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Page 3: NAVIGATOR (volume 1, October, 2010)

Alexandria University student chapter Of

American Association Of Petroleum Geolo-

gists which was founded in the academic

year 2009-2010 by our founding Co-Advisor

Mohammed Ashraf and president Gerbil

Youssef and initiated its activities since


Since then our team tried to develop the Soft

skills and academic background of Alexan-

dria University, Geology department students

through many activities.

This is the second academic year for us but

in the last few months, we held more events

so, we are proudly the most fast growing

student chapter around the world where, 9

events have been created through the first 3

months in domains contain

Technical background, academic

trips, Soft skills and software.

During the previous semester we

have established the backbone of

the students‘ knowledge and by

this semester will get more ad-

vanced by having more work-

shops, field trips and yard visits

to increase the applied side.

Also to prove that Alexandria

University Students can take the

challenge, compete and hold


Our aim is to develop our techni-

cal and academic background

through technical sessions

, also to develop our soft

skills (teamwork, leader-

ship, and problem solving

and communication skills)

through sharing in the or-

ganization of the chapter‘s


Eventually, Try to use our



ACT, develop yourself &

control your future

Gihad HamdyAbass

President, ALXUSC-AAPG

Mr. Gihaha Hamdy

ALXUSC President How Was it ?!

Our Vision & mission

Our aim is to develop our technical and aca-demic background through technical sessions; also to develop our soft skills (teamwork, lead-ership, problem solving and communication skills) through sharing in the organization of the chapter‘s events.

Also to prove that Alexandria University Students can take the challenge, compete and hold responsibilities.

Inside This Volume

What about this pg.3

What is the ITT project? Pg.4

Hall of fame Pg.5.6

Made in Egypt Pg.7.8

Drilling time Pg.9:12

Scholarships Pg.13,14

Job hunter Pg.15,16

Inside ALXUSC Pg.17,18

World wide from oil side Pg.19:27

AAPG news Pg.28,29

Other associations Pg.30,31

Conferences Pg.32.33

Internal news Pg.34.35

Page 4: NAVIGATOR (volume 1, October, 2010)

Remember: leadership skills and techniques can be

learned. You don't have to be a natural leader. Very few

people are.

Care for your team: That means knowing what matters to

each member: their health, their partner, their children,

their relatives, their interests, their hopes, their fears.

Stay close to your team: At some point, every day, walk

around the office and say "Hi" to everyone who works for

you. If you're not in the office that day, call and see how

people are. This gives you a chance to enquire or encour-

age and gives them an opportunity to raise issues or make


Meet your team: Regularly - daily, weekly or monthly, de-

pending on your place and type of work - have meetings of

all the members of the team. Keep these meetings short,

focused and action-orientated. Make sure every member of

the team contributes in some way and acknowledge that.

Train your team: Every team member should have at least

two days training a year. Newer and more senior col-

leagues should have more. If they don't ask to go on train-

ing sessions, suggest some suitable courses.

Grow your team: Through varied experience and regular

training, you should be developing each team member to

be more and more confident and more skilled.

Inspire your team: Consider making available a motiva-

tional quote or story every week or month [for lots of good

quotes click here.

Celebrate with your team: This might be a personal event,

such as a member's birthday or anniversary, or a profes-

sional occasion, such as completing a project or winning

or contract.

Socialize with your team: Have lunch or an after-work

drink with them, especially when a member has a birthday

or there's another reason to celebrate.

Set objectives for each team member: As far as possible,

these objective such be SMART - Specific Measurable

Achievable Resourced Timed.

Review the performance of each team member: At least

once a year - at least quarterly for the first year of a new

team member - have a review session where you assess

performance, give feed-back and agree future objectives

and training.

Thank constantly: he words "Thank you" take seconds to

say, but mean so much.

Praise constantly: The words "Well done" take seconds to say,

but will be long remembered and appreciated.

Communicate constantly: Don't assume that people know what

you're doing, still less what you are planning or thinking. Tell

them, using all the communication tools to hand: team

briefings, electronic newsletters, organizational newspapers.

Eliminate: Too often we do things because they've always been

done. Life changes. Consider whether you could stop doing

certain things altogether.

Delegate: You don't have to do everything. Develop your team

members by training them to do more and trusting them to

take over some of the things you've been doing.

Empower: A really effective leader sets clear objectives for his

team members, but leaves detailed implementation of these

objectives to the discretion and judgment of individual mem-

bers of the team. As Second World War U.S. General George S.

Patton put it: "Don't tell people how to do things. Tell them

what to do and let them surprise you with their results‖.

Facilitate: A confident leader does not try to micro-manage his

team, but makes it clear that, if team members need advice or

assistance, he is always there to facilitate and support.

Be on time: Always start meetings on time and finish them on

time. Natural breaks keep people fresh. Short meetings con-

centrate the mind.

Be seen: Don't just talk the talk, but walk the walk. So visit

each unit or department for which you are responsible on a

regular basis. Don't do this unannounced - you are not out to

undermine other leaders or catch out staff. So arrange with the

unit leader or departmental head when you'll visit and ask him

or her to walk round with you.

Make time: Managers are often very busy and this can deter

people from approaching you, so make time for people and be

approachable. People will appreciate you taking five minutes

out of your busy schedule, especially if you act on/listen to

what they say.

Really listen: Many of us - especially those who think they are

important - don't really listen, but instead think about what

they're going to say next. Give the person speaking to you

your full attention and really take on board what they are say-

ing. [For more detailed advice on listening click here]

Accept honest criticism: Criticism is hard to take, particularly

from a relative, a friend, an acquaintance or a stranger - but it's

a powerful tool of learning. Above all, assess criticism on mer-

it, without regard to its originator.

Page 5: NAVIGATOR (volume 1, October, 2010)

WHAT IS THE YASUNI-ITT PROJECT? The Yasuni-ITT initiative (Ishipingo-

Tambococha-Tiputini) is an ambitious

environmental Project in Ecuador has

been supported by several developed

countries, and who presumes to stop

operating a large oilfield located in an

area of high biodiversity in the Amazon

in Exchange for monetary compensa-

tion from the international community.

With the Yasuni-ITT project, the Ecuado-

rian State is committed to maintaining

indefinitely untapped oil reserves in the

field ITT Yasuni National Park, which is

at the heart of an exceptional area,

where amphibians, birds, mammals and

vascular plants reach a maximum diver-

sity in South America; this is of most

biodiverse areas on earth. In one hec-

tare of this area can more species of

animals and plants in North America.

The project will prevent the emission of

about 410 million tons of carbon dioxide

is not exploitation of oil, thus ensuring

biodiversity conservation and respect

for indigenous peoples who inhabit the

native state.

The Ecuador would receive, in ex-

change, international compensation

equivalent to at least 50 percent of the

profits obtained in the case of exploiting

these reserves. This project falls within

the guidelines provided by the Govern-

ment in the National Development Plan

2007-2010, aimed at protecting the envi-

ronment and improve the quality of life

of the Ecuadorian population

The project is possible and sustainable

economic and financially, which is

manifested in several alternative and

additional elements: debt swap, shap-

ing the Yasuni-ITT Fund, Bond Building

Y-ITT, and financial and economic valu-

ation of benefits under the ground to

maintain crude oil reserves of the field

removable ITT.

Leave the oil on land (846 million bar-

rels) is a strategic proposal of our

country as a significant part of global

effort to combat global warming. In re-

turn expect the contribution of at least

$3500 million from the international

community (rich countries) that urgent

works will be invested in development.

However, negotiations broke down mo-

mentarily because President Rafael

Correa of Ecuador defended the right

to receive the promised economic par-

ticipation by the international commu-

nity and questioned the structure of

the trust that was carried forward with

the United Nations Program for Devel-

opment (UNDP).

However, publicly said he would con-

tinue promoted the Yasuni-ITT initia-

tive, but ―without giving the country‘s

sovereignty‖ that has to do with the

Ecuadorian state supremacy over an-

other internal or external power, and

political independence, economic and

social national and international rela-


Written: by: Armando Vega Oyola.


Page 6: NAVIGATOR (volume 1, October, 2010)

Rushdi Said was born in 1920 in Elkolali, a district of Shoubra,

Cairo, in a middle class family with roots from Assiut. He stud-

ied at Cairo University's Faculty of Science, where he graduat-

ed in 1941 with honors then was appointed as a lecturer in the

same college. He began teaching geology in the faculty after

returning from a scientific study in the University of Zurich,

Switzerland, in 1951. He was probably the first Egyptian to

receive a Doctorate from Harvard University, more than 60

years ago.

He has lived in Washington, DC since 1981.

Academic career

Rushdi said is a professor of geology, he was the chairman of

the board of the Egyptian Mining and Geological Research

Organization (1968 - 1977). He played a major role in the devel-

opment of this organization with the new mining discoveries

that enabled Egypt to compensate for the various mines lost

after the occupation of Sinai.

He had the opportunity to be involved in politics in the sixties

and seventies as a member of the People's Assembly and also

in the International Parliamentary Union.

Rushdi was unique in choosing to specialize in the subject of

geological Egypt. He wrote a book Egypt's geology which won

the admiration of the world's scientists and became a recog-

nized authority on a local level and globally.

He is also an expert in irrigation. He has written books and

articles on mining and agriculture and irrigation in Egypt and

the region in general. His main project, to which he has dev-

oted years of his life, is the renaissance of Egypt and the de-

velopment of the Egyptian population.

He served as a professor at Cairo University from 1950 until

1968, and was the manager of the Mining and Geological Re-

search Institute in the period from 1968 - 1977y


Rushdi was honored by the late Egyptian President Gamal

Abdel Nasser in 1962, who awarded him the Order of Arts and

Sciences, First Class. He was also awarded the 2003 leader-

ship of the American Association of Petroleum Geology, in

recognition of his scientific work on the geology of Egypt and

the Middle East, which opened up new horizons for the appli-

cation of this science in the search for oil in the region. scien-

tific leadership of tomorrow. Dr. Mustafa was also announced

to be the recipient of the 2009 Ahmed Zewail prize in molecular


The diversion of the nile val-


This is a Rushdie Said project proposing the

reconstruction of the vast western desert of

Egypt and transferring it to a useful territory.

The draft, Dr. Rushdi Said has suggested is

to link the Western Sahara with the Nile Val-

ley to a network of transport and communi-

cations. It is proposed to stay within the

area north of the Western Sahara and is

bordered by the Mediterranean Sea from the

north and Qattara Depression and the Siwa

Oasis from the south

This vast area has a mild climate, flat topog-

raphy and proximity to areas of energy of

natural gas and centers of urbanization and

the sea that can be used in the cooling wa-

ter in many industries.

Page 7: NAVIGATOR (volume 1, October, 2010)

Dirk van Krevelen (known to his friends as Dick) was

born in Rotterdam on 8 November 1914, the son of Dirk

Willem van Krevelen, Sr., a bookkeeper in the stevedore

firm of A. A. Hoogerwerff, and Huberta van Krevelen (née

Regoort). From 1927 to 1933 he attended the Marnix

Gymnasium at Rotterdam, where he developed a strong

interest in both the sciences and the humanities.

Van krevelen rule

Van Krevelen ,because of his professor Waterman a scien-

tific advisor to the oil company Royal Dutch/Shell who did

fundamental research on oil products and processes, was

given the task of synthesizing model substances, related to

oil components, and of measuring their physical parame-

ters. From November 1937 Waterman employed Van Krev-

elen as one of his private assistants. Until the end of 1939

Van Krevelen worked for Shell on three topics: the chemical

thermodynamics of oil hydrocarbons, related to Water-

man‘s graphical-statistical enterprise; the polymerization of

ethylene, as part of attempts to improve the anti-knock

properties of gasoline; and the induced pyrolysis of me-

thane, which would become the topic of Van Krevelen‘s

dissertation. Meanwhile,known as Van krevelen diagram to

determine the type of hydrocarbon.

Academic career

In October 1933 Van Krevelen was enrolled at Leiden Uni-

versity, Van Krevelen decided to study physical and inor-

ganic chemistry with Van Arkel, who asked him to work on

the cohesive forces in liquid mixtures.

With an industrial career in mind, Van Krevelen in April 1937

also started with a minor in chemical technology, at the

laboratory of professor Hein Waterman at the Technological

University of Delft.

in March 1938, he did his doctoral examination (master‘s

degree) at Leiden University—only four and a half years

after his enrollment. At the time, most Dutch chemistry

students took six or seven years to achieve the master‘s

degree. By the time he received his doctorate, though, in

December 1939, at the age of twenty-five, the situation had

changed dramatically.

Retirement and Award

Van krevelen was international research advisor to the oil

company Shell, and from 1980 to 1986 he also was research

advisor and president of the advisory board of Norit, a com-

pany active in the production of adsorbents. In his spare

time Van Krevelen studied the history of Egypt and other

ancient civilizations.

In 1977 he was awarded the Chemistry Prize of

the Society of the Dutch Chemical Industry for

his great contributions to the development of

that industry in the Netherlands. In 1984 he re-

ceived the honorary doctorate of the Technolog-

ical University Delft, in view of his achievements

in coal technology, polymer technology, and the

fundamentals of chemical engineering. Seven

years later, in 1991, he became an honorary

member of the Royal Dutch Chemical Society.

Dick van Krevelen died on 27 October 2001 after

a short period of illness following a stroke.

Page 8: NAVIGATOR (volume 1, October, 2010)

Siwa Oasis the paradise

The Siwa Oasis is an oasis in Egypt, located

between the Qattara Depression and the

Egyptian Sand Sea in the Libyan Desert, near-

ly 50 km (30 mi) east of the Libyan border, and

560 km (348 mil) from Cairo. About 80 km (50

miles) in length and 20 km (12 mi) wide, Siwa

Oasis is one of Egypt's isolated settlements,

with 23,000 people, mostly ethnic Berbers

who speak a distinct language of the Berber

family known as Siwi. Its fame lies primarily in

its ancient role as the home to an oracle of

Amon, the ruins of which are a popular tourist

attraction which gave the oasis its ancient

name Ammonium. Historically, it is part of An-

cient Libya. Its modern name Siwa, first at-

tested in the 15th century (earlier Arab geog-

raphers termed it Santariyyah), is of uncertain

origin. Basset links it to a Berber tribal name

Swh attested further west in the early Islamic


Siwa Oasis the water body

while Ilahiane, following Chafik, links it

to the Tashelhiyt Berber word asiwan, a

type of prey bird, and hence to Amon-

Ra, one of whose symbols was the fal-


Agriculture is the main activity of mod-

ern Siwi, particularly the cultivation of

dates and olives. Handicrafts like bas-

ketry are also of regional importance.

Tourism has in recent decades become

a vital source of income. Much atten-

tion has been given to creating hotels

that use local materials and play on lo-

cal styles.


Page 9: NAVIGATOR (volume 1, October, 2010)

Gebel El Medwara

The Geology of Siwa

The Siwa sits in a depression, as do most of the

oases, which today is frequently referred to as

the Siwa depression. The depression is 82 kilo-

meters (52 miles) long and between 9 and 28

kilometers wide.

This is the most distant Egyptian oasis from the

Nile Valley.

The southern parts of the Oasis have suc-

cumbed to dunes from the Great Sand Sea,

which extends over 500 kilometers north to

south and 60 to 80 kilometers east to west. The

Siwa sits at the northwest edge of this Great

Sand Sea. There are portions of the Siwa De-

pression that lie as much as 60 meters (192 feet)

below sea level, but its average depth is 18 me-

ters below sea leve

Jupiter Amun (Darius) and dates to the 26th Dyn-

asty, though there was possibly an earlier temple

located on this spot. The temple

has a forecourt, a vestibule and a


Temple of Amen (also known as the Temple of Umm Ubaydah)

some 200 m further along the track

from the Temple of the Oracle, this

structure is almost completely de-

stroyed, owing to its dynamiting in

1896 by an Ottoman governor ea-

ger to acquire building material. An

inscribed wall represents all that

remains to be seen. Based on earli-

er drawings by pioneer explorers,

however, scholars have deduced

that the temple was erected by the

pharaoh Nectanebo of the 30th



Page 10: NAVIGATOR (volume 1, October, 2010)

Dear reader when we selected to write that topic (drilling time)we decided to introduce it in a new systematic way which be a helpful for any geoscientists whatever he is senior or joiner even an undergraduate student.

So, through the different volumes of the ALEX-USC magazine we will take a tour from A to Z throw the art of drilling

At the first volume we will have a general introduction about the petroleum industry &petroleum itself that introduction will be about well drilling planning, rig types& how to select the suitable rig for the well and drilling bits

The second volume shall discus the rig multi system and drilling fluids (mud types, selection, engineering, treatment and logging)

The third volume will talk about the surface operations (casing and cement)

The fourth volume about the bottom hole operation of logging and well testing

The fifth volume will discuss a vital branch of drilling which are the well control and the environmental treatment

The sixth volume finally will discuss an integrated case study about one of the Egyptian drilled wells

So shall we start?

Gentlemen start your engines


Petroleum is a mixture of hydrocar-bons consisting of about 11 to 13% (by weight) hydrogen and 84 to 87% carbon. Chemically, "crude" petrole-um may include several hundred com-pounds, encompassing practically all open- chain and cyclic hydrocarbons of single, double, and triple bonds.


Oil has been known and used since the most ancient times and has been mentioned by most ancient historians since the time of Herodotus. It was used chiefly as a liniment or medicine, not as a fuel. The Bible refers to pitch being used for building purposes -- cementing walls.

in Babylon.

Oil flows from natural springs in many locali-ties. It was obtained from such springs in what is now Western Pennsylvania by the Seneca Indians, who used it for medicinal purposes. The first oil well was drilled in that region by Edwin Drake in 1859 the well was 69 feet deep and produced 15 barrels a day

purposes -- cementing walls -- in Babylon.

Oil flows from natural springs in many locali-ties. It was obtained from such springs in what is now Western Pennsylvania by the Seneca Indians, who used it for medicinal purposes. The first oil well was drilled in that region by Edwin Drake in 1859 the well was 69 feet deep and produced 15 barrels a day

Why petroleum?

Petroleum Industry is considered to be the back bone of an economy because this is the main source of energy till date. Any economy around the world would fail to proceed a single step in the ab-sence of Petroleum Industry.

Planning for drilling

After the owner company decided to drill any well either it was an exploratory or developing well it must be Preceded by a long planning and risk analysis the main target of the oil planning is Making a Permanent borehole (steel-cased) Safely and Economically and attest for oil/gas Flow Potential and finally Install Production Equipment in Well, or Abandon Well

Why planning?

In 17th December 1978 a catastrophic disaster occurred in LEASE OCS –G7871 (name of the rig) in VIOSCA KNOLL BLOCK 32 in the gulf of Mexico The well was drilled with 9.5ppg mud with no problems until a depth of 8,500‘ where a severe kick occurred. The contractor was not prepared for the situation, so the kick erupted into a surface blowout. The rig was destroyed, property was damaged and it took three weeks to kill the well. The cost was over $16 million


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To avoid this catastrophe a collection of data investigated and integrated for a safe well this data include the surface and the subsurface geology of the selected area from the geophysical investigation and the previous logs (mud logs +electrical logs) from the older wells after that we select our suitable rig which take us to part two

Who is the perfect match for me? How I pick my rig, is any rig can drill any place any time, but first what‘s rig? Rig is simply a device which used to drill holes in the earth and they are divided to two main categories

A) the onshore rigs which drill on the land B) the offshore rigs which drill in the water

Selection of rig depends on some conditions like 1- Cost and availability 2- Water depth of location (offshore). 3- Mobility /transportability (onshore) 4- Depth of target zone and expected formation pres-

sure 5- Quality of the drilling crew (the safety record).

The onshore rigs: Primarily used on land most land rigs have to be trans-ported to location in sections Some are self-contained, permanently mounted on trucks. Capable of drilling holes to 30,000+ feet As you can see the three main categories of land rigs 1/drill truck which can drill to the depth of 1000 feet 2/the light rig which can drill to the depth of 5000 feet 3/the heavy rig can drill to the depth of 16000 feet

The land rig coast is about 1/ 1.5 for an old scrap to more than 10 millions $ for a new one in the case of buying 2/ 15-20 K$ per day if you want to rent By occasion the number of onshore drilled wells in Egypt is 37 development well and 17 exploratory well according to (PICO ENERGY SERVICES)

The offshore rig: The offshore rig is the same of the onshore except that carried on special devices to have the ability to drill in water they are divid-ed to 5 categories jack up ,fixed platform ,swamp barge, sub-mersible semi submersible and drilling ships

1- Fixed Platforms In certain instances, in shallower water, it is possible to physically attach a platform to the sea floor. This is what is shown above as a fixed platform rig which drill throw 1800 feet of water depth

2- Drilling Barges: are used mostly for inland, shallow water drilling. This typically takes place in lakes; swamps, rivers, and canals drill throw 20 feet of water depth.


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3- Jack-up rigs are similar to drilling barges, with one difference. Once a jack-up rig is towed to the drill-ing site, three or four 'legs' are lowered until they rest on the sea bottom which drill throw 300 feet of water depth. 4- Submersible Rigs Submersible rigs, also suita-ble for shallow water, are like jack-up rigs in that they come in contact with the ocean or lake floor. These rigs consist of platforms with two hulls positioned on top of one another the submersible rig drill throw 5000 feet of water depth.

5- Semi submersible rigs are the most common type of offshore drilling rigs, combining the advan-tages of submersible rigs with the ability to drill in deep water. A semi submersible rig works on the same principle as a submersible rig: through the 'inflating' and 'deflating' of its lower hull. The main difference with a semi submersible rig, however, is that when the air is let out of the lower hull, the rig does not sub-merge to the sea floor. Instead, the rig is partially sub-merged, but still floats above the drill site and it drill throw 7500 feet of water depth

6- Drill ships are exactly as they sound: ships designed to carry out drilling operations. These boats are specially designed to carry drilling platforms out to deep-sea locations 10000and drill throw 20 feet of water depth.

The coast of the offshore rigs 1- Swamp barge : 10 to 100 millions$ Jack up (shallow offshore) : 75 to 175 millions Semi submersible (deep offshore) : from 100 for an old one to 400 millions $ to build a new one Drillship : 300 to 500 millions $ to build a new one. 2- Swamp : 30-50 K$ per day Jack up : 100-200 K$ per day Semi sub : 200-400 K$ per day Drill ship : 200-500 K$ per day The number of offshore drilled wells in Egypt in 2009 are 259 development well &116 exploratory well ac-cording to (PICO ENERGT SERVICES)


Page 13: NAVIGATOR (volume 1, October, 2010)

The bit types: The bits are the sharp device which cut throw the for-mation and make our hole there are huge types of bits but the two main types are the; 1- tricone pit which divided to A) roller cone bit B) steel tooth bit 2- the PDC bit which symbols to polycrystalline dia-mond compacted

for any comment or question , contact contact our magazine mail: [email protected]


Page 14: NAVIGATOR (volume 1, October, 2010)

The ExxonMobil Middle East and North Africa Scholarships Program

for Geo-science, Engineering, Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science, Math or Geography graduates.

Applicants must meet the following requirements to be eligible:

• Hold at least a Bachelor’s degree in Geosciences, Engineering, Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science, Math

or Geography.

• Demonstrate a history of academic excellence and native fluency in Arabic

• Exhibit exceptional leadership skills and cultural competency

• Be willing and able to travel to a regional location for a final selection activity

• Have valid passports

• Demonstrate English proficiency

• Be willing and able to reside in the United States for the full duration of study; dependents may not accompa-

ny scholarship recipients to the U.S.

• Register for the Graduate Record Exam (GRE). For details on test preparation and registration, please visit

the Graduate Record Exam (GRE) homepage. Some recipients may be required to take further university

entrance examinations. Individual testing instructions will be given to recipients.

Please note: A TOEFL score must be submitted with the application or it will not be eligible.

Minimum 550 TOEFL paper based score/ 213 TOEFL computer based score, a 79- 00 on the Internet Based TOEFL

test, or 6.0 on the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) exam. Testing information for both the TOEFL and IELTS exams can be found at:- IELTS website

For more details:

MIT scholarships for the Egyptians

In Engineering , Science , Health , Management and other schools The Government of Egypt and MIT

have established an endowment to provide generations of future leaders with the opportunity to study at

MIT in fields vital to Egypt's development. The program provides fellowships to Egyptians to pursue

graduate studies in engineering, economics, humanities, sciences, health sciences and business man-

agement that will prepare them for future leadership positions in Egypt. Please take the time to read

each section of this fellowship website in order to fully understand the details of this fellowship, what is

expected of you as an applicant and how to apply to MIT and then ultimately, the fellowship.

For more details:

Alaska Section College Student Scholarships

Alaska Section, Anchorage, Alaska ,US/Canada Any undergraduate scholarship is contingent upon the recipient being officially registered at an accredited uni-versity and enrolled as a full time student in a curriculum leading to an undergraduate degree in petroleum engi-neering, a related discipline, or to a career in the petroleum exploration and production industry.


Page 15: NAVIGATOR (volume 1, October, 2010)

Melbourne International Research Scholarships (MIRS)

The Melbourne International Research Scholarships (MIRS) is awarded to international students wishing

to undertake graduate research degree studies at the University of Melbourne. MIRSs are funded by the

University with each faculty having a limited number to award. Each year the University offers about 220

new Melbourne Research Scholarships (MRSs) ,of which about 100 are normally awarded to international

students as MIRSs. Benefits and conditions •a living allowance of $22,500 per annum (2010 rate) •a Relo-

cation Grant of $2,000 awarded to students who are moving from interstate in order to study at the Uni-

versity of Melbourne or $3,000 awarded to those who are moving from overseas •a Thesis Allowance of

up to $420 ( 2010 rate) for masters by research and up to $840 (2010 rate) for PhD and other doctorate by

research candidates, and •paid sick, maternity and parenting leave. it offers scholarship like APA , FMS ,

MRS ,MIRS,IPRS .... requirements includes Citizenship , Academic and Enrolment requirements .

For More Details:

deadline in : MIRS applicants should submit their online application for admission by 31 Octo-


For more details visit:

Netherlands Fellowship Programs (NFP)

An NFP fellowship is intended to supplement the salary that the fellowship holder should continue to re-

ceive (at least partially) during the study period. The allowance is considered to be a contribution towards

the cost of living for one person, whether in the Netherlands or in another country. It should be noted that

NFP allowances are not sufficient to support family members, either in the home country or in the Nether-

lands. The fellowship can also cover the costs of tuition fees, visas, travel costs, insurance and thesis

research, as specified in the NFP booklet ‗Rules and regulations for fellowship holders‘. Different condi-

tions may apply to e-learning courses or e-learning programs. These conditions are also listed in the

Rules and Regulations booklet. An NFP fellowship is granted for the duration of the program. Whilst the

individual candidates are selected for a fellowship, the grants are awarded to the Dutch higher education

institutions to enable the fellowship holders to pursue the chosen sub-program.

For more details :


To advertise for your association, company or university’s Scholarships: maga-

[email protected]

The applicant must have graduated from a high school in Alaska, is currently attending college in Alaska, or is a dependent of an SPE-Alaska Section member. For more details:


Page 16: NAVIGATOR (volume 1, October, 2010)

Fluids and Waste Management

Specialist Req ID14528BR

Job category Drilling & Completions

Sub-category Drilling & Completions

Countries (State/Region )Global


Location Azerbaijan

Removal Date 05-Oct-2010






Reservoir Engineer

Req ID8069BR

Job category Subsurface & Wells

Sub-category Reservoir/Petroleum Engi-

neer & Petrophysics

Countries (State/Region)Pakistan

Location Karachi

Removal Date15-Oct-2010






Petrophysicist Req ID12446BR

Job category Subsurface & Wells

Sub-category Reservoir/Petroleum

Engineer & Petrophysics

Countries (State/Region )United States

– Texas

Location Houston

Removal Date13-Oct-2010






Senior Production Geolo-

gist Job

Shell India Markets Pri-

vate Limited

ID: A21618

Location: Bangalore, Banga-

lore, Indi

Application Deadline: Thursday

14 October 2010





Seismic Interpreter

Shell China Exploration

And Production Compa-

ny Limited Job ID: A21849

Location: Chengdu, Across

China, China

Application Deadline: Monday

18 October 2010





Ph.D. Imaging Geophysi-

cist Job ID: U19843

Location: Houston, Texas, Unit-

ed States

Application Deadline: Monday

20 December 2010





Senior geologist

Contract : permanent position

Branch : Exploration Production

Location : Indonesia - Balikpapan

Interviews will take place in :Balikpapan -


Starting date :As soon as possible

Salary : According to profile and experi-


Required skills :

Education :

At least bachelor degree in Geology.

Experience :

Minimum 10 years of experience in the

same position

Skills :

- Knowledge in structural geology, sedi-

mentology, basin modelling, prospects


- Experince in new venture acreage evalu-

ation, for senior candidates

To know the job description Visit…








Senior reservoir geologist Contract : permanent position

Branch : Exploration Production

Location : United Kingdom - Aberdeen

Interviews will take place in : Aberdeen

Starting date : As soon as possible

Salary : According to profile and experi-


Required skills :

Education : MSc in Geology

Experience : Experience in Geomodelling,

being fluent with Petrel software

To know the job description Visit…










Page 17: NAVIGATOR (volume 1, October, 2010)

Exploration Geologist Closing date for applications 7

October 2010

Country Australia

City Brisbane

Function/Discipline Geology

Employment Category This is a

permanent role

This role is offered on local or ex-

pat conditions

Working Hours Standard hours


Full/Part-Time Full Time

Number of Roles Available 1

Salary Competitive




Operations Geologist Closing date for applications 11

October 2010

Country Australia

City unknown

Function/Discipline Geology

Employment Category This is a

permanent role

This role is offered on local condi-


Working Hours

Full/Part-Time Full Time

Number of Roles Available 1

Salary Competitive




Senior Velocity Modeling Geo-physicist Requisition Number: 032215425 Job is available in these locations: Houston, Texas, USA

Senior Seismic Acquisition and Processing Research Ge-ophysicist

Requisition Number: 032214642

Job is available in these locations:

San Ramon, California, USA


Interpretation Application

Support Requisition Number: 032215075

Job is available in these locations:

Houston, Texas, USA


Exploration Geologist - Seal and

Trap Specialist Requisition Number: 032214645

Job is available in these locations:

Houston, Texas, USA


Geologist / Geochemist Work Location: Houston

State/Province: Texas

Country: USA

Job Description:


The Senior Organic Geochemist will

be responsible for the quality control,

and interpretation of all the Geochem-

ical data, and Petroleum systems

modeling in the Company.



Geologist / Stratigrapher Work

Location: Oklahoma City

State/Province: Oklahoma

Country: USA

Job Description:

Senior Stratigrapher within Corporate

Services Group will provide technical

support, coordination, and project

advisement for stratigraphic studies

in support of Devon's oil and gas

exploration and exploitation efforts.



Geologist / Geochemist Work Location: Oklahoma City State/Province: Oklahoma Country: USA Job Description: The Senior Organic Geochemist will be responsible for the quality control, and interpretation of all the Geochem-ical data, and Petroleum systems modeling in the Company.

To advertise for your company’s vacancies: [email protected]


Page 18: NAVIGATOR (volume 1, October, 2010)

Photoshop Workshop, 11-13 July, 2010

Photoshop is a powerful and complete pro-

gram for creating designs as well as working

with digital images, and yet for all its power,

it's surprisingly easy to learn. Abdelrahman

Aref, IT Adviser, ALXUSC - AAPG

For more details about this event, Please vis-

it Our ALXUSC-AAPG site:

EHO ALXUSC - AAPG Training Center, From 27/7/2010

The ALXUSC - AAPG has the honor to intro-

duce the EHO ALXUSC-AAPG Training Cen-

ter. The ALXUSC-AAPG will be hosting El

Hamra Oil Company's staff to give practical

sessions and hands on experience to the

geosciences students in our faculty. This

Training Center will

For more details about this event, Please

visit Our ALXUSC-AAPG site:

Our Summer events


Page 19: NAVIGATOR (volume 1, October, 2010)

the elections for the 2010/2011 ALXUSC-AAPG officers will be

held on Saturday, September 18th, 2010 at 03:00 pm in Yehia

Anwar's lecture hall.

The election held to vote on both the President and vice presi-

dent position,


- Mr. Gihad Hamdy Abas (4th year of geology depart-

ment) :President

- Mr. Yassin M. Elshewikh (4th year of geology department) : vice


The positions of secretary and treasurer have taken by acclama-


- Mr. Mohab El-Sherif (3rd year of geophysics department)

- Mr. Mohamed Ahmed Abo Ali (3rd year of geology department),


The positions of head of committee‘s have been selected by the

new executive committee (Gihad, Yassin, Mohab and Mohamed)


- Ms Mariam El-said (3rd year of petroleum geology department)

is a senior of IT team

- Ms. Walaa Hesham Abdel-Ghany (3rd year of geology depart-

ment) is the head of publicity team.

- Ms. Safia Farouk (3rd year of geology department) is the head

of membership team

- Ms. Nada Samir Rashwan (3rd year of petroleum geology de-

partment) is the head of public relations committee.

- Dr. Hossam el-Dien Mohamed El-said (demonstrator in geology

department) is the head of field trips committee.

Before the election we make a campaign to

invite more person to join AAPG from


The Election For The 2010/2011




Page 20: NAVIGATOR (volume 1, October, 2010)

Fuel Rewards Program Will Allow Customers to Use Their Kroger Plus Card or Other Kroger

Family of Brand Store Loyalty Card to Save on Fuel at Kroger Fuel Centers and Participating Shell Sta-

tions Shell, the no. 1 selling gasoline brand in the U.S. ,and Kroger Co. ,the nation‘s largest traditional

supermarket retailer, today announced the expansion of their exclusive alliance to continue helping cus-

tomers save at the pump in multiple cities around the country. The exciting fuel rewards loyalty program

provides shoppers the opportunity to save on fuels simply by using their Kroger Plus Card or other

Kroger family of brand store loyalty cards to earn points that can be redeemed at participating Shell sta-

tions for fuel discounts

For more details:


Shell and Kroger co. Team Up to Save at the

IPR Scores Another Alam El Bueib Discovery , Egypt's Western

PR, and its partner, Sojitz Oil and Gas, have discovered another oil bearing structure in the underlying

Alam El Bueib sands in the Yidma-Alamein License in Egypt's Western Desert. Nearly two decades after

acquisition of the License and a recent high quality 3D seismic survey of the entire concession, and ne-

arly 50 years of oil production from the Alamein Dolomite, the new deeper production is from a structural

closure offsetting the Dolomite closure where new wells will be drilled and rim wells will be re-entered to

help develop the closure. The discovery well, Alexander- ( 1AEB-3C) ,was drilled to a total depth of

13,800 ft to the Alam El Bueib formation.

For more details:

Schlumberger Introduces New Down hole Reservoir Testing System

Quartet System Delivers High-Resolution Pressure Measurements and Representative Fluid Samples for

Safer and More Efficient Reservoir Testing

FLORENCE, September 21, 2010—Schlumberger announced today at the 2010 SPE Annual Technology

Confer-ence and Exhibition the release of the Quartet* high-performance downhole reservoir testing

system. This com-plete downhole testing system allows operators to isolate, control, measure and sam-

ple all in a single run.

"Now operators can test more safely and efficiently for an altogether better reservoir test,″ said Devan

Raj, marketing and technology manager, Schlumberger Testing Services. ″The deep-reading, high-

resolution pres-sure measurements and representative reservoir fluid samples help operators prove

reservoir potential and reach a better basis for their decisions."


Page 21: NAVIGATOR (volume 1, October, 2010)

Chevron ramping up Brazil's Frade Field output,Rio de Janeiro

Chevron is continuing to increase the production volume from its Frade

Field offshore Brazil in Block BM-C-31 in the Campos Basin, which

began production last year to the Frade floating production, storage, and

offloading vessel(FPSO).Patricia Maria Bacchini Pradal, Chevron's direc-

tor of business development and government relations, told attendees at

today's Rio Oil & Gas 2010 Conference that the Frade Field is currently

producing 65,000 b/d and that development drilling is not yet half com-

pleted. She said that the company has completed six wells that are oil

producers and two that are injectors.The Frade Field, located some 120

km offshore Brazil's Espirito Santo state, is a complicated project, Pradal

said, with a complex reservoir. She said Chevron recently suspended

drilling to carry out a program of seismic acquisition to provide a more

thorough understanding of the reservoir and better determine optimum

drill sites.

For more details:




HOUSTON, Marathon Oil Corporation (NYSE: MRO) provided an update today on its Droshky

development in the deep water Gulf of Mexico, which began operations on time and under budget on

July 15, 2010, and has since ramped up production to approximately 45,000 net barrels of oil equiva-

lent per day. consisting of approximately 39,000 barrels per day of liquid hydrocarbons and 39

million cubic feet per day of natural gas. Marathon owns a 100 percent working interest in Droshky.

For more details:

During exploration in the Gulf of Venezuela, an operator needed to perform a series of downhole

tests on its high-rate gas wells to determine reservoir properties. With the Quartet system‗s single-

trip efficiency, the operator saved four days of rig time while safely achieving its test objectives.

The Quartet downhole assembly is one-fourth the length of conventional configurations. The system

offers a range of advantages, including 35% lower tool operating pressure, 90% less nitrogen, 50%

fewer seals and 60% fewer connections. In addition, drill collars and slips joints are eliminated from

the downhole string.

The Quartet system consists of four technologies engineered specifically for reservoir testing: CER-

TIS* high-integrity reservoir test isolation system, IRDV intelligent remote dual valve, CQG* crystal

quartz gauge and SCAR* inline independent reservoir fluid sampling.

For more details:


Page 22: NAVIGATOR (volume 1, October, 2010)

Tunisia Drilling Update

London,Gulfsands Petroleum plc ("Gulfsands", the "Group" or the "Company" - AIM: GPX), the oil and

gas production, exploration and development company with activities in Syria, Iraq, Tunisia, Italy and

the U.S.A., is pleased to announce that ADX Energy Ltd (ASX:ADX) the operator of the Kerkouane Explo-

ration Licence offshore Tunisia (Kerkouane Licence) and the adjacent Pantelleria Exploration Permit in

Southern Italy (G.R15.PU, known as the antelleria Permit) has provided the following update on drilling

operations on the Lambouka-1 well. Drilling operations on the Lambouka-1 well have been completed

and the Operator has advised that two hydrocarbon bearing zones have been interpreted in the Lambou-

ka - 1 well.Drilling and wire line logging operations on the well were concluded after the well reached a

total measured depth of 2786 metres.Analysis of the final suite of wireline logs has supported earlier

results from logging while drilling that two hydrocarbon bearing zones are present in the Abiod For-

mation - the primary objective for the Lambouka - 1 well

For more details:


Dana is pleased to announce that the Company (through its subsidiary Dana Petroleum (E&P) Limited)

has entered into an agreement with Petro-Canada UK Limited (“Petro-Canada UK‖) ,a wholly owned

subsidiary of Suncor Energy Inc. “) Suncor‖) ,to acquire Petro-Canada UK's interests in certain UK

assets (the ―PCUK Assets‖) for a cash consideration of £240 million (approximately $372 million) (the

―Acquisition‖). The cash consideration will be adjusted at completion for various working capital

balances at 1 July 2010 and movements in the interim period which are expected to result in a net bene-

fit to Dana. In addition, on completion Dana will also gain additional UK capital allowances of £60

million. The package consists of two main production hubs in the UK Continental Shelf ("UKCS" .(These

are the Petro-Canada UK operated fields around the Central North Sea Triton Area and the Nexen-

operated Scott/Telford Moray Firth fields. Additionally, the Acquisition includes the prospective Inner

Moray Firth exploration portfolio.

For more details:

Australia: Total Acquires a 20% Interest in GLNG Project

Total announces the signature of an agreement with Santos and Petronas to acquire a 20% interest in the GLNG project in Australia, for US$750 million dollars (as of June 1, 2010), Santos and Petronas trans-ferring 15% and 5% respectively to Total. Upon completion of this transaction which is subject to the approval of the Australian Foreign Investment Review Board, the project will bring together Santos (45%, operator), Petronas (35%) and Total (20%). Pursuant to the agreement, Total shall join the whole integrat-ed Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) chain, with production from coal seam gas fields in Queensland, eastern Australia, to gas liquefaction in a dedicated plant in Gladstone on the eastern coast of Australia. The plant will have a capacity of 7.2 million tonnes a year (Mt/y).

For more detail:


Page 23: NAVIGATOR (volume 1, October, 2010)
Page 24: NAVIGATOR (volume 1, October, 2010)


Apache's exploration promotes the application of technology to maximize asset values, provides tech-

nical support for Apache operations and staff, evaluates and recommends emerging technologies ap-

propriate for Apache operations and evaluates and provides technical training for Apache personnel.

Expand use of the corporate drilling information management system

Improve reservoir simulation quality and cycle time

Introduce application and training systems for well-test analysis

Optimize hydraulic fracture well simulations and multi-frac horizontal wells

Expand petrophysical analysis of rocks, pores, and fluids

Enhance seismic interpretation through expanded use of pre-stack gather analysis

Augment 3-D seismic interpretation through seismic visualization technology

Improve quality and lower cost of proprietary 3-D seismic acquisition

Expand application of Seismic and Rock Property Modeling

Expand the use of digital geoscience and engineering subsurface databases

Provide reservoir characterization services and recommendations for regions.

For more details:

Sea Dragon Energy sees oil pay in Egypt's Kom Ombo well

Calgary, Aswan, Egypt

Sea Dragon Energy, co-operator of the Kom Ombo Block 2 Concession with

Dana Gas Egypt, a successor company to Centurion Energy, has concluded

the drilling of the Al Baraka-9 development well on the Al Baraka Field.The

company said today that the well went to a total depth of 5,185 ft (1,580 me-

ters) and was logged and cased. I said that oil shows while drilling indicated

oil pay in the Abu Ballas and Six Hills 'F' Formations. The well is currently

awaiting the arrival of the service rig to carry out completion and testing

operations, and the ECDC Rig 1 main drilling rig is mobilizing to drill the Al

Baraka SE stepout well, located some four km to the south towards the

edge of the 11,500 sq km development lease 1,000 km south of Cairo.Sea

Dragon said that of the eight wells drilled on the Al Baraka Field to date,

four have been selected for fracturing treatments.

For more details:




Page 25: NAVIGATOR (volume 1, October, 2010)
Page 26: NAVIGATOR (volume 1, October, 2010)

Chinese operator decreases rig time by seven days

Collaborating with the operator, we planned and executed the first

ever fishbone well in the South China Sea, decreasing rig time by a

week compared with the plan. The flawlessly executed well was de-

signed for maximum production because of poor reservoir character-


In two, 8 1/2-in. lateral sections, we deployed INTEQ‘s 6 3/4-in Auto-

Trak™ rotary closed-loop assembly with the OnTrak™ LWD service.

Well output now accounts for 25% of the field‘s daily production. For

more information about our drilling systems, please give us a call or

send us an e-mail.


Job Openings

Experience the challenges, the rewards and a world of opportunity working for the leader in oil-

field services! Every day in communities and field operations around the globe we're collaborat-

ing, creating and contributing to our customers, our shareholders, our employees and our planet.

Explore and discover what Halliburton has to offer.

For jobs in Norway, please go to:

For jobs in Denmark, please go to:

Name Date Location GHGT-10 International Conference Sep 19 - 23, 2010 Amsterdam, The Nether-

lands SPE ATCE Conference & Exhibition Sep 20 - 22, 2010 Florence, Italy

DUG Eagle Ford Conference & Exhibition Oct 5, 2010 San Antonio, Texas, USA SPE Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference & Exhibi-


Oct 18 - 20, 2010 Brisbane, Australia

SEG Conference Oct 17 - 22, 2010 Keystone, Colorado



Page 27: NAVIGATOR (volume 1, October, 2010)
Page 28: NAVIGATOR (volume 1, October, 2010)

BP Confirms Successful Completion of Well Kill Operations in Gulf of Mexico.

HOUSTON - BP today confirmed that well kill operations on the MC252 well in the Gulf of Mexico are now complete, with both the casing and annulus of the well sealed by cement. The MC252 well has been shut-in since July 15 and cementing operations in August, following the static kill, provided an effective cement plug in the well‘s casing. The relief well drilled by the DDIII drilling rig intercepted the annulus of the MC252 well on September 15, followed by pumping of ce-ment into the annulus on September 17. BP, the federal government scientific team and the National Incident Commander have now concluded that these operations have also successfully sealed the annulus of the MC252 well. ―This is a significant milestone in the response to the Deep water Horizon tragedy and is the final step in a complex and unprecedented subsea operation – finally confirming that this well no longer presents a threat to the Gulf of Mexico,‖ said Tony Hayward, BP group chief executive. ―However, there is still more to be done. BP‘s commitment to complete our work and restore the damage done to the Gulf of Mexico, the Gulf coast and the livelihoods of the people across the region remains un-changed.‖ BP will now proceed to complete the abandonment of the MC252 well, which includes removing por-tions of the casing and setting cement plugs. A similar plugging and abandonment of both relief wells will occur as well. BP will also now begin the process of dismantling and recovering containment equipment and decon-taminating vessels that were in position at the well site. Surface Spill Response Approximately 25,200 personnel, more than 2,600 vessels and dozens of aircraft remain engaged in the response effort. No volumes of oily liquid have been recovered from the surface of the Gulf of Mexico since July 21 and the last controlled burn operation occurred on July 20. BP, as part of Unified Command, contin-ues to conduct overflights and other reconnaissance to search for oil on the surface. At peak, approx-imately 3.5 million feet of containment boom was deployed in response to the oil spill. Currently 670,000 feet of containment boom remains deployed.

For more details:

BP to Sell Malaysian Ethylene and Polyethylene Interests to Petronas, Malasia

BP announced that it has agreed to sell its interests in ethylene and polyethylene production in Ma-laysia to PETRONAS. The agreement concerns BP‘s 15 per cent interest in Ethylene Malaysia Sdn Bhd (EMSB) and 60 per cent interest in Polyethylene Malaysia Sdn Bhd (PEMSB) ,both of which are operated by PETRONAS, and are located at Kertih, on the east coast of Malaysia. This announcement does not affect BP‘s other businesses in Malaysia. Under the terms of the agreement, PETRONAS will, at closing, pay $363m in cash to BP, inclusive of a balance sheet adjust-ment of $13m and the repayment of a shareholder loan of $53m. For more details:

BP Provides $10 Million To Support Study of Health Issues Relating To Gulf Oil Spill , Gulf of Mexco

HOUSTON - BP today announced it is providing $10 million to the National Institutes of Health (NIH)

under its Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative (GRI) to support a study of potential public health issues

relating to the Gulf oil spill and other spill-related health research. The GRI is a 10-year, $500 million

independent research program established by BP to better understand and mitigate the environmen-

tal and potential health effects of the Gulf spill.


Page 29: NAVIGATOR (volume 1, October, 2010)

BP provided NIH the funds to expedite work in support of the research priorities identified at the Insti-tute of Medicine (IOM) workshop commissioned by Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sibelius and summarized in the IOM report ―Assessing the Effects of the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill on Human Health,‖ released on August 10, 2010.

For more details:

Roxi petroleum wins 1 & loses 1 on Kazakhstan's South Yelemes Field, Lon-

don. Roxi Petroleum has concluded the testing of its Well 805 that was drilled onshore Ka-

zakhstan in June on the BNG Concession to find that the well penetrated two hydro-

carbon-bearing zones between 1,955 and 2,230 meters depth. The company said

today that a stabilized flow rate of 226 b/d of 29-degree API oil was achieved on a

6mm choke from a four-meter pay interval in the Middle Jurassic sandstone reservoir .

Following successful flow test and build-up, the interval was isolated and the

completion string, re-set to test the varying Lower Cretaceous Dolomites .A nine-meter

pay interval was perforated across the dolomite section and oil was initially swabbed

into the borehole .The well flowed 29 degrees API oil, intermittently to surface .

Following acidizing, enhanced inflow of oil was recorded, however no stabilized flow to

surface was achieved .Preliminary evaluation of the test results indicates that the

interval should be capable of producing 150 b/d on pump .

For more details: http//


San Leon Energy, Morocco's Tarfaya Oil Shale Project pilot plant under-

way, London

San Leon Energy has commenced construction of its pilot in-situ vapor extraction test plant in its

Tarfaya Oil Shale Project in Morocco after having completed the process development and the de-

tailed engineering stages.

The company said today that the first shipment of equipment and materials for the pilot plant facility

is now in Morocco, second shipment is awaiting collection. It said that the environmental impact

assessment covering the test pilot plant has now been approved by the Moroccan Ministry of Environ-

ment, and the hydraulic fracturing analysis study has been commenced. In addition, diesel power

generators have been built, tested, and shipped, and process equipment has been assembled for con-

trol testing in Houston. Compressors, scrubbers, vaporizers, heat exchangers, gas filters, LPG

delivery pumps, and generators have also been bought, built, tested, and are in transit.

Construction of a new road across the desert from the main highway into the pilot plant site was com-

pleted in August in preparation for site clearance and construction activity.

For more details:



Page 30: NAVIGATOR (volume 1, October, 2010)

AAPG 2010 International Conference &


From ―12 September 2010‖ to ―15 September2010‖ in Calgary, AB, Canada

Unconventional resources continue to be in the spotlight worldwide .That's why CSPG and AAPG have

planned an entire day at the International Conference & Exhibition )ICE (highlighting the importance,

future and development of these resources.

For more details:


Eastern Section Meeting

From ―25 September 2010‖ to ―29 September 2010‖ in Kalamazoo, MI, USA The theme for our meeting is "Perseverance — the Pipeline to Prosperity, "sponsored by the Michigan Basin Geological Society, Michigan Geological Repository for Research and Education and the Western Michigan University Department of Geosciences For more details: http//

GCAGS 50th

Annual Meeting

From ―10 October 2010‖ to ―12 October 2010‖ in San Antonio, TX, USA

The GCAGS has established a new scholarship fund-matching program in order to provide incentive to

its Affiliated Societies to raise funds for their registered scholarship foundations

For more details


AAPG European Region Annual Conference

From ―17 October 2010‖ to ―19 October 2010‖ in Kiev, Ukraine

The AAPG European Region Annual Conference and Exhibition is an outstanding opportunity for pre-

senting and sharing knowledge and understanding of sedimentary basins, petroleum systems and

rocks, while providing first-class networking and discussion opportunities.

For more details:



Page 31: NAVIGATOR (volume 1, October, 2010)

4-Basin and Petroleum System Modeling in the Middle East Appli-

cations and Case Studies

From ―11 October 2010‖ to ―13 October 2010‖ in Dubai, UAE

Over the last decade, three-dimensional (3D) imaging and modeling of the subsurface through time have

co-evolved and emerged as a major research focus of the petroleum industry. Virtually all major oil

companies and government and academic institutions recognize the need for 3D petroleum system

models because they:

1. Facilitate integration and visualization of geologic processes and communication with stakeholders

2. Add value by converting static data to dynamic processed data and interpretations

3. Help to reduce exploration risk and to highlight prospective exploration areas

4. Archive data (data loss due to personnel attrition and reorganization is a major cost factor).

For more details


Page 32: NAVIGATOR (volume 1, October, 2010)

Interpretation of AVO anomalies Geophysics 75, 75A3 (2010); doi:10.1190/1.3467825 Published 14 September 2010

Seismic anisotropy in explora-tion and reservoir characteriza-tion An overview Geophysics 75, 75A15 (2010); doi:10.1190/1.3481775 Published 14 September 2010

physics diagnostics of -Rockdepositional texture

digenetic alterations, and reservoir heterogeneity in high-porosity siliciclastic sediments and rocks — A review of selected models and suggested work flows Geophysics 75, 75A31 (2010); doi:10.1190/1.3483770 Published 14 September 2010

Electromagnetic geophysics Notes from the past and the road ahead Geophysics 75, 75A49 (2010); doi:10.1190/1.3483901 Published 14 September 2010

Ten years of marine CSEM

for hydrocarbon exploration Geophys-

ics 75, 75A67 (2010);

doi:10.1190/1.3483451 Published 14

September 2010



-Surface and borehole groundradar development-penetrating

Geophysics 75, 75A103 (2010); doi:10.1190/1.3480619 Published 14 September 2010



From reflection elements to structure

A look at the history of data interpretation Geophysics 75, 75A121 (2010); doi:10.1190/1.3465562 Published 14 September 2010



Petroleum reservoir characterization using downhole microseismic monitoring

Geophysics 75, 75A129 (2010); doi:10.1190/1.3477966 Published 14 September 2010



level curves-Generation of sea

from depositional pattern as seen through seismic attributes-seismic geomorphology analysis of an MTC-rich shallow sediment column, northern Gulf of Mexico The Leading Edge 29, 1084 (2010); doi:10.1190/1.3485769 Issue Date: September 2010

Integration of coherence and volumetric curvature images

The Leading Edge 29, 1092 (2010); doi:10.1190/1.3485770 Issue Date: September 2010

wave delineation of the -and S -PM -Horseshoe Atoll, Diamond

Field Texas, US The Leading Edge 29, 1108 (2010); doi:10.1190/1.3485771 Issue Date: September 2010

Seismic texture analysis for reservoir prediction and characterization

The Leading Edge 29, 1116 (2010); doi:10.1190/1.3485772 Issue Date: September 2010

Quantitative estimate of fracture density variations

in the Nordegg with azimuthal AVO and curvature: A case study The Leading Edge 29, 1122 (2010); doi:10.1190/1.3485773 Issue Date: September 2010

seismic tie method in -to-Wellcomplex imaging areas: Examples in the deep offshore subsalt Angola domain

The Leading Edge 29, 1028 (2010); doi:10.1190/1.3485763 Issue Date: September 2010



For more details about

society of exploration

geophysics (SEG):


Page 33: NAVIGATOR (volume 1, October, 2010)

Human Competency and Capablity Devel-opment in Oil & Gas From 5 - 8 October 2010 (now in its 3rd run!). More information

The International Oil & Gas Executive Development Program

Essential Management & Commercial Skills for Oil & Gas Professionals 11th - 15th October 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


Natural gas engineering

27 September – 1 October 2010, Concord Hotel Kuala Lumpur. Malaysia

process Hazard Assessment Using The Hazop Technique

18th to 20th October 2010, Kuala Lumpur , Ma-laysia Hazop Team Leader Training, 21st to 22nd Octo-ber 2010, Kuala Lumpur , Malay. http://

Master the essential commercial and technical forces driving the global LNG value chain 25th to 27th October, Concorde Hotel , Singapore

Essential of project planning & Financing for power projects and gas-power arbi-trage 28-29 October 2010, Concorde Hotel , Singapore

Combined cycle gas turbine operations 29 Nov -3 Dec 2010 , Concorde Hotel , Kuala Lum-pur

Joint Alliant and Alliant Small Business Delegation of

Procurement Authority

September 22, 2010

San Diego, CA

All federal users including contracting officers,

program office officials, managers, and execu-

tive staff are invited to participate in these com-

plimentary webinars to learn how Alliant can

support their agency IT project initiatives .

Warranted contracting officers must complete

this training before requesting a Delegation of

Procurement Authority )DPA ,(which will

authorize them to issue orders against Alliant

and Alliant SB . This webinar is not open to


Free GSA/EPA Workshops to Reduce Small

Business Contractors‘ Carbon Footprint

September 27

Arlington, VA

Sustainability is more important than ever to the Fed-

eral Government .In response to Executive Order

13514, Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy

and Economic Performance, signed October 5, 2009,

federal agencies have committed to collectively re-

duce greenhouse gas )GHG (emissions by 2020, and

to green their supply chain .Small business

contractors like you can help us gather information

about your—the government‘s suppliers‘—GHG



Page 34: NAVIGATOR (volume 1, October, 2010)

GEO India 2011: 12 - 14 January 2011, India

The 2nd South Asian Geosci-ences Conference and Exhibi-tion Although a relatively new event, GEO India has posi-tioned itself at the forefront of the industry in South Asia. Its pre-eminent status is demon-strated by the GEO India's 2008 success in attracting 855 delegates, 61 exhibitors and a total attendance of 1549 visi-tors. With the Indian market still experiencing rapid growth, GEO India 2011 is set to be an even greater success.

MEOS 2011: 14 - 16 March 2011, Bahrain The 17th Society of Petroleum Engineers Middle East Oil & Gas Show and Conference Bahrain's premier petroleum event for 2009, MEOS 2011 will bring together leading oil and gas professionals to the Bah-rain International Exhibition from 14-16 March 2011. The MEOS 2011 conference is unrivalled in creating a plat-form for companies and indi-viduals to explore and discuss the major issues faced in the oil and gas industry, including human resources, demand and technological advancements. The exhibition provides a pre-eminent opportunity for exhibi-tors to showcase their respec-tive upstream applications and technologies. International Oil Spill

Conference: May 23-26, 2011 21st International Oil Spill Conference and Exposition The only chance to meet your

target audience in a U.S.-

based, international oil spill


An urgent challenge to dis-

cuss the Gulf of Mexico and

the world community's need

for oil spill remediation.

A choice to join elite compa-

nies to discuss innovations

and best practices across the

spectrum of Prevention, Pre-

paredness, Response and


GEO 2012: 4 - 7 March 2012, Bahrain 10th Middle East Geosciences

Conference and Exhibition

The world's leading geoscience

associations are once again join-

ing forces with the Gulf's leading

geoscience associations to put

together the Middle East's prem-

ier geoscience event. Taking

place every second year, GEO in

Bahrain is 'the' conference and

exhibition for the region's geosci-

entists; it is their opportunity to

review and discuss the latest geo-

science research and technology.

OSEA 2010: 30 No-vember - 3 December 2010, Singapore The 18th International Oil and Gas Industry Exhibi-tion and Conference OSEA was established three decades ago as Asia's most international Oil industry event. With over 14,000 visitors and 1,300 exhibiting companies in attendance at OSEA2008, OSEA contin-ues to provide the ideal platform to explore new oil and gas business opportu-nities, expand market pres-ence and penetrate emerg-ing markets.

Oil & Gas Asia 2011: 1 - 3 June 2011, Malaysia The 13th Asian Oil, Gas & Petrochemical Engineering Exhibition Running for over two decades, OGA has estab-lished itself as the premier event for buyers and ven-dors in the Asia-Pacific region. Taking place once every two years, OGA pro-vides the region's oil indus-try professionals with an opportunity to network, share knowledge and most importantly, to close deals.


Page 35: NAVIGATOR (volume 1, October, 2010)

12/10 Under The Patronage of

1- H.E. Prof. Dr. H. Helal : Min-ister of Higher Education and Scientific Research

2- H.E. Eng. S. Fahmy : Minister of


and Mineral Resources

Prof. Dr. Hend Hanafy

President of Alexandria University

1- Honour Chairman

Prof. Dr. M. Gabr: Dean of the

Faculty of Science

2- Chairman

Prof. Dr. Mohamed Rashed: Head of

Geology Department

13 - 14 October - 2010

Alexandria - Egypt

Conference theme:

Geochemistry: The Theory and Application

In Cooperation with

Geological Society of Africa

13-14 October -

To advertise for your conference: [email protected]

For more details about GEOCHEM 9, visit Faculty this site:


Page 36: NAVIGATOR (volume 1, October, 2010)

Zewail to the University comes at a stage

Zewails' visit to the University comes at a stage where

the University takes great strides in the field of

upgrading University education, and culture of

scientific research .The University has an integrated

strategic plan until the year 2020, including

developmental executive plan of specific projects for

the period 2009-2014.The University has also

strengthened its academic relationships with

prestigious American and European universities.

Dr.Hind Hanafy added that the University is keen to en-

courage researchers to publish distinguished scientific

researches .A bonus of 50 thousand pounds is decided

for scientific research and patent published in the Jour-

nal of Science or Nature .A committee for scientific

research was formed to implement a new programme

with a total fund of 5.5 million pound to support

researches using nanotechnology in medicine, engi-

neering, and environment .Scientific groups from

multiple disciplines are formed at the university to ad-

vance scientific research through this system

HE Rankings

The Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2010-2011 were developed in

concert with the new rankings data provider, Thomson Reuters, with input from more

than 50 leading figures in the sector from 15 countries across every continent, and

through 10 months of extensive consultation.

“We would like to congratulate Alexandria University for its performance in this year‘s

rigorous rankings .Being ranked 147 in the world top 200 is an impressive achievement .

The top 200 universities in the world represent only a tiny fraction of world higher edu-

cation and any institution that makes it into this table is truly world class”.

Times Higher Education Website:


Page 37: NAVIGATOR (volume 1, October, 2010)

Agreement of Cooperation between the University of Alexandria

And the University of Missouri Science and Technology of America

Dr /Samir El Shazely

Name of book /water in middle east

tendencies and potentially secure cooper-

ation .

Publication /at King Saud University

.Currently a candidate for an award King

Abdallah as the best translated book .

Dr/Ahmed Ismail Arslan

Geochemistry of some ore deposits:

Geochemical prospecting and explora-

tion for mineral deposits )Including

deposits of gold, niobium, tantalum,

tin, copper, lead, zinc and chromium

Prof. / Hind Mamdouh Hanafy - President of the University of Alexandria, had signed a coopera-

tion protocol between the Alexandria University (represented by the Colleges of Science and

Engineering), University of Missouri Science and Technology, USA.

Terms of the agreement included the following items:

Exchange students.

Exchange of faculty members.

Joint research between faculty members in universities.

Arrange joint conferences, seminars, lectures,

Exchange of educational materials

Implementation of joint academic programs

Disseminating the results of joint ventures The signing ceremony was attended University of Missouri Prof. Dr. / Mohamed Ismail Abdo - Vice Dean for Community Service and Environmental Development, and the presence of Prof. Dr. / John Carney of the University of Missouri Science and Technology And implementation of the agreement will begin with a workshop entitled ―Paleontological applications in oil exploration‖

From 6 to 7 July 2010

In collaboration with Prof. Dr. / Franca Iikonopi professor at the University of Mis-

souri Science and Technology

And that at the Faculty of Science - Alexandria University

Geology Department


Page 38: NAVIGATOR (volume 1, October, 2010)

AAPG Capitulo Ecuador (American Association

of Petroleum Geologists)

Armando Vega Oyola

Angel Valdiviez

Ahmed El-rify 3rd Level

Ahmed Hassan 2nd Level

Amr Ahmed 4th Level

Assem Bakr 2nd Level

Asmaa Hussein 2nd Level

Bahaa El-dine 4th Level

Bassam Atiya 3rd Level

Hadeer Batea 3rd Level

Hazem El-hawary 4th Level

Kerolos Edwar 2nd Level

Mahmoud Farahat 2nd Level

Mariam El-Said 3rd Level

Marwan Awad 2nd Level

Mohamed Abdel-Aziz 2nd Level

Mohamed Abo-Ali 3rd Level

Mohamed Arafa 4th Level

Mohamed El-Araby 3rd Level

Mohab El-sherif 3rd Level

Mahmoud El-khattib 4th Level

Nada Samir 3rd Level

Radwa Abdeen 3rd Level

Samar El-Said 3rd


Sara Ahmed 2nd Level

Sara Mostafa 2nd Level

Yassin El-Shewikh 4th Level

Yasmin Adel 3rd Level