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Presented to

The IMM graduate School of Marketing

In partial fulfillment of the

requirements for the degree

Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Marketing Management

By Michelle Rebelo


18 May 2015


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I, Michelle Rebelo, declare that I am aware and fully understand the IMM GSM

policy on plagiarism. I hereby certify that this project is my own work unless

clearly indicated through referencing.

A complete list of sources used for this project is available on pages 16-18.


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I would like to give thanks to my company ghd South Africa for supporting me in

my quest to further my studies and understanding when I need to take time away

from work to focus on my studies.

Special thanks go to my parents, Luis and Candy Rebelo, for assisting me in

funding my studies and for their endless support and belief in me.

Lastly I would like to thank the IMM staff and lecturers for their dedicated support

they give to their students.


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Executive Summary

This research project was undertaken to understand the effect that the

emergence of internet advertising has had on print advertising and whether there

is an opportunity to combine the two mediums in South Africa. The research

problem “Is digital advertising negatively impacting consumer magazine

advertising in South Africa and should the two mediums be used in conjunction?”

was investigated through a literature review.

The literature review highlights the fact that by 2017 it is predicted that 60% of

the South African population will have access to internet; currently however, 63%

of the population don’t have access to the internet. Internet advertising is

increasing in its share of the advertising market year on year. By 2017 it is

expected that it will contribute over 8% to the South African advertising market,

this will be more than double its share in 2012. This growth has been brought

about by the growing internet penetration in the country and the large portion of

the population who have grown up with internet. Mobile advertising is predicted

to play a large role in the growth of internet advertising. The current low

broadband penetration in the country has resulted in internet advertising having a

minimal impact on print advertising in comparison to other countries. Print media

is predicted to grow by 21.3% by 2017 and consumer magazine advertising

specifically is predicted to increase by 6,1% in that time period. However, there

has been a 3% decrease in consumer magazine circulation from Q3 to Q4 in

2014 and several South African magazines folded in the past year.

Print and internet advertising each have their own strengths and limitations. The

research highlights that by combining both mediums in a campaign, marketers

will be able to minimize their limitations and enhance their strengths, therefore

maximizing the effectiveness of their advertising efforts.


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1. Title page 0

2. Declaration 1

3. Acknoledgements 2

4. Executive Summary 3

5. Table of Contents 4

6. Literature review 5-15

7. Reference list 16-18

8. Addendums 19-22


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Literature review

The research problem: Is digital advertising negatively impacting consumer

magazine advertising in South Africa and should the two mediums be used in



We live in a society where communication technology is changing on an ongoing

basis at a rapid pace this affects how brands are communicating with consumers

(Strydom, J, 2011).

Advertising is the communication instrument used to communicate the marketing

message to the relevant target market. As communication has evolved so have

different advertising media types come about. Print, television, radio and outdoor

have been around for years; however the internet has most recently emerged as

an advertising medium. With it, have emerged numerous additional platforms that

brands need to be familiar with in order to remain relevant. The internet as an

advertising medium has soared with millions of people making use of the internet

on a daily basis. What effect has this had on the other advertising media, more

specifically what effect has this had on print and consumer magazines?

In this literature review, areas of focus will be:

1. Consumer magazines and their relevance as an advertising medium

2. Internet advertising, what it is and why it relevant as an advertising


3. Consumer magazine advertising vs internet advertising

4. Consumer magazine advertising vs internet advertising in South Africa

5. Combining consumer magazine advertising and internet advertising


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1. Consumer Magazines and their relevance as an advertising medium

Consumers have become overloaded with media exposure and it’s no longer

sufficient to win a consumer’s attention, it’s become necessary to engage them.

Magazines deliver reader engagement through trust, support, status and


There are several other reasons for magazines to still appeal to consumers in

this digital age, such as they offer value for money, the time spent reading is

rewarding, they are relaxing, they are informative and improve knowledge, they

encourage reflection, they are high-quality and trust worthy and they reinforce the

reader’s identity (Consterdine G, 2005).

According to Consterdine (2005), it’s been established that nearly all

advertisements are at least glanced at when readers scan a magazine. If an ad

appeals to a reader they will look at it more closely if not, they will more than

likely move on to another page. A positive effect is seen on the perception and

absorption of advertisements as a result of the affinity between readers and the

magazine of their choice, this is of great benefit to the advertisers. According to

the “Media Future’s” survey, “Consumers are more likely to act as a result of

seeing advertisements in a magazine than as a result of seeing advertising in

other media.” Consterdine (2005) confirms this and indicates that consumers

were 50% more likely to have purchased a product as a result of seeing an ad in

a magazine; magazines are more action-oriented with internet coming in at



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2. Internet advertising, what it is and why it is relevant as an advertising


Doherty (2009) states that the internet has developed into a communication

channel allowing for dialogue with customers, providing data regarding market

conditions and promoting brands and products. Many advertisers have of late,

either increased their spend on digital advertising or have moved away from

traditional media completely and focused solely on digital advertising as a result

of its effectiveness (Fuxman, L., Elifoglu, H. et al. 2014).

Karimova (2011) believes that interactivity is the main advantage of internet

advertising, Lindberg et al. (2010) agree and added that this interactivity allows

for immediate feedback and dialogue, changing the way that companies interact

with customers. Aside from interactivity, Lindberg et al. (2010) goes on to add

that transparency and memory contribute to separating the internet from other

communication channels. Information published on the internet can be viewed by

any internet user at any point in time. Boundless Marketing (2015) believes that

there are additional key advantages that make internet advertising so appealing

to advertisers such as immediate publishing of information, more efficient and

precise targeting and the ability to overcome the challenge of geographic


The internet is incredibly measurable where how many hits and the number of

page impressions can be measured (Lindberg et al. (2010). Data extracted from

the tracking of user activity on the internet is valuable and provides meaningful

insights into consumer behavior in response to particular experiences (SEM

outlook: 2013-2017).

The internet has led to the birth of new and rapidly growing marketing channels

(Lindberg, M., Nyman, C. et al. 2010). Internet marketing is made up of several

different types, these being: banner advertising, display advertising, affiliate


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marketing, search engine marketing, mobile marketing and social media

marketing (Boundless Marketing, 2015).

Banner advertising is a common type of online advertising involving banners

being displayed on a third-party website. When consumers click on the banner,

they will access the advertised website. The effectiveness can be measured by

evaluating the number of clicks through to the website (Almotairi M, 2014).

Display advertising is quite similar to banner advertising and also involves banner

ads being placed on a third-party website or blog with the purpose to drive traffic

to the advertiser’s website. Display adverts are however used to capture

demographic and geographic information, (demographic and geographic

targeting) as well as consumer’s browser history (behavioural targeting) and

determine their interests, therefore allowing advertisers the ability to target

consumers with the appropriate ads (Boundless Marketing, 2015). For example,

if a consumer has been looking at watches on they may find that

while surfing the internet on another occasion they are being served with ads

relating to watches.

Affiliate marketing is another form of online advertising where advertisers place

their campaigns with a number of publishers (such as bloggers) and only pay

media fees when they receive web traffic. This web traffic is usually based on a

pre-determined measurable campaign result such as a sale (Boundless

Marketing, 2015).

Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is the form of online advertising that promotes

websites by accentuating their presence in search engine results pages.

Advertisers are not required to pay for the ad itself but rather pay when

consumers click on the listing and are redirected to their website (Boundless

Marketing, 2015). SEM is the most common and a very powerful online

advertising form and accounts for approximately 90% of consumer use (Almotairi

M, 2014).

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Mobile advertising also falls within the online advertising umbrella and involves

advertisers make use of cell phones to advertise their products or services. It

may be carried out via text messages or applications. The obvious advantage for

advertisers is that people take their mobile phones everywhere (Boundless

Marketing, 2015).

Social media networks make it possible for internet users to share and receive

text, images and audiovisual content with each other online, it may be seen as a

form of word-of-mouth and is very interactive. Social network advertising is a

form of online advertising that can be found on social networks such as

Facebook and twitter, where posts can either be sponsored or ads can appear on

social network sites (Boundless Marketing, 2015).

3. Consumer magazine advertising vs internet advertising

Digital marketing communication options have negatively impacted print

advertising globally, demonstrated by the decrease in print advertising spend and

the decline in ABCs. Semmelmayer (2014) states that there are four factors that

have led to the rise of digital media in preference to print: cost, flexibility,

accountability and demographics; these will be discussed in more detail.

Semmelmayer (2014) states, that publication space and artwork creation are

significant costs, which are incurred when booking a print ad. Online advertising

on the other hand, is relatively inexpensive and free in the instance of social

media. Lindberg et al. (2010) goes on to add that space is limited and an

expensive commodity in print media, online advertising however offers

advertisers unlimited space at a fraction of the price.

Publications work on strict, long-term material deadlines and once submitted, the

artwork and message can’t be amended until the next issue. In contrast, digital

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media provides more flexibility with regards to both the material deadlines and

the ability to change the artwork and message (Semmelmayer S, 2014).

It has always been a challenge to prove the ROI as a result of print advertising.

Online advertising provides several metrics to advertisers to assess the

effectiveness of their efforts (Semmelmayer S, 2014), however even online

advertising has its challenges. It is difficult to avoid double counting audiences

and distinguishing between visits, vistors, unique users, registered users and

active users. Furthermore, knowing what is going to be measured and how that

information should then be interpreted, needs to be established (Lindberg et al.


Consumers under the age of 20, have grown up in a digital technological space

and therefore that is where they are comfortable; they don’t relate to print media

(Semmelmayer S, 2014; Roy L, 2015).

As previously discussed under the digital advertising section, internet advertising

is said to be interactive. It is this two-way communication that makes up the

online experience specifically through social media channels (Lightcap, B.,Peek,

W. 2012). Print media advertising on the other hand, is one-way communication;

the brand pushes one-sided messaging to consumers (Lindberg et al. (2010).

Despite all of the advantages of internet advertising there are as with everything,

disadvantages. Roy (2015) declares that the internet is saturated with content

and online advertising therefore often gets lost amongst all of the noise. Pop-up

ads tend to annoy consumers; they are found to be intrusive and contradict the

claim of user control. Consterdine (2005) adds that the internet can be viewed as

time-consuming, addictive and has the possibility of taking over people’s lives

without a relationship with the medium ever being formed.

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There are some undeniable print advertising advantages that need to be


Print is a personal choice where customers purchase magazines or subscriptions

because they choose to, placing the reader in control. Readers engage deeply

with the magazines that they purchase and form a trusting bond with their

magazine of choice. Consumers trust print content due to the publication’s

credibility and the reader will therefore be more receptive to the advertising and

will consume it with interest. Readers are thus more likely to take action as a

result of seeing advertising in magazines. Studies have shown that magazine

advertising can result in an increase in sales, market share, brand penetration

and weight of purchase (Consterdine G, 2005; Semmelmayer S, 2014; Roy L,


A substantial amount of time is spent reading the purchased magazine

thoroughly. Readers look at each page roughly 2,5 times, spending up to 74

minutes reading a magazine, whereas websites are often skimmed over within

15 seconds. Consumers are more engaged reading magazines and newspapers

as they are able to read at their own leisure (Consterdine G, 2005)

Print can communicate longer, more in-depth messages. There is also longevity

and the possibility of the pass-along taking place with the average number of

times a paid for magazine is picked up by a consumer is 5.4 times (Consterdine

G, 2005)

Certain types of print media allow for targeting with precision and without

wastage, the advertised product can be matched to the appropriate audience

through the relevant magazine (Consterdine G, 2005). For example, an Audi

advertisement would be placed in the CAR publication as this would reach

consumers who are interested in cars.

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Digital distribution has led to a change in consumer’s content expectation,

creating a demand for instant access (See Addendum C). Connected consumers

are in control and are forcing traditional media to adapt to their changing needs

and demands. Consumers are looking for the right media on the right platform at

the right time. Traditional media has consequently been forced to become more

flexible in the manner in which their products are developed and delivered.

Should the consumer not be able to access content as and when they want to

from a particular source, they will simply look elsewhere (SEM outlook: 2013-


4. Consumer magazine advertising vs internet advertising in South


The profile of the South African population is heavily weighted with youth under

the age of 15 years who have been born into a world of internet and technology,

who are less likely to be exposed to print media (Print & Digital Media SA, 2013).

Advertisers wishing to target that specific target market should be using internet

advertising as the medium to reach them. The number of internet users is

increasing in South Africa, it has been forecasted that by 2017, 60% of the SA

population will be online (Robertson G, 2015).

According to Print & Digital Media SA (2013) digital is exerting great pressure on

print media as a result of its ability to discard geography and obtain instant reach.

The SEM outlook (2013-2017) conducted by PWC determined that the South

African internet advertising market is currently the largest in Africa and is growing

at nearly twice the global rate. It is expected to grow to R3,7 billion in 2017 from

R1,2 billion in 2012, representing a 25,4% compound annual growth rate

(CAGR). This means that by 2017 internet advertising will reach over 8% share

of the SA advertising market, more than double its share in 2012 (See

Addendum B). The SEM outlook (2013-2017) went on to add that internet

advertising has proven itself resilient to the economic state in comparison to

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other media forms, whose advertising revenues have declined. The growth in

internet advertising has been brought on by a variety of factors such as growing

internet penetration, (brought about by an increase in smartphone and tablet

ownership and a decrease in data tariffs) declining broadband prices, faster

broadband speeds, increased consumer consumption and the increase in

targeted advertising (

According to the 2013-2017 SEM outlook (2013, there will be a 10,9% CAGR in

the South African entertainment and media market, with internet contributing

24,7% and print contributing 12,1% (See Addendum A). Mobile advertising will

be a big driver in the growth of internet advertising, accounting for a predicted

one third of total internet advertising spends in 2017 (SEM outlook: 2013-2017).

According to the SEM outlook (2013-2017), since South Africa has a low

broadband penetration, the effect on print advertising has been minimal in

comparison to other countries, and print media will grow by an estimated 21,3%

due to urbanization and an improvement in literary levels. Advertising spend on

consumer magazines is predicted to increase by 6,1% from 2012 to 2017.

However, according to The Media Yearbook (2015), consumer magazine

circulation is in trouble having decreased by 3% (176 000 copies) in the third

quarter of 2014 vs the previous quarter. There were several magazines that

folded in 2014 including FHM, Rolling Stone, Succeed Magazine, Opera SA and

PC Format (The Media Reporter, 2015).

Despite the overwhelming increase in internet figures previously discussed, we

need to bear in mind that according to there is

currently 63% of the population who do not yet have access to the internet whom

print media will appeal to.

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5. Combining consumer magazine advertising and internet advertising

Digital media advancement is leading to a different approach when choosing the

media channel to be used during advertising campaigns. Advertisers are no

longer focusing on traditional media only as a result of the availability of a greater

number of communication channels (Consterdine G, 2005).

Consterdine (2005) and Lindberg et al. (2010), explain that consumers are now

able to choose the media they would like to experience, along with the

information that they would like to pull from that media. Guzenko (2014) goes on

to add that different media platforms affect target consumer groups differently.

The youth are more inclined to interact with digital media via social media sites

whereas the older generations are more likely to interact with print media.

Lindberg et al. (2010) further proposes that customers now expect to be able to

interact with brands on several different channels. The challenge to marketers is,

understanding what their customer channel preferences are and their motivations

for using those specific channels.

According to Semmelmayer (2014), Roy (2015) and Lindberg et al. (2010),

integrating both print and digital media leads to successful marketing

communications by strengthening both forms of media, whilst minimizing their

limitations and complications. Consterdine (2005) adds that magazines work well

when combined with the internet as they have the ability to cross-reference each

other. He believes that magazines can arouse interest in topics, and then provide

website addresses in articles and advertisements for further exploration. It’s been

found that very often information found in print led to further research being

conducted online, which often led to a purchase; this confirms Consterdine’s

(2015) thoughts. The evidence therefore indicates that it is vital that advertisers

should include website addresses where relevant in print ads and that online

advertising should relate to the print ad (Consterdine G, 2005).

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Fuxman et al. (2014) determined that traditional media will not disappear as a

result of the increase in digital media and concurs with Consterdine (2005),

Semmelmayer (2014) and Roy (2015) that the two mediums work very well



The digital revolution is certainly happening slowly but surely in South Africa and

with this, the media landscape is changing, however it will not take place

overnight. Digital advertising revenues are growing in the country and some

segments are experiencing a more rapid growth than others. South African

advertisers will however continue to demonstrate loyalty to traditional media for

the time being, as they understand and trust the metrics. (SEM outlook: 2013-

2017). It is imperative that marketers take more of a combined approach to their

marketing campaigns, encompassing both print and digital elements to ensure

that they are utilising the strengths of both mediums. As J.G. Sandon, a director

of Ogilvy said “you can’t build a brand simply on the internet. You have to go

offline.” (Pfeiffer, M., Zinnbauer, M. 2010).

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Reference list

1. Almotairi M, 2014, Intertemporal effects of online advertising channels on

customers. Found at: Retrieved on 18

April 2015

2. Boundless Marketing, 2015. “Types of Internet Advertising.”Boundless,

found at:



Retrieved on 07 May 2015

3. Consterdine G, 2005, How magazine advertising works, fifth edition, PPA

Marketing. Found at:

Retrieved on 5 May 2015

4. Consterdine G, 2009. The case for magazine advertising: The research

evidence. Found at:

%20Magazine%20Advertising.pdf Retrieved on 11 May 2015.

5. Consterdine G, 2009. Magazine advertising works! Seven key points.

Found at

Retrieved on 11 May 2015

6. Doherty, N. F., & Ellis-Chadwick, F., 2009. Exploring the drivers, scope

and percieved success of e-commerce strategies in the UK retail sector.

European Journal of Marketing. Found at:


commerce_strategies_in_the_UK_retail_sector.pdf Retrieved on 17 April


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7. Fuxman, L., Eifoglu, H., Chao, C.,Li, T. 2014. Digital Advertising: A more

effective way to promote businesses products. Journal of Business

Administration and Research. Volume 30, Number 2. Found at Retrieved on 17 April 2015

8. Guzenko, I. 2014, What’s this fuss about combined campaigns. Found at:

combined-campaigns-gp.html Retrieved on 13 May 2015

9. Humphrey P., Owen, R. The structure of online marketing communication

channels. Found at: Retrieved on

12 April 2015

10.Karimova G, 2011. “Interactivity” and advertising communication. Found


Retrieved on 20 April 2015

11.Lightcap, B.,Peek, W. 2012. The effects of digital media on advertising

markets. Duke University. Found at:

final.original.pdf retrieved on 12 May 2015

12.Lindberg, M., Nyman, C. et al. 2010. How to implement and evaluate an

online channel extension through social media. Linnaeus University,

School of Business and Economics. Found at: EXT 02 Retrieved on

16 April 2015

13.Pfeiffer,M., Zinnbauer, M. 2010. Can old media enhance new media? How

traditional advertising pays off for an online social network. Journal of

Avdertising Research, Vol 50, No.1. Found at: Retrieved on 28

April 2015

14.Print & Digital Media SA, 2013. Report on the transformation of print and

digital media. Found at:

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%20PRINTED%20REPORT.PDF Retrieved on 11 May 2015

15.PWC South African Entertainment & Media Outlook: 2013 – 2017 (2013).

Found at:

outlook-2013-2017.pdf Retrieved on 2 May 2015

16.Robertson G, 2015, Global trends in Print and Digital readership

measurement. Found at:


Retrieved on 10 May 2015

17.Roy L, 2015, Print advertising still very much alive. Found at: Retrieved

on 1 May 2015

18.Roy L, 2015, Integrating Digital and Print Marketing. Found at:

Retrieved on 11 May 2015

19.AMPS article, 2013. SAARF found at: Retrieved on 12 May 2015

20.Semmelmayer S, 2014. Print advertising is dead, Or is it? Found at:

advertising-is-dead-or-is-it Retrieved on 2 May 2015

21.Strydom, J. 2011. Introduction to Marketing. Fourth Edition. Juta, CT.

22.The Media Reporter, 2015. New ways to keep readers happy. The Media

Online. Found at: new - ways-to-keep -

readers - happy Retrieved on 25 April 2015 Retrieved on 28 April 2015 Retrieved on 30 April 2015

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Addendum A

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Addendum B

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Addendum C

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Addendum D

The research problem: Is internet advertising negatively impacting consumer

magazine advertising in South Africa and should the two mediums be used in



6. Consumer magazines and their relevance as an advertising medium

7. Internet advertising, what it is and why it relevant as an advertising


8. Consumer magazine advertising vs internet advertising

9. Consumer magazine advertising vs internet advertising in South Africa

10.Combining consumer magazine advertising and internet advertising

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Key search terms

Print advertising

Digital advertising

Print vs digital advertising

Print vs digital advertising in South Africa

Multichannel advertising

Combining print and digital advertising

The evolution of advertising


Relevance of print advertising

Advertising in South Africa