Page 1: Natural Family Planning Awareness Week July 21-27...Please welcome them with hospitality! To learn more about your health and fertility during pre-menopause or to learn about using Facebook:

Alpena Catholics of All Saints Parish Baraga Radio: 88.9 FM

All Saints Catholic Parish | July 21, 2019

Natural Family Planning

Awareness Week July 21-27

LOVE, NATURALLY! Cooperating with God’s Plan for Married Love


The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

and the Diocese of Gaylord are celebrating

God’s Gift of fertility because we are

“fearfully and wonderfully made”

in the Image and Likeness of God

The Diocese of Gaylord has

trained instructors in three different

methods. Find the one that works

for you. Our medical consultant is

Dr. Jacqueline Fitzgerald

and our local instructors are

Seth & Amy Peters

Page 2: Natural Family Planning Awareness Week July 21-27...Please welcome them with hospitality! To learn more about your health and fertility during pre-menopause or to learn about using

All Saints Catholic Parish Page 2 Alpena, Michigan

Mass Intentions & More Monday, July 22

8:00-9:00 am Morning Prayer & Holy Hour ................ St. Anne Church

12:00 pm †Richard Fatka ....................................... St. John Church

5:00-5:50 pm Confession time for Reconciliation .... St. Anne Church

5:00-6:00 pm Holy Hour ............................................... St. Anne Church

6:00 pm Evening Prayer ...................................... St. Anne Church

Tuesday, July 23

8:00-9:00 am Morning Prayer & Holy Hour ................ St. Anne Church

11:00-11:45 am Confession time for Reconciliation ..... St. John Church

12:00 pm †Ed Barkley .............................................. St. John Church

4:00-5:00 pm Holy Hour for Life ................................... St. Anne Church

5:00-6:00 pm Holy Hour ................................................ St. Anne Church

6:00 pm Evening Prayer ...................................... St. Anne Church

Wednesday, July 24

8:00-9:00 am Morning Prayer & Holy Hour ................ St. Anne Church

12:00 pm for the Intentions of the Sisters of

Our Mother of Divine Grace*. ...... St. John Church

4:30-5:15 pm Confession time for Reconciliation .... St. Anne Church

5:30 pm †Ruth Anne Werda ............................... St. Anne Church

6:00 pm Evening Prayer ...................................... St. Anne Church

6:00-7:00 pm Holy Hour (for Reparation of Harm Done)

................................................................. St. Anne Church

7:00 pm Night Prayer ........................................... St. Anne Church

Thursday, July 25

8:00-9:00 am Morning Prayer & Holy Hour ................ St. Anne Church

11:00-11:45 am Confession time for Reconciliation ..... St. John Church

12:00 pm †Ryan Diedrich ....................................... St. John Church

5:00-6:00 pm Holy Hour ................................................ St. Anne Church

6:00 pm Evening Prayer ...................................... St. Anne Church

Friday, July 26

8:00-9:00 am Morning Prayer & Holy Hour ................ St. Anne Church

12:00 pm †Blanche Konieczny ............................. St. Anne Church

1:00 pm Exposition ............................................... St. Anne Church

1:00-2:00 pm Confession time for Reconciliation .... St. Anne Church

3:00-4:00 pm Confession time for Reconciliation .... St. Anne Church

6:00 pm Evening Prayer ...................................... St. Anne Church

7:00-8:00 pm Confession time for Reconciliation .... St. Anne Church

7:45 pm Night Prayer ........................................... St. Anne Church

8:00 pm Benediction ........................................... St. Anne Church

Saturday, July 27

3:30 pm Rosary

(for Evangelization and Peace) ......... St. Anne Church

4:00 pm †Jane Krajniak ....................................... St. Anne Church

Sunday, July 28

7:00 am Living & Deceased of the Parish ....... St. Anne Church

9:00 am ††Jayendra & Jason Charoth ........... St. Anne Church

10:30 am Rosary (for Evangelization & Peace) St. Anne Church

11:00 am †Joyce Hiser ........................................... St. Anne Church

4:25 pm Rosary (for Evangelization & Peace)

............................................................. St. Bernard Church

5:00 pm ††Tom & Clara Murphy .................... St. Bernard Church

Confessions also available by making an appointment with the Priest

From Fr. Joe On this 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time (in cycle C) we hear two different accounts of hospitality. In the first reading (Genesis 18:1-10), Abraham, as a result of his hospitality, is told that he will finally have a son. In the Gospel (Luke 10:38-42), Martha seems to get a rebuke from Jesus for her hospitality. What’s going on here?

It is pretty easy to sympathize with Martha, after all, it sure seems as if her sister Mary is getting away with something – and maybe even being a little lazy – leaving Martha to do all the work. Have you ever wondered if Jesus’ response would have been different if there had been no food prepared and served by Martha? What if BOTH Martha and Mary just sat at Jesus’ feet to listen to him? Was Jesus taking Martha for granted? We could go on with these kinds of questions, but maybe we would do better to look at what these two readings tell us about hospitality and what that has to do with our relationship with God.

Hospitality is so much more than just making sure that all the details of food and entertainment are taken care of. True hospitality occurs when it makes possible a personal encounter with those you are being hospitable to. It genuinely welcomes the other and surrenders to their needs, and sets up the possibility of hearing their message.

In the reading from Genesis, Abraham is very busy with details, but this occurs after he has already engaged the visitors, and he continues to be with them and listen to them during their stay.

In the Gospel, Martha is “anxious and worried” and gets so wrapped up in the tasks that she loses sight of her guest – she doesn’t take time to listen to him. Have you ever been to a party where the host or hostess is so busy with the details that they don’t take the time to visit with their guests? With such preoccupation with the details, the focus seems to be more on themselves than on their guests. Now Jesus doesn’t refuse Martha’s brand of hospitality, nor does he ask her to forget about the serving and come listen to him. He knows that preparing and serving are important too. He simply says that Mary has chosen the “better part”. What is this “better part”? As important as certain aspects of hospitality may be, the “better part” is to listen and surrender to the presence of the Lord.

What does this have to do with OUR everyday lives? Maybe we aren’t busy with details of a party, but what about those things that take away time from our families – those closest to us? Are we so busy with work, with sports, with our recreation, with watching TV, searching the internet, talking to

Page 3: Natural Family Planning Awareness Week July 21-27...Please welcome them with hospitality! To learn more about your health and fertility during pre-menopause or to learn about using

16th Sunday—Ordinary Time Page 3 July 21, 2019

Stewardship of Prayer July 21, 2019 Sunday Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Gn 18:1-10a; Ps 15:2-3, 3-4, 5; Col 1:24-28; Lk 10:38-42

Monday Feast of Saint Mary Magdalene

Sgs 3:1-4b or 2 Cor 5:14-17; Ps 63:2-6, 8-9; Jn 20:1-2, 11-18

Tuesday Saint Bridget, Religious

Ex 14:21—15:1; Ex 15:8-9, 10 and 12, 17; Mt 12:46-50

Wednesday Saint Sharbel Makhlūf, Priest

Ex 16:1-5, 9-15; Ps 78:18-19, 23-24, 25-26, 27-28; Mt 13:1-9

Thursday Feast of Saint James, Apostle

2 Cor 4:7-15; Ps 126:1bc-2ab, 2cd-3-6; Mt 20:20-28

Friday Memorial of Saints Joachim and Anne,

Parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Ex 20:1-17; Ps 19:8, 9, 10, 11; Mt 13:18-23

Saturday Ex 24:3-8; Ps 50:1b-2, 5-6, 14-15; Mt 13:24-30

Sunday Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Gn 18:20-32; Ps 138:1-3, 6-8; Col 2:12-14; Lk 11:1-13

others on our cell phones, that we don’t spend time with or give our attention to each other? Do we make and take the time to encounter our own families? Our spouse? Our children? Our parents?

And what about making possible an encounter with God? Family responsibilities, work responsibili-ties, hospitality responsibilities: all of these are important and good. That’s what makes them such easy temptations to distract us. However, none of these is more important than the “better part” of spending time with Jesus and listening to his word, and being fed with His Body and Blood.

You may occasionally hear someone say, “Why do I have to go to church? Can’t I worship God by myself, and anywhere, like out in nature?” (Maybe you’ve even said that yourself.) And you know what? They are right about being able to worship God anywhere, but then ask them – or yourself – “When was the last time you actually did that?” And, why does it have to be either/or? Why not do both? Even Jesus – the Son of God – did both. Yes, he prayed alone in out-of-the-way places (see Luke 5:16), but he also prayed with his fellow Jews at the prescribed times either at the temple in Jerusalem, or at synagogues (see Luke 4:16) – and that was every week! Christianity is a social religion; it has never been just a “me and God” thing.

What about having to meet in a church? We all have our “sacred places”. Think of your own families. Where do you celebrate family get-togethers, e.g. Thanksgiving or Christmas? For most of us it’s at someone’s home, but wherever that place is, it has become a special place – you might even say a sacred place – for gathering. It’s no different for our faith community – we gather to worship together and to share the Eucharistic meal together as a parish in THIS sacred place.

The section of the Gospel we heard today comes immediately after the Good Samaritan parable that we heard last weekend – where taking action – doing practical love – was highlighted. In this Sunday’s account of Martha and Mary we get the message that hearing and listening to and contemplating the words of Jesus are also important. Action and contemplation need to be integrated – both are part of the life of a Christian.

Today, too many of us feel we need to always be “doing” something in order to feel useful or productive. We multi-task and pack in as many activities that we can fit into our days. Once again, many of these are good things to do, but do we also schedule in “down time” – “contemplation time” – “prayer time”?

(continued on Page 6)

Stewardship in Our Readings Today’s readings speak of hospitality. Abraham, who cheerfully did for his

guests all that hospitality required, was rewarded with a son. Martha also

busied herself with the details of hospitality, but not without complaint.

Are you a cheerful giver or do you complain as you give?

LARCC Prayer Intention We join our brothers and sisters in the LARCC community

(Lutheran, Anglican, Roman Catholic, Congregational)

in praying for this weekend’s intention:

St. Paul Lutheran:

Administrative Ministries

*Who are the Sisters of Our Mother of Divine Grace

that will be visiting our parish to lead Vacation Bible School July 22-25?

“An emerging community of consecrated life established May 2010,

they endeavor to work for the fulfillment of the prayer of Jesus

on the night before He suffered: ‘that they may be one’ and

‘For their sake I consecrate myself, that they also may be

consecrated in truth.’ Through their vows, the Sisters reflect more fully this

‘consecration in truth’ which Christ accomplished by his

Death and Resurrection. Together with Mary,

Mother of Divine Grace, they seek to be sharers in His death,

for the sake of others, which brought forth fruits of grace to a new life.

St. Mary's convent is located in Port Sanilac, where the Sisters pray their presence

will inspire new hope to others, both Christian and non-Christian,

as they seek to share the joy of serving God and

giving witness to the light and love of Christ.”

Visit their website

Please welcome them with hospitality!

To learn more about your health and fertility during pre-menopause or to

learn about using the signs of fertility to achieve pregnancy or to learn natural

ways to avoid pregnancy without self-sterilization, please contact

Seth & Amy Peters at [email protected]

Page 4: Natural Family Planning Awareness Week July 21-27...Please welcome them with hospitality! To learn more about your health and fertility during pre-menopause or to learn about using

All Saints Catholic Parish Page 4 Alpena, Michigan

Stewardship of Treasure July 13/14

Regular Offertory .............................................................................. $18,616.88

Envelopes Used ............................................................................................. 534

Loose ..................................................................................................... $1,712.00

Building Fund .......................................................................................... $723.00

Capital Improvement Grand Total (All Funds) .............................. $3,062.00

The Change for Charities collection to benefit Fr. Polycarp’s home parish

in Nigeria increased by $195 for a total gift thus far of $4,002.00!

Scrip Program Totals July 8—July 14

Gross Profit ...................................................................................................$97.14 Shipping fee ................................................................................................. -0.00

(Shipping fee covered by generous donors) NET PROFIT ....................................................................................................$97.14 Total Sales ........................................................................................................... 32 Avg. profit per card ..................................................................................... $1.33 Grand total of cards sold ................................................................................ 73

Don’t forget that Scrip cards are for everyday purchases (not just for use as a gift card) helping our parish at no cost to you. Use them like money!

If you have questions call JeriJo Standen 354-5946 THANK YOU!

Please Pray for the Departed We pray for the repose of the souls

of those who have gone to their rest

in the hope of rising again:

William “Bill” Butch, Theresa Weinkauf,

Dennis Kamyszek and Helen Kreft

May they rest in peace!

Heating & Cooling Fund Running Total

$33,132.00 As of July 15, 2019

The above amount has been matched dollar-for dollar up to $30,000.

(Matching funds are made available from the estates of two very

generous deceased parishioners.)

Blessed Mother Shrine Votive Lamp

(14 day candle at St. Mary Church)

In Memory of Don & Marvin Wysocki

requested by Doug & Patti Clute

Stewardship of Time Monday, July 22

8:30 am Vacation Bible School with Noon mass to follow at

................................................................ St. John Church

6:00 pm Rambling Women meet beginning at 6 PM

with Evening Prayer (Ch. 8) .............. St. Anne Church

Tuesday, July 23

8:30 am Vacation Bible School with Noon mass to follow at

................................................................ St. John Church

7:00 pm Beads & Brews: Men’s Rosary .......... St. Anne Church

Wednesday, July 24

8:30 am Vacation Bible School with Noon mass to follow at

................................................................ St. John Church

Thursday, July 25

8:30 am Vacation Bible School with Noon mass to follow at

................................................................ St. John Church

6:00 pm “Let’s Talk Catholic—LIVE” with Fr. Scott begins at

6 pm with Evening Prayer ................ St. Anne Church

Celebrate NFP Awareness Week July 21-27 by learning the signs of fertility

July Contact Confidential Prayer Group

Julie Kowalski | phone: 356-0427

Rambling Women During the summer, we meet each Monday at

6:00 pm at St. Anne Church for Evening Prayer

and then proceed to one of the available

rooms in the Parish Center to discuss a chapter

from “Into His Likeness” - a book that has been

made available for our parish and extra copies

can be found on the ledge near the ramp that

leads into Church.

Who are the Rambling Women? A group of

ladies who pray, then discuss, and then go out

and walk (ramble) for about a half-hour and

then discuss (ramble on) while walking. Contact

Kim at 354-3019 for more details.

Monday, July 22

Chapter 8: “Forgiven”

CSA: After Reaching Our Target After reaching our parish’s target for this year, we are over by $6,712!

With a grand total pledged of $240,002! Thank you to everyone who

gave and those who continue to give.

Knights of Columbus

Fourth Degree members of the Fr. Clarence

Smolinski Assembly #485 will meet at 7:30 pm

this Wednesday, July 24 at the Knights Hall

located at 1880 Hamilton Rd, hosted by

Council 529. Agenda will consist of regular, old,

and any new business. Prior to the meeting, the

Color Corps will practice.

Memorial Bricks Memorial bricks are now on sale for the

Memorial Pathway at the Shrine of the Blessed

Mother on the grounds of the Knights Hall

(Alpena) and are available by calling Bernice

Zolnierek at 595-6918.

These bricks are $25 each and are a thoughtful

way to honor a family member, or friend, in a

permanent fashion.

Page 5: Natural Family Planning Awareness Week July 21-27...Please welcome them with hospitality! To learn more about your health and fertility during pre-menopause or to learn about using

16th Sunday—Ordinary Time Page 5 July 21, 2019

Box Tops for Education All Saints School continues in the summer to

collect “Box Tops for Education” often found on

cereal boxes and other food items.

Even though they will eventually go digital,

paper Box Tops can

still be put into an

envelope into the

collection basket or

dropped off at the

Parish Office until then.

Vacation Bible School Registration

Mon – Thurs, July 22-25

St. John Church of All Saints Parish

The Sisters of Our Mother of Divine Grace in

Port Sanilac, MI are coming to help make this

an awesome Vacation Bible School.

Registration forms are available on our website

( and at the exits of

Church. Completed registration forms can be

brought to VBS at 8:30 am any day you attend.

VBS check-in will be held daily at 8:30 am with

the program running 9:00 am to 11:45 am

Monday-Thursday for PreK- 5th grade students.

Students may be picked up at 11:45 am or stay

and attend Mass at noon with lunch to follow.

Parents/guardians are encouraged to attend

Mass with their students and join them for lunch.

We would love for

your child to attend

all four days but

even if it only works

out for just one day

(or a few more) -

you are welcome

to attend!

6th—12th grade

and adult helpers

can always help.

Please contact me if you are available.

Jackie Benson, Parish Catechetical Leader

[email protected]

All Saints School: Positions Needed Administrative Assistant

Seeking a full-time administrative assistant. This person would welcome

and address the needs of the school and school community members,

maintain the school database and calendar and provide other

administrative assistance. An Associate’s degree or higher, or equivalent

work experience are preferred along with a welcoming personality and a

high degree of customer service.

Outstanding clerical and advanced technical skills are a must, including

competence with Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Outlook,

PowerPoint). Experience with Publisher, Photoshop and InDesign

preferred. Confidentiality and high ethical standards are a must.

Interested candidates should forward a resume along with the Diocesan

job application and background check forms found on the Diocese of

Gaylord website (

Please forward resume, along with 3 letters of recommendation to

[email protected].


Seeking a Lead Cook. If you are committed to Catholic Education &

dedicated to students, a team player, flexible and motivated to work in a

school setting. Interested candidates should complete the Diocesan job

application and background check forms found on the Diocesan

website, and forward a resume, letter of interest, letters of

recommendation and a copy of state certification to:

[email protected].

Applications accepted until the position is filled.

Cafeteria Volunteers Needed

Seeking Volunteers, to work in the school cafeteria. If you are committed

to Catholic Education & dedicated to students, a team player, flexible

and motivated to volunteering your time in a school setting, please stop

in the office and complete the volunteer application or contact Nicole

Hatch at 989-354-4911 or email [email protected].

“Let the children come to me.” Matthew 19:14

Phone: 989-354-4911

Fund – VBS Have you heard of GoFundMe®? Well here is something similar:

Five Sisters of Our Mother of Divine Grace from Port Sanilac, MI will be

coming to guide our children (PreK-5th grade) in this roaring adventure.

This week, July 22-25, there will be a basket at each weekday Mass.

If you are willing to help fund VBS just place your money in the basket.

If you are unable to attend the weekday Mass, you can put an

envelope in the weekend collection basket marked “Fund-VBS” or

simply drop it off at the parish office. An anonymous donor has

offered to match the first $200 donated! The Sisters of Our Mother of

Divine Grace are coming to help us. Will you help too?

(Please note, there is no actual online GoFundMe® set up for our

Vacation Bible School. This is happening at our local level only.)

All Saints School 50/50

Cash Raffle Winner

For July 12, 2019

Jacinta Boyk (sold by Jacinta Boyk)


The next monthly drawing will be held

August 2, 2019

Page 6: Natural Family Planning Awareness Week July 21-27...Please welcome them with hospitality! To learn more about your health and fertility during pre-menopause or to learn about using

All Saints Catholic Parish Page 6 Alpena, Michigan

Wanted: Used Riding Lawnmower If you have one in working condition to donate or sell to us, please call

the Parish Office at 354-3019 and we will notify Maintenance Supervisor,

Joe Pokorzynski, to return your call.

Celebrating an Anniversary Ken & Mary Jarmuzewski

56 years—July 20

Fred & Rose Raible

60 years—July 25

United Way Ecumenical Back to School Toiletry Drive

The United Way Gear Up program is aiming to provide adolescent students from low income families with free back-to-school

clothes, supplies and personal toiletries. Without our help, they return each fall unprepared to learn . . . It’s the reason why so

many teachers turn to their personal funds to help. Churches in Alcona, Alpena and Montmorency counties are joining to

help us send students back to school with confidence. No contribution is too small. Items can include: toothpaste, tooth-

brushes, deodorant for men and women, sanitary products, full size bottles of body wash, shampoo and conditioner, razors

and shaving cream—just to name a few. Drop-off sites are listed below:

All Saints Parish: Church entrances (including St. Bernard Church) and Parish Office

(Our parish will be collecting through Wednesday, July 24)

United Way Office located in the Aplex in Alpena

Big Yellow “Stuff the Bus” at Walgreens parking lot the weekend of July 26-29 from 10 am—8 pm.

July 29th is the last day

of the Toiletry Drive

From Fr. Joe—Continued (Continued from page 3)

When we gather together for Mass we are given such wonderful opportunities and possibili-ties of encountering our God. We encounter Jesus in the very assembly gathered for Mass. (It’s not like Jesus is hiding somewhere as ONE of us, leaving us to wonder “which one is he?” No, it is the assembly itself – you and me – which is the mystical Body of Christ). We encounter our God in the Word – the Scriptures – we hear proclaimed. We encounter Jesus in the person of the priest as the presider of the sacrificial offering. And in a most special way, we encounter God in the Eucharist – the Body and Blood of Christ – which we eat and drink, and then, through the miracu-lous functioning of our bodies, is digested and travels through our bloodstream to nourish all of our cells. Imagine that – the Eucharist becoming part of your fingertips, your toes, your brain, your heart! Jesus becomes enfleshed again through us! How dare we ever leave Mass and treat one another unkindly or with disrespect.

There are 168 hours in a week. 168 hours to take care of all the important things in our lives. At least each weekend, let’s not forget to take just one of those hours and, like Mary in today’s Gospel, choose the “better part” – that of gathering, listening to, and encountering Jesus.

Have a blessed 168 hours, Emergency Preparedness Plan

Safety Committee is seeking volunteers to assist with developing an

emergency preparedness plan for All Saints Parish.

Volunteers are needed with expertise in: law enforcement, fire service,

medical, mental health, maintenance, and planning.

Please call Ann-Marie Ruder (989.595.5261)



Page 7: Natural Family Planning Awareness Week July 21-27...Please welcome them with hospitality! To learn more about your health and fertility during pre-menopause or to learn about using

16th Sunday—Ordinary Time Page 7 July 21, 2019

Received in Baptism We welcome with great joy the

newest member of our Church

family who was welcomed into

the Body of Christ through the

waters of baptism:

Vocations Golf Outing Support Vocations in the Diocese of Gaylord by playing in the 7th Annual

Vocations Golf Outing on Monday, August 12! The event this year will be

held at the Gaylord Golf Club in Gaylord. Cost for the day is $125 per

golfer (or $500 per team), which includes 18 holes of golf with cart, conti-

nental breakfast, lunch, dinner, and a variety of contests & prizes! The day

will begin with Mass at 8:00 a.m. at St. Mary Cathedral with Bishop Raica

and continues at the golf course with registration and breakfast begin-

ning at 8:30 a.m. During the day, participants will compete in contests for

the Longest Drive, Closest to the Pin, Longest Putt, and a putting

challenge. This year’s event will bring additional excitement to the golf

outing and Hole #14. Not only will every registered golfer have one (1)

chance at a Hole-In-One to win a 2019 Chevrolet Silverado; in addition,

ONE (1) LUCKY PLAYER will also have the opportunity (one shot at a Hole-

In-One) to win One Million Dollars*! The Vocations Golf Outing is also a

wonderful opportunity to meet our seminarians. For more information or to

register, contact Judy Abeel at 989.732.5147 or via email at

[email protected]. Additional information can be found on

the Diocese of Gaylord website Sponsorship

opportunities are also available beginning at $150 to sponsor a hole.

Consider joining us this year – it’s a fun event and all for a great cause!

*terms and conditions apply. Prize description: $1,000,000 (40 Yr. Annuity).

Currently, Michigan is in a fight to ban the

Dilation & Evacuation method of abortion,

more commonly known as dismemberment

abortion. Yes, this is exactly what it sounds like.

Our governor has publicly promised to veto this

legislation and any legislation of its kind should

it reach her desk. Currently, MI Right to Life is

organizing a petition drive to obtain enough

signatures (400,000) that would allow her veto

to be overturned. Please join the fight! YOU will

have the opportunity to sign this petition right

here at All Saints after Mass. Keep watching for

more details on when to take action and sign.

A Holy Hour for Life will now be held on

Tuesdays from 4 to 5 PM when we will pray

together for the sanctity of life. Please join us.

All are welcome!

For further information,

email the group at:

[email protected]

Our members will be happy to assist you

with any questions.

Their Voice James Matthew Kelly

Son of

Matthew & Ashleigh

(Mousseau) Kelly

Page 8: Natural Family Planning Awareness Week July 21-27...Please welcome them with hospitality! To learn more about your health and fertility during pre-menopause or to learn about using

All Saints Catholic Parish Page 8 Alpena, Michigan

Page 9: Natural Family Planning Awareness Week July 21-27...Please welcome them with hospitality! To learn more about your health and fertility during pre-menopause or to learn about using

16th Sunday—Ordinary Time Page 9 July 21, 2019


Saturday 4:00 pm Sacristan: J. Fortner John & Kati Meek, Jane Fortner, Mary Charoth, Barb Porrett, Mary Mischley, Joyce Krajnik, Bob Kendziorski [3 volunteers needed] Sunday 7:00 am Sacristan: Jane Hiske Deb Spleet, Steve Gougeon [6 volunteers needed] 9:00 am Sacristan: J. Mott, M. Fox Helen Roznowski, Barb Mink, Bernie Lamp, Margaret Fox, Joann Kuschel, Karen Grochowski, Carolyn Szatkowski, Scott McWilliams, Maria Lindahl, JoAnn LeTourneau, Janet Mott 11:00 am Sacristan: Jim Baczkiewicz Bill Hirschenberger, Rosanne Schultz, Joseph Bleau, Ruth Richard, Julie Murray [6 volunteers needed] 5:00 pm Sacristan: K. Melville-Hall Sandra Penick, John Briggs, Karon Halleck [2 volunteers needed]


Saturday 4:00 pm John Meek, Judith Burns Sunday 7:00 am Carolyn Anderson, Chris Benedict 9:00 am Bernie Harkins, Scott McWilliams 11:00 am Maria Ware, Shari Brunell 5:00 pm Elizabeth Wright, John Briggs

ALTAR SERVERS Saturday 4:00 pm John Grabiel Sunday 7:00 am Cash Spleet, [volunteer] 9:00 am Jett King, Clare LaCross 11:00 am Thomas & Joseph Sheridan 5:00 pm Meagan Wright

USHERS Saturday 4:00 pm Mike Kapalla, Pat Marceau, Dan Przeslawski, James Ritzler, Mike Szydlowski, Gary Szymanski Sunday 7:00 am Fred Gryniewicz, Randy Hartman, Myrl Prevo, Don Schultz, Phil Schultz, Ken Utecht 9:00 am Mark Balko, Bill Cook, Les Klimaszewski, Kurt Konieczny, Alan Krajniak, Paul Sabourin 11:00 am Larry Belanger, Chester Gorski, Tony Montie, Jim Shuler, Bob Szymanski, Larry Weise 5:00 pm Jon Benson, Mike LaCross, Keith Wallace, [volunteer]

August 3 / 4

EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS Saturday 4:00 pm Sacristan: J. Fortner Jane Fortner, Mary Charoth, Barb Porrett, Andrew Randazzo Mary Mischley, Joyce Krajnik, Bob Kendziorski [4 volunteers needed] Sunday 7:00 am Sacristan: Linda Splitt Patty Grochowski, Deb Spleet, Steve Gougeon, Meagan Wright, Linda Splitt, Ken Anderson [2 volunteers needed] 9:00 am Sacristan: J. Mott, M. Fox Bob & Patti Martinez, Kim Krajniak, Karen LaMarre, Linda Bicksler, Fred & Rose Raible, Preston King, Ashley Bridgewater 11:00 am Sacristan: Sandy Penick Maria Ware, Rosanne Schultz, Joseph Bleau, Ruth Richard, Julie Murray, Mary Lou Keen, Brenda McKnight, Sandra Penick Jemelle & Bill Tadian [1 volunteer needed] 5:00 pm Sacristan: K. Melville-Hall B. Wienczewski, John Briggs, Karon Halleck, Phil Milostan [2 volunteers needed]

LECTORS Saturday 4:00 pm Ann-Marie Ruder, Sunday 7:00 am Tom Splitt, Elizabeth Wright 9:00 am Sally Shrock, Scott McWilliams 11:00 am Amy Peters, Julie Murray 5:00 pm Phil Milostan, K. Melville-Hall

ALTAR SERVERS Saturday 4:00 pm John Grabiel Sunday 7:00 am Cash Spleet, [volunteer] 9:00 am Clare LaCross, Jett King 11:00 am Magdalyn & Cecelia Weaver 5:00 pm Ryan Prell, [volunteer]

USHERS Saturday 4:00 pm Jim Bowen, Bob DeCaire, Jim Nowak, Roy Wekwert, Jim Wils, Dale Zampich Sunday 7:00 am Ray Donajkowski, Fred Gryniewicz, Randy Hartman, Dave Nowak, Joe Roznowski, Phil Schultz 9:00 am Dale Goupell, Tom Hart, Tom Hillberg, Brian Kendziorski, Daniel Tibbals, Jim Wallen 11:00 am Larry Bak, Chester Gorski, James Hiske, Tony Montie, Vito Reno, Bob Szymanski 5:00 pm Joe Demski, Leo Filarski, Barry Halleck, Jerry Piontkowski


Saturday 4:00 pm Sacristan: Jane Fortner Andrew Randazzo, Andy Schultz, Bob Kendziorski, Joyce Krajnik, Mary Mischley, Barb Porrett, Mary Charoth, Jane Fortner [3 volunteers needed] Sunday 7:00 am Sacristan: Patty Grochowski Tom Splitt, Ken Anderson, Steve Gougeon, Deb Spleet [4 volunteers needed] 9:00 am Sacristan: J. Mott, M. Fox Julie Kowalski, Preston King, Ashley Bridgewater, Linda Bicksler, Kim Krajniak, Fred & Rose Raible, Janet Mott, JoAnn LeTourneau 11:00 am Sacristan: Sandy Penick Jim & Kathy Kolson, Julie Murray, Ruth Richard, Joseph Bleau, Rosanne Schultz, Bill Hirschenberger [4 volunteers needed] 5:00 pm Sacristan: A. Moody/K. Halleck Karon Halleck, John Briggs, Meagan Wright, Elizabeth Wright [1 volunteer needed]

LECTORS Saturday 4:00 pm Marie Roznowski, Jamie Beaubien Sunday 7:00 am Linda Splitt, Chris Benedict 9:00 am Steve Kuschel, Paula Christensen 11:00 am Shari Brunell, Meagan Wright 5:00 pm Joyce Demski, Marilyn Klingshirn

ALTAR SERVERS Saturday 4:00 pm Shultz Sunday 7:00 am Cash Spleet, [volunteer] 9:00 am Clare LaCross, Jett King 11:00 am Vivian Furtaw, Nathan Pokorzynski 5:00 pm Ryan Prell, [volunteer]

USHERS Saturday 4:00 pm Jim Bowen, Bob DeCaire, Andy Przeslawski, Roy Wekwert, Jim Wils, Dale Zampich Sunday 7:00 am Ray Donajkowski, Fred Gryniewicz, Randy Hartman, Dave Nowak, Joe Roznowski, Phil Schultz 9:00 am Dale Goupell, Tom Hart, Tom Hillberg, Brian Kendziorski, Alan Krajniak, Daniel Tibbals 11:00 am Larry Bak, Chester Gorski, James Hiske, Tony Montie, Vito Reno, Bob Szymanski 5:00 pm Jon Benson, Mike LaCross, Keith Wallace, [volunteer]

The August schedule has been created and is available in the gathering area and on our website under the “ministries” tab.

Page 10: Natural Family Planning Awareness Week July 21-27...Please welcome them with hospitality! To learn more about your health and fertility during pre-menopause or to learn about using

All Saints Catholic Parish Page 10 Alpena, Michigan

Welcome to All Saints! We would like to welcome home anyone who has been away from the Church

and has joined us for Mass this weekend. We know coming back may not have

been an easy decision, and we are very glad you made it. Please stop by the

office to introduce yourself and register.


Rev. Joe Muszkiewicz


Rev. Scott Lawler

[email protected]

Parish Office

Phone: 989-354-3019

Fax: 989-358-9079

817 Sable Street, Alpena, MI 49707

Monday-Friday 8:20am– 4:00pm

Facebook ‘Alpena Catholics of All Saints Parish’ Parish Access Code: JCZM6P

Business Manager

Kim Krajniak

[email protected]


Bette Tadajewski

Office Manager

Maria Kraft

[email protected]


Penny Jones

[email protected]

Office Assistant

Judy Quast

[email protected]

Parish Catechetical Leader

Jackie Benson

[email protected]

Discipleship Coordinator

Kristin Carriveau

[email protected]

Music Ministers

Suelyn Bartz, John Luke Grabiel, Eileen Tank, Julie Wood

Maintenance Supervisor

Joe Pokorzynski

Maintenance Staff

Jason Luther

School Maintenance

Chris Olsen

Part-Time Maintenance

Jim Bouchard, Mike Jaskolski, Mike LaMarre

Catholic Chaplain of Alpena (Hospital Ministry)

LeJean Carter (590-0523)

Pastoral Council

Bob Mischloney, Ann-Marie Ruder, Mark Balko, Virginia Tadajewski,

Christopher Benedict, Deb Spleet, Bill Kuchnicki, Jane Hiske, Marty Gougeon

Finance Council

Kim Rabeau, Jenny Poli, Don Bartosh, Teresa Yachcik

Diocesan Pastoral Council

Chairperson Seth Wm. Peters

If you have requests for the Bishop, contact [email protected]

Local Ministries Madonna House ............................................... 354-4073

Catholic Human Services................................. 356-6385

Friendship Room ................................................ 354-8018

St. Vincent dePaul Society............................... 354-3671

Options Pregnancy Center ............................. 354-6089

Baby Pantry ........................................................ 356-9317

Children’s Closet ............................................... 356-9545

Caring Place Adult Day Center ...................... 358-7928

Salvation Army (Call Us for Help) .................... 358-2769

NEMCSA .............................................................. 356-3474

Holy Cross Cemetery ........................................ 354-3831

Parish Vision All Saints Parish is a spiritual and faith-filled family,

embraced by God’s love. We are centered on the

Holy Eucharist, inspired by the Communion of Saints

and empowered by the Holy Spirit to enliven and

ignite a community bound by love. We are united in

vibrant service under the leadership of the Trinity.

Parish Mission We, the members of All Saints Parish are called as a

sacramental people to grow in our faith and

participate fully in the one Body of Christ, centered in

the Eucharist. We value each other’s gifts and talents

as we serve the needs of our community while living

the truth and love of the Gospel.

Need a Ride to Mass?

Our parish partners

with Thunder Bay Transportation Authority to

provide a ride for those who are in need.

Those who need a ride will need to call TBTA

(ph: 989-356-4596) two hours before you would

like to be picked up to schedule your ride. If

you wish to have it charged, you must tell TBTA

dispatcher you are charging it to All Saints

Parish (we will not be doing reimbursements as

we would have no proof of a ride).

The parish will cover the ride only to/from

Church for the 4 PM Saturday Mass and the

11 AM Sunday Mass (based on the hours of

operation for TBTA).

All Saints Catholic School 500 N. Second Ave

Phone.......................................................... 989-354-4911



Nicole Hatch | email: [email protected]
