
How to set retail rate

Tariffs plans pane

Creating a tariff

Creating a tariff is the first step in the process of creating client accounts. Tariffs and rates need to

exist first so that a new client account can be assigned a tariff.

There are two ways of adding tariffs in VSR:

New - which allows adding a new clean tariff, without any rates.

Copy - which allows creating a tariff based on another tariff.

Create new tariffs plans

Creating a new tariff using the New button is perfect when you have a rate sheet from a provider,

and after creation want to import the file. Rates are imported not copied.

Import rates

Rates can be imported from a csv file. Click the Import button and select the csv file you wish to

import as rates using the Browse button to locate the file. You can choose to replace existing

records if they are already in the database.

Click Import to start the import procedure. Once the import has finished click the Finish button.

The new rates will be displayed in the tariff they were imported to.

Export rates

Rates from a particular tariff can be exported to a .csv file using the Export button. For the base

tariff it is located at the bottom of the screen. For other tariffs it is located on the tool bar above the

Rates properties panel

Select the file separator you wish to use - a semi colon or a comma. Then click the Start button.

Once the data has been prepared you can click the Download button to download the rates in

a .csv file format. The rates can then be edited in a spreadsheet program like MS Excel.

Change rates

Rates can be modified using the Change rates button. This follows a similar procedure as for

copying rates.

The Change rates dialogue box allows the following:

Set new rate - sets a completely new rate

Change rate by value - changes the rate by a fixed value. A plus value increases the rate and thus

generates profit for the reseller; a minus value decreases the rate and thus generates a cheaper

rate than the base rate.

Change rate by percent - changes the rate by a percentage. A plus value increases the rate (and

so generates profit); a minus value decreases the rates and thus generates a cheaper rate than the

base rate.
