Page 1: N E W S L E T T E R - LMC Owners ClubhouseX(1)A(z... · sky was full of vultures languidly circling on thermals, a truly thrilling sight and not the time to lie in the sun! For many,







1st OCTOBER, 2018



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Dear Fellow Owners,

As the resort population switches from predominantly non-resident Owners, renters and tourists back to

resident Owners, there will be a Welcome Back drinks and tapas reception at the Clubhouse on Saturday, 6th October from 6.00 to 7.30pm. We think there will be some 150 + people attending ? do come and join them.

Last month saw Gill Schofield, our Events Director, take 30 owners on a 4 day

StayBreak to experience the sights, culture and food of Salamanca, plus the Douro river. A great time was had by all, as this testimonial evidences, ?Thank you so much for the wonderful trip. Andrew and I thoroughly enjoyed our 4 day adventure to Salamanca and the surrounding area.? Linda Pealing.

October and November are packed with social and sponsor events. Of particular importance is the CaixaBank sponsored Brexit Seminar at 11.00am on Wednesday, 14th November. Given the ever changing status of the United Kingdom?s negotiations with the European Union, and also the political uncertainty at Westminster, all UK Owners will be want to understand how Brexit may affect their lives after the 29th March, 2019. Of course, what advice can, or can?t be given by CaixaBank?s panel of experts depends on what happens at the October EU Summit and the state of subsequent

negotiations. Nonetheless, we feel sure Owners will want to engage with Brexit and at least start to get an idea of what may be involved.

Next year, as negotiations come to a conclusion, we hope to hold one, possibly two, more Brexit seminars, at which time panellists will be able to comment on hard facts. Please watch out for further announcements.

By the way, a 14th November Brexit poster will go up shortly. So, as free drinks and tapas will be served after the seminar, and catering needs to be organised, please confirm your attendance on the sign-up list, or direct to Gill Schofield on > [email protected]

Finally, the Clubhouse?s new online events diary has got off to a good start since it was launched last month. Just click on the ?Events Diary? box (third down on the the HOME page of the Owners Clubhouse website > and the diary will open ? use the > < buttons at the top to move backward and forward to different months..

With best wishes for a great autumn and winter.

Stewart HarrisChairman,Owners Clubhouse

Page 3: N E W S L E T T E R - LMC Owners ClubhouseX(1)A(z... · sky was full of vultures languidly circling on thermals, a truly thrilling sight and not the time to lie in the sun! For many,

DAY 1: The Salamanca StayBreak is the first time the Owners Clubhouse has been involved with an overnight event and so as the party met at the Clubhouse early on the 25th September, everyone was excited and eager to get under way.

Mary Beer, our guide, explained all about the journey and what we could expect to see in and around Salamanca in the western part of the autonomous community of Castile and León adjacent to the border with Portugal. She also introduced Jose, her colleague, a native of our destination whose intimate knowledge of the region around Salamanca would prove invaluable.

We travelled via Murcia and Albecete to the south west of Madrid, a route many of us were familiar with, allbeit travelling in our cars at higher speeds than the more relaxed pace set by our luxury coach. Lunch was taken sitting on a warm hillside, which afforded beautiful views of Madrid and was a welcome break. Back on the coach an afternoon siesta helped while away the time and soon, around 4.00pm, we approached Salamanca.

Some four to five hours later we had orientated ourselves, seen most of the main sights and learnt many fascinating facts about Salamanca?s history. A brief break in the early evening sun, with a glass of wine followed and was enjoyed by all, after which it was back on the coach for the drive to our hotel.

Arriving in the dark some ninety minutes later, we realised our hotel was located in a peaceful valley on the border with Portugal next to the famous river Duero, whose water?s were going to feature prominently in our excursions over the next three days.

We went straight to dinner, then to our rooms, knowing that after a sixteen hour journey we were all safe, happy and looking forward to the next day.


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DAY 2: Refreshed by a good night's sleep and following an early breakfast, we explored our surroundings. It was somewhat of a surprise to find we were at a substantial retreat, with a swimming pool, cottages, a conference/dining hall and even a church, all of which was spread over a large area with the high valley

walls shielding us from the rising sun.

On the agenda for the day were learning why the river appeared to have no current, the origins of the nearby

hydro-electric dam, an amazing love story with a tragic ending and why the area?s famous Port wine, which is made with the ?tauriga national? grape that only grows on the banks and hillsides of the Douro river, tastes so good!

An hour's drive later and we arrived a river boat, our transport for the morning, which was moored on the Portuguese side of the Douro river that divides Spain and Portugal. Embarking was a little challenging for some, but with willing help everyone was soon on board and ready to go.


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The cruise that followed was nothing short of idyllic and even though it was early in the day we were served port and sweet biscuits. We then relaxed as we cruised from hillside to hillside, seeing the name Douro proudly emblazoned across the vast vineyards, which were dotted with large, small and, sadly, derelict houses.

We learnt that the majority of owners in the area were British and mainly comprised wine growers, specialists in port production and a broad range of related suppliers. Others we were told were there simply for the pure air, sparkling waters and peaceful lifestyle.

A minor issue developed at the end of our cruise, which resulted in delay in lunch being served. This was because our guide Jose?s watch was set to Portuguese time, which is in fact GMT, and so we were unintentionally early for our meal!

Consequently, we had to go to a pretty nearby village and while the time away walking through its quaint streets, popping into quiet churches, and

sampling a glass of excellent Rioja in the sunshine.

Arriving back at the restaurant, we were greeted with a very typical local Menu del Dia which included pigs ears, snouts and various other body parts, not to everyone?s taste. However, these were quickly whisked away on Mary?s command, and replaced with excellent soup and fresh salads!

Our afternoon excursion took us to Castelo Rodrigo, an historic Portuguese village, who?s guided tour started with the following text. ?How fine to feel the joy of discovering a little of Portugal?s soul and wandering the streets of this modest village, so full of history???? A few moments after arriving the dark cloud that was hovering above us decided to open, and so within seconds we were back on the coach off to an afternoon of wine tasting.

At the vineyard a presentation and tasting session followed, after which queues formed to buy wine to take home, many Owners agreeing the local Rioja wine rivaled that of the Spanish. As evidence of this some years ago it was used to boost Spanish stocks during a year of record wine sales.The final meal of the day was looming as we returned to our hotel, but no one very hungry and most were very tired after the long day. So, a nightcap was turned down and people retired to bed.


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DAY 3: Another early start and drive to a local viewpoint, where we were told to expect to see a vulture, or two. The views below us were unbelievable and gave us an added appreciation of the beauty of our location.

As we took in everything a very large bird came into sight. ?vulture? the cry went up and within minutes the sky was full of vultures languidly circling on thermals, a truly thrilling sight and not the time to lie in the sun!

For many, binoculars were out and photographs taken, as a wonderful couple of hours passed. Meanwhile, after long hours on the coach, others opted for a brisk stroll in the beautiful countryside.

Later, following yet another local Menu del Dia, we were surprised to arrive at a location with even finer views, from even higher vantage points, the best was yet to come.

After travelling in a smaller vehicle, so as to cope with the difficult nature of the access road, we emerged high above the river Douro?s famous hydro-electric gravity dam, a wonder of engineering completed in 1956 and known as the Salto of Saucelle (the dam of Saucelle) in deference to a nearby village.

Here we witnessed eagles soaring above the sheer valley walls standing some 550 metres above the dramatic landscape of rock and yellow granite, sights which we would never have experienced without the help of our guide Jose, who was eager to promote talk about his secret world.

Returning to earth, we arrived early back at our hotel in time to shower, change and recall memorable sights over a pre-dinner drink in the evening sunshine. Replete, a little light musical entertainment from Mary and Jose, ended a perfect day!


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DAY 4: Bags packed for an early start, we boarded the coach and returned to Salamanca, arriving there by 10:00am, where everyone agreed a rendezvous point before walking into the old city. Everyone had previously agreed to ?do their own thing? and visit famous buildings, cloisters, hallowed halls, narrow streets leading from Plaza Mayor and quiet cafes of their choice.

One last lunch and we boarded the coach for the journey back to La Manga Club. Surrounded by snoozing friends, my final task was to write this journal, which I started as we left Salamanca and finished as we drove by Madrid! Now for some sleep!

"I can say nothing other than thank you, on behalf of me and Dad .... it was fun wasn?t it ? xxxx ? "Shirley Bowers

"Thank you for such a fantastic trip. Most of us agreed that we would never have known that such spectacular scenery existed without your guidance. We have seen amazing sights that most others have not. As we all know, it is impossible to please all the people all of the time, but you managed to pleased most of the people most of the time ?.. quite a feat, when you think what you took on." Carol Jillins

"Thank you so much for the wonderful trip. Andrew and I thoroughly enjoyed our 4 day adventure to Salamanca and the surrounding area xx" Linda Pealing


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From the 1st September, 2018 a new restaurant reservation and events booking system has been in place:-

Restaurant Reservations: These, including for the Christmas Day lunch and New Year?s Eve party, will continue to be recorded in the bar restaurant reservations diary.

To make a reservation email > [email protected] or phone + 34 697 56 04 11, or Club extension 2999, or via the website >

When making reservations, either by phone, email, or direct at the bar, please always include:-

- A name - Number in the party - Time and date - Telephone number - LMC property details.

Only members of staff should put entries in the reservations diary, as entries made unlilaterally by Owners can lead to misunderstandings, mistakes and cancellations. Please respect this rule.

All Other Bookings: Including AGMs Community dinners, social functions, events and activities, all other bookings will be available to view in the new Owners Clubhouse website on-line diary.

To make a booking contact Gill Schofield > Telephone: 868 172 444 or +34 639 426 475 or email: [email protected] (contact details are also listed on the Clubhouse website Home page >

When making a booking, please include:-

- A lead name - Time and date - Telephone number - LMC property details. - Booking name and numbers attending - Preferred venue > lounge bar, activity room,

dining room, or Terrace Pavilion .

Note: Restaurant reservations and other bookings made without supplying all the requested information may not be accepted.

Cancellations: Reservations and bookings cancelled with less than 24 hours notice may be charged in full.

No-shows: As will be appreciated, Owners who make reservations, but who do not cancel within reasonable time and simply do not show up, deny other Owners the opportunity to have dinner. So, from the 1st Sepember will be charged at the rate of 25? per person.




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When and how did you first discover La Manga Club?

Some very special friends invited us to a holiday at La Manga Club twenty five years ago. Hooked, we bought our El Rancho house very soon after.

What do you think is special about the Owners Clubhouse?

Throughout our happiest times here, the Owners Clubhouse has offered a great ambience, a friendly welcome and wonderful food. It has become the centre of our social life.

As we have become older (Fred was born on the 6th August, 1929 and recently celebrated his 90th birthday) we have become convinced that without doubt his life has been wonderfully extended, not only by the Murcia climate and environment, but also by the sociability that La Manga Club and the Clubhouse offers. Old friends. new friends, our children and meeting so many amazing people has had a serious impact ( for the better) on our lives together.

Fred continues to play golf several times a week, whilst do my own thing, always safe in the knowledge that Fred can potter into the Clubhouse for a natter with friends at almost any time of the day.

Who is your favourite member of staff?

We also love and appreciate the support we get from the Clubhouse staff, we have no favourites, they are all caring and superb.

We call the Clubhouse the centre of our paradise and therefore it was a natural choice for Fred?s recent 90th birthday party, with a gathering of friends to celebrate his and our life here. We knew the food would be superb, the staff attentive and the day made very special for us by Joaquin!

What is your favourite meal?

Apart from celebrations, our day to day life includes the Clubhouse at all times. When here we always attend the Scramble golf, followed by Scramble supper and we sometimes supplement this good value, simple meal with our favourite Sauvignon wine.

If not Scramble supper, our choices from the menu would be lamb chops, or one of the tasty fish choices, we adore simply having a quiet coffee, too.

What are your favour it e social funct ions/event s?

On the entertainment side we never miss a musical night and whilst here we attend as many events as possible.

A special memory?

Moreover I would like to add, this text is being written on a coach whilst heading for our second time in Salamanca, over a four day period. This, together with having experienced vultures circling high on thermals yesterday morning and eagles in the afternoon, made for a wonderful trip, previously unavailable ? would we ever drive these distances alone? No, another great initiative from our beloved Owners Clubhouse.


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Library: A lot of time and money has recently been spent on upgrading the library. In an attempt to keep it clean and tidy we asked that only new, clean books be left and that these should be placed in an orderly manner on the shelves.

Old books, games, DVD?s and general household rubbish are not welcome and mean that someone has to go to the trouble of carrying them round to the skips.

Sponsor Promotional Literature: Over the last four years our sponsor partners have helped your committee provided improved facilities for the benefit of all the Owners. Therefore, it is hard to understand why someone/some people is/are repeatedly removing the Ross Motor promotional literature. Whatever the person/s reason for doing so, such anti-social behaviour it is totally unacceptable, so would they please stop with immediate effect.


