Page 1: NCCMA-33203 Community Nominations...Microsoft Word - NCCMA-33203 Community Nominations.doc Author ian.higgins Created Date 2/26/2010 3:50:40 PM

Community Nominations Guide How to use the North Central Catchment Management Authority

website to learn about the community nominations of natural resource assets

There are two ways to find out more:


2. STARTING FROM A LIST PAGE 6 You can also learn about the process to identify the natural resource assets in our region on the web site at the following address: A link to the electronic version of this document can be found on our website at:

For further information contact the North Central Catchment Management Authority via the contact details below.

Page 2: NCCMA-33203 Community Nominations...Microsoft Word - NCCMA-33203 Community Nominations.doc Author ian.higgins Created Date 2/26/2010 3:50:40 PM

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STARTING WITH A MAP The assets identified by the community have been mapped and can be viewed on the North Central Catchment Management Authority’s web site at: 1. The web page should appear as in the following screen shot, with the Community Workshop Outcomes layer ticked on in the list at the top of the right hand window. If it isn’t ticked, click in the tick box to the left of the layer’s name. 2. At the scale of the initial view, only the larger mapped nomination areas are visible. To zoom in, select the magnifier tool near the top left of the map and click, drag and release with your mouse to draw a red rectangle over the area you are interested in. The map will then redraw to display the area of interest zoomed in to fill the map view.

11.. WWoorrkksshhooppss llaayyeerr ttiicckkeedd OOnn

22.. UUssee mmaaggnniiffiieerr ttooooll ttoo ddrraaww aa rreeccttaannggllee oovveerr tthhee aarreeaa ooff iinntteerreesstt..

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3. You may need to zoom in again

4. At larger scales, more detail is visible. If you need even more, you can tick on any of the Map Layers listed in the right hand window pane, including aerial photos. You may wish to tick on ‘Automatically Refresh Map’ to avoid having to click the Refresh Map button every time you change which layers are drawn on the map.

33.. ZZoooomm iinn aass nneeeeddeedd ttoo ddiissppllaayy ddaattaa aatt tthhee ssccaallee yyoouu nneeeedd..

44.. TTiicckk ttoo ddiissppllaayy aannyy ootthheerr llaayyeerrss nneeeeddeedd..

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77.. CClliicckkiinngg oonn aa lliinnkk wwiillll ttaakkee yyoouu ttoo tthhee wweebb ppaaggee iilllluussttrraatteedd oonn tthhee nneexxtt ppaaggee..

55.. CClliicckk oonn tthhee ‘‘ii’’ bbuuttttoonn.. AAfftteerr iitt ttuurrnnss bbllaacckk,, yyoouu ccaann uussee tthhee mmoouussee ttoo cclliicckk oonn tthhee mmaappppeedd aasssseett nnoommiinnaattiioonnss aanndd ffiinndd oouutt mmoorree..

AAeerriiaall pphhoottooss ddiissppllaayyeedd

66.. AA nneeww wwiinnddooww ppaannee ooppeennss wwiitthh lliinnkkss ttoo ffuurrtthheerr iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn aabboouutt tthhee ppllaaccee tthhaatt yyoouu cclliicckkeedd..

CClliicckk tthhee FFuullll eexxtteenntt bbuuttttoonn ttoo sseeee aallll tthhee aasssseett nnoommiinnaattiioonnss iinn tthhee rreeggiioonn..

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This web page will appear in a new window. If you wish to return to search by the map view, either close this window or switch back to iMap (eg, use Alt+Tab on keyboard) and click the Full extent button. (See previous diagram.)

88.. WWhheerree aannootthheerr nnoommiinnaattiioonn hhaass bbeeeenn mmaaddee ffoorr tthhee ssaammee ppllaaccee,, lliinnkkss aappppeeaarr hheerree,, aalllloowwiinngg yyoouu ttoo llooookk aatt tthhee ootthheerr nnoommiinnaattiioonn..

AA lliinnkk ttoo tthhee mmaappppiinngg ooff tthhee nnoommiinnaattiioonn aappppeeaarrss hheerree..

CClliicckk hheerree ttoo sseeee aa lliisstt ooff aallll nnoommiinnaattiioonnss

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STARTING FROM A LIST The information about the assets identified by the community is published on the North Central Catchment Management Authority’s web site at: All the information supplied by community nominations has been typed into a database. You can view the details by clicking the workshop asset number in the list visible on the page. If you are interested in just those from a particular workshop, you can filter the list by using the drop-down box above the list.

22.. TToo sseeee aallll tthhee ddeettaaiillss ooff aa nnoommiinnaattiioonn,, cclliicckk iittss lliinnkk iinn tthhee lleefftt ccoolluummnn..

11.. TToo vviieeww oonnllyy tthhee nnoommiinnaattiioonnss ffrroomm aa ppaarrttiiccuullaarr wwoorrkksshhoopp,, sseelleecctt aa wwoorrkksshhoopp ffrroomm tthhee ddrroopp ddoowwnn lliisstt..

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Clicking on the link to the mapping will open the North Central CMA web mapping application in a new window. If you wish to return to search by the list, either close this window or switch back to the list view window (eg, use Alt+Tab on keyboard).

88.. WWhheerree aannootthheerr nnoommiinnaattiioonn hhaass bbeeeenn mmaaddee ffoorr tthhee ssaammee ppllaaccee,, lliinnkkss aappppeeaarr hheerree,, aalllloowwiinngg yyoouu ttoo llooookk aatt tthhee ootthheerr nnoommiinnaattiioonn..

AA lliinnkk ttoo tthhee mmaappppiinngg ooff tthhee nnoommiinnaattiioonn aappppeeaarrss hheerree..

CClliicckk hheerree ttoo ggoo bbaacckk ttoo tthhee lliisstt ooff aallll nnoommiinnaattiioonnss
