Page 1: Music magazine   front cover analysis

Music Magazine

- Front Cover


Page 2: Music magazine   front cover analysis

SMASH HITSMasthead:- The masthead is in capital letters, and red, which stands out, especially due to the plain white background. The font used isn’t very common, but the fact that’s its different gives a unique factor to the page. However, this can be seen as a contrast to ‘LADY GAGA,’ which may be in a different font and colour, but the size is still big, and grabs attention as its also placed on top of the image. Colour Scheme:- The colour scheme of the front cover is limited, only consisting of the colours black, white and red, with a bit of yellow in certain places, to grab attention. The use of each colour is used carefully and is relevant as to where its been included. Furthermore, the colours go well with the main image, which brings clarity to the front cover on a whole.

Page 3: Music magazine   front cover analysis

Selling Line:- The selling line for this issue is ‘Exclusive Lady GaGa 64 – page special edition,’ which is placed at the top of the magazine, with a black filled background. This is written in capital letters which stands out. Furthermore, the use of yellow is different from the other text on the page. However, the word ‘special’ is written in white which emphasises its importance. This is directly aimed at Lady GaGa fans, immediately grabbing their attention. Cover Line:- The cover line is ‘The world’s biggest start uncovered!’ Lady GaGa is considered as one of the biggest stars of today, therefore, this instantly attracts attentions to her fans, as they’re want to know more about her and her life. ‘BIGGEST’ is in a bigger font size than the rest of the text, which stands out, and is actually the first word you see within that section.

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Main Image:- The main image is obviously of Lady GaGa, who takes up most of the whole page, making the text revolve around her body, which adds in extra emphasis on her curvy figure. Her pose can be seen as sexual to some extent, from her finger in her mouth, to her outfit, which is revealing. The colour of black relates well with the rest of the cover.. Furthermore, her black eye make up matches with the rest of her look. The side pose illustrates her figure, which also shows off her ‘sexy’ side, and femininity.

Other Images:- At the bottom, there are four other images, which show off her crazy outfits, which she is famous for. A picture of her as a child is also included, showing that the magazine covers a range of years of her life, which will attract readers even more. The colours within these images are also black, white and red, which is consistent from the rest of the front cover. Lady Gaga is placed between this strip of pictures, evening it out of two pictures on either side of the main image of her.

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Whats OnMasthead:- The masthead used for this magazine is placed in the left hand corner, which doesn’t take up much space at all. The text is in white, allowing it to be readable by the red background. The font is simple, as it looks like Ariel. They’ve got a design inside the ‘O,’ which looks like the outline of a male. However, its possible that readers may get confused between the actual masthead and ‘Party,’ as this takes up most of the space at the top, and is also bolder than the masthead. Colour:- The colours used on the cover, is only red and white, and black for the outline of some text so that it stands out. For example, ‘Merry Perry!’ Most of the colour is actually from the image itself. However, these colours are also restricted, consisting mainly on purple and natural colours.

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Selling Line:- This cover doesn’t actually consist of a selling line in particular, as its very simply. However, ‘Merry Perry!’ grabs attention immediately from the readers.Cover Line:- The cover line is ‘Merry Perry!’ This is a clever twist on words, which is in regards to the artists name, ‘Katy Perry.’ This change of words brings a fun factor to the cover, making the reader want to find out more about the article. This is clearly aimed at her fans, which invites them towards the magazine.

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Main Image:- The main image is of Katy Perry, which takes up the whole page of the front cover. The background of the image has been blurred, focusing directly on her. However, we can tell that the colour of her hair and clothes match with the background. Her pose is somewhat to the side, but enough to show off her clothes and make up. She’s looking up, as if her attention is elsewhere. We can tell that her outfit is revealing to some extent, but most of it is covered by the text which has been placed on top of the image. Her hair stands out the most as this is a strong colour, but at the same time, matches with the rest of her appearance. Other images:- There are no other images featured on the cover, as there isn’t much space, due to the main image taking up the whole page. However, having no extra pictures makes the cover look simple, illustrating what the main feature of the magazine is.