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Modern Marketing Bible(2015) Proven Strategies for

Businesses, Brands, & Celebrities Create Wealth & Live By Spiritual Values

Story, Branding, Sales, Marketing,

Video, Social Media, Web Design, SEO & more

Mike Will Downey [email protected]



I. Story II. Strategy III. Brand IV. Sales V. Video

VI. Social Media VII. Web Design


Scholastic Summary


Holy Goals (of this book)

Have a divine mission that begins on Earth, & ends in eternity.

Make a lasting impact.

Show love & appreciation.

Eliminate unnecessary oversight & wasted time.

Infuse purpose & meaning in your marketing.

Allow God to harness you.

Provide opportunities to get better at marketing in measurable way.

Inspire the creation of unique, authentic, & divine campaigns.

Avoid sin in your business dealings.

Analyze stunning statistic, guiding strategy.

“This is my Commandment, that you love one another“ - John the Baptist


I. Storya. Creating Viral Content

b. Big Idea c. Structure d. Headlines e. Characters


Creating Viral Content

Start with Why?

Create urgent importance.

Power is in the people.

What’s the big idea?

What kind of numbers are you dealing with?

Explore emotional triggers.

Rouse hearts, not heads.

Write impactful titles.

Use metaphors.

Catch & hold attention.

What is surprising?

Ask questions.

Piggyback on current trends, celebrities, popular movies, & big brands…

“Stories make us more alive, more human, more courageous, more loving.” – Madeleine L’Engle


Big Idea

Who are your Characters? (Protagonist, Antagonist, Guide, & Audience)

Physical characteristics, desires & goals, strengths & virtues, faults & weaknesses, subplots, & arc.

Ordinary to extraordinary. Your customer conquers conflicts, your business guides them to superpowers.

You’re the mentor, a wise guide who provides liberating knowledge & resources.

A marketing story is about your customer - the hero who transforms as their journey unfolds.

Where is your customer today and where do they want to go? How will they be smarter, faster, stronger?

Tell the customer what to do next. Be clear. Be Direct. Have a moral of the story.

Meaningful Marketing Stories



Inciting moment to expose the situation.

There’s a complication & action rises.

Turning point provides Climax.

Reversal, there’s still hope! Falling Action.

Moment of release in denouement.

Five Act Commercial Format


StructureThree Act Movie Format


StructureThe Hero’s Journey



Use verbs and adverbs.

Use interesting adjectives.

Use big numbers.

Short & sweet.

Mystery, power, & seduction.

Number or Trigger Word + Adjective + Keyword + Promise

Personalize headline.

Rhyme words.

Relatable human topics.

8/10 people will read headline. Only 2/10 will continue.

Max characters = 65.

Perfect length is 6 words.

Include a question & reference reader.

Negative words tap into insecurities.

Replace famous movie quotes with brand or product name.

Write Words That Matter



Altruist: reliable and helpful. Deeply cares for followers. Loves to stay in touch, connectedness & empathy.

Careerist: modern web user knowing how to use social media for great effects. Grows professional relationships & outreach. Usually independent.

Connector: relaxed & creative. Patient and waits for perfect opportunities. Offers, discounts, and freebies. Loves to share.

Hipster: popular, tech-savvy, and cutting-edge youngster. Doesn’t like email or Linkedin. Quick methods like Skype, Twitter.

Boomerang: uses every social network to gain reactions & validation. Likes thought provoking questions & comments. Empowered by information. Loves to engage users and empower them.

Selective: careful & thoughtful. Private emails and messages. Smart, intelligent and realizes everything on internet is permanent. Choosy about friends, and interacts with few.

Types of Customers


Storytelling Tools

Writing applications: Celtx

Storytelling with photos, videos & words: Storehouse, Racontr, & Interlude Treehouse.

Exposure & PicLits.

UtellStory & The Art of Storytelling.

ACMI Storyboard Generator

3D Pop-up books: ZooBurst

Books with audio: Booktrack

Digital Storytelling: StoryBird & Story Maker, Steller, Slidestory, & StoryJumper.

Lives & Stories of Everyday: Story Corps

Studio Explory

Solutions & Applications


II. Strategy

a. Planning b. Content Marketing

c. Target Audience & Public Relations d. Charity Relations & Customer Experience


Mission to Vision

What’s your end goal?

Seek wisdom & kingdom of heaven first.

Core Values, Vision, Mission, Critical Success Factors, Goals, Action Steps, & Results.

Know your numbers! Conduct thorough research & analysis.

What processes can be automated?

What will the day-to-day, week-to-week, & month-to-month actions be?

What tools will you use?

Build your team. What people will be involved?

“Vision without execution is hallucination.” - Thomas Edison



Content Marketing

Amazing content: sharable, hilarious, emotional, entertaining, informative, guides, glossary, case studies, white papers, hints, rollovers, & answers from experts. At best, use all.

Data measurement: number each of piece of your content, determine if your ideas work & are valuable.

Authenticity: humor, positive emotion, & redemption.

ROI: message variety, spend slowly, & measure carefully.

Personalized: Meta data, messages, & customer experience.

Compelling Creation


Team BuildingRecruit Your Marketing Squad


Target Audience

Who is your target customer? (Age, Gender, Location, School, Job, & Style).

Global, National, & / or Local?

Know your users (who they are, what they care about, what do they think of you, where do they go now, what is their journey?

What they do online (shop, search, share, learn, read, & connect).

Who are the affinity groups? (readers of what magazines? listeners of what radio stations? Readers of what blogs & books?

What are your customers’ hobbies, interests, activities, & passions.

What appeals to them? (Free shipping, coupons / discounts, free expert information, prizes / contests / giveaways.

How connected are they? (Social media, desktop, smartphones, tablets, email, & laptop)?

Look for unusual opportunities & niche markets.

Behavioral, Geotargeting, Technographic, & Weather targeting.

Customer & Market Analysis


Public Relations

Why will the public embrace it?

Be flexible. Get the big story. Take notes.

Don’t argue, stay humble.

Get included in your local industry associations, business chamber, etc.

Collect feedback through surveys.

Distribute online press releases & video announcements.

Connecting to Community


Cause Marketing

Combine thirst for competition with commitment to making a social contribution.

83% of Americans want brands to support causes. 88% of households give to charity.

90% think companies should be giving in communities.

Address social need & serve common good.

Common good is primary purpose, trumping over anything else the enterprise does.

Commercial activity is strong revenue driver.

Charity Relations & Non-Profits


Customer Experience

Connect with your customer, tap their knowledge, expertise, time, or resources.

Scalability & efficiency.

Manage risk.

Build awe-inspiring experience.

Growth from existing customers.

Your Customers Own You


Customer Experience

Customer is at epicenter, always on the go.

Increase allure of your product. Decrease how difficult it is to get it.

Go the extra mile.

Use data to anticipate needs.

Host webinars & webcasts.

Keep customer up-to-date.

Send deals & incentives.

Make it easy & engaging.

Get it to the customer quickly.

Be authentic in all communication.

Under Promise, Over Deliver


Content Tools

Compliance. Workflow.

Distribution. Track results.

Optimize. Aggregation.

Creation. Evaluation.

Update strategies.

Solutions & Applications


III. Brandinga. Archetypes b. Personality

c. Color in Business d. Visual Communication


Branding Summary

We are wired to process the world visually.

Logos affect buying decisions. Elite logos are so valuable they don’t need words.

Average consumer attention span = 8 seconds.

75% of buying experiences are based on emotion.

Consistent, clear, and engaging design.

Appeal, comprehension, & retention.

Use video tutorials, instructional videos, product / service videos, & humorous videos.

Layout, colors, typography, images, navigation, texture, balance, & uniqueness.

“We are what we pretend to be.” – Kurt Vonnegut



Order: Ruler, Creator, & Innocent.

Self Focused: Sage, Explorer, & Champion.

Change: Jester, Rebel, & Magician.

Group Oriented: Caregiver, Everyman, Lover.

Typical Characters


Brand Personality

Sincerity: Domestic, Honest, Genuine, & Cheerful.

Excitement: Daring, Spirited, Imaginative, & Up-to-date.

Competence: Reliable, Responsible, Dependable, & Efficient.

Sophistication: Glamorous, Presentation, Charming, & Romantic.

Ruggedness: Tough, Strong, Outdoorsy, & Rugged.

Traits & Human Characteristics


Color in Business

Red (Intensity of blood and fire). Evokes feelings of active, emotional, passionate, trust, love, & aggressiveness.

Blue (depth and stability of sky & sea). Comfort, faith, conservative, understanding, clarity, confident, calm, & trust feelings.

Yellow (Energy and joy of sunshine). You feel alive, energetic, & fresh.

Pink (Feminine traits). Love, sweet, warmth, sexuality, & nurtured feelings.

Green (Harmony of nature). Calm, relaxed, trust, peaceful, & hopeful.

Purple (Luxury of royalty). Glamour, power, nostalgic, introspective, & romantic.

Orange (Happiness of sunshine & tropics). Enthusiastic, creative, determined, & stimulates mental activity.

Black (Formality & mystery of night). Bold, serious, & luxurious.

Brown (Nurturing trail of Mother Earth). Evokes feelings of reliability, support, & dependability.

Art of Attraction


Color Emotion


Color Wheel


Visual Communication

Make a great first impression!

50 milliseconds visitor forms an impression.

2.6 seconds visitor decides if site is good or bad & 10 seconds they stay or bounce.

Brain processes images fast & 83% of learning is visual.

Ideograms, logograms, alphabet, books, fonts, bar charts, steam-graphs, tree maps, scatter plot, gantt chart.

Art of Attraction

Objects, models, graphs, maps, tables, photographs, videos, drawings, & diagrams.

$136B on visual advertising spent in 2015.

Dates back to engraving, sculpture, body ornamentation, & cave painting.

Plan your graphics design & use sizing chart for social media.

Infographics improve website traffic by 12%.



Graphic design & photo editing: Pixlr, Canva, PicMonkey, Adobe Creative Suite, & The GIMP.

Photo Sharing: IMGUR, Google Photos, Shutterfly, SmugMug SnapFish, DropShots, & Flickr.

Flow Chart Makers: Gliffy, LucidChart, Draw, & ASQ.

Video: Overvideo (add text & music to your videos).

Solutions & Applications

Color Scheme Designer: Paletton, ColorPic, Atom, Colorpicker, & HTML Color codes.

Art: DeviantArt, Twibfy, Forrst, FavIcon Generator, PicMarkr, Designers Talk, Icon Finder, DepthCore, CoSwap, & Dribble.


IV. Sales

a. Psychology & Lead Conversion b. Email, Direct & Internet Marketing

c. Influencer Marketing d. Experiential Marketing


Always Be Caring

Under promise & over deliver.

Sweep people off their feet with a surprise.

3/4 customers will spend more based on positive experience.

Build customer loyalty.

Reach out & ask your audience what they like / don’t like.

Think like a journalist, inspire, use bite-sized messages to gain interest.

Keep it conversational.

Don’t oversell.

Finish what you start.

Prioritize, find the gaps, plan territories, & fill the pipe.

“People don’t buy for logical reasons. They buy for emotional reasons.” – Zig Ziglar



Color affects purchases.

Design & efficiency.

More than 50% enter stores with “SALE” sign.

90% influenced by reviews.

60% want to buy from socially-responsible companies.


In the Buyer’s Mind

Lead Conversion

Customer goes online to find a solution.

So many results! Checks out first search engine results page.

Bases decision on web site design & other factors.

Lead contacts business.

Lead is added to CRM or contact list.

Business follows up (automated reminders).

Quickly respond to leads.

Manage Initial contact.

Prospect to Customer


Email Marketing

More popular than social media.

Focus message to fulfill promise of subject line.

People who opt-in have commercial intent from the start.

Email list is your traffic on demand source.

Social media channels are complementary.

Punctuation is unnecessary, but capital letters has lifted engagement.

68% of marketers say email is core.

Take into effect time zones.

23.63% of email is opened within 1 hour after delivery.

After 8pm people check email again.

6am - noon is the best time.

8am, 9am, 3am, & 8pm are good times.

Personalization increases open rates.


Direct MarketingCapabilities (Passion, Purpose, Participation)

Culture (Community authenticity) Outcomes (Emotional equity)


Internet Marketing

Banner Advertising: eye-catching design that gives a logical reason for someone to click through.

Re-Marketing: delivering ads to I.P. addresses of people who searched you in the past.

Paid Search: Ads from Google & Bing that are related to user’s search queries.

Promoted Content: content associated with the user experience of a website or social network.

Inbound Marketing: content to convert prospects to customers & customers to evangelists.

Online Tactics & The Conversation Prism


Viral Marketing

Way to get value beyond initial cost by passing the critical mass crossover.

More interconnections there are between users, more quickly & widely it’s shared.

Worthy of being shared.

Shared widely enough.

Widespread Attention

Hilarious, incredible or unbelievable, deeply emotional, agrees with world view / opinions, makes us stop and think

Isn’t covered by mainstream media.

Makes someone smile.

Provocative & / or embarrassing.

Dramatic, drama, & good gossip.


Influencer Marketing

Customer trust influencers more than brands.

Be realistic with time & effort.

Bring creative ideas to the table.

Co-Promotions and blogs.

Influencers help with brand awareness, education, SEO authority, use cases, social following, damage control, sales, trust, & UGC.

Relevance is more important than mass reach to wrong audience.

3x to 10x increase in conversion through influencers.

Welcome feedback.

Measure success.

Industry relevance, content quality, and personality of creator higher than popularity.

Ambassadors & Evangelists


Experiential Marketing

Immersing a consumer into your business by engaging as many human senses as possible.

Creates consumer and brand connection.

Designed to be memorable & emotional to generate loyalty.

Encourage pictures, hashtags, & status updates.

Outdoor exhibitions, consumer events, interactive displays, street performance teams, flash mobs, digital out of home, outdoor displays

Be imaginative & creative, strive to do something no one else has done.

Appeal to five senses.




Forms: GetResponse, WooForms, Form Builder, SumoMe, OptinMonster,

Social Search: Full Contact & Rapportive.

Marketing Automation: Marketo, Pardot, Woopra, InfusionSoft, Act-On, & Silverpop.

Productivity / CRM: Salesforce, Sales Cloud, YesWare, Clari, InfusionSoft, EDGAR, SalesExec, Bunchball, OnContact CRM 7, Hoopla, KiteDesk, rFactr, InsightPool, Nimble, & Act-On.

Promo: Fiverr, CoPromote, Grow Influence, & Outbrain.

Solutions & Applications


V. Transmediaa. Emerging Trends b. Games & Apps

c. Podcasts d. Commercials & Advertising

e. Books & Publishing


Immersive Experiences

Narrative, Multiplatform Storytelling.

Each part makes a unique & valuable contribution to the whole.

Central idea feeds to Direct Marketing, Staff, Retail, Interactive Experience, Advertising, & Public Relations.

One story / big idea with intersecting storylines.

Make the audience go deep!

Relevant comic strips or cartoons.

Vision must be consistent & unified.

Each medium should do whatever it does best.


“Imagination is more important than knowledge.” – Albert Einstein

Emerging Trends

Eyewear (Google Glass).

Cloud computing.

No touch interfaces.

Oculus Rift (virtual reality head mounted display).

Smart glass to selectively block heat & light.

Eye Tribe (eye tracking).


Leap motion (3D motion tracking controller).

Additive manufacturing (3D Printing from 2D still photograph.

SmartThings connects digital and non-digital devices in home.

Augmented Reality contact lenses.

Hand manipulated holographic technology.

Future of Storytelling, Marketing, & Technology


Games & Apps

Make apps available in Apple & Android stores.

Design interactive games.

Challenge your audience with quizzes

Use online Widgets.

Health apps are most popular.


Multi-Platform Single Experience

From licensing to co-creation.

Form communities & give them something to do.


Episodic series of audio, video, digital radio, PDF, or ePub files subscribed to or downloaded through web syndication.

Make your podcast simple, unexpected, concrete, credible, emotional & tell stories.


Audio is “eyes free”

37 million people goto the gym. 26.4 minutes is avg. commute to work.


5, 30, & 60 second formats.

30 second commercial format: introduction 2.5 seconds, key message 10 sec, reinforce message 10 sec, closing remarks 5 sec & tag line 2.5 sec.

Professional voice talent can offer industry experience & artistic interpretation of script.

U.S. TV share of all advertising spend is 31%($71.8B in 2014).

Online spend $37B (2014).

Ad spend by genre: 35% drama, 29% sports, 15% sitcom, 17% reality, & 4% news.


Breaking Down Online & TV Commercials


Storyline is delivered via Mobile ads, billboard, commercials, graphic novels, games, movies, short films, & books.

30 seconds is average length of TV commercial.

90 seconds is drop off in viewer retention.

Each new medium makes distinctive & valuable contribution to the whole.


Becoming Part of the Product

Book Publishing

Come up with a book idea and great title.

Identify your ideal readers.

Write your book.

Edit / revise & design cover.

Publish ebook, printed book.

Self supported publishing.

Novels, Books, & Guides



Podcasts: Blubrry, Audacity, Garageband, Music Alley,, JinglePalette, & Soundboard.

Coupons & Contests: Wishpond,, & Offerpop.

Books: Createspace

Video: YouTube, Vimeo, Animoto, or Wistla.

Presentation: BeFunky, Skitch, & Keynote.

Transmedia Tools


VI. Social Mediaa. Psychology, Growth, & Statistics

b. Daily Tasks & Tools c. #hashtags

d. Times to Post & Proven Tactics



24/7 customer. It’s all about people!

Build brand awareness, preference, direct leads + sales, increase customer loyalty, & provide customer service.

Always be connecting. Don’t be shy.

Develop a consistent style.

Integrate social media with traditional campaigns.

Respond to comments, birthdays, promotions, anniversary, news, & endorse.

Original content is most important.

Create a content bank.

Curated content + original visuals, memes, infographics, videos, audio, YouTube, & blogging is all important.

Great photos generate higher engagement (more likes, comments, clicks, visits, favorites, leads, and conversion.)

Empower audience, give shout outs, feature customer experiences, & post fun team photos.

Help whenever you can.

“The heart of Social Media is engaging your audience in something they love.” - Mike Will Downey


PsychologyIn the mind of your audience


GrowthSewing Social Seeds



240M Emails Sent.

4M Searches.

Amazon Sales: $83,000

Tweets: 277,000

Tinder swipes: 416,667.

72 hours of video is uploaded per minute.

Pandora: 61,141 hours of music. Apple: 48,000 Apps Downloaded.

How to articles, lists, what-posts, why-posts, & videos shared the most in that order.

In 2015 Every Minute…


Daily Tasks

Curate your content.

Craft your message.

Post your messages, campaigns, & content.

Schedule posts & campaigns.

Respond to customers and inquiries.

Listen to feedback.

Help prospects & customers.

Measure results & feedback.

Analyze data.

Plan future posts & campaigns.

Experiment with new content & campaigns.

Comment on others’ posts & updates.

Do These Everyday


#hashtag Power

One of the most powerful tools around.

Instantly links social media posts to group of likeminded users on topic in real time.

Host live chats.

Easy to remember & crystal clear.

Drives brand recognition, boosts reach of campaign, and impacts customer loyalty.

Don’t over-tag (1-2 per post).

Use one hash tag to speak for your brand.

Concisely describe both brand and business area.

Stickers, posters, sidewalk chalk in well trafficked public location or somewhere that will be seen on TV with a picture.

Why use hashtags on every post


Times to Post

Facebook: 1pm - 4pm results in highest average click through.

Twitter: Mondays through Thursday 1pm - 3pm.

Linkedin: Tuesdays - Thursdays

Facebook weekends before 8am after 8pm.

Twitter everyday after 8pm, Fridays after 3pm.

Linkedin: Mondays & Fridays 10pm - 6am.

Best Times vs Worst Times


Proven Tactics

Increase conversion rates.

Build brand awareness.

Grow new subscribers.

Instantly links social media posts to group of likeminded users on topic in real time.

Host live chats.

Easy to remember & crystal clear.

Be a source of value for your audience.

Know your topics.

Reward people for online reviews.

Offer 100% inventory visibility.

Thoughtfully designed experience.

Diversify by using Tumblr, Vine, Instagram, & the following:

Look Sharp



Call to action - motivate readers to engage with your content.

Put EMPHASIS on certain keywords by using square brackets.

Avoid capitalizing words.

Use maximum of 2 hashtags per tweet.

Tweet statistics to expand reach.

Avoid slang & abbreviations.

Ask for Retweet (RT) late at night (10pm - 11pm EST).

Recycle tweets.

Save space with & instead of and.

To make your tweet more retweetable leave empty space around 20 characters at the end.

Use link shortening services.

Tips & Tactics For a Perfect Tweet



Exploit your profile photo to attract the like-minded.

Friends of fans expand reach.

Speak your fans’ language.

Insights tell you what works.

Reward fans who tag you.

Make great announcements on timeline.

Identify ad goals & spend at least $10 per week.

Target warm leads & people who already know you.

Analyze ad reports to find ROI.

Fridays are the best day for engagement.

Strategies & Tactics



Create with a primary Gmail account.

Start with personal profile with photo.

Create a business page.

Link to web site, social media, & other accounts.

Use keywords in bio.

Link your web site with G+ account.

Target organize your circles.

Join Communities and post.

Keep 30 or less people in each circle.

Create hangouts with your prospects & customers.

Public posts increase SEO.

Share your blog posts & photos.

Verify your business.

Strategies & Tactics



Make use of rich pins for businesses.

Add a personalized description to each pin with relevant hashtags.

Add a ‘Pin it’ button to all the images on your main web site.

Connect your other social media accounts.

Promote your boards.

Use cinematic pins, promoted pins, & audience targeting.

Perfect your profile with about, link to your web site, & profile photo.

Share colorful images.

Comment (show you care & understand) on the popular feeds & pins.

Mention others.

Follow people with similar interests.

Host contests.

Use cost-per-engagement pricing model (CPE).

Tactics for Curating & Posting Pins


Social Media Tools

Integrate with your CRM system to track & record engagement with prospects.

Integrate with your website, emails, press releases, & other marketing platforms to present a cohesive, multi-channel presence.

Generate leads by monitoring & responding to potential buying signals.

Content sources: Nuzzel, Digg Deeper, & Swayy.

Streamline: Pocket, IFTTT, &BuzzStream.

Gathering: Feedly.

Scheduling: Buffer, Hootsuite, FollowedApp, & Agora Pulse.

Analytics: Followerwonk & Facebook Insights.

Community: Mention,, Manage Flitter.

Social News: Digg, Reddit, Scoop, BlinkList, & StumbleUpon.

Sharing: Pin it button, DLVR.IT, DoShare, Buffer, ScoopIt, Triberr,

Integration & Management Applications


VII. Web Designa. Visualization

b. Mobile c. Future

d. Stickiness


Look Sharp

Load time is primary.

Colors affect site’s performance.

Encourage feedback.

Instant, online live chat.

Responsive design.

Build website so it loads and functions quickly on all devices.

Most users look at pages in F-shaped pattern.

89% of customers search the web before making a purchase.

75% say website design is #1 credibility criterion.

Stronger corporate brand image will boost stock price by average of 5-7%.

Empower audience.

“Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning.” - Bill Gates



1.9 billion mobile users & growing.

One URL + Single Content + One Code + CSS3 Queries sends to multiple devices.

Responsive designs auto-adjust depending on screen visitor is using. (Computer, iPhone, iPad, Android).

Flexible grid and flexible images.

Breakpoint - Mobile sites (320 x 480, 480 x 320), iPad 768 x 1024 or 1024 x 768), Desktops 1680 x 1050)

Allow compression of site elements and content (GZIP).

Eliminate non-essential content.

Responsive Design



Easily available & free support method.

Structured & clear way to return product if something is wrong.

Not too many ads!

Delivery company info & time of delivery.

Costs (free shipping or delivery preferred)

Allow people to search quickly (use AJAX).

FAQ section that contains answers to all possible questions.

Must have shopping certificate (SSL).

Add brand certifications, star rating review system, comments, product reviews, & testimonials.

Real Life Shopping Experiences


Future Tends

Everyone on planet will be networked.

Thought controlled mechanisms, search web in brains.

Homes, cars, businesses, even bodies will be instrumented and monitored.

Augmented reality will become normal.

Balloon powered connectivity.

Voice recognition improvements.

Real time integration translation will be available for use in face-to-face conversation.

Email tangible objects.

Interconnected virtual worlds in 3D web.

DNA signatures.

Holgram meetings.

Wearable books, transmitter, & fitness devices.

Internet in 100 Years



Adding testimonials to your website can increase sales by 250% or more.

Condense content on One Page with Easy Navigation, & scannable attractive content.

People are comfortable with scrolling, especially Infinite & Parallax.

Show products / timelines in 3D.

Use Flat Design (clean, polished, faster load times).

Clean Simple Layouts.

Guide visitors along a path to a Call to Action!

Stay Awhile


Web Design Tools

Wordpress and WP Theme Detector.

CSS: Animate, Macaw, Proto, Framerjs & Behave.js.

HTML5, UXpin, Weebly, Wirefy, & Invisionapp.

Test load time with Kingdom & Google PageSpeed.

Bitly - short links.

Lining.js - makes web sites more attractive.

WebFlow & Shopify.

MarvelApp - turn sketches, images, & mockups into realistic mobile & web prototypes.

Zeplin - collaborate with UI designers around the world.

Am I Responsive Design.


Applications & Solutions

V. SEOa. Anatomy b. Ranking c. Tactics

d. Content

(Search Engine Optimization)


Search Engine Optimization

Know the algorithms.

More focus on smartphones and tablets.

Link to author’s Google Plus.

Authorship provides users to link any content available on net that is created by them directly to Google+ account. Better Author rank = Google identifies as authority figure.

Organize your content, tags, links, sizes, & names well.

Social Media signals (likes, comments, followers, shares, & industry influence citation) influence search ranking.

Location based searches. (20% are related to location).

Avoid black hat tactics.

“Marketing is a contest for people’s attention.” - Seth Godin




Google updates algorithms yearly (Panda, Penguin, & Hummingbird) filtering out spam, content farms, and black hat web sites.

Headers - 50-59 characters long. Displays subject, keyword, and brand name.

Meta Description - snapshot into what page is about. 150-160 characters.

Footers - links in footer devalue site. Avoid links in footer, keep it simple.

URL - domain name should use variant of your target keyword or text related to business after .com should be category or post name.

Body - content should be unique, interesting, what people want to link to.

Keywords - should be bold or highlighted once per word. Be in H1, H2, H3 tags. Appear in body of text naturally and not too often.

Use phrase matches and synonyms.

Optimized Web Pages



Keyword appears in title tag.

Keyword density.


ALT Tags for image links.

Original content.

Grammar and spelling.

Update your links. No broken links.

Breadcrumb navigation.

Keyword as first word in domain.

Date domain expires.

Bullets and number lists rank higher.

Regularly updated older pages.

Site uptimes.

Use hyphens between words of files.

Site reputation.

Ranking Criteria



Actionable data that can be used to increase traffic & improve conversion rates.

Study keyword rankings, clicks, & impressions.

Take action on results.

Look for keywords with most impressions.

Improve targeting of page titles, ALT tags on images, image titles, & descriptions.

Reply to threads.

Look for topics you can provide value to.

Share more of your content to community in non-spammy way.

Analyze drop off points.

Give your market segments a dynamic, targeted experience.

Narrow reports by traffic source, location, device, etc.

Crunch The Numbers


Goals of SEO

Improve and maintain Google rankings.

Build quality links.

Increase organic traffic.

Raise visibility on search engines.

Generate leads.

Reasons to outsource: lack of resources, expert knowledge, save time, costs, or recurring activities.

Diversified traffic.

Bigger user engagement, brand exposure, & expand customer base.

Increase online marketing ROI.

Why Invest In SEO


SEO Tools

Link Outreach (BuzzStream, Haro, & Link Prospector).

Content Optimization (Copyscape, SEO Lyze, & Siteliner).

Local SEO (Moz Local, White Spark, & Yext).

Keyword Suggestion (WordStream, Ubersuggest, SpyFu, Market Samurai, & HitTail).

SEO crawlers( Screaming Frog, Xenu Link Sleuth, & Raven)

Keyword Competition (Moz, Wordtracker, & serpIQ)

Link building (Open Site Explorer, Majestic SEO, & ahrefs).

Rank tracking (Authority Labs, SEO Moz, & Rank Ranger).

SEO Plugins (MozBar, Majestic SEO, & Yoast).

SEO Suite (Google Analytics, & Webmaster Tools).

Applications & Solutions


About Author

550+ Marketing & PR campaigns worth over $500M.

Sold sports high-tech social application to 212 Media, led LeagueApps / Sportsvite.

Published over 3,000 songs, written seven screenplays, & one book.

Worked with NBA Carmelo Anthony & Denver Nuggets, MLB Carlos Gonzalez, & NFL Denver Broncos, Bo Scaife, & D.J. Williams.

Worked with Save Our Youth, Alzheimer’s, Goodwill, Athens Nursing Home, & Athens Pound Rescue.

Winner of Minnie Hite Moodie Writers Award (Ohio).

Currently resides in Palos Verdes, CA & Hollywood, CA with his girlfriend Barbra Ongwico. He loves God & nature.

Connect with Mike at [email protected] or

Mike Will Downey

“It’s hard to beat a person who never gives up.” Babe Ruth


RightNow Customer Experience Impact Report.

Harris Interactive, 2011 Customer Experience Improvement Study.

The Guardian, Alexa, Business Insider, Comscore Datamine, BuzzStream, FRACTL,

Fast Company, Forbes, Return on Behavior, Slideshare, Quick Sprout, Out Market.

Mashable, Se-Alliance, Major Multimedia, Harkable, Ad Age, Shorty Awards.

Storyism, Big Fuel, Reel SEO, TechCrunch, New Yorker,
