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Acknowledgement: ........................................................................................................ 3

Executive Summary: ..................................................................................................... 3

Overview of the Company ........................................................................................... 4

Vision Statement of Nestlé: .................................................................................................... 4

Background: .............................................................................................................................. 4

Introduction to Nestlé Fruit Yogurt ........................................................................... 5

Marketing Ethics and Social Responsibilities ...................................................................... 5

PESTEL Analysis ........................................................................................................... 5

Political ....................................................................................................................................... 5

Economical ................................................................................................................................ 6 Operations Restrictions ....................................................................................................... 6

Domestic Economic Problems ........................................................................................... 6 Social.......................................................................................................................................... 7

Family ..................................................................................................................................... 7

Customs and Behaviors ...................................................................................................... 7 Technological ............................................................................................................................ 8

Improved Packaging ............................................................................................................ 9

SWOT ANALYSIS OF NESTLE: .................................................................................. 9

Strengths ................................................................................................................................... 9

Weaknesses............................................................................................................................ 10 Opportunities ........................................................................................................................... 10

Threats ..................................................................................................................................... 10

Nestlé Fruit Yogurt’s Previous Marketing Mix ..................................................... 11

Product ..................................................................................................................................... 11

Branding............................................................................................................................... 11 Advantages of Branding .................................................................................................... 11

Packaging ............................................................................................................................ 12 Labeling ............................................................................................................................... 13 Product quality and customer needs ............................................................................... 13

Product mix ......................................................................................................................... 13 Product Line: ....................................................................................................................... 14

Nutritional information........................................................................................................ 14 Ingredients ........................................................................................................................... 15 Product Life Cycle .............................................................................................................. 15

Nestlé Fruit Yogurt: Introductory stage ........................................................................... 15 Promotion ................................................................................................................................ 15

The message of Nestlé’s fruit yogurt............................................................................... 16 The captivating fruit yogurt of Nestlé............................................................................... 16

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Place......................................................................................................................................... 17 Price.......................................................................................................................................... 17

Price Level Policies over Product Life Cycle ................................................................. 18 Nestlé Fruit Yogurt: Market-Skimming Pricing............................................................... 18

Proposed Marketing Mix: ........................................................................................... 18

Product Strategy ..................................................................................................................... 19 Flavors: ................................................................................................................................ 19

Nutritional information:....................................................................................................... 20 Other Additions: .................................................................................................................. 20

Why this is good for you:............................................................................................... 21 Target Market:..................................................................................................................... 22

Price Strategy ......................................................................................................................... 22

Penetration pricing: ............................................................................................................ 22 Price Objective.................................................................................................................... 24

Promotion Strategy ................................................................................................................ 24 Promotion: ............................................................................................................................... 25

Advertising ........................................................................................................................... 26

Published media ................................................................................................................. 26 Visual and aural media ...................................................................................................... 27

Sales promotion.................................................................................................................. 27 Samples: .............................................................................................................................. 27 Sponsor:............................................................................................................................... 28

Advertising specialties ....................................................................................................... 28 Suppliers .............................................................................................................................. 28

Place (Distribution) Strategy:................................................................................................ 28

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Acknowledgement: First of all we would like to thank Allah mighty who has given us the strength to make this report and

then our parents because of whom we are what we are at the present time. We would also like to thank

our Respectful Teacher Professor Assad Butt who has given us the opportunity and knowledge to make

this report and helped us throughout our semester giving us some very valuable lessons that could help

us throughout our life.

Executive Summary: This report contains the history and background of Nestle how it came into existence and how it grew

up to be such a big organization by giving its consumers innovative products. There are the strengths,

weaknesses, opportunities and threats of Nestle and the PESTLE analysis. This contains the previous

marketing mix and details about the product, price, promotion and placement and a set of new

proposed marketing mix. This report has a detail about the new products and how these products can

be beneficial to the consumers and why these strategies will work this time.

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Overview of the Company

Vision Statement of Nestlé: Nestlé focuses on delivering its share holders value through the achievement of sustainable, capital

efficient and profitable long term growth. It always focuses of achieving more profit but never

compromises on quality and safety standards.

Nestlé envisions growing in the shortest possible time into the number one food company in Pakistan.

Nestlé is the only food company which meets the need of every age group varying from infants to old

age from nutrients to pleasure by developing a large variety of food products of every category with the

highest quality.

Nestlé envisions developing a highly trained and extremely motivated work force which would drive

growth through innovation and renovation.

It aspires, as a respected corporate citizen, to continue playing a significant role in the social and

environmental sectors of the company.

Background: Nestlé is named after a pharmacist Henri Nestlé. In 1860s Henri Nestlé developed a food for babies who

were unable to breastfeed. This was his first success to develop a product for premature infant who

could not tolerate the milk of his/her mother. This product was indeed of a great value and spread very

quickly throughout Europe by the name of Farine Lactee Henri Nestlé saving the lives of many children.

Nestlé grew very quickly; by the early 1900s Nestlé was operating in United States, Britain, Germany and

Spain. In World War 1 the demand of dairy products increased and the government gave contracts and

the production almost went to a double by the end of the war.

Nestlé second most important product which expanded it was chocolate which was introduces in 1920s.

Nestlé had a very bad impact of World War II and its profit dropped down from $20 million to in 1938 to

$6 million in 1939. But somehow this war helped Nestlé introducing it new product Nescafé which was a

staple drink of US army. Nestle production and sales increased in the war time because people started

to prefer manufactured healthy product which were easy to buy and store at that time. Nestlé

headquarter is located in Vevey, Switzerland founded in 1866 and is one of the world’s biggest food and

beverage company by having almost 250,000 employees and factories operating in almost every country

in the world.

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Nestlé Pakistan currently has 1958 employees and has a market capital of 41,268,136,000.

Introduction to Nestlé Fruit Yogurt Nestlé is committed to offering consumers high-quality food products that are safe, tasty and

affordable. Nestlé is committed to give its customers quality products. Nestlé has so far given many

products to its customers that are healthy and useful in daily life.

Nestlé Fruit Yogurt, a value added product, is categorized as a chilled dairy product which has all the

goodness of milk, yogurt and fruit. Such products need to be refrigerated between temperatures of 0 – 4

degrees from manufacturing till it reaches the consumers because they contain live bacteria (yogurt).

Nestlé Fruit Yogurt has a shelf life of 28 days.

Marketing Ethics and Social Responsibilities Keeping in mind Pakistan’s social responsibilities and marketing ethics, Nestlé adopts the following

practices in its production of Nestlé Fruit Yogurt.

Quality of the product is maintained by foreign quality control supervisors on a random weekly


The product is produced using all Halal foods.

Product wastes are properly treated.

Workers, especially those involved in the production process, are provided with specially

designed clothing/suits.

The price of the product is kept low.

PESTEL Analysis

Political Pakistan is politically instable at the moment and this has been going on for the past couple of years.

Whenever a new government comes into power it imposes its own set of rules and regulation that gives

benefits to the government not the economy resulting in inflation and thus increasing the prices of the

products. Nestle can make progress if the politician can make policies that are helpful for the food and

beverages companies.

Pakistan politics structure is very instable and is depressing economic activities and vo latile business

environment in the state. Such instable environment may influence the performance of all industries

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operating in state and Nestle may also be influenced from such trends of instability. FMCG organizations

have to pay heavy taxes; changes in any taxation system can badly affect Nestle productivity and sales.

Government policies, trade union activity, and productivity of the labor force that create either high or

low costs for businesses. Apart from this Nestlé Fruit Yogurt team discourages the use of child labor in

its plants. This comes at a cost. The labor expenses for the company raised more than forecasted.

Economical The economic conditions prevalent in the country did affect the investment in the Nestlé Fruit Yogurt


Some common restrictions and barriers that prevented the investment of capital in this project


Operations Restrictions

Restrictions on procurement, hiring foreign personnel, or locating business activities, as well as the

efficiency and honesty of officials with whom business executives must deal and the effectiveness

and integrity of the judicial system. To deal with problems like this Nestlé Fruit Yogurt’s board of

directors lessened the use of the middle-man and did most of the sale by their own department.

Domestic Economic Problems

A country's ranking according to its most recent five-year performance record in per capita GDP,

GDP growth, inflation, unemployment, capital investment, and budget balance. During the year

2005-06 the country did experience inflation, a low GDP and unemployment all these factors

contributed in a low investment by the investors into this fruit yogurt project

Nestlé Fruit Yogurt used the process of strategic planning. Strategic planning involves identifying

future trends and analyzing how the corporation can take advantage of those trends. Such analysis

traditionally concentrated heavily on economic trends, but since political decisions and events

substantially influence these trends, planners now incorporate political risk analysis. Current

planning activities made by Nestlé involve an attempt to assess the impact of political and economic

trends, but strategic planners can find it difficult to incorporate political analysis into their

traditional economic and business research. Political analysis, by its nature, is qualitative, dealing

with more abrupt and sweeping factors. Many planners have found systematic risk ratings

particularly useful because they allow for the cross country comparisons that are an integral part of

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their analytical approach. Most firms use risk information for many reasons and in several different


Another important reason for the low investment of capital in the Nestlé Fruit Yogurt project was

the increased interest rates. Fewer investments were made which created a need for capital. This

affected the company’s marketing strategy and the number of advertisements made was decreased.

Social First of all, we have to define what society is. Society is all about people in general, living in

communities. Then we have to know what culture is. Culture is basically the customs, beliefs, way of

life, and social organization of a particular country or group.

Now we have to see how and in what ways the cultural and social forces affect the marketing of our

chosen organization, “Nestlé” in Pakistan. The first aspect that will be brought under consideration



In a country like Pakistan, family plays a vital role in the everyday life of an individual. Where there is

a family, there is food, and where there is food there are accessories e.g. raita, pickles, salad, packed

or raw yogurt. This is a part of our culture. Nestlé provides the families with the dairy products like

packed simple yogurt, raita, and fruit yogurt. Besides having it as an accessory of food, simple yogurt

is also used as a raw material for cooking, which is again a part of our tradition, our culture. Nestlé

provides the Pakistani families with all that they require purity, taste, hygiene everything.

Customs and Behaviors

The normal custom is that this particular product is usually consumed in the summers. As previously

mentioned, the country runs on traditions and culture, and it tells us that it gives the body a cool

effect; therefore, people prefer having yogurt in the summers.

Here in Pakistan, the majority of the people are either illiterate or live below the line of poverty, so

how this “edible” product is packaged does not really matter as it has to be consumed anyway.

The behavior of the customers changes at certain points in a year where the demand of this

particular product increases e.g. Moharram, Ramadan, Eid etc.

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Technological Nestlé, the world's biggest food Group is also the global leader in the industry with regard to

Research and Development (R&D), No other food company dedicates so many human and financial

resources to R&D: an international staff of 3500 employees engaged in the search for innovative

new products and the renovation of existing ones. Year after year, Nestlé invests some 800 million

Swiss francs into R&D as a major driving force of its double strategy: to strengthen the Company’s

brands worldwide and to continue to support future long- term growth and competitiveness

through innovation and renovation. At the threshold of this new millennium, Nestlé Fruit Yogurt’s

objective is to consolidate and strengthen its leading position at the cutting edge of innovation in

the food area, in order to meet the needs and desires of consumers around the world, for pleasure,

convenience, health and well being.

Nestlé Fruit Yogurt-processing industry has special concerns about the health and safety of the

consumers. This is the reason why abundant and productive agricultural sources, climate conditions,

and modern technologies are all important factors for providing Nestlé Fruit Yogurt -processing

industry with ample and high quality raw materials. For the most part, Nestlé food-processing

facilities are located close to their agricultural source.

Nestlé uses the term "clean technologies" to describe its working environment. This term is defined

as "manufacturing processes or product technologies that reduce pollution or waste, energy use, or

material use in comparison to the technologies that they replace."

Nestlé Fruit Yogurt is Mass-processed by heating concentrated milk, or milk fortified by skim milk

powder, to about 90 oC (194 oF) for a few minutes, then cooling it to about 44 oC (111 oF), at which

point a controlled culture of Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus is added.

These two lactic organisms produce the required acidity and the delicate yogurt flavor. Souring and

thickening take place in about 3 hours at 44 oC (111 oF), and stop when the mixture is cooled to 5 oC

(40 oF).At this stage chunks of fruit are added to give the yogurt the desired taste. Because the milk

has been heated and soured, and due of its high acidity, pathogens cannot grow in yogurt, and it is

probably the safest of all perishable foods. Well-made yogurt made by Nestlé industries of any type

should last for 28 days if kept at 5 oC (41 oF).

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Improved Packaging

Nestlé’s fruit yogurt’s main aim is the use of less excessive and more environmentally friendly

packaging products. It uses special packaging techniques that minimizes and eliminates loss by

leakage or evaporation and reduces spoilage and contamination by dirt, insects, bacteria, mold,

moisture or oxygen.

Another important technique used in the packaging of Nestlé Fruit Yogurt is that of Aseptic

packaging. Aseptic packaging sterilizes the fruit yogurt and then packages it in a sterilized container.

The typical aseptic containers include foil -lined cartons, plastic cups, and plastic bags. These

containers cost and weigh less than the metal cans or glass bottles traditionally used in packaging.

Another advantage of aseptic packaging is better flavor. Cans or bottles require much longer heating

time for sterilization. The longer foods are heated, the more the flavor changes. In the aseptic

process, foods can be heated rapidly outside of the container. Therefore, aseptically packaged

foods have a more natural flavor as well as more nutrients.

Above everything to keep up with the quality standards Nestlé used imported seals specially

designed for packaging dairy products. All this makes Nestlé Fruit Yogurt a flavored product with

only a few calories per serving and is popular for low calories diets.


Strengths Nestle Pakistan is one of the largest companies in the world. Nestle is world recognized organization

which has a positive impact on its customers life due to better quality products and services.

Nestle has strong financial position which enables it to attract more new investors and helps it to raise

funds from banks.

Nestle has strong core competencies i.e. highly expert human resources which enable it to produce new

high quality innovative products.

Nestle modern operation facilities are also important strength which enable it to produce high

standardized quality products.

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Nestle has its own distribution network which make it easy to provide Nestle products at all possible

places on time.


Raw material is the basic input for every organization and milk is the core raw material of Nestle for

which it is dependent on the outside Milkmen.

Nestle has not even a single self own dairy form which provide high quality milk to the firm.

Another weakness of Nestle is that its total packaging depends upon Packages (Pvt.) limited.

Opportunities Nestle should go for Innovative packaging for its products like product and packaging which can survive

without light due to the mega short falls in electricity in Pakistan

Nestle can go for “Backward integration” and establish its own diary forms. Currently, Nestle is

dependent on the outside Milkmen which sometimes don’t supply high quality milk.

Nestle should open its own diary forms because Nestle has strong financial position and Pakistan is

agricultural state which support this backward integration.


Followings are the major threats for Nestle;

Purchasing power of people in Pakistan is decreasing day by day as the GDP is going down and prices of

Nestle products are comparatively high thus creating inflation.

Other Competitors in the market are coming with fierce advertising and innovative branding of their


Nestle biggest competition is with the OLPER'S whose innovative packaging is standing one step ahead

as compare to Nestle.

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CDL has also launched “N’rish” milk powder at lower price , it also has capability to decreased the

market share of “Nido”.

So in long run, if Nestle do not respond to such competitors, they may create a lot of problems in other

products also.

Pakistan politics structure is very instable and is depressing economic activities and volatile business

environment in the state. Such instable environment may influence the performance of all industries

operating in state and Nestle may also be influenced from such trends of instability.

Nestlé Fruit Yogurt’s Previous Marketing Mix The marketing mix comprises of the 4 Ps namely: Product, Place, Price and Promotion. Following is a

detailed study of the contents of Nestlé Fruit Yogurt’s marketing mix.

Product Products are need-satisfying products of an organization. The idea of a product as potential customer

satisfaction or benefit is very important.

Nestlé Fruit Yogurt is a new product in Nestlé’s product line in Pakistan.


Branding is the use of a name, term, symbol or design or a combination of these to identify a product.

The fruit Yogurt has well known brand name Nestlé which has gain popularity over years and is known

for offering healthy nutritious food items.

Advantages of Branding

a) Identification

Branding has helped Nestlé Fruit Yogurt gain a distinctive identification and has presented an ease

of gaining customers. Most people prefer trying fruit yogurt of familiar trusted brand rather than of

the brands they haven’t heard of before . It has also helped reduce the costs for designing and

implementing programs for promoting the product.

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b) Brand Familiarity

Brand familiarity refers to how well customers recognize and accept a company’s brand.

Nestlé has earned brand acceptance with high quality products and their regular promotion and its

high degree of brand familiarity affects the planning of the remainder of the marketing mix.

Therefore Nestlé Fruit Yogurt is placed in all super markets and general stores of Pakistani market

and doesn’t require extensive promotion because of its already built brand familiarity.

c) Brand equity

Since brand equity refers to the value of brand’s overall position in market we can safely say that

Nestlé has higher brand equity on the basis of its satisfied customers and eagerness of customers to

have it in stock.

d) Manufacturer Brand

Nestlé is a manufacturer brand (national brand) i .e. it is created by producers and is promoted

throughout the Pakistani market in addition to markets of other countries.


Packaging concerns with designing and producing the container or wrapper for a product. Nestlé

Fruit Yogurt comes in an attractive and convenient to use package and serves the following

purposes of packaging:

Protects the contents on their way to consumer: Its package is well designed so as to protect it

during shipment and prevents tampering with it in the warehouse or retail stores.

Protects the product after purchase: Nestlé Fruit Yogurt is convenient to use, cleaner and less

susceptible to losses from spilling and spoilage because of its good quality packaging.

Packaging acceptable to middlemen: Packaging is acceptable to middlemen because it is

suitable for displaying and stacking in stores.

Helps persuade the consumers to buy the product: Packaging is attractive and colorful with the

illustrations of fruits and creamy delicious yogurt which persuades the customers to taste it.

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A label is a part of a product which carries information about the product and the seller. A label may be

a part of the package or a separate tag attached to the product. Types of labels include:

A brand label

A descriptive label

A grade label

Nestlé Fruit Yogurt employs descriptive labeling which is a part of its package. It carries information

about ingredients, nutritional contents, products weight, and the fruit flavor.

Product quality and customer needs

Quality is the ability of a product to satisfy a customer’s needs or requirements. Since consumers mainly

require satisfaction, marketing managers must be constantly concerned with product quality.

Therefore, Nestlé is committed to offering consumers high-quality food products that are safe, tasty and

affordable to cater to the customer satisfaction aspect. The Nestlé Seal of Guarantee is a symbol of this

commitment. Keeping this in mind, Nestlé developed a unique healthy product which is a substitute to

sugary junk food like carbonated drinks, ice-creams and desserts.

Product mix

The vast product mix of Nestlé among the dairy products consists of

Nestlé Milkpak UHT milk

Milkpak Butter

Nestlé Plain Yogurt

Nestlé Fruit Yogurt

Milkpak UHT Cream

Milkpak Desi Ghee

Nestlé Everyday

Nestlé Nido

Nestlé Nesvita

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Product Line:

A group of products, intended essentially for similar uses and having similar physical characteristics,

constitute a product line. Product line under consideration mainly consists of Nestlé Plain Yogurt and

Nestlé Fruit Yogurt.

Nestlé Fruit Yogurt is a consumer product categorized as convenience product. Since people are not

willing to spend much money and time on such products, it is a low priced product and is clearly stated

as a chilled dairy product with all the goodness of milk, yogurt and fruit.

Nutritional information

Energy 118kcal-499kg

Protein 5.4g

Carbohydrates 19.6g

of which sugars 19.0g

Fats 2.0g

of which saturates 1.3g

Fiber 0.1g

Sodium 0.1g

Calcium 208mg (%rda) (26.0g%)

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Standardized fresh milk (Fat 1.7%, SNF: 8.3 %), Fruit chunks (Strawberry, Peach or Mango), Sucrose,

stabilizer, preservatives, artificial flavor, permitted food color.

Product Life Cycle

A product life cycle has four categories





Management must be able recognize what stage of life cycle is the product in at any given time. The

competitive environment and marketing strategies that should be used ordinarily depend on the

particular life-cycle stage.

Nestlé Fruit Yogurt is in the introductory stage

Nestlé Fruit Yogurt: Introductory stage

During the introduction stage a product is launched in a full -scale screening program. The product may

be entirely new or may come out with a novel feature in an already available product.

When Nestlé Fruit Yogurt was launched in market it was not entirely new but it was well -known (plain

fruit yogurt) with a novel feature (i-e fruit flavored) which in effect created a new product category.

Like all other products at this stage, a lot of money is spent not only for the development of this product

but also to seek consumer acceptance of the offering. Nestlé Fruit Yogurt enjoys the benefit of brand

familiarity and its well-known product line of plain fruit yogurt and is readily accepted by a sufficient

number of customers.


Promotion is one of the major tools used in marketing and an essential part of the marketing mix of an

organization. Marketers usually use promotion to inform the public of their product and communicate

with customers with respect to product offerings. Promotion is also however used to influence the

marketers target market usually via:

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Magazines newspapers and posters

Public relations etc

The message of Nestlé’s fruit yogurt

(This message helps reminding the target market of fruit yogurt)

The captivating fruit yogurt of Nestlé

(Persuades the market to buy this product)

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Place Raw yogurt, which is one of the competitors of fruit yogurt, has been into market since long. It is not

only cheap but also available in quantities of one’s choice (more or less). Management of Nestlé Fruit

Yogurt correctly figured out that the perception of raw yogurt of one particular class of Pakistan is hard

to change. They knew that introduction of fruit yogurt, which is of RS. 24, delicious, hygienic and

nutritious, among low-income group and low socio-economic status will not be a wise decision, as they

won’t readily accept it. They also correctly judged that less knowledgeable and illiterate people will

resist switching from raw to fruit yogurt because they are either less aware or indifferent to the hygienic

factor and nutritive values of food. They willingly compromise on quality for price and some among

them, without striving to get information, perceive the Nestlé’s fruit yogurt to be of high price and do

not buy it ultimately. Keeping these attitudes and behaviors of different classes in mind, Ne stlé decided

to start off from the safe side I-e they introduced their fruit yogurt in Islamabad, Lahore, Karachi and

Peshawar. These cities of Pakistan are thickly populated and have relatively high awareness and literacy

rate. We can safely say that this product is targeting “A” class of our country and became popular

among them because of the following characteristics of this class:

“A” class people are mostly literate, knowledgeable, have awareness and the resources to try

out every new food item that comes into the market.

They are much aware of the nutritive values of food and know the advantage or edge of fruit

yogurt over the raw one.

They don’t usually compromise on quality, hygiene and delicacy for price.

This innovation of flavored yogurt with fruit chunks came as good news for fruit lovers.

It became popular among teenagers of this class because it is a healthy alternative junk food etc

Price The ultimate aim of any organization is to set a price that satisfies both the consumers and the


Nestlé Fruit Yogurt comes in a small sized pack of 24 Rupees which is affordable to every socioeconomic

status. The competitors of Nestlé Fruit Yogurt include:


Prime yogurt

& Raw yogurt mainly

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In order to outweigh the competition of raw yogurt which is very cheap and a preference of price-

conscious people, Nestlé Fruit Yogurt comes in a small pack only which is reasonably priced keeping in

consideration its fruit-contents which make it nutritious and tasty. This has been achieved by working on

price strategy which starts by reducing the production costs so as to reduce the sales costs.

Low price feature of the product targets the lower and middle classes too. It is now commonly used as a

substitute to mashed foods for kids and also to junk sugary foods and as a dessert, all because it

combines the benefits of taste, quality and low price and is gaining popularity due to these multiple


Price Level Policies over Product Life Cycle

Price level policies vary according to the life cycle stage product is in at any given time. Therefore pricing

policies are different in introductory, growth, maturity and decline stage. Since Nestlé Fruit Yogurt is in

introductory stage we discuss the pricing policies of introductory stage as under:

Nestlé Fruit Yogurt: Market-Skimming Pricing

The pricing strategy adopted by Nestlé Fruit Yogurt is market-Skimming pricing since it is a consumer

product and has entered market with price of Rs. 24 and also because it fulfills following conditions of

market-penetration pricing.

A large market exists for the product.

Demand is highly elastic.

Economies of scale are possible i.e. substantial reductions in the unit cost of the product can

be achieved through large-scale operations.

Competition for this product already exists in market i.e. raw yogurt which presents a fierce


Proposed Marketing Mix: On the basis of current sales and consumer response to Nestlé Fruit Yogurt, we feel that the current

product line needs change. Nestlé Fruit Yogurt is a product that was essentially made to target adult

males and females but consumer behaviors show that the product is being consumed more by children.

An addition to that is the fact that the targeted literate and health conscious segments of the market

aren’t consuming this product as forecasted due to the fact that with the product’s high nutrition value

it has relatively high fat content.

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To face these issues, we propose that a new product should be introduced in the existing product line.

The new product will overcome the limitations of the current Fruit Yogurts and allow further

penetration into the market and increase market share.

The components of each marketing mix element are combined to provide a cohesive marketing program

which is explained as follows:

Product Strategy Nestlé Yogu Fruits is a new product of Nestlé’s product line in Pakistan. Nestlé is rightly reputed to

offering high-quality, tasty and healthy food items. Keeping that in consideration proposed Nestlé

Yogu Fruits has been made on same lines and is a substitute to sugary junk food items. This product

has all the goodness of milk, fruit and yogurt and to add to it, the product has extremely low fat

content (99% Fat Free). The product is expected to gain popularity and momentum in market due to

the distinctive features of taste and health combined together along with following features:

Size and Package: After the popularity of fruit yogurt with kids, the proposed product now comes in

a family size package so as to be utilized equally by family as a whole. Therefore three different sizes

will be introduced, ranging from small (100 g), medium (200 g) and large (400 g). Following are the

proposed small sized fruit yogurts and its different flavor:

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These are the prototypes of the new Nestle Yogu Fruits in the following flavors:





Mixed Berry

Fat content: The fat content of the product has been reduced to 99 percent which makes it 0.2 g on

fats as compared to 2.00 g of the old product in small size. Similarly all other products in this

product line are low fat attracting and capturing the health conscious consumers.

Nutritional information:

Energy 118kcal-499kg Protein 5.4g Carbohydrates 19.6g Sugars 19.0g Fats 0.2g Saturates 1.3g Fiber 0.1g Sodium 0.1g Calcium 208mg

Other Additions:

Nestle flavored yogurt will have an addition in its product line with a variety of yogurt drinks in

different flavors and top ups yogurt. The prototype of drinking yogurt, yogurt blends (that comes in

a pouch gable top packaging for infants and adults on bed rest), top up yogurt and Crunch are as


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Nestle Yogurt Blends Nestle Yogurt Drink

(Gable Top)

Nestle Yogurt Top Ups Nestle Crunch

Why this is good for you:

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Low Cholesterol low Saturated Fat low Sodium

The young ones are more conscious about their health and diet plans that is why they are using that product because it is fat free However, the low fat content makes it suitable if they are on a low-fat diet plan. The nutrients in fruit yogurt we will tell different benefits related to its nutrients and why you enjoy the

yogurt these would be as follow:

Be fit (it contains calcium which helps in weight management)

Be vital(good source for protein for muscles)

Be comfortable(it helps milk digestion)

Be strong(it has essential calcium for strong bones)

Be nourished(important nutrients for children’s growth)

Be proactive (bacteria for digestive tract)

Be happy(satisfactory part of a healthy life)

Target Market:

Due to the above mentioned new features Nestlé Yogu Fruits now targets adults who are health

conscious on the same basis as the existing product targets infants, kids as well as adults. Due to its

reduced fat-content it is now a best choice for health-conscious people. People can now use it

readily as a dessert without worrying about its fat content affecting their dietary plans.

Where the old fruit yogurt targets only individuals with its small sized pack, it now targets the whole

family with its new packaging and attracts a whole lot of new consumers including infants to adults.

Price Strategy Setting price of a product is one of the most challenging decisions. Pricing is the only “P” in

marketing mix that generates revenue for the organization. As this product is relatively new in the

market, due to the fact that there are fruit yogurts in the market but none with low-fat content and

no direct competitor; Nestlé can choose the following pricing strategy:

Penetration pricing:

This is a pricing strategy that is initially set low to attract customers at the introductory stage.

The price is likely to rise later as the product gains a market share. This pricing will be based

upon market oriented pricing i.e. the price will be set after a research of the markets demand.

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But before we decide on the pricing strategies, a pricing objective needs to be established to achieve

required goals. For this to be useful, the pricing objective management selection must be

compatible with the overall goals set by the firm and the goals for this marketing program. Nestlé

could adopt the following pricing objectives:

Profit Orientation

Sales Orientation

Status quo Orientation

For Nestlé Yogu Fruits to be successful the company first needs to capture a large market share and

to do so the sales volumes need to be increased; thus, the objective is sales orientation. In order to

achieve these objectives Nestlé needs to commit time and money to this marketing program in the

form of a budget. The budgeting process starts with a sales forecast based on estimates of units

expected to be sold-by month, quarter and year. Estimated expenses for the marketing mix activities

comprising the marketing program are estimated and balanced against expected revenues to

estimate the programs’ profitability. This budget is really the “sales” document presented to top

management to gain approval for the budgeted resources to implement the marketing program.

Now that the pricing objectives are set, the pricing strategy needs to be decided on the following


Nestlé Yogu Fruits is a low fat content which is a strong desired feature by target customers.

As the product is unique in its characteristics and it is a value added product, its demand is

fairly inelastic.

A large market exists for the product.

Substantial reductions in unit costs can be achieved through large scale production

(economies of scale).

The product is protected from competition through patents and high plant and equipment


Given the conditions neither a complete market-skimming pricing strategy nor a strict market-

penetrating pricing strategy would best suit the pricing objectives of Nestlé Yogu Fruits. Instead, a

carefully selected price - neither too low nor too high – would allow us to harness all of the

product’s market potentials. The price would be higher than the market-penetrating price level but

would still accomplish in penetrating the mass market immediately and, in doing so, generate

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substantial sales volume and a large market share. The price will not be too high either so as to only

generate lump sums of profit, but will serve its purpose of profit generation. But for this Nestlé

needs to reduce its selling costs by minimizing its production costs which can be achieved through

economies of scale (limit pricing). We recommend the price to be:

Rs.95 for Large size (400 g)

Rs.50 for Medium size (200 g)

Rs.28 for Small size (100 g)

Price Objective

Every marketing activity including pricing should be directed towards a goal. Thus management should

decide on its pricing objective before determining the price itself. Nestlé like a few other firms has

consciously established a pricing objective for fruit yogurt. Following are the common pricing objectives:


To achieve a target return

To maximize profit


To increase sales volume

To maintain or increase market share

Status quo-oriented:

To stabilize prices

To meet competition

Promotion Strategy It would be safe to say that most companies engage in some form of promotional activity every day

of the year. Promotion is one of the four Ps of marketing—price, product, place, and promotion.

Promotion is generally thought of as a sequence of activities designed to inform, convince or to

persuade individuals to purchase a product or support a cause. All of the various tools available to

marketing managers for promotional activities constitute what is known as the promotional mix.

Launch of our new product into the market will be accompanied by an aggressive promotional

campaign. The objective is to make people aware of the new product, distinctive features. and want

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satisfying capability. It also aims at outshining the competition and forcing the customers of the

existing brands to switch to this new product.

After designing our new Yogu Fruits, we set out with the task of promoting its distinctive features. It

is an addition to the Nestlé’s flavored yogurt series but is better than the earlier introductions in the

following ways:

Pineapple flavor (a new one)

Mixed Berry Flavor

Punch Flavor

99% fat free.

Available in the packs of varying sizes (small Rs.28, medium Rs.50, and large Rs.95).

Yogurt Top Pops

Fruit Blends


An attractive and convenient packaging.

Reasonable prices of all yogurt packs.


Marketing managers use different components of the promotional mix as tools for achieving

company objectives—advertising, personal selling, public relations, free sampling on big stores and

sales promotion. Each of these elements can be further divided into additional subcomponents or

strategies. The majority of a company's promotional resources are usually spent on these four

elements for a simple reason: Companies perceive these methods as the most effective means to

promote their products. In the introductory stage of the life cycle of a product, the promotional

campaign should serve the following purposes:



To accomplish these goals, we have planned to utilize every possible and available media of

promotion because this will help ensure the success of our innovation.

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An identified sponsor often thinks of advertising as the paid, non-personal communication used in

the promotion of a cause, idea, product, or service. The various advertising delivery methods include

banners at sporting events, billboards, Internet, web sites, magazines, newspapers, radio spots, and

television commercials. Among the common forms of advertising are advocacy, comparative,

cooperative, informational, institutional, persuasive, product reminder, point-of-purchase, and

specialty. For the selection of an appropriate advertising media for our new product, we will carry

out a “media analysis” which is defined as:

"An investigation into the relative effectiveness and the relative costs of using the various

advertising media in an advertising campaign"

We believe that before committing an advertising budget it is necessary to carry out marketing

research on:

Potential customers.

Their reading habits, television-watching habits.

How many times do we wish the potential customers to see an advertisement?

How great a percentage of the market we wish to reach, etc.

These elements all need to be considered and balanced to plan a campaign that will effectively

reach its target audience at a reasonable cost. After the analysis, we will resort to the following two


Published media

Following are the forms of published media we suggest to be used for advertising the new product.

National daily newspapers

Sunday newspapers

Local and regional newspapers

Consumer magazines

Specialist magazines


Trade and professional press

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We will make sure that our posters and advertisements have their place in every ordinary or famous

magazine and catalog as we are targeting every age group and people belonging to every income -

level. Also, there is no active website of Nestlé Pakistan, we recommend that a website of Nestlé

Pakistan should be launched which includes the all product lines of Nestlé available in Pakistan.

Visual and aural media

Visual and aural media promotion will include:

Television (terrestrial and digital)





Direct mailing

Our message regarding Yogu Fruits:

Sales promotion

We will use sales promotion for a variety of reasons; (1) to attract new product users who will

hopefully turn into loyal consumers who keep buying the product; (2) to reward existing consumers

with a price reduction, thereby maintaining their loyalty; and (3) to encourage repeat sales from

occasional consumers. We will use a variety of sales promotion tactics to increase sales, including

advertising specialties, point-of-purchase displays and samples.


We have decided to distribute free samples of our innovation to the visi tors in different

departmental stores like Al-Fateh and Jalal Sons. The largest drawback of free samples is their high

cost. However, we expect that the associated sales will offset the initial cost of the free samples.

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As already proposed we are going to launch our product in the holy month of Ramadan. Nestle is

going to sponsor a TV program that would take about fifteen minutes. In this TV program the chef is

going to make dessert that will use Nestle Yogu Fruits as a compulsory product which will give our

consumers awareness about the usage and health benefits of our product. This show will probably

be shown on HUM TV and the timings will be an hour before the iftari timings.

Advertising specialties

We will frequently create and give away everyday items with our printed name and logo such as

caps and coffee mugs in different departmental stores.


Positive public relations are essential for a company's relation with its suppliers. Suppliers are most

concerned about being paid for the product they are selling to a company. Since our suppliers are

generally not paid until ten to twenty days after delivery of the raw material or product, they don’t

make a fuss because of their faith in our ability to pay the bills. But any negative news regarding our

financial position in the absence of a full and complete explanation from our public relations

department may result in a damaged reputation with suppliers. Suppliers could stop shipping their

products or demand that payment is made at the time of delivery. No option is appealing to us and

both could cause critical delays in getting our products to market. In order to avoid such trouble , we

do our best to maintain our positive position and goodwill in the eyes of public.

Place (Distribution) Strategy: This is a strategy by which we will get our product in the range of our customers at a proper time and a

proper place. Presently, the distribution seems just fine and no proposal needs to be made to alter the

distribution channel in any way. But there is a problem with the retailers shelving ability. Like its

previous contemporary Fruit Yogurts, this product also has to be kept at a temperature between 0-4

degrees and hence requires good chillers (refrigerators) for storage at retail stores. Nestlé must provide

retailers with appropriate sized chillers having effective temperature maintenance.

Nestlé needs to make sure that no one leaves the factory without a sample whether its delivery persons,

meter readers etc. We need to be free with samples, give them to people walking past restaurants or

inside the departmental store because it is proven by an expert that whatever you give away comes

back to you manifold.

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We are proposing to introduce our products initially in Lahore, Karachi, Islamabad, Faisalabad,

Rawalpindi and Multan. We will be introducing our in departmental store that has good chilling facilities.

Nestle will also provide some of its retailers with small chillers that will be placed near the point of

purchase that could help attract more customers and increase the sales. In Lahore we will be launching

our product in Al-Fateh, Jalal Sons, Metro, Macro, Hyper Star and Pet shops at Petrol Pumps.
