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My first month in Mozambique(Amazing Mozambique)

Greetings from Mozambique, after one month here i have some impressions for you.But let start from the begining.Step 1: Traveling.Part 1: Europe- ProblemsWe start from Hornsjo in 20 november, first problem was in train and we arrive in Gardemoen with 30 minute delay, and there was the second problem from British Airways don't want to "check" our luggage till Johanesburg and only to London and there we supposed to check again till Johanesburg, the problem came from the papers, but this is not important.We missed the flight and after a night in London we caught the flights in the next day.And guess; the airplane was broken and began to talk about a change of airplane, etc.And I start to think to use glue, to stick me and others but to don't change the plane again.Finally after two hours we went.

London Heathrow – waiting for plain.

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Part 2: Africa - No Europe, No Problems.We arrive in Johanesburg in 22 november, we spend here one day and in next morning was our bus to Maputo.My impressions from Johanesburg is too much Europe and too much civilization.Good roads, Good shops, Good cars, Clean streets etc. In some way they better from my country. And one big difference, the people here is realy friendly.But of course this is the biggest city of South Africa, and maybe in other places is different. We took rest one day in Johanesburg and in next day we catch the bus to Maputo.The difference was noticed as soon as we crossed the border, garbage everywhere, slums around the road, hole on the road etc. After 9 hours we arrive in Maputo and after one hour with Taxi-Chapa we arrive in Machava.

The Hostel in South Africa

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Mozambique – Machava.

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Step 2: First days and first shoping in Maputo. From where to start this is realy difficult. So much impressions and so much to say.Part 1: Traveling with local "public" transport.When you have six people, you have two choices:Choice 1: Chapa

With 20 and more other people, in 30 and more degrees outside.

Choice 2: Hitchhiking bolea.

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We chose bolea, was very easy, after 5 minute one guy pick-up us to the city. About driving and local drivers and local traffic, this place and this experience is not for the people with heart desease and weak nerves. Here everybody driving with full speed and press accelerator to the metal.Imagine traveling with bolea 160 km/h on the highway. We did it. My comment: Extreme.

Local Traffic.

Part 2: Shoping.We had to buy, mosquito nets, mosquito repellent, sheets for me, and other things. (Advice: When you go to the project, take sheets because here are expensive. After two days search around, I found one complect for 250 meticail.) And ofcourse we again had two choices:Choice 1:Big mall or shop which is realy expensive just like in Europe, and nothing from the local atmosphere.Too much civilization.

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Choice 2:Local market.

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The place. Where? Everywhere, in every street.

Assortment. What is sold?Everything. Really everything. Sellers. Which they are?Everybody. This is true everybody trying to sell something.

Atmosphere. Indescribable, Amazing, Unique,

Sale. How up?“Patient, you must be.” - master Yoda

Prices. How Much?Depends from, “How patient you are.”

We choose guess what……?Local Market Forever.

Step 3: Investigation.After a few days we decided to go to the beach, to see Indian Ocean.We had a few free days available before I began work on my project, and the other to leave for their own projects. And we decided that this is a good opportunity to see the ocean and local beach.We again decided to travel with bolea and then in city to walk to the beach.Along the way we went through the elite neighborhoods of the city,

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and eventually found ourselves in the local Beverly Hills.

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Small Palace around the beach.

And then when we came back again in Machava and saw the true reality and local living conditions.

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inevitably comes thought, where is the justice in all this.Such conflicting "images" are everywhere but here they are too large.But now stops with this line of thinking, on this topic will do a great and detailed investigation in my "Investigation period."

Step 4: Nutrition and food.This is special topic. Here food is incredible. Specially vegetables, fruits and bread. Words are not enough to describe their quality.But i can try with bananas and one Impression.Every time I used any cosmetics with banana flavor I amazed how much flavor is strong, and every time I thought it came from some chemical ingredients, because real bananas no such smell.This is true, but for real european bananas, REAL AFRICAN BANANAS is smell just like this cosmetics.My mistake the cosmetics smell just like "REAL AFRICAN BANANAS" imagine now the taste. If is possible.The Good news is they are realy cheap, all local vegetables and fruits.Examples:4 – 5 tomatoes 10 mt.1 cucumber 10 mt.5 potatoes 10 mt.1 paprika 5 mt.5 onion 10 mt.5 bananas (big) 20 mt.1 papaya 10 mt.5 mango 1 mt. (yes is 1 mt. this is not mistake)And etc.Bread is cheap and is local production.Meat is expensive Coffe and milk also.For my nutrition I don't want to talk, the topic is not for the faint of heart, but here my appetite is huge.For smokers is god news cigarets is realy cheap.About nutrition again choose between two options:Choice 1: Eating in EPF.Positivity: Save time from cooking.Negativity: The food is usualy the same every second day.Also without vegetables, no fruits and no bread for lunch and dinner.Choice 2: Cooking for me.

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Positivity: You can cook and prepare whatever you want.Negativity: Cooking take from my time

Incredible banana twins.

Step 5: Living Conditions.The place for DI's in Machava is called Savana.There are 3 houses with 3 rooms for living in every house are common bathroom with shower with hot water and normal toilet.Other house with living (internet dining) room and kitchen with fridge and stove.Washing room under the sky with last model washing mashine with 10000000000....... rpm.We have 24 hours guard and place is safe.

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Savana My Place.

My kitchen Living (dining internet tv) room.Imagine I have TV with 5 programs.

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My rooms with memories on the wall.

My washing machine – Best Washing machine ever. This is not joke.After the first wash my clothes are cleaner than with electric washing machine.

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My pet, he lives freely.

Step 6: My Job.The Place:

EPF Maputo

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My arrival here coincided with preparations for the graduation of current students. Together with one other DI"s, some teachers and headmaster of the school prepare diplomas for "graduation party" - average score, print, stamp etc.I still don't have appointed Project Leader, this depends from the Headmaster and can be clear after Chrismas Holidays, when the new students start the program.For the immediate future I have been invited to join in the host interviews with new students.Also I have invitation to go in “ADPP Criancas” from other DI’s which is good opportunity to do something in this long holiday to do something usefull. Between 22 and 28 December will be with children from ADPP Criancas, we will visit for five days one of the most beautiful beaches in the next district and we can make some games for them. And also this the best way to learn Portuguese, withh children they so nice and patient. And is really easy to understand them. For the future i have some ideas, but they still are not clear and concrete yet. But for this in my next report and news.

Step 7: Social Live and Adaptation. (My favorite theme.)The first few days everything was ok, everything is new and have so much to see and so much to explore. We were six and a need for new contacts is not large. The only contact was with local sellers and with children and people from the street, with which change some daily greetings. (Ola, Boa Tarde,… como esta and etc.) After others left on their projects, started my real adaptation and socialization here. I met some dificulties.Difficulty 1: Socialization with other DI's.Solution: I think everyone have experience from Hornsjo, just keep the rules and comply with others. Here live others people. Just like in Hornsjo comunity live but small comunity. Difficulty level: Easy

Difficulty 2: Socialization in my project and in my working place.Solution: This first days I work together with other DI's and close contact with Headmaster of the school. They know english and is not

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so difficult, but with others which didn't know english we change usual daily greetings. The language barrier is really a great obstacle to the proper socialization. After a month here and actively learning in Portuguese, my progress is that if someone speak slowly I understand the meaning but still it's hard to make a conversation and began to speak and communicate normally with people. But the people is nice and they help me to improve my portuguese.Difficulty level: middle.

Difficulty 3: Socialization with local people.Solution: Learn "the numbers" this is basic to be possible to buy something without cheat. Is not so hard. In "the numbers" have logic, just catch "the logic".But this is not enough, becomes interesting when looking for something specific and do not know how to explain it, here come the aid gestures and facial expression, everything is OK, if on the finally you understand each other.But again, the people is nice, and they help me with language.Big mistake is if you don't look for contacts. This is the best way to learn language. Here also a lot people know some basic english and this is also helpfull.I met some local artists, making statues from parts of weapons, stones, woods, paintings and etc. Those people is realy nice and their creativity is amazing.

The best way to use weapons. Do not you think?Difficulty level: Hard

Step 8: Entertainment. (The best part.)

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The first thing, was our trip to ocean. But for me, as a person grew up by the sea it was just a "bigger puddle of water" and water was warm just like soup. To see the sunrise can be something different but for this some other time.

I was lucky to be witness in graduation in current students, and this was something really special.First thing is their singing; imagine 190 people to singing in same time just like one, without music instrument most of the time. And what they singing if you think about some song, forget, they make songs of the things, they want to say to others and to the “Auditory”. Reason for this singing was, delay of special guests some people from the government. Duration around 1 hour.Second thing. The official program: Students represent some dance again together with singing, without music instrument.Third thing. Singing the national anthem. Participants: Everybody, (students, parents, special guests) Imagine 500 people to sing in same time.Fourth thing. The Graduation. All special guests was involving with giving of diplomas. First is the four best students, after everybody else. After some speеches and etc.Fifth Thing. The atmosphere of the event. Incredible and indescribable. For this people this event was something really special. For all of them.Why?1. Students sang only one sentence in English: "We all happy to be together" and my feeling is that was 100% true.2. When was graduation in this 4 best students, applause was so loud, from all of them, without envy and hypocrisy.3. When spoke some special guests, they congratulate to the students with: Ola proffesores with hand raised.4. Pictures. Everybody want to make pictures for memory.And etc. etc. etc.......Also was attending the graduation of "Colegio Politecnico Maputo" this was the same atmosphere with "EPF Graduation Party" just was smaller party only for 52 students.But again was something really special.

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This can not be described, must be seen.

Now someone will say: This can't be true, sounds too pink to be true. Nothing bad and nothing negative.Not so. All what we have heard that things are going slow here is true, we waited two weeks to some estimates of the teachers that we may prepare the average score.Or how the last day before graduation, preparing diplomas along with Headmaster, we waited until late afternoon 50 diplomas to be submitted for printing and then for signature and stamp.Or how a few days when taking a shower, after a rain, after a strong lightning, trying to stop the taps, there was voltage on the taps.Or how, after "graduation party", moving chairs and other furniture from the ceremony hall to the school building some tried to cheat, and headmaster who had participated in one of us, supposed to press this people about to start work.Or mosquitoes with them we have special relationship - (WAR) - they bite me, I kill them.Imagine feeling to wake up and the first thing you see one mosquito that have difficulties to fly because it is full and gorged with blood, my blood. This bastard bitten me several times almost the same spot. I'm not up for breakfast for vampires.And this is every day again and again. Results till the moment is around 100 bites for them, and few thousand victims for me. But those bastards here are many, realy many.But because of moments like this deserved to spend some nerves.

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Graduation Party. EPF Maputo.


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Graduation Colegio Politecnico Maputo.

Dance. Costumes are own work of the students.And every problem is having solution just supposed to find it.And remember that after time, left only good memories.

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For Mozambicans from "August Team": Guys I can wait for you here after two months, if the mosquitos don't eat me till this time.But I'll try not to give easily.Greetings from amazing Mozambique.Dimitar (Dimi.)