Page 1: Named Internship Profile Summary - Bridget Golob (McSpadden)

Bridget Golob graduated from Harvard-Westlake School in North Hollywood, CA, where she was a member of the Cum Laude Society and National French & Spanish Honor Societies. At Harvard-Westlake, she represented her class in the Student-Athlete Advisory Council, was involved with Model United Nations, and served as captain of her state championship- winning cross country team. At Dartmouth, Bridget is a Geography and Romance Languages (French, Spanish) double major and Government minor. She is also pursuing a Global Health Certificate. Bridget is Director of Chapter Events for Alpha Phi International Fraternity and President of the women’s group Link Up. She also serves as

a Diversity Peer Advisor, a current Rockefeller Center Program Assistant, and member of the National Society of Collegiate Scholars. After graduating, Bridget hopes to focus on international development and development policy. Bridget was funded by the Rockefeller Center for a Summer 2013 internship, with generous support from the McSpadden Public Affairs Internship Fund.

Executive Summary from Bridget’s final report: The Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from and mitigate all hazards. The Office of Policy & Program Analysis at FEMA, and more specifically its Policy Division, leads

Agency policy, strategy and innovation in shaping FEMA and its role as a survivor-centric emergency- and natural disaster-focused organization.

On a daily basis, I assisted with the integration and oversight of coordinated policy development across the agency and in accordance with the Government Accountability Office (GAO) and Office of Inspector General (OIG) requirements. I reviewed, edited and created policy documents and briefs in relation to Policy, Directives and

“I hope to apply my

understanding of emergency

management, humanitarian

assistance, and disaster law

and policy to the

international sphere.”


Page 2: Named Internship Profile Summary - Bridget Golob (McSpadden)

Doctrine at FEMA, Climate Change Adaptation, preparedness outreach, insurance mitigation responsibilities, international visits and implementation of the Sandy Recovery Improvement Act of 2013.

A few of the greatest parts of my internship were the flexibility FEMA afforded me and the exposure I got to the greater emergency management community. I was able to work on projects with the Flood Insurance Mitigation Administration, External Affairs and International Affairs offices within FEMA as well as with the Department of Homeland Security, FEMA’s umbrella organization. Additionally, I had the opportunity to represent FEMA at local emergency management-related events as well as meet with other partner organizations such as the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) and the Center for Naval Analysis (CNA). Because of the support of the Rockefeller Center and Mr. Peter McSpadden ’52, I was able to explore the Federal emergency management system and learn how policy drives this field’s growth and transformation.

With my recent experience at FEMA, I hope to apply my understanding of emergency management, humanitarian assistance, and disaster law and policy to the international sphere. I plan to incorporate the knowledge gained here into my senior research papers. After Dartmouth, I hope to pursue international development through the lens of emergency and natural disaster management.

At FEMA's Headquarters, Bridget Golob '14 takes a seat at the conference table where the FEMA Administrator and the President may coordinate operations during a presidentially declared emergency or major disaster.
