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Rapid development with Neo4J under Grails

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About Myself

• Located in Riga/Latvia• Technical Architect in Accenture• Experience since 10 years• C#/Java/Groovy/Scala/Erlang

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Market has significantly different challenges in dealing with data that the traditional RDBMS solutions could not cope with.

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• size data sets• data relations are connected• distributed processing• Data Model -> semi-structured approach

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brings to diversity of solutions

Data Model

Distribution Model

Disk Data Structure

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Document storeGraph

Key-value storeMultivalue databases

Object databaseTabular

Tuple store

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hard to integrate in industrialized companies

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Name Type

RIAK Eventually consistent key value‐ ‐ +

REDIS Key-value cache in RAM +

MemcacheDB Ordered key-value stores +-

Apache CouchDB Document store +

MongoDB Document store +

Apache Hadoop Tabular/Big Table +

Apache Cassandra Eventually consistent key value‐ ‐ +

Neo4J Graph +

Grails Support

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Graph DB implemetationsLanguage


FlockDB Scala

InfiniteGraph Java

HyperGraphDB Java

Neo4J Java

OpenLink Virtuoso C++, C#, Java, SPARQL

OrientDB Java

Sones GraphDB C#

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Graph on(in) Grails

Neo4j is (as of now) the only graph database that fits nicely in a Grails application.

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Data is connected

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Why Graph DB?

Insufficient RDBMS performance in hierarchical structures. The graph database storage shines when storing richly-connected data. Querying is performed through traversals, which can perform millions of traversal steps per second. A traversal step resembles a join in a RDBMS.

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SQL addons

Some DBs has even special DSL:SELECT empno, ename, job, mgr, hiredate, LEVEL FROM emp WHERE LEVEL <= 2 START WITH mgr IS NULL CONNECT BY PRIOR empno = mgr

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Where Graph DB

• Network Management• Master Data Management• Social• Finance• Spatial– Map Routing

• Bio

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Why Neo4J?

• true ACID transactions• high availability• scales to billions of nodes and relationships• high speed querying through traversals• well documented• Java• licenses

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Why neo4j - details

• Disk ready– Native graph storage engine with custom (SSD-

ready) binary on-disk format• Transactional– JTA/JTS, XA, 2PC, Tx Recovery, deadlock detection

…• Scalable– Billions of nodes on single JVM

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Access & Implementation Types

1. EmbeddedGraphDatabase: just to local JVM2. RestGraphDatabase: rest-binding3. HighAvaibleGraphDatabase: uses Zookeeper

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When Grails shines

Ruby platform isn’t a case, Java is too expensive, Scala is too smart.

Startups & prototypes

Model-driven architecture where GORM is fundament.

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Groovy & Grails Architecture


View GSP


Service Domain

SpringSite Mesh




Java EE Groovy




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Abstraction on abstractions, wraps:– Hibernate– JPA– Gemfire, Redis, Riak– MongoDB, JCR– Neo4J

Integration testing via TCK

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Neo4j plug-in

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Plugin features

• Neo4j -> Groovy/Java• GORM dynamic finders, criteria and named

queries• Session-managed transactions• Bean Validation• Neo4j's traversal• Embedded, REST and HA

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Jump into Neo4J

name:SplinterfullName:Hamato Yoshitype: rat


name:ShredderfullName:Oroku Saki

type: interact


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name:SplinterfullName:Hamato Yoshitype: rat


type: interact


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Domain Class/Type

Reference Node



InstanceDomain Class Instance

Domain Class Properties

Instance Properties


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Compatibility with GORM✔ ✗

Simple persistence methods HQL queries

Dynamic finders Dirty checking methods

Criteria queries Composite primary keys

Named queries Any direct interaction with the Hibernate API

Inheritance Custom Hibernate user types

Embedded types

Query by example

Many-to-many associations (these can be modelled with a mapping class)

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Getting Started

grails install-plugin neo4jgrails uninstall-plugin hibernate

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Create Domain

grails create-domain-class Hero

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Hero.findByWeightGreaterThan( 100 )Hero.findAllByFullNameNotNull()

hero.weapons.each {…


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Combining Neo4j And Hibernate

static mapWith = "neo4j”

def hibernateHero = Hero.get(1) neo4jHero = Person.neo4j.get(1)

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Advanced Configurationgrails-app/conf/DataSource.groovy

grails { neo4j { type = "embedded" location = "/var/neo4j" params = [] }}

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Via RESTtype = "rest”

grails { neo4j { type = "rest" location = "http://localhost:7474/db/data/" }}

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High Availabiletype = "ha”

grails { neo4j { type = "ha" location = "/var/neo4j" params = [ // see

'ha.server_id': 1, 'ha.coordinators': 'localhost:2181,localhost:2182,localhost:2183' ] }}

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grails-neo4j plug-in

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Q are guaranteed in life – answers aren’t.
