Page 1: National network for training diabetes educators. The Cuban diabetes education programme


R. Szae~. N. Gebut’. J. kdsderc. U. Wabnb. F. am

the ratI& kainlng and were individually f&n&d up for 6 motub with 2 vi& at home. 2 tik tih their primmy cpre ,,b,%i,iam and 2 “bik at the pcdistrk o”tpatknt clink. Treatment group 2 attaxIed the same wining but witbcut the b,diidti rdi~~ The thiml gmup mn asthmatic

child- and their pare*. Dak abmlt dimxcnt Ievels Of asthma manage

ble attitude and the &lity of the bealU&am to i sudn atdtwk in the tmtimk. Rut tmdenk ate often unable to cape with die& bnd medkal ~&sandl doer not alwayt km% bow ta teach patkna To ovetromc these problem% teaching
