
Mob Programming ScrumGathering Porto – 03/12/2016

How To Never Stop Producing Value





Who’s Here ?

Before Agile Thinking


Coding Alone

Coding standards not shared

Poor code quality

This is communication

Specifying … a LOT !!

How Can I Break It ?

How Can I Make It ?

(External) Test team at the end.

Documentation, well… at the end !

Agile With Scrum

Good, but sometimes not sufficient.

XP and Pair Programming

Good, but only for coders and testers.

XP and Code Reviews

Good, but only for software quality.

Standup Meeting

Good, but can last.

Knowledge on Wikis, Agile Tools

Good, but is it up to date ?

Tough Reality

What is Mob Programming ?

Mob Programming Originators

Woody Zuill & his team, Hunter Industries

All the brilliant people Working on the same time, In the same space, At the same computer, On the same thing.

How They Discovered It ?

Actual Way Of Work +

Inspect & Adapt +

More Collaboration Wanted =

Mob Programming

Idea 1: The people doing the work can best figure out how to do that work.

Idea 2: We can get a lot of benefit out of studying and practicing together.

Idea 3: Getting good "at getting good results from retrospectives is important.

Idea 4: Pay attention to what’s working, and look for ways to “Turn up the good”.

Practical Overview

Quick Starter Guide"How Does It Work.

Team of 4-6 people

It is easier to start small and scale up as you gain experience.

A Great Setup

A physical setup comfortable, simple to put together and use.

Driver / Navigator Model

On Mob team, the Driver is doing the typing while the Navigators are doing the thinking, discussing…

4 to 15 minutes rotation

Allows everyone a frequent turn and focus on the navigators directions.

Invite anyone interested

Not everyone needs to take the keyboard.""

Remember: Team also can work to define stories, design, deploy …

Hold a short retrospective after each session

Tune the approach, and make adjustments for the next session.

Which Role Are You Playing ?

The Driver

Writes code & “does not think”."Only listens to navigator & Asks for help when lost.


Tells the driver what to do. "Focuses on code, ask questions, gives ideas, might “Google” for help.

(The Facilitator)

New teams, might need it. "No types, no discussions, cares for the rules.

How Can We Work This Way ?

Individuals & Interactions +

Kindness, Consideration, Respect +

Freedom =

Mob Success

“ If you don't feel you are contributing or learning, maybe this is the moment to

split into second mob, in pair programming or work alone ”

- Woody Zuill

How many time ?

Full time, Every day FOREVER !


Can Be On Demand

Does it really "works ?

Urban Legends

Productivity Killers



Doing more than needed

Task Switching

Technical Debt



Most of these Problems are solved …

… When mobbing !

Benefits of working "like this

Knowledge, Skills, Domain transfer"&

Trust enables best of everybody &"

High level of communication &"

High Team Spirit =

Individuals & Interactions

Development Workflow Never Stops &"

Find Faster Solutions &"

Better Quality (Many eyes on tests)"&"

Shared Coding Standards =

Working Software

Share The Vision &"

Decision makers in the room or available"&"

Not getting stuck as long as before "(Question queue)


Customer Collaboration

Smaller feedback loops"&"

Easier commitment from team if possible =

Responding to change

From Hero to Super Hero

Production code to fix or

Critical code to create or

Complex problems to analyze/solve"or"

Big refactoring sessions =

Mob Success

Be careful

Dominant personas"


Rotate more



Discuss more

Too many people "


Reduce Team/Split Mob



Don’t separate too early

Tedious tasks or

Long Tests Run or

Repetitive Tasks =

Mob Failures

Some Advices "To Start Well

Mob < 6 people feels right

Larger groups should consider split into multiple mobs or 1 mob and several pair programmers.

1 Tester / Mob is Ideal

A tester brings quality into Mob. He’s aware of the code areas affected, so improve collaboration.

Whole Team

Key people can attend without stopping work. If not integrated daily, specialists join when needed.

(The Facilitator)

New teams, might need it. "No types, no discussions, cares for the rules.

Going Deeper

Learning How To Mob

By Practicing/Experimenting

A team can learn « Mob » in just one hour by simple work tasks or Programming Katas.

By Reading The Mob Programming Guidebook"Llewellyn Falco & Maaret Pyhäjärvi""Mob Programming: A Whole Team Approach "Woody Zuill & Kevin Meadows """Official Website

By Twitter


Will Mob Programming "Works For Me ?

Try and Inspect

“Mob Programming isn’t necessarily universally applicable, but the idea of working

well together just might be.”

– Woody Zuill

Obrigado ScrumGathering
