Page 1: Molecular, Cellular and Genetic Aspects of Plant Responses to Environmental Stress

Molecular, Cellular and Genetic Aspects of Plant Responses to Environmental Stress

Prof. Hillel Fromm

Research AssociateDr. Aliza Finkler

Graduate students:Boaz KaplanAaron FaitYael Galon

Britania Bldg. Room 525; Tel. (972) (0) 3 640-5901Fax. (972) (0) 3 640-6816E-mail: [email protected]

Research subjects:(1) Ca2+/calmodulin-regulated transcription activators in plants.Recent publication: Bouché et al. (2002) Journal of Biological Chemistry 277: 21851-21861

(2) Metabolic regulation by Ca2+/calmodulin in response to environmental stress Recent publication: Bouché et al. (2003)Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 100: 6843-6848

(3) Plant responses to toxic metals Recent publication: Sunkar et al. (2000)Plant Journal 24: 533-542.

WT Mutant Calcium/calmodulin/target complex

GABA-shunt mutants

מנגנוני הגנה מפני עקות סביבתיות בצמחים – פרופ' הלל פרום
