Page 1: Mylestone Equine Rescue NL-Summer2014.pdf · 2015. 10. 22. · horses. It is difficult to find older horses homes, espe - cially those with medical problems. As they age, the cost

The ASPCA gave a challenge to equine rescues across thenation - create an event called Help A Horse Day that will raisefunds for the rescued horses, utilizing all channels possible to

do so. At the eventit was required tohave a roster andcollect signatures ofeveryone who cameby to support theorganization. What was in it forthe rescues? TheASPCA will namefive winners. eachreceiving a $10,000grant, based onwho held the mosteffective fund-rais-ing event.Mylestone is deeplygrateful to quite a few people who helped us raise over $20,000 on Help aHorse Day. Continued Page 3








Mylestone Equine RescueSUMMER 2014

It is never an easy task to say goodbye to one of ourhorses, especially knowing how far they've come intheir time with us. Ginger was a severe starvation casewhen we rescued her back in 2003; she was skeletal,needing to gain over 300 pounds.

She quickly acclimated to life on the farm, relishingevery meal she ate and finding pasture buddies to whileaway the days with. Due to her experience of starvation

Sunday, October 12th - 12 noon to 4 the date this year for Open House, and we lookforward to seeing you! Please plan on coming by

and meeting the horses, the volunteers, and learningmore about New Jersey’s first all-breed horse rescue,

now saving lives for 20 years! Continued Page 4.

Help A Horse Day


Volunteer Sue DeHart collecting sig-natures on the all-important roster.

You Made A Difference!

OPEN HOUSE - Mark Your Calendars!

Back: Mary Ellen O’Toole, General Manager, andSarah Ercolano, owner, of Horsemen’s Outlet, boardmember Cheryl Kavka, volunteer Dawn Ross, boardmember Kelly Conklin, and Mylestone TreasurerLois Commander. Front: Tony Ercolano, AustinThompson, and Mylestone President and FounderSusankelly Thompson

Continued Page 4

◆ Celebrating 20 years of helping horses! ◆

Page 2: Mylestone Equine Rescue NL-Summer2014.pdf · 2015. 10. 22. · horses. It is difficult to find older horses homes, espe - cially those with medical problems. As they age, the cost


227 Still Valley RoadPhillipsburg, NJ 08865

(908) 995-9300

Susankelly ThompsonFounder, President


Susankelly ThompsonBruce ThompsonLois Commander

Mary Beth Hamorski, VMDKelly Conklin

Christina Wilson, DVMCheryl Kavka


Jeanne Balsam



Susankelly Thompson


PHOTOGRAPHYJeanne Balsam, Mark Bellard,

Dawn Clemente, Anita Edson, MeganMetzelaar, Rachel Rosenthal, Jen Wenzel


By appointment only

It is wonderful to see the farm “green” after the long,difficult winter. I can’t believe we are going into sum-mer already with Open House right around the corner.We just held our volunteer picnic and had a reallywonderful time. We are so thankful for our volunteers;they help with all aspects of the rescue, whether it befrom feeding early in the morning, mucking stalls, toattending events to help us raise funds to care for thehorses. So much goes on behind the scenes of runningthe organization. For example, one of our Board mem-bers, Lois, and I are finishing up with the accountantsfor Mylestone’s annual audit. As a registered charity inthe state of NJ we have an audit done yearly. It is timeconsuming but it ensures our legitimacy as a non-profit charity.

I continue to work with people in trying to place theirhorses. It is difficult to find older horses homes, espe-cially those with medical problems. As they age, thecost of caring for them can really increase. We have

seen that here over the past two months with vet bills costing thousands and thousands dol-lars. Paco requires special medication for his horse asthma; Holly was badly injured thismonth and required X-rays and now stall rest; several of the horses with Cushing’s diseaseneeded their blood levels checked again; Maggie had a cut that required stitches; Woody hada possible choke episode and now has a heart murmur, ... it certainly hasn’t been dull! Wewere also told about a broken down Amish work horse that was in really bad shape. A womanrescued her and then dumped her on an unsuspecting barn owner. The mare was in such painand discomfort, the vet felt it was only fair for the horse to be humanely euthanized.Mylestone covered the $611 costs of those bills.

We thank you for remembering the horses this summer with a donation. While our Help AHorse Day was very successful we did not anticipate over $8000 worth of vet bills soon afterthe April 16th event. The summertime is typically slow for us so we are always on the look-out for new opportunities to raise funds. We want to continue to grow our monthly sponsor-ship program. For less than $1 a day, only $25.00 a month, you can sponsor a Mylestone horseand make a difference! If you have ideas of how to help Mylestone raise funds, please contactus at [email protected] or 908-995-9300. We are always grateful for your efforts.

Thank you again for your continued support of our work helping abused horses. Susankelly

OUR MISSIONMylestone Equine Rescue (“M.E.R.”) is

dedicated to helping abused andneglected horses. M.E.R. works to

educate the general public about theseunspeakable sufferings and promotes

the plight of unwanted horses.Our goal is to place these once

magnificent creatures in homes that willgive them the love and care they

deserve. If suitable homes are notfound, M.E.R. will be a permanent

home for these horses.

Mylestone is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organiza-tion. All donations are tax-deductible.

MY SIDE OF THE FENCE - Susankelly Thompson




Mylestone works with some of the PhillipsburgAlternative High School students. They are partof a group that comes to the farm and workswith Bruce Thompson on farm projects. The stu-dents were very excited to build a climbing gymfor Poppy. Bruce showed them how to use thetools, and as you can see, Poppy is thrilled withthe results. She can frequently be seen standingon the top of it, and now enjoys taking her napsup there as well. A big thank you to the studentsfor helping build Poppy’s new toy.

◆ Katie’s Fund of The PhiladelphiaFoundation

◆ McCrane Foundation◆ ExxonMobil Foundation


Page 3: Mylestone Equine Rescue NL-Summer2014.pdf · 2015. 10. 22. · horses. It is difficult to find older horses homes, espe - cially those with medical problems. As they age, the cost


Mylestone is deeply grateful to everyone who supported us on Help A HorseDay. You made our day a HUGE success! Whether you came to Horsemen'sOutlet and signed our roster, participated in our Silent Auction, purchasedMylestone merchandise, made donations at the event, online or by mail, weare very appreciative. We are also very grateful to Horsemen's Outlet forhosting and promoting our event, and to all our terrific volunteers whomade this day so special.We received many wonderful compliments on our volunteers and how theevent was organized. We are hoping to win the ASPCA grant, of course, butwith all your support, we feel like winners already! The response to thisevent far exceeded our expectations, and we are just so pleased.Your care and devotion to the rescue horses truly means a lot and helps thehorses in more ways than you can imagine. They send you big nickers andneighs, too!

A great tack sale washeld thanks toHorsemen’s Outlet andtheir customers whodonated all the itemsfor Mylestone to sell.

Cheryl Kavka, MarionBarbato and LoisCommander were amongthe many wonderful vol-unteers who made theevent possible.

Visitors stopped by the Mylestone tents outsideHorsemen’s Outlet all day to learn more about ourhorses, purchase MER merchandise, baked goodsand more.

Austin Thompson told the stories of someof the rescued horses to Anita Edson fromthe ASPCA who stopped by to visit.

We just received word from the ASPCA, and we are so pleased to share with youthat MYLESTONE WON!!!We are one of the 5 winners chosen from equine rescue participants across the coun-try to receive this honor. Thank you again to everyone who made this happen!

Hilary HannonHolmes, who

recently adoptedBayou, stopped bywith her husbandMichael Holmes to

support ourefforts.

Help A Horse Day - A Terrific Success

Calvin’s longtime sponsors, the Milligan famly, stoppedby along with a friend to support Mylestone and make agenerous donation.

As We Go To Press

Page 4: Mylestone Equine Rescue NL-Summer2014.pdf · 2015. 10. 22. · horses. It is difficult to find older horses homes, espe - cially those with medical problems. As they age, the cost

A great group ofgirls from Troop90159 raisedfunds by sellingGirl Scout cook-ies to help the

Mylestone rescue horses. Thank you for your generous support,girls! Dixie joined in the picture.

she could be quite feisty at feeding time, and didn't hesitate to kick thewall if we didn't get her meals to her fast enough. But we're sure shewould agree that life at Mylestone was very good to her. Once aloof atOpen House, in the last few years she mellowed and happily came tothe fence to greet our visitors and be petted. Ginger had lots of spunkand seeing this gave us great happiness.

In the past month Ginger went off her feed and we knew somethingwas wrong. We tried treating her with antibiotics and ulcer medica-tions, but to no avail. Despite our best efforts, Ginger just didn't wantto eat, and she was noticeably drinking less as well. Another round ofblood work showed that she was in kidney failure. It was so sad to seeGinger lose her sparkle, but there was no choice but to have herhumanely put down.

Ginger had a real zest for life and many of the volunteers adored her.We miss her spunk; we just miss all of her. We trust her spirit is withus on the farm with the many other horses that lived their lives atMylestone. We always wish they could have stayed a little longer, butGinger, know you'll always live in our hearts.


GINGER (cont’d.)

This year we are celebrating 20 years of helping horses, so ourOpen House is more meaningful than ever.In preparation for Open House we are already starting to gatherthe ingredients for a fabulous Silent Auction, always a big attrac-tion and successful fundraiser for the horses. Can you help?We are in need of complete themed baskets or items that we canput together to create wonderful baskets. If you’d prefer, you cansend a donation and we’ll put together a basket for you, mention-ing that it was sponsored by you. However you prefer, we are verygrateful.Baskets and donations need to be to us by September 15th, soplease contact us at [email protected] or by phone with anyquestions or if you want to stop by to drop them off.The Silent Auction is fun, so be creative and use your imagination

in coming up with basketsand themes for all ages.Thanks!

DONATION FORMYour support of Mylestone is greatly appreciated. Please usethis form if you wish to make a straight donation to help the

horses. Thank you for your kindness and generosity.

Name: ______________________________________________

Address: ____________________________________________

City, State, Zip: _______________________________________

E-Mail: _____________________________________________

❑ Please sign me up to receive occasional e-mail updates fromMylestone

Enclosed is my donation of $ _________________________

Send to:

Mylestone Equine Rescue227 Still Valley Road * Phillipsburg, NJ 08865


Mylestone Equine Rescue is a non-profit 501(c)(3) not for profit charity. Your gift is tax deductible

* Donors and Sponsors * Devoted Volunteers

* Califon Animal Hospital & Dr. Mary Beth HamorskiDr. Christina Wilson

* Equine Dentists Bill Schultze, Jim Edwards, Brian Shaw & Dianne Frack

* Farriers Gil Meeker, Jaye Meeker, & Chris Penola Horsemen’s Outlet for their continued support

A special thanks to all those who have donated items, blankets,supplies, etc. to help the horses.

Your generosity is very much appreciated!If we have accidentally omitted anyone, please accept our apologies -

we are so very grateful for all you do for the horses!


OPEN HOUSE (cont’d.)We look forward to seeing you at Open House in October andhope you’ve already marked your calendars. It’s always such agreat day - we make new friends and reconnect with old friends,and all for the horses we work so hard to save.

Last year our Silent Auction filled 3 tents!

Although hard to see inblack and white, thisChristmas basket, chockfull of goodies, is anexample of what ourguests love to bid on.

Page 5: Mylestone Equine Rescue NL-Summer2014.pdf · 2015. 10. 22. · horses. It is difficult to find older horses homes, espe - cially those with medical problems. As they age, the cost

Rachel Rosenthal and Mark Bellard graciously opened their farm on June 7th tohost a Belmont Race Party to benefit Mylestone Equine Rescue. Their guestsenjoyed a wonderful afternoon of good food, fun games, and a wonderful silentauction, all to benefit the rescue horses. Mylestone volunteers Kelly Conklin,Dawn Clemente and Sandy Braun manned the Mylestone tent, sharing infor-

mation and selling Mylestonemerchandise. Volunteer TracyBotros worked with Rachel’sfriend, Nancy Schechter, torun the silent auction whichfeatured a wide variety ofitems to benefit Mylestone.Rachel’s daughter also drewhorse pictures and sold themat the event to help raisemoney for Mylestone’s horses.This was the biggest atten-dance to date for the eventwith close to 150 people. Theevent was very successful inraising funds to help our res-cue horses. We are so gratefulto Rachel and Mark, theirfamily and friends who makethis event possible and sup-port Mylestone’s efforts!




❊ Julia Needleman for celebrating her 11thBirthday to help Mylestone’s horses; itwas great to see you again, Julia, andthank you!

❊ Mary Vezza for earning an ExxonMobilFoundation volunteer grant forMylestone.

❊ Judy and Lauren Schrem for manydonated items for our silent auctions.

❊ Reading Trail Association for a donationto help the horses.

❊ Thank you for the anonymous stockdonation for Help-A-Horse Day

❊ James Colaneri from Triple Crown Feed


SAVE YOUR SEALS from Legends, TripleCrown and Southern States feed bags tohelp our horses. Each proof of purchase sealis worth .25 to help our horses. We collect these symbols and redeem themthrough the S.H.O.W. program earningmoney for the care of our horses. You can col-lect the symbols and mail them to us and wewill take care of the rest. Please share this information with yourhorse friends and at your barn.

Volunteers Tracy Botros, Dawn Clemente, SandyBraun, and Kelly Conklin under the Mylestone tent.

Our wonderful hosts, Mark Bellard andRachel Rosenthal.

The house was the focalpoint for the Silent Auction,and on the porch, a terrificspread for hungry guests.

Belmont party guests watching the race and rootingfor their favorites.


* Florence Commander in honor of LoisCommander’s Birthday

* Mary McCarthy in honor of Dr. DeanRichardson and Staff at New BoltonCenter

* Karpas Strategies in honor of Maris andRonald Rosenberg

* Tammy Yale in honor of Ed Saultz* Mr. and Mrs. Thoman Marino in honor of

Marion Rapp* Kris Kiracofe DVM and Jeff James in

honor of the nuptials of ConnieHendricks and Harry Pinard

* Bob and Cindy Burns in honor of LoisCommander’s Birthday.

* Tara Powers-Hausmann in honor of herniece Cameron Bentley’s Birthday

* Edith Wantuch in honor of CaroleSullivan’s Anniversary

* Perry and Donna Golkin in honor of theirniece Zoe Golkin’s Birthday

Page 6: Mylestone Equine Rescue NL-Summer2014.pdf · 2015. 10. 22. · horses. It is difficult to find older horses homes, espe - cially those with medical problems. As they age, the cost

For those of you who remember Jefferson Airplane, you may remember thoseimmortal words sung by Grace Slick, but if not, the words still apply ...Don’t you want somebody to love? We have somebody who most definitelywants to be loved. More than one somebody, in fact. And that would be Molly,

pictured at right, andCloudy, Mini Pearl,Piper, and Woody.These are 5 horsesthat are really in needof sponsors, and youcould make their dayby stepping up andsaying you have a lit-tle, (or a lot), of lovefor them.




Molly moved to the farm earlier this spring. Her fosterfamily made it possible for us to save Molly by openingtheir home to her in January of 2013. Molly was part of aNJSPCA cruelty case; she had been mistreated and wasvery frightened. She’s come such a long way. Molly requires special front shoes because of her arthri-tis, and our farrier was having to make a separate tripwith the vet just to shoe Molly. It made more sense tobring her here when the space opened up. This wayMolly can be shod regularly along with all the otherhorses. It also allows her sponsors to visit her more eas-ily. We are very appreciative of her foster family for tak-ing such good care of her!

* Arthur Wildman in loving memory of June Wildman* Laura Faerrante and Lynda Sandersen in memory of Mady

Devine’s “Sunnyside Up”* Kathy Pritchard in memory of Florence “Dottie” Stephens* Theresa Damiano in loving memory of family dog, “Otto”* Kathi Thonet in memory of Lynda Gotlieb’s horse, ” Harry”* Dorothy Quail in memory of Kathleen Quail

SPONSORSHIP FORMSponsors are the life blood of Mylestone’s efforts - we truly

could not do it without you. To become a sponsor, forward thisform with the sum of $50.00 for two months, or more for addi-tional months, (see below), which will be applied towards thecare of the Mylestone resident of your choice, or we can selectthe horse in the greatest need of sponsors. You can sponsor fortwo months or for as many additonal months as you would like

for $25.00 per month. You will receive a photo and sponsor letter monthly, updating you on the goings-on at the farm.

Name: ______________________________________________

Address: ____________________________________________

City, State, Zip: _______________________________________

E-Mail: _____________________________________________

❑ Please sign me up to receive occasional e-mail updates fromMylestone

Enclosed is $ _________ . I would like to become a sponsor for

❑ Cloudy ❑ Mini Pearl ❑ Piper ❑ Molly ❑ Woody

❑ Horse in Need or _____________ (name of horse) for:

(check one) ❑ 2 months ($50.00) ❑ 3 months ($75.00)❑ 6 months ($150.00) ❑ one year ($300.00)

I’d like to sponsor __________ monthly for _______ months

SponsorshipsMylestone Equine Rescue

227 Still Valley Road * Phillipsburg, NJ 08865 * (908)

Mylestone Equine Rescue is a 501(c)3 not for profit charity. Donationsare tax deductible to the maximum extent allowed by law.

Don’t You Want Somebody to Love?



Mini Pearl with Poppy
