Page 1: Nazis^lame Mimm - · 2014-12-12 · lege wns being observed today, s.principal of Uie State Normal school demand was made

\ A n A s s o c ia t e d - - - - P r c M - A 'c i r s p / i p e r -

> !TO D AY: ■ 1

. . _ Fair/ - " ■ ' i

■ V o l 2 2 , 1^0 . 67 . ' TfriN FALLS, IDAHO, TUESDAY MORNING, JULY 4, 1039 Price Five.Cents

- Congress Factions Plari Strategy for Fights on Neutrality, Money Power


Key to Session’s C o u x sejii C ouii

- niiltec(By Tlie ASioelnlfd Prtu)

W ASHINGTON. Ju ly 3—I n ­fo rm ed Icg ls latc rs were p re ­d ic tin g - to d ay th a t W ednes-

• d a y ’s m e e tin g of th e se n a te fo re ig n re la tio n s com m lttec a n d w h ite v e r dcclslQn It ta k es on n e u tra l i ty .legislation w ould ho ld th e key to tlic remM ndei o f -th e session a n d th o dn tosof

Federal i id Sought For Nation’s

’tw hM met «ael> WctluKdny to '■tudy nnitrftlity. EoclV uu lon nos brouRht only » postponement until tne W ednud t; (ollsvl/is. I n re>

. cent %-eeks. tho expltmauon has been I h tt UiG committee vuited to wait mnd w« v h s t wrL o( ii>blll the house

• would pAts before-acUns to lf . Now ;th« hout# hM ttcUd. *nd Ui* bill

m r not

' 'H is m e u u rt en&cttd b ; Uie hou:« wouM embnnto «hlpmenu or guns

«aitnunltton to belUgerenti. ^ “ l_ ?JT»enl j4»-.<itibargOM t longer, list

• -‘o i Itema uw tul tn itagtiis « w*r' The yJ»w. «prrK ed‘by ’lhB neuIral^ltyblQo.«i«v-.. . .. .

“Wlfy.'itay In teulon (or weeks jiot-w M '

blu:U»»t-i*.wor*« lh*n w h« we' iP...............

'V- r T hu li itronply represent- \ . 6d 'w .th8 tO Rl^'rclatioiu commit* *■ ••• • let. • Ih'tftct, the week-to-week jwst-

'" p d ly ’ lo"ll«'lnflucnee. ! /,(k ,W ed- ntfldfty. U should nstln prevail nnd no kdleii' be tsken even &It«r tho house h u pu ied n bill, Uiai of It- Mlf. miiny felt, would b« of Iroport- (mce.' ,

• I t would (Ignlfy. Uiose of Uils school anpied. that the committee oould not be expected to net at any near date. Comrrewloniil JaeUona U e In a rebellious mood. AUuy leg-

I . tAlAlon<!mint to eall It quits «md go' home. The dim prospect of e^m-

. jnlttM 'SCllon on ueulrnUly. it wns .. _ _ felt, would stimulate the adjoum-

ilratloiL£rta)ars_...............TlieM pnjdlctloni, hwcvcr. took

little lecount of what prea.nirts tho : ■ admlnlilraUon might bring (o bear , to get out of tlie tenale n neutrality • bUl mom to lU Ukliig. i t h u mude

• .. p jtla Its opposition' to the house blU. ■— ■M-neutnJlt y w trenurfiiaeT only

^ . - 7: . the admlnlatmtlon'i new l3.M0.O0O,-

SAN FRANCISCO. July 3 Ml - While the lOOth aiinlveriary of Uio Tuition's flr.H, state' tcneher's col lege wns being observed today, s demand was made Uint tlio federal Bovemment provide flxuwcliil as- f,l3lAnce for acliools. In recoCTiWng Uint "denrticrntlc educaUon • • • t the most Importnnt pluwc of oiii Internal progmm of natlonnl de> fenw!."

Diou.'J intla-ol-tcackcrs-trpm -cy- BtaU'ln'UIe'iTiiKn'iicttra <tcul>di't ry BtaU In tile u iiK n iicttra <tcut>eji J m f fM K tc n m m tnrTnHnnr

T. Shaw of PhUndoipiiiSTpr«raeiir jaT sn rT a iitty T rrT tirT irM u ctirsr .................. • - • •• • tlie teachers'colleces of thisof the Nntlonol Education a-'Mcla-

Uon. k o ’noiA the organlution's 77U) convention with a plea for "equal educaUonal opportunities for all*** becauw * • democracy can onlj’ function Uuougl\ an educated and enlightened c l tk in n '"

The ftiuilversnry of the found­ing of the first aUte t«icher-edu- cRtlOfr-instiratlot!"-- nt-ijCTltiffton; 7 i m ^ j a y T r i B 3 t r - 'w a « obier%-ed

at »■ dinner a t which Ciirollne B. Woodruff. piuU prcMdrnt of the Nn- Uonal Education avoclnUon and .principal of Uie State Normal school a t Castlelon. Vl.. detailed the hti- t«ry of the movement,

•There rfcre Uirec piipUi-for a one- year course a cenluo' ago,'tlie ex- planted, while 100,000 ntudenU now are enrolled In similar liwUtulloiiJi olferlng longer •ciurlculn. She lald the jo rltf— ! - o f . tiia XDOPiOOCr

try,”•Bliavr. In the prtnclpil addrcj(i' at

Ills flrA Reneral s«n1iin tdday, said SOO.OCO children of elementary school age had no schooh available for them, and another 3,500,000 of high school ace. were not In school. “Among the.?e groujM will be found « rr trentnnnB rof ■rrlmlnsls.'' h e d ed a re d ." .............. .....................

Polish Prc])arcdiicss

F^rmepJPrexy4 o-Eace Embezzlement Charge

Louisiana Educator and W ife W aive Extra- . - diBon From Canada

‘. ' t ' (Dy The Aisoeialtd P ress).______________ _____W E L I ^ ISL A N D ,;N . -Y., Ju ly 3- D r . J a m e s M onroe Sm ith ,

f o rm c r - j i re s ld e n t- o f 'L o u is ia n a B ta te -i in lv o rs itjv n n d 'h lsH rtfc r e e n t e r c d 't h c ■■ U nlled 'Slatcs'lonlgbL u n d e r 'g u a r d 'd f L o u Is l , - a n a o f f ic e rs r c tu r ln g S m ith to Bdfon R o u g e on em bezzlem ent c h a rg e s . ;

"W e ’r e a n x io u s to g e t back a s fa s t a s w e c a n ,” sa id M urphy R o d e n , a s s i s t a n t c h ic f of L ouisiana s ta te p o lic e , "a r id they a rc J u s t a s a n x io u s o s w c a re ."

a n In te rv ie w e a r lie r a t B rockvllle, O n t., w h ere h e su r ­ren d e re d S a tu r d a y ' n i g h t , S m ith saldv " I a m going .b a ck l i straighten up this affair — 'or to assist In-straightening up the iif- faln .--............ .. ^ ______

'Tirapciwrirufi-.ijbjcci-oT-ah'Tfir ■ tense controversy, few tliouRlit that,

regardless of lU outcome, final db- ‘poslllo(j.would be long deUyed,

, Appttrenlly, the admlablratlon.

r-frtSSHESlLIFE By Anee^(«4

* n r s t and Last ' . ^ _ A i ^ a i A . w . r« r - o . a puimq- dispatched th e 'tin t and last letter*

A b o p t . ■ GREENSBORO. “N, C; — Depuiy

a e r i f f J. , ^ Donovapt helped out ■' three, youthful hltch-hlker»-Huut

then they helped him.. After h s stopped to .Mrs'them >

,Uft:in hU,«utomo&lle.he dUcorered •. they were; three souths he and his ■ h id . b t^ look lng ior

robbfjy eharge*. ■.

la 'o jd e n to l. -K A ^ A s:'o n r-C Iau d B McWdoo iook bkd aim while practicing cast-

v.:, • airefnl of U ia ti^ug,'.-J-;,

B 8 A T T L S - to a 'a n o r Bradley**

7 ■ T he.,a-ye«*oW housewife was ' „ kneelliij on the bed'lo Close a wln-

I - ' . l^dow . Trlekj!-sprints threw her off p v " — BaUnce;:pBl»eT3anilea-10 f«in>elaw

the.wlndov-bul was only.bruised.


P e m s y l r a n i a W a n i s S u c ­c e s s fu l C o n c lu s io n lo r

H e w J e a L - - - - - - - !WABmNOTON, July 3 (/7>-Seaa.

lo r Ouffey (P-Pn), classifying anti-jidmlnli;trn^,lon eiemenu iv5_-"torl“oiid political Thgnites,‘‘'c ttllcd '* n igh t-fo r reclecUon o f noosBvelt.ln IBIOJVlth " o r 'b u U .') crosstaB."

to seek reelecUon to the soiute next year on his record as “100 per cent pro-noosevelt New Deal Dcmodat."- He Bald ho favored » third term for these reasons:- "Because I w n a Democrat. , .

“Because I am a ■praeUcal pcUU-clan. •

'Because 1 am a liberal, and IP I nm an Amerieat

_ „ •TTTHtti*V of cold politicalfact.” Ouffey told his audience.fact,” Ouffey told his audltmce, "if

hi* first real te rm of office. When, ^ u electpl Rooeprelt In 1933. his n r r t term ' was canceled, vetoed by' the supreme court.. "When sp \i rcelectcd Roosevelt Vt 103«, his sfcend term was atolen by torles a n d polltloal Ingratcs.

"If the to rr p o llU c la n s ^ d the .Is 'm agnn tfs succeed In hambooil- Jng the American people for a third tim e.'in IMO. then tbere'a'tcolng to be an upheaval which wUl .sweep away all poUtlclaos and all big busi­ness. 1 do a 'l kid mj-self the American people love the ir poUtlclans.

“If the people are shoH changed again by th e politicians In 1040, then there w on't be-any 1B«. polltlcaUy

brother' PhiUiS”#calD speaking; T here will be a dlcutor-

W IIEAXlfcEOP.BSTmATEO ROMg —j Birrr~H >=M m irar^i> f

mated, .ton igh t th a t ' Ita ly 's ' 1030 > h e a t crop w ould-approxlnately wjuttl the Kl3,OOOMO'hushel3 of 1MB, despite .unfw orablo w eather.,

_Bef£ira_Jca\lng..thB-JiDtclhe and his wife had b^ea under RUiuif, firalUt dWftrcd he *tw "in­nocent of any wrong-doing" .and that he.-wi^d "fight" an IndlcUnentffharptng Him » n h mtni.»in(f finn-'ooo of the ualvcisltj''* funds.. -

Bcloro tljclr departure f ro tn Brockvtlle, accomplished as sccreUy as pOMlblf, Dr, BmlU'•,w4;and a half ,hour« t« sign, an «tfedlUon waiver tmless Ije was as-, surtd i»l»-w ife,' greatly dlstmught' by the charges against him, would Rot bo’sepamted frtm him...

•t*i4UlniiHed (0 tend Sm ith back In a loulsl-

M im mPDlfflCS

P a r l y L e a d e r s ’- E y es , on S t a t e s l W h e r e - - V x i t e r s E x p r e s s P r e f e r e n c e f o r P r e s id e n t ia l C a n d id a te s


P n rty p r im a rie s n e x t sp r in g in a d o z en s ta te s , w h ere v o t­e rs g ive d ir e c t e x p re ss io n to tJieIr p r e s id e n tia l n e m Jn a tJo n p re f e r e n c e s ; ,, m a y se rv e to sh a p e A m e ric a n p o lit ic a l d e s - | M t i v - ln - 1040- m o r e - th f tn - t h o ' ■D iancuse rJng ..n f p itx ty _ c a p j.; ta in s , n a t io n a l o r local,

\Ulille only a fourtit of the sU lej give.parly voters n direct voice In picking pre.ildcntlal ticket*, virtu­ally half of the delecates to tlie Re­publican and Democratic national conventions will bb chosen by tiie primary method. I f there la a popu­lar deninnd of .nntlon-wlde scope for

' - t r t t snouid’be

Half of Delegate*Tlie. slie of the relatively few

primary ^y,' tem gives them about 50 per cent of the. delegatei la each ctmventlon.“Amtmff“ Uic s ta te s 'in 'w h lch the

for presidential nomlnallona Will be put directly, or Indirectly, to p ru marV- voters ore Massachusetts', New YtffVNew Jersey and Pennsylvania,

the cost; Dilnols. Ohio. Nebraska In the middle west?

sma and OeorBln-ln-the south, Tniftfrepresents-a can\T»3 of ....

tional partj' sentiment reacliliig everj- section.

Tltero were 1100 i-otes In the 1030 Democratic convention and 1,003 In the Republican. T hat will, be abollt tho size of the two conventions nAct year. With japproxlmattli- -BOO or those Tolcs In oacli convention In tlie hands of delcffatlona hdlding direct instructions from party -volira i\t home, tlibse IMO primarlts could bc’ Uie dopibont factor In both.

Bhapln; Plan* . ahir'eventV'tljirmBp of Uidse rt^UalTrimnrles of IMOIs al-

.resd r attaplng- campSgn plans o f worker* f6r every polenHrfl pres- Identlnl candidate. I t 1* from many vof thwe stales U iat reports of the most Intensive activity to attract vnl^r uttrnnmH rnm» .whether In be. half of .DcmocraU- like. Gam er of Texas or McNuU of Indiana, cr R e .. publicans like Vandenberg of Mich- Igan. T aft of Ohio, Dewey of Newydrk:— T “ '.----- ------- .

T iia fe 'tn H ^ a n a wticni'-mimeuTrn uf troi^.aodJj»»vy-*rtlUerT-(»uoh-»»-BlK.v^>-rfriffl llial B.tlen'o ten.e anxiety ovrr an Inem slnd /-trave Intrrnatlnnal tliuallon, falaod'* motto a t prrient ls the same.a* the Boy 6cout»'_3« prcp irra .'l_

s a i o o L r o R p il o t s

throughout the United States, open*

Death Ends Holiday For 357 Celebrators

Auto-Accidents and D rownihgs Top Nation’s . Patalijty List

' ' fBy The A.sK>clated Pre-w) 'S u d d e n - d e a th rolled .up a s c o re of 357 lives l a s t n ig h t f a r

th e f i r s t th ro c -f iu a r te rs o M h e n a t io n ’s b ig fo u r-d a y ho lid ayto bo C lim axed today -ln In d e p e n d e n c e -d a y . — .< --------'- M o to r c ^ . In .w hich m illions w e n t f o r .o u tin g s , acc o u n ted f o r 172 Qf- th c 'f a to lltle s . w hile d r o w n ln g s to ta le d lO ij;-

A va rie ty - o f ’ o th ^ r causes, b o th ' c u s to m a ry a n d unu.^ual, sw elled A e - e a s u a l ty lis t w h ic h - in lOSB re a c b e d m ore th ? n5 5 0 - f o r ' t h e - F Q u r t h . o f . J u l y - w e c k e n d . . - , ______ ............------------—--------------*----------------- F l ro w o c la , d e c lin in g a s

- k iH e ^ -o v e 'r - th o —y c a rs -w h llo a u to m o b ile s h a v e r)sen easily to ' f i r s t r a n k , Rcircrely In ju t '^ ed five Brooklj-n'boy* Moiulay. T»,-o of tlw m m a y die, physicians said,- A ll‘Were h tir t w hen-they exploded a niim bcr. of cannon crackers In tin container. '. Ncvado, Wyoming, Dehware and'

.Vcnmuit, reported. jiol-a-tinBlo-vlo-. ->lent death, Uttla Rhode Island had only, the cose of a painter falling from a roof gutter.

California and Ohio led tlie li.<t of nntomobilo deaths. wlUt 17 each la . three.days.....................^ .

N azis^lam e B ritd iW fdF False A larm

r iiiee I’oivcrs Seek lo Draw Liue of ■ Possible Resistance; Hiller

Ketiinis Uiiexpeclediy(By Tlie A-«oclatrd Presj* >

G ern in n y accu.secl B r i ta in a n d h e r a llle .i M onday of y e ll- ng '•W olf!” w hen th e re wa.s n o w olf— t h a t l. , no t h r e a t lo

g rnb D anr.ig—b u t B r ita in . F ra n c e a n d P o la ti fT S 'o n d e re d if ih e w olf w 't ju,sL_waltinB a ro u n d .

P r im e ' M in is te r C h a m b e rla in .said, th e J^^liree a llie s w ero ina ln la in lD K -con tact- ,- .-..rcga rc ilng -dcv clopm en ls-ln -D an rlg - '-‘-

m ciw ures o t a -m ili ta ry c h a ra c te r ."D anz ig N azis c h lm e d 'ln w ith

a h e j i iS c r t lo n -U ja L th c -p r c ^ e a t crl-sls wa.-: a Brltl;;!) p r o p a g a n ­d a concoction .

Jlllery WrtV-Knd Germans went out of Uiclr wny to

rra-Miirc ihe world .nnd the Irien ot 1 Nazi PiiUvii for a Ocrman-Dan-

K-ri’Unloirbw:imfalmost a n in tkr for ridicule In Berlin—now. that, the Jittery week-end had pawed. ...AajiulhDrlzc(Lji!D0kr5iiinn.rtK!>>r«l,Oermnnj’ ha* no Intention of forc­

ing Uie li'iue . . . no dpsirp lo gn iliy.t th r Irrritorlnl Inlfgrih

slnml. .In DftlirJi: a’ Wi:l)-.oriij:!al of the

senate tucked: .■'Wherr is ihLs sudden German- or.. N ad-suipcise action

the world wa* being

M i I l i o n l ) o i r a r

: Squandei^r'DicsNEW YORK.“ July-S (-TV-IIalsey

Cffrwln.—wha-lnhertted-ll.000,000 at the tu rn of tlii ccntury. squandered It within four years and'forever af­te r .counseled youlh to - shun Ihe primroso.paUj that-casUUm hlsJo t: tune, died today In objcurttyat the'j»6B’Of-72...................

He inherited the million from his father, comptroller of Brookl>’n prior to Its con.wlldatlon with New Y< ‘ nnil wlirn the.wealth.took a jQbJt:

Search on for Meteor

PORTLAND^ Ore.. July Z (ff) - Meteorite* were bunted today ' to the dssoiaCe WtAd R lrer 'section of W ^bigton, 40 miles n o r th m t of here, u fclence sought proof I t w u aih exploding meteor which jolted Portland yesterday.

Two men who sald-Uiey sa t __actual ezploslon-of the bolide—ex­ploding meieor»«purred the'search!

Thunton Skel, Portland, said hs was ollfflblng ML Adams, 'Wash., 60 miles northeast of here, when the object, appeared.

"I was -standing iitlU for a sen t, looking toward Paruknd. said. 'P in t 1 *aw a trail of imoke coming down through the sky. ihe re W M a.brlBlit.fl.vh at.-tfac.head ot the smoke column as ir a Iwge rocTcct had «pIbdod,5.H .jQ oktd.-about.« mile* away.!*. . . . . , . ___.•-6kel-**Ut-4x*.-;waa->t'8/»0 . . . .eleratrtat-.and r the-expKSslbnr-aS paorcd ,b«loV;hlm.JJuadre<lacf Pordsnd- wltneesea sa id they beUer- ed-the Jjlast occtnred a t -6,000 feet om -theuortheastO T •sectloB-ot-aia city;’ . . -

A report from .Avon Bjittoo, Mt. Hood rancher, verified fikel^ story.' Cross line* ' from their- positions would Indlcste m e tco tile i-^pot^es

of Eoeleori reachlntt tha ground-in the Wind Rirer district. ,

The explosion was heard and felt m-er a lOOlus of 40 jn ile sJ» m Fort* -land.. Concossion broke wbdow.s. cracked a store wall and knocked down a stone .wall'-here. Witnesses

far away as Umatilla county, re than 300 mfles f a s t 'o f here,

said they saw the object blow ti&_ .Motorists o n 'th e Columbia Ri' hifih«*ay, tnllM eapt of here, also said they mw .the .burst of smokeand flamer ' ................

The bolide w as'first slghUd.near •Eugene. 100 miles south of hert, but no sound ww heard. J . Hiigh Pni- elt,.University of Oregon'astrono-. m er and represcntatlve'-pf'the Am*, erlean ,'Meteorolbglcnl society, who ls.J iead lag .th t,se t\rc li '.fo t:m eko ti

said he believed th e .bollds was ioo ro -than -» • miles' h lgh-w hendt- pissed E ugejie.. . . , - .

■ rT O irom aT 0 H ; 'j u & '3“ w9 3 c F of-.the iwttitn .

tlon expressed '■therhope iq ix t th a t Oregon ’and WJuhlagftin f tid e n ta ^tpn ia tlna-frw m ent r o f -ilip meteor'

there. , ...... - .. . .The sky vWtor. reported, to have

. . . . which bum'ed itself up.l l o s t . meteors seen .are o f the

la tte r type, E. P. Henderson of' the Smlth»bntan,'« geology, department said, b u t occasionally one sufficient- lyrlartw tO 'w ithstand’the Jieat of hurUinff through the atmosphere win^'s surface.

Fragments of ihese are of extreme Interest to'aslronoroers-and geolo- gUts.-becaus«-of the-knowtedge they reveal -of' the csmpotlUon - of mat* ter In'oiiter'space. Most-of tbose In the Smlthsohlan coUeclion kre. pased 'o flron and nickel. -'-A metoor-fra{tment,-nandenon

explained,-Is usually an-eicepUoh- a ll/ heaj7 *t<me-and b often mark- ed-wl(h-tman*lihefl currlng &^on< dIceetkwu-Tliew are etched Into It by frIcU ^ « f- 'th a .a lr - ln lU ;le ir ir '

ilngm ,^ ttoajBmUhstmlaa .nt'tw^.cte- «fared, /rn a y .- r re n .be^coaced-with frost. When’ahooUhs mto'the earth's

hot: fnun: air.'traction,;but It*, era* tCTmay’atill, ...................................

the live* of flve Negroes.Nebraska' had no motor deaths.'

but recorded'one-droWnlng, one fa­tal plane eiash. one person cniiaica by a troctar, one k llled^ ien thrown from a b w r bar, one gbred by.a bull. Wlaconsln also-reported a fslal gor>

of fa ta l sliooUngs, with six. ICes- tucky h a d four/

■"UTOhlb, one luIcIdB^OJleff'from a le ap 'la Iren t of a train, Md, rail- n « - accident* flsewher# ^ ' k ; >9

"T otal deaU^. f r o m v i o l e n t causes,- by states, were:

Alaba^na 9. Aritona 3,]Arkansas 4, Califomln 30.-Colorado SpTonnecU- cut A. Florida 8, Oeorgta 10. .Idaho,

-Maine 6, Maryland, ll,'M a*sachu- setta lO, Michigan 17. Minnesota S, M inlsslppl’S^iMlffiwiri S. I.faniana'4. Nebrtuka S.Kew nampshlre 3. New Jersey 10,-New Mexico 3. New York 33, N orth O w U n a '8. North Dakota 3. Ohio 34. Oklahoma 5, Oregon 3. Pennsylvania: I t. Khode Is|aad l. South-CarDlina'fi,.6 outh Dakota-3, Tennessee 4. Texas 24, Utah 1, Vir>,

Washington f,.We.-(t Vlr . 4 .‘ Wisconsin fl,' Dlstrtc

Columbia -1. ^ 7^-—'---------

B O r.M tlE T S '-D E A jT t-lN .-:____......'H U N T FO R 'aiiETII W0ESI8_sAUQEK57E5.-jf^:ri.juiy:i;wiri

51tlftccB.jreBr.oW Jolitt. U .. Oagnk quest Jp r earth worms to be tised .oa»iTMtmi'-«r-9uiyvnshi 4rtp’itta-'. bd: In -death t o d a y ; .

-Ba'-was electrocuted by. an d e c . 'k»lly>icharBed Itmi rod he was. ^ d lng. te forc»-W(tfms4«bthS:

, * v -

face of . 'tb e .e n u n d ..

liltler. returning t« tils rapltal. ppan-nUy was more immediotily

InUrresied In welcoming Prime Min­ister George Klowelvanoff of Bul- RRria than- In fonring the Diuliig iMue. He waa iii tra t on keeping Bulgnrla a.v a friend in 'th e Balkans. . Britain, Prance and Poland. Jiaw- pvcr. were riot-ao sure of .the^Juelircr's iiilcntlons. Tliey kept, up a *frrnm of diplomatic communications lo de­termine a t Ja^t what point and <ex- a c tly h n w ,to resis t‘a Nazi rtOtig In Daniig.

'. .Eyes Ilelmwchr Prime Minister Chamberlain told

the hou,'.e of commons he had "re- llable-reporta” which "indicate that lnl<n.nlvo mba-Wrcs of a military clmracter ore being carried out In Uie free city," '

He refcrwd to Uie\bllshment (CoDUniM o o .I^n J. Column

. E i N PIONEERLeague Olficials SuBB'esf -^-Deadening-Bati-to— 7

Cut Homers'POCATELLO. July 3 (/r>7 J’iityeni

from the ea.-(lem and western dt- visions .of---the Ploneer—basoball

by 'fa n s-throuah-oawtpsp tr po u s - wm-iSBlt tn an an-star game a t Salt Lake City August 7,-Ieague officials ‘ elded in a mteting tonlghtv- . Jack HaUlwell, c ircuit' president, aald 15 players, exclatlve o f.m an ­agers. would be chosen from each half of the ]eague-Lewl*ton..Bolse

three l^mtngs each.Declaring Ploheer league batUng

afe reg^te 'B r-flm lheU c,” BDl SS i- Corry of the Ogden club uived meas- urcA to cut game score* * to '^'reason- able ngures,' McCorry suggested either deadening, of th e ball. used, or moving back the fences -of all parks to 375 fed .'

Hslllwell ssld a cork centersball may be obtained to replace the prei- enUrubber cored horeehide.

(OeDtiauM'On Ootuaa a)

flPi oiiosErL U I D E L

Artillci7 ,.''Tanl<s " Used’ In' ftllaclrA?4lnsfSovlct=—

Mongolian TrooosN E A R . ‘n iE MANCHOUKUO-

UOt^OOLIA FRONTIER. July 4 tTuf,vlay)“ <i'I'pjBponese‘'force*"6a7'

fron tier'pusiied a ' campaign todsy .to oust Soviet-Mongol troop* massed near ' - - Lake Bor, scene of bitter border ^ fighting for almost two month.1. -

Ja 'pane« ,Sov[a^ force*numbered a t least'. 3,^_Meo.-_lwt____Ja^nfcw strength wtw not dlsclosed.. .- Both sides npparently were well

supported- by-artll!ety._lank*- and— — aircraft. " ' , '

(In Hslnklng. Ui* Japanese army T announced they had captured a strongly JorUfled hill along the E hoi. ka rlv-cr and 30 tanks which wero encountered in a dawn batUe yes^ ' . '•tcrdoy a t. the s ta rt'o f their, offcn-____*ive.)

A Japanese army spokesman aaid____the .region was fertile, but of insuf- - flclent value to w r a n t bloodshed;

“T7i9 Soviet* a rt provoking fight- - • Ing Just as they did a t Changtaifemt' _ _ In ah a ttajjprti'qU lelTJongorTest-. ' lessneas, Iqf a demonstration of 8o». ,. iet-foreert-ho-iald<— ----------------1-------- r

tonight, asserting th a t a gtneral a t­tack opened over the week-end . against ’6ovlet-MongoUan troops along the botder. o f MimchoukTjO';. was “In neccsukty self-defense In thfl' face of repeated and-persistent pro- 'wationj’.'* ■ ----... Tho statem ent addei th a t "there ’ wa* no other Intention thsn to-ln- su'rt safety of the Ironller.r

'(A Japanese army eommunlque a t - Hslnklng, Manc^oukuo._ reported J a p i n g capture of a strongly f i ..Jlrd ulnng "Hv«r a in r a"l(aiVy lUltUB in *1 artllleiT and tanks w e ra 'tis ^ > * -i ■'.(The Japanase told of capturtog 30 .tanks and destruction o t an un - * i dLidosed number of tankv and about 100 trucks and wagons.)

Idahoan S e v e r e l/ ■ jured m^Cwish—

BOiBE. July 1 MV— •Phsildans ■ ' ' Irave'nti 'SlmmbniTSrWTJ* well, a “hara.rfhanc*“ t o ^ to r » . ' coTesT'from-'tn^tsrlsvTsocivBd vliais'** - th« automobile h* w«jt diM nc S i t the TDod,itxmlleaZiorth o f . C h s n d e ; .1:1-,

Slmmms was brougtit to • b o i. pital with a broken nock.’ ,

O fflcen sald. Stmmcos apparent* '--i ly went ta.alecp. 'i?

A companion, M bs Fojii-FhlUlpa f Boise, was jinlnjurod. •

Gpi-rigan Announces ? ., ,- For Fliglit Into M ali^ony i

SAN FTlAN01SCO,,Jaly'3 — S tanflihj-near.-thsr. »90(r-»lrT)IaaB■whlch.took h iin-a«oss-,the.A tl«ife Douglflt r rW rTOg-WBr^)- -c on ian«m ced''tod«y he- was- abont Hp- tM :e^^^er~nH bt^^-|nto matrlmomf

H ie ^-ye»^^id>fller,-w tib ''*a ld .

T u lc th a t h» thought b« was- lo r CsUfomU: d lse loM -hs


Page 2: Nazis^lame Mimm - · 2014-12-12 · lege wns being observed today, s.principal of Uie State Normal school demand was made


F a r m e r s U rg ed to A tte m p t " E a r ly C o n tro l of

P la n t Lice| 7 iSeunty^ Agent J fS l~ D u lIilc tr« r

' y« t«rt»y u rs« l Twin F#U* cmiTiiy J -- J*nn<ri to be on' Uie Rjckoio^for

cIov«r iph ld t M ledouj outbrcoiA ' had b « n noted In m e ra t »ociloiia.

plant Um a rt amall and grtra

clover blouoma and ilcnu of ih#plant. ■ ...................

They iccttle. a tilcky JiDiieydt* tha t )ower»_Uii ciunllly o{ tlie wfd and ofteii reduc«'lli«' > feld.'Dollni- broke Mid.

. . . "At U)* pre'eiit.tlme llicre n r t nn aucerutui and pracUcal means of aprayliig or diuilng (or tJic coiitrol ol the clover aphid." »3ld tiie countyBjent. ' ..................... .. ..........

'T h e best kaown mearu ol contral ' It to d tp ttit t i n t crop when. In-

,"'-: -ie*t4tlon -o f tu t" Biitilff~*l3ecomcJ' heavy, remove tiie liay a» toon aa

— —jxCMle andnlbw thcllcld torcmain wtibout water, until (he sinnts- are dO'." »ald DoUngbrolte- "The field stiould probably be le(t «'lUiout itM- er for from leven Co 10 daya. If tlie aun Is hot and the cround Is &ry, llie aphid tliould dUnitpear during tlie period the Held Is left dry,'; be aald.

h M n. Rudi tn d amalldaughter,

.Frbtn Goodlnr-Mr. and M n. M. R . KnlBht and aon. Bud, and daugh'

, itT. Phyllla and DelorLi. of Ooodliis |:vUit«Uii-T&’ln:.r«lU l£unday:«iiiz. noon.

P«l»« Guw l»-M ri. MurtelNScoli and daujhter, -Patty, ir* here from Bol»e for the ronrth of July.-Tlie) will return to their bone thla 9V»-

j a o i j i A i“ S a r e t y ' i m p r t a r i t ' f a c t o f ‘ in

■‘ C e le b ra t io n s ; D e a th s P a s s 3 5 0

• (By "ni# AMoelaled Preaa) illlllon*' of Ainerlcani were (

from honie today to celcbrnta ...<lep«nacnc>-a*y-«;—rc*orU-or-by- .«|ght«eeln(. but much of the old*

•worlM remained.Bafely wai an lm i»rtin t word In

every menUcm of the holiday. List year TKe'Jiib' * w k -e n d saw more UmA COO pereoni die In various typu of accidents, Tlie toto} tor the c rent four-day ote«rvance had pi «d the UO mark last night.

The National eapltal, quiet »fler week of feverUh legislative actl»-.

annlverwry of Independence withan olnhf>r»t<» pmgrnTn nt UlB.boac 0(the W aihlncton monimieni.' PUly-

____ ftight_jjaUioUfi_orsanlr4Hojn__5!]'partlalpate.

' . A( Chicago, the American Legion


. Ufpmla Gucit—&lr. and Mrs. A. J . Llnd’cmer have relumed from a

vulf Callfomiiu-Tlicy. vere accompanied by M lu Jeon Lln-

clemer of Ban rranclico *T?ho will be their houie gueat,

m m m k E

pot program" tonight In va*t Soldier . ileld. where 100 persons were to take

' ; the o a u or cltlienshlp.“ ■ -On tS#'west coast, Federal Jtidg*

. ':ttlch**l J. noclifl drovs S5 mllea u ■■ ^ n F ran c U e o fo ra special natural' -- - Ja tlo n 'e tm rt aenlon » nearly '200

.......candidates could obKrve the fourDt' as clUiens.

Reno. Nev., looked for. .' -^‘ireatem" holiday,, with gamblinf

_— houMi and bar* open j i t all hours, county clerk Uiere ^^iw am ped

m c rd ln g 201 from Saturday *i/V»<->lqnday. neon.

Seattle. W iuh. was itmonii Uit cttlea enpliuU lng Die lafciy note. AU police furloughs were canceled to

, tnienslly the current drive lo r 100 dayj frtM from traffic deaUit.

On the east and west couts. ex­positions drew many, Uiouunda of tlioae spendlni: the holldny away from -home. More Uian a quarter mUIico persons swMTncd* Into the New York fair yetterday. The Gold­en Gate exptetton # t a m Franclsro R tuacted more- than JO,000.■'Traverwiis lieavy eveo-wli^*;

F O iE rP R E X f J g E S CHARGE

{Canllnu^ frem T .n 1} ifna Slnte'uiilverrillj'plaiie in whlcl tJiey liail llown to.BrockvHle, ,nw

• (lend buck Mrs. Smith, ciinrecd win "harborlns” nnd "a.MliUns” her huj' bond. In' train.

. Sign Walven, .•--------FlruOly.'Dr. and Mn.SnilUi MRned

' walvera. and Iwth were driven

“ bouicWTJC. Tlib plane left Otuwa to­

night to te tum to DAton Rourc ' sold Roden, juyi will not tAki 'nny p^.-.wiseri. ' ___

The - nmomoblle entered DnltW

....................... .Idttc iw tlie-St- lAwt

•lufsage by custom.^ I n jp r c ^ . 'T '

“ BATON BOUOE, La;. J u ly T m ^ ' Richard W.^lAchc, eovemor tmUl a wee^-pBo, liralcated today liti rend-' Ineas to appear before tlie PArLih

• Ki»nd Jury which h w ttttm ifd flT»' IndlctenenU' in i u Inquiry nnnclal affalni of Lonlslana Btnte unl;tra lty and its former -president

— -Drr James Monroe S m ith ;'-- ' — District Attorney Dewej- J, Sun-

che* .vilrt "in all probability- Lechi would b» summoned.

Lecije declared h'e would cooper,• with authorlHea *ln luiy »-ay

■■ they wkl"The Brand Juo' will r tcon i....

Wednesday for luritier eramlnaClon t>r wline.-ae3. amltti. his wife, two relatlvex nnd Smith’s broker ha^'e boej\ indicted. ^ _

■ " ' Dr. Srnith' Is charge’d wltii' emtjcs-, __zllng IU».000 in imiveralty funds I

and hls'wlfe with -harboring"'imd'

. tnTOlrlnf TOA activities at L. B. u , -«teo-WHS- In -ad jotinueent •-OTer- the •holidays.' - . .......................

r:— Tr*mtnjeaat5-nirrpiiii<3*BtuU»: . clue* wUh ,popul«non*-of more tlm n i

, ; JO.OOO dropped 37 per ccnt froml •T-1P30- to-lB3a. -^There -w u-B M -per'' >•-ccfit.lncrenie in -n ira l areas nnd ■-r-clUej'umlci' 10,000 population.'

B o x in g a n d W re s tlin g H eld in C o n ju n c tio n W ith

_ ,^ o d e onUPERT. Juli* J — Del Kuiikcl

Of Salt Lake Cdy'nucce.ufully dc> fcndfd nu world’t ' ilgerwelRlil champlon.itilp'- BBainst Wnlly TJiompion. Pueblo, Colo., here to ­night.before a holiday crowd of 800. winning the last two mils after dropptns.the l in t to the. challeugcr.

Kunkel weighed in a i '20J pound* *nd-Thomp«en-Upped-tije scales a t an even 200 pounds.. The bout was t^ie final on a epeclal wrestling nnd iMxlng card held her; In conjunction w ith tha Rupert rodeo. t

Chuck Pribe, Burley. 170, took the la st two falli from U t Culley, Ri pert. 107, in the semi-final bout.

Because of a firecracker accider . LAUianhbargcf..Albion. lt1ahai3old>.

□love champion Utis year.

ACiirduled bout, and hli Tuck Karshbarger. Albion, 170. yielded a technical knockout de­cision to Taylor, Malt*. 170, when-he foiled , to answer th*’ third round bell.. Dean Andcrasn. Logan, 1(7, and

Ron- Hawks, 1S4. Rupert, wrestled lo r JO ih lnutes/o a draw. Lei Frank­lin , Rupert. 1S2. and Rank Talbot, greston . Isa, .Tfen t » pinulee to a di-aw. .

...........opening event, Lon Hut-cliinson;--Burley,-iJ3.-gnr»-docliion

Amo* Jordan, Heybum. 133,

.Teeauno Q dola-M rt: M. L. Dl^k nd 'dalightm. Helen Dick and Dor*

|-6tJ5rDlcKTDf To»UUo. Visited brief­ly In Twin Pall* Mond*y.

ParcnU Vbll—Mr. and Mra. J, S . R lnehirt of BolN arrived hera yei- t^rday afternoon to visit with thejr dsughtAr. Mil* Marjohe Rlnehai^ 'Unty-Wednesdayroonitngr” ' ”

Go to K«lr-Mr. and Mr*. J. L.' |rersonlu» have gone to Ban Fran^ CI.-.CO on a two wctkV vacation trip. They expett'to attend th e ‘World* fatr,_whlle there. M^«^_Mar^orle

■Balls nccompariied Uiem.

Son i* Ttem—Announcement wi .mnde_ywt<rtJru. B (JtH _blrth j r i , w n to Mr. and Mr*. D. Bpenci.. Grow of Ontario, Can, Sunday evj- nlng a t the Twin Falls couuty gen­eral hospital maternity ward. Mr^. Crow was formerly Mlsi Artn Lind of TVln Falls.

Uia triple holiday with lier par enti, Mr. and Mrs, E. M. Wolf( A:w pie.rU BC the-WoIfe-home-nr. Miss Lucile Wolfe of Bobe and Klbs~ Helen Wolfe of San FrinclKO. their other.dBUghtrrn, __________ _

Referee* were Glen NulUng, Ru-

moler of the malcliei w as 'IleT T O ltfM T tP iil^ llinT Iff'nH irr-m nnB y 'trr l n , Burley, who worked with the

Rupert Rodeo cotnmltlee in preumt- lAlj the card.

ALL-SIAR SE{Cfliillnii»H'from r»i» 1)

-M anaser-Eddie. Mulllgaii-Of the S a lt U ko City club set off a'move to ihorten game playing Umea by poinUng to cost of electricity for ;ilBljt game*. Mulligan declared lighting cosU a t hi* home' park to be 30 ceotJi £ miquie.

HalllweU|sald tSOO.was pay ,ex^ iu its of Walter Low*. Bolss

S ot. to-cSoperjtown.-'N. y..-where V lll p ld r ln an all-stAr contest.

Lowe la to leave Boise Friday and rejoin the Pilots July 12.

Others fttteiidliig ' the - m ere Haydn Walker of, Dolsi

|llou tonK _oU ’KBicll5..UQS’dJ- I of. Lewiston and Hugh Pace of Fall*.


, VliIU With Sen-M rs. Winifred Whitehead left Ta-ln Falls ItisVSat-. urday for Salt take City where a)1« vbltlng wltli her *on, EIw* Whitehead, who will leave July for a two year mission to Canada. At present he U taking a iraln lng course preparatory to hi* work as mts*lonary.

Relum te Coast—M l« Mar^- Hac dock and Mis* Nancy Haddock, for- nerly of Twin Falls, l^tt yesterday iftemoon-to retura w Lo» Angeles' itter a week’* visit hero and in

Shoshone. Tliey drove with Mr. arid Mrs, Ted Daer, who’hav# been a t flhoshone visiting Hr. Baer’*, par- enU,

Here From Netada~Mr. and Mr*. J . Evan* of La* Vegiu. Ner.» arrivedlaet-week ^ an-extended' ..........

ome'of ,Mn. £vans’ parents,

park. Mr. and Mr*. ZJani from hers to the Puget sound Is­land* for a .yaeatlon before vslAb- ILshlng.resIdenca In’ a tt le . Wash.

Coa*t Trip—iU yor and Mr*. Joe Koehler and Mlsi Margaret Je ff t.. left ye*t«rday morning' by motor for Ban FfancUco. They plan visit a t several -coast points l _ MiUW_Kechler^-wUL.Tl*ir-.iha.a»o Francisco lair a* a member of Gov. 0. A. Bottolf*en'i committee when Idaho- diy-l4"ob44rved.'Tiie” pariy will tetum to Twin Pall* la ter this

\ _—M bsR uthJJaningO f

Burley were admllled to Uie T ^ L FaUs county'8M«rat ho»plt«l. Pa­tients dlsmlued Include Lloyd New-, land. Mrt, Otto Butherland, Mrs. Theodore O a ^ e r of Twin Fall*: “ ■ Gardner of Blackfoot; Law--

W jmi and Henry Slever* of Kimberly: M1.M Muriel emlthaon of.

ind AlbcrfParions of Hager-

D rtroli W to r j — Mr. and Mrs. G ra n t 'S . Wilcox and', daughters. Marjorie and Isabelle, of Detroit, Mleh., arrHfd here yesterday after-

- fo r-a - few v w t- a t 't l ie . . . !• of Mr. Wllcox'.i, brother, Roy W- Wilcox.,and lamtlj’. ..T^ - ’- - I lo go to UiB Wilcox summer

1 near Eaaley's today, where they will, remain, for se;eral da>-* before going ovcV Galena summit' for a brief visit of Uie scenic.Saw- tM th moiimaln*. Thej- plan to rc-

1 to Twin FAlli by way of Yel- itona national park.


F u n e r a l S e r v ic e s (o r Jo h n L . M a so n a r r a n g e d fo r

W c d n e s d a f ,[’^ D H ir^ rily 'r := T m fc 'r ir7 c rilc r ] wll be held Wtdnetday a t 2 p, m. u t 'lh e Kvaiw .and cliupelhere for John L. Mason, 03, Buhl rei* ident for H yean, who died Sunday' ario 'a : ''f iim 'd m ”rbuiieiw ound:—

Dr._Jftmea W. Crcrf, Filer, ’Twin iTalls c'ounly'coruner. sald thafU ie

J va* kclf.lnflUt«d aind no in- would be helU.(uild that. Mason had^left -a

iT iorm oareuea-to 'i'ion 'ln wttlcirJiy expretwed (he Intention of taking hi* own life. Tlie t)ullet, from a .« coll- ber Colt KvoUcr, entered hb temple and death wn.i Imtantnneoui., Rev. Isaac Todd of Casi

'^flclALe a t the rites. Bta l g rill "be liL tiic Bulil 'ccmelcr:^

Mr. Maion. fr'.(•covered.beaten a.«S0._

isli-Amerlcar- I le - i- ____ it}'., and had resided heresince Uiat time.. ^ • iv ln g are his wife, Mr*. Tlldo

Mason, now visiting... In Deavtr Wyoming; two son*. Jeff Mason oi

and Floyd Mason of Buhl;

China Partin, both of Clienoa; fc hiilf-broUiers. Lacy Lowe, Mlddli

, 'H arrison Lowe,- Oliver Springs, Tenn.: and Franklin and WllllAm Ocodman, both-of Oil' Bprlqga.-------------------------—

W i U l e W i l U i/


U tah . C ow bo ys f l i v i d e W in- n in n M o n a y i n f i r s t D ay ’s

K E v e n ts

"neln’ *mart don’t do you any i-rjwUf7 »nVe« tllttrray^W hen-bad *lArt« k*»ln; me, I (hink e( * > 1 , of goed comebarks; but die better ttiey are, Ihf moir licked fer Impudei

n llablA'lo get

iK o u im m

I I SLIDE m i i E N

E n g in e a n d T e n C a rs F ro m T r a c k -

.m ount: VERNON, Ky„ July 3 (IP) -A mountain slide killed three

trainmen today when approximately 8,00a tonii Of rock and dirt pushed a freight tocomotlre and ten box

. car* Irom the track* "seven mileslB ttS fe f'M oun t''V em 6n ...................

bodies of Engineer Z. J._____ 6B.-of- Spring- Lake,- Ky.'.

Fireman Willliun Goebel, of Ky,n«vd- - -

,of Winchester, I ^ . , were badly xrualied - when—removed—ftom -thel .lofnnioUvff .K^t^ed.lata Jtounrt Stone I :reek by the Impact.,

One,Big Explosion. Injures Five Boys

dren, Helen


TUMDAVa sciirntiLit


O G D m Jul>-J, (/P)-Peie'Hughes bbuted out-three .home.juiia_ftcr" tonlEht to lead Uie Ogden Reds to

Hughe.1 h it his flrstv circuit blow In llie first Inning, with two mat< iboard, duplicated the feat In Ui econd frame and alommed out his ;lilrd round-trlppcr In the fourth

^ l l l i one_ en." All'ln-all'the^lugglnffT fuiiei'ah

lortiiem club played tl; .........two innlnpi of the game—only tilt scheduled In 'the Pioneer league to- light—under proleit because Man-

Bill MccSrry and two of hUOBden-RefL-^ were In -Uie-dugout otrt of uniform.Wji;r>n .1,, i ; nb r h

llA(I»m»..Jb , . 4 » J

«nr«r. Jh a 3! : i : i 1IVII II. "if S I

p ? e r . f * . Tt « 1

Ul-TVnl.,.- 4 t » t e . lie "e?—u ..... - .....s(i !is oi»—so

^•ige^Uurph/. IkTU. UMfnlnnrt, TattO”j.“ lSMnlol4* TwB'UM T1IM - —

Uony. Mlli«r. irnKn7n<><' I pi I th tr=-iu£*i.,_ie« I a t . .: P

■ g e n t ly iswM Jiy l..lrw ayt“wiro-»peclal' _________ticket* for air tnrcler* betweenBaltimore or New York and Ber­m uda. Twfnty one-way pa-iiages

: cost.the traveler »1W , a aav- of 1300 on 20 pBiages,

rived B&turday evening at tJie home of Mrs. Bernard’* parents, Mr. anc' Mrs. J . W.'McDowell. Sunday mom, Inp Mr. and Mrs, Froat left for Chi­cago. from where they will ftq t t Clertland. O., and-fiy to tlie World’s fa ir a t New York City. On their' tu rn trtp_they expect t o ^ l i l t ... N ebm ka, arid in JhieHo and IXn- Tcr, Colo. Helen Jintco and Bemaial. Jr., will remain-with tlielr srand-

■ ■ ■ lU-for-three'-weekar------------

Rites Cphdiicteil For Peter Elilei-s

72. i^ ld e n t of Twin Falls for 32 yeafsTiwho died Friday,' ;

Mr. Ehlen served for mnny je a r r - - - i f j i j e local church.ReV. Zagel conducted the solen

oriftl ;p«rk.Five ions. Edwin.p. EJtlerj^Emll

Ehlers, Walter niltra. O lto 'E h ltr r and Edgar Ehlen. and ■ iw, o . F. Knlgge; were

Hollister Class of 1937 Holds Reunion

HOLLIBTEH, July J-M craben ol le 1037 graduaUng claos of Hollis- T high Khool held a pla^j reunion.

Saturday evening- a t the home of Mr. and Mr*. John Lanting with -nothcra of the g u e jt\.« n 1 n g .th elanqueL , __^

Of the !« bo)j and‘slrir« lio gmd- .tated In 1037, f t were preient a t tha reualoa wlUi one.boy, Ray.Suddifttt: eomlng from Gfilden. Idaho, to bo present for the event.''

Q u u u present were- Lois Ciut^, Dwight Parrott, Ray Sudrtfrth. Cath­erine Pohlmiin, Wa>-ne S trkk lln fJ Grace Lotler Dotftl. Anna'Fiey. I

luddlcil'ilanUng, Leon*hl“ BudJ s n e f raStoor.''Beot“ K u n w ir'an d Paul C o ra t -vjn io s o who were unablfr to a ttw d : be ildS lhe class aBiliofTirbmtrltob-___ were Anne Loiler Madron, BinDea;), Dora .Parrott .and'_RoK..Vaa B u re n .' . '


. . .. .:e firewrtka were injured todoj-. two probe

, ably fatally, in an exploiioo of 50 Itiflnt-crackeTs touched off.Inside a ' ’-.rge tin contnmer. •

One victim lost his left hand. ’I>o cUiers suffered the pfobable lou of

re each. Tlie accident occurr^ boat houie“ on 'Jnrnnlca bay,'

Queen '- R ulnicted -...- celebratori, and bum*.

Police aald the youtlu had tied tagcth lr SO hlglily explosive '•chenj' bomb", firecracker! . and touched t.hein o f f to make '-one big one,'

Rev. Fix Gives ’ Fareiyell Sermon

E a rly , R ccen t an d F u tu r e D ev e lo pm en t to B e . E x p la in e d '

Tliree-short taiki, revlewlnff thi history of Uie T?,'m fa lls 'publli «chool »y»tem and an ouUlne of an tirtpated future development, wil. feature bond burning ceremonies of Ih'fl Twin Falls Itidepcndent iwhoot' dbtrlclJlurlngJnlermlislDii-O l -llis municipal band concert Tljursday evening. " . '

Paper that at one time represenf* ed IU3.000 In school bondi and an equal amount In Interest coupooi, will go up in smoke.

D.' Perrlne and w . I. Sackett, former member* of the scliool board, will cheek cff Ihe-U'bt-of-number* on the coupon.1 and bonds, fear and throw them In a small Incinerator tote liiacfa~pn-u in ;m u n aa. ............. ...

8..T . Hamilton, pioneer attorney nd achool trustee before the pres- dUlrlct wa* formed, will discus* the achools a* he knew .them prior

1904 when the Independent dis­trict number one wa* orsanUed,

C.X.. MeClaln. also a former mem­ber of the board, will speak of de- elopmenU In the district In later eari;«n lR - Parry, attorney for ^j presTnl'bbhnTwlli sptak u rnny n the future outlook.Commlliee for the eventrM r- Me*

-lain, Mt^ Perrlne, Mr. Snckelt andW.-E.-Nlxoni-htV'*-lnvlled-aU-aur*.vlrtng members of clAsm who at- tended-the-lone Twin-PAlla-echool durln*ahe-IlnU atuiLIhc..dblticLs. life 10 attend as special guests.

"We alr.9 urse all past and present boird menibers'to be“0UT'inc5is;" member* of the boafd »ald. "Every me has had a share in tn« district’* Impressive recoM of bond retire­ment.’'

renlng for an antlcl- Ipated 10.000 *econd>day attendance, 'a t the tenth annual rodeo which opened-today-wlth -n-prt«m m - ofn a u m fl 'ip u u ih u thrmed a erowa estimated a t 3.000 persons,'l Opfillng the eecond' da>"*' bill a-Ul be-a street program of athletic contests beginning, a t 9 a. m. X m a n p o ^ parade t* to j^ v e off a t 11 k. m. *iia‘lhe''roaeo propam'Is to *tan promptly At 3 p. m. A dance In Uie evening a t the Civic auditor­ium will wind tjQ the two-dJU' ofeni.

First day broncho riding winners were Marvin Dunbar of Lojan. Utah, and Bob Burro?,-* of SalL- Lake- City-.who: divided ■ flrit and Mcond monb'.'and Slats Jacobs aULaA.Vegai-andXee.Edmo of'Fort Hall wlio *hared third and fourth awards. _' I n Uie'calf-roplng contest, i la r - I old Jackson- of Fort W orth'.took fin t money, completing tiie twk In 20 l/fl_ second*, . ln _ ll ic_ c m c r- ltt which they fmithed oUier wlrmers In thU event were: Dick Anderson of Rupert. 21 1/5 seconds>Tloy.Skln- ner of Salt Lake City. 22 seconds: Matt Crijpper, Deseret, Utah, 25 2/J seconds.

Winning bull-dojger*' with ‘ Uie time tunicd'iii by each'w ere; Matt Cropper. 3L seconds: Cccll Strange of American.Palls, 31 a/6 r.econds; Slat* Jacob*. 32 seconds: Casey D a - . -■j. Clieyeime, 40 scconds.

All buj ,two of 12 entrle* ii Brahma-bull- riding-eontest-

I tha gHLu-covere'd a The two who *uyed wlUi . . . fractlou* mount*' and took'*prlie money were Slat* Jacob* and Jimmy Leonard of Logandale, Utah.

Contributlnj to th* enterlAln ment of the rodeo crowd were Ui. Weaver Brothers, trlcfc-riders,'the, >’ounger,.Floyd,,onlj’_ n .je a r» .o ld .. | and Bu* Caraon'i troupeeof riders' including *lx-year-old Coleen,- carnl Itrnn- niifvrt flrl, her tramed hone Sweetheirt, who

I ha* appeared on many rodeo bill*, U_a featured attraction, i ' “ mer Holcomb, renow ed claw-n, was greeted with gales-of merriment.

■ni'e Union TacUlc’* « - i Valley band l* '-«i hand for the two-day e^ent.

Ere«nUtIon of » -horse. iaddle and,.brldle. to. OwF*.R«debu»JuJitta: pert mcrchaht.


WieatherIdaho; Ctouay Tue*«ay with llghl

*hBiref«: -eooltr-ln eeulHeut per* Hen; elearing Wtdottdsy.

Hlah and low temperatures yes* U'rday *4 a h a ^ r B e g r te in in tT cloudy, westerly wind*. Humidity

■ o 72 per cent of taturaUon: b ir- :ter a t 8 p. m .;6;00.’

Ts"loi'£nIn^6Vtr'llirjftsnJiiilJi, »«■ tween high' pressure along Ule Pa- cillc coA*t.and aaoUier coot high In the ea*tem Arl»na-New Mrxlco- Colorado »ecllon. Till* pressure dls-

w <*t'cnd as far east as MoiiUma, partly cloudy and warm weaUicr in

|-Utah and the arid souUiwest, and sliowery wea\hrr along the Arl»na-



___ « M M Cloudy.,Cheyenne___t i X .00 Fa. CloudyC hicago____ M (S M ClearButte ........_,..70 .... T C!®»iyKan*a* City ...92 71 JO Ooody La* VefM ...J..ro779 "0fl Hear Lo* A n g e l M 11 .00 G ear'O m aha______ 8«_J0 .OC.aondj;__rhoenU J____93 7i .00 ClearPocatelta U .00 Pt. CloudyP5?iUnd, Ore. M" H Clggdy Balt Lake Clly 70 CJ .OO Clear 8an FniBelscB 93 51 T ClotidyfieatUa______ M ..iJ;.-« .C tandy ._ ,Spokana „ .;_61 5« 49 CloudyTonopah ____II M M ClearTwin Pall*'... » 49 '.00 Cloudy

W I f i l G

IV. Jncl( Fix, p^^tor of tha Unl(- ed'Brctliren In Chrlet church for the' past threo year*, delivered his fare- WTlteermon here Sunday morning.

, nnd with his family, has gone to lAQieai. Mich. ' «...

Rev.-Plx ji-m be reflated by Rev. Tom Wetherbe* of Dayton. Wash.

■—Ret.—ftnd-M rsr“ P lj-an d 'fa m ily will"Trlslt-lri-Mlchlg»ri~with-“ r r : Fix’s parents for about a month, .when, they .will return.lo Tft'ln.Falla briefly Ixfore going to Plxley, Calif., where ho will become pafltor of -Ihe un ited Brethren In Chrl*t church <a tha t city. -

into till motorboftt o> water*, a t 8 mAHIIRCd to,

ilr trn ft.□laLaccl

pall* youtlit, .tlirown r when their outboard ^rtunied oh Uie bn;k- loshnr.a falls Sunday, aave' themselvei and

o a t .yards, from shore,

.M ardeh and Clyde McIUII tp.awlm, ITuIIy cldUiedr rS iOioYe'. ■ ,

'B u t the-you1h».' undaunted by J,^jclr..expcrlene6. returned to the c ra ft and saved bath the b'oat and motor.

Dynamite Blast Fat.ll to B6.ilnian

BEDBO WOOLLEY. Wash.. Ju ij 3 WV-Ralph FMiger, about 30. of Mount Vernon. .Wash., waa. killed, and two companions were injured to­day when es stick* of dynamite ex­p i r e d aboard Uie small tugboat Pa­p e ^ . of Mount Vernon, T7ie siin'lv- ors. Herb Camm and Arnold ^vhlte- head. brought’ to • hospital here,

unable to explain the 'ml*hap.

Local Automoljiles ‘ V l — Involved In i^ ash

■ 'Atilomoblies-drrTerj-bT-Jay-finr*- l ld e d - a r ih i

'Gfoolne.cOi: m -of Flfttvl UO north a

...itreordlns t< imvinsTJollci

jtree t and.Sccond 3:45 p.-fl^-yer r i ' p o m i i e a ' ..................fter Investlgnllon yesterday. ..Left.aldeof.Bpracher's automoblla ftts caved in 'vi-hlle the right front

fender arid bumper on Dr. Qroome’a damnged.

S u b m a r in e . .C a p ta in .L a u d s ^ B e iiav ib r o f M en on

• ■ V essel

LONDON. 'July t (ffHA aurvlvi of the *ubmarlne Tlietls d im « r gave a calm-accountooday of ho? oue ivftcr another of the ,103 m^r aboard her'tried and failed in ef' forts to bring up the craff, ~Dinrroanirinno3iic»pett-witt

of thetheir llves.>^

CapU IL P. K. Ori four who came to Uio surface Dari* escape devices after the inib-

idne sank off'.Blrkenhead Jime ' itlfled e l a pubUc*3n(3Ulry.H* *aid the cnyjt plunged, to th

bottbm.aftcr.water floodellwo..foi!nBartmtnUi..throiigh_a wi pedo tube and volunteer# tried l i ' fn>iT tli« ■1\na--'tn clo.10 tljC dOOr •iftfsomthDa'ximsed the dLw,tcr. One wa* an officer who put on Uie

Dttvl* appaiatu* and tried to work - - I the compartmmta throu([h-an

ipe cljambcr. The water prts*‘ dirtied h i m . ........................

I LIcu r-H -iUien volunt^ri-d. A neaman

•lUt him wa.1 overtime ;ham-

ber. Woods ___oUier seaman, but lhc.pres.iure was

» mttch for him. too.TJie scheme to close tlie door and

pump the water so Uie Mibmarliie could raise henelf then was aban-

ThrotlKhout the night, Oram went -,orr..offlcen_and m en_trledJo Jind.

feasible plan to save themselves. Oram’s voice’ broke for the first

Um^whcn ho was asked If Uiere u m tica of panic am ongtlie mnj..

. would llkc. 0 m akexhow n tlie very gallant behavior o ( t h e men mt' board," he aald. "I aits' no sign of panic a t any tim e.,'When there .waj. any, work- to . be. done. the :mcii sprang to help. 1 heard men talk- -Ing • i i j a n o n n f u nu t-the foul air caused them- fo keep, quiet. They showed quiet bravery of which mem-

ry will live with me forever."

PORTSMOUTH, if. II., July-3 I—Speeding Its.salvage t^ork up to a -21-hour basb for the first Ume. the U, &*navy tonight towed a huge chain and two pontoons lo-tlie w at­ery grave of tlie sutenarlne S(juatu»

land readied the pontoon lo r the 'fint-attem pM o-ralse- Uio

•ble-- . ^Wltli prepiinrtlbzn'fof llfUng thftJ

Bqualta-apparetilly-nearlne: com- :i)l«lw irR eu.'A (im tr« ’C .-w . colt,, commandant" of-” the T^ortsmoutK' navy yard, remained-at the dLia.iter seene'.ovenilght. In personal charge^ p r th f p i 7gi;ttjpenitiony wlileh-ccn-t] tlnued despite Uio Fourth of Ju ly ' holiday period. However, .official* a t the-na>7 j-ard lald ll.m lglil-ba. several days before Uie lifting oper­ation would be AUempted.

(CnnllnutO from TiC# »if a '1tflm w ehr"-a Nail force which Brllaln and her allies might be the spearhead of a Put.v:h lo relum Dan-

K to Uie ffttherlnnd.D:\nzlg Nnrii, however, Insisted

that the Helmwehr wa* merely an expansion of police aervices against my Polish attack and tliai the per- lonriel wa.1 Dantig cltlienry. Under :he Leicgue of Nations, Danelg la forbidden to maintain-any milltarr orKatileatlon.1.'

Pollsli auUiorlUes a t the free city Uie,belief tliat Germany had decided not lo force the Dantig lyue "for a t le iv ia few wceti,"

On the otlier sIdeVf the worfd the Japanese blockade of the British and Frcnch.coiKcssIorujit Tientsin iiad virtually-cut off all mUk juppUes.‘ Japanese guard* wer« -reported to have delayed milk ahlpmenta a t Uie ba'rrlen so long Uiat Uie milk soured and was dumped.


AS eUHL’S CHIEFH al -C iJn n ln g h am ,' A o t l n f l

H e a d o f O e p a r tm e h t , B o- o o m e j N IgM M a reh a l

Banon, chief of police a t BuhL re­turned lo duty Saturday.-HI* poslUon as bead of.Buhl'* po- llc«'deputmeijt~w a«-canttau»d-by-- Mayor O. C. Voeller, alUiough Bar­ron was- eonvaleac In j-a t- th * - tim e . V&ller took office.

Barron siiffered a heart attack In December and asked for a leava of

;io .w nc8"cnirittnm r'a*yrH r'*peni“ ' tore Uian three month* In tht'vei- mns’ “I Boise.On returning to Uie Job Saturday. . e said. "1 feel better than I h*ve

In years.”Bus LUify acted as chief of police-

after B arron 'left.until Voeller ap: pointed Hal Ounnlnghnif acting

I chief un ta euch time a* Bvron re-, '"iunied- CUnnlhg1iara“ M8W'Wljn>4

tight marshal.

Seven Wiiiiicrs in Pep'Parade Nanied^

U n d e r g r o u n d Exp losion ' V ^ e c k s $ 2 0 ,0 0 0 W o rth

of E qu ipm ent’ HARLAN. Ky„ Jaly 3 t^v-TracK-

Ing dogs were uftd tonight in * ,reh fer dynamiters’who *et ofi

ixploslon'fai '

Major-Fred Staples of Lexington, commanding about 300 niuonal

rdarten *Ull on duty In Uie Har-.....coalTIeld. jent adelaebment . :iroopa to the Mah»n-EllL'.on Coal ;ompany a t Liggett to assist in the InveslIgaUon. .

Angel said tlie dyniinlte ed on a cool loading machine anflm i= ?« H * t“ one“m im T enf»tne‘|

Ine opening somtilme. .between .lurdtiy and Uils morning. He said 0 dhmage was not discovered un- -eu-lupccUon-pclor-lo-reopcolng.

the mine after the customar}' week- rnd-closlnr.‘ ---------- — -

coiut):.Ma)-. K . .

.Coast Artillery Officer Arrives

Corporal Donald E. Werner, .who . .'centl}’ graduated from a -radio courae in the deparlment of enllHed apeclalllp* of the , coast arUllery

:hool a t Part Monroe. VirgUUa, h u rrlved In TMn Falls to *pend a

montli’s furlough wlUi hi* parents, M r.-and Mrsr.-Ea V. Wemeri-iSM’l Kimberly road.

He la a graduate pf Twin Falls high school and served for teveral years u r a carrltr for the Twin Falls News, He will leave August for hts poat a t Fort Winfield Scott, CaUfomla. . . .

■ O r d ' S t u m p B - S f i H - Burii in Minidoka

ilre csouUi of Ui# Iverton-____________.Mlnldoka-national-forwtrllmer-C; HoM.-fortstj'anger. *ald_lh_» tele- phone communication la s fn lsh t.• SaUirda)'. and Sunday

burned off lo acrea in Uie vicinity. Ross 'laid tha t the "woods are full

if csunper* and fishermen" anU *lat- ed that a close watch was being malfrtalnfd a* "me Big. Cottonwood fire wa* probnbly gtarted byira -nm prm anijrrtfli'n t^ r.'", -Thlj Ilrsl fire Li Jail an indica­tion of the dry condltlona exli

............... slinitld bg-1....... . |„ n „ j,, -,,nni *i

Former Resident —Bics' ill Indiaiia

-.rxfcnds.have received word Uiat Mr*. Dora Tlionipson. 87«year-old former Tain Pi\lis rcildent; died June 3 at Lafayette. Indiana.•- '-S he will the moUi* of Cliarles Thompson, who died h e « . #eren

I aso, and .MUi Adda Tliomp- ,. former prominent member of

‘ o ~ T ^ j i c ^ ^ tntury club mem-

Pollowlng her daughter'* death, Mrs. inompjon went to Indiana to make her home with friends.

She had rejided in Ts'tn Fall* for 1 year* and wai well known. ' '

Twin Falls, Filer liesideiW injured

Jlr . and Mr*. Fred Tew* of- rural route one, Twin Falla, and MHv Wiley Moyers and.her^elght-month*- oM daiw|iler were injured'Saturday highl in- an automobile aocldeht M miles weH of-Mountatn nom e-Sat-urday-nijht;------- ■'- ‘niey-wfflr-cinjuti-to.-CBHrwetrto- spend the Fo-arai of July holidays, said J. A. Bryant,-. Glean* FerW., *tato polloe-omcer’wli-oThvesUffttta:

ffll were.lrcatoi Bolso Mos- .ilul;-for cutsjw d brulMs.'Bfynnt- said. Mrs.Tews WM.drlvinr Ow car at Uie time It leli Uie h lg li»w andovertwned,.Uie oflieer o ^ e d .......

JMciital H ospital P atjeiit S ou gh t

Tn-ln FalLt police department a n d , j}ierlff’3.offlCOjOln?d m a hunt yet--tTrniiu riiL rijLtiinmate of ihe state mental hoipiU a t Bl/ickfoot.

Report* received here, aald Uiy Roger.\ escaped Sunday afternoon.,

He Is described as being 34 years .of age, fU-e feet seven Inches tall and weighing l i t pound*. Ho-has U|ht-brown-halr-and-w**-ite*rint

, a blue shirt and oiTrall* when lasttv «n r-~ -7 - - - - - - ■— -- - - - - - ;...It- was Uiflught Roger* would a t­tem pt'to return t/>T3rangcvDle. Of­ficers-were warned,'that Uie mar wa* "inclined lo, be mean.”

Miss VenU* Rldiard*. city recrea­tion director, yesterday announced * winners in Friday's "pep" parades of children-participating in play- cround-proframa a t the clty'parks this aummer. v '

Vinners were Glenn.Melncke. who... rtrnyed a prize flgfiler: Jo in Pet- tygrove, Indian maiden: Flgm Campbell and Glad>-s Hyde. Oiark -

i|; Kenny Johnson, prospector; 4}enw _p#ik*r,-cam per;— Beverly- Parser. baUilng beauty. Elvlh Walk­er, and King Block reeelved-ipeclal mention for costumes.

Judges were Mrs. fi. P. Rlcliards, John K rier and Mr*. L. E. Harrison..

Children who participated In Uie parade received member*hlp cards in Uie Idalio Playground Safety Itague,' M lu • R lchnrdr raid. ____

FilPTI(1N.'\ ■T i u t l u l l u ^ n n f l :

GHI-(CoBllnort ffcas P itt 1)

the. theory Uiat lt« *tabni»Uon fund and power to devalue Uie. dol- Ur*een«.be'te*tered-br>P«»a6CflL=:s: the monelnry bill now. does not pro* pose, to u tfo r .n e w , moneyjegijlat Uon. The bill was filibustered by ,Kepubllcam jindjmtl-new dcM i?em-:___

iti last week, past Uie hour'at ch-thfr-old-authorieatlona-ex--------

s^eduled for Wednesday^ but U Republicans exprew ,th# convlctlc tha t mere passage of the bill now IhiU TflcIenm egallr'lo-fevlTe • U power* Involved.

- 4

H enuitD ies on. t- • . . Bird S eed i)ie lREDWOOD c i n r . Ja ly :s

53-year-old Jiermlt-dlM of starra* tlon In his be^ch cabin where, sher­iff’s depuiies'sald today, he had lived for weeks on nothing but bird *eed,

Depuly Sheriff-Ttdolph-Waldsek - sald SantLiIaz Jullua Ivan apparent­ly had^eaten nothing but packaged canary food for the three or four week* t>efore his death. '

Ivan had lived alone in a ahaek the coast highway for yeaw. Au* •

rUiorlUes'knewlitUoofhls habltj-or ' how he came to *tart Uie bird *eed ' ' diet. • ’

Close Near for Revival at Filer

Naiarene chureli. will deUvtr Uie final sermon of-the-tliree-weeks’ revival Sunday evening at 8 o'clock. Ills aubjeet will be'"6topI LookI

S a ti^ a y night Rev./Hall will spehk a t 8 o'clock on "HoUnesa, .a Second Work of Ood’a .^3rac^’'

Last .evenUig Uit topic of ill* ad- dress wai .T lie Ood of H ljah* with the coi^gregaUon -hearing him *ay th a t Uie Ood of ag ah live* today.

will never seek a comer; ] » is always In thrf open. If a man la«pa in dlrtne order like nUafi. God^wlll uke care of him,“ hi plained:

Sen-Ices will be held every nlghl this week a t a o’clock. Rev. James Barr, pastor of Uu Naiarene church', announced The public 1* tnvlled.


resumeddally nights between BuUe, Mont, and Glacier 'haUonal park for Uie summer season,

George D, Key«r. district traffic n ^ a« tr ,-* a ld the airline would uie M ftnd liu f.fu ia 'at Bcoimlnff on tho Blackfoot Indian wepraUan u Its

I Ql»rtw ptir . ■

.L on t^ d rim ,, are._tronbIe J r e e J l t ,yoii are d rills^ an B A- 0 .Uud Car, with New Car appcaranci and performance a t thrifty used

37 Chevrolet Master DeLuxe

6 7 / ’ord DeLufe C o u p e __>49337 Pontiac s DcLiixe Sedan »S7S 3S-H ud^n Coupe - _______ SS7&.38 Desoto Seaan - 1 _____.*45038 PI}-mouth Sedan DeLuze.t37S36 PiymouUi DeLuxe Coupe 4395 38 Ford DeLuxe Ooupe .— .$39} 38 Chr}^ler Royal S edan .....U9S37 Ford 60 Coupe, New M lf U3S .37 FordJlO Jo rdo r, New-Mtr I4S038 F«rd DeLuxa Fordor

Sedan^4 Chevroiet-l^lostcr D e i^ e

ChcvroltUSVuek 1S7____1550Ford Track, New Motor- 4575

34 Ford V-8 Ttuek, 157,A* la -----;_________.-..IlSO

38 Ford Truck. 167, New ARr *475 35 Che\-roIet Pickup _____J4M5M Ford Pickup . - f ... ......1 13M37 Fprd Pickup _________ *365AlANT- OTUEItSi ALL -MAKKS.

r - r AtL:MODELS


i i i

Page 3: Nazis^lame Mimm - · 2014-12-12 · lege wns being observed today, s.principal of Uie State Normal school demand was made

- a


S eS iE S '^ and CEBBS.— 7 2 - M v t f a r n n n l ' ^

Daughters at Lowly-Dinner

S c v c n ty -tw o m ot.hcrs a n d d a u g h te r s ' o f Ihe C hu rc h ' o f

- ' t h e B re th re n , wcro, guests a t a d ia rm ln g b a n q u e t F r id a y

— . c v c n ln ? ~ o t 'lh c " ia a h o - P o w e r - c o m p an y aud lto riu rtu - A .co lo r

m o tif o t p in k a n d w h ite w asfw lu re a^• G u es ts w ere 6calcd a tf lu tir -

tc t ta b le s c en te re d w ith b u d Taoei-' or garfeiV »o«-ert.' aim lS»- eronis mftrked in the lorm of surdea Kaleways murked Ui« place*. J-ollow- liiK Uic tteicome a c i ilis invocaUon MMS. lli'e llrnt coiine of eanapw #nd

■ fruli cocklalli WM ficr\'cd. “Food Ui«-novBl feaUir* of

the mnln courre. wM prcseillKl In the- form of nil InltrcjUns program.

MiM ViiiiriirKcHhrT»&mca lurlo.isuiiiiswr with Mlis Mftiy Wright hi charce of Uie wngs which Uitcr-

• '• —propaav—.-lumbersUiroughoui tlie m iilnp.

A tom l to moUiers « iu given by MiM Arleno NIchobon' and ft loast to the daughters was Riven by Mru. C.- W. Ronk: M ia Harriet Perry savo

. two, Uiiaioroua readlrss. 'M a ,and Uie .OulJl. Board", and "iVlien Mft Wivnta SoineUilnR New." '- ‘-Clrtblrlbt'' wiu p r e s e n t e d n i

accordion duel by M ia Vcrda Helj. taiid and MLu Juno lleLitond. Miss l<ols NlcIiD^on |)re.viiiea a re&dlne, :'A.LI{IIfLOirLEnffr{j>lnj,:L,______

M :iirW lan Idrala .In the Iloitte" the topic (elected by-Mrs. U; N.

ri'. gucsl ejieaker. for her ad- ;s of Uie evening. Sh« empha*

iilid tile patterning ot life afltr a benullfiU Ideal.

— Pillowing the lervlng of tin des- Rcrt couriit of lee cream, cake onci

• eoJfep.-the Kroiip stood. Iho daugfi* T-slnjlnrnplrtfeto-the-m cthcfo-

• -Mr*. Verne Melton.'Mri. Vfcn.B. W right and M n. L. L. Msgoffli formed the general committee oi Irntngementj,

M lu £Uiel Uoon, Mrs. Helen MeU tfln. Mr*. Marguerllo Craig and Mr*. Pennington formed the eommlttce on tAble* Mid flovcrt; and Mn. Ffarl Milner and M n. Opal Mitchell vero In chanta of thw programi,

• TO W TiSEN D D E L tQ A fE S------- R E P O R T -C O N V E N TIO N — :—

Mr. and Mr*. D. B. Moonnan. dele-------- gste* from the Twln-FRlls Towawad.

rliih RAM a reixjn of the national --------}ur-jrr;-_ j ___TtTRTWend eonvenliijn hfid~recfntly

aniidCm apoIfirJrid ., a t a apeclaT ^ fhtcrtlinmsnfiTicctlnrof Townsend

Club No. 1 laAt w«;k a l th« OW _lVllow* >a]]_with' more than ci5e

hundred T O Twendltea'In'afftnil-

'"•niey *l*ted Uial 15,000 tleltgatea wero .wfienCRniL.tbJU-Opy*>:>i“ r Town-vnd of Indiana gave an Inter- e.Ulnk talk, declaring- that Tovrn- aendlua-*)! orer the country 'have

• Jual beffun-to flBlit for the Town- lend Recovery plan." •

A violin aelectlon wai Riven by Bud 'Ktoder, accompanied by Har-

‘ old Connor.‘-M n. Claud .Pmit save - • « -reading.-'"Tho Inventor'*-Wife."

Claud PratVaang a (election, accom- panl^d on ‘Ui« ae«ordlo_p by hla daughter,

A play. “Aunt Suiannn, Mrs. Sar­ah FehrenbfcK; • Marla. Florence

V 'P r a t t ; Mrs. Mlggs. Mr«. C. H. Pur- ! - klsr-M r*'.-niht, -Mts. At llatker;

Mra. Balter, .Mr*. Bertha Wodtke; Charlotte, the vllliea belle, £tellA Vowel.

Several Hawaiian Bclectlons played by Mr. and Mrs, Mel Carter.

—: CaaUefonJ, Buhl and Curry were - well rcprc«enled. Several, re»lilcnt.i


-Red-Iictter D ay

WHEK lh e « Biuilan roU«* wer* given top honor* a t a beauty eontf.t In Parli. It w « ■ "lled"Oettei day. for ihe RuaSlan Nur»c* Aid loelfiy. where the election m s held. “MUs Riw U '"w aa Irrno norixlDnllna. 1R,

..H cf.m a ld i of honor were Marguerite Koiloff • (left). 17, and K»lla CivalovA (ritbt). ID. Compass them with American. brautlt>.

Daughter Feted On A nniversary^ O fH e r^ th d a y

W h e n M rs, G uy AlLee e n te r­ta in e d Iftist w eek In h ono r of th e s e v e n th b lr th d n y a nn lver- B ary -o f-h o r-d au g h tc rT rB e n n ltl r , V o n n e . th e B p lrll of th o F ou rth o£ J u ly to o k th e 'sp o t llg h t w ith

TlTc-------------------------------------- -----

• tended .U«' meeting. Tho Ladles' . Auxiliary lened coffeo^nd dough' n'uta.

Annoiineement was made Uial t pictilc -of all Townneiul clubi In southern Idaho will be held a l the

I n i^r-falnrounds July 30 with two jrom lnenl oul-of-toaTi gpeakera

• present,- '


WENDELL______jfrf(frnIa-Th#M .L.'and.T.E.Oates families left Trlday lo attend the fair and visit elsetvhera In CaU- fomlfl.

------OtT~oatm t'=Mr."' »na-rira.- Bert■' LeWU ftnUTitr. -laftls' moUicr, Mrs.

C, A. -JJCTton. lelt'S ttturday for W iilluns lake on a week's QuUng.

To ^ e a j ( - ^ v . and “Mr*. Hmer Shlvtly And family lefi 'Simday evtnlns for Centralla, Wash., to a t­tend u i old-fashfoned' camp tneel-

rtites-in'that'sec* pu ll^ ij"v utlon. M n. .Myrtle-Charles aecom- panled Uiem a* far as Eugene. Ore,^

- where she will slax !ndeflnllel£_wlth. Tier alsUr. ' ' N

y VL-ilU -Pareau - Bob -Tates, of ' rOeedn. Calff., spent the week a t

the homo of hls' partnt«. I>Tr. and Mr*. Fred Yates.

From QUh—Ktr*. Johanna Ptlcr- *on of Trtmonlon, Utah. Is vbltlns

----- arthrhoTae-.of-hti:;gnuidsDn,-Bffr■ Peleraon. ,

In FBlrfleId--.Mri. J. B. Sylvester u id Eraoddaughter of Provo, Utah, and «M..C»rolln» NlcUen spent the

•weekxt the E, P .f^ d Dmer Nielsen homes la Falrflaia., Guest — Mrs. Maty •Walters ot

' Spokane h u arrived for a 'VUll a t the Qovft llosUni home.-

VWU 8U l«-M r», Mildred Brad­ley of Oiendale. Calif., b vlsltlnc-at the home cf hsr slater, Mrs.. Olcna

'Jenkins.... - o o 'T t t^ ^ r . 'a r d M ii C. B^Hlx-

on- left Saturday for flan Etindsco • ._ a o d other polnUlft Caliromla.Jtiey. T-“ -8TM 7;w unTnrtK flr*oQn:T»n~a;


..._ i navy U financially sunk^.ltie nor-clty-hidwtlJaJtM CW -Pfflrtdo

- an approprlatlon for the hartwr po- lic ep a tw T o f .whlch-Swgt-I^oJwt

-.Yanf.ry.1i tdp iln l u d .c m r.

tim e t h a t Ju n io r AlLee, young i i r o t h e r o f th e hono rcc , d res­sed a s U ncle S a m . gree ted the guests, until the last sparkler and balloon were presented a.i final fav- rs of tho oftemoon. th» children :ere literally surrounded by the "red.

,;hlt8 nnd blue."— rsUblLih t t a patriotic thfm# f6rtfiB’'pnrty.'fd1toru*or rtdr®'l'Tt8 and blue s tr c a m e n ^ d balloons and fla ts“frere-arranped-UiroUKhout the rooms, Tho refrMljmenl table was corered'W tth'ft'white cloth, bordered with ,ri‘d._5.'h!te_and blue band.i. and ftcd by red tapers In co’jtal holilerc.

Nut cups brlRht vclth collopliane and topped with miniature JIrks nittrjted. Uii:.plttcf6.'_Willi:illIfi,.rrd rosea and blue delphinium, armnsed In sm art bouquet*, added InteresUng color no{e.n to Uie wene.

. . au tsrw lild i the guesia broujlit tor bonitlo Vonne A'crc placed beneath a red.-white nnd blue shield unUl thB time for opehltts the pre.wntii.

During UiC. afternoon the child' m. wearing carnival caps, played

various games wlih George nalle}\ Joyc^ Hullby, Mary Wlnterholer. Joe Seidel. Mnrgarel Wcawr. Al BrUeerteelvlns-prltes;...... ' ----------- ' -

Besides the caps, sparklers and balloons were also dbtrlbuted as favors.

THo.w who attended the gaily col­orful party were Robert nnd Hatry A» Brliee. Mary Wlnterholer, Joe S e ld c l^ fa rg a rc i Weaver, Howard Jim, Laurelle - Chaney, ■ CaUierlnfl Rlise. George Hailey. Kenneth Baih clay. Nojioy Williams.. Edwin Prank- enhau.ncr. Joyce Iiuttby. Barbara' O'Uallflran anjl, ArUiella' Huff.

Coming EventsT0M7.'SENT) C fU n----- ----------- -

Tom vcnd club No. I will meet at City hall Tucidiiy evening. ”

B. AND T. CLUB _Mni, A. E. m .M er will be lio-.le:.';

lo members of Uir n, and T. rluii Wcdnc.’.dBy altrrrjoon st 3 o'ciocl;.

•6AI;M0*f-60C!AI/ :--------------------Salmon Social club will nicc

THur:*lay. July O .nt Ihe homr o aliii M n Ha!

tie .McCoy as eo-hoilei.'i. Roll call responses will be 'Tljlnft* We Want­ed to Do and Never Did,".

Scribblers Club — Reads—Bourns

— Prtscnt.ntton-of poem,-rof-prer.ent-day w rltrrs wa.' a feature of thr mecitns of-thtrSalbbler^‘-tlub-8at- iirday afternoon a t the liome of X ft-^Iobot r O r B onian------ - rr

Govemtnent Checks — nirmers of Caniaa county have been benefltted to Uie extern o t U3,4S2J3 Uils aprinc by complylnd.wlth tiic 1938 govcm- menl farm program and the price odJufiUnent net (or 1D39, according to

.oHlce. • ^ > - I—Growm'-PloBlff—Tlie-annual-p nlc of tam aa liralrle-graln grow-- anil Ulclr-fnmllies will bo held a l tlitt Pioneer park oa-Boldler creek; Sat­urday. July 8. ' '

D saghter B«0> — Mr, and Mrs. TIioiTina M. Dellunln are (he par- enta oT_iL.daui;htcr bom June ’ ilie home oT ner parents. Mrr Mra. Hj-rum Lee ncar.Manard.

Holiday V u itsn — Mrs. Ashley OUion and children are spending lh& ’^ ' ’'lnyr-w ltJrJicr-’p in 'tn ts 'rt 'B ru '

Father Slrlckni r - Mr. and Urs.- ,W111 Reagan left Sunday for J ^ o a , W aa lu -In itsponse to » ineM«« sa y ltttrth a t her aged faUier. J. W.

Jtr . and Mr*. A^aW, Lulloff a n t : children Elmbnly nm J_M xv-<3arth— Houguird u id daughter of Ooodlng v is its Mr. and Mra.' Luther Kootice Sunday, and en ]o y ^ a .plchlo dOnw j a willow

Return — Mrs. ‘ ^ a l i a 'aallag and children, relumed Wednesday alter being In Rupert and vicinity •vliltins- m e n d i'iu ia 'ltla liv c s 'i lh e t the f irst of the week.

Gueat*—Bud Spratt and Donald Turner wer# guesU ■ of W thff D au g iierty st Hailey u d Bun Val­ley U st vcck.

RccoTerlar — John ITneh is '. . com lnff- a t Iils homo In FUrfleld iroin a.serious blood InfeeUen alter spendlDB two week* In t Boise hoi- p lta t ,

From - W uhtngtan Mrs. Ivaa arrived

Sunday from Omak, Wash, io r *er- vWtj_w-iUr;her- molfin-;

Hr*..-EliQtbetli.'Res«iui;:’aml.'other r ^ t lv e a . Lea.who wsis fo:7nuiy :Groc«~Rea«wOs.a:ioembflr oT.tla C^afc,.CTror^dB-staf/,.twlee-a-week ■jjrwipajwrr"..

SALT.’LAKE CITV.^July-S'WV- Marjlaca.UennejisJued-lwr*,.today tne]uded: .Leonard-B ett F«l«n, S8, Amsterdam.-:Id a ,-a n d - Ruth Ota lioughmlllef.- a r; x v ln -7iUa,'. Ida.'.

spon.ies,"Drawlnt: W nur." b>;_Ro^rl

Coffin;' ''tioco," by ' QeorKia Sike.i Sullivan: "Shadown Are Cool," by Marlon Doyle; "S>-nipnlliy," by Paul Lapreoce D unbai'' and ”Sun:<M,” anonjinoiLt. were pre.-.ented bj- var- loiis membcri of U>c ktoup.■“ Mrs. Alice Smock rc;id an orlKinal sliort a to o '. ".Ma Stagfs>a Sit- Down Strike.” for ,'WBKesUon and crlUcLim by the group..................

At the clo.'e of Uie afternoon, llcht refreshments were ser\-ed by IhB'hottcM.-— *- - . — .— ■■■-—

SHOSHONEniA ^is't.-gi»-Sha'.lione BPW club

met'W ednesday. nlRlit-al- Uie.Man- hattan cafe. Officers In.itnllcd for the comlnc j-ear were: President. Mr*. P ..J . Burdelt; vice president.' Mias Amel Broj'lts: aecralary. Miss Carrie G arner: trcajinrcr. MKi Mao' BclUa.-'ConimlttAo In charga for Uie evening wait Mr.-s, H . A. Eloner, Ml,« Qrn.rj’A_Hlsttn]anJjiinLIlba..BcUla., M ta Grabo Pease wa* toaatmtatreas,. Twehy.wc^c present. '

Wedding—Miss Doris Frees of Die- trlcli and Julius Iii^ ard of Shoshone wer* 'm arrie*^ evenlhif^t. the Trinity LuUtcran church.In Ru-

~ I/. Mv Wester. __■ I.l>crt. Poster I/. Mv Westertamp flclatlng. Mr. Imgard la employed by-Uia. gbvomment, -near -Minidoka and the newlyweds will make theirh om e .In -tlia l-v lc la lljw ----- ■--------

-M othrr-D aachter’.Meet—A molh- er-daughtefmeeUngwaslifld a t the Shoilione pnrk Tuc.iday noon by the L.D.5. Relief society.' Refreshmenta were served and a program..and gi\mM wcro enjoyed. On. Uie prd-

I Ann McNeil and M l» JIhy kbwope' "gave rwdlngii'and'

MIm Joscpfilne Wise gave a violin aolo. Twcnty-Ilvft were present.

Leaves—Dr. Jolin McMahon left Wcdiieaday'forTresnd, CairTfotalce up his Intorrfe work a t the Prtyno

Couple Pledges Vows a t Home of Bride’s- Parentsjm O M E ,-Ju ly > — n<«s and

other sununer blowjrris lent their Io\TllneiS as a' background for Uie wriltllng of M l« Bvclj-n McClellan to Ralph Ifochhnlter a l .Uie home Tif-the-brtde's porentfr Mr.-and-Mr». will McClellan In Suinirloaf valley tiunday evciilnK a t eigfll o'clock,

bv llie Rev. Hj' C, Schultcl mlnliter of (tie LuUieran rhilrch of E Jni ill the pre.ience of'tliirty-tw o relatives -i;ri'frieiia«r

Prt-cedlng the bridal party, Mrs. BchulM pliiycri Lc.lcngrln's weddliiB march nnd Mli.» Cherrj- aml.'Hllda Ilochlialler aaag a duel, "Oh Per- JeeC Love."-occompanled by Mn. Sclnilte,

'Ilie bride cho.-.e , a lovely blue chiffon for her gnu-n and wore a ihouldor-coriace. of JTallnuam oiCJ combined with aweel peas and-tern.

Mia Martha, SmIUi. brlclcJ.malJ.

>nnge ■ ivn.1 of yellow' luK/I'ACfl pea-1.

Heal-man wa.i Bob Strachan of GfiodlnR.

As vows were pledged th« cotipli ood between -two huse Ti.vikcL'p : roses,.madonna lllle.% and del lilnltmi,FullowlnjiUic crttmony .Mlu Jean

Rlckeiti iafjg Edward arifR'.-' "Icli I.icbe DIcclie," AccompanW MKs Helen Cob.ih 'cII,

A tupper was nerved a t thr, clow cjr^'iuftiiy -Wltn-|;ur.-:u-n-;itefl

'. tabler. centcr*d with bl^-joms. Among Uie guc.iui Iront out-of- m, were Rev. and Mrs. Schulie iti family of Eden, Mr, and .Mr*.

I’li'll Hochhalter and family nnO Mr, and fr,•.. Melvin Hiirmon of*-lton. and Bob Sirachwi ot GotKllnw.- n i e couple will be. a t home In Oooainraltet-ii-rtv)rt-WTddlnir-trtp Ui-McCull,.Mr, Huchhnltcr l& cm- (ilnyefl a l a GoodUiK lumber y ^ .

and M n, William McClellan.‘ resldenl.1 of the Siigarloaf . and attended boUi grade and

hich .ichooLi a t • Jerome. SJie a t­tended Uie Albion e m ic Nonnnl and also a t the lUfho SouUieni. Po- catcllo. For Uie pa*t two years shf has been an In.itnictor In the Ha- '.elton school i-ystem.


her father, T. T. Rutledge, and her sUter. Mrs. J. V. Gentry, '

ili» SW tr MiK Bessie Good- rrtiiined SnUiulny from a two

'weeks vuit with her sUter. Mrs. Quinn Blokes of Provo,

Teacher —Mi.\s Barbra Prltrhard of Buhl has been fmitloj'ed to teach the .Milner school for Ihe coming

Al Ho»pltal — Hubert Syverson underwent an emerKeney oiierallon a t the TwlnTalls hospital Tliursdaj'.

Family Dlnner-^Mr. and Mra, J.. Dsyley and daughter. Annabel,

attended a family dinner a l Land of Oakley Wedn'e.vlay

evening compllmentInK Mr.Mrs. Claude Blolr of S^lt I ^ i City. Mri, Dayley nnd Mrs. Blair are

Viiltor — Sam Applcbaum of Lo* Angdcs Is visiting }ils parents, i t r . Bnd-^i^*. Harry Applebaum.

Twin FaUs Guest-MJa< June Peck of Twin' Falls la vUltlng relative! here.

In U tah-M ark Dayley I< day for Oarli ' -

YouDgcst Stage Free-For-All Birthday FYoIic

.."liWlnlay," tlir lU dsrtt <iu»dfup!ft* at (Jalvnlon, Trx.. r frre-for-all froHr In th rlr rtih.Sn cflebraUon o*.......................... . re born rehruarV I aiiii dJlln. the. cnuntrj. Jo a n .ii llie-lieaU e»t,-B tljhlnj II pounds; th a .-

otlier* vrlgh Itl'po'undi. Jeoneltr Is bn top (Ightlnc itlth Joan, and Joyce li on lup flclilinc n lth Jeralillne.

P i E R M M

DAUGHTER-IN-LAW STIRS _ r - D O m L & S L A W R ' S - W R t V T i l

M rs . A nna E l iz a b e th H a n s e n ,. B urie ti in R ock O re e k '

• C e m e te ryIin|iif..-lve Jinlil tribute for ^U'.

Anna rnrah'-in nansrn , ijj i, ;n7.: wIiUc_bridc. oi_'n\-m_rall5.courn.y, and e.'ieenird pioneer matron, who died FrHI.15. w;n condticied at 3 p, m, yeMerday a l the Aweiislon Epl-,coii;il rhurch In Tivin Kall.s.

Rev. l>nr^i Williams, rector, v. in ihiii^e of rlte, .

Plonrrr:. of all .-.outh central It!0 ,;vhO knew Mr.i. Haji.-.rn and her iiib:inil, John HrHahsen, when tlie\

coiuri!);it.M“ ],ii s e iy io ” tnt~hiiiirt: Ing nf Itoel: Crerh-and Hamcn com- munliln, Ciilhered a t the church in

Wilton Peck saiiR "Ahiile With Mr" ami ."Lead KIndJy Light,"

Pallbearers were Eric Newman, Gcorse. 'I'ed a n d , Bus Crockett, MlUe Randall and Lou Domro.x.

e ivns burled In Rock Cieck ceineierj' be.Mde Ihf grave of her hu^hnnd. who died In August, in:tl.

Tw in Falk mortuary wns in charge

— Prom Pocatello—MIsa Arlene Keef­er visited here over'Uie week-end from Pocatello w hert she Is

Bridre Club—At Uio home ot Mn. nimbeUj White Uat week, -..the Tnuriday Bridge club held tU Jo^ meeUng of Uio aoason. Mrs. B ,.d . Lane and.M rs, O J . Breimnn made high scorcs. Blgh for the year were Mr*. Brennan and Mr*. A. D. BHto. M m L e o H fU -w a sftd u b g u est.' ■

From C6Hrl*--Mra. Nellie Mat thews and family came last week f ro m -B o n v ta 'fo r- i-n m -w llh 'lie r fflother. Mr*. Effle Wilson.

Vtolflog In Bolao—Mr. and Mr*. Pr^d Baldridge and daughter cpent Uie'week-end In BoUe.

RccttaUoa Project— -jilayBfound, safety week'.’' was obsmTd PWday a t the May L. GoodbiB p a r t Pknlo lunch'wo* served a t . noonrirttli a talk on\fi»fety by .Marsha) B. E. Weeks and a playlet 'p repared 'by rccreaUon onroJleea.. Dr. P. How­ard talked on. "HeaJth and Safety In Uie Swtm_mlna Pool'.' and r 'BaiaH(lte.:Eupci3l2or^he)po^.4n-__eonte*:«Kl--awlmmlnt Jater ln th jpjt«Tro(m._^__. .' _

jtr td io h L o d i^ T ^ e Jeroma lodge OTtertolflod UiB Shoahona and Wcn- ricU-lodsw'M onday; evtnlns‘* llh ”a' program, a n d refreahmcnts.

VU lton^'g temnB tb ex p . Gama* over '■ th e : week-end were' w r. and Mr*. H o D a '.A a d e t^ of UUaoula, Mont. .T hty -jucwisllDl fishing tr ip .to Silver crcek onHTBlk. Wood:*ii'-v - i j i : - - / ----- - ■

by his sister-in-law. Mr*. Clifford Adamson, “ r*. Dayley nnd daugh; ier*. who Imva b'etn- visliiHF her pnreilt* a t O artind, wUl-ntum wlUi Mr. Dayley. . / ,

At-Laaley—Mr. and i lr s , •William Lindeau and daughter. Wilma Jean huve gone to Easley’hol springs to dUend Uie rural mall carriers ventlon July 3-4, ~

Oa -Bokar Creek -^ Mm, 0. P. Sol'd andNion, Jack, of Spokane, and Mr. nnd Mrs. C. V. True and.clill- dren. Bum etta-and Carol, of Boise arrived Saturday and-E . S. True. fnUier Of M/i. Boyd and Mr. True aecompantG the group to ."Truei R c trea^on Baker creek where piey wlll'spfntl several days.

From Moscow.— .Llacalo Lea of ■Moocow lirrlvcu' Tueulnr.fof a^vlall a t ' the Leroy Olirbtofferwn andJame* Clawson Romes......

.Frem Barley—Alike Kelley of Bur- 7ty'l»-si>ciidIiiri^'o^e^ki- illh-TJi-

' Mis. E arl‘Corlson.Ola Triplett and

daughter. . , . .guests of hor mother, &tn. Jack Fuller.

t a { and children and her moUier, ^ a . Fzei Burn* of Burley, are 'vacationing a t "Trues Jletreal" on Baker creek; >

End Vtslt-Mra. Pearl Tusdier and dsuaren of ned laads,' Calif., and Mr*. Bob Dunlop and d iughttr of KnlghU Landing, C*lU..'‘ haTi re­turned to ihelr homes a fte r spend­ing a monUi -w lthllielr parents, Mr>and i t r t ' J n c t StrrEn*.----------------' At Yaskre Fork — Mr. and b in .

Fred Utrberi and children }iave gooe t« Yankee Fork'to->«pend lhe-zum\ men - . . ^

vfsitsra — M r. vand Mrs. Clyde Loi’no and-sot), SUly, were recent

tftf ■"

Preston to ifyu ti. Ore,, where'they wUljnoki their home.

tVom Shelley — Jir* . Elva Pai-B* ana daufihUr,'Ann. of Shelley,-are vlaltlng Mr*. Oamc'*'-*i»ler, Ur*. K*ndaU.Daj:ler.. I - . ' . . .' Eotl-VUIl~-Mr>.-MyrU*’na«llns and-ch ild ten .-June, and Johi^:j>t; Kam'pa ha'fe'tvhini'eo'ib their home' ftfte* jpendlnj ie reral day*' with 'U n r s a ’RU oi'-Tartnts.'M rraadtidn. Hyrum-Plckett.

iH iiieral R ile s fo r — “T iv iirF iills W om an

afiemonn al llir Drake and Reynolil: funeral chntirl for .\Irs_Dal-y Jone.-

:»e nf N, T^JOIICS of Twin Full' who dlfil a t a. m. Sunday .a Twin Galls rouniy Reneral hoipital.

She InrtjT crldrd-heie for three yriirs,-' Jones had lieen ill for mani'.yccr.'!.

Rev, Mark C. Cronenberser, pns. tr of tlie Cliri.Mian church, offici­

ated. Mrs. Ann Or.ives, who aW played Uie acconipanlnient. and MLv Pat Oraves. sang "In the Garden'

id "WhLnperlnR Hopr.“Pallbearers were C. P, Bowles.

Pm nk W. Slack, D, P. Van Aur.deln, Dale Bnwpian. Fred Carson, and Raj- Beauchamp.

Interment was In Sunset Memorial .park.

Atr*. Jones wn.i born November 3. 5fl7, a NelMn. Neb. She <ame to

Idolip from Inavale. Neb.Surviving are her hu.sband'-.and

tho following children: M rs.'S . A, Woodburj-. Kingston. Idaho: Mrs. Lyle Walker, Cody. Wyo,: Mra. Har­old Taylor. Gooding:- Mrs. Nolan Cooper, Mrs. 3ack Cranner, MIm '

® onna Bell Jones and Mlrj Ger-

nnd Janyce, Woodburj': s l i ' W tera, ^frs. Elmer Frey. Portlnnd; Mrs. R. V. lUdiartLson, Portland; Mrs. K urt D.aley. Inavale, Neb.; Mra. Loulfl B alleyand Mrs, Jame.s Kon- sack and'M rs. FranlT’-John.son. all of Guide Itock^ Neb., and tw'o broUi- eri, William Tylar, - PorU^jnd -imd Oscar Tyler, Guide Rock, al. o'Ylvc.'.................. . . . ____ _

JEROME• visitor* — Mr. and M rs. Tom Lynch of Alameda, Calif., are vis- itmir n tn!~nr~ Pia'T H.~ n .- C tn n ttr and Vcm Johnson homes.

From Oregon—Dwnlne Rosers of Hubbard, Ore., Ls vlsIUng here at u it-h o m e ' of Mr. and Mrs. I-Ved Rogers and Mr. nnd Mrs.Smith.

to Lonit Beach where they met by H ielr/son w lm-'a ttends school there. The par^;.att<nded the fa ir a t San FranclscoAtraveled to Vancouver.-B. 0., and returned r ta northern Idaho.

JONES-LESS TOn'N PAHOKEa Pla. W - Keeping up

»rlU)..the_Jcf0C3C4.1s no_jiroblcm..lii Uii* town et.-.6.00(l_Derjonj,_T7?.cr.'! Hp't a single Jones In the telephone ofrcctory and. as far a ran yons has been able to find out. Uiere never Aaebcen.


. . p r jjtr , Allieft .. ............................ ....rrndered lo the Loi Anjeles nheriff* otfleem luxd denied knowledrr of the tinrint; of Ills wlfCanil son. fatally shot In th rlr ItoUywood. n»l- Mrs. Francta Sinter. 6L. -the wife, nnd Harry Slnrer, 27, were Tlctlm* of-the lilllpr. while annttier »on. ^Villlam. 26, wm shot In the head hut np rcte il to rrrnrer. "And ui help me. God.'* the elderly man told Ihe n ffiim , "i don’t rrmrmber a tlilnc . . . . I saw In (he newspapers tha t 1

•was accused nf the ilinoilnr of my,wife and sons."

M rs. C la ra P rc ck c l O o xrud d ie s a t H o m e -A fte r

L o n g Illn ess • -Mf. Cliini Prrr-kfl D.lxriid, » resl-

(teni o! 'r» ln Bills lor 10 yearly 'Hlrd jil IHJ'i-oVbrt-'e^lfTrla.v-mom-------UiiL flt JiciLliomc...35LJliIiil_avtmie------^

Sl]e w:i Ijoni at Norwalk. WU.. De- ,1 cniilx-r XI, l«7H.

Uwrtitl w.-i.s a member of : Ilie Mrtliodlst church and active la .. the Lirtie.s Aid and other organisa-

ol Ihe drmonlnatlon. She WM a niemlx-r of Uie Blue .

J Hoiilrviird flub._______________, li'ealtivhad aifllcied Mrs, D ot-

rurt for ;,evfral niontht. , She r t - ‘ •- ceiitly returned "from California , ,^ licrt.;n5 h r ue|tmfi]t«ant1

Surviving ar« her husband, Oscar . Do;<rud; her moUier. Mr*. P. B. PiTrkH: two dauKliterf, Mrs. Neoma Brown, Ln.s Angeles, and Mr*. Dor- othey Matheny of Tain Falls; flT« - brother.i. Gust and Ed Preckel. Twin Palh: Aniolrf Preckel, Jerome; PVert Preekejj^ Cedar Rapids. 'Iowa, and -

kotn: a n d ~ ^ e "suicr. Mr*. Val J. Henderson. Tt,'ln Falbi."• Ftmtml - srrrtcrs-haTe bttn- tenta— lively set, for Thutitday. with time

id-plac/yeM o bo;aim9uneedi-lIr*.— Brown Is e tpected from Los An-

Eiglit>- per cent of «or1d'< petroleum resm r* is sUU-untapped In oil /h a les awaiting' denlopment when and If present pool* are « - hnusted.

LOS- ANGELES,- July 3 Siralninc 'against hainlnif/s that loclceil him to a- deiecilve'A arm. Albert SInf-er. 05, held for murder, threatenbd today to strike his pretty daughtcr-lit-law, Mrs. Leona Shigsi

l . r • • ■The dramatic »cen»'occurred a

Slrger's home, where he Is aeeii-sed of fatally shooting his G5->fat'old wife and a son. Harrj’. :7, and woundlnc anoQier Xon, William, 2<j, early last Saturday,

DetecUvea took him to Uis home to re-enact the slayings. Singer In- Bisted there.could bo no re-enact­ment because he »-aa drunk at thr time of tho ahoollnRs and eould-not recall the circumstances.

rn« jnirt < «p‘ , p p ~Patton Ujot singer had threatened lo wipe out his family,

“Nol It's not true." Sinner Kream- *d, hingluc a t t h r young woman. 'I did nc il t don't remember any­thing. I'm eraiyi" '

Singer was ejpcted from the home last May 14 .because of his drinking, hls.w nyaald,------------------------


Last day—"San'FraneLwo." Clark Qnhle. Je■'nfll^ MeDnn«lf[ Sp.Tracy.- _________

Wed,. Thura.—"S^m arlne Patrol,' Richard Greene. Nnno'Kelly,

Prl„ Sat.—"Within Uie Uw," PiOil Kelly. RuUi H iwey. •

Sun.. Mon.. Tues.—"Alexander's -AUce.Faye, Don Ameche.-


J ta n Parker, Noah Beery. Jr.. ..Wed., Thur*. - • ‘■Panama Lady.

Lucille Ball; also “Tarnlshtd Angel." Sally Eller* <■

Frl.. Bat.—"Spoilers of Uie Range." Charlc* Btarrelf, ‘

• ORPHEUM - Losl day—T a r ra n Find* i( Son,"

Johjjny_WeLsmulIer».Maureen O'Sul- Uran. ' ..

Wed., Thura.—“Ex-Cliamp" Vic­tor McLa«Ien, Nan Orty; also' 'HBUe of Pear,” Win ao rsan ; Ireni Her- rey. ” - '

-i_^,:Julx-6,:_:l.Vcltacherol San Mflieo. Collf, hOK* x - ' ■ . ’ • -tol;^ v i & t e S S e - to.resume collection Tjt.accounts.

SOFTby PERMUTITis your^greated aid for

REAUTY■- Soft watct fs-beauty’s'grcaleat oily . ■

Hard water definitely injures tha - ’ sidir of many people. Soft water • protccta it^-by effiaently removing nil d ir t .- n\jd -_cxcretionR..frQin, _thf\ ■ - ■. •pofca! Unless the poroa function - properly,'&kin“bcauty is qulcklyjoat^.Hord w a t« doffs the porca with

' insoluble soap curd. Quite'the con­trary, soft water hclps'tho ibsp-ta produM creamy lather’ that hM A '

^ 'fik in '-c le an s in jr.-a ld ri-so o th jn y ' •: imiwssible with Tiard water, A P6p-

.. mutit- -W ater- S o ftener-in - jrour....homo; bripga-to yon-a aHh ^ p r 8 - • •

. server and beautificr--thftt-4»riJar'.i===rr,-.a;i turc’a-o^.-. Uae-sbft:water-for comr^>':'*r :'r.'

■-J p r e t c ^ M ^ • I r t m o ^ ^ ^ T e o a ^ e U c a . '.....................

f e . . ,~ *'Eiiergihiiig To iitahis~'i

Page 4: Nazis^lame Mimm - · 2014-12-12 · lege wns being observed today, s.principal of Uie State Normal school demand was made


TWIN FALLS im W S-. bioed i m BonUBf nnpi ushmr. i

u Auecitwd PrM*

L «erRZ»nrr»Tivtl:it Tw ci, SO nu»ii BtrtA e»n macuco. c»iu.

All'BOtlcf* tTouIred bt l i» ‘or bj ordfr ef eourl o p*tfn« jurUfllctlon-to b# publUftM m utit »1U ^

■ ' M O R e, T H A N IN D E P K N D K N C R ' T h is j ’c o r m n n y Aijicrlcans- will t a k e tim e

o u t .on th e F o u r th o r July, fq r a th o u R h tfu ! c o n s id e ra tio n o f th e s lgn lllcanc 'c o f I n d c p c n -

-d c n c c .D a y . T lic ..C ounc ll A gain st ,I n to le ra n c e In -A m c rlc a h a s p la n n ed specia l o b sc fv a n c e o r .th e F o u r th ; ln m ftH y-«m m un llles th r o u g h ­o u t th e ''c o u n try - T lic 11101110 of t h e d a y Is n o t 'in c rc ly liW cjicndencc , b u t th e g r e a t p r ln - d p lc s on w h ic h o u r ln tlep c n d en t_ g o v c rn n ien t

"E ire : l ib e r ty a n d 't h e 'p u r s u i t 'o f h a p p i ­n e ss .” e q u a lity b e fo re th e J a tf a n d e q u a li t y o f o p p o r tun ity .- the .-frcftdom s g u a ra n te e d I n . t h e ' S i ll- o f R ig h ts , th e to lc rancc w h ic h Is a n In ev itab le c o m p an io n of th o se f re e d o m s — th e se a rc th e th in g s th e F a th e rs s a w a s s u ­p rem e ly I m p o r ta n t 'to h u m a n ity a n d c lv lllz a -

‘— tlo n r - W e -ta ic o - th c m - f o rg T a n tc d - a n d '- th e r e -- •fo re t h in k - a b o u t th e m In fre q u e n tly . S om e o f th e m h a v e b e e n th re a te n e d - la te ly by d e -

ifiri nnri nt. hnm n. Vi* v flf ip rrfa r d o u r n id s t .p rc c lo i is he ritag e from th e p a s t

. a n d sh o u ld b e o u r m o s t 'p re c io u s -b e q u e s t to ■ppsterlty . . '

B A R T E R IN G T h ere Is a n Im p o r ta n t d lfferenoc b e tw e e n

- t h e k in d o f b a r te r 'co w In itia ted b e tw e e n th e p :^ n l t^ ~ B t a tM ~ a h 'd : :G ty a t r B r lC a tn ;= a i id ; a b c .

b a r t e r p ra c t ic e d by N ozl O crm any. T h c N az is ,' j i c e d l n g - a g rea t..m a n y . v lta l.m n tc r Ja ls „ w h tc h th e y do n o t p ro d u c e .them se lves, a n d h a v in g

n o T n o n e y .- ia n -o n ly 'g e t-th c lr -Jm p o rL a -b y -c x - |7 T 7 c h a n g tn s^ p m r^ o r :tto m M tl& :g o o { ltrp ro d u c M I ' b y G e rm a n In d u s tr ie s . O u r c o u n t r y h a s ; e n o u g h go ld , a n d m a n y tim es e n o u g h c re d i t *» b a s e d on t h a t go ld , to buy-'a ll th e m n to r la ls i - a n d c o m m o d ltle s ln - th o w orld t h a t I t could- .1 p o ss ib ly u se ; B r i ta in is very s im ila r, i S u c h i s w a p ; 'th e re fo re , as th e one b y w h ic h ! 6 0 0 ,0 0 0 'b a le s o f su rp lu s A m e ric an c o t to n

. ’ a r e e x c h a n g e d fo r 175,000.000 p o u n d s-o f B r i t ­i s h ru b b e r , Is a m a t te r of c o n ven ience r a t l ie r

' • t h a n s te r n n e ce ssity . I t r e p r e ^ ^ th e b e - I • g l f in ln g o f a p o lic y a n n ounced scTCral m o n th s ( _ .a g n , w h e re by t h e .U n itc l- .B ta te3 -CxpccLs._to. I a c q u ire a n d s to r e up. a g a in s t a p o ss ib le tim e:___o f. w a r-a n d -c o m m c rc la l Iso Ia tio n rJa rg o .Q u u n - ,! t i t l e s of a l l th e fo re ig n m n te rlo ls w h ic h m ig h t

b e .n e e d e d by .A m e rlc an Industry . T h e r e a r c " , su c h th in g s n e e d e d a s C anad ian n ic k e l. E a s t

' I n d ia n t ln . 'a n d m a n y o thers. " • ' I t Is b e t te r to pay fo r th e m in - g o o d s . If!__w e c an , r a th e r th a n m oney, I n .o rd e r .to r c -’ lle v e Dur c o m m o d ity su rp lu s a n d t h u s h e lp

c u r f a r m e rs a n d m anufad tu rera .

Is .only a d re a m u n r e l a t e l - t o th e r ea lltle* of life . - • _

'■No a d ie m c -h a s e v e r b e e n dev ised l l j a t .c an p r e v e n t ; th e ebb n n d - f lo w o f b o sin e fs p ro s - p fc lty - ln a d y n a m ic j io c le ty , :T h ls m ig h t be a rfb m p lls h e d I n ^ s ta g n a n t .society w h ere h^avy u n e m p lo y m e n t, p o v e rty a n d m ise ry w ere c h ro n lc In s te a d of o c ca s lo n s l-p h fn o m e - n a . B u t a s 'lo n g a s w e h a v e p ro g re ss we m u s t e x p ec t occasional m a la d ju s tm e n ts . . . . . . ^- "O u r b a n k in g 's y s t e m a d m itte d ly ^h w Im ­p e rfec tio n s w h ic h Im p in g e o n o u r m o n e ta ry sy stem , b u t th e r e m id y Is to rev ise c u r a n t i ­q u a te d b a n k in g s t r u c tu re a l id to a d h e re to u u n d b a n k in g p ra c tic e s : n o t- tb c -a d c p tlo n -o l v is ionary flchem e o f c re d i t c o n tro l /’ _____- Few in d u s trie s ; ;h a v 9 - g lv c n . '.m o r e .c a r c iu i a l lc n i lo h to th e c h a n g in g n e ed s o f th e n a ­tio n d u r in g f c c e n t y e a r s t h a n h a s b a n k in g . E very p h a se of th e in t r ic a t e b a n k in g m a c h in e h a s be en e x a rn ln ed a n d r e e x a m in e d ; c h a n g e s h av e been a n d a re b e in g m a d e a f te r e x h a u s ­tive* a n a ly s is h a s fo u n d th e m to be n e ed e d a n d sou nd . T h e re is n o th in g s ta t ic a b o u t A m erican b a n k lp g —lik e th e A m tr lc a I rves so-w ell. i t Is d y n a m ic a n d p rogressive . E v e r keep ing In m in d Its o b llg a t lo n s 'to Its dep o si­to rs . b a n k ln g -s c c k s -a lw a y i - to -b c ttc t-a n d -c x » te n d Its se rv ices to in d u s t r ie s a n d ind iv id u als . U nsound , " c x p e r lm e n ta l’’ -Iegl8lQtlon w lll Inv- -palr, n o t im p ro v e b a n k in g — a n d w eaken , n o t fltrcng.then, th e .m a n y s a fe g u a rd s w h ich hn v e been- c rc a tc d to- p r o t c c r t h c ' in te re s ts ' o r - d e ­p o s ito r ttn d -b o rro \v e r-o l lk c .-— .


_______ DV THE rnpFESBOBS - ...Ill Uils use- ol tpeed. Epceulatlon and <pcfctiUylns.

when trndlt|on&.)ire tom to tatlers. when.moll<^« are jmiUUltd nnd copybook. CQuntcl U ridiculed *n(! re- Jecled..qutstioiis that Wfr< once. rtgardfd a i aeltied or'one-tidfd nre belnB rccoruldered wUh advocates baUi nrKatlvc ond ardnriBUve. HlilorlcaV data thal «iJlver«} h'Jlurj- ior ■ hundred je ^ ir in, « u n U « j editions acerpterf and repeated-by million* W youns- aler*. have been-cHscountcd and dbcredlled by nedlerle IconoclatUi until the average student &nd obKrver unrcely knows «hat-(o'tMn)c or believe..

n ila does not disturb the dead hereea of hUtcirjr. nor, eradicate from tho memories of llvlnf Americana Uiflr prldo In the valor of EUitin Allen, In Uio nt*dlo aklll of Det»y Rom, In the pntriotUm of Oeorpf Wash* tniElon, In Uie Intesrlty of Andrew Jacluon. Sut .T 'her

-wholanrBnfl irc tu n m le n y n n ftr^ r tD B -nu'Iti"o»T reward.” or th a t •'honesty Is the bejt pollc)-.’ or that "a atllch In tJme anves nine,” or Uial "frusality In­cludes tJie olher virtue*." It is In order to call for

B ig Events in Little Lives

Here come* nn educator. Dr. Tully Knolesj pre*l' deni of 111# Colleje of the Pacific, with an awerUoiT to a national convenllCin 'recenUy held In Bin iYan- elMO tha t "the major portion of the economic trouble* of thfl United States can bo Invced to the fact tha t American* have been too thrifty."

No braln-tmater could have formulated a financial p o ll^ for the present adminlatratlon to meet all re- QiilremenU of.the "new deal" better than the etrm

|.«oneMi<<inn~ii)fT^ror«uW<T{{uo(Mr^oM«rv«uon;=^i - contend* that the pioneer piwslon for thrift *'ha« bulli up the grtatesl TOlume of canh the world haa evei *eeu." nnd Rrciits m a t -prosperltr'w ould'be'sisured and Immediate "If one>haU this ciccumulntcd surplui

.........................ip; •ccui j - be -pouT rtj^agn t

"Tilt.? unuiecJ.«urpUl, of funds con.Mltutea a dansi- eui threat to 'our hope* for prosperity, peace and »e- eurlty.'* the collegc head said, addins Uiat "the cap- llall.iUc nyslem cannot exist wlUiout debt, and If private debt-ls-ellm lnated-publlc- debt cre.ucd."

If frugBllly 1* to be held an ohjUcle. prodlsallty should be an tnccnllve and a help to prosperity. Old- fashioned people.will doubt thl.i. birt* future renenc tloni may be Inclined to follow the coiin.sel of prO' fcivira of Ihe pre.-.cnt,—SnlfX.-\l;c Tribune.

HEPORT ON NAZISM F ifte e n m o n tl is ago EuRene M ayus, a n O h io

......llve 'd 'fo r '31 y e a rs In Am erica, r e tu rn e d to th io ld c o u n try . H e h a d been d re a m in g o f I t fo r-

• a lo n g tim e . " I a m going ba ck to Q e m ia n y ,”I h e e x p la in ed to h is friends', "b ecau sb th e r e a

' m a n w ho w a n ts w ork can m a k e a n .h o n e s t . ' .l iv in g a n d c an Jive In peace." • ■ I-------- ^ T h a o ts -o f-h l i- l l fo -K c r« 4 a - th c .F a U ic r - .'T“ - la n d . a n d _ th e G erm nriy he re m e m b e re d w as '^. ' t h e p r e -w a r G e rm a n y th a t w as loved b y m il -

■ l io n s of A m erican.';. • . ,W ell, M r. Mayu,4 h a s come back . H e g o t a

Job .a n d m o d e a liv ing In G erm a n y , b u t h e d rd r i 't like i t . H ere Is w h a t he s a y s :

"YQU-can_dQ_ivhat von w n n t to o v e r h e nI a m g la d to bo b.ick am ong m y f r ie n d s . .T here .are no friend.'; a n y m ore in G e r in a n y .-I -

• g u e s s m o st p e o p lcT o rg e t th a t G erm an .'; to d a y a re . a lto g e th e r d if f e re n t -from G e rm a n s n-

. K cnen itlon ago.‘■Then th e re 's -the tobacco, V ou lo o k a t

G e rm a n c ig a rs , a n d th e y , b rea k .' W h y , y o n c a n s i t on A m erlcn n cigars.' a n d s tll) .sm oke

'W e re a lly live In .the m ids t b f p le n ty o v e r he re '. 5 B r , unem ployed could b e w ip e d o u t I f w e ta x ed a l i t t l e m ore heavily. I 'd b e vvllllng

' t o pay ,.m y s h a re , toe . I t w ould be n o th in g to th e ta x e s th e y p a y In G erm any. T h e y took obout.S 35 f ro m m y pay every m o n th ., ."S in c e Je w ish p h y s ic ia n s ha v e be en b a n ls h - « d J . r o ^ r a c U c e . A ry a n d o c lo rs jire o v e rb u r d -

~e'ned w ith w ork . I t ’s 'a 'p lty .''" I t w ill ta k e G e rm a n y 15 y e a rs 'to m a k e u p

f o r th e loss o f s c ie n t if ic m inds in en f^ ln ee rln g n n d m e d ica l f ie ld s . A m erica .iihould b e g la d t o g e t ho ld of s c ie n t if ic - tr a in e d G e r m a n e x ­ile s ." . • - •

VISIONARY CREDIT SCHEMES •, I t h a s o f te n h e e n ' a rg u e tf t h a t«iy;W ay to solve m tm y o f o u r econom ic p ro b le m s lie s

' ^ t n e x te n d in g p u b lic c o n w o ro v e r b a n k .c r e d i t — In o th e r w ords , t h a t b y , , tu r n ln £ jh c j ! j ) ig o t

^ • o f CTt d l t o i r p ^ f f . 'a s fleslrcd. u p s a n d dow rjs r— in 4 i> e fco n o m le cyclc c o u ld - la rg e ly -b e p r e - ;— v e n te d .■^••-“ t t l i ^ c o r y , a s an a i ith o r lty -o n I ja n k ln g

h a s sa id , prc.';ent5 '*"an a llu r in g J j lc tu re th a t , ■ "^ d T B lp ir fi fT S im p iy a n d 'so 'ta s ily -n rm o v c m a l- . a d ju s tm e n ts , lif teg u la ritlcs a n d m is ta k e s in

o u r econom ic J lfe . I t ra ises o u r hoptis a n d 6 rc - a tc a .v is io n s .o f a c a re frc o fu tu re , ^ u t a lo 3 , i t

Ef.UMr IN EUnOPEAN CYPSY HRmE .MARKET Some verj’ goft mot* have developed In the lO’psy

bnrte-miiitrtr-A-dlrpntch-fFom-Bcl(miaer3tiERfla\ia.- Kay.i tlic tgn ouoUtlon a t the nnnviftl Kraljevo fair

_'vh<rrc lhc5tWtliui}’.piicflin*''.il''‘lr '»lve\..»-ns KLW for. f.elccicd Ordlnno- family Krndci were a*low nj S3.00 and H,

It ;may be-stmylns from Ihe *ubject, perhaps, to wonder why brunettes should fetch tli t hlslitst prJcci for (O'p^y bridcr., Mclnc that tiicy are a dark race and a blonde cypy; iJiould have scarcity value.

More to the polrtt Is the fact tha t the flKurea.are considerably lower than tho^o n.rfccd In recent yeaT* by pareiiu. StudenU of Uie m;»rket would have wel­comed ftji exact compnrt.ioii between this j-ear's hlRh of tS.40 and the avemse price for brunette lin ts In the ba;.c period. I0n-Jti2ti. ahd In the pre-war period, lOW-IOH. .

AnrtlynLi could then have prepared charts thowlnj

n niny be th a t the decline In (OP-'y domestic prices Is due to nehou.we.w over th^oentral ^ n p e a n ultu- nlforv' o r’ prrKnpii over-prodiicHoiT We dotfiTmow, CertAlnU' some i)rojpectlve Pli, D. will lell us all about Jl. one of tlw e days. In a thesis.—Des Moines RegLiter.

■ one had, so Uiey turned to Uttlft T urtlr and said, "Vou_run bomc and pet one,"

LItUc TurUe pouted. "I don't

"But why not?”"If I do. you'll drink my coffec,- "m iy . Little TXirtle, wc certainly

Knii’t.” •80 the little Turtle trotted Off. - Well, tw-o year* later one of ilie C turtlc.s looked'out aealn and

.said,- 'X et's drink hla coffee. He hasn’t come back,”

FYom tho door came a wnalKvolce lylns, "If you drink m>- coffee 1-1

p>s linm* fftf tb« iirnhfftli. ’I

-Thrn._th.ei««>_^5_Ellsnjll_ilSht. .e n t who Ta» wendjrg home^'ard one S' ti, m. when he- paiued n milk

ison. As he did the horse looked

. COUNT SI,FO n WEATHER.Mn'st people'm ay be utirprised to learn,-on llif

Biiihorily'br thB-5mlih:-oii!nii"lnslUulion. th a flfn iie,liia-ucalliciLV,'’£4t.Uicr£ Is bnf.1.1 for a preMi^ood cue-vt If Uje wrathcr record! ffi* lOlfl are consulted. Infallibility Isn't clalmcd for

1. but It least IIveniy-three year wriithn” cycle hypothesis

R-aa first made ptibllc by Dr. Cliarle*,0. Abbot, *ecrc- :ao- of the fimlllisonlan. wlieji ho addressed the

- Ac.iilemr of Sclenee sU .years ago^ For fitteenibr.rrvcrs Jor the 6nilthsonlBn iW been ata-

-loned'on moimtnln top* In various parts of the world Yo'mM rure-Tobr-mdlntlon. Thtu- tt was po-wlblo to do soirie flKiirlnB on the connection between variaUons In the aim's heat and weather conditions on thl* li

ill. T lir flmlthi ________ '.*a>’ln{; modesUy

w’cMh^e^condlUoMon tm* ter- ^

nnd .yet w ith 'n ccrlixJn amount of foallilenco tha t Uipy. coniUlute. -«imi may prove to be one o f the mo.''l'-sl|!ninMnl ndvonces yet made in wcaUier fore-

obsrrvRllon and checklnR’tha t ttier«r«rfl perlodlcUlts In MUr rndlnllon, th a t these periodicities a tfw l ths weather nnd Uiat, curiously enough, the jierlodlcltlcs move In a twertty-three-yc*f-cycle.

While Uie layman 'would hesitate to quesllon the rrbdnm of these r.avanta nnd the verity of Uielr weather ryrlPi., It K nonetheleM sifmltlcant tJiat tlie federal weallurr bureau has no t yet abandoned lt4,{laie-tried Ky.itrm for the Smlthconlnn formula. 1* a t hand on the percentage of accuracy the federal TvTMhcrman rcom , bu t he U nn eartiest and eonacl,— rnlloiis sclemLstr«ntl wtU'Contcnl to part Uie.misty veil of futurity by not more than a few days, General-" lr«l'forecasU arc'm ade for a period of. a week, but tlie wenUicr bureau,'usually does no t nltempl lo 'look ahead much more Uian twenty-four hour*. While It occnslonall}- mU.',es. Uie predlctlon.1 of Itila bureau on the whole aro tuefut and acaim tc. For a while, a t leitM, tna-,l,ft{ tis will remain Joyivl to it ^ h lle Uie artrjitl.M.-i Unker with Uielr new forccasUns theoric-s. iTliLs. ts not tho first lime somebody ha.s ari.wn to lnilnuat« that the-ofUdaLwtatherman Is an.oldJoBQ'- But ijolhlns eveT'Caa;,e of It,—Lewiston Tribune.

Breakfast Food-Jo lm r-l'm In an-nwfnt-ili.*:-------— ------------------Jnck;-“W li#f»Ui#inBlicr?"-------- ---------- ------------John; " I lost my g la w s nnd I caWVlook for. then

unUl : find them." • ' . . '

•Tliat's a edod looking hat. Dill." n bought 11 five yearn OKo. had it elfaned Uirc nic], chani;ed U Ivlce hi re iu u ra n li. aud ll'i still a

£t)od as new.”

Capital Turns to Stories ~0f~Bright4:Au^e-Animals

I J Aisoclated Pm » Feature IVrller

WA.SIUKaTO.>l. — For tonifl rea son this to»-n'a 'latest story" for two months hw run to stories—anl mal .ilorles wlOi a plile twbt. TJiarc hasn 't been a new Roojeveir story for weeks, and nobody'* even tried to pf dfllr what Chamberlain really

Muybe the in's been undev too

TJiere's the Mreamlln'ed folk tali »bouV tho' three bU turtles and the Utle turtle. They went jtrolllng ur

Petmsylvnnl.-v'avehUe one'stinny aft- imoon. and when they came along- ide a 'restaurant one said. "Let's ;o In fct-.some coffee." So they did, me biK turtlc.1 all ordered blR eupa ind Uien said. ■'Uttlc TurUe. yo an have a small .cup,"They were slpplnc atlcntly whe:

,tne turtle looked .out tbfi..wlndoi and exclaimed. "Say! It's ralnUut,

H ^ey. Celebrates Fiftieth - ~ A it ii i^ W ii^ ijo tG o n fla g ra tio u 4

• By OLENN DALCH In UiaJityday. of. lta.ailjiljijj>:

perity. HsUey. qilecn c»inp of Uie bootnlnj Wood rlrer cquntry. awoke one July momlns to flad Its bual-

Ineai section a jharred arts of flro 'swept rrlw . ■niat was In Uic year , 1889. On the Fourth Uie preaent re*- I Menu of Wood river country and la Urge section of the cltlten* of 'joiitliem Idaho celebrate tlie 50Ui annlreraajy of IHe'flre. _ -

Dack In tlie d#yi wlien men’s minds were occupied prlnclpslly with

could b« Uken from Idaho'* ilde- tUfy built JiasUJy of tlxj ma- cloaest a l W d . which In mwt

Instances was fresii-sawed lumber, and did not worry about Dis possi­bility of lire. All the prolecUoii deemed neeessjryw u a rain barrel slttlny a t the-com er of the hou.w and a couple of buckct.s thst were lupposoi to be kept a t the rain bar­rel but seldom were, _j\i_a_result_of thi* type of con- itriictlon and carcle.ssnei3,'mcs>t of Jie towns built in IdaJio during the .‘*rly .days of Uie gold ruih have be<i> pracUcally destroyed by fire alJ«a*l..onco,.»ora« of-Uiem-twlc*. Ilirdly a lummcr pajscd when somo-4UJld................ .......................... .did not B^-up In smoke. Idaho City burowl twice, ejich fire practically destroj’lns the buslnnvi section,

Tlie bumlnc of Hailey ts an early- d sy jlro worthy of mention In the

ime brenUi wlUi Uic spectacular jnflAgratlfiii -Kiilch destroyed Ida- 0 cuy In Ui« CO'S. - Idaho Clly't fire Parted on Uie-

second floor- of a "honky tonk": Ifnilcj"* sta^lrd In a bikew. Tlio Uftlley lire, so the report goes.

I tty .- ■|~ l t was m Uie N4vada bakery, at Uio comer of Main and CarbonaUi auwts, tliat ti)e conJlagratloa got its staru A atrong-wlnd helped It In - Its march along Main street. At Uie Metclianla' hotel corner the flghlers m.idc nilcsperate attempt to stop it. ,

, but lenpliig tcucue* of flame, stlns- ' Ung sparks and blinding smokoiliove

through the night, wlUierlng a l T ' reaUUiirc,_H urdllni; Ihe street, the fire toa{-___fd Its fiery *park-bflehlng way Uiroujh the next block . . . and ' the next.' In less than ' two hours aftfr the first alami the business . lay In smoking ruins. Of four bus­iness hj£>»ta only Friedman's store was Aaved. All tha t remained of the buslneu firms were two prl&l- t n j offices, a lumber yard, the A l- . tura* hotel, a couple of livery s ta­bles, two stores and a saloon. La'uc} ran close to half a million dollar*. - of which about llW.OOO wa* Insured,- - Hailey 1* note^ today for Its Fourth of July fireworks displays, but tlie 1880 fire holds-Uifl record for be- tnu- Uic-most-elaborate and - cxpca-—Blvt,

u true in Uie c'au....... w t burned mining camps.ed Immediately. Governor Shoup hended a sulxicriptlon list for suf- . ferers with n round UdO. Ketchum, Just twelve miles up Uie river, expe­rienced a plague of badly singed tramps.I I t Is notctt'orUiy tlial wlUiln a period of n few weeks Hailey. Seat­tle. Ellrnsbiiris, Wa.Mi., and BfJters- flejd. Calif., were all destroyed by

AN e n g a g e .'i i ;nt ••How'do I look. Mom7- •Xlke -CnrtUrbtli-going- down~the- Ijle on E a'ler S(inday,“ .D.M1 laughed. Curils Dell on

:tlon 1: nnd n

md 'SAld, ‘•LllUs.lale Ior...;rcu,i Isn't It?"

e man slopped , dead^ I n 'h is tnieks nnd i.ald, "you are a very remartuible horse. How Is It you

sn U lk?"., ...........Tlie horrie tosA«d liLs mai

dftlnfully nnd'sald, -JOh. that',Inp. Why. I won the Kentucky derby Ii«t yrar.”

’Y'ou did? T^k. tsk." •Just Uien Uie milk man came out

of Uie Karden gate before wlilch Uie horse and the man were aUind-

iR. The man bowed low and snld, "My com'pl,lment*, sir. Thlj !s In- (Jced # wonderful horse you have," r - 'O h —hlrnf-'-wld-Oie-mllfc-manr "Don't believe a word he (lara. He

- ei’en raw__t h"__KentuckydertJ)-.-

• flcld-s, a lone eaclied

•One bright windy day four «

Tliey did, Tliey m n ove ,’cr rjind dunes, and down

slopo to Uie wa. W icn they the bcMh they looked around. LltUc O.'irich wn.'.n't In slRlit m they aii stuck Jhetr heads In the .land.'

B ut Uie Ostrich was a spunky fel­low. He ran and mn after Uie big ostrlclies. Elnally he came "up over the .^and dunes, too. Wlien l)e reach- e^.Ilie beach he stopped, looked all ' -lund a n d ' then shniilM. "Wliere

thuritte'rTs eveo'body?"

I—Or have you heard about the llttl&l lummlng bird.who had to '

pro'per'old aunt o

I n this column todar, Nlghl EdI' tor flcUonlics Uie visit of a ncimlo: .. hla hometomi 'for a Fourth o July talk. 'I t I* written In the veli of N. E.'* firm belief that no one Ir the world wanU to hold hU Job i

where he Is n j to what he'll si

WASUiNo:row,-D, 'cr‘JfiTr*a-3 aeua to r P. Duffy ,ZaMelhune}i. CD-

. his Jiometown. B w i , Anystate. to deliver an Independ­ence day address, lie will refiim Thun'day to carry oir committee

ivestlgaUons Into unAmcrican ac-

__________AhVslate, Jiily <—Ply­ing to his hometown for the first Ume In five yean. Senator P. Duffy Zasselhunch today declared "we njust count Uie many ble.utng* and privilege* or living In a nation un­molested by the IronWiand of n dic­ta to r nnd free from the strife of ra'- clal Jirejudlcea"-'during (>n. Inde- pendpace day address.

, 8ena»<fli.ZMseli.unehr-*-memb^ \p l th e senate eommUlee Invesu- ' g stlns subversive activities In Uie United SUtes. Indicated Uiat he may setK rt-electlon next year with a re­mark tha t "our* Ls n long and pa- trloUc .work thnt tnuisceiids party

nes and b hot to be Interrupted.'*

DENVE3V Colo.’ J'ul# S - ln te r - .ew eatiy iiv ts tocrm jn 'hen f today,

I Senator P. Duffy Zajieimmch,-who U enroute by.train to Wailiiuglon liter nn Indepe'ndencC day addresfcj It BcebiL^y, AnystAte, dccUired Uiat

ildcot .iiiiS-iir,3umcxl—com-itandtnK puwt-uled-by a-dletator.:!-___JJLv remaric followJd a-(jiicstiofH

ralsed-by.slockmfn.In regards tb recent purchase of forelim beef ni thoriied by the chief execuUve.-

' afternoon. Senator P. D. 2a.w l- hunch warned that "racial prejudice la rocking the foimdalloni of our dem'ocracy.“

fndering Inter-

tlona .clearly reveal lliat 'sens nre elUier_

ilraUons of actlvelv simnortlnc

J»lTTSntmOH,- Pa-, July 0 -B e- fore climbing back on h ti Piillman tor the- llniU hop Into WnUUnRlon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r tp r^ . . . . . . . . . . - -Duffy Zasselhunch said "municipal______ ___________ 1- mycommittee to fight a growing wave of Communism that Is sweeping Uie naUon." . ' ■ -

•The supposed Red m inority' is rapidly becoming a third power." he declared. ‘ThD Reds may throw UiL: naUon Into a legal revolt by proving to be_the deciding lnnuehc_« In the 1040 prtsiachllnl elecUonT'

WASHINGTON, D. C.. Julj- 6r - Rcfreshed In mind and body by a trip to Ills hometown In the ruRged Rockj- mountain*. Senator P. Duffy 2a.iselHlincl). <D-AN) said on arrival here toniglit lliat "democracy will aiway.1 live In the United States."' ••Subversive acUvltle.i c a n n o t touch Ui6 lieaft or -mind* of. Uic frecdQm-lovIni: cltiMtis who people our groat counli>',v.he add«d.—

Asked for an explanation of.^tate*Ixntats.credited Uie-prca 'd u r ln j his ininicontlncntjil Jnimt. -Uicjcnalorjnlii.iie.ljadd^cnJihLs;,qt»lcd '‘-by-wunlry-»epoH«r».i--------,.Ji!s.;txDlanBllon..rtcnlea a_*um- IDIU7 of BtAtementa to th e eflK l Uiat the president was JUtler's American agent and'U iat tho Jews and iMds were bartering to see', which croup took over the United State.-, before the chief.execuUve cold t^ort to Uie. PiseisU. . — ........ .

t rirhr^. th ree big one* and a lltUe one. were feeling verj- frisky, m e blK ones-didn't- like U) have Little Ontrlcli nround . -o■Ulcy ^»lil;.pctcd imong Uiemselves,' "Let's runand 1 e him."

yard?he.w-cU kntw .tha t when he

lipped, too many urapes he fell d l ^ . .ind when he felt dUa’-a-lunnyOllUe. fellow In red bools allowed up aion;-ilde.

Sc he warned his aunt about Uie grapes, and they Just flew around. " ‘ tempUtlon wa* too atfong for

Humming Bird, He lagged be-

rtille.grew fllfrv Anrt____ ____ ___Jaiildn't find Ills aunt. Finally he ^pled hrr sitting on a fence rail and vllh a sigh of relief, sa t down quiet­ly ,bc.slde her. Then h« saw th a t llttli fPIlow with Ui'e red boots, and-^il kept glancInK nen'oualy from him to

Ihe humming bird aiemly 'siKTsald: ^-•.•Koph«w,-teU -U ia t-lll lle -fu y -lo

Hatchinf: Season at Wendell Plant Ends

WENDELI* July 3—Concluding i hatching .iea.son Uiat saw mpre thai 10.000 poult-s hatched out, the Com- motui' liicubulbfi'j»-crc awifelicd^off

larger proportion of poults from CKBs. Tiifsc inc rcu ti are attributed »-Uie-ncw strairt of breeding stock

having Uie iiock a t a lower ele­vation and consequent earlier gre<afeed. . , ---------------------------

Oscar.-W. BMnes. M eridian.-Fho has been ‘.on duty a l ihtf Jncubotor 24 hpuR a day since March .13, left .Tnumrtny for hts iiome.'BroodliiB'tJ- ult_rloi)e tUKlcr.llic 'dlrMUon of Hol- .Ju-Uen-Dojnrfortinan-fer jrr-Coro--

•A new heavyir.pringcd'nuiomoblle iccelemtor pedal wlilcli rcstst* novemcnts a t higher speeds U now.

being Installed on prevent UiB Uioushilew driver from csceed- Iny jpeed ' . . - -

indlng Joke in Ui« Inmlly, “Supiwe# Dsd'll b« early?;^ ,

-yjound -lo be.-Ho's-looklng-for- rard to having-a grand dinner wlUi

you on your birthday nlghl. You^rc fifteen today. Doesn't seem so *lnce you «rre Just a little bundle on n pillow. Now l0(;k al CurU* Bell.------------------------ -

anjwered. "Yes. Dad,, "Oh.. UiBl's. to o . bad."_ said - lie. Tlien. "Sure I won't be In llie way? Y0».>:nQff } wpn’l mmd. Sur<? I'd h»te to .ipoll anything. All

Mom.”"What Ls It, Dan? Falher <

set away?""Mr. Curtis Bell Is down a l I

office with-plans-for-*- new job, a falher. has to 's tay and talk U t .. with him. Maybe It's x contract for us. you sec. If Dad can land it. And Dad says for me to go dOR-n and we will go lo dinner Jusi the same ajKl take Curtis Bell along."

'-Well?". ..'.‘Dad say* lo. so 1-am golng^l'm «»red I'll spoil sometliUig, He’s so !l|ff..nn{l so slranse lo you all the :Ime, Weil, iierc goes,"

Palher Introduced his boy and .uM.'‘T ou MC.’ Mr. Bell. UlL bi lils ilrtiiday and 'ho and I iilwiixs have

hoped you.mlBht go along with us.Plelsc do." ........ .......-

Mr. CurUs Bell’s gray eyebrow* ;nt In a frown, thoufihUul and ither sad. I t looked ro Uiougli he ere going to .say. "No. I can't (co."

but he didn’t. What he wid was. "Fifteen. Today. You know what I wss doing on my flftecntli blrUiday? Leaving home, never to go bnck. Tve' b^en alone In tliLs R-orld ever ilnee. How dw* It/eel to bo fifteen and having dinner with your fa- T h tr ra n d 'lh en ' Kolrig hoitie^b t r i

'.'Mighty good, slr.'W e're going lo ve fnilt cocktail. »nd clifcken

..touUicra-itj-le.-and-JM. creanu W ike.Jnokel. Great. And afler th a t . c kO 'Io- the show. Dad has'U i#—

•- li'i. a fine sIn .vrhool. Everybody says li's great, so 1 Rtie.'s we'll like It."

I Thi-v illd, f.' iK-clally Mr. Curtli 'n e ll. Ht-fbrgol nil-fine cToTEerajrd Ills stiff manner* and general prim­ness and talked to Uie boy o t fif- i<-cn n.s If he sere tha t age himself, "Ttinnks for letting me In on *

ive dela^'cd him. tohlghl, but I m i jou. n i bfl oa hand for your ^xt'lirtbday, r v t Alwij’i wanted »' rihday you see, and a faUier who.

Ticpl'7ilV"c-np:\!cmrntTflin'm8.'Boyr'‘ - '_a,-cuId_;iava-l>cenTlic»Y{n=f?.t=

Thiink,s^for sharing."II engngement-with faUier who

Uilnks It Is Important, li heaven for boy.

v 'T a iH 'ttlll »lv'e p trtona ra l* tenUon to in'Suirle* from l.parenU and ncho«t teacher* on the care and(lerelopmcnt'ofaiUarilC Write .him In rare of Twin Fall* Newi, encta*- . In f a Ihree-cent itainped, self-ad: dressed envetape for reply.

of■pLinned Uil* year by fan^ Manliob:

Tliree varieties which In 1633 showed marked- superiority In provlncc-wlde teats find—special favor In Saskatcliewaa. 'n iR ' are T intcher, Apex nnd Henowu, wheats

thich stood up well in Uie areas most severely hit by rust.

In Manitoba, n new ruat-realslant ,-ht.-il called "Rcgenl.'^ In honor ot lie roynl visit to Canada, will bo


U e.stlmnted Uial durlae 1038. M,tXW,000 driven 01 Uiei'Onlled. :« h 'ra ‘aT)aut-JOTOff,OMTftrur#J- ' rnn out ol gasoline about >

1,350,000 times. _______^ ________

Make This Model at Home------Twin-Falls N ew s Pattei-n----------------

bij C ^ / t n c C y f i l a m SPATTEn^ 4175-

Irock by Anne Adams, Nicest of #11.lUtdi m >>aU £Q )_lU 4jlU_

■ ' Jlffy. 'm e princes* gmoefully-ouUlo* - e • sew, for

Uiey eliminate walsUlne *«mlng. Tlio unusual yoke and the long cen­ter panel may be cul< on Uio bins. Or, you might bias-cut Uie. front

jinrt.bM k sld9.patKlUlii»tJlr«.n>fJ»._ extra swlshy fullness lo the sklru Make the aleeves with wide sluhed^^

’openings dy seamed'up, and leave the neckline round and slmplo. B ut . go gay on ruino trim lor tho ^Ires- sler version—use 11 lavishly a t yoke, sleeves and peek-a-boo hemline.'

Pnttei-n Il761* nvnllable In' Junior and misses* *lze* .10-18; biuti 38-38. SlM 14 Uke* 4 yards 39-lnch fabrts and 7 yards laco edging.—s«nd“nFTEErrcETrT5"[iwin” ' coins for Uils Anno Adanit pattern. >VriU) DWaly SIZE. NA5IE. AD- ' DRESS and STYLE NUMDEB.

Easl, W«st,.-j?o'rth'8oum—wher­ever .your'vacatlonland U u youll" have more tun imder the eua if you ’ bring along gay new costumes for • every occasion. So hurry - - order. . ANNE ADAMS' 60MMEE PAT­TERN COOK TODAYl Packed wlUi

*EReM~i^lllrHy'inp,- ronnlng,' dancln*.—i t»Velliit.~" slstitseclns and Just sUylfts a t home. Wearables for U iyr-toU .-betw ixt-... fthd-bctweenen.. fa lr-an d -tw ea ty ,

................ ■ •H -«v«ry—


Send your-order to Twta ftiUi New*. Pottem Departmeat, Twin P oUb, Idaho. • -

Page 5: Nazis^lame Mimm - · 2014-12-12 · lege wns being observed today, s.principal of Uie State Normal school demand was made


TWO AGAIHST -LOVfi■. T. b y F r a n c e s -H a r in a . — —


. hnnil a.__ ....llio Mfloklns ru iai. scard iln j for tniolderliie r u ln t OeotX. TiDmdi-ke. nnd Nola joined Joeflyli and Mrs.

'M ack. Huclj ffne advanced a dUter- cnl U i«iry-an-Jo Itic Ore'S crialn. but their premises were knoekM m- to a coblced 1ml vlicti one et the llrcmcii enier»:a-from llio wrtckase

-« llli an rm piy kcrcisaoc cnii from

«1 hemp,“ He eyed them all* nccualnsly. ‘’Somebody deliberately storied th li

• Jltc!" lie srowicd, "I'd say it » m p ln n ii^ 'a n d 'M t by ft proferJilomvl tlrebusl” .• JocelyiTBMped. Tlie m«n lumcd to her. do jou ‘know tboucUiLi. MIm ?"' "Nolhlns—excep l^" .

"ExccDt w hat? Llilen, Isdj-. If . Uicre’s an nnonUe aroim d' here

we've tv t to Kcl'hlm before lie tuu tJic whole county on Ilrel Come on. •peak upf" ■

•'nn not sure tJila meniu a jiy

_ him iiboiii her Bu^plcloiu boarder. "Sounds’ like ou r'iu n n T He fcuve

orders to w arelj Uw properly. PrlKli- icned now, Jocelyn recalled how In- l^restcd the little man hnd been In th(> fo'if and In the tfclu.ilon of Sea- d lfl. Bui before she had IIotb.W re* lote any of this t w husky firemen apiwured from Uie ttable.>dtftgglns the w etplni • Mr. Jones between them.

"Sure I did It." Jone.t w u saylnt. "Nevtr figured you’d get here w .(julck to pu l R out—wouldVe made —made a beautiful bonflrfr—bcnu-

■r Winrif » Miryrtlrlnl «*f«niln<itlnnXrovned.^d.ordered Tally remoTtd to the luMplUl in 6anta .Barbara.

Jocel>-n spok'8 to the doelOr before , going Jnlo Tally's room a few hours later, .

"He's burned budli’ about (he lace and anw ," he told h tr. 'H e haa a lilgh fever oiid hU cohdUion la to say Ihe least, dftiiserous."

-Not—not—he , won't die?" alia pleaded.

"I doii'l think to. He'i hMlOiy. Young. 'H e 's tUll uncoiiKloui, IhOURll."

a until

- - Hough-1ther facta_______________year term for'araon a t San Quentin. Allenlata .had pronounced him a pyromanlac and recommended an a«y]um. b u t 'th e state 'had 'decided he knew righ t from wrong and should bs Incarcerated In prison.- Jones hlmw lf told all 'of th is In d_e-

—tall, obvloudr-«njo}'lafi-hla.m m ^t 'In th# 'spolllBht.

'. ‘'Come oo youl' 'Youll be in «" u yiufn-Tor goaa-w t r t

As they led him away, weeping once more a t the failure of hla “bon- Jtre," the m « I m ’ old car rattled Into

juniped out.• In the joldnt excited «rp?an«- llonA Orctchen cried, "Where li 3et*yT Oramp?"

“Oranip wouldn’t go far aw»>*- or.------------fiCTcrulches." TaJIy aboUirfr "He'ii" '■ -'ll^oBlfl31y'^Jp^n*hJl^Too^T^wtsrw«^■

Tex are guro to b# » llh him."•.•Ml run up arid see," Dob ta ld .-----

. , He returned a few minutes later.------------Ui«-an*war- plainly -wrltlcn-on - his__ _ j l l s ln u i t lace. "Nobody In the heu^e.----------- Dldn’l-«ny-of-yea-*e#-them .around

hpre?’*K . m e unenay circle exchonRcd

Sliu'cei. ’'No,“ -Tally nuped. -Too ^ . much excitement, Beside.i, the fire

— w isnT -ahyw hcrcTicnrihoir"• 'B u i . . . were they . . . r

flr'e?" Jocelyn naked.. . . ; :^ d ly .J J u m c d ’! ................

AUrnicd. nppreheniilvc. Uie croup ip llt iTit one.t and twos and began a search of Uie house and croundn after atrreelng upon a signal (o be

-----------given- w hen-ihB ‘Jo s were - found.Jocelyn found herw lf paired off

* wllh Tally. Stealing a look a l him ■ »lie¥aw tha^■cvVr^cJil»^Cfl^)lt■onllIf

........... -tkln.wos.««vcrod-willi-A lUm oI lootnnd his,clothes were scorched and wet.

"You o u g M 'to BO )n nnd so to bed." th e taM. "You’ro Uie only 0110 who did nnylhlng to save Uie

- house.- 'We’d liavo lo il everything If It hadn 't been for your courflfic. Are you sure you are all right?'’ .

t ie bru^ied h e r words iislde: said.' “I've coma to find Oramp and Bet­

sy. Come on if you're going wlU) me. I t doesn'C.aecm to make senw but we'd better s ta r t combing the fruit ordm rdi."

_jni!;rcJKiia.n:___________________sround Ujo tlght*fool fence. There

no'fence, "ntere was no vege—u ra n le n .____ _______ _______’'I—I'm Rorry about the garden,

sue said, touching liLi arm .' H winced, elUier from physical or men Ui pain, a h e had no way of tell­ing. '

• ......... T hank -hcnven .-It‘dldn’r R t f tthe chickens," he muttered, hla

-— volo»:iioaf8e,-from gmoke.----------- •From Oieii qu Uiey . trekked

tlirough the orchards In a silence broken only to call Uie name.^ of UiB missing ones. Jocelyn'stumbled ■■ ' r Uie rough- earlli. leellng drug-

—Just let mo et«y In the he—he Is out of dungtr."

a Do Lere Veu’ • Jocelyn stayed Uiree flays. In Uie

hoipllal. When, after long hours be­side the bandaged man die drooped v lth fatigue, sli« let Uie nune lead her to a bed In UiB room next to hla. And In tliose Uireo daj‘s tiie learned Uie truth In her heart. No longer. If Tally lived, w-ould she stand back fuid lei anoUier woman take him,

would fight for him. Fight'w lth every weapon a woman poMc.Uedl

T he m omljTfof the fourth day NoU-stood- Jn-Uie- doOrwoy:- o r-h l i loom "and .looked~at 'Jocelyn ~T?lth w ndorlng-eyes.-"you-haYen't'b«!r lionie at' all." > ie sAld.

JoceJ>'n advanced- Ipwa/ri her. a declaraUon of war written on her determined face,

“I’m not coming home," she an ­nounced, "I'm going to stay here until he’s out of danger, "^en I'm going'to tell h im 'l love'hlml'Nola, 1 don’i care how much you want him -^I’m going’to try ’and marry him the'mlnute ho can sign his name to a marriage license!” '

Nola laukhed softly. "I did want liini. I^ u , b u l.lj iev u Imd t O unce. He always loved you and I know it. bu l I thoiight I still had an advan­tage because o f your stubbornness. I knew I had lost, Uiough. Uiat n ight he left me and went to you because he thought you might be frightened.1 guess I really laced Uie truth th a t night . . . oh. why mourn? We wouldn't have clicked, anyhow. I ’m n o tj i farroer's wife and he IsnV a Heh w d m a h T 'p e r iii f ii ig h r 'n io m and I had a long Ulk. I ' ~

and—uid-shc loves me—hpiue c housfr:-'’ . . . . "- “I do love you, Tally—house o house,"

,n is hand closed over hers and Lhe knew Uien'lhtit Nola Imd bctji r igh t, -■"nien.' he tald, •'lei's work to- BeUier—never sell the house—never."

"Never."OenUy. tenderly, her lips found

his and saneliow. alUiough h u id l- capped by bltidagci, his arm s crept aboul .her and held her very cloic.

(The Kndl <C9pyrlght, 1939) .1

The Literary Guidepost


SHORT BTORY,*' by W . Somerset • Maugham, (Doubleday. D oran:

U lS l j “M Best A ie rira n Short Stories," by Edtrard J . O 'Brien ,UIou|b(on Mifflin: » ) .

band I want. We are going to be married at- soon as you ea away from here long enough bridesmaid . ,

"Tliora loves you," Jocelyn aald sl/nply. "i HiJnk you tvUI be happy together.'’

Kola’s smllo was content. "Yci. yn, TJiom loves me. First thing rourptoK rm iriniT rrciiinjnitstion

■or-th r-i,t)oo-ee»r'_9r-T w nir^ 'B - bought, I think It can be done, too, w ith-lho-hclp of-Uie toll conserva­tion department of Uie fiovemment, Aft«c-Uiat— -wilVwho-kaowx?::—

Wlien the ddor had closed quietly ■b Tyn beside

Tally. Suddenly, she laid- tier cheek against his hand, ’'I—I love you so.” alio whispered. '’I—1\« been such a fool!"

HU hand moved.-Bhe raised her chin., sow his eyes were open, saw

e was conscious s i last.“How—how long has U been?" he

murmured Uirolijh Uie swathing bandages about his head,

"Four days. Ob, Tally, It seems like /our years,'*

.-I e u ea n i have to start my farm again—” ho sighed.

___ don’t have to,"' s...■niciia?;"ws'£uinimrriTi,^r(iMii clUf.Riid havD-enough money to do........p!ea.',e,"

. . HUi voice was so weak she icktcely bear him. Elw leaned

over him, her face so close to his she could feel hU brcaUi on 'her cheek. “I—I won't marry any wonl- aii—for any reason except I lovo her

I t would be sU^ange If w . Som- ereet MaughW s two moat ImporUnt ficrvlces to..otir. Ume.shouvi lie the •prtxioctlon t/f-‘’Of-Human-Boptlose,-“ and convincing the general publli Uiftt the whoosh about “Jltcrarj^ In­spiration" Is Ju.1t Uie smoke ncrccn puffed out by the. fiikes,' In any cose, Mr, Maushimi beKlns h1;i a.-,, touiidlngly well marr,halled ’Tcller.i of-Tales" wlUi-a H»nUo-remlnder th a t Uiere Is no' disgrace In wVltlng for a market: tha t once young wrlt-

could make a living o u t of ilve- tragedlf.i. "But tliat now none

would write such Uilngs; th a t Ouy dc Maupaisont . himself once, wrote fhe aanie Jl«/y-UvJcft-.ono-verAJwi short, for a newspaper, .and the oUier long for a magadne. And tha t tho short one contained not •word too lIHIe, nor the long ve Sion a wiprd too.mucbl

This sane atUtude lia s ~m4cXcd the new book. Tills U nn cnarinoiw book containing .on Its 1520 pnKes IM stories from five lands — the U n lttd -S m c i, EdBland.—Tranco. n«s.ila and Germany. Nnt Inng ngn Maugham explained to the w riter

lie tiKQogy a t tho suggesUon of hLi Amer­ican publisher, who said ' It would tiM up a l most twi) o r three -monUa-Sarly-last. sprtng the time )iad already gone <?vcr three years, and even a t Chat juncCuro Maugh­am’s sitting room a t Uio lUU w-as pracUeally invisible beneath a drlfl

f galley proof._____________. Whatever lime It nreded,

Tjookli worlirUie uaiirTlbjliy Ihologlej a rt OMembled by with- bocks to- scratch -or- -axca-to grind. Mr, ^Jsugham m a it h Iwen-sliarply Impartial, fo r-b o -h as neither toadied lo his friends, nor -followed-tlie-faslifonr-HemhiRway has, for example, but one story in the book, whereas Sherwood A n­derson and Hlng Lardncr cach hove two. You need , n o t bellevo th a t Uio book actually c o n u in s .u ic 400 best short stories unless you feel like frwallpwlng a spot of fiah- ha lL .B u l'onc could scarcely rea d even the table of conlcnt.^ wlUiout knowing that Uie 100 stories generous and Intelllgcnlly "cho-ien reprcsentaUon of a generally under- •■alued secUon of literature.

Tills year Edwnrt J . .O ’Brien la

Bt-ltlsli *horl htorlos a Uilrd -col* lection culled "50 Best American Sliort Siorlcs; lflU-1933." For Uie

part Wte sfortes R iththe O'Drlen requlrcmenu. and are excellent.

Needlecraft Club a V t Jerome Names Staff

JEnOME, July J-NwKllcicfaft clubofllecra-for Ihe-eomlngck-ctcd.BLft.Di«ilci:-Knlnrsd9y-attho home 'of U:«, Marie Jeiucii. Mrs. n ia M. Coot was eleoWd pi*** ldfnt;-7.Irs. Emms McKlnzle. \-l'ce prfr'ldenl:-Mri,-N«lll» Jtnklni, retary, and Mn. Alta TlUr, treasur-

Mrs. ai*ud UeCOiiM) had cJjsrse, of a -rhort pro;;ram. Tlie hosteM was ■ ft-ulsted by her dsugliter. Mrs, Lot- ena Sherman.

T io next meeting w-lll bf In twO' wccka a t Uie .holnc of ,Mrs. Helen Kennedy,

llio lou l taxf* that are derived from a barre!- pf crude oil In Its loCmev from well to consumer are


Hepbiu’u, Seven-Year Gaiiiblerl r Mak€9„StageJ[’aytOff-al LasI

By JACK KTIN.SiriT AP Pemure 8«Tlce Writer

- N E W .Y O f lK - - . ln Uic Uicaler. where gamblers are commoo, Kath­arine liepbum Li one of Uie best.- After icven yearn of stating time, reputation n:id Holliwood snlnrv— and almost her Uicjpian slilfl—M1:j Hepbum has lilt the jackpot.'Plilltp Barry'6 ’T lie Plilladelplila Slory" Is a lill. and the imidi-prabed star Is Katharlno -Jlrpbum. w-ljo le.’.i ihnn K ye;>r ngo being advUed to oull lo'lnK to be a stuge .ac lrr.j and stick to klrlk’s and grlutln,

"Tlie PhllarlHphIa Story,•> a »'v- pHIstfcflted modem comedy.Ts Mlw

Jlcpbum’n third r ifn rt-tn rrtum ^o Brosdwny rlnce ?he went to In 1?3:. Few actrf-v.cs.have ho.d to sur­vive a more wiiherliig crliicjil lire than «hn ilrrw, )n her upprnrniice In -Tlie Lake- In 1533, l ju t yc-ar ''June K)-!.'" kO mtlU UWII51.1 (if llu.1 the ’nicMrr Guild didn't piciv bringII to loan, nilck-sklnncd veteran tiDQi>rrs hnvc bren di'coiiragfd by lci-..*Dm not Ml.--' llcpijurn.

. . Oitn« lo trrest In I’Uy When ’Il:irr}’n piny i>o;ij)ed iip,

.'h i hoiijlil In hrr.'-rrrrii roiitnirlsIII s rcjxirtfd Id liii\e com herWf) 10 tcLmsa_iilciii;fi mnirarU cancelled, not lo mr.nlinn the lens

of her aahio'l: took a cosh Interest in . the comedy; signed a mu-of Uie-plsy foiitracl which could k'eep her out, ot the movlrs until lB<t: and runner i|j|>fd'Uir'fcjii<3 b y 's u jin cfUni rlRht-i' to “ HTc PhlladelplilA i;^nry-'. iM'Iofu ltrOiulu;ty -luul paucd /■utUmfm' un It,—IVs a • dllfciaiL-.HciiUUra »ho h u come tuck -to Utcudway—dll. Icrcn trn t, from what H olly nood publicity hnd led us to expccl., ’'Knly" ndinlt.-. nlie con- trli;ii'''d.Jo.tlT»l p-.ilillclly — "an- i«(Tcd Mlly riiir.-,Ho!i:. v,-ltli Mlly aiv.«ers niid they primed It Iliat wav.- :lic ;ays.'~-'5tir ilc 'v i 't bl:ime ihpiii—M.v,i li’uvUictr Job and thry hull lo <!ii It.

lliil no’. .-Hire !.hr h.-ii nmic e;i.-,l aitiiln'hiive llipre heni any tem­per • ■ -. -

iini''i‘''d iijKin—I.. ................PllibclclpliU. she to jwie

le r pliotograpliers because ilie bad'" not been forewarned and . w u . I n . , her caMomary coslume of alaekc and-slilrt. with windblown locks nnd“ Tio“ m[i»c^p--to- covcr ■ h e r rfrcckJc.c----- ---------------------—•------ f-. - - - - Ci*t rraUei U*r .............

Mniibcrs of Ihe company w ho Imve aortcd. tiU i her Uirougti . acckt of rehearialk and iryouta sing only ptTM.'P' for rm*tdrmt!on,-klnd— - nt-.i and KciirroMty. ‘

She, tliCiiBli. rxpre:.-; Irrlti*- lion ntj)eliii: cnllrd roiiriigroui. She ' • • 'lie hiii iio .p;i(jc nnd li not

on Broadwiiy ju jt to "re- lier.-,eU.•tmr.n'i much ui.e for some , iiboLil Hollyi’ood; loo'much

Cfiv.crSii|), loo niiii-li money (41il:iks • pracilrtilly .iill sijis. Including lier- • *rlt, lire piiid ninre llun Uicy are j,amiL-toa..iuurJi, liiiiiic.nii'Jllclty—

i^ h n i li);e(>!o uRh thotat'’, and iiO'A’ she jirijbably will. •»



DIXIE D U G A N - T oo Mu c h f o e p a '


All Mjeir facts .were haggard. vQlccs worried: . . . They might

— lmv8''b«etj-Trappca~in‘TMe‘"BSMen' . . . they might hav# been amoUi*

- errd-w ttii amoke.- -ther-m lght- have. ; : "

Suddenly Uirough.Uie gray mist came a duerulous old voice.

"W hat tn. tam ailon’s a ll the fUss about?”.

Oramp, hobbling on his crulclies, tagged by Bet«y and Tex. malerlaU Ised before the ir eyes. Oretclien snatched Betsy, in to her arms and covered-the bewildered child’s faco with klssei.- "You worried tia to death, Oram*

• pa." Mrs, Maclcjscojded, tears run­ning down her lace, rw hero ■ you All n lth t7 "

"W ell . . O nin\p stopped t t . v - tleve himaell of tobacco Jul<^ Uien. cotiunued . . . 'B elay came.iv-ruRnln'

, In and thecQ's a fire and 'sho'a r.-,*carca.-ahff-wnnta-to-ttt ont-o*-th9-

n o tu e .J couldn’t-do-no-Eood-Trtth- these iiefe legs'b ' mtne, to ^ M it uir and UKes and Tex down to tha t em ptj. ool^aje way off-on -t'o the r

- i ld a -o : . -tho Hrivi»wnv. 6mL-wa_Jcat =n»(ur*lty-.w cnt-t«-aJ<»p,Jn»f*-4ll^

Tally broke in-quleUy: "I got ~ bu ffrB d^itU eT »I>“ ‘T rry tr tn jtU e r

gel mo a doctor . . . "R« fell to the (TOtmd before any­

one could eafcW him ...................Onee nioro th a t night -a siren

shrilled through th e . fog and drew up a t BeacIUf. ' n t ambulanci doc*

Page 6: Nazis^lame Mimm - · 2014-12-12 · lege wns being observed today, s.principal of Uie State Normal school demand was made

^ A C E - S T X - T W IN ^ A I J « • K E f e I S 7 N J ^ A L I ^ . r o A H O .-T U E SD A T ■^IO K O T N G ..JIJL X 3;.lS 39■ -■ ■ -

B R O W S B A M S H E a A S = M t l i E I ^ S € > X T Oi f "■ ir tV

~ M mtanwSwimmer Sets NewHff^M^Recard-forrFresh Waie^^^Umpire Ejects 3 - M e n ^ ^ o m Q a m e ^ n ^

Decision ProtestMize Leads Cards

Up to ^ rd Place. F i r s t B a s e m a n S m a s h e s Tw o

H o m e rs a s S t L o u i s ~ ~ W m s T - 3 ~

NATIONAI. I.EAGI:E . .. H . r-ouk 3. CIilcAto 3 .

lOnIr came Kliraulcil.l ^

CHICAGO, }hly;3 W j-Hlf, Johii- , nj' Ml.'-f oiil U uJu iije riiiu;

K irlplc nnrt n <lqub]e loflnf to nc- - count prrsoimlly for the Bl. LouIa'

C.-irilliinL'.- 5 10 3 vlcior>- over Uie ChlMKo Ciibi In Uiclf ;<Tk.'5 opener before 12.740 caili cu.Monicri. •

Tlic Irliimiili movr<l the C back Into liiliJ i)I.i«*k nnd riroii|«tl Uie Cub.\ to fourtti.

Box ?>cort:


___Efren.—,Ccj7p»r, I

t S s i i m ^ a k e srT iP ostltS ijokane

• - W e s S c h u lm e r ic h S u c c e e d s■ E d d ie a s M a n a g e r o f T w in • ... . F a lls C ow bo ysVfet Scliulmcrlcli. Cowboy Ic/l-

ftelder. today lind Aueccedcd Eddie ••IitWimnn M ni[inngcr of Uie Twin

l^llfl club when Dill Ulrich. Spo- luine #port£tn»n who owns a eon-

•. trolUnc Jntcrcirt, In Iho locnl oOtflt and la Uie Spoknne Indlnns of Ihe ■We*tcm IntcmRUonnl league. Iran*- /«rrfd to Spokane »))frche Till mannee the Inrtlnna. .

Bemle deVlvelros wui releic.ed n.-, tnitnajier o l the 8poknne lemn to

- - make room for l^lshmnn. In ex-'• ' pliilnlns the releiue of dcVlvolros.

. Utrlch auld he «tui .relw.ed becauie ■ •■he couldn't Rel r»lon(t .with tiie

pUycrn."Whll« Tnnn«gins tlie Co»bo>’a.

^-^«n-hfniifht-th^ glub from th r leacQo bMcmenl t« »e«)nd pliice.

. . 'cloM on the heeU of tiie lenpie ietidlne PoeiXello CardlnnK

SchiUmerlcli, lenmie clown and . -one ot Ui«.t>«3l bntlcrx iQ th> li-npie,

; '_hM lind wide cxprrlmee In ba.-'c- .'b sU , and hiis put Iti Mvrrul yetiri

l_ lln -in n j0 Je n su e .jlu '. .FooLbiiJlJecs.TTlUeh he sol while runnlns his

*' ^ a y to ftn AH-Am'crlcnn bfrth p t ■^-^Ortgon-Stn te- Mllerer-forcKt - Wes

lo~cui d io r t'liS slay In th e 'm ........./ - - - - - - - - - - - :- - - -

Ijidians Win 4 to 2: Feller Strikes


ST. LOUie. July 3 L,Ti — ’l-hree, u roT iu Tcre bani.'li«aTtjnoo'Toc-

lu piTil«!il«t tho Chl«aRO White ntRuJecI thrre pllcJien tor 17

lili< and An 8 to 3 victary over St- Xoiils uxliiy.

I t .-il.irt«d In tiie first hivit of Ihi .vrveiiUi. PllihCT Roxle Lnw.on. wlic Juul.rcllevcU Dob ILirxls.ia.tlic x t-.

threw liLi Klovc Into U ie 'Iir thfi rrMn bnK into the Mandx m iv.t over ft ball Unii>1rc CaI Hub-

biird callcd on Mike Trc.ili. Hub- hurd iitonijUly put him ouuof tlie frnmc,

■W-taprii liinliis.i Uie Dro’*w ‘ nnurr, Frtd Hniicy. and pltclitr

W ni Kennedy ».nld more About thul a<-cL\lon Uinn Hubbard tliouKht Jui- tlfle<li and they were ordered Ifcm the lie;


- AifftcW. HrUufnn.

I, An.Un»

----- INDIANS ^. TIOf.RS J ...........D rrn o iT , July 3 iH'i — Yojini;

Rll-wurkinK^lodBy'-bin.- fcUll man- . th r Dftroll 'nKers, 4 to '2. thercbv ennblliii; tli'e Clcvclniid liullaiv? to improve Uicir hold on third Kljvee.ln tJie Am'rlcnti lenRuc. lYller, wlio Innnert M mei^ in lili - Deuolt,' whlfjed but-lwo teriny-htviimaUejl BAine Atrlkebul tou l »lnco entcrlntt the mnjora In 1036. 111a prtvioai lownmrk wns four. ................. .


Fireworks Slated In Pioneer Loop Holiday Cohtesls

Double H e a d e r s F e a tu r e d a t S a l t L a k e , P o c a te llo

- a n d O g de n<!ly lliB AasoclAtcd P rc j)

>'itt»orlu..ef Uie tunpowrier riety « tre deillntd.for n bnclc ftcut ill aIwir the PlaneeMeoBue'* jouUi- .•m front today, with flailing maple, Initead of rrjulnllon'flines whedul- ed to le l off a'doullo delonalloa of tipliflsy'Dwthlu in 'SalfL aW rO K ' (Ifn nnd PocnteliD.-Tlir—Jndet>endenee day -Iw ln

idicdulca.provide.eacb of..Uit' ftnd-dlKl.iJon elulw a silllfriJif . porlunlty to climb toward tiisher rtadin-aC the ezpeme/’ of outfit* ow constltutlni; the upper ulratiiti Ogden, twice Victor over LtwUtoi

)3-ti. srd 15-8, In an ntnrmhig 5nri (ifty-uprlAlns but. atltl deeply cn u-onced In tlie leaitue collar, took one mon; cnick n t the slldlnK Indl Monday nIshl-Biid Uioii cntert tlie sccond-plnce Twin Fullj team In Ihe 'first two';Batne»u.ot fc toiir- RSine .icrlca fotlay. Any repetition if Mich batwork ns mnrkcd Uit riedn’ ktekenri • performance would bode Uporly for T» ln.rallA and no a bng way toward turnlnu the Ie*gHcTnce liito whnl 11 has frequently threat­ened to b o -a lU-tenjn balUe.

A noleh above Osden In the 'iandlnRS.' Dol.-.e set fortli for a

PoCttUto-wlththe, No. 1 Cardinal], aftcr'^plltltni! Sunday's cnKBgemcnU with the Twin Kallii, a-I3 and 7-4. Tlie PlloU

leaders in the J-esulti of 6 wetkcnd PocAtello nnd Eddie

Miilllcari’i Sail Lake Beei. After dropptiiK Uie ncrlea opener a l tlfe Utah capital, the Dees twlcc ntung llic liiillima, G-1 and 18-<3, and th in

to explode whatever Itucnd mlKht have exl.\tcd a t lo the Card-

inlV Invincibility.LeMston itlni lt« holiday liope.i

Prai£Sl>a!ll,.to.Ji„r?}urn (ojlilrd^ placc, a nicnelt was forced to vaciUc orer the wprkeiid-throuHlflhe fom- blned rlforta of the Ogdens and the' 6n1t-U<kn.-~ir-Uift-]ndlAiifi->aU-loUulr.ftiplraUotu. it

hrad.1, for the club wlili wlilch, . Btcj.t;hedui«l-todo:bu«lntinn-

tcdny^ doublehearicr U iho very Balt lik e ft£grrK«l'on which recent­ly d lj|»W utd them from the third Bpot. Only • half-gamo now »epnr- •les the two leAm».--- - • -

Starling today Twin FalLi will operate under Uio leadership of Wes Scliulmerlch. hard-hitting velernn of the Cowboy outlleld. 8chulmcrlch luccetds Eddie Lelshman al the Twin FalU htih). Lel.ihmnn having been callcd to Spokane as managnr of thal clly a Wejtem Ihtcm allonal leacue entr)'.

Introducing a The Fairbrother Swimming Trio

• 'P a t , J im -n n d S k ip i jy - F n i r l i ro lh e r • Florida.JhUiks they may tlval Uie U.iwl» a k U n and ,the Hocrger slfl*.

- -ny r,ABRy-BOLUNS MIAMI PEACH (/D-Anolher

Florida' an'ial'c family—the -three FalrbroUicr »Uteni—la on th« :«ay up’

Tliere hii.ui't been' much about them In the public p rin t but you c

from the m an'w ho uied coach Ihe nwlmmlng Rawlses ,a the diving iloergera—at Icait dne of the Fnlrbrothcrs l«fB distinct pros' peel for next year'a Olympic team .Tlie cIrLv for no apparent reason.ill Kave'bo>»"nicKnnwes.'Pnt-ift«rJim 12 and Sklppy 10. Dnughters of Dutts Falrbrotiicr, a former Jockey,

Portland Youth "BeatrFavorite

EJIy C o o k e S w e e p s la to .S e m i F in a ls in B r itis h

•7- - N 6t-T o u rn c y - -----


,..,3C, 3S .sa>-

Jlnnla, of K rlu in 't "ttorjjl trjilits championship."

ir "^Angered by Rrltlsli tennis critics ‘ who WacdJy )jfltl,drclnrtd Awtm

WM a 3-1 elnch U win. Cooke hit Jinmera off Bimny’a dew-drop ser­vice all afternoon and beai him with iht-lo-.i of only four gnme.';. C-3, 6-0.



ClneJnnall _________ -10 U■ New I'or*,..:________37 2-1 •ifil,.BLJ,ouU ______34 SO .531

___36 33 i22__-.30 31 . m -----30 31 .« H



Lee A n tr lr* ____PeJ\UIe ...... SiSan Francisco 4S

Han Dlero 44 -noHywood _ f^aeramrnle _

..PortUnd .SOItE E L H C rt^^

CLEVELAND. Ju li 3 ./,rhrWllIl^ Hudlln. dean of the Cleveland In-

. tllani’ plttlJing corps, wa.? left be- . - h in d with ft tore elbow todily as hti■ ■-f __- " ”TToaiJnT«vcfticaiie7i>'a'iwhMftr-

_J"B the «lbow dally for Uirco wtck^ ^ fuidThat he h'ud-sub.Titticd to X-ray

' txamlnaUon wlilch liid shown- a fltrafa. ' .. . ■ ------


Taeom* 7, SeJUnf b in C

m s r i

.. WJMni.FDON, i:ng...July_ 3_(,rfc EUy Oooke.of-Pcrlland.Orc_.iiilauI.i, hearted 24-ycar-old boy who, liki Doh Diidge, came out of Toni Stoive’i CallfQml^ tennis whool, awept f«' vored Henr>’ Wilfred IDunny) AiiS' tin right off ihe crntcr of Uie court

'today tmd marcliert, wrtirnigga. 0t_ n i1cfl£0. JnK i_ lli.c_ tcifc

fa'g^.'w ho was, f.eedrd w con^t/ Aiistfii. -trounced •Chaiw'T^roham- m cd io f India. 8-3.. C.2,’ 6 -3 .-^nd now'^-llLnieet Ftrenc Puncrtf'ln Uie 5fml-fliinh. Tlie Yugoslav ace whip­p et!-O tne ' SmlUi, Uie Berkeley, CiUlf. (ichoolnmstcr who was hrtiifll- cappcd by an ami tjjJur>-. 8-0, 60. B-i-Heiiner Henkel of Germany, «diO •dtffeated PrmiL Kukiiljevlc of Vugo-

6-1. e-3, 6-2, .In the -final, will be Cooke’

opiwnent,------In Uie women'silugles. Allct.Mar-

bic,- Helen Jaaotu and Mrs. Sarah Palfrty Fnbyan came through to the Quartcrfinftlj with the rest of ih# seeded players. Miss ^L^rbI^. the No. 1 seed. tUrred back Mm. A. Half! of France, fl-i, 8-1; M ia Jacobs ellmln- aled Englnnd'.i '.Marjrol Ximib, who beat her a t Forest ^KIU last year, ■•2. 7-5. nnd Mf*. Fabyan was taken

I'lhreo'aeti to lop Mr*. D, L. Uttle. 1037 cl^mplbn, 6-1, 3-6, 6-3... Cooke Is a w rv of tcmiU brphan.'

Two years ago lie wa.% Uie }ast-rank- Ins player'.In Ihe United S ta te s -l-i-ynlv.xlphlh At lh» nt 1017Tie-^'cnrffoWn'WTSIoWo's-scIiboTTn' Oaklanti .CRllf,. Rni-TheiLrrootlen CTlEtrfa- orbund~Tilm7~IdnIghTrTlS'

“ w c n .'jry o u llke'm y game, give Tom Slow* credit lo r It. lie dianjed It completely two year* ago."

Cooke may be well-known In Portland, but nobody over her* «vtr

Hailey, 8 To 2B aseb a ll Ip S h a re S p o llig h t . W ith ■ 'o ther S p o r ts

E v en tHAILKY. July 3-Slio-vhonf heat

llir Halle;- Triumph Minrr.. a to 3 here Jjday In a' baseball game whicti was pan of HalIey's.Pourth o l ju ^ ' celebmUon. - ' ^ .

BaseliMI wKrshare the sixiillKlit with a imrade. an auto race nnd acv- eraJ rofSnds ,of bc&lng ami wmtllng here Tue.viay. as Uie celebrulon awlngj Into full bins!. _

One of the hlghllftht.i of day program will be the main boxlnrn 'ent-betw een-D iily-Prlorsnafiailorcrontnr----------

Seven errm-« on the pa................Hulley team aided the vli.Uor!i to win Uie first of thn KhcdiilM two games h^r». Haddock aUrtwl Uie

wl(t»,a homer-In Ihe llrf t inning. Brirhlt-forH atlrrw n.i-n Uiwr-bnF ger by Fred Miller.

Other gamp In Uie tun'came lioll- ay f.erle.iVlIl be played hc/e Tues­

day, aftenioon.Tlie .vor# by Minings; n 31 E

Sliojlione ... 200 ooo :<o-8iMey ............ 000 030 00X-2 C '7■ftjOitricfl: Tlioma.»on and l.lvlnB*’ itone; Al Miller atiil m d Miller.

Mltf. Cardinal*Lembardl. Ioit, cum* ............ .............

ASIETUCAN LtAQCECrffnbfrc. T ltrm ,.... - ......... s ___*•

w a S o x ______:_____ - ..isSelkirk, Vankre* ;_____________ 12Oordon, Yankee* ,_______ ___ ..15

^sd heard of'hlm and they ^ e n a llttli conlempluous of his elianccs of beallng.AwUn. '

“I guM.1 I've been rradlng Uie ^ lirrs too, niucli over hcrr.' isild' Cooke. •Tliey made me iiind. No­body even gavt me a.cJiance.” ...Alltr.kmtinrcTeTyboflyrWBiuf^oudinS'-^' !lmllflrtt£ In.hU tcclmlgue and Uiat 6n3Uage. AclUall/'UietoTsTr-grenr deal of almllarity. .

•T\ e been tr>lnfi to copy tliat Buy 3r two jcars,’’ Elly ciplalncd. "Why. even fp A t foilr buets to* call tUm

up In Paris la« night Ja it lo find out how to play Austin.” '

'iu \A '"H w n "efiV am n fiir iiVc water'Since they were knee bigh to

duck."’’Pal U the Immediate Olympic

projpccl,Steve F o n rth , who former­ly coached KaUicrlne Ilawla Tliomp- soii and now tcaclica Ralph Flana­gan. ^ays Pal l.s a duplicate In figure ■ Id form of K aly a l the tama age.

AIUiouRh the llirce FalrbroUier glrU do all the (■wtmmm eipcFtIy.'~T.Ti'ir lo rie 'Jilsi sprlngboArd ihvliig..So for- petltlve career ha.< been limited to i1orida.nitoii-i»uU»cf.oppoilUon-iaa. >>COLIlbjlll<lKlln..-''nceie about.

Pat alma<l beat'M ary lloe i. . in s-T tn tio n n r‘sijnntrooar(r^nitnj“ plori. In the recent FloKda meet. Utlln Mlu Falrbrotlier was leading

final (live, bec.ime ncrvotu;, mls«(sl 11 badly and finished-second to Mary.

ForKj’th, however, wasn't dlKOur- dgcd. . . . ."Sim needs experience," he said, Jim. f-orsj-th .laid, 1;; a natural towi r diver but her pro'pcet.i will-re­

main vngup until sh r developv "OoUi Jim and Sklppy, a.s ^ell as

Pat." Forsyth haUl, "compare favor- abl>- with the Rawl.-. Rtrls when tiiey

e the a ages.-

€lareiice 6ile$ Splashes 288

M i e s f o r M a r kIjiyer •*' Swrni'. -Takes

77 Hours to.--I'inish.......

GLENDIVE. Mont.. July 3 f-Pi- Hu;,ky Clarence Olle.s completed lils 25a-niUo world’/i recnrd-brcah lng :;Rlm ■ do'CTi. the -Ycllow7;tone--rl»er fmm IlllllnKB to OlendlTB a t 6 p.-tfl iHaTi..H)dicy„.JlcJifld,bcca hi ih

Ktcr 77'j lioiirr,.An ciulem Monlaflu crowd of 4.0W n the river bank roared a tremend' ,1.1 ovation to tlie swimmer, a.i hi umblcd Dill of Uie water, aa.nlstcd

by .Frank liydc. Glumllve iicwspav pennan and his miinager, nnd others, “ cno-riiii aucilontrr, was placed cr

f.trctclier and taken In an ambu- ,nco to Uio homo o ta friend, where r litU.'.ird on being weighed. Ho

a.',toiil.'.hr(l Aprctator;i by walUng In- the hoiL’.e luialdcd. lie found he

idjfw t 11 iwuiiUs.. . • _"I feeT \eri- good, o .tey r'fo r ffir


Kimberly Netter Blazes Way to Tourney Singles, Doubles Finals

Art W alker Enters Tennis Meet

_ _ _ E l a y a £ f a ; - y ^

KTMDEHLY, July 3 — Urad Bradford Burley, .’nid Daniels, Salt Lake Cljy, .'.ivcpl. their w;|iy Uiroiigh dbublc.% matcht.i In the Kimberly annual aouUi-Idaho iennu tournam ent'today lo mccl DiHl Warner, Kimberly, and A n Walker. Kimberly, In Uio doubles fln.ilfT u«any .----------- -------- •' Wallter will aho-be' In U'le .iln'ulM finals I'ucsday by vlruie of a

Branch B lrlt Gooding, and D r. Harry Alban, Kimberly. In

Mommy's play. W 'l*:'''' Bird 6-2,


.• aflemfvin.Hazel Terry and Mntgaret 'Taetfn 111 play for the wouien;^* hUirIcs

Utt# Tutsday. ^Dr. SUian noblriM>n ol Goodfjip,

who eliminated De.w Andcr:.on, k - vored Kimberly nei are, ftiid Or. Drake, Buhl, will plivy_ Tuc.'Jay monjing lo delcrmliio who will mc«l' Walker In the flnaU.

Wnme^and ,>^ lker defeated An deraon and"Alban“ 8-<. d-l in^'doii- bles play, while Bird and Robinson ellmlnnled A! Wcslcrgren and Jim Mullen, boUi Twliv Fall.-.. 6-1. fl-1. Tlie winners ot—ihb two maicliti played with W arner and Walker whiffing Bird* a nd ' Roblnwn 8-1,a-i.

Haiel Terry luid .DoroUiy Dean I(uddlc:.ton were .’.euU^ IditVo cham­pions today after'bcaU ng Margaret Bacon and Barbiim Sulclllf 0-2. a>2. 'ITie chaniplo2is}ilp match wiu the only women's .doubles mntcheli be­cause of entries being cut by the holidays, slid Buell Warner, chair-

lan of the tournament.In Uie round of the men’s

. ngle-s. Dean Ander.wn. Klmterly, beat W iltley, •Ruiicrt. 6-0, 6-0: Les-, t e r . Illntr. Kimberly. dowTied TseJiannen, - Twin Falls, G-4,C-3; Wftjiie'MiTinict.- Twin l^ i» ,

over J. J , Mullen, Twin Falls, 6-4: Dr. Sliiart Roblru-on. Oood- ovcT-Brad Bradford. Burley,

6-3. ’7-8> Don Hutdila% Kimberly, defenW Potter. Klrhbcrlv. 7-,'S. «-l: ana ' DtrDrafcC7-BUW."J*3r3BhnHF Ste\ta<| Twin Falls, fl-l, 6-I. in Uie-

infl uplw-r niacXei. — In Uie lower.-bracteet. Dr. Alban.

Ktmberly. beat Ralph Bordewlck, BuW, 6-1. B-7, 0-7:.-m aiich Bird, Gooding, beat Ridgeway, Kimberly. 6-1.'6-1: .Daniels, Salt Ijike-Clty, beat Ha.»den, Kimberly, -e-3, 6-3; Al

lance star, won the IJOO meterj Utio In 3 mlnute.'i 56.1 r.econds -a:

M Uio old mark of 3;57.B, sch

SRay Mftliannah p( Drake iinlver- r In 1D3T. Tfie pole vault saw

nnollicr new meet record flcl as Jack Deerfield of MlnneapolLi, compeUng iKIiiltAchcd, topped the bar . a t 13 feel. 5. Inchei. The o ld -w ar t was -Jw C iS li-In chu --------------------

•"niNCOL-Nr-Ncb.-.-Julr-*-- record .'ina-ihlng pace which raw the

iblL'.hnient of oncMiew mark af- Ihe othct'(oatured Ihe NnUnnal

Amateui' Athletic union’s - Junior track and fleld-enamplonshlps today M tlifl fltmetrs mnfrrt-lnto the Jasl, l»rtlon of the iwlligiit program a l 'Nebrastoi‘5 MrmorlantJidlum:---------

One-of-tht-record breaklng-iier- farmanccs enme In the 110 nietcr.i iurdle.1 event. ThLs champlon.ihlp' ..•lU won Farmer of Texii.i T ech,'In U5-tecond-i, three tenUf. under Uie old murk set by Dan r f Hl3i:illcyr f iJf-ImhanB In- 1M<.-------

11 froth

WcjleTRren, Twln-Fall.r, b ra t ■ Fred Drake. TwUi Fait.'., B-0. 6-1:- and Art Walker. Kimberly, b rat Buell Warner. Kimberly. 6-0.'6-3.

In the second round. Andcraon beat Hint* 6-0, 6-0; and Robln:<m beat Mlniilck. 6-3, 7-S. Dr. Drake beat Hutchln.',- fl-l’. 8-1. B ird/beat D.inlel,?. 6-4. 4-C, 6-3. W«t<frgrea forfeited’ to Walker.

Anderran and Alh.'ui Mlnnlck and Hlnti,:,a-3. ,3;Walker and- Warner lore Drake nnd Bordewlck, 7-5. , .

Hardin nnd Ridgeway beatjPolter and Hutclilan, lO-B. 6-3: Bradford and DatileU beat Drake' ley .6-J .0 -3 .' . .*1 .

In Un^vonicn's slngloi H au l T er­ry pnU rf a surprl.-ie upset Win.Ann Strelfus, 0-4, 6-4. to edge In Uie event. Mlwi 8 ti Uio ro|ind, defeated /Dorothy Denn Hud[ne:i')n 6-2, 0-3; fefargaret 3acon beat Bnrbara ' " " ' '

. ______

Winston aut^ffl winneraugural liaiidlcapi a 'w cf_ ............pearcd the liksly favprltd In thalloU: of 10 Uioroughhred3.«nt<j^-ln- Uio Stars and Stripes handicap, tl0.(X]0 added, fit Arllngtoa park tomorrow.

Pike’sPeainilace ila te d For Today

-Y o y th -F ro m -S e a -L e v e l-F a v - o red to W in ‘V e r tic a l

-M ile’ E v e n t Again,

«»6PnH .-G0r^O n -;u ly .luT'^ H 'r. Hie li lallon-lprob.^bly In ilie world—this 'vertical mile".on upper Pikes Peak, and a Ind fTNn sea leveJ’ls likely to Vln It again, . . -

Francis Dnrrah of Ba%ton-won last year, brofvJng to Ihe lop of Uie fam- oiLi mnuntnln; H.llO feet high, a.i thouKh hp hftd-boen running In ita rnririfd air all his life.

,—PlkM-Pefik-dtilriet-T«ldent3-;>»ho watched him finish no brl.ikly lean toward Ihe wiry New- ■Englander again this year. He tightened up fnr lliLvtcU by winning Ihe Moun^ Wai.blngton race in New Hampuhlro' xficenily,

Tomorrow’i race. wUr s ta r t a t 10 mountain standard Ume. U Li

no mere mile JaUnl; Hie -runnera must negotiate a courr* 12 mites and 200 yarrti long , up Uie automobile highway thal twists throilgh itphice fortsis and along the face of gran­ite prrclplce*. overlooking cha-'ma thouiand.i ol feel down, More Uian halt of the race Is abovo Umbcrllne.

Wbtn he reachcX the llnlsh line n ltlic summit. Uic ninner Is a mile higher In.llis air than when'he took off flt Crj-stal creek on Uia peak’* nortU jlope, -- So-arduous Is the trek up Ihe peak tha t "tenderloot" hikers are-advised tts.a matter of routlnn lo ywnik fl»o nteii? and rr/t five mlmite.s" during Uio Jitit half mite' of Uie cnm b'

rr.ivoRKi>=■ BOSTON,-July — W. L.- B ranii-i-Q ulW on,-winner-of Uie PreakncxranrtTiiiiner up to Johns­town In Uie derbv, w-m the fawrlto Umlslit (or llte 115,000,added Yan­kee hlindfcap at a' mile' aiid UireK- /.litenilhs,. the lenture of tomor- roR''» holiday card a t Suffolk Down*.'

gnn.. -riie • iwlininer claimed

world's record for frcnh wall alhons. "Hie old murk. 251 miles down the Pitrnna river In South America. m;i:. crcdlled to Pedra A- CiiiillolllJiLi233,

Cllles sliatlncd Uie AtBcric.iii rd catiiblWiird-by lei;le.M .Charles

7.lnimv. whp nrsottfiled l»-m jlq-Q t Uie IIud.'on rjver In M7 hours.

NEW YORK. July s ' m -J» c k Demiisey, recovering rapidly from his apiiendlcltUi operaUon was well. oiiough today lo receive visits from

so daughters, Joan and Bar^---------- :jintl from 'Governor Herbert ■

JL Lclinian-0f.New..Y0rk-rbui n o t. . ! well 'enough to su it Jack'Dcmp.iey, - ,1

T lie former heavyweight clwm- p(oii was fretful aljonl hbi enforced • inncllvliy, He wanted lo sll up; he ' '

■?Ta77retnioiiiF'goo<rTraTrir'grinr:in-— stead of the light fare allowed him. md. In fact, ho wanted almost any- hlng bu t'to rem ain quietly In bed.

Jack's .daughters, Joan, 6. and 'Barbara. 3, vtsltcd'Dempsey's room ■ r a few momentfl. E ich carrlcd

rof.e for Uielr fntlicr."We saw daddy and gava him a big

- said Joan as Uiey left. "He

Three SEotraakers Set Pace In Open

■ T o r tu o u s H ^ o iir s e '-F lo u n d e r s _ S o m e o f B es t B rit is h

' .G o l f e f s ■■_ Uv-DnEW-KnODLCTON —arr-A R D nrxvSrS coilnnnrT m rTW V^lm nnicn, a cock>- IrWiman;

Little, stolid and ninooth; ohd Pcrcy Allis, a veteran Brltl.vh

iteruaUonallst. Uircw Uielr thadoK*

for Uie British openjpslf champion, tlilp tonight as tlie last members of Uic SHO-man st-nrilng field straggled home.

While some of the names In Brltbh golf, stalemated by Uie

toriuou.'; St. Andrew* courses, floundered arouiid In Uie high 70's, these three' set the pace In th e Ilrst day's qiwllfylng round wlUi CO'*.

Dructi,and Little ahot Uielr* ... -.ttiB pat*<i old.'courst, nnd-the-young man from Cork thus }icd B o h ^ Jone.V amateur record for 'H'lial Is probably Uie most famoui eighteen holes In Uie wo[ld. LltOc was two itrokfs r lf Uio pr<j/f.'-sli»iaJ record ict by BUI Nolan for the r-ame lay­out. .

•AllLi. a tall, slim Englbhman who -»ks like h'nQvellfi'iv dream of the empire builder, turticd In hi* ocore,

inder par., over Uie new Somewhere he’s foimd the

putting touch thal always has kepi' him In llie front rank of Bullish

tough in this tournament, wlilth follows lip wiUi another 18-hole tItmilfjInimnmd-tomfjrTow-fuid then 72 holes of champlon.ihlp proper for Uie' 130 low .v:orcrs beglnnlnj Wed­nesday. . . / - - . . - -. .Trailing Uie three leader* were u

raried a frt'iv us ever contested Uie cpen^ munificent-reward- ol-lOO

............. Aroerl-

edi Artcntlne.i—Martin Pose matcli- ed Bulla’s lolal and .looked as-jf he knew just wliai he was doing every second—and a half-dosen Austrail- aiis, Swl.%s and BelglAns.

jfe fetatK -G m rg ft ling.Jr, of Jeiiklntown,*Pa.. wan welL down the IW;wlth an 81. SUUJie

. Out.Mde of Uie Uireo lc.-iders. ha one Is pla.ving senaallon- al Holf. ’

A.1 In common In tourneys llko Uils, le next two best scorcs werc made

by outsldern, William Ua/iUngs. a veteran Sco;.pto. and Norman'Sut^ ton of Cheshire, who'#been knocking . . . . . . ------------- ----------!pt3-Tor


—Nick Knight o f Cody,' Wyo., second only to Burcl Mulkoy aS Salmon, Idaho, In llie bronc rldlngVi^tllhSS of the Rodeo A.MoclaUon on America, came up witli a repealer lllo second day of the H th annual. Livingston roundup. ' v "

Knight raked a horse called.Sou- ciilr'to subjection and dfew a Urg^

sliar* of the prise money. Knlglit s yesterday’s money winner. Rod- finals will be held tomofrow.-

Bettdy, for HaHeil!'Tlie new six fooler O n a o c o m b i n e m rcjhcs 'iin ' l o c i l ctsp-t- Opcniiej with auxiliary engine _orInl-f.nff fi-nm "• t ru e u jr T - ^ -n .-n rm r ^ - •7H'’ ft.' iiish; s i w construction. 28 -in, tooUi cylinder._ . SEE ON^ -AT

WllHoms Tractor, Co.. i S o r a Art. s. n - i W

Jack Dempsey On RoadTo Recovery-

F o rm e r H e a v y w e ig h t C ham - _ 3 i M j E n f i i ^ U n a c l i v i l y : : . ' .

- - W a n ts F o o d

T o ia --. _________ - r ' very 'ie lold him wc did too."

...Mia. PcTOP;7y,,,lt?t,inli Williams, who has remained at :he haipltal most of Uie tlme'slnc# the operation last Thursday night, did not remain all day: • She re- porlfd J*ek-'-feel.t much belter end looka more like hlm.'-elf todaj'."

DlrVrr. TanhtM .

Sm yaU eyPlans Sports Program

SUN .VALLEY. July I - A* spoclAi- obtcn-aacc nf J uiv < Aim -Valley will present n 'tpo ru program In the rodeo stadium from a to 4-'',n i.’ and..'ah 'e v ro in ric« camiraV......... . . thi! ntfn -outdoor lea plaia a t Sun Valley lodge, followed b ;-a n : elabornU rireworka exhlblUon to b«i-lcR'fd from ilie lodge dInJnff lerrae*----------and'balcony on the souUicm side.

Races • afternoon stadium ahon'.

directed by Robert J . Miles who also produces Uie annual Bun Valley rodeo, will feature flat saddle horse races ovcr<iUarler and three-eighths mile tracks: a chlldrcn'A bucking eai; rliling and coat roping contest:'. ..and.* fTn ...........................

ilamo- j

i s r i j rhalf mile race (twice around the trnckl for Model T n )td auiamo- blle!i.-pilele<l-l>y-nnial«vir-drii each of whom Is required Co ho r.<iulrmlng greased pig under hl5

rm ••while driving the race.The entire nftertioon bill will Uke

place In a llitle more than nn hour.but: Uie.-hour'4.-iun.lwill--b# fait,_______-ficcoi;d)nB_to_Mllej.

r ___l)lr«‘cl«,lr"_Caml»)il_j____ _______^Te.-'cveiiliig'i Ico carnival will .be under Uie dlrefcUon of Hany Dosse, prQle.-^lonal dkatlng instructor a t Sun Valley, who h'as secured both solo-and ensemble talent from the Siiokane figure slcatlng club andjU ier Ifc organlsatlonsof the Pnclflc___Coa.\L ;nio enterUlnmenl Villl n tH — ; place, on Uifl recently opened Ice., rink, 60 by 120 feet, one of Uie few. outdoor summer leo skating rinks In • tlie naUon and the only one In Uie NorUiwc.1t. Special llghUng efitcla and coitumlng • w ill'm ake-the lee carnival one of the most iinlnuo . Fourth of July'efttcrialnmenti-ever ataged. ■ _______■

Q u ick , © Conficl(?nl:ialL0AN5. . ^ s p e E d f o r y o u i ‘

Waste no' Uine, when in need o t 'QUlclt-cttaJi. Cetaa _ 'Auto-Loan, hercr Takes Utile time, provides ncedrd Cflih Just w ttn you _ m ost.need IL--M or«l'— prcyHe* Uiftjnoat:Maypftl£niljyi5att'.fif-»5:^: jiayment.' ever.'"D rtve up, lik 'lip , ' drive off.

Wcslcm Fmancc Company '' P e rrin /B o te l Biai'.

Tm N 'T A ttS ,.ID A H O ~ ~

Page 7: Nazis^lame Mimm - · 2014-12-12 · lege wns being observed today, s.principal of Uie State Normal school demand was made

I W I N T A L L S N E W S ,.‘n v r N F A L L S . ID A H O ,.T U E S D A ir- 5 fO E ^ 'I N G ,- J U L lU ,-1 3 3 9 _ - J J F A G E 6 E J E 2 C

Get Extra Cash from Your Spare Room! Want Ads Will Find a Renter!W A N T A D R A T E S

'• '■ ' , 3 3 ’ 1 .3 ? i‘‘D i5 C o n n t ' ' ' “' 'For Coah'

dlteounc -liUoved U •Axtt' U»cment li- paid /o r within icTea d&7i of f lm l o t t o s .Hn nlnntflT-t ■'< «»>'*" >“ 3 thun tnClUdtQS (USCOUJlC. U a«,o< oi^vtrUitag. com-p u u a on ' M4l3 o f .n » # mcdJnp* UDgtb «brd» per Uai.


IN JEHOME Leave Adi at-K i 'W Boot 0 « «

____ . . r n ^ T P L E T E C O V E R A G EA T O N E CO ST

BO>nroECBEIlS .The TIMES ttDd NEWB wish Ui

■'njukc K 'c le i r to-UJBlnsadRT-thBt

nimiDer in c s » at lUt tv o pape:3> _ urt) »tricUy eonfldenUftl ta d no Inr

Xoroallbo coil be given uncem lns the *dvertl«r. Anyone wanting anawcr a cldullled sd c&m'lng _ TIMES-NBWa box Dumber sUoiild wrtto to th a t bo* and either maU or bring U to the TIMES-NPVS office.

■ Tbere u no-extr«“ Chaft»-JoT-box- niunbci

J l ' - ___m iE S . tnll>:i,(;rttm.iPli..0<83.m3-_


B U S IN E S S D B P -O R T q N lT IM

C H E im iE S-A ll ■klndj. priced 'sell. YOU lilck; btUlil • luumUici. J . D. E irharl, 2',; mi, No. 3 PI*. W,

WHOLESOME, pastcurl«d 5KIM _ -M TT.g-5c.gflL Bring..conUUner*.

Youns'3 Dairy, Truck Lane-.FHESH Guenuey mUlc. botUod. 3c

<lt. 400 Blue Lakes N,, oppOolU - -naadiU n o ra l Co.MARSHALL"»Lr»wberrlej;.35e gat. YoiTliICif^rl”Esiep,-T-mIrN:

Hosplial. Phone 0IB0-B3.

RICH, sale PASTEUaiZEO wbole ' milk 30o eal. Put up In gallon cos-

tnliient C u h and carry. .^ O U N O ’S DAUiy. TRUCK LANSf

C H IR O P R A C T O n S

DR. Hardin, l » (.lain N. Ph. l« t t


MALLORY. H i Main H. Ph. llfl-R.

_ S C H Q I U ^ _ jU lJ > J L R A lN r N G

T, r. -Bu-ilht^a University—Sleno* •m phle.-Beerelarlal-and.Accom it-.

. 1ns coursei.


< LOST—Caravan 32x0, tl r r w llh In- 'tem atlonnJ rim between BulU and ■2*i ml. E. ol Moroi KhooL Re­ward. L. J , Malone. Rt. No. 1, Pller.

Zoke’a rabbit dog had eone astray.No haro'wltliout a Itound;

B ut Zeke'a gone liuntlng—for today Througli Want Ada It wa» Jound.

Here’s'$2l) Extra Income Each Month 1

Thcro is ahvays a nico young man look-—in j - f o r - 4 c o o l 'a n d -p Ie n B sn t- ro o m . ;T hoy -v -

_room.- How about f l :d n g up a -room ngd _- tc t l ln K -lU o f iO ^ p ro s i io c te -a b o u t- i t -K itb -* ^

.;Nows-Timcs Want A d . '^ ^

Phone 32 or 38Ask for the Adtaker

H C L P W A N T E D — M A A N D F E M A L E

J30 WEEKLY. Grow UuthroomJ. CelUr, 6h#d, W«- buy 30o lb.' World's Largest Company. .FREE BOOK. Uushrooma. 30U>3nd, B»- atUt, W uh.

CHEESE, salad drtiiUig and mer*

good Urc3. Insulated body, EiUb- lljhed run. Prlwd for ijulck »ale. Box 3, New-Tlmes.

U N F U H N IS H E D ' A P A R T fllE N T S

UNFUnN. Apt. Wtvter. utoker hf»t —Turnlincd. AVallablel-Juiy l ,-P h .

m betore,7;30 p.MOD,-unrurzu-<«nn. a p t. full base­

ment 350 -«lh Ave. N, See 'S . A Mooo.

— F U R N IS H E D - - _ - A P A R T M E N T S .. ..

a RM3. prlv. cnt, >20, 3rd N,

[. apt. 1310-eUt E. Ph. 1033-J.

3 FURN. apU. baUl. 148 Pitrce.

SMALL apt. 550 2nd Ave. N. 126

MOD. Adulls. 3 2 n th Av. IJ, Ph. 318.

JOeTAMCRS'lnn. Ph, «M. Oasts.OIL

MOD. 3-rm. apL Adults. 313 4th C.

2-R.M, Adult.1, 513 Main Ave. S.

♦20-^-RI.J.-bath.-403-4111 Ave.’E.

- H O M E S F O R - S A L - E -

S<R&L home, sleeping porcli. Mod. , M cept heat. 828 4th Ave. Nr

e-RU. mod. home. 347 0th Ave. N. W , O. Smith..

4-rm. furn. houie. mod. eaiccpt__ heaijjM ist part, Wa.^h, ichool..

»l."iO,- -<00<) caafi. ' t ^ M l o n July U t

cement b It * lih laundryirays, garoEC, lawn ahd shade. East part.' W/uh school, J3.450.

.- T c n u i . . .3-rm. hoaie, city water, llslil.i, 's ev rer.T o fS tJx lIS ,'on fy «50.

Rented, a t )10. . BEAUCHAMP Si ADAMS

15S Shoshone S. Ph. 3M c r 488.

W A N f B B T O B U y

TRADE'your beerTjoltles'and Jugi for Ilreworks a t the Log Cabia Barbecue. . '

m i s c e l l a n e o u s 'F O R S A L E

3-Fram9 Honey extractor. Ph. 1S9«W.

3 H P . gas engine. Tlione MB8-R3.

OUTBD motor, veiy n

$125 Ladles' diamond ring (or STS casli. Box B-.vNewfT^es.

LAROE sUe mechanical Coca-Cola

M 0T0RS0.4T. 19 iione ffjolor.StffJ trailer with lending (QUIp. Phone 1003-W. , ,

FAIRBANKS-Morse pumpi, scales, gas e ng lnu and repairs.


trailer; a lio 5 liorr.o motor « want- ed. Bnrgiiln. Inq. Ostrander Lum­ber Co.

WOOD PIPE Jointed, wire wrnpped. Suitable . .

xulvcrli.-a ln ..'U In,

WOOD Logs—Poles—atove lengths

cord. 45c ewt., }3.60 rick. Back kindling, 30e

. . RAY TOLMAN :nd Ave. E. i t s th Si.' S. Ph. n i-R

wood pipe, sinks and bathtubs., government "Salvage boots and

Ujuia aiiil' tellm..



lia-CUvJt,„8lcw]5rt^.Brncr^ ator lor unpald^alancc tract. Kimberly Market.

LOANS-on-FARM S-aod-HOM ES 1 Fred P. B ates-N orthers LUe Ins. •oa trpe iv ty^abef^ -----------—


FORCED SALB-40 A.' good w D; ,Haic:toaJlaL23.sli..yaler.-gaitlty. 42.085. Terms. K. L. Jenkins. *

7S UNnNISHED CHESTS Heavy construction— and 8 lull

depth drawers, MJO, »7J0, « J5 , --------— - MOON'S.--------- .------

STOCK ranch, hay and pasture land. Year around range, Taylor grazing rights. Just the place (or xmall bunch oC «(ocl:. Box 4| Hews- Times.

r o ix o w ^ i i l s coluran dally for out* ■ standlug- buys- In boui«bo!d~(<:r-' nlihlngs. shop 'and save Uie Want AdWayl


-W-AN-TW:------IhreihluB-madilnc-crankshatts to recondition, Elec­tric arc process. All Work guaran* •teed, ' ...........................................

K R E N G J^ .S H O P ,

COMPLETE line of furnishings In­cluding Westlrjghouw refrlg., dav- eno, living' and- bedroom suites, etc. Oood condition. Must sell Im* medlatelj'. 353 3rd Ave. north.

Life’s Lifce-That By Neher Twin Falls Markets I



5r.-T R A D E Jn. on yauc.old tires. MontKOinery Ward fiwnoun River­side ilrf/.>Cttll.«l afUr 6 p . .J. Putnapi. ■

U S E D T IR E SA L E 18-Inch chanKB-ovcr for rwly model

Ford-', and Chevs., $15 up. TermJ.

1—470x13.................. $1.00 to $5.005-4MX21 --------------- MiO to j :—650»15-6-plr=r

Term* as Inw n;

203 2nd Avt. E.-UII

■ B u t t e r ^ Eggs


.I'RA.VCmCO—llulur: (I ... ..n ;" ’wholc.»r« fl*u'*lJe;’*iri

L irti raHlum Il4e : i


M A Y . G R A IN . F E E D

n u L U T it\r irV ..m

HAY, w heat and bailey. 033S-R3.

WANTED—23 or more eatUo for summer mnge; Frank Wells, 1440 8th Ave. E. Ph. 1048-R.-

Business and P rofessional. '



H a rv c ^ l in S o iil l iw e s f a n d H ed g ing in F u lu r c s

B lam eci

CHICAGO, July, 3 (-rr-W lth Uje lin rv« l In ilie near It:. Deiik, ■ wlicni prlcp.t lodjiy tumbled flliii0:.t iwottiits'ft i)U!hel to ihr.lDW-

it level in more ihnn t o rebnili.-'. MixrkclliiR on lirw whcnl,

flccomr^nytni: hrrifflng .nnlfs In the futures pit. proved to he loo much for th e trnde to absorb without priceM nc t 'd D IL1_._ ___________________

RcflecHiig the hnn'Mt. domrrtlc vL.lble supply ilip jiMt week hhoivcd Ita .-slmrpcsi expansion In a yc:»r. TliB siiiijiiy lncrc;ii.c(! 'IIDGI.OOO JlUihcliJo.J77.4fl2.00£UflmpRt«LxlIll ~7sanx}rt~ jc ir 'a so -............. — —

Com and onw riecllnrrt with whent but r>e (.cored Knlai of lui much m ■■ cenUi a t llmt.<. Wlient clnsed

r thft day’ll low*, P i-lT i lower 41i(m'Saturday. July B S 'i- 'i. Bep- trmber BOS-Hi Com lost '- i-:' July Bcpicmber « ’j - S . nj oats ‘s-1 cent. Rye ualned *.

and U rd 3 to 7 eent/.


>>'i; : j.llnw'hirj * oJth Vrilow h«fa -OH 10 J>iieh to : s...................' i i t T i i . ; .

•tiS I* yillftw I’tmplt'fraila

4 •l.lii- : } \ l.> 10


BEAUTV ARTS ACADEMY OU Permanenu as-low as i m

Junior Student w ork-fm . Ph. 303. 133 Mala Wen.

—»4-Aad-»3j?avei4i’- .and finger wavtfSOc. Idahb BarV & Beaut; Shop. Ph. C L

' UAROILLE-a m Main E The sbt^ or unususJ p e n n z n e n U ^ d igst- - tas</afernreaOI>sluuapcoaad fln se^av * 'S O a Bvcnlnga by.ap-

------ -, W ORK by hour. Ph.:I460*W.

O tRL waA^s work for board, amall ' wages. 1st house E, Filer high


DLACKSSiJrni and general mo- ... chanlo.wimta, Nows. ■ Tlmw.

.. P IR 6T class wdl d rille r.and tool

EXP.- .h r cook^ and. d h h washer wnnla work. Write Box 7, iJews- Times. ■ ■ . '

J.IAN an'd'wlfe-want work,'any kind. -. . .M on goott milker and farmhand. , 'r w jl- .g a -a n y plaee^ Geo.' Lloyd,

, Cabm B, 3rd,Bt.W . ' ' • .

iiR M -coL tase^ ttL JJa la-W ^8 RMS. ipod. 411:4th W. Ph.' 673-J.

4 RM. houso 337 4th SL E Ph. 1S31.

5 RMS. no t lB9d. IDQ. 603 2nd Av. N.

NEW fire room house, modem. J . E Casey. .West Hp-bi^rg- Ave.

• F U R N IS H E IS .H O U S E S

Hang "For I ien f .u p e n the door "Soma wlll.»ee the sign, but nioro* W ant Ads «vct7 day.. Looking fo t'a place to »ay. ^• ' . H O M ^S FO B S : ) L B ~

NEW S m .m o d . house; lot 50x140, In

. .TWO. MODELS. nOf'fES - - ■One now fln lshed 'b vetj- de.-drablo

location.-. Hardwood fipora, fult'baafi- ient,"2 Ureplace* a n A g sn g e ,.- .

. Second DDo wm-be c& pleted July 16U». Small' d o w n s » y w L

JOHN .8, K IM ES,^Tier - Pbiifie 543 or 393 '

COLOflED FRYERS FA T 'H E N S.. Alive or ditased. -

Place o rd ers . Friday if 'w an t«d d r t« « L Lh-e cnes an ilab le Bat, . Sun. or . Mon.


Insurancet. auto. LOU Hiner, Phoae tM.

L IV E S T O C K — P O U L T R Y W A N T E D _ •

'HIGHEST prices paid for your fat . chickens and turkeys. Indep '

•ent Meat Company.

, FIRE, ADTO, TRUCK' Lowest rntas. Sidney L. Cratg, agent

130 Mala Ave..N. Ph. 1318-W.

B IR D S ,-D O G S , R A B B V r S -Key Shop

BOSTON bull pups. :iO N. Wasli.Blaslui Oyclery, Phone 1M<.

dressed or alive.. Ph.Scliade Key Shop. LAWN MOWERS

o t I ^ E N E D . 12« 3nd St. 8. Bsck of Idaho D ep t Store.

..,f fiA N T F .n ,T Q .. L a w n m w a ^ e a i e e

BABY helfcr calf. Ph. 247. We tlx laVD mowen fo they cu t ... Wo .ca ll a n d 'd a l M ooirt Bj* :,-palr Bhoa 3<4 V«ln 6. P i t a38-B>

i . . ' C A S I i .fo r . . ■ .

I\vo 5-Gallon Crocks- -With, or Without l id s


i f Ootl' t t IVauafer. Aberdeai 1. tnoTtnir.- t t in s fg . Ph.. *. 300.

Money 'to hoiin

TTwr »l»« or ilrtilormcnu •.

T ra d in g S e ts L o w e s t P a c e fo r-— F u ll S e s s io n in L a s t

U y > a rs

lTi;W_yoitK. Juli- 3 C>T,-A rise I a fen’ iliares pravld(d t^ e y a

inciicre dljpliiy of ntock market fire­works wmic trading set the slowest p a c c for a luTl scv.lon Li 17 years,

fiandwichfd lyiw rcn Uw week-end t f j -1 jind (hr ?ourtli of July holi­

day, dropped to 2Ji.H0 ilip lott'p;.t since a similar

Monday before Independence day liv- 1022. In the fourth hour, only 50.000 eliarfi changed.hands. Wall Street

tlie vacation period.Oiutloai Investment buying on

. o|ir.i nr buaiue.^'i' imprDTcmtnr-ln—.ll'B-im. .1 ,sccmiru for the moil o ( the gains. Uji I !Q about : n t the close wer« American Teleplioiie, AmerlcanXan. Allied Che. llcnl. U. S. Qypeum and liuliiitrial Rayon. Tlie ImI stock rJiirird on a block of 4.000 shares.

I-lvrllcr Ilian slocks were oome of le. 4'omniodlty. market.1. Influenced

by .q'<rulatlnn on war pra?pect.s cr Ijy tfoii hpws in the United Stute.s. ChlfilEO wlirat brokr for a netloss of I ‘, to I 'l ceiiM a bushel. On ihe olher hnnd, silk futures ad* vsnced sharply.

A ipili In u . S. poverament bonds. Iilcli fulloHTd n drop In glll-eaged • .\uer. .In London, marred a gener­

ally steady bond murket.'Lendliir fteel shnres sold fraetlon-

ally biRher despite Use drop In Uin Injuf.trj-’s cperntlng mto Uils week to 38,5 per cent of capacity from JfJ , fast nrtir. nio.^tls’ (iscrtbed to thuldowiij for the usual Fourth of •

'j in rT i’i'c.TTioirj-;— ------------ -----------Wc.^llnglio'.f.e. Texjis Corp.. New

; York Central and Union Carbide ; thnres’ finishing Vilth “ riie A'tioclale!

a trifle lii 'a lUtlcM curb mar* ere Amcr:cnh-0a.t-3: Electrie.-

Lockfieed, Nefif Corp.. and N. J . Zlne.

Additional M arkeia On Page E ight


____ A»l»llnn ___ _ ; i i . ; i....... (:<; II

C.nidltn I'lC ina___4'.k 4' -' ---- .C.SIU SI*-Ohlo--

I- * r »f _ 1

I) K>u(Arrn ___- 1..

Cunl** _____ m •Pu rent fX Utm __14PV1 l « ' i 'r:«lm>n Kndnk.___ l(» i(ariM ro*«r a u i — a 'l .m1>.__ 1...LV_ ^ A. «A

U' ntiQffliry Winl •• C«I lu* X ..

J>»irr — — . Iii»Ull«r» .... !1

Kotth»rn J-ictrls . rxkurd Ui-ior -. r«r»ni fubllt

...... Union (WiiAwiWJ*lilmmoni Co JO',- » V .tuii»___ ; 'UH-C.lWl n---- :«*i

1-5 i- r -iiS Jiil **!♦

...... * c S : ______’riinkin Itotl nxr-.^t l o l u n - '•Inlon 0(I-l-jil------

Modem ' planing mlU and eho] Beil of work a t rens.frlces.*"


Plumbing and -Heating' T r e i S o f s t a p l e s

Radia Repairing'POWELL RA Dto-PHONE 800.

Shoe RepairingRalph B. .Turner a t BudMD-Olaikl.


VphoM^ng '

■ M a rk e ts At A Glantfffr r t v toBK. j u i r » i f i - • •Oiockii 8t4«<tr.'prfbolMir doUi<«tt

er<MIlomlii h’trro>: t7. S. p»t|amnl>

*‘outkl HUf4l lajuitrUlt la-

^uni Flna: preftuUiol'n4 foi ' Burtri Htrtirs CvWn ud

— -------------------------

D « l t» woodworking - maebloerr. 103B pataloff tm . T r ia Jofifc.

) M 7.11! >«k )n f4.. . . ..• r p if ste W f^r a t *.JI-“** in Itt.-

.,w, . — ...... - •pHn*4r»“ *I Bfidoust rtronti rotnmon il

KANSAS C trr LlVESnKANfiAB c m r. Juir * w) r

1]or<:C00;en«T«i<; :iO Ir let hithtfl h n fit ti s i ' s i r u i ' - •rn d and choie*

i tTS t1.11 10

•~>v u S Isas narilnvi i t n u . t*t>U. m .htibrr: lltht mrllBCf as< b4ll< jlnm» -- *•- —• •*

I hItbfC!rr: lltht y."<i hlsh*r..w— —.... -

alww itMdjr] cM m


snu choW <bIt« atid

t ie i BMl s M te i kad'(Md«n ~ginji loee: tstiBr iunla «ninn.-»a<ti7

?il« »VI-------

I*'SJISS iS i 't i- C4UJr IJMi - .............. .. ■

,t5 :.T e SJd^ —- • ** to UOt eemmoa to MdJvn

7.U .ta IJO] MaleiBi MS; n*M

CniCACO UVBSTOCKaiicA co—iie«ti *.e«ai imii iie t> —

S rS - iiS ’S r S i f S ' . ' i S T ' S W -bau ise U U» Du.

” c“ t!«l**jo.»oi c»i»« i.ooork»itieJOi bat h ilfm n j« l «e*i -altn n n i: balk nuir n o i j .

Bhrrpi S.MOl U lln tpHW Uab* $1S .(0 I10.U m t i r ; rood i » ene . :

« m m u»«wdhna t-H to-.Ufi ^ «Me* tm in ealn* U t I* TJ4sv

nnd tOfholw'ltoekwT M ‘ - 'O l

Page 8: Nazis^lame Mimm - · 2014-12-12 · lege wns being observed today, s.principal of Uie State Normal school demand was made


“ BACT-liAK More 11 third or


iiN ia w F i l i l

M any Id a h o a n s In c lu d ed in R o s ie r f o r U ta h School

- o f

•.’OO ni K lolillcn, fc lem from Idnlio.slioiilclercd ihr liol «un ol 'Ihb For? imriKic Krauiios tcKlny u iioiinlnlii Cltl:cin Military cnmp onciied ILi nnnuat

30-!lpy riKampnifiH- ...Tmnorfor Itif^corpi «1!1 rc:,t.-re-

iumlns irnlnln^nKnlii W«liiKaAy,utter i\ti Iiidtpcnclciicc riny cclrbra-

(iftUKlilpr of ■Tlic Itiiipp of Rii- tnaiiln " Tlic fiillicr wm KInE Cnrol, 'n if 13CM Irlcntl I.S Crown P r liir^

■7?iniinl“ vHnT.'rjpcllillllB'a nioliih 'in FJortncc, Itnly, vbliliiK hi-v Mollirr.

Romnntlc Rumnnlsrw rmHril, for word nlrcndy lintJ .iprcrnLllml tlir hnnd.wmc Mlh;il, wlin will be IB ' .Octobtr. hnd Inllcii In love with eommonpr. Perrons who know i.

—IhKt'-Uio klni?-{uU«>-npprevet.bU«)n:«

dnrfc Qrctk fenlurfs contrli/.l with

T lio 't lrs l m nntnU lnclc i.ct\f . mcr rc.'.ort. where the priiicc

lohB been the c cn itr of n dn.-.hlnR group.„oC..boy* nnil clrlj,

. - H fr father, of Greek orlKln. h

• ftnd wnr mnterlnl workA-and Is »iild I' lo be ImmfMcly wpftllhy.

Prince. Mlhnl and Lulu are <*Tfn plnylnK lennLi. nwimmUiK.'Ktiir:

i loR and riding on Buchnrcal .bridle___ nolhs. Slie In n frequent Miltor a' 'ro)-!] pnlaee and the hrlr to the

. . . ..thitsie.ffoca often .lo her Uuclii • ' mansion or her numrner re.'Jdcneo

near his a l Sinnln,• ^Th« prince, who wm klne /or llircc year* while his Jnlhcr- wiw in exile.

— - took nn «-ftrly;ln( ►ooUl ' M hU Tnlher wUhed, He .lcumed lo

dAnco Bl 15. Ilr.M dnnelns ni n pub- r, He Vcceptirm with lhe,diiURhter ot

■ Col. Joieph Beck, roliinil’ii fnrclKn minister.

0 Unlike h ii .^llc]tFrcd coii'ln, Ifl- " year-old KInR Peter 0/ Yuso-.liivln,

. Mllml hns mlnplcd ■V.ith nli cln.v<-3• or hl5 countr)-men.mm1 DEVICE DC

I n v e n to r C o n s tru c ts $ 7 ,5 0 0 M a c h in e f o r K rcn g c l

a n d 'A s s o c i a t e d ~

C, U, Krenscl nnrt ferday hnd -tlbpiitcliH .. latTjesl mliilnt; mnchinr^'of iu type ever corutrucled In Idiiho to n Knlil properly 33 mllci .•.oiiihra-t of Ue-MQiuiLiln-lU-NcYuda.

meV .F .W . S ta te C o n v e n t i o n

“ F o llow s T w o -D a y A n ­n u a l R odeo

RUl'EllT, July 3 — One of th biiAlCil weeks In the 'riiy of RupiTt

13 .stnrled, l-'ollu'.vinK the leiiilf rixleo com^^ the M-votith-niv

ru st slate rnc.mipinrnt of the Vet. tm \r. of rorelKh Wnrr, nnd tlir .-.ixtl niiminl cotivenlloti nf (he Alixlllni7 of V cim tu of Hin-ii:n Wnm lo bi held 111 th b cliy ■nuir:,.lay.,l-Yldn; mil SaCtirriny, .luly o. 1 and fl;

Colt! Clirvroii otKunirJition

Ailiiilorllim while lly ....................I in the I 0.0.1-: h;ill,InrKe number of vii.iior.s n rr ex-

peeled In ndiiilioii lo the 310 dcIc- KBtrs.

A •number of UrKric tc.iin.-. anc iasic:jil orKanliMlloiu nlc ) bc-prt;.i.iil oil one <lny iif the

■ oiivrnllon wlu'n n iiri;e will bu p tc«iTlcii lor Ui'e'Tji-ll drliricam."------

Several linlloi

compment,SI«te'Commaii(!fr Kli'ldon L, Polr- : of Dliinch;u<l, ld:ihn, \\ill prr:.ld.

al the vcterniis iiicctiiiSi nml !.t.nii ftuxiliao' prrrldeiit. Mr.s. ^ n i t S .Miller of Cociir <i'Akiic wll^preMd^

I Ihe mcelliiR.s of the nu.-jlllnry. I'racticnily nl! ihr rcvunn In lodft-

TlMfl hf'en rTT.Eiii:ed_for_ll ^ ,) e o t\ii«i if'nece.'-nnrj',

K iip e ii L an iich cs^■Swim ( ’


_Oji_MerLey.. TripsTOLEDO,-0.-J/unc» R- Clesi

lindiTtaker, hn* .s|)«l tliousnnc.. . lilr» with hfe-r.:»vln(! blood for per- innj with turpiococcw ventlatis. He U one or a rcw Twrson-T to-reebvcr' eompleloiy from the rnrc dheiu

"I'm out in ft million in my of looUni: «l II." !>'' "If 3

'cel nnybod)' lo walk nround us OS I. ! m RolnB to do II.". Cleeu'.S (Irnmatle irlp. .brKan in 5037 even brlnre he had fully rc- Kiilncd ,UreimUi from hi. own lonp ha-.piU\l iie-rf, IIr drove' to 'llic Ixx!' -ilcW? or ft (ijliiK Win'<ir, Ont., moth, er for hi» flr.l Ir-iiufiision, Since Uicn he lirn lravole<l bv plnn Bnliimwr nnd-New Y ork'nnd hn.i luirrletl lo many oilier plnccs. Iro'

n nil, 'H ir^•creclinc nboiii 1,000 n )f Ulr^f niLv\lnn:. of iiK^ewfiil, ni-i p.tufuu ng.

Clf£K KivM jllnhlly r ilnl of blood each’ ilir rftL-s ft I>oadicd eK«.oa ' I KlaJ-'. or milk,' iimi ii'

U<-i;dy.o;.v»ct^!ct..mmu-«i;its ar.d 'plcnly of Krnpe Juice,'"—A-fluk!, ncltihW y—gum,—C k ts. ,'uiy3 he tIoon'L ciirr. for. the ncclnlmh> I , He T7nt!< ■w.irdprim-lp.tlly In f.aiMnction,

fUinc.c-iljlnci fiill of Brn^rlui let- •r,< nnil-fl wralUi of nrw frinnd. .«; Uiually Uiere are *lx or «'.vcn jfsU for blood on liamL.-.o lie'kcejvT

prelty bil.'y'. nnswerliiij 'Itin’f hi' ■ktrcndh w;il ivrmll. In- Np,ir<- mo- mfnu-hr-V6iK.t <m' nu'ViiilijJrftUK


IIKM’ IS OKTTI.VnfjOHH. SA.*5 3-nAN’C u :co < r,-T tn iiiin r r j.tiiily durlnR Uieir pcrlixt.'lu the

t i l S M

•Jacii^D, l^'eil,Hcrbrr: imd Donald D. Tliorni

Albion—Willlnni D. Felmnii, Guy E, Nejni.iu and P'reclerlck L, Psrke,

- ' - nc::-.M['rk O' ' irv O, TImrp.

. . -R a lph n. rclcr.i nnd Cnnrlr;*!!.- wcltrrrjih,

lyntr - RoKcr A. CiirtwrlRhl John W. Gaekcl. -

E. Berry. loiinl.Tin Home—Robert ?, Me- iRliIln,minftt-Klvndor & RItler,

_Ca]0i;cU=5l£pliCJUY_Sautlmu£ii Gleiins hVrry-Bob A. Sims.

'Twin Pnlls-W ftrren C. Wllcy,

IHiNO-e,N e w J e rs e y C o u n ty H e a rs - - - O b j e c t i o n s - t o - L l q u o r —

L ic en se 'R e n ew a l• ANDOVKK, N. J.. July 3 (,1';-A JS-yenr-old Brooklyn Rlrl who i~ild ^he went to the Ocrmnn'Amerlcah blind'll cniiip Nonlland "lo leam Uie (lllahIlc^ of leatlcr.'.hlp," te^lllled day Mil* Iflt three days ^itf-UccaUie t he "war. dl.'K'iMcil a t the way people carried on,"

ML'.s Helen Vcoriis of Brooklyn, ;allcd a i a .w ju itii a i.U ic '“Andover townshtp eommlltre' rournetl iu hearing on it rc<iiic.\l for renewal of th e camp's llqtinr llcenr.e, tald one of ihe fam p Irailrrs "gnt .rrer.W wlCi

O when .'.he cnniplaiiicd of im- imllljr nt tlie camp, 'n ie liciirlni; was adlouriici! lo iur.<;diiy n l 0 a, ni, iF^T). Wnr Icrnni and otiitr Kroiipj have pro- ilcd itKain;<l iciiL-wnl of the 11*

,>:i.-,e, chnrRlnK iin-Aincriciiii nnd prorNa:!,, t he, cnnip.

ML« Voorns lold of mnklnB ft liimd^flnnneed irln (o Germunv

.'Jm ".'iludled national r.orjnl- Id wax i.iuchi how to i.prcnd

prnpaKnndn nmoiiR Ih'c youth of the i;nlletl Slates,"

Rites al RupertFor Giul Rcul

^ u r a n w v ' y ='-■i m —r c r -c m t- n c io r___ ter Gui6“ nel(Jr'^/!l-kno-.viiiarm er in the \Va;.hmi^n illitrlel

iildticted Satur­day nfiernoon at ihe Rupert Me!lv« od iil churth, 'Die 3 ^ '. Albert B.


he Idaho delecatlon was led Into cndip by K. n . Crcfii ol-McCalt. wl/o held Ihe diillnctlon of trovel- ins ' the Breolcit dislftnee to Port DouEla.i-S57 mllfi. ' '

Other lrnlnee.i from Itlal'o In- chidrd: • ^-Boiic—Uil£..A. AjJirntrlt-;r. Jttet.

A. Dect- Kciineth ByUee. Harry K. Cimunliu - i 'o ' O abic.\_nenry

G, ‘?ilBrk.\ nm ik lln Martin. ArUiur R, -Mink, JanirV.It'Pc.-vlfTT-iUKcne E. Skncer;oii, Jnck L, Urr>' and Joieptr W, While, •

Pocnteilo-Jack C, Amc , m n c is n , Afthb.v, Reid Bird. Edward W. Bondy. Kinsley 1. BrDWii. Donald A. Biillcr, • rVed W. Hill, Wllllunr 8. Hill, -nirncy O. Hltlrr. I.loncl J, JcnM-n Alan W. MfPhrrr.on, Ar­thur P, rnerro ii, John K. Bcoll hnd Robert E ,Trnln.

Idaho Vallii-Edwnrd W, EIb. WII. nm n, Kennedy. Harvey W. Me..tia .im rvile 'L .- .....................

O, Urown.iiMi-D;ivltl W. Bliick. Warren II, Jame.-; 'H . Shcpnrd and

Wllllaiu L Wllhcr,i|)00n,

B u i-I < ^ - ( I c l e h r a Stnlvc A n n iv ersa ryHURLKY, July 3-DurIey Make of

UDS, rliuVches will celebrate Ihe nnnlKTtan- of it i orKaiiliutloa ;Iay, ,luly ll 'aeco rd lnV lo Wil^ 0 , Unrdy, who Is chairman of

ilakf prc^.ldi'ncy. e committee on tirranKPment.i epnrinB " proRrnm which will n cn« a t 10 a, m. At the atake

tabeniacle followed bv a picnic a t I In the Burley Municipal paik

where Kolf. .wfl ball, other KiimM ■■ lACe^'wlIl be fenlures of en-

nmcnt and In the evening a dance a l ihc V-Dell b.ill-room will roncltlde tlir fe.Mlvltles.

In diMM of tiie vArlbus commit- CM appoiiilcd t« make pUiw for the •ntcrialnment are Wllllnm 0 , Hftrdy ind .Mr,%, Mary Rcncher for the

mominc proirmm; OeorKC T. MIt- •hell, l,conard Judkins, R, O, Hntch. JnrI Meiners. nnd Olren fllokn. a/lcrrfbon proKram Includlnc .’.porO;: Dora Pickett. Mary ne nchrr,and

In Hnlyoak. enlcrtainmept lor women and Rlrl.i; Lee Stoker luid GeorKe D, Ward. Imrse.^hoe Bamcs; Lconiird Juilkin,'! and Adonis NIM-

chlldrcn'J. rncc.i; Adaii»> Nell-, fiOn;'“ T. S; Dnmbcr iirti ni'Mou Storki. linnee commlliec and the publicity commltlee, R, O. Hntch, Morrli Baker nnd Carl Melnern.-


There waji a pow-wow a t the Male- lioitw on Ihe cfilKRcr rlluallon and a led lo r.ome (all ehlBRer tale tell- lnB ._O nc_oIflcb l_v .tio , ailended dreamed nbout chkKera tliat niRhl nnd wratche'd-hi* less ao vigorously he had to wear bandoge.i on ht,i !.hlns, '

R ea l E s t a t e T r a n s f e r s

ON tliB iiuarierdeck of (lie U,S.S. Wejl Vlfjtln!* «t San Pedr<,„Cal.. Vic* Admiral Charles P. SnjiJfr. (above). |is>umed .eommanJ-«f the la llle- ihlpi e t the batlte force of (he U. S. nary. He aucceeded Vice AdmlnU John IV. Grtenilade. _ J ' ,

NKW \OHK-Siie*r n

S n a k e R iv e r R e p o r t '

...n J«Jr I -»r. .

Re.'ldenl* of tropical Jlawftil may low climb up and piny In the anew ■la (1 part: scr\-lce irtiil up lofty'tnitnn Kra vnleano.______________

B us in ess a t S ta n d s t i l l a s . S ta te C eleb ra tfcs T rip le

•H oliday:

~T )0r3C TinnvT>=IifiIirrM ldenu”•went to the mountain* by ihe Ihous. - nndi loday aa the atale'a builnew. slowl still. .

Few of Ihe larBcr cliics planned M teniivc'Fourlh-of-July eelcbra- Uonii antJ~«rtct»-ln mosv p f uitm were virtually dcjcried lollowlnj tiie lead of Oovemor B o l u l f ^ «nd Prcddcnl Roosevelt who proclaimed today a lesal holiday for stale and fedenO Kovemmental employes (o permll4lhem lo enjoy a three-day vacation, most business housei abo were eloitd.

Mountain sCreanu nnd lakes called Ilsliermen nnd cam|>er.i, despite weather bureau orcdietlon.^ nf »rnt. tered tliowers;

Temperature* jencralli' were tev-

InKTrenthrr'tfinjnpPctm B:— --------Forldaho, today,wasllic.^

nlvcnary of tlAlchood biit.Uiere was 0 formal observance.Slnte oltlces were closed, aloiiE

with those of otlier BOvemmcnU) di­visions.

Although fatal Iiishway sccidenls ere lacking in. tlie ently hour* of

Uie holiday, county,,atale and city peace,, offlcwa wntciied itrccl* and ilthwaja carelully. . , . '


—O O O D IN D ^ u ly -J -J u d fie -a n d - Mrs. "C. Summers.- writer* ond Iccturem, are scheduled to Bpi>ear In Cobdm j e l the-Methodist church ' auditorium on July 7\. it w • lounced ii'erc tlii.i week. • . .

Judge Summcra.iocmer preseeulor ind founder of the court of gcnernl

,*^ulon3 a t St. I/OuLi. and Mrs. Sum-

charncter drama written by thera-

Five Uiouwnd coats haPF wen re­moved froin Hawaii national park In the last year to consen-e Uio twluraJ

;lallen. . •

Klililln lO e Anytime




1 5 c - t S c



EfID3 TONIGHT . I . Poon Om (III

I . .r»l I Demanilea lo 6 ee .lt Acalot



>Tlie iiAlent holder and Invenlor. ' ,W. A, Huclsrtronk of-Onkland, Call- . fomla. ha* been a l Krein;er,i m:i-

. clilne shop here for the piiu mouth iiir devlce.

He claiin\ tha t Hit H----------------

RUPKRT.. Ju ly :!--nie impaltffi •:.|'"ii;niod bv the Re

Cro-.-. nnd u iiflr .supi ru.'.loti of Wi O, Slivrlliff, 'Mil IK' held In niipr: bfiriunint: W edtu-^lay,'July :> nn

bll of Bold" tmd th a t “you cnn't Ret a color by

' pannliiB the taillnRs from thLi np- par*Hui.“

—— nwchhier—Bn—elslit-toiir *te«l concenlmlor nnd wa.iher. be vued fn eliher workiuB piaeo qtiartz.

I t operatM on l&O Eallons of water per minute and h.wdles W yardj per hour. U can even operate on Ic:

. water. Uie inventor stated.nuebdronk hofi been devolopln,,

th* model for 15 ycat^. liLi creation in Twin PalU carrylns nil Uw .lat-

_ . rs t varlaUons.found to have been • auccessful by use.

The wushlnc device, which ulilire;- •lBhV'*tecl Wruma rc/olviaB ilndei

. aull water ns rnpid wiv-Miin;; wa/found ta carry roUI Into the taillncs, oott IIJOO complete. * ,


-' ard (Slim) BroRR. a pro(e.v.lDnn3 Itulije wJw covered a 60-Mllc trnp- Jlne w ith n rojali. ski-et]uipperf nlr-

' plane all wTnter. plans to tM a .ii-jiIaDB for scoutlnj ond lociitirie big

Bnme <junrrr-for-lU*-huntlnir purtj- - ^ c l ie n ts —ttti?—su m m er.'-Ill* -J io 't t

method of vislllni? WS tr(ip.s the'plL’lt winter pcrmlUcd him (o'covcr tlic'

- •• fiillre .llne In ono hour—nn nrduo'u*

New bufica which give Uie tall • .penion as well n?. Uie short, person . Uie maximum cf comfort poMiblo ' In s bus u c toou lo be u^ d univer- ■way.

Tlie ic j.on i'w lirix : iiejd a t the BIr checks one mile rast nnd a (luarler mile Maith nf Hupert,

Mr. .'3hur:llff will hr nc.,I.Med in tiif-rcf.-,fin.rT)7T^fa'CTar«iir»T;.iv«ri,-

’browKhl Job! to many enr6Tle'c.s i)i the far Rest, national park-offlcinli report, t

ISpeiieuce In operatliiB truck.i md tra<;fnr3. In carpentry work. <itc„

• i.twirk proKi.-^ ■

lesday^' June 2S al the CcttaRe hos­pital in Burley, following nn lilne.u of i.evcrnl moiiihr,, ' J i t came to Idaho In 1D15. purchnMnR- n farm

mile we,'.l o f ..........

Furnished by thg Twin Palls TlUe ^ atia Abstraei Company EV E R Y CASE O F G R A I N BELT

yo\v~X7niit T i io s l 'y .c T o n s T u y I.IXK ON s i;a n o r rO M

BLUFF. Ala.-.ka (■T,-'l1ie wn floor Ij brinK piobed ftir sold dii-M here this i.en.-r)n, . •

Uflni: n Me»m Ui,iwlhs-device lo ,.ielt holr.-, lo r 'a .rlarklinc ^cnl^er ill the Icr.pirk, i:i men employed by,the Toplnk Chirf MlnmK com- paiiy h:ive pllet1 u p ^ -inible “ tren.';- ure bl«nd" on tli" /liore.-.lde k e de- Bprtc hllr.-.-ircS nnd an una^ually heavy wi^wt,iU,

c m in i - ^ - o w t T T n r o n riwo-yard iffrnprr rtljjs ;n U

below the poor of Norton joirtid, i

nuicd ,nucl7 youths to kcL wmilfvi place* In private inda»iry. A wuUi-

m Cahfonila airplane fnetory haj niploycd many,

XO'AtPACA CRaK n V SALZBURG (.?) — Regarded aa

Germany* oldtst Inveteralt molor- '.M, thouRh ilie got her license Just our yfsr-i_aso^ Prnu Betty Relllmer, ;o, nearly, e e ry day goes for n Jong Irlve with her Ihree “girl frrends,'

ihtir ngf5 toiftlllnc DOOyear.i,

Reid was ninrrled In Pocatello, June M. 1831, to M1.U Mnbel Olllham cf OedfortI, la . •

rvlvlnK bfildiLi hL? wife are (woTiUtenrrMK.'rnflXR-TOitratTJKirfirdrand Mrs. Alice Reid of Cheyenne. Wyoming, who was here at the time of Mr, Reid'j deatli. nnd one brotlier. Prank Reid of Bedford.

Burial was in tlie Paul cemetery.

Deed, R-'Gngnn to E. Cbney ItJJO, Lot 13, Block B. Daugherty lubdivl- aion. Twin m ils . -v.

Deed, T.' C. Brotm to L. 8anto- liaoo .-L cnenm rr-co -B toc irtr iiiuc Lakes.' Twin Pall*.


Slcns now warn CahfomI.i motor- liLi of the maximum, Tiafe *pced or highway' curves ihey are approaBfi-

SOO feet offihore.s far r

At F.iltlii ln_.Sivrrlen |3 Ihe.olllul,. commprclal roinp;»ny In tlie world. I t has ownrfl a m lneinerpior-leven iiundred yi'ancand exlr.iclcd-from

•r liair a million tow, of copper, lltan IS tonn ol Mlvfr nnd n

lo ri of Roli^r^ __ ___

' Lionel DealCompiele Aulo


4' of July Dancessb rtN -A IR

Roctong jGhair-Ballroom- Tuesday, July il;h, 9 P; M .4 A. M.“

Music'By Glenn CrUchficld . -

.• Admission, 50c Per Couple

I S G U A R A N T E E D THE M O S T , ,

S A T / S m t £ R , j t O U l V f _

E V E R T A S T E D . . . O R Y O U R


HIIIIIEAPOLiS"BREWINg COMPJUTaiinneapol^, U hufttota.
