  • 1. Modal Verbs

2. What are modal verbs? They are: can(pode) could(poderia) may(pode, poderia) might(pode, poderia) should(deveria) must(deve) oughtto (precisa) usedto(costumava) Modal verbs are sometimes referred to as Modal Auxiliary verbs because they help other verbs They are Auxiliary verbs that provide additional and specific meaning to the main verb of the sentence 3. How do we use modals? Example: Mary could play the piano S Subject V Verb M They do not accept conjugation They do not need other auxiliary verbs 4. Form He can ski He cans ski or He can skis Would you like to come with me? Do you would like to come with me? They cant be serious They dont can be serious There is no s in singular There is no do / does in the question There is no dont / doesnt in the negative 5. Form to can / caning to must /musting She must study We should have gone the other way He could play football in his youth (general ability) Modal verbs do not have infinitives or ing forms Modal verbs are followed by an infinitive without to 6. Form Modal verbs do not have all the tenses Modal verbs use other verbs to complete the tenses Can is completed with be able to Must is completed with have to They can play the piano They will be able to play the piano in the future You must come early You had to come early yesterday 7. What do they express? Can: pode ser usado para expressar permisso, habilidade. Can I drink water? (Posso beber gua?). I can speak English. (Eu posso falar ingls). Could: empregado para expressar habilidade, s que no passado. usado tambm com o sentindo de poderia, em um contexto mais formal. I could ride a bike when I was 5 years old. (Eu podia/conseguia andar de bicicleta quando tinha 5 anos de idade). Could you bring me a sandwich and a coke, please? (Voc poderia me trazer um sanduche e uma coca, por favor?). 8. What do they express? May: usado para expressar uma possibilidade no presente ou no futuro. Tambm pode ser usado para pedir permisso, no entanto, may usado em contextos mais formais que o can. It may rain tomorrow. (Pode chover amanh). May I go to the bathroom? (Eu poderia ir ao banheiro?). Might: usado para expressar possibilidades no passado ou no presente. She might have come to the party. (Ela poderia ter vindo festa). He might have lunch with us tomorrow. (Ele pode vir almoar com a gente amanh). 9. What do they express? Should e ought to: usado para expressar um conselho. You should go to the doctor. (Voc deveria ir ao mdico). You ought to quit smoking. (Voc deveria parar de fumar). Must: usado para expressar obrigao. You must go to school. (Voc deve ir escola). She must study more. (Ela deve estudar mais). Used to: empregado para expressar um hbitodo passado. I used to watch cartoons when I was a child. (Eu costumava assistir desenhos quando era criana). She used to play on the street when she was 8 years old. (Ela costumava brincar na rua quando tinha 8 anos de idade). 10. Modals in the Past They are modals referred to actions that happened in the past It must have been a difficult decision They should have invited her to their wedding MODAL + HAVE + verb in past participle 11. A last tip There are few verbs which often serve as modals too. These are modal-like verbs They need to be conjugated 12. Modals-like verbs 13. Bibliografia