Download pptx - MVP1 Presentation



Noah Nuechterlein, Beibin Li,

Jinhao Ping

Noah Nuechterlein
Beibin, you should read soloways handout(its in the drive under "497winter2015 Design and MVP Preso.pdf". He's looking for a specific layout of slides. I think we can take the info from the extra slides you put in tho, and spread their information to others for example, The Mission can possibly fit somewhere inside of solution(maybe not on the slide, but atleast said)
Beibin Li
I already read the PDF, but I think it's just a template. I agree we can put the mission under the solution part. We can just add a SWOT page, so we have a 6 pages PPT.
Beibin Li
We need a better mission.
Noah Nuechterlein
No Idea
Noah Nuechterlein
make circular
Noah Nuechterlein
Should this be StagePlay or StPlay?
Jinhao Ping
StagePlay makes it clear


● Cannot watch yourself perform

● Hard to collaborate with partners when alone

● Traditional script is not convenient


● Optimize video recording mechanism

● Integrate Line by Line practice

● Enhance collaboration with partners

Noah Nuechterlein
these should probably be higher level as opposed to functionality

CompetitionCompetitors Partner Voice Video Recording Line Display

Keynote Yes

Camera Yes

Scene Partner Yes Yes

Rehearsal 2 Yes Yes

StagePlay (us) Yes Yes Yes

Noah Nuechterlein
stage jobs is more of a job advertisement board i think. I watched a video on it. we can probably take it out. This slide looks really good!

MVP 1.0

MVP Features:

● Basic line by line and audio rec.

● Do they need video recording?

● Is collaboration necessary?

User Experiences:

• Actors/Actresses

• Directors/Instructors

• Presentation Givers

MVP Mockup

