
Mock Test 14421 English Writing 2 School of Liberal Arts Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University


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14421 English Writing 2 Part I.

Choose the best answer for each question or for completing each blank.

1. The items below are the steps in the process of writing a paragraph on a given topic in English. The steps are not in order. Which step would logically come first?

1. Edit first draft to create final draft 2. Generate ideas 3. Write first draft 4. Organize ideas 5. Analyze purpose and audience

2. Which of the following topics may be too broad to be developed into a short paragraph?

1. Main features of Thai temples 2. Primary schools 3. My graduation party 4. Disadvantages of populist policies 5. Differences between ‘Communism’ and ‘Socialism’

3. What is the purpose of the following text?

It all started just like a typical Sunday morning. On that day the traffic was surprisingly heavy and we had got stuck at an intersection for almost 20 minutes, which was really frustrating. When the traffic light turned green, I stamped down on the accelerator and drove off as fast as I could. Suddenly I saw a traffic policeman standing in the middle of the road just a few yards ahead. ‚Oh, no!‛ I said to myself. I didn’t have a driving license and would be given a ticket for sure. Shocked and stunned, I braked sharply and started to lose control of the car. Everyone in the car was screaming. Before I felt anything, blood ran down from my head and all of a sudden my white shirt was soaked with blood. In the end, we were all taken to hospital and our parents came and picked us up. Now every time I see a policeman on the road, I recall that horrifying incident that could have easily resulted in a tragic outcome – any of us could have died or ended up crippled for life. Luckily, that didn’t happen.


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1. To tell a story 2. To give an opinion 3. To classify things 4. To give information 5. To give a description

4. In what type of paragraph are these details probably used?

…Words cannot even come close to describing the beauty of the Bora Bora Island beaches. We could mention the emerald waters embracing the flawless white sand, the hibiscus valleys, the over-water bungalows, and the towering mountains mirrored on the water’s surface. Or, you could just judge for yourself…. [Source:]

1. Narrative paragraph 2. Descriptive paragraph 3. Classifying paragraph 4. Opinion paragraph 5. Expository paragraph

จงใชข้อ้มูลต่อไปน้ี เพื่อตอบค ำถำมขอ้ท่ี 5-6 Advantages of cell phones

a. Convenience - Can make calls from anywhere Can make calls at any time - (5)______________________

b. Useful features (in case of smart phones) - Can take photos - Can connect to the Internet - (6)_________________________


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5. Which of the following is the best supporting detail for item 5? 1. May replace traditional telephones 2. Less expensive nowadays 3. May cause an accident 4. Easy to carry around 5. Can be confusing for new users

6. Which of the following is the best supporting detail for item 6?

1. Can make an emergency call 2. Can be used when travelling 3. Can make sound recordings 4. Can save a lot on telephone bills 5. Can be harmful to health

7. Choose the sentence that is the least appropriate topic sentence to be developed into a short

paragraph on the topic of ‘advertising.’ 1. There are three types of advertising. 2. In the construction industry, advertising does not play a central role. 3. There are several ways to achieve success in advertising. 4. Online advertising has some advantages over traditional advertising. 5. There are many differences between advertising and publicizing.

8. Choose the least appropriate concluding sentence for the following paragraph.

There are some disadvantages to using tablets in the classroom. First of all, they are expensive. Students have to pay at least 10,000 baht to get a good quality tablet that can be used effectively for educational purposes. Second, using a tablet in class may be too distracting for students. They may not pay attention to the lesson or take part in class activities. Moreover, some studies have suggested that tablets contribute to eyestrain, headaches, and blurred vision, which may have long-term effects on the users’ health.

[Adapted from]


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1. Using tablets in the classroom can be costly, distracting, and harmful to students’ health. 2. If students are obsessed with such technology, their academic performance will

definitely worsen. 3. Why don’t we promote effective class interaction rather than relying too much on such

gadgets? 4. Using tablets may give students excuses for not doing other work in class. 5. For the reasons given above, we should not allow students to spend too much time on


9. Choose the least relevant detail for the topic sentence ‚Working alone is better than working in pairs or groups.‛

1. Decisions can be made more quickly when working individually. 2. The more people there are in a group, the more conflicts are likely to arise. 3. Different opinions can lead to a better solution. 4. It is hard to arrange meeting times if there are too many people in a group. 5. It is easier to change directions or goals if the work is dealt with by only one person.

10. In the following paragraph, choose the sentence that gives irrelevant details.

There are a number of advantages to using tablets in the classroom. (1) Proponents of tablets say that they are supported by most teachers and students. (2) They are much lighter than print textbooks, so their use is more practical and convenient. (3) People say tablets can hold hundreds of textbooks, which suggests that users can conserve the environment by lowering the amount of printing. (4) Moreover, using this kind of technology can increase students’ interactivity and creativity. (5) Also, it is more costly to buy a good tablet that can handle complicated tasks. [Adapted from]

1. Sentence 1 2. Sentence 2 3. Sentence 3 4. Sentence 4 5. Sentence 5


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11. In the following paragraph, choose the sentence where the verb tense is not consistent with the overall time frame. (1) When the bus arrived at the stop, the gorgeous woman at the head of the line tried to climb

aboard but couldn’t because of her tight skirt. (2) Thinking quickly, she reached back and undid her zipper a little to allow more movement. (3) Still, her skirt is too snug, so she lowers her zipper again two more times. (4) Tired of waiting, the man behind her gently grabbed her around her waist and hoisted her onto the bus. (5) ‚Who do you think you are to touch me in that way?‛ the woman said angrily. (6) ‚Well, ma’am, since you’ve unzipped me a few times, I guess we’ve become good friends!‛

1. Sentence 1 2. Sentence 2 3. Sentence 3 4. Sentence 4 5. Sentence 5

12. In the following paragraph, choose the sentence that contains wrong transitional words. There are many reasons why some first-year students have very low grades. (1) First of all, the

first-year students haven’t yet adjusted to the university learning style. (2) Unlike in high-school, the university learning style requires more concentration and responsibility on the part of the students. (3) All in all, high school students can easily get good grades even though they skip classes. (4) However, in university, if students cut class only once, they may not be able to catch up over the whole semester. (5) In addition, university exams are more complex. Not only do they have to remember as much of the lessons as they can, but the students also have to apply their knowledge in order to do the test.

1. Sentence 1 2. Sentence 2 3. Sentence 3 4. Sentence 4 5. Sentence 5


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จงใชข้อ้มูลต่อไปน้ี เพื่อตอบค ำถำมขอ้ท่ี 13-18

ANTS Myrmecology (13)________the science of studying ants. There are thousands of species of ants

found all over the world and in nearly every type of land environment. Many species are found in rain forests. These common social insects live in groups of related ants known as colonies and (14)___________ on the basis of their responsibilities. These types are as follows: queens, workers, soldiers, and male ants.

(15)________ we have the queen ants. Each colony has only one queen. The queen begins her life with wings, which she uses while mating. After mating with a male ant (or many males), she flies to her nesting area. She then loses her wings and spends her life laying eggs.

The second group contains the ants that function for the colony as workers. They (16)________ as non-reproducing, wingless females who are the daughters of the queen. Worker ants collect food and feed the other members of the colony, defend the colony, and work to enlarge the nest. Most of the ants in a colony are workers.

(17)_____________, soldiers, large and usually sterile female ants, work to defend the colony and often raid other colonies to capture slaves. In the last group are the males, small ants that have wings and fly to other colonies to mate with their queens. They die soon afterwards.

Due to the various jobs ants do for their colony, we can say that they exhibit complex behavior. Some ants build intricate nests, while others are fierce warriors. Some collect and store seeds (harvester ants). Some capture slaves, and others farm fungi (leaf-cutter ants). No matter what they do, they all have the same mission – to assure (18)___________. 13.

1. are called 2. is defined 3. are called as 4. is defined as 5. are


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14. 1. division into four types 2. are divided into four types 3. male ants can be divided into 4. male ants can be categorized 5. we can group

15. 1. The first group 2. At first group is 3. In the first group 4. The first group is 5. One is

16. 1. call 2. are defined 3. one 4. define 5. Both 1 and 2 are possible answers.

17. 1. In the third group 2. The third group has 3. At third is 4. Third is 5. Next to this

18. 1. ants work very hard 2. they work to gather food 3. the prosperity of their colony 4. the queen is happier than the other types 5. they are killed by various chemicals


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จงใชข้อ้มูลต่อไปน้ี เพื่อตอบค ำถำมขอ้ท่ี 19-22

Stir-Fried Noodles My brother is the iron chef of our family, second only to my dad. Any time Dad is too busy to

cook, my brother helps out by cooking some kind of food he likes. We are then usually forced to eat stir-fried noodles, because this dish is one of his favorite foods. Feeling that I do nothing to help in the kitchen, he asks me to prepare the ingredients he needs. So I remember very well that to make stir-fried noodles there are three main steps. (19)________, my brother asks me to prepare all the ingredients. Shrimps are washed and their heads taken off; cabbage, basil, and cilantro are washed and cut into small pieces; garlic is peeled, washed and blended. Second, noodles are put in boiling water, but only for a few minutes. They will be stir-fried later, so they are not overcooked now. (20)_______, the iron chef is ready for the third step—to stir-fry the cooked noodles. Some cooking oil is added into a heated pan. A teaspoon of blended garlic is then put in the pan. After the garlic begins to smell good, the shrimps are placed in the pan and stirred quickly. Then the cabbage (21)_______ in the pan and stirred for a few minutes. To enhance the taste, two teaspoons of sugar, some fish sauce and some oyster sauce are added. Next the cut cilantro is added and stirred for a few seconds. For a special added taste, basil can be used instead of cilantro. My brother uses both so that the food tastes better. Finally, (22)_______ the tasty, well-cooked noodles. Nobody wants to add any spices, wishing to let the junior iron chef know that his food is so good that no extra spiciness is needed. 19.

1. To begin with 2. First of all 3. Next 4. While this happens 5. Both 1 and 2 are possible answers.

20. 1. In the second step 2. While the noodles are being cooked 3. Before the noodles are cooked once more 4. During the cooking of the noodles 5. After the half-cooked noodles are drained


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21. 1. puts 2. has put 3. after this 4. is put 5. time to put

22. 1. before we eat 2. noodles taste good 3. everyone is served 4. we wash our hands 5. Both 1 and 4 are possible answers.

23. Which step in the process of making stir-fried noodles is not essential? 1. Boil some water. 2. Prepare some spices like black pepper or chili peppers. 3. Stir the vegetables and the cooked noodles in the pan. 4. Stir the noodles while they are cooking in the boiling water. 5. Prepare all the ingredients, such as vegetables, spices and shrimp.

24. If a new topic sentence is needed, which of the following would be the least appropriate topic sentence for this topic?

1. Stir-fried noodles can be made easily. 2. It is not that difficult to make stir-fried noodles. 3. This recipe is for stir-fried noodles. 4. To make stir-fried noodles, just follow these steps. 5. Most teenagers and students like stir-fried noodles.


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จงใชข้อ้มูลต่อไปน้ี เพื่อตอบค ำถำมขอ้ท่ี 25-30 Visiting Chiang Mai’s Night Bazaar, Climbing a Chiang Dao Temple

When you visit a city, how do you decide which sites to check out? While this depends on personal taste, there are usually one or two sites that shouldn’t be missed. On a trip to Chiang Mai, my family visited many places. Two remarkable places around Chiang Mai are its night bazaar and a temple located on top of a mountain in Chiang Dao. These two sites are (25)__________. The first difference is people’s distinctive behavior. The shoppers at the night bazaar walk back and forth to browse, negotiate and haggle for deals, (26) those at the temple are willing to make all efforts to climb the 510 huge steps up to their destination. The bazaar shoppers stroll joyfully, driven by the lure of the products they are keen to purchase and the tasty foods they are eating along the way. The temple adventurers (27)________ from those shoppers in that they have no food to eat, no products to desire. Most of them make a wish to reach the mountain top, but they pause from time to time, breathing deeply and enjoying a number of signs which teach about living life based on the Buddhist view. Some are tempted to change their mind and return to the foot of the mountain. However, most are motivated to continue while reading signs like ‚Be patient with any sufferings, มีทกุข์ไม่ต้องบ่นให้ทนเอา.‛ The second (28) between the two places is the time it is visited. The night bazaar, as indicated by its name, is a quiet place from dawn to dusk, but after the sun goes down it turns into a sleepless heaven where shoppers can gather like nocturnal animals for shopping, eating, and drinking. Unlike the night shoppers, the marathon wanderers can go to the temple at any time or season. From the morning till the evening they can be there, as long as they plan ahead for accommodation for when they return to the foot of the temple mountain. The last difference is the goals these visitors have set before visiting each place. Some bazaar visitors may want to shop, eat, and relax; others may simply want to see what Thai-style night life with a mix of Thais and foreigners is like. For the mountain climbers, they are apparently determined to pay respect to the late Buddhist monk whose statue stands on top of the hill. Some pray. Some mediate. Many request an overnight retreat for a short period of Buddhist practice, often during a long holiday. However, the two places share some commonalities despite all the differences. Both (29)_________ in that each serves the needs and desires of its own audience. The shoppers feel excited with what they have bought at the bazaar and at their activities there. Similarly, the temple goers are spiritually impressed by the atmosphere inside the isolated temple. Also, both places are (30)________ in that the adventure is not unending – the visitors to each place have to go home eventually. This truly reflects human lives, since we are always on the move – endlessly. Not surprisingly, both places are worth visiting.


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25. Which of the following would be the best way to complete the topic sentence for this paragraph? 1. similar in some ways 2. different in several ways 3. there are some differences 4. there are some similarities 5. Both 2 and 3 are possible answers.

26. 1. while 2. or 3. because 4. because of 5. so

27. 1. disagree 2. similarly 3. are similar 4. are different 5. because

28. 1. however 2. difference 3. similarity 4. disagreement 5. are similar

29. 1. correspond 2. differ 3. similarity 4. are different 5. are similar


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30. 1. likely 2. alike 3. similarity 4. differ 5. different

จงใชข้อ้มูลต่อไปน้ี เพื่อตอบค ำถำมขอ้ท่ี 31-32

Droughts Droughts are defined as deficits in the water supply for a given region, lasting for an extended

period of months or years. Unlike other forms of severe weather or natural disasters, droughts often develop slowly. (31)__________. The first cause is reduced precipitation over time. Unlike a dry spell, prolonged lack of rain will cause regions around the world to slowly dry out. Second, deforestation due to agriculture and/or construction combined with the resultant erosion can (32)__________ the early stage of drought. This is because soil is moved away from the ground, so it is less able to absorb the precipitation that falls on it. The third cause of droughts includes atmospheric conditions such as climate change, ocean temperatures, changes in the jet stream, and changes in the local landscape. Year by year, the natural conditions have become worse, resulting in many devastating effects. [Adapted from What Causes Droughts? Retrieved on July 10, 2013, from]

31. Which of the following would not be a possible topic sentence for this paragraph?

1. There are three major causes of droughts. 2. There are three major results of droughts. 3. Three major factors can lead to droughts. 4. Droughts result from three major factors. 5. Both 3 and 4 are possible answers.


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32. Which of the following can be used to fill in the blank? 1. as a result 2. the cause of 3. result from 4. because 5. result in

33. Which of the following is not a cause of drought, according to this passage? 1. deficient rain 2. forest destruction 3. human activities 4. changes in weather 5. lack of food

34. _________ of drought may include hunger and famine. Drought conditions often provide too little water to support food crops, through either natural precipitation or irrigation using reserve water supplies. Then people go hungry. When the drought is severe and continues over a long period, famine may occur. 1. The effects 2. The causes 3. Result in 4. Because 5. Lead to

35. The low moisture and precipitation that often characterize droughts can quickly create hazardous conditions in forests and across range lands, setting the stage for wildfires that may _______ injuries or deaths, as well as extensive damage to property and already shrinking food supplies. 1. causing 2. result from 3. therefore 4. lead to 5. the cause of


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36. People in a drought-stricken area are typically faced with a range of problems. ________, they will flee such an area in search of a new home with a better supply of water, enough food, and without the disease and conflict present in the place they are leaving. [Adapted from What Are the Effects of Drought? Retrieved on July 10, 2013, from]

1. Therefore 2. Because 3. Even though 4. Result from 5. Even so

จงใชข้อ้มูลต่อไปน้ี เพื่อตอบค ำถำมขอ้ท่ี 37-39 (37)___________ I was in high school, I spent one summer working in a women’s clothes shop. I didn’t want this job for my career, but just to make some extra money. Many people (38)__________ in for the sale items, sometimes for just 50 baht each. There was a store rule that customers couldn’t use the dressing rooms to try on the sale items, but had to take them ‚as is.‛ One day there were some blouses on sale for 50 baht, but we had run out of size 16, which was popular, and we had too many that were size 10. My boss did a really dishonest thing – he cut out the size tags on the 10s and put them in the pile with the 16s. As I watched the ladies look through the pile, I realized that many would be cheated, because someone who is size 16 just can’t fit into a size 10 blouse. At the end of the day, I decided to quit that job, and I never went back there again. This (39)__________ taught me something about work: sometimes you may be asked to take part in things that are unethical. At that point, you need to make a decision about whether that job is for you. [Adapted from ‘Memorable Summer Jobs’ online at /story/story.php?storyId=128013821]

37. 1. At first 2. While 3. For 4. During 5. Since



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1. would have come 2. had come 3. were coming 4. had to come 5. would come

39. 1. experience 2. object 3. subject 4. thing 5. opportunity

จงใชข้อ้มูลต่อไปน้ี เพื่อตอบค ำถำมขอ้ท่ี 40-42 Last year I spent four months in India. (40)________ my stay, I got a stomach bug from eating tainted food roughly once a month. The worst time was when someone gave me a ripe mango, and I bit into it skin and all. That may sound strange, but I (41)________ a mango before, so I didn’t realize you had to peel them. Within hours, my stomach was in an uproar and I was seized by a fever. ‚You didn’t even wash it?‛ the doctor at the hospital asked. ‚That was really stupid.‛ After a few days, I felt better. However, (42)________ now, I agree with that doctor. 40.

1. Sometimes 2. Often 3. During 4. For 5. After

41. 1. wasn’t ever eating 2. first time to eat 3. had never eaten 4. would have never eaten 5. never eat


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42. 1. after I look 2. I understand it 3. looking back 4. getting better 5. after going back

43. ‚It’s a designer rose linen blend, available in various sizes.‛ What is being described here?

1. an animal species 2. an occupation 3. a piece of clothing 4. a plant species 5. a machine

จงใชข้อ้มูลต่อไปน้ี เพื่อตอบค ำถำมขอ้ท่ี 44-46 In the American northwest, grizzly bears were once (44)_________, but their numbers have now recovered, partly because they live in protected areas like national parks. Recently their numbers in Yellowstone National Park have grown even more, for an interesting reason. The park has fewer and fewer elks and deer. These animals used to compete with the grizzlies for wild berries like raspberries and huckleberries. Now the bears can eat their fill of berries, which in late summer are an important part of the animal’s (45)_________. We usually think of bears as meat-eaters, but grizzlies eat a range of plant products like nuts and berries as well as meat – they are (46)__________. 44.

1. abundant 2. numerous 3. extinct 4. unknown 5. endangered



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1. species 2. diet 3. range 4. prey 5. predators

46. 1. omnivorous 2. carnivorous 3. arboreal 4. solitary 5. endemic

จงใชข้อ้มูลต่อไปน้ี เพื่อตอบค ำถำมขอ้ท่ี 47-48 An electrostatic audio speaker looks different from normal speakers in that it is quite tall and thin in shape. This type of speaker (47)_________ three panels which vibrate when powered by electricity. While the sound produced by (48)_________ is very clear, it is not very effective for low-frequency sounds (the bass range.) For this reason, it is often paired with a woofer that boosts the low-frequency range. 47.

1. has rectangular 2. consists of 3. elements are 4. content 5. works on

48. 1. this engine 2. the impact 3. this device 4. this advantage 5. the technical


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49. Read the statement on the given issue. Which of the choices given would refute this view? Issue: research Statement: Thailand doesn’t spend enough money on scientific research.

1. I would like to have a degree in a scientific field, in order to promote scientific knowledge in the interests of my country. 2. Both education and research deserve more attention from the people who make the decisions in Thailand. 3. Research in Thailand should be focused on developing local resources in a scientific way, since it would be cost-effective even if more money is spent. 4. In order to keep up during the 21st century, Thailand must do more in the area of scientific research. Otherwise we will simply fall even farther behind. 5. Thailand is not a rich country, and it simply can’t afford to spend the huge figures needed to support state-of-the-art science. 50. Read the position regarding an issue, then choose the best characterization of the response given.

Position: Living in the country is boring – it’s like life is passing you by. Response: I’m absolutely convinced that living in the country is healthier than living in the city, both for your body and your mind. If you want to live until 100, live in the country.

1. strong statement of the advantages of living in the country 2. qualified statement supporting living in the country 3. neutral statement regarding living in the country 4. qualified statement of the disadvantages of living in the country 5. strong statement against the idea of living in the country 51. Determine the type of evidence given and the position taken for this statement.

‚It’s true that the new security measures at airports, for example new body scanners, may cause some travelers a bit of inconvenience. However, if the scanners help catch even one would-be terrorist carrying a concealed weapon or bomb, they will be worth all of the trouble and expense.‛

1. Personal experience cited against new airport security measures. 2. Personal experience cited in support of new airport security measures. 3. Prediction in support of new airport security measures. 4. Citing an authority against new airport security measures. 5. Citing statistics in favor of new airport security measures.


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52. Identify the logical flaw in the following argument: Issue: taxes Argument: My neighbor supports the position that rich people should pay a lot in taxes. This is understandable, since he never graduated from college and isn’t very smart.

1. false analogy 2. over-generalization 3. ad hominem argument 4. begging the question 5. irrelevant argument จงใชข้อ้มูลต่อไปน้ี เพื่อตอบค ำถำมขอ้ท่ี 53-54 Many people enjoy using social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter. Moreover, some analysts believe that these sites will improve our quality of life by letting us connect with other people more easily. Unfortunately, there is a dark side to the social networking phenomenon that should not be ignored. When you put your personal information on the web, anyone with web access can see it. There have been cases of burglars visiting people’s homes to rob them, since they read the people’s Facebook pages and knew they were away on vacation. For school-age children, cyber-bulling can be a real issue – in fact, nearly 50% of students report having been harassed or treated in an aggressive way by classmates on social media sites. While social networking does have positive aspects and is here to stay, we need to be careful to monitor how it develops, in order to protect social media users from possible threats to privacy and even personal safety. 53. What position is the writer taking on the issue of social networking?

1. He believes that the negative aspects of social networking have been exaggerated. 2. He strongly believes that social media improve our quality of life. 3. He is neutral on the issue and does not take a position for or against. 4. He recommends that social networking sites be banned. 5. He expresses a qualified negative view of the issue.


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54. Which fact given below would not support the writer’s argument? 1. Unreliable and even false information can spread easily via social media. 2. Advertising on social networks is annoying and invades the privacy of users. 3. A teenage girl was recently murdered by a man who contacted her on a social networking site. 4. Social networking can let teachers interact more with students. 5. Racists and hate groups can use social media to spread their ideas.

55. Which of the following statements is not correct? 1. A paragraph is usually shorter than an essay. 2. Different essays may have different numbers of paragraphs. 3. Some essays can be developed from paragraphs. 4. Unity is as important in an essay as in a paragraph. 5. Essays are less effective than paragraphs.

จงใชข้อ้มูลต่อไปน้ี เพื่อตอบค ำถำมขอ้ท่ี 56-60

Euthanasia should not be legalized for a number of reasons. (56)__________ , it is clearly unethical to force involuntary death. According to the Buddhist precepts and other religious beliefs, we have no right to take someone else’s life. The doctor or the patients’ siblings or friends should not be the ones to choose death or life. Instead, only the patient himself should do so with full consciousness. Thus, no one can tell the doctor to unplug the life-support machine (57)___________ the patient requests to bring an end to his life.

(58)_____________ for opposing mercy killing is that it may be possible to discover other ways of healing terminal diseases in the future. Although a patient has been diagnosed as having no chance of recovery, it is sometimes a misdiagnosis. On the other hand, if we keep patients alive and in stable condition, someday scientists may discover a method to cure or at least alleviate the diseases they suffer from.

(59)_____________, the claim that the patient’s family will suffer from their sickness is not a reasonable excuse. People are willing to come and visit their loved ones. They want to provide support so that the patient feels better, knowing that there are many people who care. Most of all, families believe that visiting the patient regularly might help the patient to recover more quickly.

To sum up, mercy killing is quite problematic because it goes against ethical standards, prevents a chance of (60) ___________, and is based on the wrong assumption that family and friends will always


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find the dying patient to be a burden. It would be a terrible tragedy to lose someone you love without any effort to help. Therefore, euthanasia is not the best choice by any means. 56.

1. To continue 2. To start with 3. To simply put 4. To sum up 5. To further explain

57. 1. but 2. if 3. or 4. unless 5. yet

58. 1. An additional reason 2. A resulting factor 3. On the contrary 4. However 5. Eventually

59. 1. In summary 2. Last but not least 3. All in all 4. Despite this 5. After all

60. 1. legal advice 2. social benefit 3. moral support 4. financial help 5. eventual recovery


____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ © 2013 School of Liberal Arts, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University. All rights reserved.

Part II.

Choose ONE of the topics below and write a paragraph of about 200-300 words in response. Your

paragraph will be graded based on clarity of viewpoint, general content, organization, and language

(grammar, usage and spelling.) (20 points)

1) Some people prefer to eat at food stands or restaurants. Other people prefer to prepare and eat food at home. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

2) If you could make one important change in the Thai school system, what change would you make? Use reasons and specific examples to explain your choice.

Essay Question Sample Answers 1) Sample answer:

One thing I love about Thailand is the food – it is abundant, healthy and cheap. However, I usually prefer to buy the raw ingredients at a fresh market or grocery and cook meals myself instead of going out to restaurants or buying prepared food from stands. There are several reasons for my choice. For one thing, when I cook myself, I can be certain that the ingredients are fresh and clean. I never have to wonder whether the seafood has gone bad or whether the cook washed his hands. In the past, I used to eat out more, and sometimes I would get a stomach bug from something I ate. Now that I cook my own food, this rarely happens. My second motivation for cooking myself is the price – I definitely save money this way. Why eat a serving of 3 siu mai dumplings for 20 baht in Chinatown, when I can buy a bag of 30 frozen ones for just 100 baht, and heat them up whenever I please in the comfort of my home? My final reason is more subjective – I simply enjoy being in the kitchen and creating my own meals. I own several cookbooks, and when I feel like eating something new, I try preparing a new dish. This may involve finding ingredients I’ve never used before in the market, or using a new method of cooking. The challenge that goes along with this makes the food much more tasty when the cooking process is finished. All in all, I’m glad that I have enough free time to cook my own food, because doing so is healthy, economical, and challenging in a good way. Overall, I believe it greatly improves my quality of life.


____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ © 2013 School of Liberal Arts, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University. All rights reserved.

2) Sample answer: If I could make one change in the Thai school system, I would abolish uniforms. It’s true that uniforms often look good, and in certain contexts they are appropriate. The army is the main place where everyone has to wear a uniform, along with the insignia that shows rank. Armies and other military groups are hierarchical institutions, and the wearing of uniforms helps them function as they should. For example, when the commanding officer appears among his troops, everyone knows who he is from his uniform, so they are ready to follow his orders and accomplish their tasks efficiently. Military uniforms also help distinguish soldiers from civilians, so their existence makes sense. Unfortunately, none of these reasons apply to uniforms in schools. One major task of a school, besides providing students with basic knowledge to prepare them for earning a living, is to help them mature into healthy adults. An important part of this is encouraging their individuality – ideally, each student should get to know himself or herself. This means forming a set of interests that will motivate him or her to achieve the most in life according his or her own unique talents. I believe that currently Thai schools do not do enough to carry out this important educational function, and rules about uniforms are part of the problem. Wearing uniforms does not allow scope for creativity or independent thinking. Instead, it leads to conformism and ‚groupthink.‛ Schools are not armies, and when we force students to wear uniforms, we are sending the wrong message about the basic purpose of education.
