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Group work Models

YD6201 Fiona Beals & Arden Perrot

Tuckman’s Model 1965

O Forming

O Storming

O Norming

O Performing

O Adjorning (Tuckman & Jensen 1977)

Tuckman’s Model 1965

O Forming – Range of emotions experienced as people start to get to know each other in a group

O Storming – conflict, struggle for power push boundaries set up in forming stage

O Norming – people come together – resolve differences, roles taking up, see the goal move towards it.

O Performing – Achieving the goal, team working smoothly, no friction.

O Adjourning – ending stage of the group, find it hard to leave strong relationships, uncertain about future


Cog’s Ladder

O Polite stage

O Why are we here stage

O Bid for power

O Constructive

O Espirit

Cog’s Ladder

• Esprit – Creativity, trust, support, caring, openness,

respect, acceptance, etc.

• Constructive – Listening Co-operation, shared

leadership, group Identity, etc.

• Bid for Power – Competition, win-lose arguments,

withdrawing, controlling, criticism, etc.

• Why are we here? Clarifying purpose, sharing

values, forming cliques, some risk taking


• Polite – Getting acquainted, sharing info, holding

back, seeking approval, hidden agendas, low

conflict, etc.

Gersick (1988)

O Punctuated equilibrium model

O Different from the stage model of group development

O Workers do not form, storm and norm about goal or task at hand as they share common scripts (experiences about the task at hand and their roles) therefore can immediately work as a group cohesively.

O Up to a point when the group realizes the time has passed they begin to storm and question the project and the intended outcomes future direction and when groups come together with different scripts they usually have to form storm and norm before they can work together collectively and cohesively

Gersick (1988)


Firo B Model

O Fundamental

O Interpersonal

O Relations

O Orientation

O (Behavior)

What FIRO B measures is how you act

around other people and how you expect

them to act around you

Firo B Model

What FIRO B measure Identifies three areas

of interpersonal need. What people

seek/need or act in a group setting.

O Inclusion

O Control

O Affection

Firo B Model

Within those there are two dimensions

within these.

O Expressed

O Wanted
