Download odp - My poster Production


I started off with my desired Poster image and laid it onto an A4 page. I then used a smoky brush to cover the areas I didn't want to be focused on.

I added some contrast using curves and I also hevily darkened the smoke brush to make the image seem more grungy.

After looking at my audience feedback and I chose the most voted for font (DEFUSED) and made a logo for my film. After examining many existing products I decided to centre the logo, but positionIt 4/5 of the way down the page. To make the logo I used a drop shadow and an outer glow.

I made the outer glow Green, which followed the colour of my film clips and made it look mossy.

Here you can see I have added a date, which describes when the film will be released

Next I added the cast in the film. I used the font, Mydrid pro as it is easy to read. I also stretchedthe font vertically. I also added an outer glow so that it would light up the page slightly. I did thisTo make the text more of a focus.

Here I have added some information describing the cast and crew members. I followed many existing products to make this a realistic as possible. I also followed the white colour scheme and I used the myraid Pro font however I dramatically reduced the width of the letters.

Here you can see I have added the production house logo, which is featured in my film (whichWas made using LIVETYPE. I also added a Restricted logo. I positioned both of them usingExisting products to help me.

My final poster