
Navigating The Digital Marketing Landscape

Setting A Proper Course Through Strategy, Information And Digital Technology To Revolutionize Marketing ROI

Steve Pardue Vice President & Managing Director Asia Pacific Japan, Tealium

Innova&on  &  Thought  Leadership  

RECOGNIZED AS GLOBAL MARKET LEADER TM Buyer’s Guide, Econsultancy, 2012

RECOGNIZED AS ‘HIGHLY INNOVATIVE’ VENDOR Understanding Tag Management Tools & Technology Forrester Research, 2012

WINNER, GLOBAL 100 November, 2013


Strategic  Digital  Mandates  

With the rapidly increasing adoption of digital marketing technologies we are seeing the emergence of a number of common strategic digital marketing mandates: •  More Accurately Target

•  Personalization – One To One

•  Real-Time Action – Leverage the Moment – 80/60

•  Multi-Channel Integration

•  Eliminate Data Fragmentation

•  Accelerate Digital Marketing Operations

•  Increase ROI

Char&ng  the  Right  Course  

How does one chart a proper course through Strategy, Information and Digital Technology to Revolutionize Digital Marketing? •  There are over a thousand digital technologies available today

across the digital marketing landscape. - Analytics - Affiliates - Display Ad - Search - Email - Personalization - Social - Big Data

•  Collecting massive amounts of data about our online visitors -­‐  Mostly Disparate Information

-­‐  Inconsistent view of who our visitors are

-­‐  Poor understanding of what our visitors want from our brand

-­‐  Are we collecting, distributing and leveraging the right data?


4/26/2012 through 2/22/2014 by week

Digital  Marke&ng  Accelera&on!  Evidon’s  GhostRank  Panel  of  13  Million  Browsers    

Experience Layer

Data Layer

Application Layer

Leads  to  Chaos  at  Data  Layer  

How  did  we  get  here?  

A little over a decade ago:

How  did  we  get  here?  

Where we are today:

A/B Testing Ad Networks

Affiliate Marketing



Email Marketing

Lead Nurturing Marketing Automation


Search Engine Marketing

Visitor Remarketing

Visitor Retargeting

Banner Ads Social Marketing

Voice of Customer

Fragmented  data,  vendor  proprietary  databases,  non-­‐correlated  visitor  profiles…  

Which  marketers  and  BI  teams  then  struggle  to  piece  back  together  from  &me-­‐delayed  batch  files  

A/B Testing Ad Networks

Affiliate Marketing



Email Marketing

Lead Nurturing Marketing Automation


Search Engine Marketing

Visitor Remarketing

Visitor Retargeting

Banner Ads Social Marketing

Voice of Customer





$$$  $$$  


$$$  $$$  

$$$  $$$  

Bringing  Order  to  Marke&ng  Chaos  

A/B Testing Ad Networks

Affiliate Marketing

Email Marketing

Lead Nurturing Marketing Automation

Voice of Customer



Banner Ads


Search Engine Marketing

Visitor Remarketing

Visitor Retargeting

Social Marketing

•  A/B Testing •  Ad Networks

•  Affiliate Marketing

•  Email Marketing •  Lead Nurturing

•  Marketing Automation

•  Analytics •  Banner Ads

•  Chat

•  Personalization •  SEM

•  Social Marketing

•  Visitor Remarketing •  Visitor Retargeting

•  Voice of Customer

AudienceStream Enrichment

Unification, Security, Control, Privacy, Enrichment

Data  Unifica&on,  Standardiza&on,  Security,  Control  &  Enrichment  

Experience Layer

Data Layer: ORDER

Application Layer

The  Tealium  Solu&on:  Fueling  the  Next  Genera&on  of  Digital  Marke&ng  

Digital Marketing Application Ecosystem

AudienceStream Audience Segmentation, Profile Enrichment, send data to partner APIs

Your BI System or Data Warehouse

Tealium iQ Enterprise Tag Management

Define & Manage

Segment & Enrich


Are  Our  Teams  Equipped  To  Succeed?    

Are our digital marketing and technology teams equipped with the tools they need to succeed? •  An case in point:

-  Large specialty vertical publisher

-  Derive revenue through advertising

-  Desire to increase premium ad rates and overall profitability

-  Need to prove effective visitor targeting for premium advertisers

•  Global brand submits campaign brief with targeting objectives -­‐  Vertical publisher needs to respond to brief

-­‐  Premium ad placement rates depend upon meeting targeting requirements

•  What forms the basis of the publisher’s brief response?


Are our digital marketing and technology teams equipped with the tools they need to succeed? •  This same question applies equally to the brand advertiser

•  The publisher stated: “We had limited data and research to confidently answer the brief.”

•  The publisher needed insight into: -­‐  Demographic and Socioeconomic Profile of Visitors

-­‐  Men, 35-54, Successful

-­‐  Typically research online before purchasing

-­‐  Focused on product reliability first, with style and looks close behind

-­‐  Like all the bells and whistles

-­‐  Many are Do-It-Yourself kind of guys

Are  Our  Teams  Equipped  To  Succeed?    

The foundation to an effective digital marketing strategy is the data from which we execute our strategy… •  Most visible ad impressions today are wasted due to ineffective targeting

-­‐  Precisely the problem the advertiser is addressing with the publisher

-­‐  The publisher did not have an effective data acquisition strategy

-­‐  Wanted to find a digital technology to magically solve their problem…

-­‐  But the foundation was missing – the important data was missing

•  Remember, the publisher stated: “We had limited data and research to confidently answer the brief.”

•  The publisher failed to engage visitors in a way the would cause them to provide rich demographic and socioeconomic data

•  No registration, no premium content requiring registration, nothing…

Digital  Marke&ng’s  Founda&on:  Data    

Are the digital technologies we have selected empowering our success or holding us back? •  Are we effectively using the digital technologies we have selected?

•  Are we using the right digital technologies to execute our strategy?

•  Are we targeting our visitors and customers effectively?

•  Could we leverage new best of breed technologies if we wanted to?

•  Is IT holding us back?

•  Is Marketing demanding too much from IT?

•  How can we strike a balance to energize digital marketing ROI?

Are  we  prisoners  of  our  digital  tech?    

Navigating The Digital Marketing Landscape

Setting A Proper Course Through Strategy, Information And Digital Technology To Revolutionize Marketing ROI

Steve Pardue [email protected] Vice President & Managing Director @stephenpardue Asia Pacific Japan, Tealium +65 6631 8912