
Modern Furniture Trends & Styles

Dealing in Modern Furniture and Vivid Colours

Modern Furniture and Vivid Colours

• When you are designing your home, it is always a good idea to keep a theme and aesthetic in mind. Too many people simply throw a number of different designs together, hoping that things will pan out, and when they do this, things seldom do! If you want to create a very modern look for your home, you will of course need modern furniture, and this is where a few important tips can help you. Check out these tips and trends for modern furnishings that will keep you on track.


• When you want a very modern look for your home furnishings, it is important to pick a colour palate and to stick with it. For example, consider the fact that the show Mad Men has had a very iconic influence on our modern style, which hearkens right back to the fifties!


• If you are invested in the Mad Men aesthetic, consider choosing furniture that has a very bright, but very limited palate. While an entire furniture set in bright orange might be a little outrageous, you’ll find that it catches the eye like nothing else.

Wood or Metal?

• People often wonder whether wood or metal is more modern, and though it is very tempting to say that metal is always more modern than wood, nothing could be further from the truth! For example, compare a chair with wrought iron trim to a trendy couch that uses re-purposed wood with a great deal of character as part of the frame?

Wood or Metal?

• The key to remember is that wood can be just as modern as metal if you look for the right pieces. Take a moment to think about how the piece hangs together and what kind of effect the piece of furniture creates as a whole. There is a big trend right now for eco-friendly, renewable wood, and that’s a fantastic modern aesthetic for your furniture.


• When you are looking at furniture, you of course want to know what it feels like against your hand. Modern furniture tends to be more sleek and more slick than traditional furniture, though of course, there are exceptions.


• If you truly want a piece of furniture that is plush rather than sleek, consider choosing a piece that has a unique and angular shape to it. For example, if you want a plush armchair, consider choosing one with very sharp edges and a very square look to it. This is a good way to make sure that your furniture matches even if the upholstery does not match in terms of textures.

Be Willing to Experiment

• There is a big trend right now for retro pieces, so you never know when a random piece of furniture that you pick up at an outlet store is going to work perfectly. One way to stay on the look out for gorgeous modern pieces is to carry a schematic of your living room.

Be Willing to Experiment

• Map out where all of the furniture goes, and record the dimensions of the space. This will help you decide if a new piece will fit.

• When you are looking for modern furniture, there are some fantastic options open to you.

Further Reading…

• For further information on modern & contemporary furniture, Visit Barrymore Furniture Co Ltd today. Barrymore is the leading retailer of fine, modern furniture in Toronto & surrounding areas. Visit us today at