Download pptx - My market presentations

  1. 1. Audience research
  2. 2. Vox pops
  3. 3. Focus group
  4. 4. Questionnaires
  5. 5. graph
  6. 6. Market Research
  7. 7. Product placement
  8. 8. Competitor analysis
  9. 9. Production research
  10. 10. Ideas
  11. 11. Props and costume
  12. 12. Location research
  13. 13. Risk assessment
  14. 14. Casting decisions Kieron Diaz Daniel James Ant Naz Bob Duffin Peter.N The main characters are Peter, Dan and Ant who are the victims of cyber bullying and Bob and kieron will be the bullies who only seem to attack the victims online. Kieron Diaz Daniel James Ant Naz Bob Duffin Peter.N The three victims will log onto a computer and see that abuse is being launched at them
  15. 15. Budgeting
