  • 1. ne zi ga a ,M ns er m a n C a nn s t e r ck Ba w e o M eb a n i e Wteph Sge pand a

2. *DIET TO THE RIGHT, BARR LOGO WILL BE ON THE FINAL PRODUCT* These are my first two cans, these have been made by bringing something old in to something new, to do this when conducting my research I looked at Irn-Bru in all its dif ferent states, so I thought that it would be a really good idea to put par ts from old Irn-Bru cans on to a new can but with a twist so that its still original, as you can see I have kept a clear colour theme running using the blue and orange, and the other less traditional colours from previous Irn-Bru adver ts. This can ranges from 1990 to now. I have decided to use the font that I have because to me it fits in with the typical stereotype for energy drinks, spor t, I think that this font represent being outside because of the chunks that are missing out of it, it also reminds me of street kind of writing which can be found outside, so this is why I stuck to this kind of image. 3. *DIET TO THE RIGHT, BARR LOGO WILL BE ON THE FINAL PRODUCT* This is my second set of cans, the two final ones are undecided at the moment because I liked the idea of having the original feel and colours still, but then I thought that its not really being original If I just keep the same theme going, so I thought that I would go for a black background this time, which I think helps to make the can look more modern, the more I see it the more the black cans look better. The same font has been kept through the cans to show that there is a clear theme with at least one thing, I also like this font better because it fits in with the stereotype stated in slide 1. I thought that the idea of having the runners on the cans was good because I thought that it could represent the strength of the drink, so this one would be three times the strength. It is also stated at the top so that people know. 4. **DIET CAN TO THE RIGHT, BARR LOGO WILL BE ON FINAL PRODUCT** This is my third version of cans, for this one I have gone for something simple and easy, this is becau se my other two designs were made up of lots of dif ferent things so this time I thought that I would go for something simple so that its dif ferent to the rest, but in the same way it looks busy at the same time because of all the tones in the back ground f rom th e splash. I thought that I would go for a splash because this represents liquid, this connects it to the drink . The two droplets at the bottom represent the strength of the drink, by showing that its two times the energy as well as mention ing it on the can itself . For the audience to be able to tell which can is diet and which can is normal I changed the colours so th at its easy for the audience to tell, on the final product it will have it written on it as well in case there is some confusion . The text that I have used for this can has still stayed the same through out, reasons for this is because I think that it looks better if the text and colour scheme stayed the same, I also think that this font works well with whatever back ground because its so bold so it will be easy for the audience to see. 5. This is what the back of my can will look like for ever y design, I like the way that I have done this because it has all the information in that is needed but at the same time there isnt too much, so it doesnt look too cluttered. It tells the audience how it is best ser ved, the ingredients, and nutritional information. When creating this I made sure that I included the necessar y logos, I included a GB logo, to show that it has been made in Great Britain, the BARR logo to show the company the product is brought to the audience by and a recyclable logo to show people that its environmentally friendly. I tried to keep the colour schemes the same as bests as I could so that it still looks like the same can. The font I had to change because with it being so bold it would be dif ficult to read in a small size because it would just look like random squares all over the can. 6. These are the two posters that I will do for the normal cans if I am to do them. In the process of making these I thought of putting the lightning cans with the lightning background, but then I thought that it might look too busy so I changed the backgrounds around so that they were dif ferent to each other, as you can see the top poster has the background that looks as if it would go with the cans in the bottom poster, and visa versa. I thought that this worked really well and it helped to make dif ferent par ts on each poster stand out. 7. On the next slide there are fanzine pages that I thought Id do. I thought that these would be a good idea to make because if a celebrities audience saw them with a product that they could buy then it might influence them to go out and buy it just because they have it. This will bring a larger target audience to Irn-Bru. when looking at these you will notice have taken a picture from the internet of high resolution and placed the product somewhere on them to make it look like they are doing something with it. I decided to do these just to see how they panned out and if they would actually look any good, here are the end results. 8. This adver tisement is based on spor ts, this fits the energy drink stereotype. I thought that by cloning the Irn-Bru can in to the rugby players hands would look really good and work really well to help Irn-Bru gain more of an audience. On the second image down of the poster you cant really see the Irn-Bru can because the image is to bright and vibrant, so by changing the colours and contrast of the image so that it helped to make the can stand out more, you can see this in the top right image, this worked really well for me. The font on this has been changed because with the kind of background that it is you wouldnt be able to tell what it said, so I thought that I would change it to something simple and bold so that its easier for the audience to see. I also thought that I would put something quick and catchy so that it keeps the audiences attention and gets the message across, by putting Ever yone goes crazy for then having a can of Irn-Bru makes the audience think for themselves. 9. This one didnt work out as well because the straps from her clothes are covering her thumbs and colouring over them didnt work as I thought it would. If it did work I think that this kind of adver tisement would work really well rather than a spor ts one because singers tend to have more of an audience than spor ts players simply because they are known world wide. 10. **DIET BANNER TO THE BOTTOM, BARR LOGO WILL BE ON FINAL THING** This is my first set of web banner in stages, this design was really quick and simple to make as it wasnt made up of many components. The colour scheme for this logo has stayed the same as the colour schemes for the can and the magazine page, I thought that this would be a good idea so that the audience can see clear professionalism, I thought to do this also because the audience might think that its a dif ferent product if the colours suddenly changed. The text is again the same and this wont be changing, for the same reasons as stated above. On the middle web banner I thought that ever ything looked really plain and flat so this is what persuaded me to make it look 3D on the third banner, to do this I used a bevel to make it stand out. It also helps to make it look more realistic because of the way that the text is sticking of the page a bit so this helps to show the meaning of why its sticking of f the page a bit. 11. **DIET BANNER TO THE BOTTOM, BARR LOGO WILL BE ON FINAL THING** This is the second set of Web Banners, as you can see this is ver y similar to the first set except the background has changed. The colour scheme on this has stayed the same but because of the background colour underneath the block of colour for the background being dark this has made the whole of the background dark. The background for this banner has been taken from the modern version of Irn-Bru on the 3 rd slide, I thought that I would do this so that its not being lef t out and so that there is more of a variety, it also helps to promote that can, the lightning cans would be put on this for the final thing as well. The text for this has also stayed the same, and changed colours depending on which banner is which. Again you can see that the last version of each banner has been made to look 3D so that it helps emphasise the fact that the font is sticking out of the end of the page so that it looks more 3D to the audience. 12. This is my third set of web banners, this is based on the can that is on the 4 th slide, again this is extremely similar to the others so that there isnt any confusion to the audience if there was a chance of design. The colour scheme that has been used is again blue and orange so that this is keeping the same colours throughout. The text that I have sued has also stayed the same so that its easy for the audience to see because of how bold and vibrant it is. i thought that I would use spill mark again so that the drink is still being tied in to the banner rather than the other banners that are a bit dif ficult to understand why things are like they are, for example, the lightning bolt. 13. This is my first fanzine web banner, even tho ugh Barack Obam a isnt Scott ish I tho ught that I would use him as he is a well known p erson, it shows that pe ople in high up places like the small t hings lower pe ople do. I t hink t hat t his we b banner will bring each social work ing class together. The st age s that I went through to create t he poster like I did meant that I had to cut out the originalthing that was in his hands and place another thing in his hands and cut out the par ts that where covering his hands, I thought that this worked really well but I think that it could have been better. Once I did this I then added some text too it to tr y and make it comical, again when I wrote I dont always drink, but when I do I made sure that I didnt finish the end of the sentence so that the audience have to think to their self. The text that I used have to be changed so that it was easier for the audience because there is so much going onto see background, so I just used a simple font in bold and put an outline in the around it so that it stands out more and helps readability.
