back to some sense of order after National Convention. It was a good convention. Hands down and up for the awesome job and tons of hard work that Carol and Sonja did for everyone. I would like to thank Betty Lawson again for the outstanding job she done with the parade of Past National Presidents it was heartwarming. Also the training getting us to use our Manual as it should be done. Thanks for a job well done. Now on to our Sackette info. Most of you know the AMVETS passed the CBL allowing Auxiliary ladies and sons to join the Sad Sacks. Our new National Saddest wants all ladies that join the Sacks to also join a Sackette unit. If you do not have one in your state you can join on in another state. We have units in NC, TN, MA, MI, OH, PA, IA, MO, WI. Tom and I think this will help increase membership in both Sad Sacks and Sackettes. Our new National Saddest is Tom Payton from Florida. To all the existing Units, just a reminder that we follow the National membership renewal year so membership dues should be coming in starting in September. We also, like National, require all Units to send in their revals to considered in good standing so be sure that we have them soon. They are to be sent to the National Scribbling Linda Bonin. If anyone has any questions or comments you can contact me via email; [email protected], or phone 910-546-0626. Congratulations to all newly elected Officers in Locals, Departments, and National. I hope you all have an outstanding year ahead. YOURS IN DISSERVICE Sue Dick National Snappiest 639 Old Folkstone Road Sneads Ferry, NC 28460 Cell: 910-546-0626 [email protected]

I am extremely proud and honored to serve as Madam President's Scrapbook Chairman. I will need everyone's assistance to send me pictures and any information that you think she might want in her book. Unfortunately, since I was ill, I missed the installation and the reception at National Convention. If anyone has pictures of either of these events, please send them to me. Information is provided above. Thank you for your help.


Pre-print card issues have been resolved and ALL Department have their cards in hand. THANK YOU so much for your patience and understanding! We are down one person in the office. We wish Betty all the best in her new endeavors! We are starting the hiring process. If it takes a little extra time to get to your request, bear with us. Again, your patience and understanding is appreciated. The website is being updated weekly. Be sure to check under each tab for new files, flyers and more. The bi-weekly email blast continues and updates to the website are listed there. There was one change to the Constitution and it is as follows:

ARTICLE IV. MEMBERSHIP AND DUES SECTION 2: There shall be three (3) forms of membership:

(c) A Membership-At-Large may be granted to any individual eligible for membership. Dues are to be $25.00 per year with $10.00 for Department Dues and $15.00 remitted to National Headquarters. A Member-At-Large is not eligible to hold office or vote on any level. As such, the member is entitled to all National benefits and privileges so long as her annual dues remain paid. A Member-At-Large may affiliate with an Auxiliary at any time, or with a new Auxiliary as a charter member, remit that year's Local dues as established by the accepting Auxiliary with proper transfer form executed by the Department.

Please keep this change in mind when processing membership. The updated Constitution and Bylaws is available on our website –

Jo Ann Leinweber National President’s Scrapbook Chairman 3252 East Thompson Avenue St. Francis, WI 53235 414-483-4979 [email protected]

Come join us for training January 19-21, 2018 at the Oak Tree Lodge in Pigeon Forge. Our theme will be “ARE YOU READY FOR YOUR POSITION”. The cost of the seminar is $175.00 which includes your room (2 paying seminar attendees per room) for Friday and Saturday nights, events for Friday and Saturday, breakfast each morning and all training materials. If you request a king fireplace room the cost will be $10.00 extra PER NIGHT. If you wish to come early, the room cost will be an additional $60.00 per room or $30.00 each if you are sharing a room. All early arrivals must be booked through the Auxiliary to get the special rates. All rooms are non-smoking however there are many rooms with patios or balconies.

If you are flying, an additional $20.00 will be added to the fee to cover shuttle service. When making your plane reservations, please keep in mind it is an hour drive from the hotel to the airport. Be considerate and book a flight that will get you in and out of Tennessee at a reasonable time.

There will not be training in Pigeon Forge for AMVETS, however, should your AMVET like to attend, please contact Betty for pricing options.

NAME ________________________________________E-MAIL________________________________


PHONE_____________________________ROOMING WITH__________________________________

ROOM TYPE_________________________SPECIAL NEEDS____________________________________

SMOKING______________(Patio/Balcony Room) NON-SMOKING________________

SHUTTLE SERVICE NEEDED______________________(additional $20.00)




Seminar cost - Half due by November 30, full payment by December 31. NO REFUNDS after 12/31.







New Auxiliaries Department of California, Florida (2), Kentucky, New York, Tennessee, Virginia, Washington

Largest Percentage of Renewals (100%) Department of Arizona also Alabama and DC Largest numerical gain in membership as of May 31st Department of Indiana Largest percentage gain in membership as of May 31st Department of California Largest percentage of renewals as of December 31st CLASS A: Department of Arizona CLASS C: Department of Maryland CLASS B: Department of Massachusetts CLASS D: Department of Florida


PNP Cathy Fishero Award – Department Winner – Missouri Runner-up – Nebraska PNP Leslie Wunderle Award – Local Winner – OH #95 Runner-up – WI #50 John Tracy Clinic Award (Local) – PNP Dee Kreiling-Riley, Donor – Winner – NY #18 Runner-up FL #8


PNP Lynda Taylor Award – Department Winner – Georgia Runner-up - Maine PNP Linda McGriff Award – Local Winner – ME #6829 Runner-up – NY #8

SCHOLARSHIP AWARDS PNP Charlene Kee Award – Department Winner – Florida Runner-up - Arizona PNP Carol King Award – Local Winner – OH #95 Runner-up – NY #18


PNP Heidi Dineen-Serpis Award – Department Winner – Kentucky Runner-up – Maine PNP Patty Piening Award – Local Winner – MI #57 Runner-up – FL #1992 Individual Americanism Award Winner – Mary Conley – FL #1992 Runner-up – Patricia Zaykowski – FL #8

NATIONAL HOSPITAL AWARDS PNP Mary Barrow Award – Department Winner – Missouri Runner-up – Maine PNP Brenda Kilgore Award – Local Winner – MI #9 Runner-up – MI #57 PNP Barbara Guth Nursing Home Award – Local Winner – MI #9 Runner-up – KY #61


James H. Parke Scholarship – Department Winner – Maryland Runner-up – PA Local Winner – AK #2 Runner-up – VA #7 and MD #7

HISTORY AND SCRAPBOOK AWARDS PNP Ruth Singler Award – Dept. Historybook Winner – Wisconsin Runner-up NC PNP Beverly Box Award – Local Scrapbook Winner – MI #23 Runner-up – OH #95 PNP Betty Lawson Award – Dept. Historybook Cover Winner – Michigan Runner-up NC PNP Sylvia Rowland – Local Scrapbook Cover Winner – NY #4 Runner-up – OH #95

SHOW AND TELL AWARD - PNP Virginia Hays, Donor Winner – AK #2 Runner-up – OH #95


Member of the Year – PNP Peggy Rummel, Donor

Winner – Dee Baggett - Florida

Auxiliary of the Year Department of the Year Michigan #57 Winner Florida


National Scholarship - $1,000.00 College Support - $1,000.00 Nathan Lemke - Wisconsin Molly Flatoff - Michigan Megan Lemke – Wisconsin James Dixon, IV - Michigan Courtney Thompson – North Carolina Sydney Dickenson – Ohio College Support - $500.00 Chelsea Thompson – North Carolina Chase Moyer – Maryland Colin Fairman - Massachusetts Alexis Misner – Maryland Kristin Willhide - Missouri

Career Start - $1,000.00 Ashley Dineen – Massachusetts

2017 Americanism Coloring and Poster Winners


Kindergarten 1st Grade 1st Place: Madison Hoyle NE 1st Place: Penny Bunk NY 2nd Place: Camila Arias Garcia CA 2nd Place: Aarushi Narwal CA 3rd Place: Syndi Taylor TN 3rd Place: Valayah Sky St. Clair ND POSTERS 2nd Grade 3rd Grade 1st Place: Lucas Hickam MO 1st Place: Evi Pachardo TX 2nd Place: Alexa Cervantes CA 2nd Place: Logan Reson MD 3rd Place: Kiaryn Johnson, NY 3rd Place: Aspen Groskreutz WI 4th Grade 5th Grade 1st Place: Karley Gange-Gerhardt ND 1st Place: Madison Taeger IA 2nd Place: Carly Kalway NH 2nd Place: Clorissa Nelson ND 3rd Place: Clara Malloy MI 3rd Place: Aubrey Luce NY

2017 Americanism Essay Winners

6th Grade 10th Grade 1st Place: Zachary Jenkins OH 1st Place: Rebekah Toelier WI 2nd Place: Clare E. Scott MO 2nd Place: Clay Durham TN 3rd Place: Maximillian A. Glanzer MI 3rd Place: Trevor Lambert OH 7th Grade 11th Grade 1st Place: Dream Marie Frase TN 1st Place: Palwinder Dhillon CA 2nd Place: Savannah Fish MI 2nd Place: Kalyn McComas NC 3rd Place: Drew Valleroy MO 3rd Place: McKenzie Mallek WI 8th Grade 12th Grade

1st Place: Macaedin Nguyen OH 1st Place: Elizabeth Ann Allen TN 2nd Place: Charlie Floyd NC 2nd Place: Taylor Jones NC 3rd Place: Sydney KolaKovich MI 3rd Place Noah Lambert OH

2017 AADAA Winners

K - 2nd - Grade 6th – 8th Grade First Place: Alli Lueloff WI 1st Place: Reese Fox MD Second Place: Madison Hoyle NE 2nd Place: Savannah Henderson MD 3rd Place: Ashlin Broz NE 3rd - 5th Grade 9th – 12th Grade 1st Place: Anthony Hoyle NE 1st Place: Bonnie Medlart MD 2nd Place: Kendra Dritzl WI 2nd Place: Lazarus B. TX 3rd Place: Madisyn Fogle MD 3rd Place: Brenton D. TX



PRESIDENT CHAPLAIN Marvell Ruppel Birthday: 10/14 Peggy Liss Birthday: 3/11 N33 W7120 Buchanan Street 3724 N. Van Dyke Rd. Cedarburg, Wisconsin 53012 Filion, Michigan 48432 Cell: 262-305-1330 Home: 989-550-2123 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] 1ST VICE PRESIDENT – MEMBERSHIP SERGEANT-AT-ARMS Barbara Valley Birthday: 3/22 Cindy Rice Birthday: 03/10 25681 Orange Hill Road 778 Regina Drive Danville, Ohio 43014 Vermilion, Ohio 44089 Cell: 740-485-2873 Home: 440-967-9466 Cell: 440-320-7128 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] 2ND VICE PRESIDENT – CHILD WELFARE AMERICANISM OFFICER Dolores “Dee” Baggett Birthday: 9/16 Maureen Jackson Birthday: 10/19 13238 Rose Hollow Way 30103 Pineview Circle Astatula, Florida 34705 Chesterfield, Michigan 48051

Home: 586-598-8285 Cell: 352-742-8215 Cell: 586-876-1827 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] 3RD VICE PRESIDENT – COMMUNITY SERVICE SCHOLARSHIP OFFICER Joan Sirek Birthday: 11/25 Karin Simmons Birthday: 4/16 928 Elm Road N. 3240 Penland Parkway #242 Stevens Point, Wisconsin 54481 Anchorage, Alaska 99508 Home: 715-341-3818 Home: 907-272-2733 Cell: 715-892-3856 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] TREASURER HOSPITAL OFFICER Barbara Guth Birthday: 10/26 Amy Stopyra Birthday: 03/04 138 Emily Drive 52 N. 2nd Street, Apartment #1 Mount Washington, Kentucky 40047 Chambersburg, Pennsylvania 17201 Home: 502-538-6862 Home: 717-262-1028 Cell: 502-409-2108 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

APPOINTED OFFICERS IPNP HISTORY/SCRAPBOOK CHAIRMAN Evelyn R. McElvin Birthday: 9/21 Cathy Tratz Birthday: 01/03 4332 Princehall Boulevard 1140 Laager Lane Orlando, Florida 32811 Oshkosh, Wisconsin 54902 Cell: 407-758-3392 Home: 920-233-3870 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] PARLIAMENTARIAN NATIONAL PRESIDENTS SCRAPBOOK PNP Betty S. Lawson Birthday: 7/11 Jo Ann Leinweber Birthday: 11/25 3595 Tally Road 3252 E. Thompson Avenue Morristown, Tennessee 37813 St. Francis, Wisconsin 53235 Home: 423-581-0074 Home: 414-483-4979 Cell: 423-258-5257 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] VAVS REPRESENTATIVE 2017 CONVENTION CHAIRMAN Marie C. Rorrio Birthday: 10/23 Charlene Kee Birthday: 5/2 16 Till Street P. O. Box 457 Enfield, Connecticut 06082 Eustis, Florida 32727 Cell: 860-836-3468 Home: 352-357-0866 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] HONORS AND AWARDS CHAIRMAN NATIONAL SNAPPIEST PNP Linda McGriff Birthday: 7/12 Sue Dick Birthday: 11/23 604 Hummingbird Drive 639 Old Folkstone Road Little Elm, Texas 75068 Sneads Ferry, North Carolina 28460 Cell: 214-226-4934 Cell: 910-546-0626 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] TRAINING NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS STAFF PNP Betty S. Lawson Birthday: 7/11 Carol King Birthday: 12/19 3595 Tally Road Sonja Miller-Bethea Birthday 6/15 Morristown, Tennessee 37813 Home: 423-581-0074 [email protected] Cell: 423-258-5257 [email protected] Email: [email protected] Office: 301-459-6255

Fax: 301-459-5403 JUNIOR AMVETS COORDINATOR Website: Fran McGurk Birthday: 3/4 108 Valley Circle Brandon, Florida 33510 Cell: 813-310-3223 Email: [email protected]


Department Officers Directory

2017 – 2018



Karin Simmons Era Dennis Linda Oliver

3240 Penland Parkway #242 810 Hoyt Street 1001 Boniface #15N

Anchorage AK 99508 Anchorage AK 99508 Anchorage AK 99504

907-382-1855 907-317-8877 907-529-7528

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]


Dena Wilson Tommy Epps Sondra Jean Clark

5341 W. Flying Circle 1881 W. Nancy Lane 6640B S. Mark Road

Tucson AZ 85713 Phoenix AZ 85041 Tucson AZ 58757

520-270-5298 602-243-7602 520-358-8163

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]


Gerri Souza Van Leeuwen Kathy Dees Charon Dunn

142 N. C Street 2516 S. Watson Street 5528 Glouchester Street

Tulare CA 93274 Visalia CA 93277 Churchton MD 20733

559-303-2483 599-625-4322 733-867-2213

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]


Sharon Marecek Jerri Devoll Sheila Haywood

102 Diogenes Street 217 Ladue Avenue 5512 Palm Drive

Dunedine FL 34698 Crestview FL 32539 Ft. Pierce FL 34982

727-687-5523 850-306-3258 772-216-2940

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]


Pamela Nance Beth Gilmer Mary Duncan

4385 Ben Hill Road 1080 Laurel Chase Run 5000 Mars Hill Road

Lithia Springs GA 30122 Bishop GA 30621 Bogart GA 30622

770-941-9726 706-705-1116 770-725-9888

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]


Mary Kerby Penelope Goins Laurie Shea

1104 Court Street 314 Brecher Lane 13224 Carondolet Ave

Pekin IL 61554 Groveland IL 61535 Chicago IL 60633

309-346-8435 309-387-6525 773-306-3758

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]



Debra Gass Carol Riley Sharon Osborne

4322 E. Oakcrest Drive 417 Taylor St. 4151 Deborah Street

Monticello IN 47960 Pendleton IN 46064 Indianapolis IN 46222

574-870-2122 765-621-4067 317-293-9772

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]


Mary Steinbach Nancy Carrier Nancy Carrier

901 7th Avenue NW 136 Brovan Boulevard 136 Brovan Boulevard

Waverly IA 50677 Evansdale IA 50707 Evansdale IA 50707

319-230-9318 319-233-0250 319-233-0250

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]


Judie K. Baxter Jan Dick Jan Dick

501 East F Five 19th Terrace Five 19th Terrace

Hutchinson KS 67501 Hutchinson KS 67502 Hutchinson KS 67502

620-615-1254 620-259-8050 620-259-8050

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]


Denise Marcum Gardina Rich Tracy Hays

145 Deanefield Drive 1169 Parkers Mill Road 12517 Saxony Park Circle #101

Reynolds Station KY 42368 Somerset KY 42501 Louisville KY 40299

270-993-5470 606-305-7119 502-802-0303

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]


Mary Honshul Evelyn Pigott Julie Catlow

180 Bradley Avenue 25330 Hwy 190 East 110 Olive Lane #A

Pineville LA 71360 Robert LA 70455 West Monroe LA 71292

318-613-1355 985-247-5755 318-235-7363

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]


Sally Wotherspoon Elizabeth Durant Denise Rodzen

113 Hatch Road 897 Park Street 84 Parkview Ave

New Gloucester ME 04260 South Paris ME 04281 Livermore Falls ME 04254

207-926-3371 207-674-2506 207-931-7735

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]


Donna Tolland Kathy J. Fisher Martha J. Knott

6527 King Road 238 Potomac Heights 12735 B Woodsboro Pike

Boonsboro MD 21713 Hagerstown MD 21742 Keymar MD 21757

301-432-4134 240-291-5336 301-845-2140

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]



Judy Dascoli Christine Peacey Heidi Dineen-Serpis

9 Carter Street #2 7 Wenonah Drive 23 Harding Terrace

Hudson MA 01749 Ludlow MA 01056 Dedham MA 02026

508-662-9111 413-250-9552 781-326-6226

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]


Wendy Lynema Nancy Middleton Patricia Michalski

5493 Prancer Drive 1535 48th Street SE 2011 S Farragut

Caledonia MI 49316 Kentwood MI 49508 Bay City MI 48708

616-724-4375 616-455-4525 989-280-0588

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]


Gina Stewart Linda Sampson Marybeth Roehr

1189 E 365th Road 14242 Hardin Rd. 139 Eldorado Dr.

Bolivar MO 65613 De Soto MO 63020 St Peters MO 63376

417-599-8982 636-586-0711 314-243-4447

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]


Karen Watson Karen Watson Jane Nelson

3033 Orwell Street 3033 Orwell Street 7820 Ringneck Drive

Lincoln NE 68516 Lincoln NE 68516 Lincoln NE 68506

402-310-6946 402-310-6946 402-261-8650 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]


Laura R. Bugaj Rose Mary Blachowski Mary A. Lanphere

53 Davey Street 1171 Penora St. 4838 West Main Street

Buffalo NY 14206 Lancaster NY 14043 Fredonia NY 14063

716-572-7828 716-681-2156 716-673-5297

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]


Pat Pulliam Linda Bonin Mary O’Neal

83 Cottonwood Road 3107 Diana Street P. O. Box 2082

Roanoke Rapids NC 27870 Goldsboro NC 27534 Rockingham NC 28380

252-518-1970 919-791-9992 910-995-5004

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]


Tyann Schlenker Rhonda Gall Sandy Kruse

1821 Broadway 225 W. Edmonton Drive 1119 4th Avenue S.

Fargo ND 58103 Bismarck ND 58103 Fargo ND 58103

701-540-1148 701-391-1879 701-238-1564

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]



LaDonna Kraft Lynn McCauley Lynn McCauley

13283 Campbell Lane 1395 E. Dublin Granville Rd. #405 2569 Ferris Park Drive N.

Logan OH 43138 Columbus OH 43229 Columbus OH 43224

740-603-1141 614-854-6220 614-571-2544

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]


Bobbi Jo Naylor Cass DiSalvio Paula Flory

435 W. Main Street, Apt 8 1819 Forrest Avenue 117 Ruby Street

Pen Argyl PA 18072 Trevose PA 19053 Lancaster PA 17603

610-653-6623 215-355-6764 717-917-8692

[email protected] [email protected]

[email protected]


Shannon Foldesi Nancy G. Alberta Donna Reynolds

1621 Ritter Circle 830 S Edisto River Dr. 339 Hampton Place

Port Royal, SC 29935 Roebuck SC 29376 Bluffon, SC 29909

843-575-0145 864-680-2023 843-707-1451

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]


Sharon Rust Wincie Wright Kristie Frye

106 Dearman Street 1207 India Rd 4457 E. Antioch Road

Smithville TN 37166 Paris TN 38242 Springville TN 38256

931-252-1987 731-363-3210 270-978-4325

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]


Lanell Day-Stanfield Linda McGriff Myra Clark

582 Old Mill Lane 604 Hummingbird Drive 3702 Christopher

W. Tawakoni TX 75472 Little Elm TX 75068 Rowlett TX 75088

903-217-7659 214-226-4934 214-770-8910

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]


Linda Chocklett Penny Campbell Penny Campbell

663 Murray Avenue 166 Hilltop Drive 166 Hilltop Drive

Roanoke VA 24013 Collinsville VA 24078 Collinsville VA 24078

540-982-2819 276-252-5221 276-252-5221

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]


Leslie Wunderle Betty Schleich Gloria George

3805 East Pratt Avenue 1601 S Union Avenue #101 22020 W. Elm Lane

Spokane WA 99202 Tacoma WA 98405 Medical Lake WA 99022

509-321-7444 253-820-9950 509-299-5165

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]



Brenda Haynes Susan Paulson Brenda Haynes

270 Meldahl Place PO Box 119 270 Meldahl Place

Washington WV 26181 Pt. Pleasant WV 25550 Washington WV 26181

304-615-6843 304-675-2647 304-615-6843

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]


Darlene Hempel Louise Paul Sandy Conradt

W2780 Beechnut Road 1700 New Street 202 E. Beacon Avenue 7

Pine River WI 54965 Union Grove WI 53182 New London WI 54961

920-987-5757 262-497-5975 920-538-4114

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]


Honor and Fun Organization of AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary

National Sackette Ossifers 2017-2018

SNAPPIEST 11/23 SNAPPIER Sue Dick Martha Knott PNS 639 Old Folkstone Rd. 12735 B Woodsboro Pike Sneads Ferry, NC 28460 Keymar, MD 21757 [email protected] [email protected] (910)546-0626 (301)845-2140 SAVINGEST 3/12 SERIOUS 3/6 Karla Maddock PNS Judy Berna 1527 S. 3rd. St 13304 W. County Rd.B Bismarck, ND 58404 Hayward, WI 54843 [email protected] [email protected] (701)880-0090 (920)376-4274 SOLICITRESS 12/14 SCRIBBLING 11/17 Shelby Rhodes PNS Linda Bonin 4820 Old Harrisburg Rd. Lot #51 3107 Diana St. Gettysburg, PA 17325 Goldsboro, NC 27534 [email protected] [email protected] (717)253-4625 (919)791-9992 STUBBORNEST 10/8 HUSTLER 8/11 Faye Richardson-Greene Pat Pulliam 3181 Nature View Dr. SE 807 Marshall St. Kentwood, MI 49512 Roanoke Rapids, NC 27870 [email protected] [email protected] (616)340-5728 (252)518-1970 SCHOLARSHIP 3/10 WEEZER SQUEEZERS 10/15 Cindy Rice PNS Evelyn Davis 778 Regina Dr. PO Box 125 Vermilion, Ohio 44089 Shepardsville, IN 47880 [email protected] [email protected] (440)320-7128 (812)2420767 Scrappiest 2/23 Cindy Rice PNS Karen Spittlemeister 778 Regina Dr. 725 N. 6th Avenue Vermilion, Ohio 44089 Sturgeon Bay, WI 54235 [email protected] (920)256-1269 (440)320-7128 [email protected]

National J National Junior AMVETS President- Courtney Cummings 1148 Rachel St. Waterloo, IA. 50701 National Sr. Vice President-(Membership) Jovan Rosado 108 Valley Cir. Brandon, FL. 33510 National Jr. Vice President- (Programs) Joseph Stopyra 52 N. 2nd Ave. Apt 1 Chambersburg, PA. 17201 National Chaplain Lainey Peacock 2658 Cisco Rd Sidney, OH 45365 National Secretary Abby Lewis 1821 Oakwood Ave Columbus, OH 43207 National Treasurer Aaron Hinton 6190 Shadow Wood Ct. Orlando, FL. 32808 National Sgt.-At-Arms Joy Stopyra 52 N. 2nd Ave. Apt 1 Chambersburg, PA. 17201 National P.R.O. Jamal Landers C/O Toni Presley 3029 Cumler Ct. Orlando, Fl. 32811 National Parliamentarian Spencer Welsh 1459 Cheyenne Dr. Xenia, OH 45385 AMVETS Coordinator Auxiliary Coordinator Ted Ganda Fran McGurk 13205 Liberty Ave. 108 Valley Cir. Cleveland, OH 44135 Brandon, Fl. 33510 Phone: 216-536-7530 Phone: 813-310-3223 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

Sons Advisor Joseph Stopyra 52 N. 2nd Ave. Apt. 1 Chambersburg PA 17201 Email: [email protected]

National Junior AMVETS 2017 – 2018 Officers

2017 Junior AMVETS Award Winners

Award Winner

Ronald McDonald House Danielle Pate – FL Post 30

Diabetes Research Award FL – Post 26

Americanism MO – Post 48

Burn Unit KY – Post 61

Child Abuse FL – Post 26

Child Welfare IA – Post 49

Community Service IA – Post 49

Freedoms Foundation IA – Post 49

Hospital OH – Post 25

John Tracy Clinic MO – Post 114

Neo-Natal MO – Post 48

Outstanding Scrapbook MI – Post 57

PAWS IA – Post 49

SOS MO – Post 114

St. Jude Children’s Hospital FL – Post 26

VA Hospital OH – Post 25

Largest Post Membership OH – Post 25

Largest State Membership Ohio

Most Outstanding Post OH – Post 21

Anita Flynn Community Service IA – Post 49

Most Outstanding Department Ohio

PNP Leah Monesterio Memorial Danielle Pate – FL Post 30

Junior AMVET of the Year Madison Winkelman – MO Post 48

History & Scrapbook Criteria

Deadline Date & Entries: No entry form required. Deadline dates to be announced.

Department History Books Local Auxiliary Scrapbook

Mandatory in this order Mandatory in this order a. Table of Contents a. Table of Contents b. Name of Department President, Historian, b. Name and # of Auxiliary, Local and Year President and Year c. Pledge of Allegiance, Preamble, Code of c. Pledge of Allegiance, Preamble, Ethics Code of Ethics d. Bylaws (up-to-date/signed) d. Bylaws (up-to-date/signed) e. Officers e. Charter Members and Officers f. Year-end Service Report Forms signed by NEC f. Year-end Local Service Report

Forms signed by Local Auxiliary Chairman

Judging: 100 points Judging: 100 points Content: Quality & scope of material – 25 pts. Conformance: Table of Contents

and theme followed closely – 15 pts. Merit: Historical value or worth - 35 pts. Presentation: Originality - 30 pts. Conformance: Table of Contents and theme Neatness: layout or general make- followed closely – 20 pts. up and internal appearance - 30 pts. Neatness: layout or general make up and Newspaper: clippings, pictures, internal appearance - 20 pts. press releases - 15 pts.

Miscellaneous: menus, invitations, thank you’s, souvenirs, etc.- 10 pts

Contents: Contents should be pictures, press releases, certificates, awards, letters of recognition for community service, copies of reports and newspaper clippings including the newspaper name and date. The Cover for the History and Scrapbooks are judged separately; therefore, the theme may be the same as your book or different – the choice is yours. The cover will be judged on appearance, presentation and neatness. NOTE: The History Book and Scrapbook should contain material for the current year. It should

be noted that a History Book shall differ from a Scrapbook in as much as it will not contain any data that is not of historical nature such as pressed flowers, menus and souvenir type of information or items. History books are only for Department and Scrapbooks are only for Local Auxiliaries.

HELPFUL HINT: Pick any theme you like for your scrapbook BUT remember to carry this theme throughout your book.