Page 1: MP-tiirK - NYS Historic… · MP-tiirK DYSPASIA, *ir*x i-:ar oo& l)|vCn»(. of ^V nr


*ir*x i-:ar oo& l)|vCn»(. of ^ V nr<i:\<. ^


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i!i ?-= I ' IM. . - : . M -

I V "lies--, n,- i! , ,..) c.f the S l o t m c d . X;:-i. • i j r P - l f" ••-

: ur K'ucta;ion--. Suiking -r :' .• S- m u c h . S>i on . l l i r r •! at.d o ijl.-ult .' < I Heart l b . . .

IICATB & SSAVER, Editors and Proprietors* fRINKLIN €0FNTY

-ftiB £&!& ;0 Pub l i shed eve r^ TaoRSflfAT M a n s i N a . a l M s f o n e .

r-t F r a n k l i n <Jct3nty, N e w Y o r k .

O F F I C E , on Wain Street, oppositertW Rail Road Office.

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'•41,75 a t thnen.1

$ l 1 2 5 i f p n t d i n a d v a n c r ; —

fix raom'iti, ant} 2 ,00 if paymen t

• s detnv^d 'ill tit;* c lose oTt^rc y<»nr.

^~*f No paperdi - icont i i ' led until a h arrsaragr-s a r e

•JjeiJ, except a t the np-.ion of the publishers .

R a t e s t,i A d v e r t i s i n g .


6q ' t a re , 1 week , $0 50 I 1 «q week , W f f l i 9

50 75

3 " • 1 00 3 mooih», 2 00

1 «q'!irp,G months . $1 00 1 " 1 \ e ir. 6 00 ^ column G fr.oniliji, R 00 i " 1 year , 12 00, S 3 per a n -

Carafe of iNro $>ork.~<~By Authority.

Svery Law so published by him", (the Stat© Prin.-nay bo road iji evidence from tile paper in which

it shall ;be contained, i a all Courts of Justice in this State, and in jiroceedujsrB before any officer, body or board, in winch it shall tie thottgM necessary to refer thereto^ "until throe months after the close of the ses­sion in tvhieh it bceamo a law.—SSic. 8, title 7, chap. 8, part l^Kevised Statutes.! " [Every Law, unless a different time shall be pro­

scribed therein, shall commence aDd take effect thro'-out the yhite, on and not before the twentieth day after the rlny of its final passage, as certified by the Secretary of State. Sec. 12, title 4, chap. 7, part 1, P.evisud Statutes.]

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•/.v£ STORE,


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s is in I •i . - . ' hi V.iilrJ,

/ • t r skiil'

[is foot prints meu^-t]

Bu;ine<-s c a r d s , not rxeec'tling six iam.—$"2>or-six monih**

CL/* \ iv*rtU*:Tv*nta &hou\!ho maikr<! Oiw uuiuU.r of \\ t*k*; \o b j lnsenct—jotb*»-rwi!«e thfy wit! be con-ii n'if-l til! foihi.l, or at tlie Oftijn of the j>ubiiihert, a -c$ rharg*>ii accordingly.-^

A' 1 a'cc-virt?* for a^vrr tMinr nrp flue at Uia t tme of tha ^ n : of the advnr t i3em#nt .

v LWV O F N E W S P A P E R S . : Sit)*Cri t?t?r9 uh^ ^ o no t c i v e r r p r r s s n n i i c o t r in ' . r<i rv , n,e c o n s i d e r t t l a s w . j i i i p g t o c o n t i n u e

r J^SCrlptlOOf.

~ r . j e r s o r^ le r t h e d i s r o n t i n u o n r r o f t h e i r

puLI.»l i ' t a tc<*-,T,^«o<-,i : io »e/,<i Ibem t i l !

K pa -

' ^nc been k n o w n

U7. C-i\


:-."es at vKc ill*. icubsnde, afitf

- '.. -t If received •c i : Liver Cotn-

W'c i r e e o n -- . . ' [ia'iiQE.

^ - - : l . t l S M -- ;•- . - i r i l itl

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C H A P . 203 .

A N A C T to amend the several acts relating to In­corporated Banks, Hanking Associations, and In­dividual Backers.

Passed April 17,1851. The Pcoplr of ihe Stale o/Ar''«> York, rrpresented

\i% Senile (inti.iaatvil/ly, do evau at f^llo*":

{ 1. Section oneof the act relating (o the redemp­tion of bank notes, passed May 4th, 1340, is here­by amended so as to read as follows :

5 1. Every moneyed incorporation in 'this state having' banking powers, and issuing- bills or notes

$ B. Nothing contained in the third, fourth and fifth sections of this act, shall kpply to cases where circulating notes registered in die comptroller's office, shall be presented for payment to the an-ent of any incorporated bank, tanking associat ion,^-individual banker, appointed : ccording to the D i ­visions of chapter two hundre I andtwo of t l« laws of eighteen hundred and forty, .entitled, " A n art relating to the redemption of jank notes," a 0 r to any bank, banking associatioi;, or individual bank­er, for whom there shall no be at the time an a-gent duly appointed as prosciibed in the said act ; nor to banks, associations, cr individual bankers,' whose place of business is in either of the citiea of New-York, Albany, Brookly l, or Troy.

Slate of yew York, ) 1 have compare!! the preced-Secrrtary's OJJire, ( ing willj the original law on

file in ilits office, and do cerjify lhat t i e Rnme it correct ' r anscnp l therefrom ajntl uf the v\hoJe of the said original. ;

C H R I S T O P H E R M O R G A N , ' Secretary of Slate.

F r o m the Cineinnntt i | Commercial .

S w e l l e d H c i i d - A { S m a r t T a l e .

A story is go ing the rot nds of the papers of a j o k e concern ing aswel l»d-head trick which

• I f . c i

. J . « r -•• a s r n i -

.!it'rt fui o A r sii.d et.-l l e t p e t i -

• D y t p r p -b uiiit-C ,

2 In in n t : : i r aud

c x p r e t » •..•nl o', utt 11 II'.-

• > Mice*, ^'.'.cntiua

v'»f. C. .:..nd:iig


} i v r a c t t ' t ' J t b o i r b i l l . . ?d '.rifir p a t r r a i v c t i n ' i ^ i l .

If s'ibarr b.Ts move tn oil ier places , -^,.'stjiuv^»> ifminfi the puui . -hrr . au-i ibr p ,jiei IH srnt to the for­

m e r ciireciion, they are t e! i te-'i OLSUJIC.

5 . The cour:ai.«vfi dec i j i d 'h iu lef- . i irg to tn\r n p a p e r from tha o d e , or reiv.-mrg mi I |,Tiwng it tin-cmtled- for, in. pi mm faci t e v uler ~e i f :mentief:T ifrticH

C. A r « t n > « K r -ne'Tefffrtir-r* irfmrnr xt'i'Ti M c pnper M not t i k e n frcm^tlie ofnee, multes ' l. 'oiselt l iable for hi* au' . icriptiun [.riee. ,

of circulation f a h d every banking awociaiioft and j w a s ^ l a y e d off upon a y o ing man newly in individual banker, carrying on banking business itialed into the mys te r ies of d rmking , which under the act to authorize the business of banking, I r eminds me of a s tory wh cb. is cur ren t in Do-

troit , and which is a l toge ther to good to keep. T h e r e is a cer ta in gen t l eman in the city of the S t ra i t s , w h o is in the hahi t of iuduigiiitr in a socia l g lass occasional ly-k n o w n to become , a s the t ight . ' H e is k n o w n by residents a s well as sojoti; men of Davo Smar t . j

N o w Davo has an e n o t a o u s big head, and is under the necessi ty of t a v i n g a block m a d e for the purpose , upon w!iich his hat is fitted. And as cus tomary anion;;gi 'iitli-tnen who fre­quen t social ga the r ings t:> have the n a m e of the owner in lar^o let ters


YORK, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 29, 1851. ©crm0, $1,25 per 2fm«nn, in dWahce.

Mj t 0 1111 a nj»

F A C T O R Y G I R L .


S tt s i n c 5 3 C a r b s

except tliose whose place of business is in the cit­ies of New York, A't-nny,Brooklyn or Troy, shall, on or before tbe first day of July next, appoint an ajrent, wlm sl.eil keep an office in the cily of New

I \<.rk, Albany or Troy, for the redemption of all cir-I culaiing polos issued by said corporation, bankino-

a.-sociaijon or itidivi.hi! banker, which shall be pre-• s-entod ttiscch rgenl for payment or redemption.

* 2. Section four of said act is hereby amended . so as to read as follows : ! $ 4. It fcha.ll be the duty of every such corpora-1 lion, banking association aud individual banker out • of i he cines of Nc-v Vcrk, Albany, Brooklyn and I Troy, to redeem and pay on demand all circulating

•Mtt**nv ; ^ ' i o t o s *a?°5ti,'?-v ""cl" corporation, banking associa"-v "*-<tion or individual banker preaom«d. w xedemiuion or payment at the- '3"'-- c •' -'- ' ' • ' ci'y o! New York,,

! count not exceeding one-quarter of one per cent. " 3. W henever an anion shall be brought a-

and who h a s been phrase is, a ' l ittle

all the fashionable rners by the cogno-


^nip.s! any incorporated bank, banking association

>"... 1

Stephens & Bnrkee, ' Druggist©, &rc,

Fteld'g Enebinc**. M ^ l o r r Lroukliu Co.

>i | or individual batiker, lor the recovery of the amount [ due on any rirrtilaiing note or no:es rcyislerod in ; the oortipiru!ler"a oiiice, tlie pa\®ietu vt n l.icii shall . have beei, ceinanjed at the bankni'; house or unual

:ce of their said agent, in'ffie J Oavo-^nd^bia iaacked in 'any or 1 roy, at a rate ofdis- the size of it >vou!d prove

from walking off under it Davo w a s invited one

given bv one of the ' n p | course a m.ngnifiepnt al the beau m o u d e were ___ c h a m p a i g n s , eau-de-vie

in j

put l'iside of the hat , this w a y , a l though tit a n y <*rd»»»*y.aiwii!J^V}1

Groceries. B :j;% on 1 S, reifum^ri- ,


- I. Kai^i \ r i i


•« BT..1 W i

t : ; . r . T I

C S 1 S L E S J. 1S5BEK,

Commissioner of ijigljroars ; Sf Kit .

ovening to a par ty er ten. ' It was of tir. All the clito of"

a thered. L 'e , iv . ines , j rantl ies , south s-ide

N ] y_ ! piace cd tmsini"..-. ofihe deiendaut, ilii sliali appear | Maderin, w e t e out in p'ofntdun. 'i'iie yiovv (.ntl .etiialoro-l^rv.Ue. lo the court in which such j of the l ights, the music tjflbo baud, the smiles

1 of the ladies, the whirl of the d u n e ? , were enough of themselvos to d inary mor ta ls —'hut com were ofsou l suLduiug pc

bT T. 8.

y[cOXCLtJDED.] r l ! ' said G^pen, as bo par ted to one will be prouder of you

than I , if yotif accompl ish the work t o which you are abojjit devot ing yourself. H a p p y would I be , h a d I a daugh te r with y o u r true hea r t and notjlo courage . '

'Mary ' s hear t was too full to thank him.— But her s w e e | y o u n g face w a s beaming with gra t i tude , aaj'sho turned a w a y a n d hurried homeward , i «

Mr. Bacot w a s wa lk ing uneasi ly back­wards and forwards in the old porch , when Mary entered the little- gardenjfa£ e - § h e ad­vanced townrj&s him with & T>ngfu face, hold­ing out as she}' did so, a small package of pa-

p ° r a - ; . / . J 'Good newp, f a thor l ' suo exgiaimed. 'Good nowi|5!,

•How?'- :

'\V'lia», chi ld? ' eager ly asked the old man, his, mind bocetiming evidently bewildered.

' T V mor tgage is paid, and hero is tho re­lease !' said Mkry, still holding out a packugw of papers . ,i

' P a i d ! PaitJ, Mary ! ' ' W h o paid (i t? ' returned Mr. Bacon, with

tiie air of a nuln awak ing from a dream. 'I have paiii it, father dear I' answered Ma­

ry in a t r c m b | n g voice ; and she kissed the old man ' s chc^k, and thon laid her face down upon his breafct

' Y o u , Maryj?' ' W h e r e ge t money V '1 1/orrowceJ it,' muraiured tho happy girl.

clear, andfhe (dras restrained by reason fiom ac t s of rashness by which his condition would be rendered fijtr worse than it was a l ready.

Bit ter indeed, wore tho sufferings of Bacon , dur ing the qu|ick passage of three w e e k s — a t tho expiration of which t ime Mary was to leave home , im compl iance with her contract^ —and tho mohj bitter, because his mind w a s unobscured by drink. A t last the m o m e n t of separat ion came. It was a clear, cold morn­ing, t owards pho lat ter end of March , when. Mary left, for Ihe las', t ime, her little chamber , and came do win stairs dressed for her j o u r n e y . Ever , in the presence of her father and moth­er, dur ing the $riet season of preparat i6n, had she maintained a cheerful and confident ex te ­r ior ; but, iu her heart , tlicro was a painful, sh i iukiug back from Uio tria! upon which she; was abou t entering. Ou goir.g by tho door of Mary ' s chatnber , a JCW minule* before she

' I 'm gllad to hea r that. Does he drink as much a s ever? '

' N o . : Ho has given up tha t bad habit . ' Indeed ! T h e n he must be do ing bettor. '

' H e ran himself down very- low, ' said Mr. and w i s about losing every thing, t ry, like a brave, r ight-minded girl, r»rw,ird and saved him. '

H o w did sho do that , f a the r? '

t r reet i , when M stepped

'Mary ' D y e r

lars 6n had a mor tgage of throe bundled d o l - r . , - . .. . , , -. , is farm, and was go ing to sell him ! '""pulses, father, and forgive the ba lance of

out in m^d-winter, when nobody cared to be - I " i 0 , ' " a « „ - j . 'Aro you certain that Bfie w-iil accep t wha t

you ash me to give? ' Will her iown sense of jus t ice permit her t o ' s t o p until the tvhota

n who had money to spare. On the _' I heard about his trouble, M»ry call­

ed on nii> and asked the lo;»n of a sum-sufil-

friend very day

cicnt to

I r s . Bs'con saw her daugh te r promised instalment "f thirty-seven dullard

How She W h c :

' l o u to save 1

' M a r y ! M a r y ! ' W h a t does'1 this m e a n ? ' said tho old man,

pushing back her face and gazing into it earn-

'Bor ro >"wTEh me-treyr-

M«5 be foun-1 at tlie ofH.-e of Perm,-; Ttmr^days. Any bu-^ne.s requiring ill ibr C"ni rriissi'jrior. w '!' be j ruTTtj ! !v nt oi.iire II1- th<* ->tm«* t-o l.-U nt «aid i-lH-i-.

« u t ' < - n l

n> : su.l i" lr ''.ighi, liiat at the time such d -mand of I payirent w«s m;t(!e, the t'efendent odered in pay-

:r.7t-. ' 0i< nl 'he circulating note or notes issued by any ; la:,k aa.-otialion c>r hanl-er, oiher than ihe dWeri-• tl..'i', which Wtro at mo time at par ia ihe city of ! New 1 oik, Albany or Troy, or eitneroftho same, | lor it!f amount i»t ute circu.aiing note or notes so

li.on I prttei.ted, with au aCdavi'. ,f rer]:iireil, such ,n , r [ drat'tt-r dr;t!";s i* or tn- aviilcbli lv ihe'.r lull amount,

turn the ljrain of or-bined with the-iiquois wer. Dave was one


Dental Hotice.

nderl m, if to insure the immeihule paym^bt I'.creof on pre-' fcri'iation, or in case a'iy ac'.on «hn'l be c m m r i . c -

e<! on such note or t-.oios Leforr ti'f rxpirat'u n ol

and in courso of the B e f o r e it wa-s t i m

, 17

fir the poipi <r. the A ^ ; i«y o-»e^^it j*oii ( irople •m gt-l i H ; i; P . j . ' i e i m ' . ' j - . . t n T . c - . w

S . T W C H O L S , Dnnt!»t. » ru! . l »i | j in \A' p a t r o n s a n d ' r i e n - t * l l a t b e

. . . 1 . b -«ve lo r ib<- C i t y on LU- 1 0 ii i n . i ' . , «•• u f o b i a i m r g «o.:,>- ri-c< r.; i m p ' o v e m c :<'» I v b c . I - '*-r"- in ' - . l e o t f-> t-t- i i r . i o n ^ \ \ to k c -1 v-'K'e \. n b i be I im* ' a*^l l.i'-e I be : n . . . . . :c;i i n j . i ; l fis f i l l tci »k «.-* 1 b-y • • *,,'•*. HQ.i at ali-u: -;rie 1- il .be t--C}-ej,.M. ;^ :•• i . • "iii' I. in. n-137 <b> fc ii; in 1 c^ *t , \\ •-.**' Ju t t ! !r\ St.«tr, oj p ui .e Kni.pc'r Ac . - ; -?-"* -n* war ran ted .

of that c lass who believe it is best to 'go it while they are y o u n g , ' evening imbibed freclv. to break up he would have had several brinks in his hat could he havo put it on but there w a s the diiliculty.

Son-.;' of Dave ' s associa tes , who were dis pofjfd to be merry at hi3 expense had t eil hini du i ing the ovet ing d ivers invi tat ions to join iboni it; a g iass of their favorite d i ink

vary ing the k^d^of j iq i io r and ' n ' l.isi in • nun rtt //•» c i-ii.Vfi.e Jn t IiO

Malor.f. A^li e.t. ISO) .

^ 6-i

£ctnt» - W v \ . Wiu

Surocnor. I . F U ' S L a w OtTici?.

fifiern days frojn tiie t.injot the first drmat.d there­of, as above"triei tioned ; and provided stitii bunk, association or individual banker shall be ready and preparejd to redeem such note dr noies in the law-(ul money- of"!lie Uol'- J States, at the pi.ur.'er or j , p ; u-h one

! ore i nary place..1 bo .».. ,s „f ^icii l.nnk ^-,-t cia'i. n ,;_.,;.,. u p , „ |,i» j l ) ;- . i l l i t( a t /«-ii*ro.V«j. t-rbaukir, at the ex,n .i-ii n of the sail h' e-n ..avs ' • , (°- , ' ,J , . , *?1 , ,• ,

i from tbe time of tho f.r-t ccrnanl thereof, with in- i ' " " ' f Ct S ° T ^ ^'V',* r c f " 6 i l W 8 8 . " 1 " ° I lereM, then in either ca.-e, the plainiilT iu-yurh ac- I " ' a d — a n d Dave^foun.1 lnmsoll, long uefore j lion .ball not recovpr any co-t3, loes or dwburs- r l l i a fashionable hour < f ge t t ing d runk , com­

ments .whatever against tiie defendants, and -hall | miffing several indisert Lions, which rendered Le rntijled'to recovvr no more than seven per ceut ( if necessa ry be should leave while ho could, interest, in lieu of all duiuagesforlbe nompa^metjt j H 0 W a s perfectly a u t r e that w h a t Lo had of the said circulating nole or notes ; but no inter- I d r a n k was affecting l i m ser ious ly—but he est s'.iall be recovered upon such no:e or notes ii- - - - '

K . 51. W E S T ,

B A R B E R A N D H A I R - D R E S S E R . snoruN-nEu P. B . jffbLEa's-noTEL.

M A L O N 2 . N. Y.,

-. • " i i I ' . 'DW .(J.VZETTf, '

. j . . .v .n..Le L'a^gj)..

c '. y.'.:«" : : T T £ R S . A --• r«.ci .. . • i w t a t a re . •:» f i : i i c i '.'. ci.te and ; - ; • '. " '• te, when

. i' C'J CI.. t.i in Ui'.rers,-

... :. u:. .iit'c^-tl tha t we : .- . ..::!S 11 tiie day, that

i«. I , c r ,t. v. ; ti J 11.1 u fu'-goi-c isr .r j ub tv yucsol tnis-.. !,;: ^ rr:iji!>Lcd, univcr-h ' s i:.t.i the hesrty appro- .

Law Copaiiner&liip. ^ H E un ler^icneii banc jorm«-H n C o p n r t r e r f h i p a s - A ' t to r iuvs , Sol ic i tors and 0"nn u^n*>rs ut i.a*-*,

• tjrider'ttn« firm o£ '

.FacliSOHS, SIa5tl©sa& Sfoibfos, | ud w i l l r r n n s a c t s u c h b u s i n e s s a i m o i b e e n i i u - i e d t o I

t h e m , t o t h a « e v e r a ! c o u r t s i>( t i n s S ' . a i e tin.t o f i h e U m L f l ) S l a t e s . T t . e y e « n b e fuun.i a: i b e i r clTice, In t

i h e vilingn'oi .llalfrJC, lau ly occupied b> Me i s r s , J ack - j on A l f u i t o c J . H . J A C K S O N .

J O H N 11 L" t I O N . | A L B L U t T U O B B S .

Dated t l ^ ' o ' . i r . 1. 1 3 i 0 -

AT T . D U N T O N , W i t t , PERfOHM A.LI. OPEBATIOrfS I r t

Dejatal Surgery, r'aat may be requ i red , with npa ineas .cor rec tneseand

d i spa t ch .

^ll,optt*ations tcartfiitted loAgivc satisfaction.

i t w o d,oorB w e s t o f t h e T o s t O l a c e .


leivce has been received n> a:1 oecliotis of tbe Un-?, and Ihe st.ongest resit

that there is mors ol it tbe regu'ar PnysiciaiiS of her costroms c o t n b i n e d , * | | cstabiislicd, and folly epaxatfon will meet l M § 8 en prtceated even iig3»"Sfiy

a.n doubt, alter using-it rasg^ ficaly upon the siooaBcft*^

•>b e to c : ' itne! i;1 oU bil'hi •Tot is i.j-mct!iaie. Tbejr%| a F2":.--bE or rsPAST-witlj:.|;:


m y action, unless t lie plniniifl' or bolder thereof sh.til have Rgain presented the same for payment, nt the hanking bouse cr ordinary place of business nf si.eft defendant, on or after the fifteenth day af­ter buch first demand, and beffirp ihe twentieth day, and the ueft'nu'antoliull have uegloctadand rtfusud to j-«y tiift same wi'.h ir.tcrctt to that time, as afore-faid. Ai;d if siicli hank, a^^-ocial^oll or banker, at the time of the first prcsei.Ttioa of s.ti'i circulating note or notes, shall have offered lo pay current bank notes dr drafts, or both, or eiiher, in the manner above provided, and shall tit the lime of ihe second presentation, pay or longer the amount ol such nole t-r noie» thus tlcmanued, in the lawf'll mouey of the United Slates, at their bai.-kiDg house or ordi­nary j.lace of business, ihen such bank, association or banker shall not be deemed to have suspended or_ refused specie payment, within ihe meaning of any stuitutes authorizing proceedings for the disso­lution of thei charter of such bank, or authorizing proceedings' to restrain or enjoin the ordinary busi­ness of such bank, association or banker, nor shall such bank, associai'on or banker, in such case, be. liable to any oiher or greater damages for the non­payment of such circulating note or uotes, than as above provided, anv provision in the charter of any bank, or any other statute to tho contrary notwith-bianding.

I 4. The fourth seclion of chapter two hundred and sisty of the laws of eighteen hundred and thir--ty-eighl, as amended by luo first sejetion of chapter forty-six oi ihe laws of eighteen hundred and forty-one, islhereby further amended so that it shall read as lolluws :—.In case the maker or makers of any such circulating note or notes, countersigned and registered as aforesaid, shall at any time i)ereaft£7 ou lawful demajRtduring the usual hours qf busi­ness, between the hours of ten az& three o'clock, at the place wbere such UQW or n.otes is or are pay-

hoped to escape from precise si tuation being

the par ty wiLiioul his known. Dave W a s al­

w a y s very polite to thj? ladies. I t was a par t h the blood boiling in seething vvilh tho luju-

roso with grout pte-t on one ^ide and then

.COUNTERFEITS. ,-. vsi v » c e on Main SireeJ, oyer Andrus 5dr#"i -'• '

J a.ned that h i g h c b a r « j ^ ^L. * ****&**, a.I medicines- to aUaiBrt0Tr put forth a spurious arttsjf

..s of ifcof e who are1 iapf^Jf .m

m • * • & .



tten signature of S . " i P « - n p ; t ' , and the natfli^ r

Iko-rt which they are-spjfjffi

,nd ret ail, at the *? D I C 1 N E S T O H E , _ et, one door below Sfc&jjfc et,) Phi 'adelphia j f -a^i l fc : enerai.y t h r o i ^ ^ S ^ 1 ^


too, fors»Ta^ o f • • • ' • '

F. T . J Jea tb . '

S. F . B i f E S , •iciisn and

a « » ( d e n c e first dwel l ing east of the Mcthodi»t Church .

Office over L. C . La th rop ' s S to re .

I of s u c h n o t e o r n o t e s m a k i n g suteh deraai id , m a y , ^ cause the same to be protested, in one package, for-

non-paymeut, oy a uotary public, under his acal'of office, iu the usual manner,, jinless the president, cashier or teller of such bank shall offer, to waive demand and notice of the protest and shall in pur­suance of such offer make, sign iintl deliver to tuff

! party f a k i n g such demand, an admission in writ* ing stating tbe lime of the demand, ihe amount de­manded, and the facts of the non-payment thereof, and thje comptroller on receiving and filing in hts office such admission or proles^ together With tfrich note or ijptes, shall fortlfwith giv.e notice mwi i t jng to die maker or makers of such n'pteornbtesfdpay the satne, and if he- or tfiey.Bhall' omTt^to- td9-^o for fifteen days after such uotic*, thfescwhiptirolfenBhall immediately UieTeupon.(oSilesaihe»h8<MMt#ati$Jie.4 that there is a good aRtysgal ifefeni^ a^tiqjtt ; tfoe paymelnt of s u B h n p ^ o r n ^ s l ^ e a q t i ^ e i ' n t h a ;

- ^ J ^HlJ» t* f f iMed d k o f

. ! -.?•• H5MLOSB, FttANKLIS CO., S TT, 1 3 * Pa r t i cu l a r attention given to the eo l lec t in j bas-

imt*f. . i

*• Office two door a east from Field 's E c h a r g e .

vQl1torn^Si Co«ttsfellor5 ^b Solicitors, MALOfeE^' F K A N E U S C O . , , H . ' T .

.Lewis's Store,


7 J» B. Haaders, ^ tu rnes , 0olii5rt0r ardf Cotmsritor, "Will- iJtteml t o al l cotleeTTon trasroess ent ros ted to

!ijriJ,SSr<r|#»etice in I^aw and Equity ID tho Supreme Cour t* bffiei on the e a « tide of W e a d - s t , n e a r the Ra i l road ,

, ; 1.,:«.)'. ^ » ^ > " e - Fraiiklro Couot^ , N . Y .

. .. • . . - . - . « r " ; H . 6 - - n \ » d # # "

.1 I J A ' S s s V ^ ^ l l M ^ i f ^ r i K ^ ^ ^ ' I S i ^SSsSSS**??* '

^ b U Hbutel»T^a»nnl^, iwaf6aronMaihStr«et

-?- ' r^n^j^t^l* . f f l fe!«f tb«jrW to8 ge«,

lsvirajice, • iif> of tbo beeiCoTDp*s*

i .• . iTertedattheaftcaof-, ' 1 A H M E L E E & FITCHvr

—Books bcol, Eibraus,-] readfal cheapr I

Thompson. - t t iOff i i^mirf i ta^hela^J ty l^OTCOofr loT*.

- . . ' • . - , '

L^v. / '

»w»ntion to teeunnfc fo ioldier* atil rf|h<* to U»4.*»d auniao*, ,und> "iktnn* P«rt<WoT»r't5,f8it


Bdinty L^ids MdJaithfull 'othitsim'r


of his charac te r . W i his veins and his brain or ho had d rank , Dav ci-icii, and b-nving fir. on the other, with tfie inost poli te air he co a s sume sa id :—-( rood evening Indies I (.'oi,d evening gcntlomen! ,ifc|ti ' 'tU ,t mu interrupt yoii. I mnst be goii g. Jo-jn, ' to l!io wa i t e r , ' b i ing , my hat . ' 'Yes si.-, 'said Jo!m, and disappear- i ed—almos t inst i t i t ly •eturujng with ti.o re- . quired ar t icle in his h i n d . N o w it W.-.R part of the plahv of the trie ads of S m a r t that ho should not be p e n n i t t e d t o leave without so.iu' • d i i l icul ty; and a s a pert of tho plau they had j t a k e n the n a m e from lus ha t and placed it in the smal les t ha t to be found in thp pile of ha ts J then p r e s e n t — a n d the wai ter ins tead of bring- | i n g S m a r t ' « i o \ Y n B e e b i & C o s t a r l h a d brought j «t . . . : » i . "t.:_ • ?. '

'Wl iv , who would lend you three hundred 1 dollars"?' ! ' Say , child |f ' ' I borrowed] it of Mr. Green , ' said Mary ,

and as site said this, she glided pas t hor father, I and enter ing into the house , hurried a w a y to

her mother. [Jutt-ro she had time to inform ; her of what-^ho had done , the father jo ined

them, eager ft r aorao further exp lana t ions .— ' W h e n , a t last); he comprehended the whole 1 mat ter , he was , for a time like a man str icken ' down by a h e | v y blow. ! '.Never," s a i j he, in the most solemn man­

ner , 'w i l l I consent to this. Mr. Green must ; t ake back bis Inoney. ' j '.Let the. farpn go I' I ' I t shall not|,be saved a t this price. ' J Bu t he sooji comprehended lhat it was too | la te to recall jtiie ne t of his daughter . T h e

money had alfready pas sed - in to tho b a n d s o f ! Dyor, and th^ m o r t g a g e been cancelled.'— , Siill, Ija jjxed in his purposo that Mary

should uol Iea| -e home to spend two long y e a r s of incessant tfbll in a factory, and irninnliato-

' lv called on >fr. Green in order to make with | him some (.ii'jjjrent a r r a n g e m e n t for tito p a y .

moiit oi' the IJoan. But to his surprise and ' grief, ho founijl that Mr. Green was uuyield-, ing in his de terminat ion to keep Mary to her ' con t rac t . '• i ' S u r e l y ! suircly ! Mr. G r e e n , ' u r g e d tho dis-' t ressed fatheijl ' you will no t hold my dea r i child to this ptedge, m a d e under c i rcutnstan-' ces of so try big a na ture V i 'You will npt punish — I say j.unisJi—agen-• lie girl like jjher, ^"or ' o v ' n g ^ o r f a t b e r t 0 °

well. ' i ' If there is a|ny hardship in the case , ' replied

Mr. Green , c | l r a ly , ' you a r e a t fault, and not me, M r . B a c o n . '

' W h y do ylou say t h a t ? ' inquired the 6ld man .

' F o r the necessi ty which drove y o u r chi ld to this a c t of, you aro responsi­ble, ' .

More calmly the mother par ted with her • dollars. S-hJUU. • \ . t k n < |

It was a grortl — - ' v

•Yes has been reformec

camo down, kneeling at her bedside, with her deeply bni-ied a m o n g ' t h e clonics. Not l i i f t ba t mo- i mdnt did she fblly comprehend the trial th ro ' I which her chiljd w a s fiasiinp;. '

T h e s tage ! was a t the door, an I M a r y ' s ! trunk strapper) up in the boot b. fore she came ; down.

In tho porch stood her father and mother , and hor y o u n g e r brother and sister, wait ings her -appearance .

'Good bye, father, ' said the excellont girl, iu a cheerful voice, as she reached out her h i n d .

Mr. Bacon cnught it eager ly , and essayed,to speak son'.e tender and encourag ing wor th .— BuUhougH his lips moved, there was nosonnd npon the air.

'God bless y o u ! ' w a s nt length uttered in a sobbing voice. A fervent kiss was then pressed upon her lips, and the old man turned away and s taggered ra ther than walked back 1 j ec t her

4Btit he w could she pay you buck lhat sum !' asked t h j y o u n g man iu surprise.

'•I loaned her the amount she jinked,' replied Green , '.jiid she has jus t paid me the first

uou!>:e s 'Nob!

with en'. 'Yes

plied Mr fActory pr inciple far abov

into the house.

' I fully agree with yiou in that , ' he answer ­ed.

•Then, father, ' said Henry , ' ' w h y hold her any longer to her con t rac t , thus far BO honor­ably fulfilled. T h e trial has; p roved her.— You seo the pure gold 'of her c h a r a c t e r /

T have long seen it,1* returned Green . ' H e r father is thoroughly reformed.' ' So I have reason to believe.' 'Then ac t from your own hear t ' s gen^rou*

ift the morlg.age

did V the .get the inoiu-j She earned it with her own hands.1


In Lowell . ' itirprise me, ' said Henry . 'And so, i er father from ruin, she has devoted ;

her young life fo toil in a factory! and tho effect of llii* self-devotion, all that I hoped it would be. It has her father. It has saved him in a

: j r - . ise . '

gir l ! ' oxcl.iimod the young man rasinsm. I'-iu may well say 'that, l l eg rv , ' re-G recti, 'fu the heart of that humble

girl i3 a truly nobio and womanly lhat elevates hor, in my p»t imathn ,

t any thing that rank, wealth, or so­cial position alono can possiblv give. '

'Bu t f i thcr, ' said Henry , ' is it right to sub-to so sevore a trial ? It will take a

lorjg time, for her to earn three hundred D o e s not virtue like hers.—'

w wha t you would say, ' interrupted n« r ti - ^ f 0 j T r S ' B a C ° B ' b n t n 8 h e I M r - G r e K ' T r u e I could cancel the «bfi»a now fully comprehended the grea t use to flow ' ^ " " from Mary 's self-devotion, aud, therefore, with h her last kiss, bieathod a word of encoura

' O h sift, is words liko th

'wrQv Ihis'the t ime to wound s e ? '

'WlVy do yfeu turn a seeming a c t of k ind­ness into tho Sharpest c rue l ty? ' • -

'Jigpeak to J-ou but the words of t ruth aDd

i k « m » , . » t k ' t , i . ' . ' I - •;'"'"• " i soberuess , Mil B a c o n . T h e s e , no raau shou ld the o n e wi th ,h is n a m e in it, , i , . , f i J ^ ,

<AI. ..„«.>«„: l n * i « • A i_ i p shrink from hear ing . *Ab, yes , said J J a v i . t ak ing the h a t from , 0 J. ° r »T. .

T ^ I . „ < n Jt^t.f o „ A „ • \ t- < • 'S>even yeatts ago j o u r farm w a s the mos t J o h n , ' a l l r ight. G o o d even ing lad tes , b o w - , , . J . L. ° J. , , , , . : „ ~ r'~«,» . • .i > J r, i - productive in Ihe ne ighborhood , and yon in i n g — G o o d evejwng gjcivtlomen, and after I n - ' ' ' - ° ' J

s a l a a w , Davo broughl his hat, to his head. It did no t g o on ass i sua l , D a t e took it down, t u rned it round and lc oked a t i t - i - turned it up a n d endeavored to l e ad tjje nanSe—'0 . K. ' said he , a s h e aga in b r o u g h ! h|= i , a t with „ graceful rootio" i 0 his sidts and b o w e d — ' G ood evening l a J i e s , good evening gent lemen. ' A -ga in the hat waslif tec to h i s heaid'.but was no nea re r a fit than before.. D<>ve « ta r ted .\v,i,th surprise, w h i l e . a l h e y e s were, turjied toward h i n f e S ...LI -/.«••.si

easy c i r cums tances . ' W h a t has Iproduced tho sad c h a n g e now

visiblo to all ejjyes?' . ' W h a t ha&i t ° h e n from y o n the ability to

rtiannrrg your 1 affairs a s prosperous ly a s be­fore ?' ! ' . " . ' ~ ' W h a t h a s j made it necessary • for yota* cMTd

to leave he r £ itheifs she l te r ing ijoof a n d bury herself fp? t w > Joij@y,e^isiri i.a factory, in or­der tqs^ve.yoju fronj to ta l j u i n 1 Go home , Mr. B a c o n , a n d ' a n s w e r these quest ions to

me:it. ' I t is for y o u r father. ' 'Le t that sustain you trjfhe end. ' A few m o m e n t s more, and the s tage roll­

ed a w a y , bear ing with it the very sunlight from the dwel l ing of Mr. Bacon .

Poor old man ! Rest lessly tlid he wander about for days af­

ter Mary ' s depar ture , unable to apply him­self, e scep t for a little while at a t ime, to any w o r k ; but his in.juiettido did not drive him back to the cup hr> had abandoned. X o , he saw in it too clearly tbe cause of his present deep distress, to look upon and feel its a'l ire-ment.

VV hat had banished from her p leasant home tha t beloved cjhild, and sent her forth among s t rangers to toil from early morn ing until the going down of tho sun ?

Could ho Idvc the cause of this g r e a t evil? N o ! T h e r e was Vet enough virtue in "his hear t tp

save* him. I Love for bis child w a s ptongor than tho de­

praved love for s t rong drink. A few m o r e ineffectual efforts were made to !

turn Green from his resolution to hold Marv '< to her cont rac t ,And then tho humbled falh.'r resigned himself to the necessity he could n o t ' overcome, and with a clearer mind and a new­ly awakened purpose, applied himself to th$ culture of! is fh.-:n, which, iua few mouths , had a more thrifty, appearaneo than it had present-ed for yea r s .

Ln the mearj t4me, Mary had entered one of the mills a t Lowel l , and was doing her w o r k with a brave apd cheerful spir i t Some pain­ful trials, to oije like liar, a t tended her arrival

upon the duties

' t ion nnt. derive grea t pleasure from doing so ci ' '

claim is satisfied?' asked Green . '1 canno t answer-for that father,' re turned

I l en ry . 'But , let me beg of you to a t l eas t make the gene rous offer of a release, '

Mr. Green went to his secre tary , and , tak­ing a small piece of paper-front! adiawjor, held it up, and said—**

'Th i s , H e n r y , is her a cknowledgmen t of tho debt to me. If I write upon i t ' sat isf ied, ' will you take it to her and say ; tha t I hold tho obligation no farther. '

'G lad ly! ' was the in s t an t reply o f H g n r y . I 'You could not ask me to do a th ing from I which I would der i re grea ter pleasure. '

Mr. Green too*k up his pen and wrote ac ro s s the face tff tho paper, in large let ters , ' sa t i s -

I tied,' and then, handing it to his son, Said— ^ ' T a k e it to her, H e n r y , and say to her, tha t ! if I had given way to" my feelings, I would '• have done this a yea r ago . And now, let tne | speak "a word for your oar. Never again , in i tiiis life, may a y o u n g woman cross y o u r p a t h

who^c charac te r is so deeply g rounded in vir­tue, who is so pure, so unselfish, so devoted in heir love, so s trong in her good purposes. * Her position is humble, btif/'irf a life-ccrnpan-ion, ^ve wan t personal excellences, no t extra­neous social adjuncts . |You' have my full consen t to win, if'you can> this sweet llovVer, blooming by the way-side. A, proud day will it be for me, wheti 1 can call he r my daugh­ter, * I have long loved^Jjtr a s such. '

More welcome words titan these^Vtr. Groea

re- her, and I.ring to | cont rac t in silence and qtfickh left the room. .pi-character. More- | The- reader can easily anticipate what fol-tlier that sho should l 0 W ed . Marv did not go back to Lowell. A

t it H jbe conclusion of my better j u . l g n m t , . : could not have spoken to l|ii son. Thoy were al tilings considered, that sho be perinittod to ljk.e a response to Ids own f i l i n g s . H e did Jid up the entire measure of hor cont rac t .— j , l o ; > however, make any a inwcr , but took the I ue trial will fully prove her, arid ' ' view th<} genuine gold of her over, it is best forTier fall

sart'lo JO a sufferer through hrs intemperance, vear afterwards she was introduced to a select I say 3$ in, for, really, Mary experiences more j c i , c l e of friends in Boston ss the wile of Hen-pleasurf than p.iin lr..iu what she is doing.— I ry Green, and she. is now ti.o warmlv esteom-I'he trial is not so grea t as it appears, i io r ; C l | r r : e n c j a „ d companion p f pome of "the most

reward is with her dai ly, a:id it is a rich re- \ intelligent, refined, ligiftPthinking, and r ight-" ' a r

iu - " i feeling people in that city? H e r husbaiHTnaa

^llenrjy asked no further qtieslion, but he j s c e n no reason to repent 'b f his choice. U tt mo:e tuan a passing interest in what lie j A3 for old Mr. Bacon, hi* farm has contin'-h«d healrd. In the course- of a week, Mary i , ,cd to improve in apiie-artjinco^and value ever returnee to Lowell and he went back to Bos- s - : , c e his daughter paid . .ftthe m o r t g a g e ; and '° ' ; 1 ; r.3 he, once for ali, banisbed liquor from his

Three monthsa f l c rwards , M a r y again came j honse, he i'3 in no danger of having his little homo te visit her p a r e n t s and again called j property butdeucd with a l i e w o n c u m b e r a n c o . upon Mr. Green to pi:y over to him what she | j j i , cheerfulness has rt turned, and hC; bears hud be ell aide to save horn her earnings. It j a s 0 f old, the reputation of being the best so happened that H e n r y Gieen was on a vis- tempered, be; t hearted m i n in the! ne ighbor it from fooston, and that he met her, as before, | hood, as suo vvas retiring from the house of his fa-l!i->r. This ti:::c- It-i_sjiokc !o her and renewed Ui. ;r o l | ac.piai i i tanre, c:cn going ?o fur ai- ! to walk la portion of tho way homo with hor. , .vt tne ehtl of another three inon

'•l ief though thi. the-,


in the city ajrid en t r ance assumed. B i t daily the tr ials g r ew l e s s and i .. • t . • - . „ „u„ »„-r J . • «t .- 1,-1 . e t . i pract is ing at torney 111 lio3ton. she toiled on m the fulfilment ol her cont rac t 1 ' • ° .-•>..

j met a meeting was, it left

ii^ion the mind of each fhu .ot!ior's tima 'C inorc stro::gly impressed than it h i d over bepn. In the"aircL' where I lonry Green moved in Bos­ton, he Diet many educated, refine.!, and ele­gan t young women, some of whom had at­tracted fiiin strongly ; hut, in tiie humble Mary Bacon, Whose station in life was that of a toil-i ig factory gl ' l , he saw a moral i.-OHUty wliose , i^ht tni'ivv- all the alliircmonts pre-3enteJ by

these co 11;.letcly into shadow. Six 11 ont.,5 went by. Henry Groen had '

been adi i i i tod to the bar, and was now a . It was in the |

state phperjtthp,|iilj such j^portlr- '-"-'-

gentlemeo/^hnd 1 o F f h f e i r O ^ d left'fii



•4 ••ith" i


' J 5. T h e twenty-ninth section o f said chapter two hundred and sixtyofthefawsof eighteea.hun­dred and ' l ^ y - e i g b t , i s hsroby amended «o a s to

> %$&,, g^%!«*pmt iQn oriiiidijfidualMnierjMl he liablf ^&tfpi« l is tt*r U£L1^"

&Mea cr \Mbi^, dt^s^*fot^ri.^yweaithiit^ u—^-nh pei aiinumj.frotfiithcstiniis •o sf"""- '~"* fiBPOTntj WT aiwn^Xii^th<^i|rij ottzvmisig?

• # > < .

"Tir^t '»**• 'S/ir-iV t ' ' ; • ' ^ i l " ' ] i t . »» • i 'you,* p w o hea r t , and m a y "the pa in you n o w

' M y d a u g h l a r - s h a l l j i o t g o ' ^ X ^ A i n i e d the 1 m a n ^ p a s s onately . S; r ' t o r '•" ' ;...| <X hold her \ /WtfeB p l e a g e ^ o repai r to Low-

'David Smar t , sir, ' said J o h n . ' W h o am I V said ] i>ave, pohi t ing to himself.

. 'David Smart,* answered . J o h n . 'All r i g h t ! G o o d Evening l a d i e s - g o o d ev- ; • V f ^ - ^ p f ^ t ^ *0f Tfare^ V e e k s V a n d td

ep ing gen t l emeo , atjd a g a i n D a v e b o w e d pro- ^ a $ .Imnde^imt^y^a.^ fouqdly t o eapp §i«e_,ofpe ro.oiin--?i"'T ••".'I'''' »_*— ^ - ,<—.!....• i « . „ _ i ;-r _ i f__ ro,o.ijri—and agait'ij a t t empted to pu t his I a t on. H i s success "vrhk n o bet ter . D a v e loo i ed a t the Hat wi th t e r r o r in bis a s p e c t <Hun p /Ba idhe j ' s iye l f edhr i ad b y —rt^v. . AU right,1 said! lie, pjlacjng his j i a$ u n d e r his left a r m , a i i d . b o w i n g .again t o r ight a n d f e i ^ Q d o d e v e t ^ n g c l a d i e S j g o o d evening

]4hel!n&oaandIlff lZ!Sis h o n l o . ' « •-': '- 'Jo-. ..-> >a

taDte!£y|ffli Ofer S#efljteg.

i ' * h ' I wi i r exei


ijKfjT.enr-'ti-li . I t r aC t t .i.'raji_cio - '-• >>..% ."* i i r . - j uni l^.v."- ' il inta ano ther mortgaaae on? m y

i k « ® | * i s e t t a n f said ( J r e e * . ^ - "5 > atrfi30%onri3ii|ngbler=ea«!ry qn' thecrioblepuri-pose , a n d o t b ^ a g e l i q \ ^ ^ B X f f f l » # i n l i v i a s s -

i.oi sa .sfeA

o f t h . G n t a r l b i . 0 * .

l i t t l e d i s tance . , f .Qui tfon iqdicateich jbqt . h i s oyria,vjue^jhe g ^ f n a l \ i n g "

a w a y J g o a w a y P Hpreanied th<

io-lja. 'BhoittttoTjis s tafe-cMthfrappliQaii iVakpy,

iintiijg.,tj) rft^QjOtea* ^ o n i | C r i e R ^ o q f e j A ^ y a i r e c r IBfffledatMir^po^ M$&& « p p y « « r t ^ I a ^ ^ a ^ a |

t iot tanoT

^Will: j o a a 4 c t o j ^ l ^ W i . ^ v i p l a J : , o ^ e r cp,nr

with Green , ht.ppy under iJ.m ever present con­sciousness that sho had saved her father 's proper ty , and kept their homestead as the g a t h e r i n g pladje of the family. At the end of throe montHis,she c a r e t back and spent a week . ' H o w (her y o u n g heart bounded with j o y at the grea|t change apparent in every thing about the houso and farm, but, most of all , a t the change^n h e / father. H e was no t so light of word and smilingly cheerful as fti for-Ol8rifiaieS,liut he was sober, perfectly s o b e r ; arid she felt that the kiss with which he w,el-corriedli6r brief return, was purer than it had evePbVeri.' '-• '

On the very day Mary came bjftck, she1

called over td see flf r. Green, and jjaid him thirty-seven dbHars on- a c c o u n t of the loan, for wliicb he gave her a receipt. T h e n he had m a n y quest ions to ask a b o u t her s i tuat ion.a t Lowel l , a n d how sh,e bore her separation from home, to all of vvhioh, she g a v e cheerful an­swers , and , in t he end, r epea ted her thanks for the opportuni ty he had given ber t o bo pf such1

grea t service to her father.

as he sat

><!dj r<f1"rti«?r>*>*''!iai3 ".#-"'

toi$!bi^ii&-^ ••^•fol

oti mm clo^ 'hefgh^

• r - iV " ! ' ^

^ • - # ? l , f • - ^ M # ^ ^ i

tfMBo^t-ioV^ibybohildiaway:!* . ^ito n o t l ay i so heavy a burden on.jonooisg'

^•^^.ff^-^'^^^-^^^^^^'^ cfo5 fo tb# 'if j i

Bat ^eea^riW^i4l^}Jlltfee»a,gppsal$^

eyery expedient in fa&^trwer|-^iort of a total/ .4io?ifii5e*jo0'b^4tttie j^«^.^ toi*Rt|e^be,:: 'mpur^>bTut.jtt.'fVaini^; Escept^'fopbiffiream^

ie ae_ tioHi eSnclftded to* p t i S e him under1 th'e ' ca re of a n Ominent laJWyer'fet; Bdstiim-' ' I n this pd-sitioftteB h a d howlieen-for : two-yearg,"aad -was ^p^Jc^plyingio j t jadai iHstof l i to the b a r .

. Ma* pajrloff-JUh-'iGvee^i' fl»e a m o u n t ' o f moirey which she h a d saved from her ea rn ings dur ing the first th ree mon th* of her factory


H o W T l t E V iMT Pt-.tS AT BntGUTO??.-^-Never you buy a. fat pig a t Brighton, ' '%aS

the advice given us by dne who had been there.

'And why not a fat pig if ' 'Cause you see tiiey fat em too fast for th«

Brighton market sometimes ' H o w so ?' ' W h y you sae,>sarri3 of them west / count ry

dealers .fetch their; pigs in pret ty n ighak iu a n d bone. Well , j es t afore l-'iir day they gives em-corn and sal t—nothin bat jes t corn a n d salt — no swil l—no water. .Next day pigs is nniazin thirsty. T h e n the sa tp ln t s gin em j es t a s much water as they kiii fJru»k<.' T h o l pigs puts into it, and ke?ps a drinkin, a n d dtinkin. Sposen on an ax-drage they swal ler

' out a bar ' l apiece. Tb'ajt 'makes em' look pleasant mouth of J u n e and ho had come ! dreadful nice, 1 tell you— all filled put sleek h o m e to spend a few weeks with his family, a u d h u a v y . B u t bb^re ainfj no : hea r t and sub-One j m o i i i u g , a day or two after his return, j s tance in it. l r o u car 'one , of them ar cr i t ters

conversing with his father, the fonii of some oao darkened the door.

' A h Mary !' said the elder Mr. Green rising and takiiig the hand of Mary Bacon , which he shook warmly. 'My son, i lenry, ' , he ad­ded, present ing tho blushing giil to his son, who in turn, took her hand and expressed the pleasure be felt a t meet ing her. K n o w i n g the

home, a n d c a l c u l a t e you've go t ' a busterin pilli of pork, but j e s t you look hi • you* hogpen nextmiornin^iHttd you wont find no th in ,bu t a hog frame, skju aji ' hone, md"'dear a t t h a t ^ r you can' t- tel l tae nothin al>ont :fatpigs—By© been there , and I've seen e n pihnujuctfir'cd!'

"Bostc ti Olive Branch ;

A*.coKSioDATi>fG.—Thd W o r c e s t e r irack-n.ien are not to be outdone!) in poli teness a,nd

upon which Mary had called,, Iff-1-'?-" ry ,TOt Wishing to be present a t its t ransac­tion., soon retired. As he did so, Alary drew j Yankee shrow-duess. - I t 14 we l l -known t h a i out her rWfee a l fd took therefrom a'sujall roll the Worces te r and .Bos ton , aud; the Worces t e r of banh.hil ls , saying, a3 sho handed, is to &lr. and Norw-ic-h'Ii^ilt'pad Derots-ape b p l k i n one. G r e e n , J,_ J '- aud r^te sa tne baililing. It^often-happens t h a t

T h a v o e o m e to make you another payment . ' s t rangers ct^niijig from. Boston,, n o t aware, of VVith a grave , business-like ^ i r , M ^ G r c P " " d s fact, request to be- inimeqiately carj ied

t o the ryorrtdeh depot . 'ity pur sceot»iraROiv|ing h i c k m e n take, them, on bo3reL,njidsa"ffeer disving. the^i i t^pojBgft^a vt three s t ree ts , l and there . .at sthe,nia,oe:l|)e,y starred iroui for thetrijfiiuT cp.tts^de,ratiQa. of twoaty Bve^^ t i j a

\v1thWifietbWifaiBtliaf in B i r i c e " a f Heljtfvlr. ed'ldr-lief irh/pi}gsftfgi-t««*•'• * ' *'• ! • •]*• '.

Jiey walked.lh.QUghlfuJIy,along(;-c?I;havgsei

latswcrea^iniltae^a^rnfetitsi . ' ^ f^bft-.tvaa^ d n l y i i i r b s 1 e n d ^ | ^ I ! w n ^ . | r * a S B ; t e g j a s f e , ' JN«V?r "«fePai*l **mpd&8m€! yontii

*»' '


m tlitr.fd*.reMi»d.



•M:. - •»' ; : ^ , « • -

. ^ - i * '

took the-jnipney and , after c o u n t h g jt over, w e n t t o h U secre tary and wrote opt $,Receipt.

'Jjet.rofe.see,', said he , ttiopghtfo'flyi^^s.hp c a m e l i w mth. the rece ip t in hfe haiitl.r^-'HowmuEh,dq;esihis make? . Oue , ™.$, t a res , four, fivelfjiiarferly payments ; O n e hundred and. eighb,-se.v,'en dollars., and a half". Yp.u'il soon b e l lh ro r^h , .Mary . ' T h e r e is po t idng like pat^efce^,perseverance, a p d indtfst'ry. —' H o w is yJpW father this mdrhing-f* \ • 'Ve rv foUf sir."-

•Pretty k o o d , ' w a s replied, though ndt witli Mu'olh Iteaftiness 'of t j i ah i r eS : ' •' •""'.'

Mr. G r ^ . n -now observed h e r more e]osely, and* saw j th^e .M^fj^m^m, 'ilnnefaiid

i paler thA^aAfterytesfvii^ . He^id W r5-. niark on it , h o w a v e r r a n d , .after a ife\f words raor^' of conversat ion, ttlarir- aros% btm, w i th , dri^iv' I " " " ' -••••••'">•';*" f'* ,

t I t waa^ perhaRSj,??. J&pu,r. . a f e r w ^ q f e y i a t H e n r y sa|ti. to.hi* la ther , . . . - . _i ^.. •

, t s « ^ a l T J * d ^ ^ s a ' t { o o k a s w o l ! S B w h e n

'» ' m% «i -i • .sybst *V»*i»/ '« . ' ' . i s ' ^ *»»»• V • • •:

- • . T - TTT^r'-rx? , - - . : , : , i . i i -• -A. .wag w e a l avjt a fishinziQ^e d a y , ^ n d f l o t mee t iog v v H h . t h ^ a s t . o i ^ . ^ ^ r ^ c e d .on hav |ug 60(110. .sport. - j | e . ^ 4 n | ^ W e a | t j " - i^-posited win-.; he h a d - c a u g l t ^ ^ i C ^ , n ^ j ^ b o r

^L^taSldt^^^^r': ' ' ( > h , ' a n s w - e r e r d t h e : w ^ g > * h o g r e a t ^ l ? S h ^ U

a o r tv^d* > ^" ""'" " -' : ' . i hundred 'g r t t fo !* 'rapjrerj f f f i > % e ^ £ b d r ; > y 4 ^ J p i i t i t i r p V i s p n i - ti^m a t d o m ^ f

; . ' D W e i ' ^ ' I ' t h e S v ^ i ^ e r e u ^ r r ^ l l l t t t -

*tor<*cs?«&z^. _-,.-,

fiBlf StdrV. ' '• " ' ""'""• -I t-:-f> 'A.I •«.• -r» T':&--"

