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Planner My home school 

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Ibn al-Qayyim (may Allaah have mercy on him) said

"How many people have caused misery to their own children, the apples of their eyes, in this world and in theHereafter, by neglecting them, not

disciplining them, encouraging them tofollow their whims and desires,

thinking that they were honouring them when they were in fact

humiliating them, that they were being merciful to them when in fact they 

 were wronging them. They have not

benefited from having a child, and they have made the child lose his share in

this world and in the Hereafter. If youthink about the corruption of children 

you will see that in most cases it isbecause of the parents.” 

 Tuhfat al-Mawdood

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My home school 

This planner is yours, make it 

 individual to your own home educating family! Use 

 it to help gather your thoughts to plan and 

 organise your unique little home “school”.

It has been designed to allow you to print as  many of the planning pages as you require. 

May Allah grant your family’s education ease  

 and success upon the straight path, and may you 

 and your children undertake the task of seeking 

knowledge solely for His Pleasure.

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Narrated ‘Abdullah (bin Umar): The

Prophet said, “Everyone of you isresponsible (for his wards). A ruler is a

guardian and is responsible (for his

subjects); a man is a guardian of his

family and responsible (for them); a

 wife is a guardian of her husband’shouse and she is responsible (for it); a

slave is a guardian of his master’s

property and is responsible (for that).

Beware! All of you are guardians and

are responsible (for your wards)”

Sahih Al-Bukhari

 The book of an-nikah (the wedlock)

Chapter 82 hadeeth # 5188

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As "Head Principle" of your own home school, every one of us whether  consciously or subconsciously have desired goals for our children and their  education.

By putting these aspirations in black and white, we can bring to the  forefront of our mind, important points which can help us to keep focused and  inspired… especially on those days when we need to be reminded of that  inspiration!Think about your aspirations and goals for your family. What do you want  for them Islamicly, academically, emotionally, socially...whatever important  factors you have in mind, list them. Think about both the short term goals  as well as the long term.Ponder on how you can help your family, after Allah's Help and Guidance, to achieve those objectives?Having something written, can help to keep you motivated, but most 

 importantly, serve as a good reminder to help you through those dark times  when home ed doesn' t seem to be going so well… those days when you are  asking yourself "what do I think I am doing?" or questioning if the kids  would be better in school?!Everyone gets those niggles, and those who say they don't....they are one in 

 a few alhamdulillah. Use your mission statement to inspire and remind you  just why you decided to home educate in the first place. ...Most of us need  that reminder some time or other...and often the best reminder is your own!

Home School Mission Statement… 

 And of them there are some who say: “Our Lord!

Give us in this world that which is good and in the

Hereafter that which is good, and save us from thetorment of the Fire!” 

Surah al-Ba arah 2:201

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Why have we decided to home educate? _______________________________________________________________________________________________



What is important to us as a family? 




What is most important for my children to have as they grow?  _______________________________________________________________________________________________



What are my aspirations for my children Islamicly?  _______________________________________________________________________________________________



What are my aspirations for my children academically? _______________________________________________________________________________________________



Mission Statement Planner… 

 And those who say: "Our Lord! Bestow on us

from our wives and our offspring the comfort

of our eyes, and make us leaders for the

Muttaqûn"Surah al-Furqan 25:74

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What is are my aspirations for my children socially? 




What are my aspirations for my children emotionally? _______________________________________________________________________________________________



What are my aspirations for my children morally?  _______________________________________________________________________________________________



Why do we feel home education is a better choice for us than school?  _______________________________________________________________________________________________



Is there an educational philosophy(s) I feel would benefit my family? _______________________________________________________________________________________________



What is important to us about home education?  _______________________________________________________________________________________________



Anything else to note?




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My Home School Mission Statement… 

(O you who believe)! Ward off from yourself 

and your families a Fire (Hell) whose fuel ismen and stones…” 

Surah at-Tahrim 66:6

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Use this section to think about what goals your family may have. These are 

 not meant to be set in stone, rather a tool for yourself to think about how 

you can help guide or direct your children working towards these achievements 

 inshaAlah. Print as many pages as you need for all of your children.

Goals for my children?… 

It was narrated that Junub bin ‘Abdullah said: “We

 were with the Prophet and we were strong youths,so we learned Emaan before we learned the

Qur’an. Then we learned the Qur’an and it

increased us in Emaan.” Sunan Ibn Majah, Vol 1, The Book of the Sunnah, #61














Character Qur’an Academics










































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Qur’an Character

































































































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‘Abdullah bin ‘Ubayd bin ‘Umar said:

“Amr binul-‘Aas stood at a circle (of knowledge) of Quraysh, and he said:

“What is wrong with you that you have

cast aside these children? Don’t do

that! And make space for them in the

gathering, and let them hear the

hadeeth and make them understand it,

for indeed they are the young ones of a

people, and soon they will be the elders

of a people. And you were (once) the

young ones of a people, and today you

are the elders of a people.” 

Sharaf As-haabil-Hadeeth of al-Khateeb al-Baghdaadee (#127)

In the chapter

“It is upon a man to force his son to listen to the hadeeth” 

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List for each of your children  the subject areas that you’d like  them to cover 

 inshallah. Writing them down doesn’t mean they will be set in stone! But  thinking about it now will help you to determine what your children will 

 study inshallah. Maybe you will only have 3 subjects….maybe yo  u will 

 have 12! There is no right or wrong. This is your planner, use it to help 

 gather your thoughts and organisation!

Subject study guide…. 

Sa’eed binul-‘Aas said: “If I teach my son the

Qur’an, and take him for Hajj and marry himoff, then indeed I have fulfilled his rights, and

then only my rights upon him remain.” 

Kitaabul-‘Iyaal (#312)

Student:  Student: 































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Student:  Student: 






























































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Think about any resources your children may need and list them. After 

 writing them all out, prioritise, decide which resources are really needed as  appose to wanted! Use this list to help you look around for bargain buys 

 whether new or used and see if there are any resources you could make 

yourself! Neatly cross out, or tick anything on your list you already have!

Resource list…. 

‘Abdullah bin ‘Umar reported: Messenger of 

 Allah took hold of my shoulders and said, “Bein the world like a stranger or a wayfarer.” 


 Vol 1, Chapter Excellence of ascetic life,#471




















































Resource list  Resources actually needed Resources just wanted 

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Use this section to map out a general week. Think about how often you’ d 

 like your children to work on certain subjects and plot them out. Are there 

 some areas of study you expect the children to work on every day, are there  others which maybe just once or twice a week is sufficient?

Use your subject study guide you filled in earlier to help you map out the 

 children’s Islamic and academic “school” week. Again, reassure yourself 

 what yo  u jot down here is not set in stone! That’s one of the amazing 

benefits to home education alhamdulillah….you don’t always have to stick  to “the plan!”  

Having a general idea of what needs to happen every day will help to keep 

both yourself as well as your children motivated and on track inshallah.

However, don’t make your plan so rigid that you won’t allow for possible  changes to the schedule as  necessary…you will give yourself added stress if 

you do! Some days the kids just might not want to work ….maybe you ’ll 

 wake up one morning and feel like taking a day (or three) off! …Illnesses,

 last minute play dates, visits…even getting the simple household chores 

 done….sometimes you will have to just let go of your plan and go with  whatever the day brings….but don’t worry…that’s  okay!

Weekly schedule  map…. 

 Abu Hurairah narrated that the Messenger of 

 Allah said: “Take on only as much as you can

do of good deeds, for the best of deeds is that

 which is done consistently, even if it is little.” 

Sunan Ibn Majah, The Chapter on Asceticism, #4240

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Use this section to help outline a guide  for your children’ s subject study and  projects over 4 weeks. Planning ahead will allow you to keep your family on 

 track inshallah.Again, remember that this guide is not binding, so give yourself and your  children flexibility….maybe by the end of week 1 your child has completed  all weeks 2,3, and 4 and is ready to move on quicker than you anticipated  alhamdulillah! Or perhaps (s)he will need to slow down and spread what you  had initially planned over an extra couple of weeks. Whatever happens, its 

 no big deal! You are not constricted to schedules, plans and time-tables!

The idea for putting together a rough plan, is more for you than your  children, to help you to be organised and have lessons / material prepped  and ready for when its needed inshallah. It allows you to think through each  subject area or project and outline a vague plan of what direction your 

 children should be going in inshallah. By planning in 4 week blocks, you  can see how your children are progressing and what to move onto next….but  please do remember , if your child isn’t working to the “timescale” of your  plan, move on or slow down according to his/her ne  eds…. alhamdulillah you  home educate so you have that ability!

Print as many Subject planner pages as you need for each subject or  topic per child.

Topic  planning…. 

Mu’awiyah reported: The Messenger of Allah

said, “W hen Allah wishes good for someone,

He bestows upon him the understanding of 

Deen.” Riyad-us-Saliheen, The Book of Knowledge, #1376

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Subject / topic:












 Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4

Subject / topic:

 Week 1

 _____________________ _____________________











































 _____________________ _____________________










 _____________________ _____________________










 _____________________ _____________________










 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4

Topic  planner…. Student

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Not everyone will need to have detailed lesson plans thought out and 

 prepared. However, if you do like to plan ahead then use this section to map 

 out individual lessons for each topic.The planner has been designed to cover blocks of 5 lessons, so print as many 

 sheets as needed for each topic. To prevent plans getting miss-ordered you can 

 jot down the sheet order in the space provided.

The planner has been structured to cover lesson numbers, rather than  specifying which day / date to implement each lesson, to allow for flexibility!

By planning lessons in an order without pinning them down to a specific 

 day, it prevents undue pressure on both your child as well as yourself, to 

 complete the lesson to a specified time-scale. Instead, you can plan your 

 lessons in order, and simply mark off each as completed and move onto the  next….this may take longer than you anticipated or it may be quicker!

Don’t tie yourself and your children to time - scales….give them the freedom 

 to explore a topic in further detail than what you initially planned if  that’s  

 what they want to do because they are enjoying it! Likewise, don’t slow your 

 children down just to keep to a “plan” if they are ready to move on!

Plan… prepare … but be flexible! 

Daily Lesson  planning…. 

Luqmaan said to his son: “O my son! Do not

learn what you do not know until you act upon

 what you already know.” Iqtidaa’ul-‘Ilmi wal-‘Amal of al-Khateeb al-Baghdaadee (#85)

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So, whoever neglects teaching his child what

 will benefit (him) and leaves him fruitlessly,

then he has harmed and wronged him with theutmost harm. And most of the children, their

corruption only comes by way of the fathers

and their negligence of them, and abandoning 

teaching them the obligatory matters of the

Deen and its sunan. So they waste and squander

them while they are small. So they (the children)

do not benefit themselves, nor do they benefit

their fathers when they become old. And just as

some of them (the parents) admonish their

child for disobedience and not being dutiful (to

them), then he (the child) likewise says: “O my 

father! Indeed you were careless and undutiful

towards me when I was small, so now I amcareless and undutiful towards you when you

have reached old age. And you neglected me as

a child, so I have neglected you as an old man.” 

 Al Imaam Ibnul-Qayyim

 Tuhfatul-mawdood bi ahkaamil-Mawlood 

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Please feel free to share this download.

I kindly request you to directly link back to 

If there is any mistake, please contact me via the 

 above blog or through facebook 

Remember, home school is not the same as 

“ school-at-home!”Enjoy it while it lasts!

Asalaamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatu!

Umm Khadeeja 

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For more printable resources please



My home school 
