
NERC DataGrid and CSML

NDG Team

CSML: Context

• NERC DataGrid: the integration problem– multiple organisations, formats, storage

mechanisms (file, relational)– only commonality is data semantics

CSML – benefits of explicit semantics

• Aim is to be as explicit as possible about semantics of information classes

• Offer significant potential for advanced processing workflows

• Reduce representation errors (e.g. omitting key attributes)

• ‘Conventions’ approach is fragile

CSML – benefits of geospatial standards

• Interoperability!!

• Expanded user-base

• Enhanced ROI

• Compliance to emerging SDI infrastructures


• Directive of EU, passed EP this month– 10-year+ program, €1bn– Based on standards

The potential






Background: ‘feature types’

• Emerging ISO standards– TC211 – around

40 standards for geographic information

– Cover activity spectrum: discovery access use A geospatial dataset…

…consists of features and related objects…

…in a defined logical structure…

…delivered through services…

…and described by metadata.

ISO 19101Domain Reference Model

[from ISO 19109 “Geographic information – Rules for Application Schema”]

Background: ‘feature types’• Geographic ‘features’

– “abstraction of real world phenomena” [ISO 19101]

– Type or instance– Encapsulate important

semantics in universe of discourse

• Application schema– Defines semantic content and

logical structure of datasets– ISO standards provide toolkit:

• spatial/temporal referencing• geometry (1-, 2-, 3-D)• topology• dictionaries (phenomena,

units, etc.)– GML – canonical encoding

Standards-based modelling

• The standards-based approach– “Conceptual modelling is the process of creating an abstract

description of some portion of the real world and/or a set of related concepts.” (ISO 19101)


Universe of discourse






Feature types

ISO 19103

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <schema targetNamespace="" xmlns="" xmlns:csml="" xmlns:om="" xmlns:gml="" elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified" version="0.1"> <annotation> <documentation>CSML application schema</documentation> </annotation> <!--====================================================================== --> <import namespace="" schemaLocation="GML-3.1.0/base/gml.xsd"/> <import namespace="" schemaLocation="phenomenon.xsd"/> <!--====================================================================== --> <!--===== Root element for CSML dataset =====--> <!--====================================================================== --> <complexType name="DatasetType"> <complexContent> <extension base="gml:AbstractGMLType"> <sequence> <element ref="csml:UnitDefinitions" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> <element ref="csml:ReferenceSystemDefinitions" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> <element ref="csml:PhenomenonDefinitions" minOccurs="0"/> <element ref="csml:_ArrayDescriptor" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> <element ref="gml:FeatureCollection" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> </sequence> </extension> </complexContent> </complexType> <element name="Dataset" type="csml:DatasetType"/> <!--====================================================================== --> <!--===== Dictionary/definition elements =====--> <!--====================================================================== --> <complexType name="ReferenceSystemDefinitionsType"> <complexContent> <extension base="gml:DictionaryType"/> </complexContent> </complexType> <element name="ReferenceSystemDefinitions" type="csml:ReferenceSystemDefinitionsType"/> <complexType name="ReferenceSystemDefinitionsPropertyType"> <sequence> <element ref="csml:ReferenceSystemDefinitions" minOccurs="0"/> </sequence> <attributeGroup ref="gml:AssociationAttributeGroup"/> </complexType>

Application schema

ISO 19109


ISO 19110 <gml:definitionMember> <om:Phenomenon gml:id="taxon"> <gml:description>The taxon name</gml:description> <gml:name codeSpace="">taxon</gml:name> </om:Phenomenon> </gml:definitionMember> </NDGPhenomenonDefinitions> <!--===================================================================--> <gml:FeatureCollection> <!-- ============================================================== --> <gml:featureMember> <NDGPointFeature gml:id="ICES_100"> <NDGPointDomain> <domainReference> <NDGPosition srsName="urn:EPSG:geographicCRS:4979" axisLabels="Lat Long" uomLabels="degree degree"> <location>55.25 6.5</location> </NDGPosition> </domainReference> </NDGPointDomain> <gml:rangeSet> <gml:DataBlock> <gml:rangeParameters> <gml:CompositeValue> <gml:valueComponents> <gml:measure uom="#tn"/> <gml:measure uom="#amount"/> <gml:measure uom="#gsm"/> </gml:valueComponents> </gml:CompositeValue> </gml:rangeParameters> <gml:tupleList> 'ANTHOZOA',63.1,missing 'Scoloplos armiger',66.1,missing 'Spio filicornis',10,missing 'Spiophanes bombyx',60.3,missing 'Capitellidae',131.8,missing 'Pholoe',10,missing 'Owenia fusiformis',23.4,missing 'Hypereteone lactea',6.8,missing 'Anaitides groenlandica',13.2,missing 'Anaitides mucosa',6.8,missing

ISO 19118

The “general feature model”

Governance in standards-based modelling• The importance of governance

– Information community defined by shared semantics– Need community process to manage those semantics (definitions,

models, vocabularies, taxonomies, etc.)– e.g. CF conventions for netCDF files– Role of Feature Type Catalogues [ISO 19110] and registers [ISO


• Governance as driver for granularity– Remit / interest determines appropriate granularity– e.g. IOC, IHO, WMO

abstract generic highly specialised

feature types spectrum

<temperatureProfile/><measurement type=“Radiosonde” measurand=“temperature”/> <Sonde parameter=“temperature”/>

CSML ambition

• The CSML ‘niche’– set of base feature types for specialising or

using as-iscd CSML future

CF v ocab Obs & Meas

Climate CRS


+ GridSeriesFeature

+ ProfileSeriesFeatureMyModel

+ Ensemble

+ EnsembleMember

+ Mooring


«import» «import»


cd MyModel


+ domainSet: = Profi leSeriesDomain+ parameter: om:Phenomenon+ rangeSet:


+ averaging: + blowover: + deploymentEnd: + deploymentStart:


+ domainSet: = GridSeriesDomain+ parameter: om:Phenomenon+ rangeSet:


+ ensembleParameters:


+ memberNumber: + paramValues:


What is CSML?

British OceanographicData Centre

British AtmosphericData Centre

ISO standards

‘Governance Principle’

Climate Science Modelling Language




+domainSet : AbstractDomain+coverageFunction : MappingRule




+track : Trajectory


+domainSet : ProfileDomain


+domainSet : PointDomain



+domainSet : GridDomain


+domainSet : PointSeriesDomain


+domainSet : ProfileSeriesDomain



+domainSet : GridSeriesDomain


{domainSet.domainReference = Position}

{domainSet.domainReference = Trajectory}

OGC Obs & Meas::Phenomenon




+scanOrder[0..1] : Sequence<IncrementOrder>




<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><schema targetNamespace="" xmlns="" xmlns:csml="" xmlns:om="" xmlns:gml="" elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified" version="0.1"> <annotation> <documentation>CSML application schema</documentation> </annotation> <!--====================================================================== --> <import namespace="" schemaLocation="GML-3.1.0/base/gml.xsd"/> <import namespace="" schemaLocation="phenomenon.xsd"/> <!--====================================================================== --> <!--===== Root element for CSML dataset =====--> <!--====================================================================== --> <complexType name="DatasetType"> <complexContent> <extension base="gml:AbstractGMLType"> <sequence> <element ref="csml:UnitDefinitions" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> <element ref="csml:ReferenceSystemDefinitions" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> <element ref="csml:PhenomenonDefinitions" minOccurs="0"/> <element ref="csml:_ArrayDescriptor" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> <element ref="gml:FeatureCollection" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> </sequence> </extension> </complexContent> </complexType> <element name="Dataset" type="csml:DatasetType"/> <!--====================================================================== --> <!--===== Dictionary/definition elements =====--> <!--====================================================================== --> <complexType name="ReferenceSystemDefinitionsType"> <complexContent> <extension base="gml:DictionaryType"/> </complexContent> </complexType> <element name="ReferenceSystemDefinitions" type="csml:ReferenceSystemDefinitionsType"/> <complexType name="ReferenceSystemDefinitionsPropertyType"> <sequence> <element ref="csml:ReferenceSystemDefinitions" minOccurs="0"/> </sequence> <attributeGroup ref="gml:AssociationAttributeGroup"/> </complexType>

Conceptual model Schemas


CSML Version Two

• CSML v2– More explicit/expanded feature types:

• Swath• ProfileSeries{Radar, Section, ProfileSeries}• Lost ‘composite domain pattern’

– GML 3.2 ( ISO 19136)– removed ‘storage descriptors’ from core

CSML schema– ‘affordance’ (i.e. FT behaviour)– O&M

CSML and O&M• OGC ‘Observations and Measurements’cd O&M


«FeatureType»observ ation::Observ ation

+ quality: DQ_DataQuality [0..1]+ responsible: CI_ResponsibleParty [0..1]+ result: Any


+ procedureUse: ProcedureEvent+ standardProcedure: ProcedureSystem



«FeatureType»Feature Types::


+ location: DirectPosition [0..1]


Cov erage Types::ProfileSeriesCov erage

+/ domainSet: ProfileSeriesDomain+/ rangeSet: Record [0..*]

+generatedObservation 0..*

+procedure 1


1{Definition must be of a phenomenon that is a property of the featureOfInterest}





An Observation is an Event whose result is an estimate of the value of some Property of the Feature-of-interest, obtained using a specified Procedure


CSML AbstractFeature• Provides common model for all CSML feature

types• Supports OGC Observations and Measurements

model• Each CSML feature:

– has a type (with operations and required attributes), the ‘affordance’ concept

– represents some physical ‘parameter’ (Phenomenon)– has a ‘value’ property which is a coverage (with

domain and range) – the domain is often a subclass of ReferenceableGrid

– may have additional attributes providing ‘reference’ spatio-temporal location parameters

CSML Abstract Featurecd Abstract CSML Feature







Discrete Cov erages::CV_DiscreteCoverage

+ locate(DirectPosition*) : Set<CV_GeometryValuePair>

Coverage Types::CSMLCoverage

+/ rangeSet: Record [0..*]

«ObjectType»Domain geometries::







CSML ReferenceableGrid

• Implementation of ISO 19123 CV_ReferenceableGrid, missing from GML

• Subject of OGC GML Change Request (doc 06-160)

• Analagous to CF – grid locations specified for each axis of CRS

• Efficiency allowed when CRS axis aligned with grid axis

• Supports both spatial and temporal (and compound) CRS

ReferenceableGrid subclassescd ReferenceableGrid subclasses



+ coordTransformTable: GridCoodinatesTable::Grid+ AxisName: string [1..*]+ limits: GridEnvelope::AbstractGeometry+ srsName: anyURI::AbstractGML+ description: CharacterString [0..1]+ id: ID+ name: GenericName [0..*]





* 3- or 4-d Grid

* 3- or 4-d compositeCRS: - 2- or 3-d spatial - 1-d temporal

* 2-d Grid

* 2-d composite CRS: - 1-d spatial - 1-d temporal«ObjectType»


* 1-d Grid

* 2-, 3- or 4-d composite CRS: - 1-, 2-, or 3-d spatial - 1-d temporal





* 2-d Grid

* 3-d spatial CRS

* One grid axis aligned with CRS 'z' axis

* 2-d Grid

* 2-d Azimth-Range CRS

+crs +crs



CSML v2 Feature TypesFeature type Description Example

PointFeature Single point measurement. raingauge measurement

PointSeriesFeature Time-series of single datum measurements at a fixed location in space.

tidegauge, rainfall timeseries

TrajectoryFeature Measurement along a discrete path in time and space.

surface salinity along a ship’s cruise track; atmospheric aerosols along an aircraft’s flight path

PointCollectionFeature Collection of distributed single datum measurements at a particular time

2m temperatures measured at weather stations across the UK at 0600z.

ProfileFeature Single ‘profile’ of some parameter along a vertical line in space.

wind sounding, XBT, CTD, radiosonde

ProfileSeriesFeature Time-series of profiles on fixed vertical levels at a fixed location

vertical radar timeseries, thermistor chain timeseries

RaggedProfileSeriesFeature Time-series of unequal-length profiles, but on fixed vertical levels, at a fixed location

repeat daily balloon soundings of atmospheric temperature from the same location

SectionFeature Series of profiles from positions along a trajectory in time and space.

shipborne ADCP

RaggedSectionFeature Series of profiles of unequal length along a trajectory in time and space

marine CTD measurements along a ship’s cruise track

ScanningRadarFeature Backscatter profiles along a look direction at fixed elevation but rotating in azimuth

weather radar

GridFeature Single time-snapshot of a gridded field. gridded analysis field

GridSeriesFeature Time-series of gridded parameter fields numerical weather prediction model, ocean general circulation model

SwathFeature Two-dimensional grid of data along a satellite ground-path

AVHRR satellite imagery

PointFeaturecd PointFeature


Discrete Cov erages::CV_DiscretePointCov erage

+ find(DirectPosition*, Integer*) : Sequence<CV_PointValuePair>+ list() : Set<CV_PointValuePair>+ locate(DirectPosition*) : Set<CV_PointValuePair>


+ location: DirectPosition+ time: TM_Position [0..1]




+ location: DirectPosition+ time: TM_Position [0..1]+ value: PointCoverage

Need to separate out time from coverage domain,as GML does not allow compound spatiotemporal position.

Cov erage Types::PointCoverage

+/ domainSet: GM_Point+/ rangeSet: Record [0..*]





PointSeriesFeaturecd PointSeriesFeature


«Type»Domain geometries::TimeSeriesDomain

+ time: Sequence<TM_Instant>

Cov erage Types::PointSeriesCov erage

+/ domainSet: TimeSeriesDomain+/ rangeSet: Record [0..*]




+ location: DirectPosition [0..1]


+ location: DirectPosition [0..1]+ value: PointSeriesCoverage

+ extractPointFeature() : PointFeature+ extractPointSeriesFeature() : PointSeriesFeature

Need efficient implementation of Sequence<TM_Instant> - some kind of TimePositionList. NB O&M SWEBase has TimeGrid and TimeInstantGrid for regular temporal spacing; also TimePositionList for arbitrary sequence of times.


Discrete Cov erages::CV_DiscreteCoverage

+ locate(DirectPosition*) : Set<CV_GeometryValuePair>




ProfileFeaturecd ProfileFeature


Discrete Cov erages::CV_DiscretePointCov erage

+ find(DirectPosition*, Integer*) : Sequence<CV_PointValuePair>+ list() : Set<CV_PointValuePair>+ locate(DirectPosition*) : Set<CV_PointValuePair>

Cov erage Types::ProfileCoverage

+/ domainSet: GM_PointArray+/ rangeSet: Record [0..*]

constraints{domainSet is vertical array of points}


+ location: DirectPosition [0..1]+ time: TM_Position [0..1]




+ location: DirectPosition [0..1]+ time: TM_Position [0..1]+ value: ProfileCoverage

+ extractPoint() : PointFeature+ extractProfile() : ProfileFeature





PointCollectionFeaturecd PointCollectionFeature


Discrete Cov erages::CV_DiscretePointCov erage

+ find(DirectPosition*, Integer*) : Sequence<CV_PointValuePair>+ list() : Set<CV_PointValuePair>+ locate(DirectPosition*) : Set<CV_PointValuePair>


+ time: TM_Position [0..1]




+ time: TM_Position [0..1]+ value: CV_DiscretePointCoverage

+ extractPointCollectionFeature() : PointCollectionFeature+ extractPointFeature() : PointFeature




ProfileSeriesFeaturecd ProfileSeriesFeature

Cov erage Types::ProfileSeriesCov erage

+/ domainSet: ProfileSeriesDomain+/ rangeSet: Record [0..*]


+ location: DirectPosition [0..1]




Discrete Cov erages::CV_DiscreteGridPointCov erage

+ find(DirectPosition*, Integer*) : Sequence<CV_GridPointValuePair>+ list() : Set<CV_GridPointValuePair>+ locate(DirectPosition*) : Set<CV_GridPointValuePair>+ point(CV_GridCoordinate*) : CV_GridPointValuePair


+ location: DirectPosition [0..1]+ value: ProfileSeriesCoverage

+ extractPoint() : PointFeature+ extractPointSeries() : PointSeriesFeature+ extractProfile() : ProfileFeature+ extractProfileSeries() : ProfileSeriesFeature


«ObjectType»Domain geometries::ProfileSeriesDomain

ProfileSeriesDomain is 2-d (z and t)




RaggedProfileSeriesFeaturecd RaggedProfileSeriesFeature




+ location: DirectPosition [0..1]+ profileLength: int [0..*]


+ location: DirectPosition [0..1]+ profileLength: int [0..*]+ value: ProfileSeriesCoverage

+ extractPointFeature() : PointFeature+ extractPointSeriesFeature() : PointSeriesFeature+ extractProfileFeature() : ProfileFeature+ extractRaggedProfileSeriesFeature() : RaggedProfileSeriesFeature

Cov erage Types::ProfileSeriesCov erage

+/ domainSet: ProfileSeriesDomain+/ rangeSet: Record [0..*]


Discrete Cov erages::CV_DiscreteGridPointCov erage

+ find(DirectPosition*, Integer*) : Sequence<CV_GridPointValuePair>+ list() : Set<CV_GridPointValuePair>+ locate(DirectPosition*) : Set<CV_GridPointValuePair>+ point(CV_GridCoordinate*) : CV_GridPointValuePair


«ObjectType»Domain geometries::ProfileSeriesDomain

ProfileSeriesDomain is 2-d (z and t)





SectionFeaturecd SectionFeature




Discrete Cov erages::CV_DiscreteGridPointCov erage

+ find(DirectPosition*, Integer*) : Sequence<CV_GridPointValuePair>+ list() : Set<CV_GridPointValuePair>+ locate(DirectPosition*) : Set<CV_GridPointValuePair>+ point(CV_GridCoordinate*) : CV_GridPointValuePair


+ stationLocations: DirectPosition [0..*]+ stationTimes: TM_Position [0..*]


+ stationLocations: DirectPosition [0..*]+ stationTimes: TM_Position [0..*]+ value: SectionCoverage

+ extractPointFeature() : PointFeature+ extractProfileFeature() : ProfileFeature+ extractTrajectory() : TrajectoryFeature

Cov erage Types::SectionCoverage

+/ domainSet: SectionDomain+/ rangeSet: Record [0..*]


«ObjectType»Domain geometries::






RaggedSectionFeaturecd RaggedSectionFeature


+ profileLength: int [0..*]+ stationLocations: DirectPosition [0..*]+ stationTimes: TM_Position [0..*]




+ profileLength: int [0..*]+ stationLocations: DirectPosition [0..*]+ stationTimes: TM_Position [0..*]+ value: SectionCoverage

+ extractPointFeature() : PointFeature+ extractProfileFeature() : ProfileFeature+ extractTrajectory() : TrajectoryFeature


Discrete Cov erages::CV_DiscreteGridPointCov erage

+ find(DirectPosition*, Integer*) : Sequence<CV_GridPointValuePair>+ list() : Set<CV_GridPointValuePair>+ locate(DirectPosition*) : Set<CV_GridPointValuePair>+ point(CV_GridCoordinate*) : CV_GridPointValuePair

Cov erage Types::SectionCoverage

+/ domainSet: SectionDomain+/ rangeSet: Record [0..*]


«ObjectType»Domain geometries::






SwathFeaturecd SwathFeature

Cov erage Types::ReferenceableGridCov erage

+/ domainSet: ReferenceableGrid+/ rangeSet: Record [0..*]


Discrete Cov erages::CV_DiscreteGridPointCov erage

+ find(DirectPosition*, Integer*) : Sequence<CV_GridPointValuePair>+ list() : Set<CV_GridPointValuePair>+ locate(DirectPosition*) : Set<CV_GridPointValuePair>+ point(CV_GridCoordinate*) : CV_GridPointValuePair




+ eqCrossLon: Value [0..1]+ eqCrossTime: TM_Position [0..1]

Should have bounding polygon (though not implemented in GML)


+ eqCrossLon: Value [0..1]+ eqCrossTime: TM_Position [0..1]+ value: ReferenceableGridCoverage

+ extractGrid() : GridFeature+ extractPoint() : PointFeature+ extractPointCollection() : PointCollectionFeature+ extractSwath() : SwathFeature

Perhaps should restrict associated coverage to a two-dimensional subclass of ReferenceableGrid.




GridFeaturecd GridFeature

Cov erage Types::ReferenceableGridCov erage

+/ domainSet: ReferenceableGrid+/ rangeSet: Record [0..*]


+ time: TM_Position


Discrete Cov erages::CV_DiscreteGridPointCov erage

+ find(DirectPosition*, Integer*) : Sequence<CV_GridPointValuePair>+ list() : Set<CV_GridPointValuePair>+ locate(DirectPosition*) : Set<CV_GridPointValuePair>+ point(CV_GridCoordinate*) : CV_GridPointValuePair




+ time: TM_Position+ value: ReferenceableGridCoverage

+ extractGrid() : GridFeature+ extractPoint() : PointFeature+ extractPointCollection() : PointCollectionFeature+ extractProfile() : Profi leFeature+ extractSection() : SectionFeature





GridSeriesFeaturecd GridSeriesFeature

Cov erage Types::GridSeriesCov erage

+/ domainSet: GridSeriesDomain+/ rangeSet: Record [0..*]


Discrete Cov erages::CV_DiscreteGridPointCov erage

+ find(DirectPosition*, Integer*) : Sequence<CV_GridPointValuePair>+ list() : Set<CV_GridPointValuePair>+ locate(DirectPosition*) : Set<CV_GridPointValuePair>+ point(CV_GridCoordinate*) : CV_GridPointValuePair





«ObjectType»Domain geometries::



+ value: GridSeriesCoverage

+ extactPointCollection() : PointCollectionFeature+ extractGridFeature() : GridFeature+ extractGridSeriesFeature() : PointSeriesFeature+ extractPointFeature() : PointFeature+ extractPointSeriesFeature() : PointSeriesFeature+ extractProfileFeature() : Profi leFeature+ extractProfileSeriesFeature() : Profi leSeriesFeature+ extractSection() : SectionFeature





TrajectoryFeaturecd TrajectoryFeature




+ value: TrajectoryCoverage

+ extractPointFeature() : PointFeature

Cov erage Types::TrajectoryCov erage

+/ domainSet: TrajectoryDomain+/ rangeSet: Record [0..*]



«ObjectType»Domain geometries::



Discrete Cov erages::CV_DiscreteCov erage

+ locate(DirectPosition*) : Set<CV_GeometryValuePair>





ScanningRadarFeaturecd ScanningRadarFeature


+ elevation: Angle [0..1]




+ elevation: Angle [0..1]+ value: ScanningRadarCoverage

+ extractPointFeature() : PointFeature+ extractProfileFeature() : ProfileFeature

Cov erage Types::ScanningRadarCov erage

+/ domainSet: ScanningRadarDomain+/ rangeSet: Record [0..*]


«ObjectType»Domain geometries::



Discrete Cov erages::CV_DiscreteGridPointCov erage

+ find(DirectPosition*, Integer*) : Sequence<CV_GridPointValuePair>+ list() : Set<CV_GridPointValuePair>+ locate(DirectPosition*) : Set<CV_GridPointValuePair>+ point(CV_GridCoordinate*) : CV_GridPointValuePair

Need to add affordance operations





CSML instances – semantic wrapper to persisted file-based data

• xlink recommended in GML for linking to external content, but no best practice established

• CSML wants to use this for linking to storage desriptor for coverage domain/range

• ‘simple xlink’ properties:– role: indicates a property of remote resource– arcrole: describes meaning of remote resource

<someGMLElement xlink:arcrole="hasRemoteContentEmbeddedAt#localXpath" xlink:href="storageDescriptor#portion" xlink:role="storageSchemaIdentifier" xlink:show="embed" xlink:actuate="onRequest | onLoad"/>

CSML instances – xlink example<csml:gridOrdinate> <csml:GridOrdinateDescription> <csml:coordAxisLabel>Geodetic longitude</csml:coordAxisLabel> <csml:coordAxisValues> <csml:SpatialOrTemporalPositionList> <csml:coordinateList srsName=“WGS84”>13.5 24.9 32.4 37.7 41.5 46.8 54.4 65.7 </csml:coordinateList> </csml:SpatialOrTemporalPositionList> </csml:coordAxisValues> <csml:gridAxesSpanned>x</csml:gridAxesSpanned > <csml:sequenceRule axisOrder="+1">Linear</csml:sequenceRule> </csml:GridOrdinateDescription></csml:gridOrdinate>

<csml:coordAxisValuesxlink:arcrole=“”xlink:href=“file://”xlink:role=“”xlink:show=“embed”> <csml:SpatialOrTemporalPositionList> <csml:coordinateList srsName=“WGS84”/> </csml:SpatialOrTemporalPositionList> </csml:coordAxisValues>

<csml:coordAxisValuesxlink:arcrole=“”xlink:href="CSMLStorageDescriptorExample.xml#coapec_u_2"xlink:role= ""xlink:show=“embed”> <csml:SpatialOrTemporalPositionList> <csml:coordinateList srsName=“WGS84”/> </csml:SpatialOrTemporalPositionList> </csml:coordAxisValues>

CSML Storage Descriptorcd StorageDescriptor


+ arraySize: int [1..*]+ id: ID+ numericTransform: string [0..1]+ numericType: string [0..1]+ regExpTransform: string [0..1]+ uom: UomIdentifier [0..1]


+ values: anySimpleType [0..*]


+ expression: string


+ fi leList: FileList [0..1]+ fi leName: anyURI


+ index: int [0..1]+ variableName: string


+ variableName: string


+ ctlVariableName: string [0..1]+ fi leOffset: int [0..1]+ parameterCode: int+ recordNumber: int [0..1]


+ aggIndex: int+ aggType: string



+ bitDepth: int [0..1]+ endianness: string [0..1]


+ fi leNames: anyURI [0..*]


+descriptor 0..*


