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Mount Spurr Geothermal Project – Final Report for Year End 2011

Prepared by:

ORNI 46, LLC 6225 Neil Road, Reno, Nevada, 89511

For the Alaska Energy Authority Pursuant to Grant Agreement Number 7030018 February 6, 2012

Statements in this report may contain “forward-looking statements.” Whenever you read statement that is not

simply a statement of historical fact (such as when we describe what we “believe”, “expect” or “anticipate” will

occur, and other similar statements), you must remember that our expectations may not be correct, even though

we believe they are reasonable. You should read these statements completely and with the understanding that

actual future results or actions may be materially different from what we expect, as a result of certain risks and

uncertainties. For a complete discussion of the risks and uncertainties relating to any forward-looking statements

in this report, please see “Risk Factors” as described in our Annual Report on Form 10-K report filed with the

Securities and Exchange Commission on 28 February 2011.

We will not update these forward-looking statements, even though our situation will change in the future. Please

note that these forward-looking statements are made only as of the date hereof, and Ormat Technologies

undertakes no obligation to update or revise the forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new

information, future events or otherwise.

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Table of Contents

Executive Summary .......................................................................................................... 3

Basic Project Information ................................................................................................ 5

Section 1: Land Use ........................................................................................................ 10

Section 2: Permitting and Environmental Analysis .................................................. 13

Section 3: Cost of Energy and Market Analysis ........................................................ 23

Section 4: Simple Economic Analysis ........................................................................ 26

Section 5: Summary and Recommendations ............................................................. 27

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Executive Summary

ORNI-46 LLC, a fully owned affiliate of Ormat Nevada Inc, (jointly referred to in this document

as “Ormat”) was granted a Round III Renewable Energy Fund grant to perform a staged

reconnaissance and assessment of the geothermal resources on Mt. Spurr, located in the west

Cook Inlet, some 80 miles west of Anchorage.

The exploration program under the grant was a two-year plan covering continued resource

studies, assessment surveys and core drilling.

During the summer of 2010, Ormat completed extensive exploration work, built on field

reconnaissance work done in 2009 and desktop and other studies done beforehand. Work

performed in 2010 included geologic mapping; rock/soil sampling; geochemical sampling; a

ground-based gravity survey; a ground based Magneto-Telluric (MT) survey; an airborne

magnetic survey; airborne LiDAR and satellite-based digital imaging. Analysis and synthesis of

the data collected, along with previous geologic information and models, resulted in the

generation of seven core-hole targets, two of which were later on drilled.

Core-drilling of well 62-2 (a.k.a Lower Chaka – R) was completed to a depth of 822 feet in

September 2010.Core-drilling of well 67-34 (a.k.a Upper Chaka – R) was completed to a depth

of 1000 feet, also in September 2010. For a detailed description of the work done in 2010

please refer to the 2010 Final Report.

Work in 2011 centered on drilling Well 26-11 to a total depth of 3,988 ft. and did not encounter a

significant temperature gradient as we hoped. In addition, data collected during the 2011 drilling

season significantly contributed to understanding the potential for a geothermal resource at Mt.

Spurr. This well successfully intercepted the several target fault zones and encountered

extensive fracture-hosted hydrothermal alterations that suggest a geothermal system may be

present at depth beneath Mt. Spurr. However, the maximum temperature encountered was a

disappointing 140°F and the temperature gradient obtained at was 2°F/100 feet, considered a

low temperature gradient. This may be due to the low thermal conductivity of the conglomerate

unit encountered or lack of modern hydrothermal system in this location. The West Foreland

conglomerate, which is a sedimentary aggregate of lithified pebbles and cobbles, is not a good

conductor of heat and is not a high quality geothermal reservoir rock.

Shallower, more economically viable geothermal resources are more likely to be located farther

west, closer to the active volcanic vent of Crater Peak. The potential geologic hazards in this

area are higher than the eastern region, but this area also contains the most concentrated

hydrothermal activity at the volcano. Ormat had planned to drill an exploratory well here in

2010; however the drilling season was truncated due to challenging weather conditions.

Exploration in this area is likely to yield vital information about the large-scale geothermal

system at Mt. Spurr.

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Ormat is compiling a team of geologists and engineers to quantify the hazard risk and possible

engineering solutions for locating a power plant closer to Crater Creek. If engineering solutions

allow a low risk power plant in this area, Ormat will recommend continuing with exploratory

drilling in the Crater Creek area in the summer of 2013.

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Basic Project Information

Project Location

The Mount Spurr geothermal project is located on geothermal lease tracts acquired from the

State of Alaska in the Mt. Spurr Geothermal Lease Sale No. 3 on June 16, 2008. The leases

are located approximately 80 miles west of Anchorage on approximately 35,806 acres along the

southeastern flank of the active volcano Mt. Spurr (see Figure 1 and Figure 2). There are three

main areas of exploration interest at the project, termed the Western, Central, and Eastern

regions. All three regions were surveyed for geologic, geophysical, and geochemical properties.

Two shallow wells (~1,000 ft.) were later on drilled in Tracts 1 and 2 in 2010, and a deeper well

(~4,000 ft.) was drilled in Tract number 7 in 2011, all in the eastern region.

Site Access

The Mt. Spurr lease area is ~35 miles northwest of the nearest infrastructure at the village of

Tyonek, and ~40 miles northwest of the natural gas-fired power plant at Beluga. The area

surrounding Mt. Spurr is roadless, necessitating that exploration at Mt. Spurr be helicopter

supported. Field activities in 2010 and 2011 were based at a remote camp within the eastern

portion of the lease area, with the nearby villages of Tyonek and Beluga serving as resupply


Tract Number Section Township Range Meridian

001 35 and 36 14N 16W Seward

1 and 2 13N 16W Seward

002 33 and 34 14N 16W Seward

3 and 4 13N 16W Seward

003 31 and 32 14N 16W Seward

5 and 6 13N 16W Seward

004 35 and 36 14N 17W Seward

1 and 2 13N 17W Seward

005 33 and 34 14N 17W Seward

3 and 4 13N 17W Seward

006 31 and 32 14N 17W Seward

5 and 6 13N 17W Seward

007 11, 12, 13, and

14 13N 16W Seward

008 9, 10, 15, and

16 13N 16W Seward

009 7, 8, 16, and 17 13N 16W Seward

010 11, 12, 13, and

14 13N 17W Seward

011 9, 10, 15, and

16 13N 17W Seward

012 7, 8, 17, and 18 13N 17W Seward

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013 21 and 22

(partial) 13N 16W Seward

014 19 and 20

(partial) 13N 16W Seward

23 and 24 13N 17W Seward

015 19, 20, 21, and

22 13N 17W Seward

Table 1: Ormat’s geothermal leases - legal description

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Figure 1: Regional area map

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Figure 2: Project location map

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Figure 3: Geological Structures and Well Locations

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Section 1: Land Use

The ultimate goal of geothermal exploration at Mt. Spurr is to construct a geothermal well-field

and utility-scale power plant that would supply Alaska’s Railbelt with clean, renewable power for

decades to come. The relative proximity of transmission lines at the Beluga natural gas-fired

power plant, about 40 miles to the southeast, makes the Mt. Spurr Geothermal prospect one of

Alaska’s most promising renewable energy options. The remote nature of the Mt. Spurr area

and heightened geologic hazard risk create challenges for exploration and development, but

these may be overcome by careful planning combined with engineering solutions.

2010 Exploration Summary

During the summer of 2010, Ormat completed extensive exploration work, built on field

reconnaissance work done in 2009 and desktop and other studies done beforehand. Work

performed in 2010 included geologic mapping; rock/soil sampling; geochemical sampling; a

ground-based gravity survey; a ground based Magneto-Telluric (MT) survey; an airborne

magnetic survey; airborne LiDAR and satellite-based digital imaging. Analysis and synthesis of

the data collected, along with previous geologic information and models, resulted in the

generation of seven core-hole targets, two of which were subsequently drilled.

The eastern region was then selected as the region of main focus, due to its being outside the

area of known volcanic hazard and the fault structures that were identified, potentially indicating

the existence of a geothermal resource at commercial depth of 3,000~4,000 ft. (see details

below). Core-drilling of well 62-2 (a.k.a Lower Chaka – R) was completed to a depth of 822 feet

in September 2010.Core-drilling of well 67-34 (a.k.a Upper Chaka – R) was completed to a

depth of 1000 feet, also in September 2010. For a detailed description of the work done in 2010

please refer to Ormat’s 2010 Final Report.

2011 Exploration Summary

Ormat sited two deep temperature gradient core holes for the 2011 drilling season. Mobilization

for the first hole, Well 26-11 (Spurr West), occurred between May 30 and June 2. Temperature

gradient hole 26-11 was spudded on June 3, 2011. Geophysical surveys results suggested that

high temperature fluids might be encountered at depths between 3,000 and 4,000 feet. The drill

rig used was capable of drilling to at least 6,000 feet deep.

Challenging Alaskan weather conditions slowed drilling progress throughout the season, with

persistent fog and periodic high winds grounding the helicopter and hampering work at the rig

site. Also, due to the hydrothermally altered nature of the rock and the numerous fault zones

encountered, drilling conditions proved to be challenging, especially as drilling depth increased.

At a depth of 3,988 feet on August 11, the drill pipe broke off (“twisted-off”) deep within the well,

halting the drilling at Well 26-11 for the season. At this late date, there was not sufficient time to

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mobilize for the drilling of an additional well. In addition, lower than anticipated bottom hole

temperatures and poor reservoir rock encouraged a reevaluation of planned field activities.

In drilling Well 26-11 Ormat was expecting to intersect multiple fault zones and was preparing to

encounter and flow test high temperature fluids. And while unfortunately this did not occur, the

well did contribute significantly in determining the local lithology (rock type) through core

analysis, identifying the overall geologic structure of an area (faults in the rock), and obtaining a

temperature gradient (the pattern of temperature increase with depth).

When Ormat’s exploration at Mt. Spurr began, the area was still in the process of being mapped

by the State. Gaining an understanding of the local lithology has therefore been an important

goal of exploratory drilling in 2010 and 2011. The cores collected from the three wells provided

a wealth of information on the local geology. See the 2010 Final Report for complete

information on the lithologies encountered in the first two shallow core holes, which included

lavas and other volcanic deposits. 2011 drilling at Well 26-11 intersected two main lithologies:

(1) 587.5 feet of what was likely an ancient volcanic debris flow, and (2) 3,330.5 feet of

sedimentary pebble/cobble conglomerate, likely representing an ancient riverbed. The volcanic

unit is composed of angular to sub-rounded clasts of andesite lavas, granite, and fine-grained

sedimentary rocks in a clay-rich matrix. Ubiquitous pyrite throughout the deposit suggests that

this may have been the hydrothermally altered flank of Mt. Spurr that is believed to have

collapsed several thousand years ago. The conglomerate unit is believed to be the West

Foreland conglomerate, a well-known formation to Alaskan oil and gas geologists. This unit has

been extensively mapped throughout many locales in the Cook Inlet basin. The discovery of

these two rock units in the 2011 core is useful in understanding the geology of Mt. Spurr, and is

also extremely valuable information for other Alaskan geologists working in the region.

Locating regional faults is a vital part of geothermal exploration, as hydrothermal fluids

preferentially flow along these great cracks in the earth. Faults can be thought of as “conduits”

for the migration of hydrothermal fluids at depth, and they are an important part of the plumbing

of a geothermal system. These faults are also necessary for enhanced formation permeability,

increasing fluid flow rates in production wells.

Alteration of rocks and minerals is another key indicator of a geothermal system at depth. As

hot water flows through rock, it dissolves some minerals and deposits others. This alteration of

the rock is a sign that hot water has flowed through an area. Because hot water preferentially

flows along faults, hydrothermal alteration tends to be concentrated in fault zones.

Exploratory well sites at Mt. Spurr were chosen to target modeled, hydrothermally altered fault

zones. Wells drilled in both 2010 and 2011 successfully intersected these large-scale

structures. Well 26-11 intersected four separate fault zones along the large-scale “Kid Fault”,

each fault zone showing extensive hydrothermal alteration. This discovery shows that hot water

has flowed through the area, and allows for the potential of a geothermal system at great depth.

Throughout the rock core recovered from Well 26-11 there was significant hydrothermal

alteration of the rock that increased with depth.

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The maximum temperature recorded in Well 26-11 was 140°F. Though we had hoped for

higher temperatures, the temperature gradient, or change in temperature with depth is also very

important. The rate of increase of temperature with depth is one of the best indicators of the

quality of a potential geothermal resource. The temperature gradient obtained at Well 26-11

was 2°F/100 feet, which is considered a low temperature gradient. This may be due to the low

thermal conductivity of the conglomerate unit or lack of modern hydrothermal system in this

location. The West Foreland conglomerate, which is a sedimentary aggregate of lithified

pebbles and cobbles, is not a good conductor of heat and is not a high quality geothermal

reservoir rock.

Based on all previous geologic data from the region around Mt. Spurr, it was anticipated that

drilling in this area would intersect granitic bedrock at a relatively shallow depth. It was

surprising to Ormat as well as to several Alaskan geologists that we encountered over 3,000

feet of the West Foreland conglomerate and that we were not able to reach the underlying

granitic rocks. Hard, coherent basement rocks such as the granitic rocks are considered

optimal geothermal reservoir rocks because they hold preexisting fractures open rather than

collapsing, better transmitting hydrothermal fluids. Temperature gradients collected within

granitic rocks might also be slightly higher due to higher thermal conductivities.

Another factor that may suppress observed temperatures is the phenomenon of the “rain

curtain.” Large ice-clad volcanoes such as Mt. Spurr release large volumes of seasonal

snowmelt and glacial runoff. This ice-cold water infiltrates the ground, diluting potential high

temperatures of hydrothermal systems. The “rain curtain” effect has been observed at various

glacially covered volcanoes, such as in Cascadia. The hydrothermal systems beneath these

volcanoes are believed to be suppressed by the influx of the abundant cold water, and it may be

necessary to drill deeper beneath them to reach high temperature geothermal fluids. Though

this makes deep hydrothermal systems more difficult to access in some locations, the high

amount of precipitation and/or glacial/snow melt also provides a constant source of meteoric

water necessary to sustain a geothermal system.

Based on the low temperatures and poor reservoir rock encountered, Ormat concludes that the

likelihood of encountering commercial temperatures (>~350°F) at commercial depth (<~7,000

ft.) is low and is therefore that exploration focus should shift to the central part of the lease area.

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Section 2: Permitting and Environmental Analysis


2011 core drilling at Mt. Spurr was referred to for permitting purposes as “Phase 2b” and its exploration activities were conducted in accordance with the following authorizations and permits: ADNR Division of Oil and Gas - Lease Plan of Operations Update Phase 2 • Approval No. LOCI 10-005 Amendment 1 (Update) issued on May 26, 2011

ADNR Division of Mining, Land, and Water - Temporary Water Use Permit (TWUP) • Permit No. TWUP A2010-98 Amendment 2 issued on May 27, 2011

ADEC Division of Environmental Health - Drilling Waste Storage and Disposal • Waiver under 18 AAC 60.900(a)(1) approved on May 16, 2011 ADEC Division of Environmental Health – Temporary Camp Practices Permit • Permit No. 777770097 for Camp 1 location issued on June 6, 2011 ADF&G Division of Habitat - Fish Habitat Permit • Permit FH 10-II-0206 Amendment 2 issued on June 16, 2011 AOGCC - Permit to Drill • Permit No. 211-069 for Spurr West 26-11 issued on June 2, 2011

Environmental Analysis, including Hazard Assessment

Exploration crews working on Mt. Spurr made every effort to maintain the pristine nature of the

fieldwork areas. All personnel were made familiar with the Mitigation Measures and Lessee

Advisories outlined in the Mount Spurr Geothermal Lease Sale No. 3 Final Finding of the

Director released by the Alaska Department of Natural Resources, Division of Oil and Gas on

June 16, 2008. Multiple camp meetings and periodic inspections by the on-site operations

manager ensured compliance with these measures.

Little to no vegetation was cleared to install the base camp and the 2010 drill sites. The 2011

sites were cleared of dominantly resilient alders, which has cleared opening for future re-growth

of willow, improving migratory bird habitat.

Personnel and equipment were transported ~35 miles by helicopter from the village of Tyonek

to the base camp and drill sites on Mt. Spurr. The helicopter for the 2011 season was a small,

fuel efficient Robinson 44 capable of transporting 3 passengers. The helicopter pilot gave full

safety briefings on all flight operations to any new arrivals on site, and provided frequent safety

reminders at camp safety meetings, and throughout day to day operations. A small fuel cache

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was established at base camp to provide fuel for helicopter operations. The cache was

designed with secondary containment in accordance with ADEC regulations. Fuel or hazardous

substance containers with an aggregate storage capacity greater than 55 gallons were placed at

a minimum of several hundred feet away from any water bodies and drinking water sources.

The project site was protected from leaking or dripping fuel and hazardous substances during

equipment storage and maintenance by the placement of drip pans and other surface liners

designed to catch and hold fluids under the equipment, and by creating an area for storage or

maintenance using an impermeable liner. During fuel or hazardous substance transfer,

secondary containment or a surface liner was placed under all container or helicopter fuel tank

inlet and outlet points, hose connections, and hose ends. Spill kits sufficient to respond to spills

of up to five gallons were on hand during any transfer or handling of fuel or hazardous

substances. Trained personnel attended transfer operations at all times. Helicopter refueling

did not occur within the annual floodplain. All independent fuel and hazardous substance

containers were marked with the contents and Ormat or a contractor’s name using a permanent


Wildlife habitat

Ormat prepared a Bear / Wildlife Interaction Plan as part of its Lease Plan of Operations for its

Mt. Spurr Geothermal Exploration Project. The objective of this Plan was to ensure that the

effects of the project on wildlife and wildlife habitats within the project area would be minimized.

Practices and procedures aimed at preventing, minimizing or mitigating potential adverse effects

of the project on wildlife and wildlife habitats are outlined below. This plan focused on species

of interest that were identified during the environmental assessment process.

Species of interest for which specific mitigation measures have been developed include

migratory birds, golden and bald eagles, and grizzly bears. Other species such as moose,

wolverine, black bears, ground squirrels, red fox, mountain goats, resident birds, and Dall sheep

are considered using generalized mitigation measures.

The following regulations apply to the wildlife and wildlife habitats within the project area:

Migratory Birds

Under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA) (16 U.S.C. 703), it is illegal for anyone to “take”

migratory birds, their eggs, feathers or nests. “Take” includes by any means or in any manner,

any attempt at hunting, pursuing, wounding, killing, possessing or transporting any migratory

bird, nest, egg, or part thereof. In Alaska, all native birds except grouse and ptarmigan

(protected by the State of Alaska) are protected under the MBTA. The destruction of active bird

nests, eggs, or nestlings can result from mechanized land clearing, grubbing, and other site

preparation and construction activities and would violate the MBTA.

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Bald and golden eagles are protected under the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act (BGEPA:

16 U.S.C. 668-668c). All parties working in the vicinity of eagles are responsible for avoiding

the taking, “at any time in any manner (of) any bald eagle...or any golden eagle... or any part,

nest or egg thereof” (16 U.S.C. 688a). “Taking” is defined as to, "pursue, shoot, shoot at,

poison, wound, kill, capture, trap, collect, molest or disturb" (16 U.S.C. 688a). During the

nesting period (March 1 through August 31), eagles may be sensitive to noise and obtrusive

human activity in the vicinity of nest sites. Eagle nests occurring in the vicinity of any project

component, including borrow sources, roads, staging areas, etc. must be identified.


Under Alaska State Regulations, “you may kill game animals in defense of your life or property if

you did not provoke an attack or cause a problem by negligently leaving human food, animal

food or garbage in a manner that attracts wildlife and if you have done everything else you can

to protect your life and property.” In addition, baiting and feeding bears and other wild game by

photographers, tourists, hunters or others is prohibited by regulation (5 AAC 92.230) except for

trapping furbearers or hunting black bears consistent with regulations on black bear baiting [5

AAC 92.085(4)].

General Wildlife Mitigation

A number of general mitigation measures have been proposed to limit the effects of the project

on wildlife. These policies and practices were applied throughout Phase I and 2 activities of the

Mt. Spurr Geothermal Project and are aimed at minimizing or preventing wildlife problems

through the training of employees, management of food and garbage, treatment of problem

animals, and establishment of procedures and policies on wildlife management.

These general mitigation measures included the following:

• All company and contractor personnel were made aware of all permit compliance


• All company and contractor personnel were required to complete awareness training.

The training was designed to inform each person working on the project of

environmental, cultural, and social concerns and to ensure that personnel understand

and use techniques necessary to preserve geological, archaeological, and biological

resources. In addition, training sought to help personnel increase their sensitivity and

understanding of the community values, customs, and lifestyles in the project area.

• Additional specialized training in firearms, bear safety, and first aid was provided to

employees as needed.

• No activities, including camp set-up, occurred within 500 feet of any fish bearing


• Project personnel were instructed not to feed wildlife of any type or in any other way

attempt to attract or harass animals or birds.

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• Food was kept inside wildlife proof containers that minimize odors. Any grease, oils,

fuels, or antifreeze stored on-site were stored in bear-proof areas or containers.

• Waste was reduced, reused, or recycled to the maximum extent practicable. Garbage

and domestic combustibles were incinerated or hauled away daily whenever possible to

an approved site in accordance with 18 AAC 60.

• Dogs were not allowed on site.

• Personnel avoided all interactions with wildlife.

• Bear deterrents (yelling, air horns, and rubber bullets) were used in a few instances

when bears were too close to camp or the drill site. Bears departed the area when

deterrents were used.

• Firearms were available for use on site by authorized personnel only. Personal firearms

were not permitted on-site.

• No hunting or fishing by project personnel was permitted. Personal fishing gear was not

permitted on-site.

• Birds, nests, and eggs were left intact. One active nest was found near one of the

proposed drill sites, so the drill site was moved to provide a wide buffer around the nest.

Drill site was not used in 2011, however. (Full details below under Migratory Birds.)

• Surface entry was avoided within one-quarter mile of trumpeter swan nesting sites

between April 1 and August 31.


Migratory Birds:

Personnel were informed that all birds (except grouse and ptarmigan) are protected under the

Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA), and that grouse and ptarmigan are protected by the state.

Personnel were informed that they cannot touch or bother any birds, nests, eggs, etc.

As is recommended by USFWS, and as stated in our Wildlife Interaction Plan, we worked to

avoid land clearing, etc. during the bird nesting period between May 1 and July 15. In mid-May

of 2011, however, our work sites were still covered in snow, and no birds had begun nesting.

Thus USFWS provided verbal approval to Ormat to move ahead with site clearing. We were

able to clear our western work site (Spurr West, 26-11) promptly, however, after rapid snow melt

in late May, we had not yet completed the clearing of our eastern drill site (Spurr East, 84-11).

USFWS then granted us verbal approval to conduct a bird nest survey prior to any land clearing,

to avoid disturbing potential nests.

On June 3, HDR staff ecologist Chris Wrobel and Ormat Alaska representative Allison Payne

conducted a bird nest survey at drill site Spurr East 84-11. The nest survey covered an area of

approximately 200 x 300 feet, more than twice the area required for the drill site, plus an extra

approximately 100 x 100 feet around the landing zone. Within this area, one active bird nest

was found: a fox sparrow nest, containing 5 eggs. The nest was found approximately 50 feet to

the east of our proposed drill site. Chris Wrobel recommended a buffer zone approximately 75

feet in diameter. Therefore we moved our proposed drill site approximately 100 feet to the west.

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We flagged off a buffer zone 100 feet to the west of the nest, and proceeded clearing land to the

west of the buffer the next day. Clearing was completed within a few days. As it turned out, site

84-11 was never drilled in the 2011 season.


Personnel were informed to look for eagle nests when beginning work in a new area. No eagle

nests were seen during 2010 or 2011 operations. There were a small number of eagle sitings in

the camp/drill rig area in the 2011 season, when the birds were observed flying over the area,

but the birds were generally not seen at close enough range to determine exact species.

The USFWS had previously conducted aerial surveys in the Mt. Spurr area (September, 2010)

to document the presence/absence of eagles in potential nesting habitat. No bald or golden

eagle nests were observed during the survey. One unidentified eagle (an immature) was

observed flying in a gorge about 1.5 miles NE of current drilling operations. USFWS did not

recommend a second survey for spring of 2011 since the project appears to have minimal

potential for disturbance to nesting eagles due to: 1) disturbance associated with the type of

work is minimal, and 2) lack of nesting eagles in the area.

Cultural and Historical Sites

No cultural or historic sites were encountered during the 2010 or 2011 operations.

Hazard Assessment

INHERENT MT. SPURR HAZARDS Mt. Spurr is an active stratovolcano in Alaska’s Aleutian Volcanic Arc, it’s most recent eruptive

activity occurring in 1992. As an active volcano, Mt. Spurr possesses numerous sources of

geologic hazards. See Figure 4 below for a summary hazard map from the USGS/AVO

‘Preliminary Volcano-Hazard Assessment for Mt. Spurr Volcano, Alaska’ [Open-File Report 01-

482]. The red oval shows the location of our 2010/2011 base camp.

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Figure 4: Volcano Hazard Assessment for Mt Spurr (Waythomas & Nye)

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Volcanic hazards that could affect Ormat’s operations include:

VOLCANIC ASH AND BOMBS – Hazard from ash clouds include not only the fine particles

lofted into the atmospheric column, but the threat of large fall-out volumes onto the flanks.

Some of this fall-out may also be larger diameter (~8cm-2m) volcanic bombs more proximal

(within several kilometers) to the vent.

LAHARS AND FLOODING – Lahars are fluidized rock and soil from the flanks of the volcano

that are mobilized during eruptions due to interaction of flank snow and ice with hot erupted

material. These types of debris flows generally run down previous drainages, but can also lead

to damming and thus eventual flooding. Lahar deposition at Mt. Spurr could potentially reach

20-40 km east of the edifice.

DEBRIS AVALANCHES – Debris avalanches are rock and soil mobilized downslope due to

flank collapse, slope failure, intense seismic activity or other catastrophic events. These

avalanches generally occur during eruptive phases however collapse can occur during

quiescence due to slope instability from weakened flank rocks (due to long term hydrothermal

alteration of the edifice). Debris avalanches may reach between 15 and 30 km east or west of

the edifice.

PYROCLASTIC FLOWS – Pyroclastic flows are mixtures of very hot (several hundred degrees

Celsius) volcanic gases, ash, and debris that travel down-slope from the vent; higher gas

volumes leads to great velocities. Pyroclastic flows at Mt. Spurr could reach upwards of 20-

25km distant from the edifice and would be lethal to anything in their paths.

D IRECTED BLASTS – These blasts are a direct result of total flank failure (that uncaps the

internal vent system) in a particular direction, similar to the well-known Mt. St. Helens directed

blast of 1980. While rare in the life of a volcano, one such blast has been documented for

ancestral Mt. Spurr and thus is possible for the future of this edifice. A large directed blast could

affect a radius of between 25 and 30 km from the edifice.

LAVA FLOWS – Lava flows tend to erupt from the vent after the initial explosive activity has

paused or ceased. Lava flows at Mt. Spurr tend to be very viscous (thick) and slow moving, as

opposed to the “river of lava” type of flow observed, for instance, at Hawaiian volcanoes. Mt.

Spurr-type lava movement would generally be measured at meters per day, rather than

kilometers per hour, and would tend to follow predictable drainage patterns.

EARTHQUAKES – Mt. Spurr’s location within the active tectonic regime of the Upper Cook Inlet

makes it susceptible to both volcanic and tectonic-induced earthquakes. While major events

(greater than 6.0) are not known to occur regularly, events greater than 3.0 (that which can be

reliably felt by humans) are common – especially during periods of unrest, pre-eruption and of

course syn-eruption.

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Another source of geologic hazard unrelated to volcanism is simple SNOW AVALANCHES . The

large volume of ice and snow on Mt. Spurr renders significant potential avalanche hazards to

winter and spring-time operations downslope from the steep southern faces of the Mt. Spurr


Mt. Spurr’s Recent Eruptive History

Mt. Spurr is an active stratovolcano, its most recent eruptions occurring in 1953 and 1992. The

high cone summit of Mt. Spurr is an ancient vent that has not been active for several thousand

years. The currently active vent is Crater Peak, to the south of the summit along the northern

boundary of Ormat’s geothermal leases (Figure 2). The 1992 eruption of Crater Peak sent

plumes of volcanic ash thousands of feet into the atmosphere, depositing enough ash in

Anchorage, 80 miles to the east, to shut down the airport. At times during this explosive phase

of the eruption, ash was measured to an altitude of 14 km (46,000 ft.), and ash was blown as far

away as Manley Hot Springs, 264 mi (425 km) north of the volcano.

As the eruption progressed, avalanches of hot debris cascading down the south flank of Crater

Peak mixed with snow to form lahars that reached the Chakachatna River. Successive

pyroclastic flows formed overlapping tongues of coarse debris that coursed down the slopes of

Crater Peak and funneled into preexisting drainages. The farthest-traveled pyroclastic flows

moved about 1.8 mi (3 km) from the crater rim, descending more than 3280 ft. (1000 m) in

elevation. This eruption also blasted large blocks up to 3.3 feet (1 m) across in a concentrated

zone of fallout up to 1.9 miles (3 km) southeast of Crater Peak, and blocks and bombs up to 6

miles (10 km) from the Crater Peak vent.

This recent eruption from Crater Peak deposited pyroclastic material and debris flows/lahars in

the area immediately surrounding the vent. Much of these deposits are located within Ormat’s

lease area. If a geothermal power plant is built on Mt. Spurr, every effort would be made to

locate the plant as far as possible from the active vent of Crater Peak, outside of the zone of

highest volcanic hazards. However, any power plant built at Mt. Spurr would necessarily be

subject to possible hazards.

ORMAT EXPERIENCE AND MITIGATION There are many geothermal power facilities worldwide located around or near active volcanoes,

and exploration has been performed in many of these settings by the geothermal industry.

Ormat currently operates a 30 MW geothermal facility, operating since 1993, in a volcanically

active area on the Big Island of Hawaii as well as plants near volcanoes at Momotombo,

Nicaragua, and Zunil and Amatitlan in Guatemala. We maintain contact with monitoring

agencies in each of these locations (the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory [HVO] at our Puna plant

in Hawaii and the in-country volcanological institutes in both Nicaragua [INETER] and

Guatamala [INSIVUMEH]).

Exploration drilling on Mt. Spurr has thus far been focused within the eastern portion of the

leases, farthest from the active Crater Peak. The topography and potential road access in the

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eastern portion is also a more favorable location for engineering a power plant. This would be a

preferable location for power plant construction, but resource availability and risk mitigation

dictate final location. During exploration it is beneficial to drill wells in a more widespread region

around the flanks of Mt. Spurr, including closer to Crater Peak, in order to understand the entire

hydrothermal system at Mt. Spurr.

Fortunately Mt. Spurr is one of the best monitored volcanoes in the world. The Alaska Volcano

Observatory (AVO) maintains a total of 17 volcano monitoring stations on and around Mt. Spurr.

As magma rises beneath a volcanic edifice prior to eruption, the pressurized magma and gases

cause rocks to break at depth, creating small earthquakes. The movement of the magma and

associated hot fluids and gases can also create seismic signals. This seismicity is one of the

best early indicators of volcanic activity. AVO maintains 17 extremely sensitive seismometers

which can detect even the most subtle seismicity beneath the volcano. The seismic network

displays the data in real-time at AVO headquarters in Anchorage.

In addition to the seismic stations, there are several other monitoring methods in use by AVO.

Geodetic monitoring stations measure inflation of the edifice in the event of an accumulation of

magma at depth. Remote cameras directed at Mt. Spurr allow AVO personnel to observe any

possible variation in normal background activity at the volcano, such as landslides or increased

steaming. Satellite imagery analysis is also carried out by AVO staff twice daily to look for the

presence of ash or increased thermal flux at the volcano.

A well-monitored volcano like Mt. Spurr will generally provide weeks to months of early warning

prior to an eruption, allowing ample time for project personnel to depart the area. Nevertheless,

Ormat has taken extra precautions to protect the health and safety of crews working on this

active volcano. During field operations at Mt. Spurr, emergency contact information was

exchanged between Ormat crews and AVO personnel, each side able to share any pertinent

observations relating to possible volcanic unrest. On-site Ormat personnel reviewed Mt. Spurr

seismicity data every day while crews were in the field. Project personnel were briefed on

potential volcanic hazards, and an escape route was established. In addition, a project

helicopter was on site at all times in the event of emergencies.

Non-Volcanic Hazards

With regards to avalanche hazard and other extreme weather, exploration work at Mt. Spurr

was conducted primarily during months when the weather was more temperate. This is

generally between late May and September. The base camp was established far enough away

from the mountain to enable crews to ride out weather events at the exploration site, if and

when they may occur. This includes potential avalanche episodes in the early spring. Though

our leases rise to elevations of greater than 7,000 ft., much of our land to the south is at less

than 1,500 ft. allowing for easier occupation of the site in all weather.

Unexploded Ordinance

As detailed in the 2010 Multi-Agency Completion Report, Mt. Spurr was used as a firing range

from the 1940’s through the 1950’s. The US military came through and cleared the area, but

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there are some possible unexploded ordinances (UXOs) that remain on the mountain. Visual

inspection and metal detectors have been used in the process of clearing camp and drill sites to

detect possible UXOs. Mt. Spurr crews discussed the UXO issue during camp safety meetings,

and all personnel were informed of how to identify, avoid contact with, and report on the

discovery of any UXOs. During the 2011 season, several suspected UXOs were discovered

around the upper flanks of the mountain, mostly by helicopter, and their locations were recorded

and reported to the DNR.

Health and Safety

Personnel with EMT and /or Wilderness First Aid and CPR training were on site at all times

during the 2010/2011 season. In terms of health and safety, there were no reportable spills

during the project and there were no injuries or accidents.

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Section 3: Cost of Energy and Market Analysis

The Mount Spurr geothermal power plant, if developed, would serve customers in the Railbelt.

The Railbelt is unique among regions in the United States in that its cost curve for electricity and

heat is highly dependent on one source of fuel, namely natural gas produced in the Cook Inlet.

Thus, any easing to future supply disruptions in this source can potentially result in significant

benefits that would not necessarily be experienced if such a project was located in the mainland


Communities served by the Railbelt utilities are heavily reliant on natural gas resources

produced in-state. On page 35 of the Mount Spurr Geothermal Lease Sale No. 3; Final Finding

of the Director. Alaska Department of Natural Resources Division of Oil and Gas: June 16,

2008, the Alaska Department of Natural Resources concluded that “Although current electrical

demand is largely met by natural gas, gas reserves are finite and eventually Southcentral

Alaska will have to find another energy source. Geothermal development resulting from this

lease sale could contribute to the area’s future energy supplies. Additionally, introduction of a

competing energy source in Southcentral Alaska may result in downward natural gas price

pressure on local utilities.”

Figure 5: Cook Inter Natural Gas Production

Figure 5 above demonstrates the forecast for supply shortages in Cook Inlet natural gas in the near future. The source is the Alaska Energy Authority - Alaska Fuel Price Projections 2011-2030. January 25, 2011:

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Natural gas production in the Cook Inlet is depleting rapidly, generating concerns over future

supplies for both electricity and heating. By the time Mount Spurr will be available, natural gas

supply may be in critical shortage. Thus, a 50-100 MW average, net to the grid, renewable

base-load energy project will help bridge the gap and help stabilize energy prices by offsetting

the need to use these natural gas supplies for electricity production and will free considerable

amounts of natural gas for heating.

Figure 6: Projected fuel for Southcentral Alaska 2011-2030

In the final Alaska Railbelt Regional Integrated Resource Plan (RIRP) Study released in February 2010, Mount Spurr was the only geothermal resource considered as available to the Railbelt region.

The report noted how the Railbelt in Alaska is unique in that it is removed from major domestic

sources of natural gas, including the North Slope of Alaska, and mainland markets. Thus,

options are limited for baseload power to Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG), hydro-electric, coal,

municipal solid waste, nuclear power, or geothermal power. Intermittent sources such as wind

and tidal are prospective, but require baseload generation to back them up. There is particular

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concern for how to accommodate significant amounts of wind into the grid, given that the

Railbelt remains a relatively small market overall.

Biomass is limited by biomass fuel stocks, which may not be available at economies of scale,

and as a result, aren’t analyzed in the report.

LNG and nuclear power require significant cost, infrastructure, and time constraints. Hydro-

electric remains site dependent and requires significant time constraints and initial capital costs

towards development. The major hydro-electric project option, the Susitna Dam has its own

environmental challenges, according to the report, and would cost between $4.1 billion and $10

billion and would take over a decade to complete. Coal-fired power plants remain an attractive

option based on price, but environmental issues and the potential for environmental opposition

and carbon pricing are a limiting factor.

In the study, the estimated cost of wholesale power for any option will be $164.10/MWh to

$206.80/MWh by 2025.

That being said, at present the cost of electric power in the Railbelt is significantly lower than in

rural Alaska, at well below $100/MWh, although this price is expected to go up as natural gas

supply declines. With these kinds of estimates, Mount Spurr is in an advantageous position to

provide baseload electric generation at the lowest end of the price scale, should a commercially

viable resource be identified.

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Section 4: Simple Economic Analysis

Our preliminary cost estimates for a geothermal power plant indicate:

• Size: 50 -100 MW net, on a yearly average basis

• CAPEX: $5,000-$6,000 / kW

• All inclusive O&M costs (incl. royalties, property taxes, etc): $35-$55/MWh

• Target placement in service date: 2017-18

• Required power sales price: $120-$130/MWh with a 1.5% yearly escalator

Additional benefits to the Railbelt should this power plant be constructed:

• Price is guaranteed, regardless of commodity prices (e.g. natural gas) for the lifetime of

the power purchase agreement, expected at 25 years

• This will we be a base-load plant that will help relieve the demand for depleting natural

gas. The project will displace some $3,000,000 MMBtu of natural gas each year

• Energy produced will be clean with near zero emissions, minimal surface and visual

impact and will not consume water. The geothermal fluids will be 100% re-injected into

the reservoir to ensure its sustainability

• The stated power price includes the value of renewable energy credits and other green


• The plant will create over 100 jobs during construction and will create dozens of high

quality permanent jobs in this rural part of Alaska

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Section 5: Summary and Recommendations

After our first two years of exploration, Ormat recommends more closely evaluating the potential

for geothermal development in the Crater Creek area in the central portion of our leases. To

date, Ormat’s exploration drilling has focused on the eastern portion of the leases, where

volcanic hazard and infrastructure costs are considered lower. Drilling results in the eastern

area are encouraging from an alteration and structural standpoint but disappointing in terms of

temperature and reservoir quality. Temperatures were lower than anticipated, and we

intersected 3,400 feet of conglomerate, which is expected to provide poor reservoir

rock. However, geologic investigations and all geophysical surveys cover the entire lease

area. From these studies, the Crater Creek area is considered to have the highest probability to

provide an economically viable resource.

Exploration in the Crater Creek Area

Shallower geothermal resources are more likely to be located closer to the active volcanic vent

of Crater Peak in the central portion of the leases. The areas along the drainages beneath

Crater Peak show the most potential for active hydrothermal systems at depth. Numerous high

temperature surface expressions of a deeper geothermal system are present in the Crater

Creek area, including 60-80°F rivers, hot springs up to 104°F, abundant warm seeps, and

anomalously warm glacial runoff. Alteration of the rocks in the area, geochemistry, and active

faulting also suggest that this area could reveal an economically viable geothermal resource.

There is much to be learned about Mt. Spurr’s geothermal potential by drilling in the Crater

Creek area. The chances of drilling into the hydrothermal system are significantly greater here,

and to intersect the system at depth could (1) prove the existence of a geothermal resource at

Mt. Spurr; (2) help us to understand the geochemistry of the Mt. Spurr hydrothermal system; (3)

greatly improve and constrain the model for the plumbing (faults/structure) of the hypothesized

geothermal system; and (4) more precisely be able to determine potential reservoir


Ormat had plans to drill this area in the 2010 season, but the plans were cut short when the

onset of winter weather ended the drilling season. One potential drill site in the area was

already cleared of vegetation in 2010, and plans for the drill pad layout were made. Access to

this area would be similar to other drill sites, and wells at Crater Creek could be drilled with the

fly-in rigs. Foggy conditions in the Chakachamna River valley may pose less of a logistical

challenge in this area than in the lower elevation drill site of 2011.

Ormat has not concentrated efforts in this central portion of the lease area earlier on, however,

because this area is at a higher risk for geologic hazards. Potential volcanic hazards in the area

around Crater Creek include ash fall, pyroclastic flows, lahars, rock falls, and more.

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Ormat wishes to consider options for exploration and possible development in the Crater Creek

area. Ormat plans to enlist a team of geologists, including Alaskan volcanologists and

engineers to evaluate potential power plant locations and field design in this central lease area.

If it is deemed possible to engineer a low-risk power plant there, Ormat will recommend moving

forward to further exploratory drilling near Crater Creek, probably in 2013.

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Appendix A: Selected Photographs from 2011 Exploration Activities

Hard hats at the ready to receive sling

load during mobilization of Well 26-11.

Mt. Spurr 2011 basecamp in light fog.

Rare sunny day at Well 26-11.

Geochemist Laura Garchar sampling

spring water on the flanks of Mt. Spurr.

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“Warm seeps” along the walls of Crater Canyon are host to thermophilic algae.

Close-up of core section, West Foreland


Thermophilic monkey flowers thrive along 70°F streams in Crater Canyon.

One of many loads of core ready for

