
^m^mmmimmww^ FROM THE. ' • %



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1SH^B!^^'L,i"|.r,'*T: ML' •JCri'

1 " I 1 " ' " ' f l ' '' ' Ifi" "PI III '' i i l l ' « n i


•J5l -*1&.V«S«$*

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, %&<•!$ h«abOM!t&m8'*ttM)e sirictly-sdhare* to, •;(,n .^ffte^t:,?;{l'i.l'yT'i";-J}.J',W^^li8Vf- L • i'. r




'5 00 i « e .« -.J-..-M- L i ^ a r / ; . * ^ ;

B O O K & aoB-^PBIWTW*«,. -*•-••!

" D e f e n c e o f * t e C«l«Tnff?'-aclo! , • MtimemWarpmar^fo^Pme^r

•••- r S k ^ i # » * L : ^ L ; ; :

THBsUb5ofiber#e#Iaiie tolinterto Il««iri-haltftantai of tieiitva .a^^ttiis'solftottiajiffi'

country that they n8Ve*-enJeW*1#8tolpartiWjp ship,,jwafe»tlidaatofrTQTBSo«fe^«?^Jfc'Vfei!ilir tot the anri)os6«&caw it)g;!gss{he*aBovetttemiessi in ^itl its various braiwh&. |%elr shops may be fbniiaisonB aMfie ©awisger Sfifop-wf Wat; *B»un-dage,%tn3«U»lte*1d4^i^eranfe^owi^r|gaBfti> street.:.the'Ofber afW^Oo'rrnorih of the Wash-;

& f M « ^ W j « , f r # o ¥ TOMWW

notreej in «i* \m ^l&wptNh *e.asonaD% %&>. Slff&iS, BM#fCfMSjtaPefictes,;Mta%xis

•^S1" rjejR0%6d" to t he b-uil»(ii}s ,o-d . PiriteneyJt^et Jtatone south of Cjistte

wi.,^«jisitside3 wEer£ eBa .wiU attenfl-t'o all

^aeAr -"* '"•Sf'- • - • • • • , • r:. -....

U m l i r e U a s a n d ^ F a p a s o l s . Umbrellas, Parasols and SuncShadet-cwered

*jid repaired on thft.mostrftasonable-terjms, an4 v Mt8ptg(ie4Balip the-best.


Tf^H^' subscriber* % no^! M*6ei*Uig-l6is1slSpply" A of goods (A* tbe^ofcHi|sbasOnTcofl)prtslflf,

in pa«,tIwfO'W'*«,inga¥pB8<:'•-*,'' - •' " • • ' ! I r o n . '

Old Sable Bar Iron, . Cut &, Wrought Spikes, Swede's . - ^ o do , do Nails, Eng. & Amer. do , Oataan and Pitehi Ca?t fe'Spriiig'SteeV mW ^ptgai-i^M^t

W % &vS.mer.-BHster>4o.^iee|t imAAwm ows. Nail Sods. , , , dritidstoaed, , CrtnM,'

; T*6\tndftnd sauar^jrolbj SV sijses, " " . i p p n s e ' Tr i i l t iViaSS*

.Con8iatfi>ff#-» -very ^ten9iKejjO,P$ tomfiffe ass,or}Dieat, of, fcopks* tatehes, Butts* Sejeffa, Door Hand.iea, fe. . •••••»

A very large anaScfioic>seletstio&of-3?aWe and Pocket Cutlery, Razors, Scissors, Cook Knives, *«.very low> -* ••' : , : " '•'••* •>••••

P l a t e d l V » t e . •.-'. -. . Some very toa patteroaMt&SHetr- Plated Mtm-

tet and Chamber ^Cahdiesticlcs} also Brittania, and Brassdo,:' • •• .i - • .£-,

OnrpoMter s* T o o l s . -••**• Bentfh and 'TOPffwgSPljShasv Saws,'Ch&sel9,

Gaugesr Braces'«hd; BW%4fad}«in fact^ -ev«y thing necessary for-'the'-'FfadBk •*«• *• * - *-«

C a r r i a g e T r i m f i x u i g s . • ' Conslstin|#R^^We•• anCOH CWtb: Pate-nt

Leather. Brass anfl !SrlVer" Banfe, Axle* Armtf, fcc. be.; also constantly on hand HAIR CLOTH of various widths,, wheejbarrows, Snoyels, KHsdW Manure and Hay.>Forks, ^vlhes,, frc. &«., ajf pf, which ^o fe i son t ^ o | f jsewo^-hie let irii. > •

Corner Seffeca & Water ««.. ^ qme«aj«ay_jay£|6r:

S6"ne>ata%e7 jott y*jCfastt« ,^. , lariocftust^l}.Y 9n-

_^_ Jce,-oii.iiie5vests\da of Maia-atteetrfive

^ n W ' J a i j u a r y f , J845:

j^nev^ June 23j

^aJMsiOil^JMjteir B u c k l e . , I p E „ subs.cwlie» haying porchaseol

„.__,, ,lhe,rigWtouae^rjBBPLANFS BA3S5NT LWER BUCKLE, would .give notice that he has on hand Harness made with these Bucklea atfa-tfbed andr wishes to dispose of them on rea* sonaSlectenas. The peculiar advantages of ibese .JBudjlcs are todispense with of the tongfle aai.jts destroying effects, as io. the common Blrcklev The trace can be taken ap,-or altered with perfect ease to any jequiTed length, a ligfht w he«jty"4raaghft-!<ivhich'every person actjnaint-e^ with iiajfaesS will readily adroit is an impor­tant consideration. Alsp, its simplicityj neat' niess, safety, durability an ' cheapness, will com' ttsend iS'to- alt'persoas; having use for Harness.

"•He'haB'also.-on-ha^d^ and' wiU«-make to-order. tftk bejft qpalHy of

<- - VALISES, GABPET-BAGS atrflall other articlefyiM|yJj;^pt at a likeSstab-Ushnient; an4-jw'ouift-pjMv^^rly. invite the pob-lier^e.^mine^Maistp'!e||piGoods before, pur-cbasins elsewhere, as hei?natters himself that he catf^uttiheSa'asto'priciiihd• tjaWltyv'

' WfeST-SilbE tSTAf ER-STREET, Ti*oitoo'«»:1ro*tho"f V; Badte^BMore, and near-

lyopporito tboSoneqa-Bonse. -. "" . GE'OtfGEB.>i,GE..

Geneva, Dec. gS, 1845.' ; B2

sixty stcref of iihdifce land, tyvalvror fourteen acres, in wood?, and agopd^ottion •''•' • ' •• «*»-r 'improVM lands fte *ell of rajl Qmber; , . f lV

ceS, andTdr^- ^ F a r m " i 4 4 ^ a i

uiuler iiiinrovea lanos £re ,.. ^nttiVatWh. t h e si(d fenced,

Geneva', Sri the"

House of good size j one Barfl and sheas, one Horse Barn, and. a firick Smoke House. Also,

oWcfpw4kw^p f two m-rtes. * h . e f f V f t # » M ^ ^ e a c M w a l U n e . -sp r ings r 'mty of c % % p m ^ f % k j n a a .

Possession can be,haflM,6ny M desrred.1

Mareh20,lS^S'. " 6«

M! mm ttm^&^W&$v®h& X thB recreation *nd •exefGtspafigetid^v menof sedentaty employments, will be open from, 9 ifeiocsk 'A. M* antii 9 o'clock P. :8<*<d*iiy, (Sundays ekcept«d> at No. 1< water «tree^ a t*w doors- South of X H.^iilnjan's' Hardware Store, Geneva. This exercise being of a vigor-. ousaM'tieatth3teharacte^is*ftt6;itronglyrecom-i m«ridaa^1iythe^tettity^o^tfy8peptio^&all those laborihgundBraffectionstofftfecneft. ' establ

APY1 -'A!L 1 , 'mi il&tW 'eAaosO •sp>B3ig "g ' a jo pnajffpio oq^60da*o -£"

• ' ' " • ' ^asjniJ; jo psgsijos" acf \\\t& cWA[»sta9qj JO; aapn«x» pus 1183^4 VW*- MORA "javsoi BIV& <8 pa>ono ajoj :oq jOAa ueq) aauoj ppjs eq yijli "pute 'saoiiSJJod -rfn")8aitfi'3tn joptfe «^au'(re'are"sapp»aq;i; •' ' . J " •- '" ' jz& •- •• •- - s a s s B i o

S m ^ o o T f BTO'<ore '*8ion8}«ff «BiC?JJD* J, 'SUMBI (ftp fsliopaa410 ' s a w c e i * m o s

**o*<83S9t!|£) aaiMi'feai^nX P ssBJd: P»? 3«3 'ssqstcf 3AI3S3Jj 'ssqsid 449J3JJ 'opxaj^ng -*«aqsi(i jE8ng pajaAOQ— :a3Jt^£SfllO

^—1?% 'aSSAJ SipeJSEI •SaiSHtesjmM 'tneg najpov iBttofQf*aD!o. .'ailo}aoniq'3ur«op '•op psattlg p9]iso>puE.<p'3S}fti ||ii9& *»X «U!M£3i pastjmog AV0J4BU paa op'iiKjo V^itii 3ui)siBuoa

• • •*• '*''*.f, '•• "t ^oiuam -Vosse BSJUI sjq 6) 'jIjjanOiJ'puO'SiSBliiA Sdtiranoi--JOS pUS 't!A9U3Q.JO SU9ZJ')13 9qj JO; tlOIJUOV - p *q\ jiuD X[{nj)30d' oi pjlioiv jaqtiosqna a n

. .nrejLaa.:<3NV aty-^a'ip.^fe ".-... •i sLgnfttiiKsi'iaYahsgi- UPB:^ • Vniolcsale & Retai l Cab ine t

Ctoair & Uplittlstery WaTCPooms,

THE subscriber will manufacture and keep eostahtly on band all

kintfs of OABIKET-WARE, nnd CHAIRS, at ihia establishment on Seneca,,St.,'^h.e,.Jtqgstimportant of

which are . . . Sofas I Looking Glasses, Divans, \-Marhle Tap Bureaus, Side Ottomans, J 4- (Mim' Tables, Chrd>

Tables, Mafa0M&j&^:0$l^ PaHlcy nna'Cd^BV^Ms^f^«^a)ifScd. steads, irtcJcer&^8$Gbfai$',8itr£aUsf.'fa He will be readyjalsOj toatitefd toaltordeisTor:

Hair and* Iti'kw, |4aWI£|ses, Church and Chair Cushic*si£ciiW'|faBdi '

Old baiFMattrjMses cleaned and repaired., ^•Jlaltdgady, Blackwalnut,

10\$fty &*Cbe*tnnt Coffins '-q'f aitsizes} kept constantly

on hatid*.

... ^w*JSfe«S«|B?>- - ' J^dCTSorag^^ .tliat tai*«l, yet spwo

Ourboyii»3j«t ijnita(.»s4.w«lj(ijr». .'AsiflhliBuMlJinaH

. Ob.etxe btia,<no(bor'« ofroi, NorJj]|gb>,m'jiftiiltt5wao»;ci[ .

a I ^opqt t id thy it»p j jpiaweut

I wflfjiqt cbMij tieOjflOBv,, norpi^j . ',. Q'?f d?efltt4«tljgsi|j«i yaot^it.

And ihriu&ii my-ieiit coiidenjoid, Iwept

But.fti^\bwfr' |p»tts*>t>, •„ . . OH l.flawc fidw nnwothe «milrt

WiePr/tH'SiHiAroQuntsips, low wakopt

Hath cursod .the worid and m»

• Jlfl trsnSiiipgtto thj'Jcatfe. :- •,•

" llaiulifts'ipirit 8ft liath? iio»^" " ' <a?K#haaa'««ia!gliiU'bStiw'ea!ifi*'- • '

T i a n XAS, db ! take him not away, - •*$% )9L9^%C6r« r ia to^ -^ - - " " - '

"FaHjSiKJr pTgite ftSt Breast; than »!»* •-yOSiaSBimottol «injl withinv- " -


EK^H the!Ch'ioi-e«. '

. .- • v ^ ' ^ W g W * . ^ -.• •. - • T h e faHowiog^ powerful passage, des­

criptive of tha^ last daa of -a, distressed outcast, is ftoia the last goblin story of Dickins: '"'v.- . , , % .

" She dressed the child next morning with unustia't-aaTe—ah, vain >exrienditUTe of care upon !sach squalid robes!—and-once mores tr1ed*to: "find some mea"ns of life;" ft^a'sfhe^fes'tday of the' Old'Yeelr. She tried" till riMtt, and never Brojieher fast. ' She tried rnvath'. ." • ' ' •

' S h e mingled'with an abject1 crowd, ;

who tarrfedlt t f£he sho^v' until it* pleased some officer appointed to dispense the pu.blic"icharity',;(lhe lawful charity—not, that once perched upon a Mount) to call them in, atidj,gj|e$ti6n tib^m, jand say to this o n e ^ G o to such a place,' to th^at pne, •Mjoinpneil;. vf^ek i to mal^e'a "football of "anolflidr'Wrlacb, a n i d v p ^ hjm",here and there, frirtfci Wanjct to MiiA, from house to Be |se ;^>i rhy^ea; r ie ;d fed lay fo'Sfrn to-did; o^-s^'rted'uip ;an'd febb,e^, a^d'soi becante a-higher^Boft of;criminal, "whose

claims ailctwM *bf no "delay. Here too •J i fe ' f tB^- 'gSt f ' ldWa her-dii ld and wished tehayfe;h'lyin^ on1,her breast. .. And that wks tgUte eilotigh.' ] ' , ' : I t yips. m|M^-C'bie"^, . ' clarity'cutting n i g h t ^ V H e n t ^ e V s i H l f ^ e - c h ^ herfot*.i%Vmth, ffie'arriv|J6utpi4e the hqasWlilie calteffl""'u* o t ~ ~~~ ~~

upeh jt f nc'^l^otit-to enter. ' Then she recogfliizedB^ei tnasle* of the bouse; wh4o,I&$Jlo"'||ispj3S^ person if wasao t very d^qH-5-«|ct{} Jill up ,the> whole. en,try.,s. .

'QUI' he. said, softly, ' you have corpo

, StU lo'bBed'aftKe'ohlld, and stools, her head^ , , . . .

' ^ n ^ y o i i j t f h m ^ y p u liave. lived here long enough without pa^ipg" any jent.1

where, *ttd no r Jo b# f^M e d • A " d * ^ she h u ^ S 3 o n ; tlje. ? ^ p words in 'h l r mottth^ '%ikepI«il iatef e 5 r" ^~ - W A J A . -1:1— t : i i»„ n ?... . like Li l j jp !

All a t bpee ehe stop-ehe No#f tam|# ,Ba*t lT«xc la i i i i ed ; t

iM^hfa ^ftite hair . ' ; '1! o|d man, tearii ( r

fiWld! M«-g! Tm-n h$M. back!' d ^ j Fatherivfurn to 'J>»^H* In heroWh' scanty ^ | i |Wsb*wrapfel ?#ie baby wafni.', With hel j feveWd han j^she shi^bthfejd its linibft,icomp*aed i ts wee, arrange.4 rfs imfean attire. Itt-lfer W * ^ arms she fol­ded U,.|^hougJ^%h<a n e T # would resign it morew v'Ancl^tth her ;3ry Hpsjki^?d it in a final pang, andl?%ttgony of .fofa. *?Put t rngi t s tfiftfiy hajidJH||j to her-necfe, and holding itT'twere, wihin her dresd. . i j l f t toher di4t||pte|fB^a|f, she | e M t s steeping face against her*-»nloseIyrjiiead-ily, agains£ her&3aild sged pn ward to the jiver. ' ; „_, •'">•: ••-. •

X ;To the rolling river, s>ift and$t)q, (Where winter njght' sat prodding likfttiife last da«k thoughts of ypiany who had sought ^rsefuge^liere b^fiire- her—wher^e .scattered light^apon the banks gleamed .•sullen, red, anct.dull as torches that,were burning there t o | h o w th^ way to death -^gwhere no a b ^ e of living people ca^t its shadow, o n u t | e deep, impenetrable^ melancholy shade! '.I, '<

To th^r iver I To^that portal of eter-ity her /aspera te footsteps-tended with

the swiftness o | j§s rapid waters running to the seat, i H e tried to'taticii her as, she passed him, going down to its dark lev­el ; but the" w M $ | r e ! a | | f e | } form, the fierceand terriljlg, l^ve,,", t|s*desperation that had left all human cheGivor hold be­hind, swept by him like ,thff Wind."

•Ttaailated ft? ths BoaSott^lttbDl. O o s s i p o f t h e F r e n c l i i t t e t ropo i i s .

• lf&m Na'w Tfo4%aTier'tfMWa'a Vm,.

m befM pwrnttter »b wenri the Biopfletw woiil* infirm We Wlel thht wptog 6f this titflMW i i aliawef s%« *?f«gtt1atrdas^re WWef cjt'tolst' beafl,'tM*«u¥t b«*c«mpW6a'WtH^my*a%1 admitted withoat the copseH|Wt^f t^«fn

Thesai)Si$h"ertsjifej th% O»por^mity of noti­fying the public, M f JWWMst fui-nWhed | im-self with,a Hearse, and win hold Himsett in readinesa^f ail times; " o attend Funerals, and will furnish ShWMJSi 'pto'cttte 'earfia:ge"s, and make alt necessary firradgement for^ineral oc­casions. * '"'- ''¥' ' ,'^7:, •- ':j*;' '.',.

He.has'alsoB plot $Efh% Washington-street Burying Gro'ulfid,ihcluauTjftheiieW patf. which can at ^ttttime be tmmmf.s"Alt aMfeafibns! niade Whfat, i»Hl YeceiVe^is ptbnipt and «a"re fuWftenttfttT;" ''''"' 0K*mEESB.8l£SBE.

Geneva, April yr^WK A T T . ' 68

.1*', •• f>E..fftr-M^* igft* gftWPfa'iMtitfflJ, ** ** i i P ' t V ^ j 1/'- *


tantl^aittsfiaht destriptionito

Tj>»S«r*stafi3,: M P J B 'Snfetj5

esteva,?lfei6ps1c(m1' to" •eMW|i'df=OTery

ShrdiiasJ Sl lve#K«e | ,*m*We'«H mm. HeatsWftdt*Ga*ria$e%:%^ tie* ePSex«h!aoa»ul{deWaM)F^ W-tborlas^ suming th^fBsponslffili^? - ^ »W ^«r.-t«..%

Having; repftMy fdtnls.Be4 himself WitB a tiew Hears'S IK brfh»ple^b*derj!-anl W%e««fMft style; and having in-'a*mea!saWrelihlimSbeiVbis former business, fle. MterfhjjBsejfuilt from his

. . * j . ^ x E - ^ ^ ^ u l f i e l s , he will long experfeticf in the_alrei be abla- to. disoharge tb^datiejJiijr:4'flnTPi>e>' manner.;alwiya consulting) th,^wi8b# offtiahrtsi

|T."».'' HavfoiiSfeCMired, f^qj¥^lie*»««A*""-** eeiMff-theviikgefthiBSpWfttmintiolSftxtpjij^t^p^^^ catipns,for,lnfe*tne,oi wavhfiaroa^yp.thejSjb*--riber, w l i p . ^ a feof « e Butyiiig^erguod,

4 has tl>e diaposmpjfm ia. the-samef " , Geneva,-Ajiwjffiwifiy/--.. ,-..'.'• <•*• • • •"

acrjber4 sad has

JlWT-'-'BfSfeBaBWSft.- A' .New assortment of Sold snftjBUvw watches* cheaper than ever,

Gold«a«, Eauiags, Bfac«fets. Full jewelled GoldjWat4h«s^fraitir$ifS to -*100. Silver full fewt&Ja.fcbm^tl54o|3(» .?•• • -'•-. f •

EteryartlcU wamnled « gotfd^atirepreiiBnv ted, aethslje* J«*elryiSttr«i 46atfne'ca-stwet.

.•<•'.'•, -4* s j . - n / l . t ' —•—••— - — - - • Geneva, July 3 j . 1846.

S P I R I T o f

Way T^lfW. ^cu&:


THE Phonographic R««dl»«f Book; Ibfifd »ty1#,Pbanographle Class Bftdk.&c. &«;

• t^ - ^ f * DERB^k-CO'B. --i O c t o b e r 9» * *w*

lURSHAN J to'afi otdeTo^George. R. 5Parbnrt,; Surrogate of Ontario conn^, aotice is hereby

giveiifeaft parsons I#mg'Jffaims againat wees.' ate 6feTorte6enecm:Oritfe^en»Tat|;«f me%ra -of Seneca, h^m£;4mW^^ti^Wfent tnesanie wltb|tberyoi(cBera?the>'eoi: to Carohae J. Crittenden, admiasja trix> and Philo Bronsoft and, luoiusi,Waroe*i rfinioJBtrato^ Of tn%rgoods,*hat. tels,and credit of Ba4d deceased, at the- refflajmce of ialdsPhilo Bronsc«,in>tbeilowa of Seneca afore, said, 0$ or beSre £he first day of April next. - Da-tedrseptember 15,1846, ? ' . . , . ^ ' i


*"& bSvp ^ e l v e a -another supply cf ©old ^en>«CAliftO|tfeVerydi£fereHtJcind made.

an4atpric)c» tanging ttoui~*~-~*t well caH.and. tetf>~4re,li-iifBlt^Qie price to suit you. f,

Benedict &%arney's Superior CODJ Mark Levy fc jtrottielis* Pen Isevt-Brown'ir - - ' ,io

'""ttoina^ m&,'&.-Vt6.iiW-;;^lflePaIo.AUo.t - .a do • nric(o»ia«-• .--*. «.M •>-io J4'd?l;W'Jtarli!ham|%.... ...duoj

! CongresB Pen.


T AFG%^,|nl«rtain|ngaij |dInatrtctire J

The Young IJrlvsKerj or«ebg«phlcalOard*,-by JKateBarclay!j* M J-. t .., '.»•,..'*. v-

Dr.Busby'sImprovBUGatheJ-*r" « — ?• • '"JElot^HeilWe^byPKrtvPifii**.'^---.- : .-* «M«nagrie,»©r Gamei.of Beastrj^ r •Th* Pickwick Cards, by Sam weflerf *Rbbins6n Crusoe & hia Man Friday j ' The New.WptMi or Game of American Hiiteiy} Th* Gam* of Kinga^Acj * « . -V . „ . • ^ X- -'J

JEor aale by • . i„ .G, H. BERBlg & CO. " "«Wsi»-0a>mi8*>t-.<»«* r d^icription

and patten^ at, COBB'S) 36- Seneca it. *

tidn^t you think jfta^wfthoutany pgney, you've been ja pretty constant custom,er at this shop, no w l'sal<l Mr.Tugby.. .

She reneited^thelsaHje. mute appeal. ' Suppose you \ryan3,deal someyvnere.

olseT'Rc said^V, !*Snd suppose yotuprq-vide^ypurseifrvvUK another lq^ging.^r?-CojmjJ'Son^ y QU tiling you pan manage ill '" " '

SJ^esaid, in a,low voice, that it was very late, ' To-mprrow.',.. .> .

' Ifow, ^ see What yp.a, w;ant,' said Tugby.rr-'jand what, yqu^meap., Ycu' know there'are two^pjaitties, in .this house about-y6u,-and you delight in setting 'em by theears . 1 don't want any quarrels j ' X'm speaking -goftjy,,, to avpid.'» quarre l : but if you don^t go away, I'll apeak out Ibadjan^JEoy-,. shall .cause*, words high, ^noijgh^p j>leasei J O J U -..But yon shank cleme iih „3*JjaJt 4^te4ieterm^nied. ,

. S ^ p u t i i e j h a ® J a $ k ; with^Jher hand, and looked in a auddgn nman.?»er a t the sky and the dark lowering distance.. .-,_] ,. ?*.Tbfp is^he lastingH,qf an Old Year, a.nd,I".w,Qnlt Jcarry jE-blofll^no^^uarrell-. sfrig8"an,4 4u^^«S8vifflW'. ;ft . 'J l§w »»§« tasp4easer y^k; n ° W | l ^ k$% •-,$&** 6 a ' d

fetlif r* t . ' I wqpfte^, i o * sgf noA ashamed. of; yidujself, to ijaw^iiuch practices jnto ;

a>-New,^ear. ^f..yp>arJhav>n5tjaiiy busi-nesarin- the^wflfridbutto<feeal!S^,ys giving way, apd.!ai^ys»,j»ajk4ng^jj5turbaj»ee^ between niamt and wife- you'd be better ou^o£4»,, :C|o,«iloiig ^ t % o u . « ; r ^'Follpw,hftr4 Tovdespemtioplt . . A^gaip thep ld man ,fapawl.the. voices,,—.

Looking up, h e sawsthefigures hovering in the air, and pohtting wfe«*o she went j^owji. tns<Un?j?'Street. - r

~ ',§jie! lovea i t l ' he exolaimed, m ago-nized.entreaty tor- he^^.'.(Ghimes'Ushe !&Mea tt,stil';P , , ••-,-.•'

. ,'JbfpUQW^ Ijepl' ,The- shadow swept upoathe track she had- taken,. Hke a. cloud

r-JBfe- joined .m^ the..pflrsuiM«be 4 e p t ,c]pse. to he r ; he lookea into hserifcev^-H e s aw tbe>^eme.fierce ,-aooj terrible ex­pression mingling with her love,and bin-dllog in H e .heard heri«9ayF

' Like, Lilian fc-To. be>«hanged Jukd'JibJ)' iart I'-andiheB-speed redoubled.. , . ' ^ . - . .„ ,0feJji?sBi^thiK^to>-»waket4eir. ^Bo i i

any^^aghtjofe^onn^^iJ^ScflPt, -jJo-«slfcn<p'; tender, recollections k& a^bnarn'on fireft-wi Fo r aby^^ptlteimage?of thepawtftorisO! before her. «•- i <•;.'•. •• .-->* • • 7 •• -'' • • -•••>• • \

" ' l v a s her fether f I was her* father- S crieffi-theoldmaiivatratchingaothish^qds to theda rk 1 shadow*?%nig oti-abo«ie«-?<«v

' H«v6aidB»o|r''Bnher,'-afld«o!i mejlv' WAet* doeft^shei g o < ^ f o r « • h e r ^ b a ^ I'TOafc

But they only pointed £9.herViand.»n» hprriel^ bnj «nfl t a i d i ^ ^ d « » p e t a t } » B ! Learn ittt. f^jm -the ODBature dearest ( a ^e>Mp4ihaT-U'~ify^'ip- ':/-.iy."> .•;•*•>•/..- r^-.-«-,-

• A hundred voides etshoed'it.vThocaHP. was made of breath **p*nded in those word*, r,.-Ht.. M«n»d t o ; take »hem in a t

Thq fieljl of literature has become an actual race-coursf,., I n ag "article pub­lished in tjie JPrpsStths. a,irogj|ice of which is at least undisguised and sharp, M. Al­exandre Dumas declares that he has ta­ken on himself the task of assuming the conduct, of foarpapers at once, bringing them up into line, and then drawing them along together by -a- team ^of romances the long^.bistOfieal ar,fena'||^nli the reign of Pbilip-le-BeJUo tha*ofllipiais Philippe 1st. Certainly/ thts^is the/|^Mr-wi4and applied to the ' npW|pftpe,^|ie1, aneHt is' well known, that .these jp l i l iv words ex­press the.wpUiviHm,$£ti&&mph in the langnage of tWsportin&pe'rron the oth­er side of the 'cl&nnejUl?Tb£" analogy is literal—-four , poos 5n„ bano—jour in hand ! , It is but just to confess thai the powerful romance writer bajs the wit of

.Sjte^asjiai four persons'. Let him th<ir.^Sre^#ffflr-given mncjj^fjbr, havSg amused"us so m u c h . JI-- < • ••.•'•••

A very s'mgttlaf wager was made the other day.^and1 whic^ ,<3me ne_ar coating the better..ypry'dear., A young man, a Zton,.£«ul B . had repaired, in company with two of his frieiids, to the Bois de Boulogne, for^ftp ^LtV 0» .honor, v^hich terminatejd. hSappily* te the great chagrin of Pani B , who on that day, had taken a fancy to kill, or; at least to woind'Bis man. An eTeg^Crilbury, driven b^ ' a young manvw^itil groom be side him, came up in one of the alleys, ' HeteVa'n fnipisftinent fellow,* s a M P W B.'lo""oiae[pfWjfr!^cl8. "* This^i man la'ri3ipg in 4 tilbury, whileperfect gentlemen l i t e , ourselves are travellin on foot.' ,._ , "*"..

' W h o could prev»ot this genflemao's riding in a tUlsury $ asked his friend,

^ParWyir rfiV'tttdJtnyself.'.ainsvi'eyed i&ahl, ' and if ypu'ltfeeS against mg'feking his place before ten minutes are out, 111 pirt up vvhat amount y&u please*

• Fifty Louis, then.' ' l 1 t o i a J i i s ; - a > h e i ,

Panl B.'i^medfately hastened ^fter the ttibury,1stotfpedrU, ancTadressln^Iiimself ioijrt m^n, * Sir,* sai! id hp, excuse, mei f T ln | e j ryp ; you, but permit m< to remark jihat|it ^ u r "time of life,, in such finefbeallh a i idi ine Weather, i is very sjjfa^go tl jaljou snbald suft^r yourself to b'e ca.rt|ci ahbuj: m'a t,ilbu'ry.'

f There is nothingstrange, except your ohMr^&tieh/'replfea the prop/ie^orpf the Vebfcle", *and 1 advise you to l e rme con-tinue my ride.

. 'J protest„air,'I'shall not permit i t . ' ' You »ill not.' •P6!sMveWyj«>t.V :" •Tbere-was a flare np between the

pair. The owner of the tilbury. |umped down ffo^it "his'Carriako. Ttey* armed thems&lve8yiththepistol8 jPaarhacl pro-videdfar the firjjf aflVir. Jt^e insulted yotin^ man was'a good shot^he simply b^k^. ' the '4tfra\ i£j^it 'B. ' " ' ' '

* Sfr,> t a i d ^ ' l a t t e r to hfs |dhc|UBror, '.ydtt are cer'taih}^too civilfo rfde in4 4 tilbury, flfeti^ou ia;re so well, l»d l e t tee go 6n foot whsn 1 a m wounded.'

At thes'ewordfrhe'gotintofihb tilhttfy, w1as'dn?enhblcib>'nd won hisfiBfty Baa-isd^ats.. •'.••--•• l•'""•

Boctpr^P. who, as a honreo^athy' pjrjr-sician, has siseged'iSto a p r a e t e at "Pa­ris as rieh as afty fine, at the* close' of last winter received tfVisit from the opulent Baron J., a noble of recent cre%tion, and whosepfes, cost what hfmay, ta^tvehiBr-self fhe at^racfiohs of a gentleman of the

$j)q g^n,es.foG.theywts of %e jsaio ho mejapathts%.«)(-tjie family of th««aid bar-

W ^ J ! » ^ w l ^ & o p t » » 9 i n c o m s ^ s prop erisry niB-loves^ the baron took from -his pe&^aWwiMk^^ *f lOO&'fraacs,

fktoremiifo ,*»&.• the sKtantle-pwc^ .The * 4aroA'doctof-!h6wed, -to much to^thank

Wi&$%i *t |e JV|!#^8atipn ¥8*1$ inbjepttt. -tifts*

>3S4« 'Cuappn%al*a«^-.*ni

m destroy incompletely. . T h e doctor &4 uP.pi?».lfew destruction without e-

W<$P*t a l 4 .wMo-tt interupting the dia­logue, commencedt Still, before the. bill lyas completely^ destroyed, he Jpok the tSOS^-wUh fts.muph ijf bp were Ak°p5.W picH. up a .coal, and,prepared to Mw"s /the remains of the .bank bill Wpiifiiq, fi?e-plftpe,.s,ayiDg • 'A,part will be.takgnAr^the whole..', „••; .

The;b9K!a.wa8 astounded to find that his homeopathist knew how to play the great man .better than he could have done in,.s,igjilar! circumstances, but uawilling to remain under the pressure of *uch a humiliation, implied, hy one of these raoyemente of vanity, which induce so many foUies,.he stopped ^h» doetoc the mSffi§P.t.he took the tongs, and pushing baote,the bill with.bis foot fjo the very middle, of the nre-s—« Let it bucn,*'6aid he, and he took another-'feve hundred frana .bill out of his pocket book, and banded it to the homeopathist. j- .Qffl leaving the doctor's house after this jmnieqse whieverqent, which he resolved to circulate extensively, thal jaronjaeta who had two children,, half dfliad whhl»unger, and asked alma of him.

. '.J've.go,r» nBthingl' was theJiarsh,an-swerof the man who had just destroy, ed j o stupidly a sum that would (have dried the tears and relieved the wants of go many unfortunates.. . . .

A bookseller of the Q,uai Voltaire* who is also a very bisr-ned grammarian, re­cently went into his wife's boudoir, and found .her so- much engaged in a corres­pondence she was conducting, that he was aide, without her perceiving him, to approach and read what she was writing, over her shoulder. The letter began thusi

' I have just read, my beloved George, for the hundredth, time, the adorable let. ter that you wrote me'——

' Miserable woman I' exclaimed the husband, after having- read this com­mencement.

Terrified at. finding her secret in the power of her. husband,, the young wife became as- pale as a corps. She would have thrown herself at the feet of the-man she had injured, to implore his par­don, but paralyzed by shame and terror, she .could not stir.,..

* Miserable woman !' repeated tbehus hand—' are you sworn to dishonor me •?'

' I assure you, mm ami—do not trust appearances'r-ialtered the poor woman, crumpling the sheet of papea. . ' What a horrible violation of the rules

of grammar. I suppose you didn't know that the perfeot participal of the verb to write, is mitten, not wrote / '

:i -aU h <K$>1 fir,! . .... -w . , . , s „ . :»y *• ^«W w l ^ j lfe'sRtJ-/t sja^^. "..rF.,.i.> , ^ 4 1 V M J I MijuA.u ' . ' iu'. 'L.-,tf7ii.^-


• * i ' tit

A K a c e ifffira B r i d e .

The following graphic and pleasing account of a wedding-race among the Huzarehs, and the devices of the bride to be captured only by the man she lov-~ ed, is extracted from, a new work, enti­tled A Peep into Toorkistan, by Capt Rollo Burslem. I t ' forms part of a tale receited to our authojrjby an 9W man who had come to bpg of hint medicine.

' The suitors of the, majden, nine in ntjm.ber, appear in the field, all unarmed, but mounted on the beat horses they can procure; while the, bride, herself, o n * beautiful Turkoman stallion, surrounded by her. relations, anxiously surveys the group of lovers. T h e conditions of the. bridal race wert< these :—The maiden has a certain start given, which she .avails herself of to gain a sufficient distance from the crowd to enable her to manage her steed with freedom, so as to 'assist'Hi his pursuit the suiter whojii she prefers On a signal from the father, all the horse men gallop afteis the fair one, and,which­ever first succeeds in encirfcling her waist with his arm, no matter whether disa­greeable or not to her choice, is entitledr to claim her as hia wife. After the usual delays incident upon such interesting oc­casions, the maiden quits the circle of her relations, and putting her steed into a hand gallop, darts into the open: plain.— When satisfied with her position, she turns round to the impatient youths, and stretches out her arms towards them, as if to woo their approach. This is the mo­ment for giving the signal to commence the cjiase, and each of the impatient youths, dashing bis pointed1 heels, into his- cours* erja sides, dart's like the unhooded hawk in pursuit of the. fugitive dose. The savannah was estensive, full twelve miles long and three in width, and as the horse­men sped'across the plain, the favored lover became soon apparent, by the el"* forts of the maiden to avoid all others who might approach heV. At length a& ter nearly-two hours' racing, the number of-pUrsiiers is reduced to fo'ur, who are all together, and gradually gsSrim^ on the •pursued 5 with theta is the favorite; but Blasi his horse suddenly fails inh1sispeed, and as she anxionsty turns her head, she perceives with dismay, the hapless posi­tion of her Joyer; 'each, of ther. mure for­tunate leaders, eager with, anticipate^ tnpmph, bending his head on, hi3 horse %, xn&tl shouts at the tb£ of his voice, " I come," my jPerij I 'm your fover.' Bu | she, making a>, sudden turn, and lashing, her horse almost to fury, darts across theif path, and make* for that parVbf the chummun, ptah, where fcer lover was vainly endeavoring fa goad on his Weary steed. The three others instantly chec]-. their career, but in the hurry to turn bacfc tw"6' of thb Tiorse* are dashed wriouITf against each other, w thai both iUwi and riders' irolloVer^oh tfe*/|4iih. ;THe' maiden laughed, forihe" Well khew' shp could elude the iingle ooreemah, arid % w to the point wKflre Tier' Iq've'r^w'ttf.'"."$$ her ohly porsuer wa# rarely lao^inteo1;

, fl«d'^o«<'So*e^il^'^Wti'affij'''^Ti%'B; 1 last arid' d e ^ e M e ^fibrf; v"hC f l i | l i f ' lon|f«oe the thaide'n; »Bd,; Sitfe|c8iti|"mi

bis arm, al^otVwon the t i t t ^ l i n f ^rJfeV but she, bending her bead to the horUeS neck, eluded his grasp atttlwheoladolK Again. E r e the diaeomfeited howeman

" "" pproachher*Jb:*r>te#ep'«-«irt«

used bothjiandf to JiJeJp h,im talk --in feet he was a young-imaii of * great actiotra.' Jack, one Warm day, fell in love; he had just graduated at Cdllege^ ap'^begaii to think%e mustseek.tbeladies's 'ecietyi he was beginning ro be a tnahy«*nti4 looft£ ed manly to have a '« peilcli'ant.'*^ So Jack fell in love jivith t|ie,sweetest, liveliest, mqstboydenishgirlin the s-juatie, but, how to tell, his love—there was* the rub. He had befird a good deal of-the ' language of the ej-es,* an^"ne'aocorq*ing-ly tried that, but whenever he looked particularly bard at the -window where JMiSs'Eraily was in the habit of silting* some plrson on the other side,'of the; street would bow to him, thinking he was endeavoring to catch their eye. . He has despised expressive eyes ever since.

At.lgngih Jack, obtained an introduc­tion though hissister,and with herhe called several times, but she was" obliged to leave the ci ty for a sejsonj atjd'.as each interview had only increased nis-ardorj,. he finally determined 'upon .' going it a-lone.' Long before the hour fixdd upon* by custom, for an evening visit had ar-' rived, he found himself arrayed in his beat.- Blue coat, metal buttons, black casimere pants, (said pants being a * lee-tieMightBr than the skin,}—|n«f a , spp^ lesS;.v«st", The journals^? t¥^tate as an itent of information that^ thether-. mometer ranged from-75 deg. to 80 deg-Jack swears it was a hundred. "As the hour drew gradually near, Jaqk found his-.courage and the perspiration -oozing out together^ and he almost determined to^pull off and, stay at home, l i e con­cluded, however, he'd take a walk past the house and see how he felt. By the time be reached the mansion he firmly concluded n*pt to.go ft, but, on casting an, eye tqwards the parlor window, and perceitring -no signs of life -there, he thottgbtit probable no one was 'a t home,' an'd sihc"e he had proceeded thus far he'd proceed.farther, and—leave his, card— No sooner determined than concluded.—-In a reckless manner he pulled the bell —he" Was Sure he only just touched it— the darned thing needft't^make such a .Lcuse&oiotMr— -T4>«^oor<ifpasi«4prened,BS' iB by magic, and the ser-BSfitvpoiitely re­quested him to walk in—'Mjss Emily was all alone in the parlor, arid wqpld be delighted to see him.' $'"

His name-was Danpbule—we used to-™ll hitn*4 Jackass' for ahbrt". ' fifoiteh' hejp ^ i j f t h e m n l d ever e e e j l ^ a t o i y l ' Ihope hjB^Qf^ tafce the'spiri t , ' Among: his many-*Msfortcunres,*»for he wascook-, ey^d,' red-haired a'nd fenock-kheed'^fe numbered tfi'al inccrtyenjeht onje'otbjj^L fulness, Keverthetesanewasfondoftbe ladies, although when, io their presence he never 'Opened his month wheiT-je could Belp i t , ;aM whfe'fi'he did s p e a ^ f r IIOO/I k n i l i ' l k H n j A * M L A ) T- * *~^1I. * 4*

p mrZ:CfiU(mj'>Z!^lt '•»

ffr That is i i^totogiatflff i , ' - . lUghtglad

are we jo see yoa at :$$M$0iWr^a4eU yott the trttth/^we^tbifii? 5ro»^t*ve**been togSng1' larig e i io , agB#, f rW# ' | t im^&h

youM«ng-»wayyoor-tt«ei«fetHo.>eo|Sueai§ of thS*treets, and •ia-the-Mieim^Woi. And^yM^fel ail 'the b e | t e ^ o i % , , ' f | " took hea|Pipeandi-you'r faee-beli^rf i spirits. ^ T J e r e a r o j a h u n d r e d ^ W i wish'-'TI'ljaJtd imitate' your '•<&&(&&&&' T;bey-haWbeen waitiAga t w e T v f e * ^ or two, fpr flflerkihip fer a p a l t r f o i f i ^ feat mm been disappointed, and^ofthe^ wSH^ntiBa^tiybef-Kll-Br fast, like yo«ae seHTfil&y%HT be compelled to ^fgthej soil imd cyt i i 'a tefp^ff^gfeoi i^a n y t f e haVes. lt-showdf*e tn.e-#-j*,a«teeiB.a youngOTan**#e*foed*s-do aomlgl&hig8;*'"Mid it Im possesses (Sthmbfti abilKfel|1t'yw|ff never j&B j ^ o j P l i f a v V f t ' a ? S ^ d > ^ There is no trauble. about it^^wihoevoe iB^!'hare wo>Ts?,'»and obtaiiflf a decenij^ing^is, never disappointeo^ '

'?9"npqj?o£ * ^tI*p.' ***&/$$* aod'a^isr pos i t io i^^abor^ H e 'who isdeBtittite of -these^aiismust bemiserablaipdeed? The io!3. * house must e,vetttuariy»!%^rig/ •him lip, unless, he has relaiions'filJK:&-. noughto line bis pockets with money,-put bread in his mouth, and pay the tai-4" lor for measuring Ids hack.

' T b * pious M r . , — - i ~ , who, by"'the way, is suspected of being no jje't4u" tli^p, ho should be, ftotwjthatanding all msE professions', a short time- since rebuked a well known merp"bantof this city fer nstnff; profane; language. . . . . . .

"Your, language'is ungentlemanly, and hnpious," said Mr."-—'-*•-. "•'•fclfOur' shonld break yourself of such an ah6m-inable practice." . . '' ,

'•"I Itnow it,' ' replied the dealer ip cotton bkles and profanity; "but most men fall into some error or another un­known Jto. thems'elvet, yet they are entire­ly innocent of all intention to d o wrong, notwithstanding their inaccuracies; noWf' I sweara 'great deal, and you prftyjaf great deal, yet neither of us, I am confi­dent, means anything by iti"

T H B SCQTCHMAK'S GMJL.-~A young clergyman of Scotland, being abpdt t o leave the s'cen? of his orthodox lJaPpjf tgt another settlenSent, called Qn an.old lady belonging to his .congregation, to say farewell; and to thank her for the kiua-

™ And sae yer gaun to leaxe us, -sap,, the old lady, " weel, I wash y e S o d * blessing; ye've been a sober staidfdls*

0 , Lord, here was a fix! Go in a dark parlor with a pretty girl all alone 1 It was too late for retreat; the girl had closed the front door, and wa» pointing t£e way into the parlor where ' Miss Emily was sitting all alone.' Being per­fectly convinced that no choice was left him, into the dark room he wajked' or rathe;r.sidled. AH was perfect chaos to. his eye for a moment, but only for a mo­ment; then from the deepest gloo^m came, forth aft angel'voice ^bidcfing^hiin wet-pome "abd draw near." To 'obey the or­der Atraa" ba t the wOrk of a mom|&£'as1ty supposed—but he little dreamed of the obstacles fate had thrown in his way.— He well knew the stream * of love had m%fty' ripples, but full-grown snags en-; tered, not into fiis calculation. Judgej therefore, of his astonishment at .being tripped up, almost tit the fair One's feet, b# a It;sjQpI with >}<fi|o$ M 8 , ; y t ^ c h a n c e ^ 9 carelera.s^rvapt'nad.placed; exactly in his -yay to-happiness. ; 6 v e r be went, and as the tailor had nfit allowed for any "ttfts tensioa ol'mssefes'aiid1 sla-e^s, he not only 'p rocured ' i tum.b;le,ont also a' compound fracture^ of the black pants aforesaid, said fracture extending all across that point which' noise"! in clo­sest contact with" the chair. Having picked himself <ip as carefully as circum­stances woold allow, tbe'smofhewd laugh of Miss Emily not *• settmg'htm fpnVardj any," he, at last succeeded in re:achiflgia chair, and drawing-his coat tails forwa*rd-to prevent a disagreeable exposure, sat-himself down with as much gracOas'tf beaf would be expected to exhibit whef|? requested to dance : on nettles, , j l i e young lady, who was almost suffocated1

with laughter at the mishap of ibf $0ti& 'fill lover,,fejt truly sorry f o t V h t t b ^ w employing i l l Jier o o w O T S <°r fascination to drive it from^his mind, evontaaUy sujsceeded sd'far' as 'to IWdticfe Utih 'in make a r^marjs.; A'nd t>n' :.|hij|^q^' he split, for", just at that moment she dlscov* ered she had.lost her handkerchtefis^-WhatntfrfbecOta^ofjt"? She \VassltfrS) she^had ig "^rhpnle canjs' ih l 3t^^h1iu|t c e r t a i ^ y ^ i f a ^ i p A ^ i l h d u f c * yoa»got i t anderydo , M^'Sahphule^**! Jac1«!wfe s-ot%,'f^t'<1^iaK^4}Bs*^!JbtWt; pebf Jaclc.' ft ve'httiri-nf ah atisw&r, '~%80\

creet young monj and ' I doubt not"J^t t hae your reward. 'Antl where are y& about to settle 1" —


" The Lord has called me tolaporifr" a distant' part of the vineyard," replied the clergyman. " I have got the Parish of — i . " 1 .m -...

" Aye," said the lady, " and t&sy ! b ^ ye'll get a little more steepend wnef|? ye're gaun 1" '

" Why yes, I expect a small increase in emolument, certainly.*''" • •

«'• Ah ! weel,T th^ikbY % ; " wtpr |ed the old dame, " | t t i t pj$ljit& l>'£entifoG, case, the Lord" might hae called long arid loud enough} befari? ye«\vo'bld ITae brperd hrsvbtce.'1 '-• ' ""•*»*-• ^••-*^«»- ' -

Stevens have been -engaged fer -the past.; month o r two in experimenting'-witbri modelsiof boats; Qn th^'^aqat '^eai^^ii^ dentojirp,, ^|be>y.ha;v9jascerta}iJLe4it|^^ breaking the.vacuum o t theA?at*i&JCfiBPb the bottom of-a boat, fwhich » ^donfe-inr the i&ost^imple mannefby the iii$e>tlbn* of ajr tdb | s JEhl^Jlgh tfce bqltomj. * ^ * J i ^ attain a speed; doable. th^t^£the>.|8ipgj boat without tubes. .A day ortwo-tmce^ amodel'ihaa't wSs' ptfchedrbyc H i r ''"" _ locomotive-64 th]a^ra^rpad,,Vhic^'$\^^ ed die boat .aU^i^e^Ctlj ir tyif i^pii j le*-perhour. iTheamportaneerofthemveni-tion, if jSerffecteidv "wift hVinc^cylao^i* »

" L-^ASL:

IB WhtfemaB.^ ". Walsh," .res]

t i has been shreAvdly r e M a r | ^ d h t y

i i ^ l j ,%e^^J%3oapesi ywjtji ohafter"

•k al l ; and the paradise birds above them' all. - " " ,.5^/v^-x tflj.v--

A western-editor? cotnpareB>tbts.chi»*i

'aractef'v6fiotie «f hi^'cotempofdrteg •t»»<J

Sfarss-MalapwpjWjist vhaven modm* t«hett-t an^^e^ teWih t t t ^Of f ip t^ i f l f i ^ >nini ,* , ' i ' P " , » H ^ J •» >u s:.v3 - t i l ' s K ' \r-ii-,:-ti"i»'i *,:

Iuhje anxiety 9«*»recS#0}? viper,*? dte even ventured

thoy turned t6wa«i* tho

e H i 6 ? a M d - t h e t f ' t « t ^ iop the partjq£-the,: lady a ^waiseworra^ aeterminatiQn.'tcrr^obtain?.4he'ilost J,Vdry highyti gPads,i,«fettu»1,sd''''with ^M •i&MMf'W W*^ ,«-rtfs.i-ii' tf£F:'-^ilfL-:*i£*J&.t.'*-£.2&*if. -its*-2 i l


bi^ coattail. the missing 6 . t0#cl?8ie W r ^ f l ^ d - ' o s ' to°^©t'"a-'tlan!ca ' fe^TaHfffiaMrbaif

p#^d&tm:»wr^tWr^. |be4adysuf* i i l ^ ^ t & t t e i ^ ' a t e * e ' f w | i ^t-Sfitsith'e Jivoefc IMSFattacblie^W^elipswfc'l

Oypprrereii: Jatjse a . -« tR-^ i a W H A#ot4^>WiIto^g-tti* JN^nt^iB^.... , . , , » . devi *«!ott#:at thes same t ime giving it.a^ f t h e " . n ^ - * f . W ^ * ^ t ^ i ^ t l ^ i n ^ p > l i § ^ s

•fill'' Slas, W IWi^alS/lo-W'ttild^* ^ i - e f i r - r x - -—in.

terpo«"^oot,^>rovj^ienpe4cofl^',s^}§,^iis;,''»,-.,; • -A4!h^im«'«^v^ft4 :shh^!^'Bat;whm:sh'0^*«a&ne!tii».'? lt»a^Kmm>>^if^- "

mW$f k«n accentt-r'

,' h ^ ^ l & t m e d lnhe^i l i r r>4.

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