Download pdf - Moldova: Nation Branding

  • 7/24/2019 Moldova: Nation Branding


    Student: Nejra HodiInstructor: Maja Savi BojaniCourse: Public DiplomacySarajevo Scool o! Science and

    "ecnolo#y$une% &'()

    MOLDOVAA wine drop in the bucket of countryimages

  • 7/24/2019 Moldova: Nation Branding


    Content Background: Investment & Tourism Promotion****************************&

    Branding Moldovan Wine**********************************************************) Is there a potential for improvement?******************************************+

    Inflation of Visiilit!*******************************************************************************+

    "iplomatic Wine#Promotion Campaign***************************************************('



  • 7/24/2019 Moldova: Nation Branding


    Background: Investment & Tourism Promotion

    $ation randing has not een an important segment of Moldova%s foreign polic!

    for a long time due to internal instailit! and inailit! of the political forces to agree

    on future path of the countr!' The split revolved around pro#(ussian and pro#)*

    forces' )ventuall! the )uropean *nion prevailed and throughout the last couple of

    !ears the priorities of Moldovan foreign polic! and conse+uentl! pulic diplomac!

    ,ere to attract the attention of the )uropean *nion and move along the road of the

    )* integration as a prospective candidate' -ccording to .reedom /ouse rankings

    Moldova has sho,n the greatest improvement among the )uropean countries in

    transition 0.reedom /ouse 12345'3 Moldova has also e6perienced s,ift economic

    gro,th in recent !ears' -ccording to Munteanu its trade has increased ! 72 percent

    and in 1232 44 percent of Moldovan e6ports ,ent to the )* market 0Carneige

    )ndo,nment for International Peace 12335' 8tarting from 1229 Moldovan

    International )6port rgani;ation launched a rand ,ith

  • 7/24/2019 Moldova: Nation Branding


    -lthough this strateg! focused on several nation randing aspects including

    tourism culture people investments and e6port its success ,as ver! limited'

    Moldova ,as still one of the remote post#communist states after this campaign in

    1229' The most recent efforts are launching of a ne, tourism rand centred on the

    s!mol and slogan

  • 7/24/2019 Moldova: Nation Branding


    mechanisms most of the countries do is not ,orking in its advantage particularl!

    ,hen contrasted to po,erful nation rands that have een the creators of such

    approach to randing' The ne, late 1237 rand is etter culturall! associale ut

    still lacks the action ehind it' )6ports on the other hand are the area that has oth

    political and economic means availale for upgrading the countr!%s image' Moldovan

    International )6port Promotion rgani;ation has een the maor actor in ,orking

    to,ards this change' It ,as formed in 3DDD ! the Ministr! of )conom! of the

    (epulic of Moldova ,ith responsiilit! for investment attraction and e6port

    promotion 0MI)P 12345' In addition MI)P ,orks in t,o directions E advising

    and accompan!ing Moldovan e6porters at international markets as ,ell as acting as

    contact partners for companies ,hich come to the Moldovan market ! searching for

    attractive and reliale opportunitiesFlocationsFusiness partners in the countr!

    0iid5'MI)P has created an easil! accessile online resource page called Invest in

    Moldovathat pulishes first#hand information aout the countr! and its economic

    climate in the Investment Guide' /o,ever it also e6tends to social net,orks

    advocating their products food and traditional commodities' .or e6ample in

    .eruar! MI)P participated in agri#food e6hiition of the Gulf promoting local

    products 0MI)P 12345' 8till there is one ver! promising product Moldova has

    randed in 123H that carries a lot of potential for ecoming the prevailing association

    for the countr! in the e!es of the foreigners' It is of course the ,ine'

  • 7/24/2019 Moldova: Nation Branding


    Branding Moldovan Wine

    The ,ines of Moldova are crafted in this countr! for 4 222 !ears and toda! out of

    H'4 million people H22 222 are contriuting to the ,ine producing 0Moldova Wine

    Guild 12375' Most of the grapes are hand harvested and the ,inemakers attempt to

    craft the ,ines of an indigenous flavour despite the fact that man! classical grape

    varieties are planted as ,ell 0iid5' This indigenous aroma is something uni+ue E a

    concept sought for an! t!pe of rand' In 123H therefore Ministr! of -griculture and

    .ood officiall! launched the national rand Wine of Moldova in the event attended

    ! ,inemakers amassadors and politicians 0Teleradio#Moldova 123H5' 8oon a ver!

    clever visuali;ation1,as presented 0.igure H5 and a ,e platform under the same

    name estalished' This platform is e6tremel! modern and user#friendl! ut also

    designed to

    .igure H' Wine of Moldova Brand 0WM 12345

    & 45e ad many opinions about o. te lo#o sould loo6 and insisted to 6eep

    stor67s le#end promoted !or 8' years* 3 le#end .as preserved and it .as #iven atouc o! dynamism*9 Minister o! 3#riculture 0ibid2

  • 7/24/2019 Moldova: Nation Branding


    offer a deep insight into an! +uestion one might ask aout Moldovan ,ine' /ere the

    statistical data on ,ine e6ports ,ine producers included under the umrella of the

    rand historical overvie, of the ,ine production cultural elements ,ith ,ine

    motives as ,ell as upcoming events are accessile' The ne, rand is a,arded onl! to

    +ualit! ,ines recogni;ed as such ! $ational ffice of Vine and Wine 0iid5' Their

    program to market local ,ines encompasses comple6 strategic initiatives the legal

    frame,ork of +ualit! control a uni+ue promotion and visual identit!' The ultimate

    goal is for the e6ports of Moldovan ,ine to gro, annuall! to 122 million litters until

    1212 0iid5' -ccording to WM the maor importers of Moldovan ,ine at the

    moment are (ussia *8- Chech (epulic and Ja;ahstan' If this e6port#motivated

    strateg! succeeds ne, countries in the )urope and overseas might e added to this

    list' The su#rand of the strateg! is also the grape#shaped

    countr! 0WM 12345' -lthough the idea of e+uating the shape of the countr! ,ith

    the strategic goal is not ne, on the randing market it could significantl! contriute

    to promotion of Moldovan image as a ,ine countr! 0.igure 45' Catch! descriptions

    are also a good ,a! to attract attention of the travellers and audiences researching

    aout the countr! E getting to kno, it 0.igure 45' -nother strong side of this strateg!

    is the promotion of ,ine e6hiitions in ,hich participates'

    International promotions are a ver! po,erful tool for attracting investment ut also

    creating a certain opinion aout the countr! through its products'

    .igure 7' Maor importers of Moldovan ,ine 0WM 12345

  • 7/24/2019 Moldova: Nation Branding


    .igure 4' Grape#shaped countr! rand ,ith descriptions elo, 0WM 12345

    Our wine is produced with

    care by talented

    winemakers from grapes

    that are picked from rich

    vineyards with local

    varieties and international

    varieties adjusted to the

    local terroir. It expresses

    the authenticity and

    traditional style of

    winemaking for consumerswho are looking for


    The history of Wine of

    Moldova starts in !!! "#$

    while the first vines were

    recorded here %!!! years

    "#. Wine used to be utili&ed

    as a medium of exchange

    and a trophy awarded after

    fights$ which has made the

    wine a national product of



    underground cellars

    are legendary by their

    big wine collections

    which are recogni&ed

    by the (uinness "ook$

    mysterious by the

    distance of the

    underground routes$

    glorious by the names

    of the well)known

    personalities who

    visited them$ and

    authentic by their

    presence in the

    household of every


  • 7/24/2019 Moldova: Nation Branding


    $evertheless the audiences on such events are usuall! familiar ,ith different

    rands of ,ine alread! and eing simpl! a niche the! ,ill not change the idea of

    Moldova as poor countr! on the offset of )urope into a fertile developing countr!,ith +ualit! ,ines ,ithin the ,ider pulic' 8imilarl! Moldovan ,ine is rarel! going

    to e declared as Moldovan ! common consumers unless there is an attention

    gaining strateg! present 0.igure 95' In the ottom line status +uo option remains

    ver! promising given the fact that it ,as launched onl! 3 4 !ears ago'

    8T()$G/T8 W)-J$)88)8

    #-n e6cellent ,e platform that gainsattention and offers detailed information as

    ,ell as interesting facts and eautifulimages#Ver! catch! visualisation of a rand that iseasil! rememered ! the oserver#Clever association to a grape#shapedcountr! as a su#rand to e promoted#Inclusion of +ualit!#,ines onl! so that theproducts as e6ports have greatercompetitiveness#Interesting descriptions of the countr!through ,ine#production information

    #Planned schedule of participating ininternational ,ine e6hiitions pulici;ed onthe Wine of Moldova ,esite#)asil! contacted and ver! responsive teamehind the rand# @ong term goals for ,ine e6port gro,th

    #$ot visile to larger audiences#)6cludes producers of less +ualit! ,ine

    #(elativel! costl!

    PP(T*$ITI)8 T/()-T8

    #Preventing the conse+uences of (ussianemargo on ,ine imports from Moldova !focusing on other markets such as )* and*8-

    #)6panding the rand to igger marketingcampaigns and sponsorship of internationalevents

    #$o threats'

    .igure 9' 8WT anal!sis of the status +uo

  • 7/24/2019 Moldova: Nation Branding


    Is there a potential for improvement?

    There are t,o options for further development of e6isting ,ine randing strateg!'

    The first is medium#term increase in visiilit! of Moldovan origin of the ,ine ,hile

    the second is more long#term and includes promotion of ,ine through Moldovan

    emassies to ,ider audiences and not onl! ,ine#e6hiition visitors' Both strategies

    have their advantages and ,eakness evident from follo,ing 8WT anal!ses ut the

    first one is more cost#effective'

    Inflation of Visiilit!

    The +ualit! of this option enefits nation randing of the countr! primaril! in t,o

    aspects' .irst increased visiilit! means increased recognition and in this case

    change of perception of the countr!' /ence the pulic diplomac!%s efforts are

    eased and channelled into ,ine promotion ecause the

    has potential to ecome image of Moldova if ,ell#advertised' 8econd the visiilit!

    of this product generates larger demand simultaneousl! contriuting to the e6port

    rate and investment climate of the countr!' The economic enefit is also the

    indirect conse+uence of the e6isting status +uo strateg! upon ,hich this option

    uilds on' -nother advantage of increase in visiilit! is openness for creative

    recommendations on ho, to achieve it' .or e6ample a uni+ue lael could e created and incorporated into the design of the present ,ine

    laels so that the attention of the common consumers is instantl! dra,n to the

    countr! of origin' -nother e6ample of recommendation for implementation of this

    option is speciali;ed corners in the shops that ,ould demand

    agreement et,een producers and distriuters ,ith the promotional materialsprovided ! the Moldovan Ministr! of -griculture and producers ointl!'

    /o,ever there is still a danger that the costs might demand certain investment

    and that the targeted audiences turn to ,ine#consumers onl! 0outcome good for

    econom! ut not as good for the change of countr! perception ! ,ider

    audiences5' *ltimatel! if visiilit! is estalished there is a possiilit! of including

    lo,er +ualit! Moldovan ,ines in randing strateg! ecause the! ,ould ecome

    more accessile ut demanded at the same time due previous success of +ualit!


  • 7/24/2019 Moldova: Nation Branding


    8T()$G/T8 W)-J$)88)8

    #Moldovan ,ine recogni;ed ! the commonconsumers

    #"emand for e6ports increased#Image of Moldova reconsidered#$ot time consuming#pen for creative recommendations#Medium#term solution that could havelong#term impactK-ll the strengths of status +uo optionecause it uilds up on it

    #Could e costl! depending on the designand +ualit! of promotion materials

    #Could face the issue of eing limited to,ine#consuming audiences onl!

    PP(T*$ITI)8 T/()-T8

    #Including lo,er +ualit! ,ine producers inthe rand so that the cheaper Moldovan

    ,ines are accessile after the ver! visiilit!of the ,ine as Moldovan product has eenestalished

    #$o threats'

    .igure L' 8WT anal!sis of the medium#term option

    "iplomatic Wine#Promotion Campaign

    The ,ine#promotion campaign at the Moldovan emassies is not a ne, concept'

    What is ne, aout it ho,ever is the targeted audience ,hich in this case ,ould

    e all#encompassing' The strength of this option is more image#related' The

    promotion of ,ine through different diplomatic channels upon societies is a ver!

    po,erful mechanism ecause emassies are seen as emodiments of their

    respective countries' If the emass! of some countr! that people rarel! hear of or

    do not have a particular perception of represents itself through this rand ,ill inevital! e connected ,ith Moldova the ne6t time

    people hear aout the same countr!' It is a ver! positive move in terms of long#

    term strateg! and goals of nation randing' 8imilarl! people ma! promote this

    among themselves ecause the image is ne, and catch!' ne of the

    recommendations for the implementation could e sponsorship of the smaller

    events ! Moldovan emassies in their countries of residence in return for

    marketing of Moldovan ,ine ! the event organi;ers' -nother recommendation

    ,ould e organi;ing emass! visits and giving short lectures aout the ,ine

    production in Moldova as one of the countr!%s traditional crafts ut modern

    +ualit! for nongovernmental sector interested government services and civil

  • 7/24/2019 Moldova: Nation Branding


    societ!' n the other hand this option ma! e e6pensive especiall! the

    sponsorship part and demands a lot of coordination et,een several actors

    0.igure 5' .urthermore if it fails it ,ould e a huge loss economicall! ut

    politicall! as ,ell since the earned image ,ould drop instantl!' In the end the

    possiilit! of investment attraction remains open ,ith this option ecause

    advertising Moldova as suitale for +ualit!#,ine production could ring

    development of the other usiness sectors to the countr!' *ltimatel! the medium#

    term option ,ould e safer to implement'

    8T()$G/T8 W)-J$)88)8

    #(ecognition of Moldovan ,ine as a countr!rand ! ,ider audiences 0common

    citi;ens5'#@ong#term solution'#Improves government to people approachof countr!%s pulic diplomac! and fosterspeople to people one

    #8ponsorships could e e6pensiveparticularl! if the emass! is smaller and

    has udget cuts'#"emands coordination from Ministr! of.oreign -ffairs producers Ministr! of-griculture and marketing sector'

    PP(T*$ITI)8 T/()-T8

    #-ttract usinessmen and usiness,omento Moldova ! promoting Moldovan e6portsto other countries 0in this case ,ine5 This,ould impl! stailit! of the countr! and+ualit! products al,a!s mean ne, marketopportunities

    #If strateg! fails it ,ould e not onl! thecosts that are high ut the corruption of thecountr! image

    .igure ' 8WT anal!sis of the long#term option

  • 7/24/2019 Moldova: Nation Branding



    The general nation#randing strategies of Moldovan government have not een

    ver! successful in the past decade' The logo designs have more or less een similar to

    the rest of the countr!%s% attempts to e different and uni+ue' The focus ,as and

    remains e6port investment and tourism' These three areas are the areas Moldova

    should continue to strengthen its nation randing strategies in ecause as a

    developing post#communist state searching for an identit! a lot of potential lies in

    these areas' The e6pansion to other field should come onl! ,hen a marked success

    has een achieved ,ith the e6isting strategies ecause the alternative ,ould e too

    costl!' These are not the ,rong fields to target ut the! call for etter methods'

    Behind the ,hole process is naturall! Moldova%s desire to move along the path to the

    )uropean *nion and this is surel! the path it ought to stick ,ith' The ."I and

    economic gro,th are evident international pulic opinion ,ill slo,l! start to change

    in regards to the image of Moldova and ultimatel! the nation randing approach

    could e6pand to ne, areas' *ntil then this is a promising road'

    In terms of specific rands and are

    e6cellentl! conceived ideas that ,ould set Moldova apart from its neighourhood at

    start and then from the rest of countries in )urope' This uni+ueness can then e used

    to promote the ,ine to ,ider audiences' -lthough the status +uo is encouraging given

    the fact that the ne, rand has een launched relativel! recentl!' -dditional

    improvements ma! e implemented upon e6isting asis in medium or long term'

    These options focus upon increasing visiilit! and promoting ,ine to larger

    audiences via diplomatic channels' "ue to its cost#effectiveness the first alternative

    seems more feasile and could e used to generate more creative recommendationsfor implementation' The underl!ing goal of the e6isting strateg! should therefore e

    e6panded to address the issue of invisiilit!' Common people need to start

    connecting +ualit! Moldovan e6ports to the countr! itself' This is proal! the future

    goal of an! nation randing efforts to come and surel! has the

    greatest potential among them'

  • 7/24/2019 Moldova: Nation Branding



    Carnegie )ndo,nment for International Peace 1233' 12 Nears of Moldovan

    Independence E @ooking ack and for,ard' -vailale at:Ohttp:FFcarnegieendo,ment'orgF1233F32F24F12#!ears#of#moldovan#independence#

    looking#ack#and#for,ardF4+dr' -ccessed 1th March 1234'

    Chemonics 122L' "randing *ssistance +elps Moldovan Wine Take ,oot in -

    Market' -vailale at: O


    ing#-ssistance#/elps#Moldovan#Wine#Take#(oot#in#*'J'#Market'asp6' -ccessed: L

    Qune 1234'

    )urone,s 1237' Moldovan wine ban by ,ussia is a symptom of a wider divide'-vailale at:Ohttp:FF,,,'eurone,s'comF1237F21F2LFmoldovan#,ine#an#!#

    russia#is#a#s!mptom#of#a#,ider#divideF' -ccessed: 32 Qune 1234'

    .reedom /ouse 1234' Interactive Map' -vailale at:Ohttps:FFfreedomhouse'orgFreportFfreedom#,orldFfreedom#,orld#1234' -ccessedH2thMarch 1234' -ccessed: 4 Ma! 1234'

    Made in M" 1234' The first online catalogue of products made in Moldova'-vailale at: Ohttp:FFmadein'mdFen'-ccessed: L Ma! 1234'

    Moldovan Investment and )6port Promotion rgani;ation 1234' Invest in Moldova'

    -vailale at: Ohttp:FFmiepo'mdF' -ccessed: 32 Qune 1234'

    Moldovan Investment and )6port Promotion rgani;ation 1234'Moldova exhibitslocal products /(ulfood$ 0ubai. -vailale at: Ohttp:FFmiepo'mdFne,sFmoldova#e6hiits#local#products#gulfood#duai' -ccessed: 32 Qune 1234'

    Moldova Wine Guild 1237'Moldova 1 an old wine country with a new approach toits winemaking' -vailale at:Ohttp:FF,,,'pro,ein'comFcippFmdRpro,einFcustomFpuFcontentoid1372Flang1FticketgRuReRsRtFSFMoldovaR

    )12DHRanRoldR,ineRcountr!R,ithRaRne,RapproachRtoRitsR,inemaking'html' -ccessed: 32 Qune 1234'

    8is Pulic "iplomac! 1233' * 2Wine3 0rop in the "ucket for Moldova4s 5ation"randing' -vailale at: http:FFsispdfive'logspot'comF1233F27F,ine#drop#in#ucket#for#moldovas#nation'html' -ccessed: Qune 1234'

    Teleradio#Moldova 123H' 5ational brand 6Wine of Moldova6 officially launched'-vailale at: Ohttp:FF,,,'trm'mdFenFeconomicFrandul#national#,ine#of#moldova#a#fost#lansat#oficial' -ccessed: 32 Qune 1234'

    Travel Maniacs 1237' 0iscover the ,outes of 7ife8 "rand 5ew Tour the #ountry'

    -vailale at: O http:FF,,,'travelmaniacs'roFenFmoldova#tourism#discover#the#,oid,21408/lang,2/ticket,g_u_e_s_t/~/Moldova_%E2%80%93_an_old_wine_country_with_a_new_approach_to_its_winemaking.html,oid,21408/lang,2/ticket,g_u_e_s_t/~/Moldova_%E2%80%93_an_old_wine_country_with_a_new_approach_to_its_winemaking.html,oid,21408/lang,2/ticket,g_u_e_s_t/~/Moldova_%E2%80%93_an_old_wine_country_with_a_new_approach_to_its_winemaking.html,oid,21408/lang,2/ticket,g_u_e_s_t/~/Moldova_%E2%80%93_an_old_wine_country_with_a_new_approach_to_its_winemaking.html,oid,21408/lang,2/ticket,g_u_e_s_t/~/Moldova_%E2%80%93_an_old_wine_country_with_a_new_approach_to_its_winemaking.html,oid,21408/lang,2/ticket,g_u_e_s_t/~/Moldova_%E2%80%93_an_old_wine_country_with_a_new_approach_to_its_winemaking.html,oid,21408/lang,2/ticket,g_u_e_s_t/~/Moldova_%E2%80%93_an_old_wine_country_with_a_new_approach_to_its_winemaking.html
  • 7/24/2019 Moldova: Nation Branding


    routes#of#life#noul#rand#turistic#de#tara#al#repulicii#moldovaF' -ccessed: 32Qune 1234'

    Vin Moldova 1234' Wine #ulutre and Making' -vailale at:Ohttp:FF,,,'vinmoldova'mdFinde6'php?modUne,s' -ccessed: 31 Qune 124'

    World Intellectual Propert! rgani;ation 1231' The ,epublic of Moldova' -vailaleat:Ohttp:FF,,,',ipo'intFe6portFsitesF,,,FsctFenFcommentsFpdfFsct1LFmoldova'pdf' -ccessed: 32 Qune 1234'