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Nessan’s NewsletterDecember Edition 2010

The school choir pictured with Ms.Dennison, Ms. Dunne, Ms. Patton and Ms. Kierce-Ayers

The L.I.T. Christmas fair in aid of St. Vincent De Paul is an experience everyone one should have al least once. On Thursday the 9th of December, the second year students braved the elements and headed for L.I.T. On Main Street L.I.T they experienced a winter wonderland of stalls and activities such as a bake sale, guess theballoons in the car, raffle for a hamper, Mrs. Clause Grotto and Waxing to name but a few. Thanks to the second year class tutors, Ms. Toomey, Ms. Aherne & Ms. Campbell Cuddihy who accompanied the group. The school choir rose to occasion with a selection of Christmas carols and songs by both staff and students.

Ding Dong Merrily on High

Thank you so much to all the nanas and granddads who joined with the first years and Ms. Patton in celebrating Nana & Granddad’s Day on the 14th of October. 1DN wrote fantastic poems and stories about their grandparents and mass was celebrated by Fr. Seevers in St. Lelia’s. 1st year nanas and granddads joined us for mass and we had a party at the back of the church afterwards. We would like to sincerely thank Nanas, Granddads, Fr. Seevers, Ms. Patton and those who helped us at the church. Our grandparents play a huge role in our lives and we were delighted to acknowledge this. Happy Christmas Nanas and Granddads, see you here again in 2011.

1st DecD.E.A.R.2nd Dec

Music in theHub Begins

3rd DecDELL visit by

2DE/2DITY visit

Northside Learning Hub6th Dec

Shakespearian WorkshopsContinue, 2DE/TY

7th Dec2DE and Ms. Patton CoffeeMorning for” Global Gifts”

8th DecComhairle Na Nogin Thomond Park

9th Dec6th Year Talk on STI’S& Sexual Awareness,LIT Christmas Fair,

2nd Year attendLIT Christmas Fair,

School Choir Perform13th Dec

Shakespearean WorkshopConclude today 2DE/TY

14th DecU18’s vs. Rockwell College.

16th DecMoyross Community Centre,

Christmas Lunch, Students attend3DE Raffle in aid ofOur lady’s Hospitalfor Sick Children,

Crumlin17th Dec

TY Bag Packing atEuro Spar, Moyross for TY Funds

House Exams begin today21st Dec

Father Daly Food Appeal,“A Gift That’s Local”

22nd DecChristmas CelebrationConcert – all invited.

23rd DecChristmas Holidays- Hurrah!!

25th Dec

Christmas Day

Staff Zone22nd December

Christmas Concert 11.15 - 12.30

23rd December Kris Kindle

Christmas Holidays

Congratulations to Mike & Clare on their recent engagement

All here at the news letter, Ms. Toomey, Mr. O’Connor and the students wish all our readers a very Happy Christmas and a

Happy New Year.

Nana & Grandad Day

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year from all the staff at St.Nessan’s Community College

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Our Leaving Certificate Applied Students have just returned from a very successful two week work placement which began on the 22nd November and finished on the 3rd of December. Work Placement is a vital and compulsory part of the Vocational Preparation & Guidance Course in LCA. It provides an opportunity for students to explore career options and try out job seeking and work place skills acquired during the course of the programme. The Work Placement Programme always proves to be an enriching learning experience. The School and Students would sincerely like to thank the following Businesses and Organisations for the opportunity they so kindly gave to our students in offering them a placement.Ferrcoole LTD, Foxes Bow, William Street, Limerick; Barbara Birmingham, Football Association of Ireland, Limerick, Petmania, Jetland Shopping Centre, Ennis Road, Limerick, Eurospar, Watch House Cross, Limerick, Champion Sports, Cruises Street, Limer-ick, Thomond Tyres, Unit D Monabraher Centre, Kileely Road, Limerick, Maple Leaf Stables, Coonagh, Limerick, D-Tops Granite Worktops, Station Road, Newcastlewest, Co. Limerick, Debenhams, O’Connell Street, Limerick,, Ceim ar Ceim, Moyross Enterprise Centre, Limerick, Speedlineline Engineering, 7 Factories, Knocklisheen, Road, Limerick.The Leaving Certificate Applied students would also like to thank their teachers Ms. D. Brennan, Ms E. Beaumont, Ms. M O’Brien and Ms. M O’Sullivan for preparing them for their work placement; Ms. E. Brennan for organising the placements and paperwork and all their class teachers for monitoring them while on their placements.

Leaving Certificate Applied Work Placement

Poetry rocks my world The English department in St. Nessan’s Community College can be proud of all its first year students. Ms. Heffernan, Ms. O Brien and Ms. Brennan were delighted with the fantastic response to their Poetry Competition by all first year students. J.C.S.P. Certificates were presented to the students by their teachers. Photographs are on their way home to the proud parents.

Folders the colours of the rainbowWhat an explosion of wonderful ideas these new J.C.S.P. Folders have unleashed. Reading will never be the same again with Word Millionaires, Magnificent Seven, Perfect Poets, and Great Reads. First year students are the champions of the D.E.A.R. reading project under the guidance of Ms. Toomey. Hip, Hip, Hurray.!

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Transition Year News JCSP News Anthony Quinn, Grainne Hackett, Christopher Mc Inerney, Jody King, Dylan Graham and Alan Kelly went down to Thomond Park on Thursday the 9th December 2010. When we got down there we got name tags. We had to find our matching partners. We got split into groups with all different schools in Limerick. We went into groups numbered 1 to 7. We went into rooms with different Leaders. We went in and played games and introduced ourselves. We made a poster about people being bullied all over Limerick. Then we went on a tour around Thomond Park .We went into the player’s dressing rooms and looked at all the Munster things in there. We went in and watched a short video about the Munster team. We went onto the pitch and looked around. At the end we got our posters that our groups made and presented them to all the other groups in the conference room. We had a great day and hope to do it again. It was a great learning experience and it really opened our eyes to they world of public speaking and standing up in front of a group of people and speaking aloud. The Student Council from St. Nessan’s also attended and found the day interesting and informative.

Thomond Park - Comhairle

To be, or not to be; that is the question!Monday is proving to be a busy day for the TY Students as they participate each week in a Shakespearean Drama Workshop. The Shakespearean workshops are being organised by the Belltable Theatre in conjunction with Paul Partnership. The aims of the workshops, which ran over four weeks, were to bring Shakespeare to life in the classroom. Through the live performances of two actors and a director – Aidan Crowe, Georgina Miller and director Gene Rooney, Shakespeare becomes more understandable, more enjoyable and dare we say it – even fun! The students really got into the drama and enjoyed role play, character development, and improvisation. In a way, these workshops develop new audiences and make drama more real to the average student.“Goodnight, goodnight, Parting is such sweet sorrow”

TY COMMUNITY PLACEMENT“I taught it was really good and interesting at Moyross community Centre, I would go back their again”. Anthony.“I went to St. Camillus’ hospital for my community placement there I was part of the activities team. I enjoyed the experience and it has opened my mind to a possible career in support services”. Arron.“I worked in St. Munchin’s Community centre – putting up decorations and working in the kitchen. It was great and I would do it again”. Grainne.“I learnt a lot about the care of older people and how best to interact with them. It was very demanding but worth while” Ellen“I worked in St. Camillus’ hospital for a week. I loved it there and really got to know all the patients”. Shannon.“I worked in Moyross Community Centre – I really enjoyed it”. Danielle.“I also worked in Moyross Community Centre , it was a great learning experience and I have lots of fond memories”. Angelique.“I worked at St. Munchin’s Community Centre , hard but worth while”. Edward.“We worked at St. Munchin’s Family Resource Centre in Ballynanty We really enjoyed the ‘Monday Club’ where we gave out dinners and played pool with the senior citizens. We cleaned gutters and made the place look great !”. Jody and Christopher“I worked at St. Camillus’ hospital – great training for a career in the health services”. Luke“A very valuable week off school, a great learning experience”. John“I worked at St. Munchin’s Community Centre. We put up the Christmas decorations in the café and invented a new smoothie flavour!!” Dylan“We both worked at the Moyross Community Centre – our duties included reception, crèche, computerised budgeting, C.V’s. Many thanks to Martin Sinnott for his parting present”. Alan.

Northside Learning HubWe went down to the Northside Learning Hub on Monday the 13th December 2010. We went down and talked about what kind of film do we want to do after Christmas. Then we went to the desks and wrote down ideas about what we were going to do. We got split into groups of five and decided what kind of film we were going to make. Most of us wanted to do a Comedy for our film. We are looking forward to doing the film. James from the Northside Learning Hub is going to help us to compose the film and plenty of other people down in the Hub. Our TY will enjoy it and can’t wait. By Anthony Quinn, TY.

Poetry rocks my world The English department in St. Nessan’s Community College can be proud of all its first year students. Ms. Heffernan, Ms. O Brien and Ms. Brennan were delighted with the fantastic response to their Poetry Competition by all first year students. J.C.S.P. Certificates were presented to the students by their teachers. Photographs are on their way home to the proud parents.

The French department wishes to all students a Merry Christmas and Bonne Chance pour les Examens!!!A l’Année prochaine. Mesdames Dwan and André

Joyeux Noël!

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Layout & Design: Michael O’ Connor (Smile SCP), Photography: Mr. O’ Connor & Ms. Campbell Cuddihy. Senior Editor: Ms. Toomey & Ms. Beaumont. Sub-Editor: Arron Moloney & Luke Morrosey. Sport’s reporters: Anthony Quinn, Christopher Mc Inerney. Typists: Shannon O Neill, Danielle Quinn, Jody King. Research: Alan Kelly, Daniel Ryan, John Daly & Edward O’ Keeffe. Reporters: Angelique Coughlan, Ellen Hogan & Grainne Hackett.

Green greetings to one and allOver this holiday season after the festivities, sprinkle a little love in the direction of our environment.This month I’ve included a list of household recycling facilities in Limerick City to recycle the evidence of feeling a little Green!!!!

SITE Green







/Food cans

Plastics Textiles Christmas


Moyross Community


! ! ! ! !

Read Below

Euro spar Watchhouse


! ! ! ! !

Woodview ! ! ! ! St. Camillus ! ! ! ! O Callaghans

Strand ! ! !

Jetland SC ! ! ! ! Christmas Energy Saving Tips

We need to keep warm and cosy at this time of year, but we can also avoid wasting heat by 1. Using a timer for the heating 2. Keeping curtains closed 3. Shutting the doors in the house. Using L.E.D. lights or Light emitting diodes make great Christmas Lights because1.LED’s are more energy efficient than traditional incandescent light bulbs2.LED’s last longer 3. L.E.D’s come in many colours.

Wild LifeDon’t forget to feed the birds, dogs, cats, horses & reindeers with food and water over the holiday season especially if the weather is ideal for Santa Claus visit.

Jessica Lambe you are our ‘Star’ this month. Quite, reserved Jessica is a young girl with lots of determination, motivation and commitment. She is a member of the’ Flawless Dance Academy’, winning titles at local and national level. Jessica appeared on the Late Late Toy Show as part of the Dance Act she even managed a wave to all her family and friends on the night. We are so proud and delighted to have a fantastic talent like Jessica in St. Nessan’s Community College. Sensational, incredible, fantabulous that’s our Jessica.

Our Student Spotlight

First and second year basketballThe first and second year girls’ basketball teams have both been busy over the past number of weeks. Our first match took place in Villiers on Friday the 26th of November. Both teams played extremely well and although they lost we had a great day out. The following Tuesday saw Castletroy College coming to our school. They were a very strong team and I was very proud of the performance by both teams. Training for both teams takes place on Monday after school from 3.30 – 4.30 all girls need to attend as there will be a number of matches after Christmas. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank both Rebecca long and Lisa Roche (5DE) for their great help during both of these games.

On a frosty icy morning, December 6th, we set off at 9am on the dot with Ms. O’ Sullivan, the guidance counsellor to explore DELL as a place of employment. The trip was organised by Junior Achievement and we also do a programme called

The Economics of Staying in School with Mr. Kieran Moloney once a week. When we got to DELL we had to go through security, give our names and wear an ID badge. Then we met some of the em-ployees, including a past pupil of the school, Declan Moane. We were shown different types of software and hardware in-

cluding a 3D game system called Alienware! We were told a lot about DELL. We also got a nice lunch. After the break we broke into groups of five and did a mini-company competition. We had to come up with a Product, Price it, sell in somewhere –Place it and Promote it.

The class came up with Christmas trees, Scarves, Dappy hats and Maximise – a shoe you design yourself to suit your needs. My team got first prize for our shoe brand and we were presented with Junior Achieve-ment backpacks. The other members of the team were Calvin Prendergast, Dervla Ryan and Hayley Vaughan. It was both a fun and educational trip and we enjoyed it and appreciate the chance to learn outside the classroom. By Evan Kelly

2nd Years go to DELL!In a relatively quiet month for sport, the U18’s took another step to qualifying for the semi-finals of the North Munster Cup by drawing away to Rockwell College. The game which finished 2 - 2 was enough to move St. Nessan’s to the top of their qualifying group. St. Nessan’s took the lead early when Dean O Brien blasted in a free kick from 25yards out. Failing to capitalise on a good start, Nessan’s allowed Rockwell back into the game and nearly paid the ultimate price when Rockwell scored with minutes remaining. However, with seconds left, good interplay between Adrian Mitchell, Alex Purcell and Dean O Brien created an opening which Dean O Brien finished superbly to level the game. A win in their final game would see Nessan’s top their group and have home advantage for the semi-final game. MOM : Dean O Brien

Soccer Update

Layout & Design: Michael O’ Connor (Smile SCP), Senior Editor:Ms. Toomey & Ms. Beaumont. Sub-Editor: Arron Moloney & Luke Morrosey. Sport’s reporters: Anthony Quinn, Christopher Mc Inerney. Typists: Shannon O Neill, Danielle Quinn, Jody King. Research: Alan Kelly, Daniel Ryan, John Daly & Edward O’ Keeffe. Reporters: Angelique Coughlan, Ellen Hogan & Grainne Hackett.