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Page 1: Natalia's Autobiography


My name is Natalia Leguizamon and I was born in October 20 of 1997, on Sebastian de Belalcazar Hospital in the city of Cali. My birth was on 1:12 pm and my doctor was Julio Cesar Obando, when I was birth my doctor told my mom that I was going to be very tall because of my legs and arms where so long. Unfortunately my parents couldn’t go with me the day I was born to my house because when I was in the belly of my mom she had a huge fever, so when I was born the doctors told my mom that I have acute amarillitis and I have to stay two more days in the hospital until I was better. I was baptism two months later went I was born and my god are my uncle Mauricio and my step grandmother Nancy.

I learn how to walk when I was 1 years old in a farm of Sevilla Valle, but when I always try to stand up to walk I fell down and I began to cried all time. When I was 2 years old my family took me to take my first picture of the passport and I remember that I was very excited that in the photo when they take the picture and I get looking up. Also I remember that I celebrate my two years old with my entire friends in my kindergarten called Mago De oz. When I was to years old too I went to my grandparents’ house and when I was always in the kitchen I remember that I began to make sounds with the cooking pots doing like drums for me to make loud music.

Went I was a child my favorite TV program was cubic and also nickelodeon. I remember that with my brother we try to make copy cat the program of x-games and we take the entire cushion to organize the game in the room. Also I remember that when I was littler I lived in a building of apartments in the 3 level and I remember that in the 1st floor

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there was big dog name Canela, that dog was vey huge and mad. So one day the dog escape from its apartment and my friends and I were playing in the play ground and we began to run so fast because the dog was chasing us in all the building. And we go into tower to the last floor and the dog chase my brother and me that he was so scare that he made pipi in the last floor!!!

Went I was living in Chambery in Cali in the same building of apartments, I remember that around the pool there was cans cover the swimming pool. One day a cow fell down into the pool and all the babysitters and janitors were helping to take the animal out of the pool. Went I was in Sevilla for my 6 birthday my grandfather had a motorbike and I ride with him going to Caicedonia and that was very funny, super and emotional moment. Went I enter to Bennet school I was very excited and nervous and my first BFF was Maria Camila Ambuila because she was so fun generous and a very good friend.

Went I in first grade I won the scholarship and I was very happy and my family too that I remember that my mother and I cried went Teacher Yolanda de Mosquera gave me it. Also went I was in 1st grade and I got my first dog name Lucas Leguizamon and it was so cute because it was a little and beautiful puppy beagle. In second grade I had my favorite trip that was when we were into a chiva to go around Cali to known it. In 3 grades I remember that all 3 graders make a newspaper and it was very excited and super because it was our first thing we had done for people to read it.

In 5th grade I made my super party to celebrate my 12 years old and I was awesome and very happiness because I celebrated in pizza 1969 with all my friends. And in that day my parents told me that I

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was going to have a new cousin and I was a girl, now I am waiting for she too born and her name is going to be Andrea!!!! I am very excited because all my friend and I are waiting to Panaca and Park of Coffee because we now that are going to be the better trip of elementary and we hope we pass and awesome time.

BY: Natalia Leguizamon B