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Mobilize Your Brand in 7 StepsWhen it comes to bringing your application to life, who you partner with can make all the difference. At Raw Appvice we’ll help you extend your brand across a multitude of platforms through our extensive experience and innovative technology.

Request for a ProposalIf you’re looking for an expert mobile application development company to produce and deploy your company’s mobile app across multiple devices then contact us to set up a preliminary consultation.

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When it comes to bringing your application to life, who you partner with can make all the difference. At Raw Appvice, the first step we’ll take is to learn everything we need to know about your idea, the audience you want to reach and the objectives of your application. From here, we’re ready to move to the next phase to determine how to transform your idea into a smart application.

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Applications can have a multitude of features and functions, some practical and some aesthetic, all of which can sometimes seem overwhelming. Our team, knows this process all too well and will work with you to determine what features best suit your objectives, target audience and overall budget.

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Mobile devices offer new ways to access content in times and places like never before. Understanding the efficiency in which that information must be relayed, through navigational structure is an integral part of delivering a successful experience to your users. Raw Appvice will help you address these issues so that information is always just a tap away for your visitors.

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In recent months smart phone apps have risen to popularity not just because of their function but also because of the innovations we’re seeing in the graphical user interfaces. Buttons, tabs, sliders and more seem to glide with the slide of a finger making the mobile experience that much richer. We understand the importance of maintaining your brand’s messaging consistent across multiple platforms and we’ll work closely with your brand managers to ensure a seamless a experience.

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Smart phone apps can vary in complexity ranging from a simple pong game on a local device to data driven sites accessing web services with significant real time performance requirements. The key to their successful development however, is the advanced planning when laying out the foundation so that your application can scale as your business grows. Our code is also well written and documented so that members of your in house development team can make adjustments according to your needs.

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One of the things that is most appealing about smart phone apps has to do with how user friendly they are. At Raw Appvice we’ve established a rigorous set of best practices to deliver an app that offers just that. Our quality assurance program for testing is designed to help us ensure that your application loads in a flash and delivers a successful user experience.

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The successful deployment of an application to the marketplace for approval requires a strict adherence to the guidelines set forth by each particular store. At Raw Apps, our team of qualified experts will take of all the necessary groundwork to the submission process goes as smooth as possible.

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The RawAppvice development process is based on time and materials. If you would like to receive an estimate for your project, we can arrange a preliminary consultation by phone. At RawAppvice we respect the sensitive nature of these discussions and are happy to provide a non-disclosure agreement related to your project.

To learn more contact us today at: Phone: 800-418-6214 or 305-662-9280

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The Android Trend

August 4th, 2010,

“Google CEO Eric Schmidt told reporters at the Techonomy Conference tonight that Android had passed the 200,000 unit/day milestone.  That's incredibly up from 160,000 at last month's earnings call and 100,000 at Google I/O in May.  Google (GOOG) has doubled the Android run rate in 4 months.”

August 4th, 2010, Barrons.comAndroid Phones Outsell iPhone, BlackBerry In Q2, NPD Reports

“Smart phones based on the Google Android OS took 33% of the U.S. smart phone market in the second quarter, research firm NPD said today. Android wrested the top spot away from Research In Motion, which had 28% of the market, and Apple which had 22% of the market in Q2.”