Page 1: Motion Guided Region Message Passing for Video Captioning

Motion Guided Region Message Passing for Video Captioning

Shaoxiang Chen and Yu-Gang Jiang∗

Shanghai Key Lab of Intelligent Information Processing, School of Computer Science, Fudan UniversityShanghai Collaborative Innovation Center on Intelligent Visual Computing

{sxchen13, ygj}


Video captioning is an important vision task and hasbeen intensively studied in the computer vision community.Existing methods that utilize the fine-grained spatial infor-mation have achieved significant improvements, however,they either rely on costly external object detectors or do notsufficiently model the spatial/temporal relations. In this pa-per, we aim at designing a spatial information extractionand aggregation method for video captioning without theneed of external object detectors. For this purpose, we pro-pose a Recurrent Region Attention module to better extractdiverse spatial features, and by employing Motion-GuidedCross-frame Message Passing, our model is aware of thetemporal structure and able to establish high-order rela-tions among the diverse regions across frames. They jointlyencourage information communication and produce com-pact and powerful video representations. Furthermore, anAdjusted Temporal Graph Decoder is proposed to flexiblyupdate video features and model high-order temporal rela-tions during decoding. Experimental results on three bench-mark datasets: MSVD, MSR-VTT, and VATEX demonstratethat our proposed method can outperform state-of-the-artmethods.

1. IntroductionAutomatically generating sentences to describe video

contents, i.e., video captioning, has been attracting re-search attention from both the computer vision and nat-ural language processing communities. From the visionperspective, extracting and fully utilizing the informationcontained in the video is the key of improving video cap-tioning. Recent advancements of video captioning meth-ods [6, 16, 55, 26, 50, 57, 58] can also be mainly attributedto the exploration of more fine-grained spatial informationwithin the video frames. An representative example, ORG-TRL [57] (Fig. 1 (c)), detects spatial bounding boxes of theimportant objects with an external object detector [32] and

∗Corresponding author.

Types (a) Grid-based (b) Region-based (c) Object-based

Lowest low high








Numberof Regions


… 𝑇𝑇 FramesDecoding





Feature map

Figure 1. Illustration of video captioning methods with differenttypes of fine-grained spatial information extraction strategies: (a)Grid-based: e.g., MGSA [6], attends to one region per frame.(b) Region-based: our proposed method, extracts multiple regionsand performs message passing to conduct relation modeling. (c)Object-based: e.g., ORG-TRL [57], can extract multiple regionson each frame and model their relations, but are computationallyless efficient due to the use of object detectors.

then builds an object relation graph to model the relationsamong all the objects. Objects together with their relationsare undoubtedly crucial for video captioning, because theobject interactions can be explicitly captured and lead to abetter understanding of the video contents.

However, it is costly to extract localized object featuresby object detection and pretrained object detectors can notgeneralize well to animated or video game contents in somedatasets [46]. The recent research of Jiang et al. [17]compares grid-based and object region-based features, andshows that incorporating object detectors into image visualquestion answering models can significantly slow down themodels by 4.6 to 23.8 times, while using such object fea-tures does not bring significant advantages (in terms of ac-curacy) over using plain CNN feature maps (or grid fea-tures). They also conclude that the semantic content thatfeatures represent is more critical than the format of fea-tures. Besides, incorporating an object detector requiresdensely annotated external data and also increases the fi-


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nal model size of the whole system. Inspired by [17], werevisit grid features for video-and-language models with afocus on video captioning, and preliminarily explore its ap-plication for temporal sentence localization in videos.

In fact, utilizing grid features is widely adopted by recentvideo captioning methods [6, 51, 21, 49, 43, 33]. They usu-ally calculate one spatial attention map for each CNN fea-ture map (Fig. 1 (a)) to capture the most salient object, thenspatially aggregate each feature map into a condensed fea-ture vector. The core of these methods is emphasizing oneimportant region1 in each video frame, and their major dif-ferences are in the ways to compute spatial attentions. Butthe problem with these methods is that only one region is at-tended in each frame, so some information may be missed,and there is no way to model the interactions among differ-ent regions. In this respect, the advantages of object-basedmethods [50, 16, 57, 55, 26, 58] are 1) the detected objectscan comprehensively capture multiple regions of interest,and 2) the relation modeling among objects.

To tackle the issues existed in previous grid feature-based methods, we propose Recurrent Region Attention toextract multiple diverse regions from each video frame anddesign Motion Guided Cross-Frame Message Passing toencourage the interaction and information communicationamong regions of consecutive frames. Moreover, we pro-pose Adjusted Temporal Graph Decoder, which updates thehigh-order temporal relations among video features basedon the decoding state to more flexibly form compact videorepresentations. So that our method possesses the two es-sential factors of object-based methods (Fig. 1 (b)). We alsonote that the goal of this paper is not to refute the use ofobject detectors or to reach a compromise between compu-tational cost and accuracy. Instead, we aim at fully utilizingthe semantic content in grid features to further explore itspotentials and scope of application.

The contributions are summarized as follows: (1) Weproposed Recurrent Region Attention and Motion GuidedCross-Frame Message Passing, which jointly are a newmethod of extracting and encoding fine-grained spatial in-formation for video captioning. (2) We proposed AdjustedTemporal Graph Decoder, which is a more flexible cap-tioning decoder that can adjust video features based onhigh-order temporal relations. (3) We tested our proposedmethod on the popular MSVD and MSR-VTT datasets andthe newly-released VATEX dataset, and achieved state-of-the-art video captioning performances on all datasets.

2. Related WorkWe provide a brief review of video captioning methods

with the focus on methods that use grid and object features.1We use the term ‘region’ to refer to an area in a feature map, usu-

ally represented by an attention distribution, where some grids are deemedmore important than the others.

Multimodal Fusion. A small number of deep learning-based video captioning methods use only one type of fea-ture [27, 35, 28, 42] from a single modality. Fusing fea-tures from multiple modalities (visual, motion, audio, andsemantics) is a common strategy adopted by most videocaptioning methods. Their differences are in ‘how to fuse’.Soft-attention is a straightforward way to dynamically as-sign importance weights to each modality and then com-bine them [14, 47, 56, 25]. Several methods [44, 31] usememory to organize multimodal features and the languagedecoder reads from the memory slots via attention when de-coding a specific word. If the method is focused on the fea-ture encoding or language decoding, they may adopt sim-ple strategies such as concatenation to combine multimodalfeatures [1, 15, 5, 59]. There are a group of methods thatfocus on designing complex multimodal fusion strategies.HOCA [18] is a method that can efficiently perform high-order cross-modal attention for up to three modalities. POS-CG [41] designs a cross-gating network to dynamically in-corporate multimodal features into the language decoder.SibNet [24] consists of two branches for processing visualcontent and semantics separately, and both branches are su-pervised by regularizing objectives. In our method, multi-modal fusion is implicitly performed during the MGCMP.

Spatial Attention on Grid Features. The idea ofspatially attending to grid features to dynamically selectrelevant features was originally proposed for image cap-tioning [48]. DMRM [51] is an early attempt at adap-tively selecting regions-of-interest for the video frames, andit further incorporates a Dual Memory Recurrent Model(DMRM) to model the temporal dependencies of the aggre-gated features. MAM-RNN [21] is another contemporarymethod, and it establishes sequential temporal connectionsof the attended regions by recurrently passing spatial atten-tion weights. SAM [43] first predicts salient regions in eachframe and then spatially aggregate foreground and back-ground grid features with VLAD. Similarly, SeqVLAD [49]directly aggregates grid features of each frame, except thatits VLAD assignment parameters are produced by a recur-rent CNN so there are temporal connections among frames.VRE [33] first identifies the key frames of a video and thenspatially aggregates the grid features of key frames to gener-ate captions. MGSA [6] uses motion information extractedfrom optical flows to guide the computation of spatial atten-tion on grid features, and the attention maps are temporallyconnected via a recurrent unit. However, the common prob-lem of these methods is that they attend to each frame onlyonce and the features obtained from each frame lack diver-sity, and this further leads to their inability to perform in-teractions among the attended regions. A recent study [22]has shown that densely sampled rectangular areas can formpowerful representations for a variety of tasks including im-age captioning. But for videos, such exhaustive enumera-


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the dog dribbled the ball and made a basket.

Recurrent Region Attention (RRA)



Motion Guided Cross-Frame Message Passing (MGCMP) Adjusted Temporal Graph Decoder (ATGD)













… …

Grid Motion Features𝑢𝑢𝑎𝑎𝐹𝐹𝑠𝑠−1

𝑚𝑚𝑎𝑎+1 𝑟𝑟𝑎𝑎+1




Frame 𝑡𝑡

Frames𝑡𝑡 → 𝑡𝑡 + 1

Relation: Spatial (one-order) Relation: Spatial (high-order), Temporal (one-order) Relation: Temporal (high-order)


𝐺𝐺𝑠𝑠−1 𝐺𝐺𝑠𝑠


Figure 2. Overview of our proposed method, which has three module: (1) the Recurrent Region Attention (Sec. 3.1, RRA) that extractsdiverse visual features from the feature map of each frame; (2) the Motion Guided Cross-Frame Message Passing (Sec. 3.2, MGCMP) totemporally pass information of the region features through motion guided interaction; (3) the Adjusted Temporal Graph Decoder (Sec. 3.3,ATGD) to further encourage high-order interactions of the video features by adjusting the graph structure conditioned on the decodingstate, and finally generates caption words. One-order and high-order spatial/temporal relations are modeled properly in these modules.

tion of all possible rectangular areas can lead to unafford-able GPU memory usage and computational cost. Our pro-posed method aims to solve the lack of region diversity andinteraction to obtain better video representations.

Utilizing Detected Objects. Object interaction has beenconsidered in image captioning methods [53, 29, 20], butfor videos, the spatial-temporal interactions among objectsare more complex and challenging. Most recent methodsfor video captioning adopt pretrained object detectors to ex-tract object features and model the interactions among ob-jects. HTM [16] and STAT [50] simply extract object regionfeatures as a type of local feature and perform soft-attentionto aggregate them. OA-BTG [55] builds a bidirectional tem-poral graph to model the temporal dynamics of the objectsand aggregate object features by VLAD. STG [26] buildsboth a spatial graph among the objects in the same frameand a temporal graph across frames, and updates object fea-tures by applying graph convolutions. The updated objectfeatures are spatially average-pooled. SAAT [58] incor-porates spatial location into objects’ regional features andmodels pairwise object relations by a dot-product attention.ORG-TRL [57] similarly models the pair-wise object re-lation by a dot-product attention, then the updated objectfeatures are temporally connected by similarity and aggre-gated via temporal attention followed by spatial attention.These methods usually achieve better performances thanmethods that use grid features, the most distinctive differ-ence is that diverse object regions can be extracted and thepair-wise interactions among objects are explicitly modeledhere. Thus in this paper, we mainly focus on the messagepassing among the extracted regions to encourage their in-teraction and information communication, and the spatialand temporal high-order relation modeling are decoupled.

3. MethodologyAs shown in Figure 2, the proposed method can be

divided into three sequential steps: extract, interact, andgenerate. First, the Recurrent Region Attention extractsregion-wise localized features from video frames; second,the Motion Guided Cross-Frame Message Passing allowsthe features to interact and communicate information acrosstime; finally, the Adjusted Temporal Graph Decoder gener-ates caption words by flexibly updating and aggregating thevideo features. We will show the details of these modulesin the following subsections.

3.1. Recurrent Region AttentionGiven a video, we extract spatial feature maps for its uni-

formly sampled T frames from pre-trained CNNs [34, 13,36], forming a grid feature sequence V = {v1, ...,vT },where vt ∈ RLv×Cv , and Lv = Hv × Wv and Cv is thenumber of spatial grids and channels, respectively. Dif-ferent from previous methods that spatially attend to eachframe only once, the goal of recurrent region attention is toextract multiple diverse region features for each frame. Foreasier implementation, we fix the number of regions in eachframe to N , and the computation of the n-th region featurefor the t-th frame is formulated as follows.

We first compute a guidance vector 2 gt,n ∈ Rdg basedon the globally average-pooled feature vt ∈ RCv and theprevious region feature rt,n−1 ∈ RCv :

gt,n = ReLU(Wg([Wvvt, rt,n−1])), (1)

where Wg and Wv are learnable weights and [.] denotestensor concatenation along their last axis. Then an attention

2Bold symbols denote multi-dimensional tensors, and we index theiraxes using comma-separated subscripts or square bracket-enclosed indicesfollowing the programming convention of Pytorch.


Page 4: Motion Guided Region Message Passing for Video Captioning

distribution over each location of the spatial feature map iscalculated:

αt,n,l = Watt(tanh(Wgαgt,n +Wvαvt,l)),

αt,n = Softmax([αt,n,1, ...,αt,n,Lv ]),(2)

where Watt, Wgα, and Wvα are learnable weights, andαt,n,l is a scalar. Finally, the n-th region feature is obtainedvia a weighted-sum of each grid feature.

rt,n =∑Lv

l=1αt,n,lvt,l. (3)

The diversity of the regions are enforced by a diversity loss

Ldiv =∑Tt=1 ||AtA

>t − λI||,

where At ∈ RN×N , At[i, j] = αt,i ·αt,j ,(4)

· denotes dot-product, I is an identity matrix, and λ is atunable hyperparameter. By constraining the non-diagonalelements in the attention matrices At to be small, differentattentions can have less overlap. λ controls the ‘softness’of the attention distributions, if λ is close to 1, each atten-tion distributionαt,i tends to be one-hot, i.e., becomes hardattention.

3.2. Motion Guided Cross-Frame Message PassingThe RRA have extracted diverse region features from

each frame and simultaneously modeled intra-frame rela-tions via the recurrent dependency. Passing informationacross frames has been proven effective for video cap-tioning, and the goal of MGCMP is to establish temporalconnections among the regions and encourage informationcommunication across frames. Inspired by the MessagePassing Neural Network framework [11], we iteratively up-date the N region features from each frame rt, but at eachtime step, the message passing is performed between twoconsecutive frames, instead of within the same graph [11].

The message passing runs for T steps, and each step in-cludes message calculation and message updating:

mt = Mt(rt,ut,A(m)t ),

rt+1 = Ut(rt+1,mt,A(u)t ).


During the calculation phase Mt(·), we introduce motionguidance U = {u1, ...,uT }, where ut ∈ RLu×Cu is asummary of temporal dynamics between frames t and t+1,to compensate for the information loss due to frame sam-pling. For simplicity, the motion features are in grid form,and A(m)

t is a dynamically-computed affinity matrix. Dur-ing the updating phase Ut(·), the regions of frame t+ 1 ab-sorb calculated messages mt according to a dynamic affin-ity matrix A(u)

t . rt+1 is the updated region features andwill be passed to the next step. The process of one messagepassing step is illustrated in Fig. 3. We then formulate eachstep in detail.




𝑚𝑚𝑡𝑡+1 �𝑟𝑟𝑡𝑡+1

⨁⨂⨁𝑁𝑁 × 𝐶𝐶𝑣𝑣 𝑁𝑁 × 𝐶𝐶𝑣𝑣

𝑁𝑁 × 𝐶𝐶𝑣𝑣

𝑁𝑁 × 𝐶𝐶𝑣𝑣

𝐿𝐿𝑢𝑢 × 𝐶𝐶𝑢𝑢

𝑁𝑁 × 𝐿𝐿𝑢𝑢 𝑁𝑁 × 𝑁𝑁


𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢 𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴


Message calculation Message updating


Figure 3. Illustration of the Motion Guided Cross Frame MessagePassing.

⊕denotes element-wise addition and

⊗denotes matrix


Message calculation. First, the dynamic affinity matrixbetween the regions and motion grids is computed as:

A(m)t [n, l] = ReLU(Wrmrt,n) · ReLU(Wumut,l),

A(m)t [n, l] = Softmaxc(A

(m)t [n, l])


(m)t [n, l])∑Lu

l=1 exp(A(m)t [n, l])



whereWrm andWum are learnable weights, and the func-tion Softmaxc denotes a softmax operation along the col-umn axis. A(m)

t allows each region feature to collect com-plementary information from motion grids to complete it-self, thus carrying richer information to the next sampledframe. Then we compute the message for each region byaggregating information from the motion grids:

mt,n = rt,n +∑Lu

l=1A(m)t [n, l]Womut,l, (7)

where Wom is a learnable weight matrix used to trans-form motion features into the same dimensionality as re-gion features. The formulation is similar to self-attentionnetworks [39], and we also find that adding a multi-layerperceptron (MLP) to the message output is helpful.

Message updating. The calculated messages are thenpassed to the region nodes of the next frame to update thenodes. Similarly, each node of the next frame rt+1,i picksrelevant messages via the affinity matrix:

A(u)t [i, j] = ReLU(Wrurt+1,i) · ReLU(Wuumt,j),

A(u)t [i, j] = Softmaxc(A

(u)t [i, j])


(u)t [i, j])∑n

j=1 exp(A(u)t [i, j])



where Wru and Wuu are learnable weights. Then we ob-tain the updated node feature by aggregating its relevantmessages:

rt+1,i = rt+1,i +∑nj=1A

(u)t [i, j]Wofmt,j , (9)

where Wof is a learnable weight matrix. Compared toORG-TRL [57], which either isolates each frame or roughly


Page 5: Motion Guided Region Message Passing for Video Captioning

merge all frames into a single graph, our MGCMP respectsthe inherent temporal structure and models high-order spa-tial relations among the regions. Since the caption decoderneeds a compact video representation for efficient decoding,we aggregate regions of each frame:

ft+1 = AGG({rt+1,i}Ni=1), (10)

where AGG(·) is a region feature aggregation function.While there exist multiple choices for AGG(·) , in our design,a simple mean-pooling along the region axis can achievesatisfactory performance. The updated region features F ={f1, ...,fT } ∈ RT×Cv are inputs to the caption decoder.

3.3. Adjusted Temporal Graph DecoderThe goal of the caption generation module is temporally

aggregating the video features and forming a more com-pact representation as the input to each decoding step, butthe most widely-adopted aggregation method [52] does notmodel high-order temporal relations of the video features.In addition to the one-order temporal relation in MGCMP,we introduce Adjusted Temporal Graph Decoder (ATGD), amodule which incorporates graph adjustment [54] to estab-lish high-order temporal relations among the video featuresand also adjust the features based on the decoder states.

The caption decoding runs for S steps. The ATGD con-sists of a stacked LSTM network and an adjusted graph con-volution network. As demonstrated in Figure 2, we showthe formulation of a single decoding step here. The high-order temporal relations of the features {f1, ...,fT } are rep-resented by a dynamic graph, defined by the adjacency ma-trixGs ∈ RT×T . With the basic form of graph convolution,we iteratively update the video feature representation F :

Fs = ReLU(Gs−1Fs−1WG), (11)

where WG ∈ RCv×Cv is a learnable weight matrix, F0 =F , and G0 is an identity matrix to emphasize self-relationat the beginning. The updated video features are then ag-gregated under the guidance of the decoder state:

βs = Wagg(tanh(Whvhatts−1 +WFFs + bagg)),

βs = Softmax(βs),

Fs =∑Tt=1 βs,tFs,t,


where βs ∈ RT is the aggregation weights, Fs ∈ RCv isthe aggregated feature input to the decoder, Wagg , bagg ,Whv , and WF are learnable weights, and hatts−1 is the de-coder state described below.

hlangs = LSTMlang(es−1;hlangs−1 ),

hatts = LSTMatt([Fs,hlangs ];hatts−1),


where LSTM(; ) denotes a LSTM cell that accepts an in-put and a previous state at each step, es−1 is the word

embedding vector of the s − 1-th word, and hlangs andhatts ∈ Rdlstm are the hidden states of the two LSTMs.The caption is predicted one word at a step by applying afully-connected layer on the decoder state:

ps = Softmax(FC(hatts )),

ws = arg maxps,(14)

where ps ∈ RNw is a distribution over a vocabulary of Nwwords and ws is the index of the predicted word in the vo-cabulary. Most importantly, we also adjust the graph struc-ture according to the decoder state at each decoding step.

F ′s = sigmoid(Wadjhatts−1)� Fs,

∆s = norm(F ′sWDF′>s ),

Gs = sigmoid(Gs−1 + ∆s),


where � denotes element-wise multiplication, norm(·) isthe `2 normalization function, and WD ∈ RCv×Cv andWadj ∈ RCv×dlstm are learnable weights. Our adjustmentmechanism is inspired by [54]: the video features are gatedby transformed decoder state and then used to compute anadjustment to the temporal graph. Combined with MGCMP,we decouple the high-order spatial and temporal relationmodeling into two modules. This is a major difference withexisting methods.

The optimization objective for captioning is to maximizethe probabilities of the ground-truth sentence:

Lcap =∑Ss=1− log ps[ws], (16)

where ws is the index of the s-th ground-truth word in thevocabulary. Lcap and Ldiv are combined as the final opti-mization objective with a tunable hyperparameter γ:

Lall = Lcap + γLdiv. (17)

4. Experiments4.1. Experimental Settings

Datasets and Evaluation Metrics.1) MSVD [4] contains 1,970 video clips and each clip

is 9.6 seconds long on average. Each clip is originally an-notated with multilingual sentences and we only keep En-glish sentences, and this results in 40 sentences per clip. Asin previous works, the dataset is split into 1,200/100/670videos for training, validation, and testing, respectively.The vocabulary of the training set has 9,562 words.

2) MSR-VTT [46] contains 10,000 video clips collectedfrom 20 manually defined categories and each clip is 14.9seconds long on average. Each clip is annotated with 20 En-glish sentences. We follow the official setting [46] to splitthe videos into 6,513/497/2,990 videos for training, valida-tion, and testing, respectively. The vocabulary of the train-ing set has 23,525 words.


Page 6: Motion Guided Region Message Passing for Video Captioning

Method Year Features MSVD MSR-VTTAppearance Motion Obj./Grid B M R C B M R C

TDDF [56] 2017 VGG C3D - 45.8 33.3 69.7 73.0 37.3 27.8 59.2 43.8M3 [44] 2018 VGG C3D - 51.8 32.5 - - 38.1 26.6 - -

DenseLSTM [59] 2019 VGG C3D - 50.4 32.9 - 72.6 38.1 26.6 - 42.8MARN [31] 2019 Res-101 3D ResNeXt-101 - 48.6 35.1 71.9 92.2 40.4 28.1 60.7 47.1

GRU-EVE [1] 2019 IRv2 C3D - 47.9 35.0 71.5 78.1 38.3 28.4 60.7 48.1POS-CG [41] 2019 IRv2 C3D - 52.5 34.1 71.3 88.7 42.3 28.1 61.3 48.6DMRM [51] 2017 INv1 - Grid 51.1 33.6 - 74.8 - - - -

MAM-RNN [21] 2017 INv1 - Grid 41.3 32.2 68.8 53.9 - - - -SeqVLAD [49] 2018 Res-200 - Grid 51.0 35.2 - 86.0 - - - -

SAM [43] 2018 Res-200 - Grid 54.0 35.3 - 87.4 - - - -VRE [33] 2019 Res-152 - Grid 51.7 34.3 71.9 86.7 43.2 28.0 62.0 48.3MGSA [6] 2019 IRv2 C3D Grid 53.4 35.0 - 86.7 42.4 27.6 - 47.5HTM [16] 2019 Res-152 - Obj. 54.7 35.2 72.5 91.3 - - - -

OA-BTG [55] 2019 Res-200 - Obj. 56.9 36.2 - 90.6 41.4 28.2 - 46.9STG [26] 2020 Res-101 I3D Obj. 52.2 36.9 73.9 93.0 40.5 28.3 60.9 47.1STAT [50] 2020 Res-152 C3D Obj. 52.0 33.3 - 73.8 39.3 27.1 - 43.9SAAT [58] 2020 IRv2 C3D Obj. 46.5 33.5 69.4 81.0 39.9 27.7 61.2 51.0

ORG-TRL [57] 2020 IRv2 3D ResNeXt-101 Obj. 54.3 36.4 73.9 95.2 43.6 28.8 62.1 50.9Ours 2021 IRv2 C3D Grid 53.2 35.4 73.5 90.7 42.1 28.8 61.4 50.1Ours 2021 IRv2 3D ResNeXt-101 Grid 55.8 36.9 74.5 98.5 41.7 28.9 62.1 51.4

Table 1. Performance comparison on the MSVD and MSR-VTT datasets. Features used by each method are listed: VGG [34], ResNet [13],Inception-v1 [37], InceptionResNet-v2 [36], C3D [38], I3D [3], and 3D ResNeXt [12]. Obj. and Grid indicate the appearance feature isobject-level and grid-level, respectively.

3) VATEX [45] is a recently released large-scale videocaptioning dataset and its videos are from a subset of theKinetics-600 [19] dataset. Each video clip is 10 secondslong and annotated with 10 English sentences and 10 Chi-nese sentences (not used in this paper). We follow the offi-cial setting [45] to split the videos into 25,991/3,000/6,000videos for training, validation, and testing, respectively.The vocabulary of the training set has 26,759 words.

Following previous works, we evaluate the caption qual-ity using the Microsoft COCO Caption Evaluation codes3

and report four popular metrics: BLEU-4 [30], ME-TEOR [8], CIDEr [40] and ROUGE-L [23].

Implementation Details. For all three datasets used inour experiments, we preprocess the videos by uniformlysampling 32 frames to extract 2D CNN feature maps, andmotion feature maps are extracted from 16 (or 64 depend-ing on the type of 3D CNN) consecutive frames centeredon the middle of two sampled frames. The appearance fea-ture is extracted with a 2D CNN, InceptionResNet-v2 [36],and the motion feature is from a 3D CNN, C3D [38] or 3DResNeXt [12]. The feature maps are bilinearly resized to8×8 grids. The sentences are lower-cased and clipped to20 words after punctuations are removed. Each word is em-bedded to a randomly initialized 512D embedding vectorand jointly learned with the whole model. The hidden di-mension of the LSTM cells is set to 1024, and a dropoutlayer with ratio 0.5 is applied after each LSTM cell. For alldatasets, the number of regions is set to 8, λ is set to 0.1,and γ is set to 1.0. We train the model using a batch size of32 and learning rate 0.0001 with Adam optimizer.


4.2. Comparison to State-of-the-artCompared Methods. We roughly divide the state-of-

the-art methods that we compare with into three categories:• Multimodal Fusion: These methods mainly focus on

extracting better features from multiple modalities, or-ganizing and encoding features (M3 [44], MARN [31],DenseLSTM [59], and GRU-EVE [1]), and feature fu-sion techniques (TDDF [56] and POS-CG [41]).• Grid Feature-based: DMRM [51], MAM-RNN [21],

SeqVLAD [49], SAM [43], VRE [33], and MGSA [6].These methods all extract grid features and performspatial attention for feature aggregation.• Object Feature-based: HTM [16], OA-BTG [55],

STG [26], STAT [50], SAAT [58], and ORG-TRL [57].These are more recent methods and all use object de-tectors to extract features from accurately localized ob-ject regions, and some of them model spatial/temporalinteractions among objects.

Note that besides the listed features, some methods useaudio [33] or the category information [6, 31, 58] of MSR-VTT, so a completely fair comparison is not possible.

Performance Comparison. Since most recent meth-ods use the feature combination of InceptionResNet-v2 [36]and C3D (original [38] or with the ResNeXt-101 back-bone [12]), we also adopt these features. As shown in Ta-ble 1, on the MSVD dataset, when using the IRv2+C3Dfeatures, our proposed method can outperform state-of-the-art methods from all three categories: GRU-EVE [1], POS-CG [41], MGSA [6], and SAAT [58], despite that they haveused additional features. Among existing methods, ORG-TRL [57] (assisted by external BERT [9] models) currently


Page 7: Motion Guided Region Message Passing for Video Captioning

Method B M R CShared Enc [45] 28.9 21.9 47.4 46.8

Shared Enc-Dec [45] 28.7 21.9 47.2 45.6ORG-TRL [57] 32.1 22.2 48.9 49.7

Ours 34.2 23.5 50.3 57.6Table 2. Performance comparison on the VATEX public testingset. ORG-TRL and Ours both use IRv2+3D ResNeXt-101.

Decomposed step MGSA ORG-TRL OursVideo Decoding 0.66s 0.66s 0.66sObject Detection - 24.62s -

Feature Extraction 6.59s 4.45s 4.45sCaption Generation 0.35s 0.25s 0.41s

Total 7.60s 29.98s 5.52sFPS 47.37 12.01 65.22

Table 3. End-to-end running times for a video of 12 seconds(30FPS, 640x480 pixels). Measured on one RTX 2080 Ti.

achieves the highest performance on MSVD, which provesthe effectiveness of object features and relation modeling.Our method can also outperform ORG-TRL on MSVD ifthe same set of features are used. This validates that our ‘re-gion attention’ + ‘message passing’ have similar effects as‘object detection’ + ‘relation modeling’, while being moreefficient and can achieve better captioning performance.Similar conclusion can also be drawn on the MSR-VTTdataset, but the performance advantage of our method isnot as significant as on MSVD. This is because MSR-VTThas a larger scale in terms of both number of videos andsize of vocabulary, which makes it more challenging. Like-wise, the most challenging video captioning dataset is cur-rently VATEX. Since it is newly released, there are only afew methods [45, 57] tested on it. To fairly compare withORG-TRL, we use the IRv2+3D ResNeXt-101 features. Asshown in Table 2, our method outperforms ORG-TRL witha significant margin, especially on the CIDEr score.

Speed Comparison. We also compare the end-to-endrunning time of our proposed method with ORG-TRL andMGSA. For training, video decoding and feature extractioncan be preprocessed, but they should be processed in realtime during inference if the captioning system is deployed.As shown in Table 3, incorporating object detectors can sig-nificantly slow down the whole model’s inference speed.Our method is 5.43 times faster than ORG-TRL.4.3. Ablation Study4.3.1 Regions vs Objects

We first study the difference of region features and object(detected bounding box) features by replacing the Recur-rent Region Attention with an external object detector asin [57]. For the ‘Ours w/ Obj.’ variant, the number of ob-jects per frame is set to the same as the number of regionsin RRA. As shown in Table 4, the performances are fairlyclose, which indicates that the format of fine-grained spatialinformation is not critical for video captioning, and this alsoagrees with [17]. But using RRA can significantly simplifyand speed up the whole pipeline, and may empower real

Method B M R COurs w/ Obj. 41.4 29.0 61.9 51.3

Ours 41.7 28.9 62.1 51.4Table 4. Performances of our model variants using object and re-gion features on the MSR-VTT dataset.

# RRA MGCMP ATGD B M R C0 7 7 7 37.4 27.0 58.8 42.31 3 7 7 37.5 26.9 58.9 43.12 3 3 7 40.9 28.4 61.2 49.93 3 3 3 41.7 28.9 62.1 51.4

Table 5. Results of main ablation studies on MSR-VTT. Due tospace limit, some are placed in the Supplementary Materials.

end-to-end training, where the feature representation fromCNN will be fine-tuned like in image captioning [48].

4.3.2 Effects of Each ModuleWe design 4 model variants to study the effectiveness ofeach module in our proposed method. The results are shownin Table 5. The #0 variant is the baseline model, where allproposed modules are removed: the CNN feature maps arespatially mean-pooled into vectors and fed to a two-layerLSTM network with temporal attention. The #1 variantadds RRA, but without message passing, the mean-pooledregion features are effectively the same as grid features anddo not improve captioning performance. With cross-framemessage passing and motion guidance, #2 variant has a sig-nificant improvement, and this validates the effectiveness ofMGCMP and also indicates that modeling high-order spa-tial relations is important for video captioning. Finally, #3variant obtains clear improvements over #2, demonstratingthe effectiveness of high-order temporal relation modelingin ATGD, and also shows that the combination of thesemodules can jointly enhance video captioning performance.

We also further investigate the specific designs of eachmodule by several control experiments shown in Table 6.For the MGCMP, if we remove motion features, the per-formance drops due to lack of motion guidance and mul-timodal complementary information. If we do not propa-gate messages across frames, i.e., the previously updatedregion features are not used to calculate messages, the per-formance also drops. This indicates that besides spatial rela-tion, the temporal information communication is also crit-ical for video captioning. For RRA, the region diversityconstraint Ldiv ensures that different parts of a frame canbe simultaneously captured, as the results demonstrate, hasa positive effect on the captioning performance.

4.4. Hyperparameter AnalysisThere are two important hyperparameters in our method:

the number of regions in RRA and the λ in Eq. (4).Number of regions. As shown in Fig 4 (left), this can

dramatically affect captioning performance, which is rea-sonable, since a sufficient number of regions are needed tofully cover various details in video frames. But too many


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21 23 25

Number of regions








10−2 10−1 100







rFigure 4. Performance (CIDEr score) comparison of our modelvariants with different hyperparameter settings.

Variant B M R CComplete model 41.7 28.9 62.1 51.4

MGCMP-motion guidance 39.2 27.5 60.2 46.7MGCMP-cross frame 41.5 28.5 61.4 50.6

RRA-Ldiv 40.8 28.2 61.2 49.7Table 6. Results of more ablation studies on MSR-VTT.

Method IoU=0.3 IoU=0.5 IoU=0.7HVTG 61.37 47.27 23.30

HVTG w/ RRA 57.58 42.31 20.23Table 7. Performance (Top-1 recall for temporal sentence localiza-tion) comparison of the HVTG [7] with and without our RRA onthe Charades-STA [10] dataset.

regions can bring redundant information and slightly hurtthe performance and slow down the model.λ in Eq. (4). λ in fact controls the ‘softness’ of the atten-

tion distributions, as λ increases from 0 to 1, the attentiondistributions tend to be closer to one-hot and there is lessoverlap among different region attention maps. In that case,spatial information is not sufficiently captured. As shownin Fig 4 (right), λ=0.1 achieves a nice balance.

4.5. Application to Temporal Sentence LocalizationTo preliminarily explore the generalization of region fea-

tures in video-and-language models, we also apply RRA toa state-of-the-art model, HVTG [7], for the task of temporalsentence localization (TSL) in videos (Please refer to [10]for details about the task). Originally, HVTG extracts ob-ject features [2] just like ORG-TRL. If we replace its objectdetector with RRA, as Table 7 shows, the localization per-formance drops. We conjecture the reason may be the in-trinsic difference between TSL and video captioning. TSLrelies on accurate localization of the entities, while videocaptioning only needs compact and global summarizationsof the video contents and is less sensitive to inaccuracies oflocalized regions. Thus region features are more suitable fortasks that will ultimately summarize the video into a com-pact representation (e.g., captioning, question answering),and incorporating external object detection has its own ad-vantages (e.g., explainability, spatial/temporal localization).4.6. Qualitative Results

We show some qualitative examples in Fig. 5. As can beseen, the captions generated by our method contain richerand more accurate content than the baseline model without

GT: a man hangs from a machine to clean a window up high on a building.Baseline: a man is cleaning windows on a machine lift.Ours: a man is using a rope to clean the windows of a building.

GT: the lady is washing the feet of someone who is in tears as they do it.Baseline: a woman is sitting in a chair in front of another woman.Ours: a group of people are sitting on a chair and one of them is sitting on the floor.

GT: a man is doing tricks on a bike in front of an audience on stage.Baseline: a man rides a bicycle around on stage.Ours: a man is riding a bicycle on a stage in front of a crowd.

Figure 5. Examples of generated captions on VATEX from a base-line model and our proposed method. The upsampled region at-tention maps are shown on top of corresponding images.

fine-grained spatial information extracted by RRA. We alsoshow the attended regions of RRA, and note that the regionsof key objects can mostly be captured by at least one atten-tion map (Row #1 and Row #2), which proves the RRA hasa reasonable ability of accurately extracting fine-grained in-formation even without object detection. Note that regionattention is also able to capture multiple areas in one atten-tion map as a result of the diversity constraint (Row #3).There is also a problem with RRA. Since we fixed the num-ber of regions, the captured regions can contain some re-dundancies (examples shown in the last column). However,it is also unavoidable for object detector-based methods tohave redundant object boxes.

5. ConclusionIn this paper, we proposed a new method for video cap-

tioning, which does not rely on external object detectors toextract fine-grained spatial information. By recurrently at-tending to the important regions and a diversity constraint,multiple regions are extracted and their information is com-municated across frames via message passing. Further-more, the ATGD is able to flexibly update and aggregatevideo features according to decoding state. The three mod-ules jointly model spatial and temporal relations in a de-coupled manner. State-of-the-art performances on MSVD,MSR-VTT, and VATEX datasets are achieved. Our findingssuggest that region features can be sufficient to generate acompact video representation for captioning, given that theinteractions among regions are sufficiently modeled, how-ever, object features still have their advantages in tasks thatrequire accurate localization of visual entities.

Acknowledgement. This work was supported inpart by National Natural Science Foundation of China(#62032006). The authors are also grateful for the supportfrom Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


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