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Page 1: Nation branding

Nation branding, eraldaketarako kontakizunak

Gorka Espiau Idoiaga. Euskal nazionalismoa XXI.mendean. Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea. 13-03-14


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Nire esperientzia personala.


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Zer gara gu?


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Narratiba gabe=sinplifikazioa


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Zer gara gu? Transizioan dagoen herria


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Zer izan nahi dugu?


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balore singularrak?+kontakizuna=ezberdintasuna

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Transformation narratives. Eraldaketarako narratibak Real and non-cosmetic nation branding is a human process that combines local culture and values with historical facts in a non-objective  way. Local communities and territories identify themselves with a certain set of values that can be found in historic facts but many other values and facts that could also be interpreted as part of their local identity are left aside. Identity building is therefore an evolving process that can be positively or negatively channeled through collective action. Those cities and territories who have been able to associate themselves with a positive narrative of transformation are more resilient and socially sustainable, even more competitive. Those who have allowed a negative narrative about themselves to emerge face much more serious problems to deal with the current global challenges.


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Basque narrative (bertsiorik hoberena) In the late 1970s, the Basque Country was emerging from a period of forty years of dictatorship in Spain that had repressed all expressions of a millenary Basque identity and culture. At that time, the Basque Country was suffering a major economic crisis, with unemployment rates above 30% and its international image directly associated with violence and political conflict. Despite all these challenges, Basque People have been able to transform itself radically leading the international rankings of social protection, health, education and balanced income per capita during the last decades. Today, Basque companies are present worldwide and Basque culture (language, art, gastronomy, sport…) is associated with modernity. The Basque experience offers the key elements to generate a new global approach towards sustainable development transformation. An ancient way of doing things innovatively.

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Labur esanda. -Krisi ekonomikoa dela eta, Euskal Herrian dagoen eztabaida. -Baloreak eta kontakizuna behar dituen eztabaida. -Balorerik gabe, ez dago marka sendorik. -Kontakizuna, erabaki subjetiboetan oinarritzen da. -Marka, munduan kokatzeko estrategia da eta aspirazioa. -Marka, etorkizuna eraikitzeko tresna baliogarria. Ekintzarako plataforma. -Pertzepzioak (baloreak), ideiak (kontakizuna) eta erabakiak. -Nazioa saldu edo eraiki? -Euskal marka eta berrikuntza soziala. Izugarrizko aukera.


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Eskerrik asko Twitter: @GEspiau